
holsteinmusegarden: o/12:54
holsteinmusegarden: you mind if i announce where you are located?12:54
holsteinnot sure if anyone is near you or not...12:54
musegardenoh no, go ahead :)12:58
musegardenI have to leave soon though. Errands to run.12:58
holsteinyeah, me too... but you know where to find me :)12:59
holsteinmusegarden is up in boone13:00
musegardenall right, yeah, I'll try to get on later today :)13:00
holsteinwe have a few regulars... akgraner internalkernel13:00
holsteinBugeyeD_ Nivex13:00
holsteinthe other lurkers participate too13:01
musegardenWhat do you usually talk about?13:01
holsteinhow busy we are ;)13:02
holsteinnah... whatever really13:03
holsteinits been slow in here though13:03
holsteinwe should/could be talking about meetups13:03
holsteinlike install fests, or whatever13:03
musegardeninstall fests are fun :P13:03
holsteinfor example, meeting up with you near ASU (with permission)13:04
holsteinhaving some boxes sitting around folkds can check out13:05
holsteinhanding out CD's13:05
musegardenThat would be fun to do.13:05
holsteinwhatever buntu related event really13:05
holsteinmusegarden: yeah, and thats what we need to be doing13:05
musegardenSee I've been trying to get stuff of that nature together but everyone is either too scared of linux or refuses to leave their room :P13:06
akgranerHi all!13:06
holsteinsafety in #'s :)13:06
holsteinmusegarden: are you on the mailing list?13:07
musegardenfor what?13:07
holsteinits actually quite active13:07
musegardenoh no, I'm not on that. I should be13:08
akgranerholstein, for release party we'll have banners and I'll have bootable usb sticks for all the supported derivates13:08
akgranerwe can also create CD's on the fly there if you want13:08
musegardenI have been having such a time making a bootable usb lately >_>13:09
holsteinakgraner: :)13:09
holsteinmusegarden: i use unetbooting13:10
holsteinmusegarden: i use unetbootin*13:10
holsteinand i just go ahead and format the USB stick each time13:10
musegardenI have been as well, I even tried straight dd'ing it and I still can't get it to boot.13:10
holsteinonly the 11.10 USB are supposed to be hybrid13:10
holsteini havent tried DD'ing, but i saw others having issues with it as well13:11
musegardenI'll figure it out eventually I guess. I gotta go run some errands for now, so talk to you guys later. :)13:11
holsteinmusegarden: \o13:11
holsteincool... new folkz :)13:12
akgranerI use startup disk creator13:12
akgranerit's on Ubuntu by default13:13
akgranerworks beautifully13:13
holsteinthat didnt work for me so many times in the past, i stopped trying13:13
akgranerI just used it last night13:13
holsteini think that was 9.10?13:13
holsteinim sure its fine by now13:14
holsteindd is the ddeal though :)13:14
akgranerholstein, I am sure it is but that's all commandline and well you know me13:31
holsteinakgraner: gdiskdump :)13:39
akgraneroh cool13:40
holsteini havent checked it out though13:40
* holstein still on lucid13:40
akgraneryou sticking w/lucid til 12.0413:41
holsteinmost places13:41
holsteini have a slightly borked 11.10 xubuntu install13:41
holsteinfor testing ubuntustudio stuff13:42
holsteini'll probably start running 12.04 ASAP on something...13:42
holsteinbut, i might run 11.10 on the netbook13:42
holsteinim not touching my audio machine for a while though13:43
BugeyeD_no wonder my ears are burning.13:46
BugeyeD_akgraner: you need to become one with the shell13:48
BugeyeD_i've been doing that since amiga cli13:49
BugeyeD_trs-80 and c=64 doesn't count, because there was no graphical environment (save for geos) available anyway13:49
holsteindd if=akgraner of=akgraner+cli :)13:49
BugeyeD_load "cli",8,113:50
BugeyeD_i can't believe i remember that ... sheesh, how friggin' old AM i, anyway?13:50
BugeyeD_sys 64738  <-- hard reboot for a commodore-6413:51
BugeyeD_i'm full of information that's useful to precisely nobody13:51
Tracy_PIt is interesting trivia though13:52
Tracy_PI never had a C=6413:52
holsteinBugeyeD_: hehe13:52
BugeyeD_i ran a bbs (bulletin board system for all you young'uns) on a c=64 for years before anyone had ever heard of the internet.13:52
BugeyeD_i spent way too much time on the c=64 back then.13:53
BugeyeD_probably 50/50 between that and my guitar. should have stuck with the guitar.13:53
BugeyeD_probably be making less money today, but probably have a lot more fun13:53
BugeyeD_with the guitar, that is. i suppose holstein might be able to clue me in there.13:54
Tracy_PI had 300 and 1200 baud modems in the past13:54
BugeyeD_me too13:54
holsteinyeah.. depends13:54
Tracy_PDid you ever connect to a MBBS?13:54
holsteini teach 2 computer classes right now... i make in 2 weeks about what i make playing 2 shows ;)13:55
BugeyeD_the bbs started at 300 baud, then i splurged and bought a (gigantic) 1200 baud modem. while the modem could communicate at 1200 baud, the computer couldn't keep up. so you'd see stuff purting out at intervals instead of a steady stream.13:55
holsteinyou definitely *dont* get into music for the $$13:55
Tracy_PI remember those days13:55
holsteintheres an easy way to make a million dollars in the music buisness though... start out with 2 million...13:55
BugeyeD_holstein: i'll be those two shows give a whole lot more satisfaction than the 2 weeks of work, without even talking of money.13:56
holsteinwell, im enjoying teaching the smaller class13:56
holstein5 11th graders13:56
BugeyeD_i'm sure i'd blow most of mine on prs guitars and old tube amps and such13:57
holsteinits the 7th and 8th graders... :/13:57
holsteinthey are still kids13:57
BugeyeD_can you put yourself on their level? those are the teachers that the kids like, and the ones they learn from13:57
holsteinand, most upper level computer stuff requires some patients and waiting13:57
holsteinthe 11th graders are capable of that13:58
BugeyeD_Tracy_P: mbbs?13:58
holsteintheres also 11 of the younger ones13:58
holsteinthats more challening13:58
Tracy_Poh it was a product that ran on 286 and 386 computers late 80's early 90's13:58
Tracy_P64 modems, so up to 64 people connected at once13:59
internalkernelomg... I had a friend who used to run a bbs off his c64, that was a long time ago...13:59
internalkernelIm feeling my age at the moment...13:59
BugeyeD_Tracy_P: i connected to plenty, but not sure about that. for intel computers, i remember wildcat and a few others. but i was mainly commodore/amiga so i remember mostly color64bbs (greg pfountz - i even remember the author's name, how sad) and fidonet (distributed messages, like usenet).13:59
BugeyeD_internalkernel: i don't wanna hear about it14:00
internalkernellol... the internet before it Al Gore invented it...14:00
BugeyeD_internalkernel: i'm guessing you're younger than i am, though we're probably close14:00
BugeyeD_... series of tubes ...14:00
internalkernelmight be... I do have 3 kids... oldest of which is 13, so we're probably real close...14:00
holsteinthat black box from 'the IT crowd' ;)14:01
BugeyeD_i really need to get back to work. :/14:01
internalkernelI just finished my amish breakfast sandwich...14:01
internalkernelabout to begin working on my beignets...14:01
internalkernelI love philly...14:01
BugeyeD_one of these days i need to get out west where you folks are. maybe i can make this installfest i just heard about. and try out one of amber's usb sticks.14:02
BugeyeD_my laptop doesn't boot usb; i have to boot from cd to execute a wedge that can then boot from usb.14:03
BugeyeD_and i've had mixed results with booting usb sticks on newer hardware (mostly desktops). may have to do with the 'hybrid' comment i heard a few minutes ago, i dunno.14:03
BugeyeD_so is musegarden a musician? possibly a cross between muse and soundgarden? two bands which i'd never ordinarily mention in the same sentence ...14:06
holsteinhmmm... i didnt ask14:06
holsteinsomeone introduced us in #ubuntu-beginners14:06
akgranerholstein, hmmm I do like byobu but don't really do much on the server side or in term windows right now14:16
akgranerholstein, did I tell you - I have been asked to design a 6 week course using Ubuntu for an intro to computers class...14:17
akgranerfor 8th graders at a private school here...I thought of you...14:18
holsteinakgraner: nice14:22
holsteini put ubuntu on the bosses computer at this school, and a few of the other teachers14:22
holsteini didnt say much about it yet14:22
holsteinim going to wait a while, see if they ask14:23
akgranersee if they notice14:23
holsteini'll tell them i spend $10 on the machine ;)14:23
holsteinthey notice when they want MS office and/or netfilx :/14:28
Tracy_PThe MBBS allowed MUD's where you could interact with others in the scripted environment. The one I remember was named Kyrandia. Dump gems down a hole, marry someone, to get to the highest level. Also a public chat, such as IRC gives us and private chat that you can have one on one conversations.16:19
Tracy_PThose were the days when a dealer purchased a 1 GB harddrive for 1300 US16:21
Tracy_P5.25 full height16:21
BugeyeD_i had (2) 5.25" floppy drives and (3) 3.5" drives for storage. couldn't afford a hard disk.16:34
Tracy_PThat was probably closer to mid 80's then16:35
BugeyeD_and i did have games which saved state and users interacted with each other. the most popular was the murder motel (or something similar) where you are given a target, but you are also named as someone else's target. you got N moves per session to run around in the hotel and find your target without first being found.16:35
BugeyeD_yep, mid-80's16:36
Tracy_PI would have laughed my way through that game each time I got into it.16:36
Tracy_PMy dad didn't let me have a modem in the mid-80's. I had to buy my own. Didn't have a job until I got out of high school. So it took until 88 before I had a modem.16:37
Tracy_PTI99-4A.. not sure of the - placement anymore.16:38
Tracy_PHad a modem that coupled with the headset for a few weeks, then bought one that took over the line.16:39
Tracy_Pcall waiting was always a challenge16:39
Tracy_PNow I'm working on a software product that the executable is 21 megs and delivered over the internet. how life has changed16:40
BugeyeD_heh, no kidding16:40
BugeyeD_back then, 21 megs would have transferred in what, 21 years?16:41
Tracy_Pat 300 yup16:41
BugeyeD_and it was *amazing* at what could be done in the 64k of a commodore. and half of that 64k was ROM.16:42
musegardenAnyone there?22:54

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