
james_wit's working00:07
james_wI just need to add the tests for the multiple-sprint bit, and the fallback, with some mocking00:08
james_wbut first I must eat00:10
mhall119james_w: nigelb: I've got a fix for periods in url lookups, complete with testcase00:31
nigelb \o/00:31
mhall119where are we currently converting . to - ?00:31
nigelbOn that note, I should sleep.00:32
mhall119james_w: nigelb: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/fix-period-in-url/+merge/7528400:45
james_wmhall119, nice, thanks.00:47
mhall119james_w: nigelb: cjohnston: http://ec2-50-16-76-22.compute-1.amazonaws.com/uds-p/ has been updated to the latest trunk01:24
james_wdeployed the cache fixes to production (via the production branch)02:10
james_wso that we don't get hit by any dataloss from that02:10
mhall119james_w: can you make sure that goes into /stable and trunk too please?02:28
james_wit went to stable02:28
mhall119ok, I'll merge stable to trunk02:28
james_wyou would like me to merge stable to trunk too?02:28
james_wok, thanks02:28
mhall119lpupdate is only pulling in 2 linaro sessions, is that all there is?02:32
mhall119meeting linaro-summits-server02:33
mhall119meeting linaro-summits-stb02:33
james_wthat's all there is so far02:37
james_wwe're blocked on the LP side currently, being able to approve the blueprints for UDS02:37
=== newz2000` is now known as newz2000
jawudping newz2000, are you there?14:26
newz2000jawud: yes14:27
jawudOn the following lijnk is an idea for ubuntu donations. It;s a Dutch forum but the proposal is English. Can you give me some feedback about the proposal and tell me your opinion?14:33
jawudno hurry, I understand when you're bussy14:34
mhall119nigelb: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/777171-percentage-problem-tests/+merge/7536014:52
mhall119nigelb: your branch was so out of date I was having trouble getting these tests into it, which is why it's proposed to trunk instead14:53
newz2000jawud: I would suggest proposing this to Jorge Castro, aka jcastro. Do you know of him?14:57
jawudI've heard of him. Thanks, I will contact him.14:58
jawudwhat do you personally think of it?14:58
newz2000jawud: I think it's interesting. I fully support ways to help non-coders make a meaningful contribution.15:00
jawudoke thanks!15:02
nigelbmhall119: Yeah, I did it just after UDS :-)15:25
mhall119nigelb: I know, not complaining, just telling you why I targetting trunk15:26
nigelbmhall119: NP :)15:26
nigelbI'm officially sick and been asked to rest for 2 days.15:26
mhall119but you have a laptop right15:28
mhall119j/k, take the time to get better15:28
nigelbHeh. I think I want to sleep and get up on time for achacne15:29
sheytanHey guys19:26
sheytanis there a simple way to get the ubuntu website theme make of it one for kubuntu (graphics) and put text and stuff kubuntu related?19:27
james_wdoes tarmac not run the tests for summit?19:30
mhall119sheytan: sure, you can branch one of the light-*-theme branches and convert it to kubuntu19:31
mhall119james_w: I don't think so, no19:31
sheytanmhall119: where do i get them? :)19:31
mhall119sheytan: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu-community-webthemes19:31
mhall119james_w: did you want to get the linaro customizations working on my ec2 box for testing?19:33
james_wmhall119, I'm just working on generic stuff currently, but that would be a good idea19:33
james_whttps://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/summit/fix-period-tests/+merge/75411 makes all the tests work on trunk again for me19:38
mhall119james_w: that's already done in https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/777171-percentage-problem-tests/+merge/7536019:43
james_wah, ok then19:43
mhall119james_w: why not land that MP?19:43
james_wmhall119, I assumed that tarmac wouldn't as the tests would fail19:44
mhall119ah, ok19:44
james_walso I like a clean testsuite19:44
mhall119as far as I know tarmac isn't running tests19:44
mhall119I like a clean testsuite too, but only when it means things aren't broken19:44
james_wbut with those two changes tied together we won't have one either way :-)19:44
james_wyeah, but you are always going to have bugs19:44
james_wand they don't show up as test failures without writing a test19:45
mhall119true, but we know there are bugs in trunk right now19:45
mhall119these test cases just highlight that19:45
james_wflicked the switch so that it will land now19:45
james_wwell, I could have told you there were bugs in trunk :-)19:46
mhall119I'll try and update nigel's branch to where it A) passes these tests and B) can be merged into trunk19:46
james_wI can do that now19:46
mhall119james_w: if you know of other bugs,  write a test case for them19:46
james_wI've just finished https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/summit/multiple-sprints/+merge/7541319:46
mhall119if you have time, that'd be great19:46
mhall119 the problem with nigel's code is that he's calling escape_strings() on things that don't need escaping19:47
james_wah, that one19:47
mhall119I have a fairly good idea of what needs doing on that, if you'd rather wait until I can get to id19:47
james_wI'll take a look, but may defer19:48
james_whaving tests is useful for this :-)19:48
mhall119up to 26 tests now19:57
mhall119much better than the 0 we had last cycle19:57
james_wthis is broken20:04
james_wI'm not sure where the url escaping should go20:04
james_wI don't think that django supports % in urls20:05
james_wwell, it might be able to serve those urls20:05
james_wbut it appears you can't put a link to one in a page20:05
mhall119why not?20:09
james_wwell, I'm a bit hampered in debugging as the exception when serving the page in the test is resulting in traceback page served with a 200 response code!20:12
james_wah, no20:13
james_wsomething catches tracebacks when rendering a meeting div?20:13
mhall119it's probably because of settings.DEBUG=True20:13
mhall119are you talking about the % escaping tests?20:14
james_wI'm looking at test_percent_in_meeting_name currently20:14
james_wwhy does it need to do that20:30
james_wwhy not do that substitution when the %(style)s is added to the html?20:30
mhall119because it puts the content of html in cache, but evidently the styles may change before the cache becomes invalid20:33
mhall119so this lets it pull the html out of cache and then apply the style20:34
james_wthese tests seem non-deterministic20:37
james_wI guess non-specified fields get filled with random data by model_mommy?20:38
mhall119there is one non-deterministic test, but the others should be20:40
james_wone that is fixed is non-deterministically failing due to not all of them being fixed20:40
mhall119the test methods should all be isolated from eachother20:41
james_wit's because of the errors20:45
james_wso you fix one, and depending on whether or not a % appears somewhere else the test passes or fails20:46
james_wdepending on whether the page gets a traceback or the div in ti20:46
mhall119it sounds like there's some scenario my tests don't cover then20:49
mhall119which also happens to not be escaped properly20:49
james_wyep, I'm adding some more tests now20:54
mhall119<Christopher Walken>I gotta have more test case</Christopher Walken>20:56
james_wis there a reason these tests aren't calling meeting_div directly?20:59
mhall119mostly because I wanted to check the entire page's output21:02
mhall119also, to call meeting_div you need to build the Schedule object and initialized it properly21:03
mhall119it was just easier to call the URL and check the final results21:03
mhall119thanks james_w, I'll check it out this evening21:21

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