
GridCubegood late night people02:02
GridCubeim zsyncking now02:02
GridCube:) sup madnick ?02:03
GridCubei've read that your plymouth and lightdm will get into oneiric?02:04
madnickNot much, coding :) you? 02:04
Unit193Not greeter02:04
GridCubeno greeter02:05
madnickThe greeter unfortunetly could not be done, atleast in time 02:05
madnickSo it goes in Oneric +102:05
GridCubemadnick, been working hard on the bookshelfs, pretty boring stuff if you are not into librarianship :P02:05
madnickah :)02:05
GridCubeoh well, at least you already did a lot of the job02:06
GridCubebut wait...02:06
Unit193madnick: Will it get into a PPA for those of us that want to install it though? :)02:06
madnickYeah the greeter was close to done, just some API stuff02:06
GridCubewe will have  P I N K greeter?02:06
madnickUnit193: I stopped working on it temorarily since it did not make it in, but I will resume my work after this PyWeek competition02:07
madnickGridCube: hopefully we get the greeter theme in :)02:07
GridCube:D awesome02:07
madnickIts a wallpaper, and a font, pretty much :)02:07
Unit193madnick: Don't bother on my account though..02:07
GridCubei think that having it on a ppa would actually be awesome02:08
GridCubesomething to have on a "how to hack your xubuntu" blog :P02:08
GridCube:D on an offtopic topic, i finally found a bookstore that sells Terry Pratchett books :D and that my friends IS AWESOME02:10
GridCubeouch installation failed, HARD03:24
GridCubei took screenshots03:25
GridCubeis there a way to take the logs from it? on a vbox?03:25
GridCubeapparently there is no kernel D:03:26
Unit193What install did you do? Alt?03:28
GridCubeok now i have to go to sleep03:33
GridCubesee you when i see you03:34
Unit193I think we had a wee bit of a netsplit there ;)05:12
=== mrpouit is now known as mr_pouit
=== lool- is now known as lool
charlie-tcaGood morning13:40
davmor2morning charlie-tca 13:41
charlie-tcamr_pouit, micahg : Alternate images are failing to build again, abiword and xubuntu-desktop13:41
davmor2charlie-tca: you at USD P?13:41
charlie-tcayeah, I will be there13:41
charlie-tcadavmor2: Will we have a chance to meet up, finally?13:42
davmor2charlie-tca: Indeedly doodley 13:42
charlie-tcamicahg: maybe it is the server again? Abiword seemed to only build every other time during beta1 testing13:44
micahgcharlie-tca: no idea, let me see if abiword installs on my other oneiric machine13:47
micahgcharlie-tca: wfm, I'd say go for the retry13:48
charlie-tcaI will do that.13:49
mr_pouityeah, this error has been occurring lately14:49
mr_pouit(and I couldn't reproduce)14:49
mr_pouitat some point, it looked like a mirror/archive issue (e.g. gb.archive.ubuntu.com and others didn't contain oneiric abiword packages :)14:50
charlie-tcaToday it came from the main mirror14:50
charlie-tcaor, rather, server14:50
charlie-tcaKind of frustating that it keeps popping up14:51
charlie-tcaand, again, the respin worked14:53
charlie-tcasyncing now, will see if it installs14:54
charlie-tcaThings are looking up for getting the greeter in, too15:03
charlie-tcagot robert_ancell and pitti on it15:04
charlie-tcamr_pouit: the server is dropping bits, maybe the parallel builds are giving problems. the respin zsync shows alternate images were at 98%15:08
charlie-tcamr_pouit: still got a failure trying to install the alternate image:15:45
charlie-tcaThe following packages have unmet dependencies:15:45
charlie-tcaSep 14 15:42:18 in-target:  libabiword-2.8 : Depends: libwv-1.2-3 (>= 1.2.4) but it is not installable15:46
charlie-tcaSep 14 15:42:18 in-target:  xubuntu-desktop : Depends: tango-icon-theme-common but it is not installable15:46
charlie-tcaSep 14 15:42:18 in-target:                    Recommends: screensaver-default-images but it is not installable15:46
mr_pouitit's the same failure than the build failure above15:53
charlie-tcawith the addition of the screensaver thing15:54
* jarnos noticed that pulseaudio is started even if it is unselected in Application Autostart. Rather odd...16:02
* jarnos noticed that is was probably started by alsaplayer (gtk).16:06
* jarnos or any other player I tried.16:08
micahgjarnos: pulseaudio is started when an app needs audio output16:09
jarnosmicahg, I see, I had to remove the package.16:15
micahgwhy?   we don't support xubuntu w/out pulseaudio16:16
charlie-tcamicahg, mr_pouit : any chance we can find what is wrong and have good images tomorrow?16:28
micahgcharlie-tca: I think it's a mirror issue16:29
charlie-tcaSo, go push another respin ?16:29
micahghold on, let me update again and try one more time16:31
* micahg wants to be sure he's not missing anything16:32
jarnosmicahg, I don't need it and my computer feels lighter without it.16:33
micahgjarnos: well, that's up to you, but we test with and support the audio stack with pulseaudio as the application layer interface16:34
micahgcharlie-tca: abiword seems fine16:40
charlie-tcaokay... I will push another spin then16:40
jarnomicahg, there is a lot of work in supporting Xubuntu with pulseaudio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio16:54
micahgjarno: we inherit the audio stack from Ubuntu, pulseaudio is what was chosen, that's what we use16:55
micahgcharlie-tca: trying to install xubuntu-desktop in a chroot now to see if there are any issues16:59
charlie-tcaIt's alternate images failing16:59
jarnomicahg, luckily, it can be removed, if you prefer. I have not noticed any problem with plain ALSA, but I suppose it is hardware dependent.17:00
charlie-tcaThe desktop images do work, which should mean xubuntu-desktop is not the problem17:00
micahgwell, the two images are set up differently17:01
* micahg doesn't understand the nuances yet17:02
micahg\o/ colord install failure17:03
charlie-tcabug 85017217:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850172 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Xubuntu Oneiric Alternate images fail to find abiword dependencies when building images" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85017217:04
charlie-tcaincludes the logs from the failed install17:05
charlie-tcaqa meeting17:05
micahgcharlie-tca: ok, I have no idea what's causing that, I only got a colord failure when I installed17:06
charlie-tcaOkay, that's why I filed the bug. If we can't figure out what is wrong, maybe ev or cjwatson can17:07
charlie-tcaI will attempt an install on my other hardware, just to make sure that is not the problem17:08
charlie-tcaThe new behaviour of xfburn sucks!17:09
charlie-tcaI have 60 images, and to pick the right one from "recently used" doesn't work17:09
charlie-tcaWhy can't it default to the last directory any more?17:10
micahgcharlie-tca: k3b?17:10
charlie-tcaxfburn, which is the xubuntu default17:11
micahgI know, I was making a suggestion17:11
charlie-tcamicahg: same failure on my other hardware machine17:32
micahgright, I think the issue is with creating the image17:32
charlie-tcaI do too, considering that every respin had to be done twice for beta1, with the same errors17:36
raevoljust saw the xubuntu meeting notes, is xubuntu sticking with gdm for 11.10? or just won't have an xubuntu theme for lightdm in 11.10?19:50
charlie-tcaXubuntu will have lightdm. It is only the theme we are unsure of at this time19:50
raevolok thanks19:50
raevoli'm not sure if this is the right place to discuss this, but i feel we should keep an eye on beatbox from elementaryos to use as a media player, it's pretty nice19:51
charlie-tcaGood place to mention stuff, yes19:52
charlie-tcaelementary os is supposed to be based on Ubuntu 12.04 19:52
charlie-tcaThe more it is based on Gnome / Unity, the harder it becomes for us to use 19:53
raevolright, and beatbox is way to feature incomplete to consider at the moment, but it seems like a good start19:53
raevoli'm just suggesting the media player, i have it installed in xubuntu through the ppa, it's just a gtk program19:53
charlie-tcaI would suggest keeping an eye on it then. 19:54
charlie-tcaWe do try and review such things each cycle19:54
charlie-tcaIt just becomes too much for one person to try and keep track of things19:55
raevolno worries, there's a lot of different programs out there, especially when it comes to media players19:55
charlie-tcabut we are pretty much open at looking around19:56
* Unit193 will always use VLC though :P19:56
raevolyou could consider having one xubuntu person specialize in each program? like one person for browsers, one for media players, one for chat clients?19:56
charlie-tcain comparing them, yes19:56
raevoli know i go through media players like kleenex, so i'm pretty versed on what's available19:57
raevolof course i have my own bias as to which is the "best" though19:57
charlie-tcahere is the last big comparison we had on them:19:58
charlie-tcayes, but you can see the layout and how we compared them.20:00
pleia2charlie-tca: I was thinking, since we have a few new contributors this cycle doing it that you essentially taught by hand, a blog post about "how to test daily xubuntu isos" would be nice20:01
charlie-tcayes, I could agree with that20:02
* charlie-tca supposes pleia2 was thinking he should write that, too?20:02
charlie-tcaWell, that makes the nick list shorter :)20:04
Unit193Yep, handy ;)20:04
pleia2please :) but I can proof it and find people who don't know about testing to review it too20:04
charlie-tcaOlbi: I tried to make it easier to pick the right month for testing. Let me know if it works for you?20:04
charlie-tcapleia2: okay, I will 20:05
Unit193He's helped me *tons*20:05
Olbicharlie-tca: nice works, thx :)20:09
charlie-tcaYou are welcome. Thanks for trying so hard! 20:10
Olbithere isnt work link to iso: http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/20110914/oneiric-desktop-amd64.iso20:11
charlie-tcayou are right20:13
charlie-tcatry http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/daily-live/current/ instead20:13
raevol:( i wish the Elementary Xubuntu Dark icon theme didn't override pidgin's icon, the overriden icon doesn't indicate when new messages arrive20:24
charlie-tcaI did not know it was based on icon theme20:29
charlie-tcaraevol: That should be a bug report needed, that theme is specific to Xubuntu20:40
raevolok, let me see if i can report a bug20:43
raevoldoesn't seem to already be reported20:46
charlie-tcaHere is the latest comparison of music players, but it is not as comprehesive the karmic one:20:47
charlie-tcareport it using      ubuntu-bug xubuntu-artwork         in a terminal20:48
OlbiLOL, these both are really same :P20:51
OlbiI think ppl need support for players, like iPod, MP3, MP4, iRivers etc20:52
Olbimaybe Banshee?20:52
Olbiand I think we need change in next Xubuntu default notepadd from leafpad to gedit with gedit-plugins20:53
ubottuUbuntu bug 850376 in xubuntu-artwork (Ubuntu) "Pidgin Notification Area icon does not indicate arrival of new messages" [Undecided,New]20:53
raevolbanshee is pretty dependency heavy, of course it's also very nice, it's what i was using before i found beatbox20:54
OlbiMousepad and Leafpad are like children instead of gEdit which is mature :)20:54
charlie-tcagedit has a lot of dependencies from gnome. Also, leafpad is a simple editor, which doesn't require the whole desktop.20:54
Olbishame :(20:54
charlie-tcaWe also have abiword if you prefer more capability20:54
Olbibut is powerfull :)20:54
Olbiin abiword i cant programming simple scripts :P20:54
charlie-tcabanshee is too resource intensive for us20:55
Unit193!info scite20:55
ubottuscite (source: scite): Lightweight GTK-based Programming Editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.03-1 (natty), package size 950 kB, installed size 2376 kB20:55
charlie-tcaIf you look at the comparisons, you will see we chose the lightest resource use with the best all around ability20:55
charlie-tcaRecommendation:  geany for editing20:55
charlie-tcadependent on GTK, instead of GNOME, works well, has lots of options20:56
Unit193Leafpad is the best for default thoughg20:56
charlie-tcaI will try scite if you think it is at least comparable to gedit/geany20:57
charlie-tcaOlbi: why can you not do simple scripts in abiword? you can "save as" text with it.20:57
Olbii like highlighting :)20:58
charlie-tcaalthough I do use leafpad for that instead20:58
Olbiand gedit plugins rocks :D20:58
Olbilike embedded terminal :)20:58
raevoli think the default text editor should be very simple to use, it's not intended for development, it's intended for joe shmoe user to look in text files20:58
raevolif you're a developer you know how to install your own editor :P20:59
charlie-tcabut gedit it tied pretty heavy to lots of gnome stuff20:59
charlie-tcaOlbi: geany has a terminal too20:59
Olbiok, so all done, gedit is too heavy  :D20:59
Olbibut what now with musicplayer?21:00
Olbigmusicbrowser is good but not best :)21:00
raevolgmusicplayer is probably the best of players that are light enough for xubuntu21:00
Olbihasnt good support for players and pods, and streaming21:00
charlie-tcaWe are open to comparisons of musicplayers.21:01
charlie-tcaIf you find one that works well, and is still lightweight, we will look at it21:01
charlie-tcascite and geany seem to have about the same depends21:01
Olbibut is as I read on site comparison is easier for gui creation :]21:01
Olbiand more backends support21:02
Unit193I don't know what to say about scite as it isn't as good as Notepad++ but it's as close as you can get :/21:02
OlbiI think, gmusicborwser should have tabs in music window21:02
Olbiit is very usefull21:03
charlie-tcathe gmusicbrowser developers are pretty open to suggestions and helping get the application to work for users.21:03
raevoli just want winamp on linux :(21:14
raevolwinamp was perfect21:14
OlbiAIMP3 is much more better :D21:19
raevoli like winamp because of the interface, specifically the media library interface21:20
raevolwhat does the aimp3 library look like?21:20
OlbiGmusicbrowser is written in Perl, isnt it too complicated?:P21:20
charlie-tcaWe don't modify, we just use21:22
Olbistrange irc channel #gmusicbrowser isnt on freenode21:22
Olbicant join21:22
Olbiwhy there isn't alternate ISOs?21:24
charlie-tcaThere are today21:24
Olbibad adress :P21:24
Olbimy fault21:24
charlie-tcabut, they are broken, too21:25
charlie-tcaThey won't really install today21:25
Olbii will check it :)21:25
Olbithat's why is 20110914.121:25
raevolso, i am seeing this "sound menu" integration on a few things now21:40
raevolbut when i installed that on xubuntu, it removed my menus from my windows21:41
raevolanyone know how to use the sound menu without it removing your menus?21:41
charlie-tcausually install xfce4-indicator instead of unity21:45
mr_pouitremove appmenu-gtk21:46
raevoli see, yea i think i was having that issue on my desktop, seems to work fine on my netbook, i'll check what i did to my desktop to mess it up when i get home21:48
raevolthe indicator plugin seems to be a different color from my panel though21:49
raevolon might be because my panel has transparency21:49
raevolhmm yea xfce4-indicator doesn't theme based on the panel, it themes based on the system scheme21:49
raevolthat's probably asking too much though haha21:50
raevoloh hey the indicator applet shows pidgin messages... i guess i can take the pidgin notification area icon away21:52
raevolthis is what i get for customizing my desktop too much21:52
raevolnow i just need my power icon to fit the theme...21:55
OlbiI try to talk with polish transaltors for Xubuntu nad send mail to one of them, but didnt recaive any answer yet :(22:29
Olbiand media player should be mplayer with some gui like smplayer or VLC cause of VDPAU and VA-API support22:33
Olbitoday most ppl like high resolution video and it helps on olders computers :)22:33
raevolwrong window -_-22:39
raevolhmm, what's necessary to get my battery to show up in the indicator menu in xfce?23:26
charlie-tcaadd battery indicator to the panel?23:33
charlie-tcaor at least add xfce4-battery-plugin to your system23:34
raevolyea, but i want the indicator-menu appearance to the icon23:35
raevoltrying to make everything look nice23:35
raevolhmm, if i make my notification area 23 pixels it shows nicely23:43
raevolbut any bigger and it changes the icon23:43
raevolthat seems a little silly23:43
charlie-tcaYes, but smaller icons have less detail23:43
charlie-tcaso it does make sense23:44
raevolwell the smaller one is monochrome and the same style as the indicator menu23:44
raevolthe larger one is colored and a completely different style23:44
raevoli know this is super nitpicky...23:45
raevoli probably need to contact the people who make xfce-power-manager and see what it would take to make an appindicator for it23:45
raevolwhich they will probably be less than thrilled out23:45
charlie-tcaheh, yeah23:45
charlie-tcabut worth asking, I suppose23:45

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