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dpmmorning kelemengabor. On bug 835929, I'm not too sure I understand the fix. So now we'll have versioned gcc translation domains, but how will they work if gcc is expecting a non-versioned domain?09:04
dpmhm, bugbot not working?09:05
kelemengabordpm: good morning09:05
kelemengabordoes gcc expecting a non-versioned domain?09:05
kelemengabormy little test showed that it needs version numbers09:05
dpmkelemengabor, I thought that's what you said in the bug description09:05
dpmlet me re-read, it might have been me misreading it09:06
kelemengabordpm: I just finished a test install with todays iso and this happens with the gcc domains: http://people.ubuntu.com/~kelemeng/pix/gcc.png09:09
dpmkelemengabor, ok, yeah, you're right, the symlink part confused me a bit, I had just read it the other way round. Good work with fixing all the templates09:10
dpmkelemengabor, I'm going to talk to the LP people, as it seems that last Thursday's and yesterday's language pack exports did not happen -> https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+language-packs09:11
kelemengaborthe only problem is that we have several gcc.mo files on the iso, most of them being about 1M in size, having this three times may cause the langpacks grow a little too big09:12
dpmhm, good point. The main iso should only have the en language pack now, though, so it's probably not as much of a problem there09:16
kelemengabor(in particular, de, es and zh_CN)09:16
kelemengaborwell, todays iso has 5, plus three en_ variants...09:17
dpmit's strange that they are still in there, they should go away in favour of the localized iso tools09:18
kelemengaborerr, more than 5, actually, all that used to be09:18
TLEdpm, kelemengabor: Hey, I must have missed the informtion about the chat yesterday and I didn't have a look back here until it was over09:52
TLEis it a regular thing now?09:52
kelemengaborTLE: somewhat, yes09:52
dpmTLE, yeah, although I've been traveling lately and I missed a few09:52
dpmhm, confirmed, language pack exports are broken. The one from yesterday might still be running, though. Working on a workaround as we speak...09:53
kelemengaborwe skipped one, and delayed the last, but the idea is that the more active translation coordinators speak regularly about things to do09:54
TLEyeah it sounds like a good idea, I seem to remeber now that there was an email thread about when to place them09:55
kelemengabordpm: where should I send that important bugs list we talked about yesterday? UTC list?09:55
kelemengaborit has already ~15 bugs, and I'm afraid I'd add more if I don't send it now :P09:56
dpmkelemengabor, yeah, the UTC list should be fine09:56
TLE*sigh* translating evolution once again, that is just never funny10:15
TLEdpm: found out why it is that I stuck with gtranslator, as far as I can tell poedit doesn't have the options of showing you suggestions from your library and allowing you to insert them directly i the main interface while you are translating10:17
dpmTLE, ah, I see. Good point. I haven't used any of them in a while, so I'm no longer familiar with any of them.10:20
TLEdpm: no ok, it was just because we were talking aobut it yesterday and it bothered me that I couldn't remember why *G*10:20
dpmok :)10:21
TLEOhhh man. I'm on vacation; started the day with breakfeast and a epideo of DS9, now sitting in my couch with a laptop, a cup of coffee within reach and some old Kashmir on the stereo. 2 or 3 months more like this and I'll be all human again ;)10:47
TLE#: ../modules/spamassassin/evolution-spamassassin.c:86411:17
TLE#, fuzzy11:17
TLE#| msgid "This will make SpamAssassin more reliable, but slower"11:17
TLEmsgid "This will make SpamAssassin more reliable, but slower."11:17
TLEmsgstr "Dette vil gøre SpamAssassin mere pålidelig, men langsommere"11:17
TLEyep, updating the evolution translation is just the way I remember it *G*11:18
kelemengaborTLE: have you seen e-d-s yet?11:32
kelemengaborits full with this:11:32
kelemengabor#, fuzzy11:32
kelemengabor#| msgid "Cannot get contact: %s"11:32
kelemengabormsgid "Cannot get contact: "11:32
TLEno I have not, I'm starting to remember why we usually do red wine with gnome translations sprints11:33
TLEI mean, it is not the fact that they are fixing them, that is just good, but seriously the inability of the evolution dev to enforce some kind of string policy is second to none11:34
TLEit's just a bit to early for red wine here, even when on vacation, will save e-d-s for later11:35
TLEI don't even understand why they did the fix you just listed, it is not as if they cannot put variable in the strings, and it is just gonna make theor code uglier11:37
TLE"Cannot get contact: %s" % contact  -> "Cannot get contact: " + str(contact)11:38
TLEor however that the second part is done in c11:38
TLEooooh my, find the change *G*11:40
TLE#: ../plugins/itip-formatter/itip-formatter.c:106711:40
TLE#, fuzzy11:40
TLE#| msgid "Opening the calendar. Please wait.."11:40
TLEmsgid "Opening the calendar. Please wait..."11:40
TLEmsgstr "Åbner kalenderen. Vent venligst.."11:40
kelemengaborat the end, there is one more period11:41
TLEyou've won11:42
TLEohh well, enough evolution bashing11:42
dpmTLE, kelemengabor, and you know what they will do on next release, don't you? Replace '...' with '…' (ellipse character)! :D12:16
dpmthat's always my favourite12:16
TLEactually I think they already went both ways on that change *G*12:16
sagacihi, dpm, I've filed a question on lp, what are the guidelines for inactive leaders on translation group, or is there a link related to this?12:18
dpmhi sagaci, this should help you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Translations/KnowledgeBase/RoleReassignmentPolicy12:19
TLEhmm, grumble, really wished that the po-file definition was a bit more specific13:39
dpmok, language packs sorted. The next Oneiric language pack should be available on Friday16:45
kelemengabordpm: hooray \o/17:08
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