
dominicdinadaif i do a network boot would i be able to install a copy of natty via internet.... PC is headless, no cd, no floppy.... ya it has usb but the bios only supports usb drives such as floppy-cd00:57
Smaughey all01:03
Smaugi have ubuntu 8.04.4 with python 2.5.2.    How should I go about installing python 2.7?  I am aware that I will need to have both 2.5.2 and 2.7 exist on the machine01:07
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adam_gRoAkSoAx: https://code.launchpad.net/~gandelman-a/ensemble/fqdn-fix <-  this is small and adds the cobbler system name to cloud-inits metadata, which'll do the trick for now01:37
adam_gRoAkSoAx: i lost my scrollback of what you and smoser were pondering, so this is probably a hack until that gets done. but i believe it'll get us going in the meantime01:37
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dominicdinadacan someone help me setup a network boot ? ugh frusterating ?02:10
Smaugi have ubuntu 8.04.4 with python 2.5.2.    How should I go about installing python 2.7?  I am aware that I will need to have both 2.5.2 and 2.7 exist on the machine02:10
toddnineHi guys.  Can anyone recommend a good replacement for AD?  We're using Apple's open directory at the moment, but we want LDAP for auth and Kerberos for network shares( with samba) that supports OS X, Ubuntu Workstations, and Windows 7 workstations02:26
dominicdinadasamba itself02:26
toddninedominicdinada: do you have any examples or doc I can use as a reference?02:28
toddnineI know how to use LDAP (I'm a java dev) and kerberos, but I'm not sure how to hook it all up as a service on a domain every computer can join02:28
dominicdinadatoddnine: https://help.ubuntu.com02:29
dominicdinadaatm i am working on something02:29
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toddnineNetwork Authentication?02:46
toddnineAlso, are there any pre-canned utilities to sync using the google sync tools for app customers?02:48
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linociscohow to recover ssh on my server ?04:09
linociscohow to disable screen saver on my server ?04:10
patdk-laphow do you *loose* ssh?04:28
airtonixlooking to get the mod_shared_roster_ldap installed on lucid server04:30
linociscopatdk-lap: ssh localhost on server is fine. ssh server-ip on server is fine. but from other computer using ssh client is not ok04:31
linociscopatdk-lap: after one unproper shutdown or forced shutdown or power loss , i found that the next day04:31
uvirtbotNew bug: #849672 in libvirt (main) "make libvirt trivial to backport to lucid" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84967204:38
uvirtbotNew bug: #849682 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84968205:01
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stiv2kcan someone help me figure out why i cant use 'freedns' as a protocol in ddclient?06:07
stiv2kit says06:07
stiv2kWARNING:  file /etc/ddclient.conf, line 5: Invalid Value for keyword 'protocol' = 'freedns'06:07
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jmarsdenstiv2k: Check the protocl names listed in /usr/share/doc/ddclient/README.gz -- are you sure your version of ddclient supports a protocol called freedns ?07:15
stiv2kjmarsden: i guess it doesn't, but googling suggests that >3.8.0 supports freedns07:17
stiv2kso im a little confused on that07:17
stiv2ki've been a zoneedit user for years and i'm getting sick of them constantly reducing the number of free features07:18
jmarsdenAre you confusing a dynamic DNs provider name with a dynamic DNS protocol name?07:18
stiv2kjmarsden: what07:18
stiv2kwell, zoneedit and freedns are both provider names07:19
stiv2kfreedns uses their own protocol iirc07:19
jmarsdenstiv2k: You can see what protocols ddclient works with by doing       fgrep '=> {' ddclient |sed -e 's/ => {//'07:29
jmarsdenOr just read the Perl code :)07:29
jmarsdenMake that    fgrep '=> {' /usr/sbin/ddclient |sed -e 's/ => {//'07:30
tiger2wanderI'm recovering my ext4 partition with e2fsck -b block_number /dev/sdxx but after mount it has no file/folder inside mount point08:21
tiger2wanderbut `df` command show it is used 68% :(08:21
tiger2wanderCould anyone help me to solve this? please!08:21
tiger2wanderI'm using Ubuntu Server 10.04.3 amd6408:22
tiger2wanderTried almost superblock backup but no luck08:22
CluelessPersonI can't get php5 to work on my server. >.<08:25
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ersi_tiger2wander: Have you checked if there's any LOST+FOUND folder where everything's stacked into?08:31
tiger2wandernot yet, I keeping not touch anything until got more information08:32
ersi_that's wise08:33
tiger2wanderbefore use e2fsck -b I was made a mistaken that act mkfsck -b (after run mkfsck -n to find superblock)instead e2fsck08:33
CluelessPersonphp5 isn't processing, edditing the httpd.conf file in apache2 is blank, I'm new to linux and lost at this. >.>08:34
tiger2wanderso that partition got formated as Ext2 :(08:34
tiger2wanderI think Journal meta data was cleared by that command, right?08:34
tiger2wanderjust checked lost+found folder and see there are many file with prefix as #08:36
tiger2wanderso how can I recovery from lost+found?08:36
DavieyGooooooooooooood Day people.08:38
tiger2wanderCluelessPerson, what's version of Ubuntu running on your server?08:38
CluelessPersontiger2wander, 11.0408:39
CluelessPersontiger2wander,   I believe.  Also, I screwed up the configurations for apache2 and completely reinstalled that.08:39
CluelessPersonbut that works now, just not the php08:39
tiger2wanderdid you forget to install package: libapache2-mod-php?08:41
CluelessPersontiger2wander,  .. >.> most likely.08:42
CluelessPersonhere I go08:42
CluelessPersontiger2wander,   alright, that installed, but I got several errors08:43
CluelessPersontiger2wander, Syntax error on line 6 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: Cannot load /etc/apache2/modules/mod_php.so into server: /etc/apache2/modules/mod_php.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory08:44
CluelessPersontiger2wander, Ah, works now.08:47
CluelessPersontiger2wander,  Thank you very much.08:47
CluelessPersontiger2wander, checking with php.info()08:47
CluelessPersontiger2wander, Thank you very much.  Everything works. :D08:48
tiger2wanderCluelessPerson, you are welcome :)08:50
CluelessPersontiger2wander, How does it feel to be very helpful?08:50
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tiger2wanderCluelessPerson, what's thing you are asking for?09:04
CluelessPersontiger2wander, How does it feel to be very helpful?09:08
jamespageDaviey: would you be OK to sponsor a Jenkins upload for me later today - latest LTS bugfix release came out yesterday (does not need a FFE)10:06
Davieyjamespage: Maybe.. what is it worth?10:07
jamespageDaviey: hrm - or maybe not - pulls in a new dependency to fix a bug which we don't have packaged.10:43
Davieyjamespage: grr10:48
jamespageDaviey: I may just patch that out - the feature that uses it is borked in the current version so may be better to remove than get lots of bug reports.10:49
Davieyjamespage: check to see if it's worth the effort at this stage to start making changes.10:49
jamespageDaviey: think its minimal effort - just looking now10:51
jamespageDaviey: or maybe not - going to leave as is10:53
Davieyjamespage: ok :(10:54
jamespageDaviey: :-(10:56
uvirtbotNew bug: #849871 in squid (main) "package squid 2.7.STABLE7-1ubuntu12.4 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84987111:07
uvirtbotNew bug: #849893 in mailman (main) "package mailman 1:2.1.14-1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84989311:42
Davieyjamespage: I just thought, it needs a minimal deb and a udeb, otherwise at build time - it's still going to link against the bloated library.11:58
jamespageDaviey: specifically which library are you using in the install?11:59
jamespagesorry - udeb11:59
Davieyjamespage: libxmlprpc-core-c3-0, that pastebin i gave you, i went back one too many rev's12:00
jamespageYep - got that12:00
Davieyjamespage: dang, it would be so much easier to just build this from a seperate source package, but not ideal.12:01
Davieyjamespage: http://pb.daviey.com/GdAD/ , is a start.12:04
jamespageanyway - eat then scratch head12:08
* jamespage lunch12:08
rbasakIs there a beta1 server iso image?12:12
rbasakI can't find one on cdimage12:12
Davieyrbasak: http://releases.ubuntu.com/oneiric/12:15
rbasakThanks Daviey. I think I'm still as lost as ever!12:15
Davieyheh :)12:16
tanathosHi, is there a way to scan port 25 to see if php sends emails?12:45
jamespageDaviey: I don't think you can strip down the udeb any further12:47
jamespageif you don't use one of libwww or libcurl - you don't get a client12:47
jamespageand the other disable options are for other parts of the syse,12:48
pmatulistanathos: yes, use a packet sniffer like tcpdump12:48
jamespageall of those other deps are pulled in by libcurl12:48
* jamespage goes to take a look there12:48
patdk-wktanathos, normally php doesn't send email via port 25, unless you programmed in smtp support yourself12:48
Davieyjamespage: ah!12:49
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jamespageDaviey: which is a good example of how to build multiple versions of the same source code BTW12:52
sorenDaviey, jamespage: udebs? I hope we're not still talking about Jenkins? :)12:54
jamespagenow there is a thought....12:55
sorenOtherwise, what are you smoking^Wup to?12:55
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* jamespage wonders whether libwww might be lighted on deps12:55
sorenWhat's it for?12:55
jamespageits for the cobbler/orchestra hardware discovery/registration tool which runs from the installer12:56
jamespagewe need a udeb for xmlrpc-c to chat with cobbler12:56
jamespagebut ATM it uses libcurl3 which pulls in a load of other dependencies12:57
uvirtbotNew bug: #849943 in bacula (main) "package bacula-director-mysql (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84994312:57
sorenjamespage: Can't you fake it with straight curl or wget?12:57
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jamespagesoren: not sure - Daviey did you look at doing that first? ^^12:58
* soren does not quite remember how complex Cobbler's RPC protocol is12:58
Davieysoren: generating xml via curl / wget isn't going to be clean12:58
sorenYes? You're not making a very convincing argument. :)12:59
Davieyusing a token etc.. sure it's possible12:59
DavieyThe cleaner solution seemed to be to use a C library for this :)12:59
Davieysoren: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~davewalker/+junk/cobbler-enroll/files/613:00
zulmy eyes they burn13:02
jamespageDaviey: I think building a stripped down udeb for libcurl might be possible13:11
Davieyjamespage: rocking, but unless i am mistaken it needs a libcurl3-minimal*.(deb,udeb) ; to build against aswell.13:14
Davieysoren: Fancy fixing nova/test.py to support skip'ing of classes? :)13:19
Davieyit should be supported via unittest, but nova is hiding that functionality.13:19
zulDaviey: i think soren has gone afk13:25
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RoAkSoAxsmoser: ping13:51
smoserRoAkSoAx, yo.13:52
smoseri was looking for you.13:52
smoserso where do we stand? i dont particularly like the "manage-etc-hosts".13:52
smoseri'd like the meta-data solution (populated by cobbler), or, save that, i think we could do a better job of getting a default hostname in cloud-init by explicitly parsing /etc/hosts.13:53
smoser(as the installer will have, i think, written an entry in /etc/hosts with what you give it for hostname)13:53
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok... but I was testing13:53
smoseryeah, thats fine.13:54
smoserand what did you find ?13:54
RoAkSoAxsmoser: and if we set a --hostname for a system (machine.domain.com) then the hostname and domain name are passed as kernel arguments13:54
RoAkSoAxsmoser: however, in the cloud init fix, you only fixed for hostname13:54
smoserwell, thats because domain name is non-determinable13:54
RoAkSoAxsmoser: that's why cloud-init keeps putting the domain name as ubuntudomian (or whatever cloud-init puts there)13:54
smoserthe reason i booted on domainname is because the only thing i knew at the time to get it was running 'hostname -f'13:55
RoAkSoAxsmoser: right, but if we tell cloud init to *not* set the domain when it is not passed on the config (as done with the hostname), then cobbler will automatically set the hostname13:55
smoserwhich explicitly says in the man page, DO NOT RELY ON THIS13:55
smoserright. and that will work. i agree.13:56
smoserbut i think we have the chance to make cobbler look more like ec2, and i think we should take that chance.13:56
RoAkSoAxsmoser: yeah we have the chance, but IMHO, we should make cobbler set the domain name either way13:57
smoserthe problem we're trying to solve, though, that ensemble scripts use 'hostname -f' a lot, is really a problem.13:57
smoserif you've not read that man page, you shoudl read it, basically thats a bad idea.13:57
RoAkSoAxsmoser: hehe yeah I read13:57
RoAkSoAxsmoser: but my point being is that regardless what type of integration we decide to do with cobbler, we should make sure that cobbler is able to set the domain name regardless of whether we are using cloud init or not, so that means, cloud init should not be changing the domain that's passed thru the kernel13:58
smosercobbler should be able to set the domain name, yes, and apparently it can. so i have a hard time arguing with your point, and thus the solution of 'manage-etc-hosts'13:59
smoseri assume that in /etc/hosts of a provisioned system you have an entry for14:00
smoser <HOSTNAME> <FQDN>14:01
smoseractually, its probably : <FQDN> <HOSTNAME>14:02
RoAkSoAxsmoser: right, the domain is passed thru the kernel on the PXE file... which is the similar case as what happened with bug #838280 we just need to make sure that cloud-init doesn't change the hostname14:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 838280 in cloud-init "Cloud-init overwriting hostname given to kernel on baremetal" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83828014:02
RoAkSoAxsmoser: let me check14:02
rbasakWhat should the permissions/ownership of /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/? I think I've screwed mine up.14:03
smoser$ ls -l /var/lib/libvirt/qemu -d14:03
smoserdrwxr-xr-x 5 libvirt-qemu kvm 4096 2011-09-12 19:59 /var/lib/libvirt/qemu14:03
rbasakHmm, that's what I have14:04
rbasakI ran out of room in /var14:04
rbasakSo I moved /var/lib/libvirt to /home14:04
rbasakAnd symlinked it14:04
rbasak(stopping libvirt-bin and restarting it after)14:04
smoserlxc ?14:04
rbasakBut now I'm getting permission issues with sockets not able to be created in /var/lib/libvirt/qemu14:04
rbasakNo just kvm14:04
smoserno. duh. kvm.14:04
rbasak(using libvirt)14:04
smoseri've seen other issues (lxc) with libvirt not liking symlinks14:05
smoseri know why. i think14:05
smoserit might be app armor related14:05
rbasakYes, there's stuff in /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt14:06
rbasak(that refers to the old paths)14:06
RoAkSoAx q/win 314:06
smoserRoAkSoAx, /etc/hosts ?14:09
rbasakIt looks like libvirt dynamically configures those files, and there's no configuration variable to set the path14:10
rbasakSo I might be stuck :-/14:10
* rbasak never expected to put virtual machines in /var14:11
rbasak(they belong to me, not the system!)14:11
Davieyrbasak: repossession of your /home.14:12
RoAkSoAxsmoser: re-deploying a system. will take ~5 minutes14:12
floownI have a problem to receive mails truth my Ubuntu server14:13
floown# /usr/bin/mailq14:14
floownmailq: fatal: bad string length 0 < 1: myhostname =14:14
floownwhy I have this error please?14:14
rbasakDaviey: :)14:14
jdstrandwhen applying policy, apparmor resolves the symlinks. the that apparmor driver in libvirt uses realpath to avoid this problem14:14
floownI have read and apply this tutorial http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-11.04-ispconfig-3-p614:14
jdstrandyou should look in /var/log/kern.log, dmesg or /var/log/audit/audit.log (if you have auditd installed) to see if you are getting apparmor denials. if not, then apparmor shouldn't be the problem14:15
rbasakjdstrand: thanks, I'm getting stuff like type=1400 audit(1316008945.990:24114291): apparmor="DENIED" operation="mknod" parent=1 profile="libvirt-32560cff-6b32-f675-d7cf-ba096875473e" name="/home/libvirt/qemu/oneiric-b1-test.monitor" pid=25261 comm="kvm" requested_mask="c" denied_mask="c" fsuid=133 ouid=13314:16
jdstrandright-- so that is the monitor file14:17
rbasakyeah, they all seem to be14:17
rbasakFor pre-existing machines it can't bind to the socket14:17
rbasakFor new machines it can't create the socket14:17
jdstrand(as opposed to the disk, which uses realpath)14:17
rbasak(incidentally, I see no socket)14:17
jdstrandyes, you won't see the socket because apparmor stopped it14:18
* jdstrand looks at something14:18
iggi_I seem to be having a problem with bonding in Ubuntu Server 11.04. I was able to get two NICs bonded, but every time I reboot the machine one of the NICs goes into 100mbit mode (they are supposed to be gig)14:18
jdstrandrbasak: right, so that path is hard-coded by the monitor. moving all of /var/lib/libvirt somewhere else could cause a number of issues14:20
* Daviey wonders if the thing jdstrand has turned to look at, is the same thing that is concerning me.14:20
jdstrands/by the/for the/14:21
jdstrandDaviey: it isn't. I am waiting for kees to come online14:21
smoserRoAkSoAx, ... actually, platform.node() seems to be doing what i would have been doing.14:21
Jeeves_iggi_: Are they different chipsets?14:21
rbasakjdstrand: OK, thanks. It sounds like I can just move the images and symlink those, or if not I'll work around it. Thanks!14:21
jdstrandrbasak: all you should really *have* to move is the /var/lib/libvirt/images directory14:21
iggi_Jeeves_, Nope, both are the same and both are onboard14:21
rbasakjdstrand: yep, I'm with you14:22
Jeeves_iggi_: But to different switches?14:22
smosererr.. ug. i cant tell now.14:22
iggi_Jeeves_, both to the same switch, the swithc shows gig capability and auto negotiation on the port, but only 100mbit speed14:22
smoserbut sometimes it will give a fqdn.14:22
Jeeves_iggi_: And if you switch the cables?14:23
jdstrandrbasak: that said, if you must move everything, you can adjust /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu for your paths. you are also allowed to edit the /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-<uuid> file14:23
iggi_Jeeves_, that does pose a problem, since its an offsite machine, but it looks like that might be the next course of action14:23
jdstrandrbasak: the /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-<uuid> file is autogenerated only if it doesn't exist14:24
smoserso... i await access to your fresh installed box14:24
jdstrandrbasak: but don't edit /etc/apparmor.d/libvirt/libvirt-<uuid>.files cause it is dynamically generated on vm start14:24
Jeeves_iggi_: That's all I can think of,  really14:24
jdstrandrbasak: so that is a lot of info! :) I recommend putting everything back in /var/lib/libvirt, then adjusting your domain xml to put the disks wherever you want14:25
rbasakjdstrand: that's useful to know, thanks. Although I don't see any mentions of /var/lib/libvirt in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu, but moving everything but the images back seems to have worked14:25
RoAkSoAxsmoser: ok so /etc/hosts sets fqdn hostname14:25
RoAkSoAxsmoser: and /etc/hostname is just hostname14:25
rbasak(so I've symlinked /var/lib/libvirt/images -> /home/libvirt/images but not touched the other directories)14:25
smoserRoAkSoAx, right it will always be.14:26
jdstrandrbasak: no, there is no mention of /var/lib/libvirt in /etc/apparmor.d/abstractions/libvirt-qemu. that is because the libvirt driver dynamically adds the monitor for that machine to the dynamic profile14:26
smoserso, i think cloud-inti could do a better job of falling back and not requiring network.14:26
RoAkSoAxsmoser: right, yes, I believe we should still go ahead with your suggestion on doing it throuhg ensemble/cobbler for cloud-init14:27
RoAkSoAxsmoser: however, we also need to make sure that cloud-init does not change what the kernel parameter is specifying14:27
iggi_Jeeves_, I think you are right, looks like the link is bouncing, must be a bad cable.14:27
smoserRoAkSoAx, i just don't like "kernel parameter is specifying"14:28
smoserit makes it sound like there is a setting somewhere explicitly for fqdn14:28
smoserwhen there is not.14:28
RoAkSoAxsmoser: there's a jhostname and a domain settings though14:28
smoserwhat do you mean by domain settings ?14:29
RoAkSoAxsmoser append initrd=/images/oneiric-3-i386/initrd.gz  locale=  locale=en_US text priority=critical  auto url= hostname=node03 domain=domain.com suite=oneiric14:30
smoserhm.. i didn't realize that 'domain' would be specific. i thought you were just appending to hostname.14:30
smoserhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/689237/ is what i think is reasonable to read /etc/hosts as a fallback.14:30
RoAkSoAxsmoser: nope, that's why I was saying, cloud-init needs to respect that14:30
smoserwell, its not *that* is what i disagree with14:31
rbasakNow if only I could get the BIOS to PXE boot. It seems to be ignoring the boot options :-/14:31
smosercloud-init doesn't ever see *that*14:31
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I agree, but yet again, it should not change it14:31
smoserin this specific situation, it would be ok to call 'hostname -f'14:31
smoserbut what i don't like about that is the randomness. so i think i  just parse /etc/hosts to avoid hostname doing network operations if it would14:32
RoAkSoAxsmoser: right, but that's why I'm saying, we can still use your approach to ensure that things are set correctly, but cloud-init should still respect what's passed to the kernel if no domain option has been passed to cloud-init14:33
Davieyrbasak: failing that, you could use ipxe on non-arm hardware14:34
rbasakDaviey: I'm starting off trying to get cobbler to build me an i386 server inside kvm14:34
rbasakDaviey: (so I can find my way around cobbler and know it works)14:34
Davieyrbasak: sounds wise14:36
Davieyrbasak: RoAkSoAx is the king for that14:37
Davieysmoser might have done it aswell.14:37
Davieyand smoser probably did it without using sudo.14:38
smoserwell, i did it with being in libvirtd14:38
smoserand libvirtd group == root14:38
smoserso, it doesn't count.14:38
smoserrbasak, if you just want to play with cobbler....14:39
* RoAkSoAx will brb14:39
smosercobbler-devenv is reasonable as a place to look at a working setup.14:39
rbasakI seem to have broken it beyond where I was now. "Error starting domain: operation failed: failed to retrieve chardev info in qemu with 'info chardev'"14:39
rbasaksmoser: I added myself to libvirtd14:39
smoserrbasak, that is coming from libvirt ? that error ?14:39
rbasaksmoser: Yes. I don't think I changed anything. I've only been fiddling with the BIOS boot options in the guest14:40
* rbasak has tried restarting libvirt-bin14:40
smoserrbasak, i14:41
smoseri'm not sure what is going wrong. is libvirt actually trying to start qemu/kvm ?14:41
smoseryou should get a kvm.log somewhere from libvirt that might have some info14:41
rbasakkvm: -device virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:bc:56:31,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3: pci_add_option_rom: failed to find romfile "pxe-virtio.bin"14:43
rbasakSo I did actually persuade it to pxe boot :)14:43
jamespageDaviey: I think this is just about as small as I can make it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689248/14:43
Davieyjamespage: that is ldd of cobbler-enrol ?14:44
* rbasak installs kvm-pxe14:44
Davieyrbasak: nooooooo14:44
Davieyrbasak: use ipxe14:44
* rbasak purges kvm-pxe!14:44
jamespageDaviey: nope - thats libcurl14:44
Davieyjamespage: ok, rocking - thanks!14:45
jamespageso we would need udeb's for curl,xmlrpc-c, and libidn14:45
rbasakActually that didn't help anyway, same problem. I suspect that a missing rom might be why it wasn't doing the booting but I think my info chardev error is a separate issue14:45
* rbasak investigates further14:45
jamespagefeels really messy tho.14:45
Davieyjamespage: if it compiles, shit it - is my mantra.14:47
Davieyerm, ship it.14:47
Davieyjamespage: really odd that we /need/ libidn.. :/14:47
jamespagedifficult bit is how to make xmlrpc-c use the right version of libcurl - i.e. minimal14:48
jamespageotherwise we disable xmlrpc over a load of other protocols14:48
Davieyjamespage: libcurl isn't installed by default.. so if there is a new binary package, there is no impact.14:49
jamespagenot sure I understand - or maybe phrased my concern correctly14:49
Davieyjamespage: Hmm. I understood your concern to be, if both variants, fat and thin are installed concurrently?14:50
Davieythat can't (or mustn't) happen14:50
DavieyConflicts :)14:51
jamespageDaviey: lemme just gather my thoughts14:52
caribouThis is not specific to the Server version, but has more impact on Server : Does someone knows why makedumpfile has become dynamically linked b/w Maverick and Natty ?14:53
caribouThis renders kdump totally useless in Natty & Oneiric14:53
jamespageDaviey: so xmlrpc-c Build-Deps on libcurl3-openssl-dev14:57
jamespageWe are proposing a libcurl3-minimal-dev + others; but thats pretty ugly for xmlrpc-c as switching the dependency will reduce what it can do?14:59
Davieyjamespage: Ah14:59
Davieyi see what you mean14:59
jamespagewell at least I think thats the case14:59
jamespageI guess we could have another source package to build xmlrpc-c and hold two in the archive -one to provide the udeb15:00
jamespageand one as its15:00
jamespageor we could do the udebs for the normal version of curl15:00
Davieyudebs for the nomral version oulls in ldap and kerbos, no?15:03
robbiewDaviey: yo!  what's up with the ARM netbook for rbasak?15:10
Davieyrobbiew: I posted him the pandaboard, as that seemed more appropriate.15:11
Davieyrobbiew: I thought we did dicuss this?15:11
robbiewwe did...I though both was being sent...no big deal...I just knew you used yours for a picture frame15:11
robbiewor something15:11
Davieyrobbiew: hah.. no, that isn't true.15:12
DavieyThe netbook was more concerning to me, as i know it has my ssh and gpg key on it.. and i wasn't entirely sure just a rm was enough to stop rbasak retrieving it.15:13
smoserRoAkSoAx, ok. so i think, this time for sure , that i have a good solution.15:25
smosercould you please try: http://paste.ubuntu.com/689276/15:25
smoserjust run that on your installed node15:25
smoserand it should basically give the same thing as 'hostname -f' but without consulting dns15:26
jamespageDaviey: think I can get rig of IDN as well15:26
jamespagetyping bad today15:27
Davieyjamespage: Oh goody15:27
jamespageDaviey: still think we will need a xmlrpc-minimal source package tho15:27
Davieyjamespage: I think you might be right :/15:29
lynxmansmoser: ping15:29
smoserlynxman, here.15:29
RoAkSoAxsmoser: conference call at the moment15:34
RoAkSoAxsmoser: where will that go?15:35
smoserinto cloud-init. then it will fall back to using that if no local-hosname15:35
RoAkSoAxok cool15:35
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TheEvilPhoenixcan anyone recommend some kind of web-based administration tool for an ubuntu-server?15:55
TheEvilPhoenixsomething like webmin but not15:55
TheEvilPhoenixbecause webmin is evil15:55
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).15:59
jmarsdenTheEvilPhoenix: Try Zentyal... but the real answer is to learn to admin a server using SSH and a shell :)16:00
TheEvilPhoenixjmarsden:  indeed, which I know how yo do.  I still want the actual GUI part (for quick tasks for which initiating an entire SSH connection isnt worth it)16:17
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robbiewSpamapS: yo...so I can defer this, right? -> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-o-postfix-enhancements16:23
rbasakHow do I point kvm/libvirt at an ipxe rom? I can see /usr/share/qemu/pxe-virtio.rom but no idea how I'm supposed to add it16:24
robbiewhallyn: I'm thinking this can be punted to P with possibly tyler helping? -> https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/server-o-ecryptfs-testsuite16:24
SpamapSrobbiew: I suppose so.16:24
* robbiew pulls his leg back...and punts!16:24
* SpamapS admires the hangtime16:25
rbasakIt does seem as if I have /usr/share/qemu/pxe-virtio.rom but qemu is looking for /usr/share/qemu/pxe-virtio.bin16:25
hallynrobbiew: sounds good to me16:26
robbiewhallyn: cool, thx16:26
hallynrbasak: can you (a) switch to ipxe for the moment, and (b) file a bug for kvm-pxe?16:27
rbasakAha!  "ln -s pxe-virtio.rom pxe-virtio.bin" in /usr/share/qemu fixed it16:27
hallynrbasak: qemu recently switched16:27
hallynrbasak: kvm-pxe didn't get updated bc it's deprecated16:27
hallynbut we should updated it of course until it gets removed (even though it's in universe) or switched to using ipxe sources16:28
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rbasakhallyn: I'm using ipxe; dpkg -S /usr/share/qemu/pxe-virtio.rom reports it's owned by ipxe16:28
hallynrbasak: oneiric?16:28
hallynthat should have been updated16:28
rbasakhallyn: yes oneiric, ipxe1.0.0+git-2.149b50-1ubuntu1 which seems to the latest that rmadison sees16:29
* hallyn looking16:29
hallynd'oh!  I thought Daviey had pushed that debdiff for ipxe16:30
hallynhm, he did16:30
* Daviey wonders if he is in trouble16:30
rbasakShall I leave it with you? The symlink will do me for now.16:30
rbasak(or would you like a bug?)16:31
hallynrbasak: please do file a bug if you don't mind16:31
Davieyhallyn: What is the problem?16:31
rbasakDaviey: ipxe drops in /usr/share/qemu/pxe-virtio.rom but qemu is looking for /usr/share/qemu/pxe-virtio.bin16:31
hallynDaviey: I think I got confused with the .bin vs .rom .  Was it only qemu 0.15 that switches?16:32
utlemmingrbasak: so, I successfully booted the OMAP kernel into qemu16:32
rbasakutlemming: cool!16:32
utlemmingrbasak: I'm thinking that by tomorrow or Friday, we should qemu-able images being generated daily16:33
utlemmingrbasak: I have a repeatable way of generating the disk format which includes uboot, etc16:33
rbasakutlemming: excellent!16:33
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hallynDaviey: yeah, so ipxe/debian/ipxe.links needs to switch back to being .bin not .rom for all16:33
utlemmingrbasak: my problem is that I was using the OMAP4 uboot instead of the OMAP3, which was causing the kernel to be loaded in the wrong memory address space16:34
hallynunless we quickly push qemu 0.15 :)16:34
Davieyhallyn: Having smoke 0.15, i wouldn't block that - but you need to be able to handle any technical issues that might arise.16:36
DavieyAs in, do you have enough capacity?16:36
hallynDaviey: we trust that upgrades will be coherent, and only have *.bin,16:36
hallynDaviey: or should ipxe just create both *.bin and *.rom?16:36
hallynDaviey: well, as I've said, I was using it for weeks on my laptop with no issues, so I'm pretty confident.  But no I don't have much spare time if things go kerblooy16:37
rbasakhallyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ipxe/+bug/85015416:37
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 850154 in ipxe "qemu cannot find ipxe roms" [Undecided,New]16:38
Davieyhallyn: yeah, i was using it the other day - and it 'seemed' to work for me ok.. but yes, the kicker is the fallout.16:38
rbasakhallyn: you might as well symlink them during a transition period so both *.bin and *.rom work I suppose.16:38
Davieyhallyn: hmm, do we need symlinks for both16:38
hallynDaviey: http://people.canonical.com/~serge/ipxe-bin.debdiff16:38
hallynno, we only need symlinks for one or the other.16:39
hallynrbasak: thanks16:39
Davieysmoser: Have you sponsored a package yet?16:39
hallynhe sponsored one for me :)16:40
hallynlibcgroup iirc16:40
Davieyhallyn: you should be able to do your own signing :)16:40
Davieyhallyn: did you miss off the # for the bug closure on purpose?16:41
hallynDaviey: oh, no.  I had it as '######' until rbasak hadned his bug over, then i converted it badly :)16:42
hallynDaviey: i'm still waiting for pkg to build for a test, just to make sure16:42
hallyni don't know wtf is going on with my apt-cache.  slow right now16:42
hallynoh, maybe it got corrupted with my unscheduled poweroff16:42
* rbasak pulled the power on his laptop this morning. With no battery inserted :-/16:44
hallynall i can figure is mine got too hot16:45
hallynDaviey: updated http://people.canonical.com/~serge/ipxe-bin.debdiff . tested, works fine16:46
hallynDaviey: don't know what you want with 'my own signing'.  Of course I signed it, but debdiff doesn't carry that...16:46
Davieyhallyn: sorry, i mean sign and dput :)16:51
Daviey(signing a package that you are not uploading seems overkill anyway :)16:51
Davieysmoser: Fancy reviewing and sponsoring hallyn's debdiff?16:51
hallynDaviey: you think I have upload rights to that???16:52
Davieyhallyn: no, but you /should/ have upload access.16:53
Davieyhallyn: incidently, you do have upload access to etherboot :/16:54
hallynyes but it is obsolete :)16:55
hallynDaviey: yes, i'll try to get on the schedule for server upload rights in the next 2-3 weeks16:55
Davieyhallyn: cool.17:05
* Daviey afk's17:06
* koolhead17 is singing juju juju juju !!!17:06
pmatulisblack juju?17:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!17:11
UrsinhaTheEvilPhoenix, juju is totally ontopic :)17:19
koolhead17Ursinha: +117:20
* koolhead17 looks at TheEvilPhoenix17:21
Ursinhaif you don't know, you might! :) -> juju.ubuntu.com17:21
koolhead17hehehe Ursinha :) when did this happen? and is channel name changed too?17:22
Ursinhakoolhead17, happened today, it seems :)17:22
Ursinhathe channel question I don't know17:22
Ursinhakoolhead17, #juju has server people in it, #ensemble is empty, so I guess it's a yes :)17:23
koolhead17Ursinha: am allready there :D17:23
talntidanyone here think it's a decent idea, to store logfiles on a seperate server? every once in a while, my logfiles fill up my filesystem....17:24
talntidI have a virtualized environment, and 20 VM's...17:24
talntidI could start a log server, and nfsmount the logdir to the log server... ?17:24
Ursinhatalntid, well... I'd rsync the logs every once in a while17:25
Ursinhamight be safer17:25
Ursinhawrite locally then copy over17:25
talntidproblem is, they have the ability to fill the filesystem pretty quickly..17:26
talntidfrom yesterday to today, i got 6.8gb of logs.17:27
pmatulistalntid: a log server is an old concept, you configure each log source by pointing it to the server17:27
talntidon just my webserver17:27
pmatulistalntid: you don't mount anything, it's built in to the log system17:27
rbasakI seem to have debian-installer exiting immediately and stuck in a loop because init keeps restarting it. Using a preseed file via cobbler. Is this likely to be a problem with my preseed?17:27
Ursinhapmatulis, how is that?17:27
pmatulistalntid: we use rsyslog for a while now17:28
talntidwhen an application (apache, for example) asks for a logdir.. doesn't it write directly there?17:28
pmatulistalntid: see for a starter: http://www.rsyslog.com/sending-messages-to-a-remote-syslog-server/17:29
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pmatulistalntid: apache is special, it has it's own logging system. maybe you can forward its messages too, i'm not sure17:30
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pmatulistalntid: rsyslog is pretty powerful for remote logging, you can drop low priority messages if there are too many to handle, for instance17:32
pmatulistalntid: can also go directly into a d/b like mysql or postgresql17:32
talntidthe issue is never with the system logs...17:33
talntidalways with apache or asterisk17:33
pmatulistalntid: well, asterisk should be an issue.  as for apache:17:35
pmatulis*asterisk should not be...17:35
talntidroger that17:36
rbasakNo joy with the default cobbler preseed on beta 1 either :-(17:40
koolhead17rbasak: what is the issue17:52
smoserRoAkSoAx, bug 85020617:54
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 850206 in cloud-init "cloud-init should try harder to get domainname in fallback case" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85020617:54
rbasakkoolhead17: I think the issue is that I'm booting a normal kernel inside kvm, so it can't find any disks. Is there a standard way to tell cobbler that I want the virtual kernel image? I can't seem to find anything other than a generic image in what cobbler has imported into /var/www/cobbler.17:55
koolhead17rbasak: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cobbler17:57
rbasakkoolhead17: I could be wrong, what I'm seeing is that debian-installer keeps dying and being restarted by init.17:57
rbasakkoolhead17: yeah I'm using that17:57
koolhead17so you have a profile ready with you and Vm on same network with boot from network enabled?17:58
rbasakkoolhead17: yes, and it pxe boots ok and goes into the installer17:59
rbasakkoolhead17: it's the preseed that seems to fail after that, at this stage debian-installer goes into a restart loop17:59
rbasak(after the installer has downloaded udebs)18:00
rbasakI think it's a partman issue18:00
rbasakand /proc/partitions is empty18:00
rbasakIt's in kvm so I would expect to see a /dev/vda18:00
koolhead17rbasak: read the cobbler profile parameters your passing18:01
koolhead17and let pressed do auto partitioning18:01
uvirtbotNew bug: #850205 in lxc (main) "lxc-clone drops hostname" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85020518:02
uvirtbotNew bug: #850206 in cloud-init "cloud-init should try harder to get domainname in fallback case" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85020618:02
koolhead17or to be precise dont use pressed file for first VM see how installation is happening, if its going well then introduce preseed and play with it :)18:03
RoAkSoAxsmoser: cool,.t hanks!18:27
Alison_ChaikenMorning all.    I want to spin up a Lucid AMI in EC2 and save the result of my work in EBS.   I am confused because the list of AMIs on Canonical's website does not match what I see offered at amazon.com.18:34
adam_gRoAkSoAx: if metadata is generated outside of the orchestra provider, where is it going to come from?18:38
RoAkSoAxadam_g: meta-data is not really generated outside. It actually comes from the provider18:38
adam_gRoAkSoAx: currently it does, but the plan is to gut that and only provide cobbler with the user data to parts of the ks late command, no?18:39
smoserAlison_Chaiken, can you elaborate on that ?18:39
RoAkSoAxadam_g: it is not "really" as it grabs the UUID from cobbler and just creates the late command to pre-populate it18:39
RoAkSoAxadam_g: yes, the idea is only to pass user-data in base64 and we will store that into a ksmeta variable, which will be used on a late_command18:40
RoAkSoAxadam_g: and leave cobbler to provide the meta-data itself18:40
adam_gRoAkSoAx: the uuid ends up as metadata in /var/lib/cloud/seed/nocloud-net18:41
Alison_Chaikensmoser, I want to run a build system on Lucid.    I'm comparing https://console.aws.amazon.com/ec2/home?region=us-east-1#s=Images with "ebs/ubuntu-images/ubuntu-lucid-10.04-amd64" in the search box tohttp://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/lucid/20110913/18:41
RoAkSoAxadam_g: and the meta-data has the UUID of a system as instance-id18:41
adam_gRoAkSoAx: ok, so thats my question.. where does the meta-data itself come from, if not from juju?18:41
RoAkSoAxadam_g: meta-data only contains instance-id which *is* the UUID of a *cobbler* system18:41
Alison_ChaikenI was going to use the ubuntu.com site as a guide to pick the right AMI, but none of the ubuntu.com AMIs appear to be available from EC2 at the moment.18:41
RoAkSoAxsmoser: I was thinking on maybe also using a python module to obtain the meta-data, what do you think? (I'm already using an orchestra python module to do some stuff with keys I generate for rsyslog)18:42
Alison_ChaikenFilling the search box as I have lists 8 AMIs on EC2, and I can't figure out how to choose among them.18:43
smwAlison_Chaiken, cloud.ubuntu.com/ami18:43
Alison_ChaikenThe owner of all is 099720109477, which is Canonical?18:43
smwAlison_Chaiken, choose the ebs ami in the region you want.18:44
Alison_Chaikenhttp://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/ami is 404 for me.18:44
smoserAlison_Chaiken, http://askubuntu.com/questions/53582/how-do-i-know-what-ubuntu-ami-to-launch-on-ec2/53586#5358618:44
Alison_ChaikenSo smw, all 8 are the same?18:44
Alison_ChaikenThanks smoser, I'll look.18:44
smwAlison_Chaiken, what about cloud.ubuntu.com/ami?18:47
rbasakkoolhead17: yeah, I was going to try and rip out the preseed next if I can figure out how (since the whole point of cobbler is to use one, it's there by default). I need to go now but I'll carry on tomorrow - thanks for your help!18:49
Alison_ChaikenAha, ami-63be790a is on both ubuntu.com and EC2!    Thanks you guys.18:51
smwAlison_Chaiken, is it ebs backed? (can you make a micro instance?)18:51
Alison_Chaikensmw, this is my first use of EC2, and I don't know what a micro instance is.   EBS-backed, apparently.18:53
smwAlison_Chaiken, good. Many people start out without ebs-backed instances and it does not hurt them until much later.18:54
Alison_Chaiken"ebs" is in the image name, so as a n00b, I think it must be backed.18:56
smwAlison_Chaiken, sounds good :-)18:56
Alison_ChaikenAs soon as I finish my build, I'll stop the instance and make sure it's still there right away.18:56
smwAlison_Chaiken, if you have the option to stop the instance it is the right one ;-)18:57
skritehey all18:57
skritehey all, i am looking for a simple to use means to view data bytes as they come in on a TCP socket.19:00
RoAkSoAxadam_g: btw.. i'll be changing everything to juju as well19:02
RoAkSoAxin the orchestra side of things19:02
jdstrandDaviey: kees and I talked. please see my comment in the bug19:07
MasterRoothello all, does anyone know if mdadm will allow a RAID5 array to be migrated to a RAID0 array, or would I need to recreate the array?19:11
cloakableMasterRoot: recreate19:13
cloakableRAID5 is nothing like RAID0 at the disk level19:13
MasterRootcloakable: I see, no problem. Thanks for confirming it for me :-)19:20
Alison_Chaikensmw, I've just been reading FAQ about "stop" vs. "terminate" and take your point.   Thanks again for your *helpful* advice.19:21
Alison_ChaikenI'm still a bit puzzled by the security groups.    Presumably the apt-gets I need to do are TCP, but what ports do I have to have open for them to work?19:41
Alison_ChaikenThe security groups configures inbound access, so maybe closing all ports but ssh won't affect apt-get, as the request will be initiated inside the VM?19:41
hazmatAlison_Chaiken, access to external systems from an ec2 host are always fine.. security groups are inbound traffic filters19:44
smwAlison_Chaiken, you can get more help with Amazon specific stuff at #ubuntu-cloud and ##aws19:45
Alison_ChaikenRight hazmat, so my instance can always download files from other places, as long as it initiates the request it's considered "outbound"?19:46
Alison_ChaikenThanks, smw.19:46
hazmatAlison_Chaiken, yes.. assuming its external to ec2.. if its too another ec2 host, then the other host's security groups come into play19:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #850309 in libvirt (main) "libvirt fails to autostart VM attached to a bridged port" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85030919:47
Alison_ChaikenThanks hazmat.    I'm going to launch!19:50
jj995_hi all, I'm trying to migrate my NIS master to a new server.  I was reading the section "Chaning NIS master servers" in O'Reilly's Managing NFS and NIS, but the instructions aren't working (they seem outdated).  Any suggestions?20:12
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cr3out of curiosity, I'm imagining it might be useful to have postgresql (or any database for that matter) running in the cloud where the data would reside in ebs. in such a case, should mounting, creating filesystem, configuring postgresql, etc. be handled by something like cloud-init and/or ensemble?21:18
cr3smoser: ^^^21:19
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hltanhey has anybody got "sudo iptables -A OUTPUT -m owner --gid-owner fn -j DROP" to work?23:05

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