
charlie-tcabut it might be in ~/.config or ~/.ristretto instead00:00
NOLOGit's neither in ~/.cache nor in ~/.config and there's no ~/.ristretto :(00:04
NOLOGhowever there's a subfolder called .ristretto, but it doesn't contain the uris00:06
NOLOGi'm on xfce if that helps00:09
NOLOGquick search for "recent" doesn't help either00:18
NOLOGthis is ugly00:18
NOLOGit must be stored somewhere, but it's nowhere00:19
NOLOGand the full-text search doesn't work too00:19
well_laid_lawnNOLOG: I can't find it either00:31
NOLOGsolved, it was in ~/.local/share00:31
NOLOGrecently_used.xbel iirc00:31
NOLOGgood night everyone00:32
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osiriswhat is the recomended sound system for xfce4. pulseaudio seems to be generating a lot of cpu activity06:30
osirissoundblaster card.  ubuntu 10.0406:30
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
kokoshmusunI'm switching from gnome.  I'm used to gnome apps.  If I install gnome apps on xubuntu, does it mean they install the gnome libs, and does that mean that my xubuntu is more bloated and less efficient/speedy?06:47
Myrttidepends on the apps06:47
kokoshmusunhow can I figure out which apps will install gnome libs?  And is it a matter of degree or is it all-or-none?  That is, e.g., some apps install a few gnome libs and other apps install a lot of gnome libs?06:48
Myrttimatter of degree06:49
kokoshmusunhow to set up edge-bindings (e.g., move mouse to top right, show desktop:  top left, zoomed out app windows)07:23
kokoshmusunedge bindings can't be set up in xfce.  ok!07:39
Wizzirgood morning08:43
laoenhi! Installed oneiric beta. Nearly there, looks nice, but needs some help?08:54
=== Guest77802 is now known as epzil0n
Sysilaoen: oneiric support at #ubuntu+1 but you might get ansver to generic enough question here too09:40
laoenThanks. Have a nice install on asus n55s laptop. Problem is restart gives black screen. Must restart in recovery mode and login. Then sudo start lightdm. Then all ok.  Any ideas?09:49
knomelaoen, sounds like a question for #ubuntu+110:13
laoenhave asked there now. No replies yet. Thanks!10:14
Vegarare there any instructions/guides for switching from ubuntu to xubuntu without reinstalling?10:29
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »10:30
well_laid_lawn!info xubuntu-desktop10:31
ubottuxubuntu-desktop (source: xubuntu-meta): Xubuntu desktop system. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.128 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 48 kB10:31
Vegarah, nice, thanks10:32
VegarI've only installed the xubuntu-desktop package, but I'm pestered by some annoying bugs10:32
Vegarmost notably a broken ssh-agent10:32
well_laid_lawnVegar: is it running?10:36
Vegarboth ssh-agent and gnome's keyring thingy is running10:37
Vegarthe problem is that ssh-agent overwrites an environment variable created by gnome-keyring-daemon10:37
well_laid_lawnso ssh-agent needs stopping or reconfiguring?10:39
Vegarssh-agents needs to not be started10:39
Vegarthe ssh-agent needs to not be started10:40
Vegarsomething in xfce starts the ssh-agent10:41
well_laid_lawnit starts with a new user session from what I can find out10:44
well_laid_lawnthere's a few ppl on the forums asking this Vegar10:51
well_laid_lawnVegar: do you have the .pub key in .ssh ?10:59
Vegarit works very well when I use gnome11:00
Vegarhowever, when I log in to xfce, ssh-agent overwrites the SSH_AUTH_SOCK environment variable that is set by gnome-keyring-daemon, which breaks things11:01
well_laid_lawnapparently ssh-agent is part of the gdm scripts that get run at login11:06
Vegarhmm.. interesting11:10
Vegarperhaps that is where it has to be disabled11:10
Vegarthanks for the tip, well_laid_lawn11:10
Vegarso both xfce _and_ gdm tries to start ssh-agent11:12
Vegarand ssh-agent is in the openssh-client package11:13
Vegarthere's some really poor design going on here11:13
VegarI found the bug11:37
VegarSep 12 18:46:55 vegar-laptop gnome-keyring-daemon[1612]: couldn't set environment variable in session: The name org.gnome.SessionManager was not provided by any .service files11:38
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kokoshmusunhow to move mac files to ubuntu, complete system12:42
xubuntu126como le hago para que xubuntu muestre de nuevo el gestor de ventanas?12:55
Fenixdeuxach.. Sie haben linky in hier. #wikipedia-en habst ein policy "keine sprächende botter"14:42
Fenixdeuxwarum nicht ich frage14:43
Fenixdeuxoops.. wrong channel14:43
Daniel_PaimHello World15:44
Daniel_PaimCan you make for me a customized xubuntu linux version like mangaka linux?15:45
Daniel_PaimMy processos is a atom but atom sux for ubuntu live cd15:45
charlie-tcaDaniel_Paim: Have you tried the Xubuntu cd?15:46
charlie-tcaUnless you are using an ARM system, it should work15:47
Daniel_Paimcharlie-tca: Xubuntu pc dont are complete like super os or mangaka linux15:48
Daniel_Paimmangaka linux and super os are ubuntu based15:48
charlie-tcaI am not familiar with either one of those.15:49
charlie-tcaXubuntu is an official build based on Ubuntu, those probably have things in them that we can not do15:49
Sysiyou mean you want restricted-extras installed on livecd? that's illegal, they would be there otherly15:50
Daniel_PaimSysi: why super os or mangaka linux haves it?15:50
Daniel_PaimIn my country codecas arent illegal15:50
Sysithey don't care about licensing15:50
Daniel_PaimIn live in brazil15:50
Daniel_Paimekaaty uses codecs by default15:51
Sysithere are some distributions like that with xfce too, check mint15:51
Daniel_PaimSysi:  thanks15:51
Daniel_PaimSysi: why mint are illegal?15:51
Sysiit technically isn't legal15:52
Daniel_PaimSysi: why?15:52
Sysithough I guess licensing stuf isn't really directly illegal15:52
charlie-tcaDaniel_Paim: images we produce must be legal in every country, not just some of the countries15:52
Daniel_Paimcharlie-tca: Can you manke images in another country of me?15:53
charlie-tcaYou can images for your country.15:53
charlie-tcaXubuntu can not produce specialized country images15:53
Sysidoesn't brazil require special version of openoffice because of licenses/trademarks/something15:53
Daniel_Paimcharlie-tca:  which country have all codecs by default?15:53
Daniel_Paimi will go live15:54
Sysibecause installing that one package is so hard?15:54
Daniel_PaimI dont like install linux. I use only in live dvd15:55
Daniel_PaimSysi:  I am a windows use. I use linux only in live dvd or live cd15:55
charlie-tcaThen you should make a live cd just for your own use15:55
Daniel_Paimcharlie-tca: hey you're boring. Could I do this favor. you will not be arrested for it.15:57
charlie-tcaThis discussion is over. Please do not discuss it further.15:57
Daniel_Paimcharlie-tca:  =P15:57
Sysiatom is too slow when you run from cd, right16:00
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zushello, where would i go to learn how to create xfce gui?17:17
charlie-tcazus: probably #xfce-devel ?17:20
zuscharlie-tca:  thanks.17:23
zusis there a release date for xubuntu 11.10 yet?17:35
charlie-tcaOctober 13, according to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule17:35
Wizardgood evening17:46
aversionBonsoir :-)20:03
aversionj'ai une petite question si quelqu'un peux m'aider20:04
moetunesaversion:  there's a french channel20:05
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en français, veuillez taper /join #ubuntu-fr ou /join #ubuntu-qc. Merci.20:07
Unit193He's already gone...20:07
* Pici should know better ;)20:07
B4ckBOneim trying to compile kaffeine, but it fails due to some xine check. Can sb help me out?20:59
TheSheepB4ckBOne: why are you compiling it? just use the one from repository21:04
B4ckBOneTheSheep: im compiling it against yavdr's libxine-dev with vdpau capabilities. to be able to see hd tv on my living room tv21:05
B4ckBOneTheSheep: cmake runs  /usr/share/kde4/apps/cmake/modules/FindXine.cmake which checks for a version greater than 1.1.021:07
B4ckBOnemy version number is: 1.2.0~hg20110831.1320-0yavdr0~natty21:07
B4ckBOnethats from the yavdr ppa, which somehow breaks the check routine21:08
TheSheeprun 'sudo apt-get build-dep kaffeine' -- that should install all the needed dependencies21:08
B4ckBOneTheSheep: ok thanks, did that. It installed: pkg-kde-tools python-scour, the ran "cmake " again, but it broke at the exact same spot21:10
TheSheepthen you either fix the version number, fix the checking script or report a bug in that ppa21:12
B4ckBOneTheSheep: the easiest way would be to fix the checking script, i think21:12
TheSheepyou can event edit it to always think you have the right version21:13
B4ckBOneTheSheep: http://pastie.org/2533947 thats the script. What would you change?21:15
TheSheepwhat does your 'xine-config' return?21:15
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TheSheepxine-config --version21:16
TheSheepyou see that commented out "if (true)" in line 31?21:16
TheSheepcomment out the line 30 and uncomment 3121:17
B4ckBOneTheSheep: yes that was my try to fix it .. but  it did not21:17
B4ckBOneTheSheep: it broke the whole check :-D21:17
TheSheepwell, comment out line 30 and 34 ten21:17
B4ckBOneok ill try now21:18
TheSheep(and 31 too, of course)21:18
* TheSheep hates m4 and autotools21:18
B4ckBOneTheSheep: another error occours CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:25 (add_subdirectory):21:19
corvusHey, all. Relative newcomer to Linux here. I plan on installing an older GeForce MX400 in my older desktop in a couple of days. Does Xubuntu autodetect?21:23
charlie-tcaI use MX4000 in my machines, it works quite well with the default drivers, but has no 3d21:26
corvusIs that the 64 mb agp version?21:26
charlie-tcaI have one PCI model, which is dual vga output, and one agp model21:28
corvusDid Xubuntu autodetect it?21:29
charlie-tcabut I don't have the hardware drivers for it in Oneiric21:30
corvusHow are you liking Oneiric so far? Many differences between it and Natty?21:37
charlie-tcaNot many differences for us, no21:37
charlie-tcaI think it boots much faster, though21:37
corvusAh. Cool.21:38
charlie-tcaand it has a prettier plymouth splash screen21:38
corvusNice. Any idea when it's due for launch?21:39
charlie-tcaOctober 1321:44
=== Evixion` is now known as Evixion
charlie-tca!hi | Ciervo23:40
ubottuCiervo: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:40
Ciervojust wondering, how do I know the wireless drivers I'm using?23:41
CiervoI had some problems recently, like it is still connected to the access point but no internet connection23:41
Ciervo(just had to reconnect to get it working again)23:42
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs23:42
Ciervoand now, I've removed the closed broadcom drivers but wireless still working (rare?) and with the same behaviour23:42
Ciervoso I'd like to remove whatever drivers are installed23:43
charlie-tcaWell, normally all the drivers are supplied by the kernel, and they are built in. If you installed a driver, when removing it, you have to restart to make the change take effect.23:45
Ciervoyes, I did23:46
Ciervothe thing is, it has to be the default drivers23:47
Ciervobecause on -sigh- Windows it works OK23:47
Ciervoand now with an USB wifi works OK too23:47

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