
wrstgood pace_t_zulu baby baths00:03
wrsthow are you doing pace_t_zulu?00:06
pace_t_zuluwrst: sounds like fun00:09
pace_t_zuluwrst: i'm good00:09
pace_t_zuluwrst: you know of a way to files in one directory structure to an identical directory structure rooted at a different path?00:09
pace_t_zululike if there are 'usr','bin','local' folders in each structure00:10
pace_t_zuluand the 'local' folder has 'usr' 'bin' folders00:10
pace_t_zuluand say there are files dispersed through those folders at first path .... you want to copy them into the same structure (but containing different files) at a different path00:11
pace_t_zuluwould you do that with a '-n' switch?00:12
wrstpace_t_zulu: you are over my noggin on that one... oh cyberanger, Unit193 ^^^^00:13
wrstpace_t_zulu: I must admit I'm much more drag and drop when it comes to that stuff I'm limited in knowledge of much more than cp -r00:13
pace_t_zuluwrst: i just realized i don't know how to do that off the top of my head00:14
wrstha ha pace_t_zulu I sure don't00:15
wrstwish i did that's something I'm trying to get more skillful at because its very hand to know how to do things such as that00:15
wrstespecially dealing with many files/directories00:15
pace_t_zuluwrst: command follows00:19
pace_t_zulucp -rn path1/* path2/00:19
wrstpace_t_zulu: really that's it? :)00:19
wrstthat's cool00:19
pace_t_zuluwrst: nevermind00:21
pace_t_zuluwrst: the -n switch is no help00:21
pace_t_zulucp -r path1/* path2/00:21
wrstohh :\00:28
pace_t_zuluwrst: i'm a dumbass00:33
pace_t_zuluis the moral of ^ that story00:33
wrstpace_t_zulu: well i'm joining the club also I had no clue at all00:35
* cyberanger sees a highlight, starts to read00:53
* Unit193 wonders why he's on the smart list00:53
cyberangerpace_t_zulu: I think the moral of that story is technology has no morals (holding back additional comments here)00:54
pace_t_zulucyberanger: technology may have no morals ... but its users still can00:56
* cyberanger lets go of his additional comment00:56
cyberangerwas gonna say, just like some if technologies users00:57
cyberangerI held it back, considering it wasn't targeted at anyone here, didn't want the misperception00:58
pace_t_zuluenough philosophy for me01:02
linuxman410anyone here01:50
wrstnot a soul linuxman410 ;) how are you doing?01:52
linuxman410wrst have you ever tried broadcom b43 drivers on any os01:53
wrstyep on several of them linuxman410 :)01:56
wrsti am enjoying my laptop with aetheros card and none of that mess :)01:57
linuxman410wrst what os for broadcom b43 have you tried02:02
linuxman410wrst i think i am banned from debian cause everytime i try to ask question it says i cannot send to channel02:03
linuxman410Unit193 how r u02:03
Unit193Would be a quiet, not ban02:04
linuxman410i am using puppylinux now cause it works with broadcom out of the box02:06
average_guygood evening gentlemen02:07
wrstlinuxman410: arch, ubuntu, fedora, mandriva, opensuse02:08
wrsthowdy average_guy02:08
average_guyI have a problem I need some help with tonight..02:08
cyberangerlinuxman410: what Unit193 is getting at is debian might not have banned you, as much as they moderate their channels, to prevent it getting out of hand02:09
wrstaverage_guy: shoot02:09
average_guyI have a tower with 2 HDD's  sda=WinXP sdb=linux. Both were installed seperately and then but into one tower.  How do I get grub onto sda?02:10
average_guyI'm logged on from a liveCD now02:11
average_guysudo grub-install /dev/sda=   /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'.02:11
wrsthave you tried the guide on taht average_guy?02:13
average_guythe guide?  "sudo grub-install /dev/sda" is the best I've found searching online, but it dosen't work..02:14
linuxman410cyberanger why do they stop u from asking questions like that02:14
wrsthmm average_guy well I thought there was an easy to find guide... and ubuntu's grub 2 makes me scream :)02:15
* wrst looks for a easy guide02:15
average_guyI still lookin 2..02:16
cyberangerlinuxman410: if it's a moderated mode (one guess) it'd be to focus on somebody who's already asked a question, or perhaps you weren't in a support channel (Debian isn't offically on freenode, it's on OFTC)02:16
wrstaverage_guy: can you boot into either?02:18
linuxman410cyberanger you ever deal with broadcom b43 wireless and with what os02:18
average_guyonly sda but it's winXP.02:18
average_guyif it were linux, there wouldn't be a prob02:19
wrstwith two hard drives my thought is average_guy have your bios to boot the ubuntu hard drive first, and from within ubuntu run sudo update-grub02:19
cyberangerhrm, right as I was gonna reply, usual linuxman41002:19
wrstaverage_guy: I think you should be able to set the ubuntu drive first in the boot order and go about business02:19
cyberangerhe's paitent, his connection not as much02:19
wrstcyberanger: i was going to try to help also...02:19
wrsti've had a lot of experience with broadcom02:20
average_guynope, bios does not allow for that wrst.  I'm trying to do it from LiveCD right now..02:20
wrstreally... darn average_guy02:21
linuxman410cyberanger u here02:21
linuxman410wrst i went to server oftc and it says i am banned from debian02:22
cyberangerlinuxman410: not had to use broadcom myself, but I think when I last used it, I used crunchbang02:22
cyberangerlinuxman410: wonder why, did it give you a reason?02:23
cyberangerbtw, that was crunchbang 9.10, but no reason the new ones don't have the non-free drivers added02:23
linuxman410cyberanger no reason did it give02:23
wrstaverage_guy: have you tried this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling_GRUB202:24
cyberangerlinuxman410: (and that could explain the reason, debian doesn't like some questions, one type is anything not from the free main repo is ususally frowned upon)02:24
wrstlinuxman410: they make doing that stuff unecessarily hard in debian IMO02:25
linuxman410cyberanger there must be a bunch of jerks who run that channel02:26
wrstthey are very ideological02:27
linuxman410wrst that is stupid ban someone for asking questions02:27
cyberangerlinuxman410: well, eh, considering your asking about something they don't support, that feeling could be mutual02:27
wrstyeah linuxman410 debian is a whole different bear than ubuntu02:27
wrstas far as that type of thing goes02:27
cyberangerbut I'm a debian fan, not a debian jerk (like those who completely turn a blind eye due to a restriction like that)02:28
linuxman410well i will never use debian again they can have it and their own little world they live in02:29
wrstyeah cyberanger but my experience with distros like debian, arch to name two is that they are not exactly friendly to people who are perceived to be noobs02:29
* wrst was afraid to even lurk in the arch channel02:30
linuxman410wrst arch is friendlier than debian channel02:30
wrstyeah all they do is say read the documentation :)02:31
wrstor mayb eput it slightly blunter02:31
linuxman410cyberanger that is not the atitude to have if you want to attract users02:31
wrsti don't think they are in the attracting users business really?02:32
cyberangerlinuxman410: hence why I don't have the debian jerk attitude02:32
cyberangerwrst: they are, but they know their market I guess02:32
cyberangerthey are a developers & sysadmin's distro (in the debian jerks eyes, elitism, ugh)02:33
linuxman410cyberanger if ubuntu had that atitude they would already be gone02:33
wrstdifferent target audience linuxman41002:33
wrstdebian is looking to like cyberanger stated sysadmins, devs, server guys etc etc02:34
cyberangeryeah, considering they started out focused with users, I think they've missed that mark some lately, but they are better with support (however arch really excells there)02:35
linuxman410wrst puppylinux is one of the nicest rooms i ever been in02:35
cyberangerwrst: (kinda wrapped servers with sysadmins, in my mind, unless you have the sysadmin's blessing, you stay 20 feet back, not the guy to piss off, and break a server, oh boy it's a long day of insults & such ahead)02:37
wrstbut ubuntu is really geared towards users02:38
wrstand arch is towards , well I don't really know people that do crazy junk02:38
cyberangerwrst: really, you don't know anybody who practilly specializes in "crazy junk" computer projects02:39
wrsthmm cyberanger, well you :)02:42
wrst and you use debian02:42
cyberangeramoungst others02:42
wrstwell off to bed I go good night all02:43
cyberangerarch (barely) ubuntu (build off a cli install to openbox or lxde though) crunchbang, LPS02:43
cyberangernight wrst02:43
* cyberanger has to be up at 6AM for the 3rd day in a row, I really ought to consider it02:44
Unit193Hmmm... No fun02:44
cyberangerUnit193: worthwhile, but not fun02:47
crunchbangwrst u here03:02
cyberangerhe just left for the night it seems03:02
cyberangerhow's it going linuxman410 aka crunchbang03:03
crunchbangcyberanger it is me linuxman41003:03
crunchbangcrunchbang supports broadcom03:03
cyberangerwas pretty sure it did03:07
cyberangerit's my main fallback from my day to day setup03:08
cyberangershort of a special task03:08
cyberangerwhat's up average_guy03:20
average_guystill fighting this computer :(03:24
average_guythought this would be EASY03:24
average_guyBoot-Repair didn't work wrst03:25
average_guyyou should see this ghetto-ass HDD I workin with... the size of a VHS tape and holds 4GB03:30
average_guyI guess I throwing in the towel.. I REALLY wanted the clunky 4 GB Win drv to be first. But I just can't figure out how to make it boot into linux on the other drive..03:45
average_guyI will just phisically switch the 2 drives..03:46
average_guyI know how to do it if the linux drive is sda03:46
Unit193wrst: Your IRC server is going down Weds04:02
cyberangerUnit193: as in 5 minutes ago, 4 hours and 5 minutes ago, or anytime in the next 19 hours and 55 minutes04:06
Unit193UTC I would assume :P04:06
cyberangeror anytime in the next 24 hours, 55 minutes ago04:06
cyberangeras would I, but I've noticed they don't post it like it's UTC (or even BST, since it's a british foundation backing them)04:07
linuxman410_cyberanger bodhi is awesome04:10
Unit193I think I was on the wrong side...05:07
cyberangerUnit193: you mean there was a right side?05:18
* cyberanger wonders if he can get a banana with that split05:18
Unit193Not for that one...05:19
=== locobot_4_2 is now known as locobot_4
cyberangerand again05:41
cyberangeroh, wait never mind, just two stupid bots05:41
cyberangerno affence locobot_4 & MootBot05:41
Unit193MootBot is old and replaced by meetingology05:43
* cyberanger wonders if that's a joke or not05:45
cyberangerI mean, ubuntu's be weird to me lately05:45
Unit193Why would it be a joke?05:47
* Unit193 didn't think so05:47
Unit193meetingology (~supybot@ubuntu/bot/meetingology)06:09
Unit193It's the meeting bot in #ubuntu-meeting06:10
cyberangeryeah, whois & google'd it06:10
Unit193(And a plugin in mine)06:10
Unit193Wonder who owns it06:11
cyberangertrying to find out06:12
Unit193Ah, where do the meeting logs go?06:13
cyberangerwell, Ubuntu, but looks like alot of info comes from an Alan Bell06:13
Unit193Alan Bell owns meetingology06:13
cyberangerUnit193: yeah, based on what I see, but it's an offical ubuntu bot06:15
cyberangerUnit193: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-bots/ubuntu-bots/meetingology06:16
Unit193Look at the hostmask, meetingology is06:16
Unit193Asked in there, give it a sec06:19
cyberangerwell, that too06:19
cyberangerasked in where?06:19
Unit193-irc, but -bots might have it too06:20
cyberangerI'm looking for alanbell06:20
cyberangerah, probally #ubuntu-uk06:20
Unit193He is06:21
cyberangerkinda hoping there was a more approate channel06:22
Unit193There is, give me a sec06:23
cyberanger1 missippi06:24
cyberanger2 missippi06:24
cyberanger3 missippi06:24
* cyberanger quits being a smart allick06:24
cyberanger5 missippi06:25
cyberangersorry, good mood finally relaxing06:25
Unit193#ubuntu-scribes ?06:27
cyberangerI recognize some people I know, but nope06:31
Unit193That's the registered owner06:32
cyberangersay what?06:34
cyberangeroh, yeah, the scribes team, but lacks Alan06:35
cyberangerdoes include akgraner, who I've met, seen seen `seeker around, and of course MootBot06:36
Unit193< jussi> seeker is a good contact for mootbot, and alanbell for meetingology06:45
Unit193Got what you needed? It's EggDrop06:57
cyberangerthink so, we'll see07:05
Unit193Great, I had just updated the stupid wiki07:06
Unit193PM or...?07:07
cyberangergod the job done, we'll try it in october, I think it'll be even better than mootbot07:08
Unit193Uhh... You may want to request MootBot removed or clash :P07:08
cyberangerrequest nah, I'll just kick him & invite him back07:10
Unit193/remove ;)07:10
cyberangeractually, was joking, but uh, after saying that07:10
cyberangererror, command not found07:11
Unit193/quote remove MootBot :meetingology is here07:12
Unit193Oh, channel too07:12
* Unit193 fails and googles07:16
Unit193Can't figure it out :P07:20
cyberangerfigure out what07:27
cyberangeryour behind a firewall07:29
cyberangernot direct07:29
cyberangerbased on the one I accepted07:29
Unit193dcc_port = 9373 and forwarded07:29
cyberangerI mean, that's what it looks like07:29
cyberangerbut error in sending data, and vice versa I figure07:30
cyberanger(so I closed it down)07:30
Unit193cyberanger: Oh, did you ever read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/meetingology ?09:08
* Unit193 looks at time and pretends he's already sleeping09:08
wrstgreetings average_guy12:09
average_guygood morning wrst12:10
average_guyany big plans today wrst?12:11
wrstjust work average_guy12:12
average_guyNah, not me.  Just the usual- trying to take over the world12:13
XpistosHey anyone know how to configure a vpn tunnel?15:00
wrstXpistos: sadly I don't15:18
wrstbut I bet cyberanger does :)15:18
* wrst notes that is his answer to everything15:18
johansmitsNL I have a question about X-Forwarded-Proto within the lighttp config, can some one help me out?19:09
wrsthi johansmitsNL, I'm afraid if you even know what that is you have way outsmarted me :)19:14
pace_t_zulujohansmitsNL: i'm not sure what brings you to our corner of freenode.net19:21
pace_t_zulujohansmitsNL: it appears as if you arrived here in error19:22
pace_t_zulujohansmitsNL: you are welcome to stay ... Regarding your question about X-Forwarded-Proto - this is not the best place to get that answered19:24
johansmitsNLcan you tell me where to goto?19:24
pace_t_zulujohansmitsNL: #ubuntu is going to be a more appropriate place than #ubuntu-us-tn19:29
johansmitsNLok thnx19:29
pace_t_zulujohansmitsNL: i'd recommend you try to find a channel specific to X-Forwarded-Proto or lighttp ...19:29
pace_t_zulujohansmitsNL: if such a channel exists - that's your best bet19:30
pace_t_zulujohansmitsNL: good luck19:30
pace_t_zulujohansmitsNL: i could tell you're not from here ;)19:30
pace_t_zuluyou dutch?19:30
pace_t_zulufootball fan?19:30
Unit193#lighttpd with 134 nicks may help19:36
johansmitsNLI am on there now19:37
Unit193Well, aren't I the slow one19:37
wrstyes you are Unit193 :P19:38
Unit193wrst: In every way!19:38
wrstho no I am in every way19:39
johansmitsNLsome one with lighttp knowledge here, I am in the lighttpd room but not that much response that I can use19:44
Unit193I've used it for very extreamly basic needs19:45
Unit193wrst: Na, people ask you Arch stuff19:45
wrstUnit193: I ask you more complicated stuff, vista stuff19:46
johansmitsNLis it possible to check in the config on a request header?19:46
johansmitsNLI want to do a redirect if the X-Forwarded-Proto is incorrect19:47
Unit193Unless anyone else here knows, your best bet is with the LightHTTPD folks :/19:48
johansmitsNLok :)19:49
* Unit193 will be of no use19:50
Unit193Hold on tight! A few more to come20:07
Unit193That's the biggest split done, but expect to see most of our EU servers split in the  next 15 mins or so || correction: about 5 EU ervers will split in the next 15 mins or so20:09
johansmitsNLgot an answer for my problem with lighttp, check http://paste.lighttpd.net/3661 for the solution21:12
cyberangerneed to thank the weechat developers for a very good filtering system, with good rules by default21:16
cyberangermakes it easier to read around all the netsplits21:16
Unit193Mine isn't bad though21:17
cyberangerUnit193: was asleep for only an hour though, more of a nap21:18
cyberangerwrst: intresting answer for everything ;-)21:18
wrstha ha its all cyberanger :)21:19
wrstthat's my answer21:19
Unit193Maybe I should adopt that one...21:20
wrstbeen working for me Unit193 :)21:21
wrstbut notice i didn't ask him how to fix vista21:22
cyberangernotice my expected reply21:23
* cyberanger hands wrst an unoffical vista fix called crunchbang21:23
* cyberanger hands wrst an unoffical vista fix called ubuntu21:24
* cyberanger hands wrst an unoffical vista fix called backtrack21:24
wrstcyberanger: i got it going good enough with Unit193's help21:24
* cyberanger hands wrst an unoffical vista fix called knoppix21:24
* cyberanger thinks the point has been made21:24
* wrst agrees21:24
wrston all the above :P21:24
cyberangerbut just to be sure....kidding21:24
wrstwell time for me to escape work catch everyone later!21:25
* cyberanger hands wrst a hacksaw hidden in a cake, hope it helps with the shackles21:26
Unit193Thermite, plastic explosives, torch. hmmm... I'm missing something21:28
cyberangerUnit193: yes, you are, the hacksaw came from your toolshed21:32
linuxman410wrst u here22:00
linuxman410cyberanger u here22:01
cyberangerhey linuxman41022:07
linuxman410cyberanger i am here now22:09
linuxman410cyberanger have u ever tried bodhi linux22:09
linuxman410cyberanger new version has kernel 3.0 nice22:10
Unit193cyberanger: What did you think of it?22:11
linuxman410cyberanger this is what i have been looking for add what u need i love it22:11
linuxman410Unit193 i like it better than lubuntu22:13
Unit193Well, I was asking cyber, but good for you?22:14
linuxman410Unit193 lubuntu let me down i recommended it to a hotel and it crash their computer22:15
cyberangerlinuxman410: haven't used it with 3.0 yet22:15
cyberangerfor me I just wound up building from ground up22:16
cyberangernot compiling, but a very frugal package selection22:16
linuxman410cyberanger this os is awesome i have on laptop and desktop it takes up one gig space22:16
Unit193That wouldn't have to be an Lubuntu problem, but that's also not the point22:17
cyberangerlinuxman410: I've got mine lower than that, not by too much (and toss in some music it shoots up22:17
cyberangerUnit193: idk, I think I've hit that point where customization outweighs any boxed distro22:18
linuxman410Unit193 lubuntu started crashing on my computer when i started updating when updates came out so i do not know what the problem is22:19
cyberangerboxed, prepackaged22:19
linuxman410cyberanger that is why i like bodhi customize it with as much or little as you like22:20
cyberangerlinuxman410: my level of customization is low(er) level though22:20
linuxman410cyberanger i install and update bodhi through commandline22:21
cyberangerlike tweaking plymouth & grub even22:21
cyberangermodifing startup services22:22
linuxman410cyberanger i was using puppy but no login i like it when u have to login22:24
cyberangerI like it when you have to not just login, but decrypt the drive22:24
cyberanger(I can get around logins, but not encryption22:25
cyberangerI may be able to deal with encryption, but can't bypass it)22:25
linuxman410cyberanger is your os a little ubuntu and a little something else22:28
cyberangerwell, depend on the computer now, inspired by pfsense & crunchbang, built off of debian base install on some22:29
linuxman410cyberanger how do you encrypted it when u start with a commandline system22:29
cyberangerothers are ubuntu based22:30
cyberangeralternate installer for ubuntu (which is debian's normal installer) has the preresquites for it22:30
cyberangerI set the whole hard disk as a physical partition for encryption22:31
cyberangersetup a partition on a (different) usb drive for /boot22:31
cyberangerthen setup lvm2 under that encrypted partition and all my partitions (aside from /boot) under lvm222:32
cyberangerbootloader can't be encrypted, so it's guarded a bit stricter22:33
cyberangerlinuxman410: I've gotta head to the bank real quick, I'll be back in 30 min to an hour22:34
linuxman410cyberanger ok22:35
cyberangerI'll fill you in further, answer questions (if you have any) when I get back22:36
wrstlinuxman410: i'm sorta here22:44
linuxman410wrst how r u22:45
wrstgood linuxman410 just popped in the win 8 pre-release22:46
wrstor prebeta bot post alpha thingy they have out22:46
wrsthow are you?22:46
linuxman410wrst how is it22:46
wrstdeveloper preview yeah that's it22:46
wrsthave no clue linuxman410 just starting and gotta head out for most of the night so hope to get it installed tonight22:47
linuxman410wrst let me know22:48
wrstwill do linuxman41022:49
wrstlooks to me from what little I have seen that win 8 is going to look like kde and gnome shell had some sort of sick twisted love child22:49
wrstwell that iso was corrupted to try another day22:52
wrstmaybe windows doesn't like virtualbox?22:52
Unit193Someone tried it in VBox working22:53
wrstwell off I go I will give it one more chance22:53
Unit193vmware didn't though22:54
wrstyeah i'm not overly worried about it :)22:54
wrstbut do like to see what satan has going for him these days and what stupid questions I can look forward to in the future22:55
Unit193"It was good. Much better than I expected from M$. (as for scared, the UX is pretty bad right now, but as soon as they convert more programs to Metro, they've got a very, _very_ solid product)"23:02
Unit193No internets with VBox on Win V23:03
cyberangerwrst: calling microsoft satan is giving satan too much credit23:18
cyberangerafter all, never attribute to malice what can easily be explained by stupidity23:19
cyberangerlinuxman410: how much of that made sense23:20
linuxman410cyberanger all of it23:21
cyberangeroh well um23:21
cyberangerI guess I'll have to screenshot it all23:21
cyberanger(your not the only person I've failed to easily explain this to)23:22
linuxman410cyberanger i am using crunchbang with encrypted lvm23:23
linuxman410cyberanger just installed it23:24
cyberangerso the only difference then is your unencrypted /boot partition is on the same disc23:26
linuxman410cyberanger it ask for a password before it will boot23:27
cyberangerlinuxman410: yes, but where is the code for it to boot that far (it's in your uncrpyted /boot partition, so the disc isn't truely fully encrypted)23:29
linuxman410cyberanger i am using seperate folders for everything23:30
linuxman410cyberanger u still here23:37

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