
thumpernot for the first time have I gone bzr add in an ignored directory00:30
thumperand it added a whole pile of intermediate files00:30
thumpercan I revert this easily?00:30
thumperpoolie: ? ^^00:34
thumperfound it00:34
thumperbzr remove build00:34
thumperthat backs out my problems00:35
pooliehi thumper00:44
pooliebzr rm --keep00:44
thumperpoolie: I hadn't committed the add00:54
thumperwill bzr rm --keep remove all added files? new ones?00:54
poolieit will remove whatever you ask it to00:55
poolie'bzr -0 added|xargs -0 bzr rm --keep' will likely do the exact right thing00:56
spiv(IIRC, strictly speaking --keep is unnecessary for files listed in 'bzr added': it defaults to never deleting files you might not have another copy of.  --keep is probably a good habit though!)01:06
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mwhudsonjelmer: hello03:47
jimisHi, I'm working on a local checkout of a --no-trees branch of big project. But now my version is pretty old. What's the proper way to update to latest revisions from remote repo?04:01
lifelessif its a checkout, bzr update04:02
lifelessif the branch is actually just a regular clone and the checkout is because you're using switch locally, then bz rpull04:02
lifelessI would guess bzr pull is what you want04:02
jimisthanks lifeless, I've already done bzr pull and it updated my unmodified trunk branch04:03
jimisbut should I use merge to also update some feature branches that have diverged from trunk?04:03
lifelessperhaps you mean 'I have a branch that I'm working in,m how do I incorporate changes made in trunk?'04:03
lifelessif so, then 'bzr merge + bzr commit'.04:04
jimisthen the merge will show as a separate commit, *after* my local changes?04:04
jimislifeless: indeed "bzr merge" created some conflicts, as expected04:05
jimisbzr status also says: pending merge tips:...04:06
jimisso I suppose the commit will be handled specially and won't show in history?04:06
lifelessno, it will, this is normal.04:06
lifelessafter all your code changes in it :)04:06
jimisok to show *my* commits, but not the upstream commits as newer than mine :-p04:07
jimisanyway I'll do it and see04:08
lifelessthe upstream commits won't show unless you supply -n004:08
lifelessthe *merge* of upstream will show.04:08
jimisand while editing out the conflicts, how can I view the original version of trunk or my own tree? I'm asking since this is a no-trees branch, so I can't just find them in the filesystem04:33
lifeless.BASE and .OTHER files04:34
lifelessin your tree04:34
jimisThey always confuse them... So .BASE is my feature branch, .OTHER is the trunk I'm merging from, and .THIS is what?04:36
lifeless.BASE is the common ancestor04:39
lifeless.THIS is your feature branch04:39
jimisyeah I just noticed that .THIS had my changes :-)04:39
jimisthanks, I now understand04:40
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jimisHow can I do a checkout from a server where I only have ssh access? For example if the branch directory is "host:stuff/project"06:08
jimisIf the server has commandline bzr, I can use bzr+ssh protocol?06:08
pooliejimis, bzr branch bzr+ssh://host/~/stuff/project06:08
jimisbzr: ERROR: Connection closed: Unexpected end of message. Please check connectivity and permissions, and report a bug if problems persist.06:11
pooliethere's probably another error higher up06:11
jimisI'm checking client/server logs, but can't see anything useful06:11
jimisserver logs almost nothing, client logs unexpected end of message06:12
jimispoolie: no other error, even though I run bzr co -v06:12
pooliehow about 'ssh -v host bzr serve --inet'06:13
jimisI'll update the server-side bzr first, just to be sure... it's running beta-506:13
jimispoolie: I should run bzr serve on the server? Is it necessary, or just for logging purposes?06:14
jimispoolie: never mind I think I got it06:19
vilahi all !06:19
jimispoolie: even if bzr is on my path, it probably doesn't find the executable06:20
jimismaybe it doesn't source my .bash_profile06:20
spivNo, SSH doesn't.06:22
spiv(Not when running a command rather than making an interactive shell)06:23
spivYou can explicitly set a config value like bzr_ssh_remote_path in your client to workaround that06:24
spiv(A good place would be in your ~/.bazaar/locations.conf in a section for just that host)06:24
vilabradm: any news on that import issue ?06:25
vilaspiv: _o/06:26
jimisspiv: It would be useful if it run bzr in a subshell, I have used BZR_REMOTE_PATH to find the executable, but now I get an error about missing bzrlib06:27
jimisit's probably the same for my PYTHONPATH06:27
pooliei think you can set this in some kind of ssh configuration06:27
jimisI'll check, thanks06:28
jimiscan't find relevant ssh option06:30
jimisIs there a way to set REMOTE_PYTHONPATH for bzr too?06:31
jimishmmm or I could just use sftp and get over with it :-)06:31
pooliesee SendEnv06:32
pooliein ssh_config06:32
lifelessjimis: or you can run from the source tree, where bzr will find its library06:32
lifelessjimis: or you can put the PYTHONPATH setting in your .bashrc06:32
jimislifeless: bashrc? But the problem is ssh doesn't execute bzr under a shell06:33
bradmvila: nope, got overrun with other work :(  I had a quick chat to lamont tho, he knows another buildd is having the issues06:34
vilabradm: k06:34
spivOr you can use a separate SSH key and set the remote's authorized_keys for that key to run a script like bzr_ssh_path_limiter or bzr_access06:34
jimisI've done a local install in my ~ since I have no admin privileges, hence all the trouble06:34
fullermdThat's not really true...  ssh always calls your shell.06:35
fullermdbash just loads (or doesn't load) various files depending on whether it's being started as an interactive shell or not.06:36
jimisallright, will check SendEnv first, although I think it won't do, because I'll have to change local environment too06:36
vilajimis: I did the same in an old setup with bzrssh being a wrapper calling "python /Users/vila/bin/bzr $*"06:36
jimisfullermd: from ssh manual: "If command is specified, it is executed on the remote host instead of a login shell."06:36
spivjimis: that doesn't actually contradict fullermd :)06:37
jimisthanks vila, that will solve it for sure. And within the wrapper I'll be able to set PYTHONPATH too.06:38
spivIt could just mean running "$SHELL -c cmd..." vs "$SHELL -l"06:38
vilawell, the bzr script manage to have its associated bzrlib accessible via sys.path IIRC06:38
lifelessjimis: it does actually06:39
lifelessjimis: it just does not execute bash_profile06:39
lifelessbecause it doesn't create a login shell06:39
vilajimis: you also need a dedicated section in locations.conf to set bzr_remote_path = /Users/vila/bin/bzrssh06:40
fullermdYou can easily demonstrate it by setting your shell to e.g. /usr/bin/false and trying to ssh $SERVER $CMD.06:40
fullermd(don't close your existing session before trying though   :p)06:40
* lifeless would put it in .bashrc - simplest.06:41
lifelessits *why* there are two two distinct files06:41
vila.bashrc is still executed IIRC but not the profile nor the login one, 'ssh host echo $PATH' should help you debug these06:41
vilajimis: bah, quoting $PATH to avoid local expansion of course06:43
jimisyeap, you are right, "ssh host env" shows that the SHELL variable is set to /bin/bash, makes sense now that I see it :-p06:45
jammorning all06:51
jammwhudson: I just remembered that bzr+ssh://user:pass@host may not do what you want. I think if the ssh implementation is Openssh then we can't pass it a password. So you'll also need to set BZR_SSH=paramiko06:51
jimiswow, bzr has advanced a lot speedwise... lightweight checkout via *sftp* finished in 2 min, I didn't expect that :-)06:53
jimisI'm curious now to try the smart protocol :-)06:55
jimisthat was for the gcc project, so 2 min is a short time, I should have mentioned that :-)07:00
spivHopefully jam can finish the 'bzr branch --stacked' from HPSS patch soon, which I think would be nice for working on gcc.07:03
jamhey spiv, good to see you around again07:04
spivI'm only slightly around :)07:05
jamspiv: better than not around at all07:06
poolievila, hi?08:26
vilapoolie: hey08:27
vilapoolie: RT #47638 has been escalated to CharlieS but I couldn't get in touch with him (bad TZ overlap), can you see to it ?08:28
vilapoolie: the reason for escalation is worries about impacts on the rest of the system08:29
pooliehi there08:29
poolievila, i hope to get around to making it report success, some time09:05
poolieaside from being useful it would show a much better attitude09:05
jampoolie: make what report success?09:08
poolieat the moment they can only be noticed in the web page by their absence09:09
jampoolie: ah right. Also, being able to open the page for the package and have it say "last successfully imported" rather than having the page just disappear would be nice.09:10
jamI was thinking about bug #795025. It looks pretty easy to do now that I have the timeout stuff working.09:11
ubot5Launchpad bug 795025 in Bazaar "no way to gracefully disconnect clients and shut down the bzr server" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/79502509:11
jambasically, just adding a trigger (something like SIGHUP) that will set self.finished09:11
jamand then check that right after the timeout logic.09:11
jamso SIGHUP should trigger EINTR for select.select(), which can then say "oh, you want me to stop now"09:12
jamAnd if they are in the middle of processing, it will be set and detected once the current command ends.09:12
jamAnyone have a preference for what the signal should be?09:12
pooliejam, that's awesome, i'm otp with vila atm09:22
jampoolie: sounds good. I changed my mind to SIGTERM, but thanks for the feedback.09:22
jammgz: question about test case logging. I believe you last said you didn't like test cases uses self.get_log() does that still hold true?09:29
ccxCZhi guys, I've recently ran into project that uses lot of patch magic in the workflow. How would you sanitize this? http://list.linux-vserver.org/archive?mss:5375:201109:dnnehlgageenpcekjlmh I have no experience with the loom plugin but I think it's the appropriate tool.09:40
poolielifeless, still here? can you help him?09:44
jelmervila: hi?09:45
vilajelmer: otp with poolie09:45
jamccxCZ: it does sound like looms would be appropriate10:00
jamtop level '0' would be to have the base of your loom be upstream vanilla kernel10:00
jam'unpacking' becomes switching to it, and pulling the latest10:00
jam1. => becomes 'bzr up-thread' which should apply the changes in that thread merging the upstream vanilla updates.10:01
jamAt that point, you'll probably have some conflicts to resolve, which aren't mentioned in the workflow10:01
jamAfter 'bzr commit' then to generate a new diff you would do "bzr diff -rthread:" (IIRC)10:02
jamthat would be 1.110:02
jam2. becomes 'bzr up-thread' again, where the next thread has the grsec changes10:02
jamagain, generating a diff is "bzr diff -r thread:" after you've resolved any issues10:02
ccxCZthanks a lot, I'm bit baffled by loom's terminology10:02
jamif you need to consult history, "bzr log/qlog" should be useful10:02
jam4. => bzr up-thread to Rik Bobbaers10:03
jam5. compute the full diff => bzr diff -r thread:upstream10:03
jamand bzr diff -r thread:vserver I think10:03
jamfor 5.110:03
ccxCZmanually resolving all conflicts again and again seemed silly to me10:04
lifelesspoolie: who, ?10:04
poolieccxCZ, but i think jam got it10:06
mgzjam: what get_log does has changed completely now10:07
jamccxCZ: you may still encounter bits of that, but it should at least be better.10:07
jammgz: sure ,but if I wanted to add a test that confirms something is being logged, would you go "ew" or would it be ok?10:08
mgzI think the obvious way of doing it would be fine.10:08
jamvila: let me know when you're done with the phone stuff. I had a thought about config that would at least make *me* happier about how it interacts with testing.10:08
ccxCZthe vserver thread is currently provided as discrete patches to specific kernel releases. any idea how to convert that to contiguous loom thread?10:12
mgzhm, bug 850004 is network share related, not sure where to go from there10:18
ubot5Launchpad bug 850004 in Bazaar "NoSuchFile on .bzr/repository/pack-names after committing in bzr explorer" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85000410:18
jamccxCZ: start at upstream with the oldest vanilla that the oldest vserver thread applies to10:21
jamcreate upstream10:21
jamcreate vserver thread10:21
jamapply first patch10:22
jamswitch down to upstream10:22
jamupdate to 'version for next vserver thread'10:22
jambzr up-thread10:22
jambzr revert -r thread:; apply the next patch; bzr commit10:22
jamso the global loop is10:22
jambzr down-thread; bzr pull -r NEXT_VSERVER_VANILLA_BASE; bzr up-thread; bzr revert -r thread:; patch ...; bzr commit10:23
ccxCZneat, I guess I'll try to buildbotize most of the process10:25
jamccxCZ: You'll also want to "bzr record" somewhere in there. It can be considered "bzr commit" to record the current tip of each thread. You need to do it before you 'bzr push' the loom somewhere else.10:27
jam(bzr commit snapshots the state of the current working tree, 'bzr record' snapshots the state of the threads)10:27
ccxCZmakes sense10:28
vilajam: shoot !10:30
vilajam: I tried your branch on natty => hangs, with --parallel => hang, on OSX (to have the *other* socket implementation ;) => hang10:31
vilajelmer: about bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/udd/+bug/83678210:33
ubot5Ubuntu bug 836782 in Ubuntu Distributed Development "bzr-builddeb requires dpkg-dev >= 1.15.7" [High,In progress]10:33
vilawell jelmer, maxb, jam, poolie, Riddell, whoever is involved with monitoring the package importer10:33
vilapoolie put a recent dpkg-mergchangelogs in the scripts/ directory and I've enable the merge hook again in builddeb,10:34
vilaso far, many imports have succeeded so I'm reasonably confident it works10:34
vilabut if you see weird changelogs issues, please tell me10:35
* jelmer nods10:35
vilamaxb: hi :)10:36
ccxCZI wonder how long will branching linux kernel take :]10:38
blackarchonmgz: I'm here if you need further data regarding 85000410:40
mgzyour last post was really helpful, but I'm not sure how to debug the issue10:42
blackarchonmaybe a tool like 'Process monitor' from sysinternals may help, because it is able to show all activities of a process (bzr.exe)10:45
lifelessmgz: perhaps a crufty server10:48
lifelessblackarchon: we had a case once where a windows cluster server filesystem took several *seconds* to show in reads the impact of writes *from the same client*.10:48
lifelessmgz: ^10:48
mgzow. there's not much that can be done to mitigate that kind of thing.10:50
blackarchonok, how can I verify that this is really the reason?11:01
jamvila: the test suite as a whole hangs, or something specific hangs? I would guess something like run_bzr_subprocess is waiting the 5-min for default timeout, and we aren't cleaning up our connections properly on the client side to tell it that no, you can hang up now.11:04
vilain one case *all* 8 parallel processes hung11:04
jamas for the config stuff... indirecting through files that have to be read for every test case seems particularly bad. Would there be a way to inject an in-memory-already-decoded Config object for the test suite?11:05
jamvila: that just depends on how the tests get farmed out. But if you know what test is hanging, i'm happy to investigate.11:05
mgzblackarchon: that might be tricky, but a workaround for problems with network filesystems is to use some other protocol to access that box11:05
vilajam: see my comments on review11:05
jamvila: the commented out ignored_exceptions was just a bogus debugging thing11:06
vilajam: that's premature optimization :) But yes, that would be trivial once the stores are shared.11:06
jamI certainly didn't plan on including it11:06
jamvila: current experience shows that adding a config for every test case slows it down significantly, thus not really premature11:06
vilajam: all TestCaseWithTransport *have* to check for bazaar.conf and locations.conf *today*11:08
lifelessblackarchon: it may not be; I was noting that its a problem we've seen before, and something that ruling out would be good11:08
jamvila: but we leave them empty, and thus don't have anything to do11:09
lifelessblackarchon: manual testing with a little dedicated python script might be a good way to rule it out, for instance.11:09
vilawhy would that change ?11:09
jamvila: For example, the default timeout for client is ridiculous during the test suite, this is one case where production values are very different from test suite values11:09
jamI'd like to avoid overrideAttr hacks11:10
jamin production, the value will always be propagated from above (ultimately read in a config)11:10
jamI don't really want that overhead in every test case.11:10
jamYou *could* do that for specific test cases where you know you'll be exercising the code, but then a bad test ends up taking 5min to timeout11:10
vilathere are at least 3 ways to address that:11:12
vila1) chose a default value appropriate for tests and be explicit for production,11:12
vila2) support command-line overrides for selftest (i.e. provide a value for the option so the config files are not queried at all) (not supported yet)11:13
vila3) inject config stores in each test (not supported yet)11:13
vila2 and 3 have no associated bugs AFAIK11:13
jamvila: btw, consider the changes to test_server.py to be experimental and reverted (I just committed the reversion)11:14
jamI was trying to debug the never timing out thing11:14
jamRight now, I'm trying to work out the config stuff, while I was waiting for feedback on the rest.11:15
jamI'm currently on Windows to fix up things on that side, but hopefully I'll get back to natty soon to work out if something is breaking.11:16
jamvila: as for "trace.note()" we *already* print unhandled exceptions to stderr11:16
jamI'm actually *reducing* the amount of stuff that goes out that way11:16
jambut I didn't want to reduce it to 0.11:16
jamvila: I'm actually only encountering weird things in the select.select() because of how we implemented SmartTCPServer_for_testing having it close its own sockets, etc. If we just closed the clients, it would have been happy without whack-a-mole.11:18
jamwhich again means that testing is very little like production for this stuff11:18
jamvila: I do apologize for the noise on test_server.py, I didn't intend for that part to get reviewed.11:19
vilajam: I just mentioned the smart server comment, its scope is unclear to me so your usage is too11:19
vilahey, no problem with that, I mentioned the hangs as in this area I found it excessively frustrating to see success while testing only to have to start again while broadening the tests11:20
vilaIt occurred a lot and while I was fiddling with one part I didn't realize the implications (and windows was yet another different beast), so I thought it was better to warn you early11:21
vilajam: but overall (and related to moles), I think your initial idea is worth trying harder (a simple select) adding more stuff around that sounds like working around timing issues, and down this path ... madness because you will never be sure you nail it down correctly or by luck11:27
jamvila: yeah, thanks for the heads up. Can you try again with rev 615211:28
jamvila: I'll probably poke again. It took a while to figure out what was actually going on. And the fact that we suppress errors at various levels meant that I wasn't *seeing* EBADF propelry.11:29
jamit would timeout, but then actually go to read, and I didn't know whether the read11:29
jamwas then returning ''11:29
jamindicating the client was closed11:29
vilayup, nigtmares that11:29
jamwhen it was actually raising EBADF11:29
jamwhich osutils.read_from_socket suppresses11:29
viladid you read the select man page ?11:29
jamand turns into ''11:29
jamvila: I have, I didn't see anything about closing the descriptors after select has started.11:30
vilathey mention a race and a weird behaviour you may be interested in11:30
vila12 failures so far, but nohang11:30
vilaAttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'config' :-}11:31
jamvila: the race I see here: http://linux.die.net/man/2/select11:31
jamis talking about SIGNALs11:31
vilaThere may be other circumstances in which a file descriptor is spuriously reported as ready.11:32
jamvila: can you give a quick traceback?11:33
jamsounds like "from bzrlib import config" is failing11:33
vilait's in lazt_import11:33
jamvila: yeah, because we spawn a subprocess, and I'm using config.option_registry.get('serve.client_timeout').default11:33
jamto avoid repeating the default timeout11:33
jamwhich is some of the... how can we do this in a way that doesn't make me cry11:34
vilastart by using default values suitable for tests (funnily enough I *just* encounter the exact same issue (but I don't have a config there ;))11:34
jamvila: that specific failure is just a bug11:34
jami accidentaly did a lazy import from "bzrlib.transport import (config)" rather than "from bzrlib import (config)"11:35
jamvila: I *really* don't prefer to write test code in production code.11:35
jamso writing test-applicable values is ~ the same thing.11:35
jamI can do it if we must.11:36
jamAnyway, I'm almost at the point that the timeout gets propagated appropriately11:36
jamwhich might let me set the timeout in SmartTCPServer_for_testing11:36
jamwhich would be appropriate *testing* code.11:36
vilatest code in production is no-go, I was proposing a temp work around11:38
jamvila: interesting thing, there is no 'config.float_from_store' vs "int_from_store"11:41
vilaplease file a bug ;)11:43
jamvila: I'm likely to just implement it for this test case11:48
vilastop listening to me, you're trying too hard ;)11:49
jamvila: are there any direct tests of SmartTCPServer_for_testing ?11:52
vilagee, can't say off hand11:52
jamthere are a lot of things that use it11:52
jambut I don't see a "TestSmartTCPServer_for_testing", etc.11:52
jamand bzrlib/tests/test_server.py doesn't have any actual test cases in it11:53
jamah, a test_test_server11:53
vilaisn't there a test_test_server ?11:53
jamyeah, but it doesn't have TestSmartTCPServer_for_testing11:54
jambut I'll add it there11:54
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vilaquizz: how long takes the package importer to queue (and process) all packages ?13:22
vilaon average that is, not from scratch13:23
vilamaxb: any issue with 2.4.1 ? I just noticed the stable PPA still propose 2.4.013:55
jamvila: https://code.launchpad.net/~jameinel/bzr/drop-idle-connections-824797/+merge/75348 is ready for re-review, I believe. There are 2 blackbox tests that I need to write on Linux, but otherwise I think I'm happy.14:05
jamrebooting now14:06
blackarchonmgz: I updated bug 85000414:31
ubot5Launchpad bug 850004 in Bazaar "NoSuchFile on .bzr/repository/pack-names after committing in bzr explorer" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85000414:31
jamvila: ok, bunch of failing blackbox tests on Linux. Looks like I didn't hook up the PipeStreamMedium correctly14:38
jamhowever, there is another bug14:38
jamwith config14:38
jamthat i'm hoping you might shed some light on14:38
jamah, nevermind14:39
jamtypo (server.* vs serve.*)14:39
vilahaving mouse trouble here and freezing 2.5b1 too14:39
viladang, not mouse, focus issues... argh, gimme my editor back !14:43
mgzblackarchon: that's great. can you also confirm that 2.4.1 *does* work if there are no umlauts involved?14:47
blackarchonmgz: I will test it!14:48
blackarchonok, the same error happens also without umlauts and 2.4.114:52
mgzthat's what I thought... still no luck doing similar things here15:09
mgzhow much more can you remove and still get the error? try using `bzr qcommit` directly, then `bzr commit`15:09
mgzI want to narrow down project where the regression happened so we can try to find the specific revision.15:10
blackarchonah, I found something interesting15:17
blackarchonif I do 'bzr init', 'bzr add .' and then 'bzr qcommit -m "First"', there is no error15:18
blackarchonbut if I use Bazaar Explorer, the errors return15:20
mgzso, that makes it look like the LockContention is caused by explorer and qcommit both trying to get access, and that error then causes the later one15:21
mgzthis could still just be a laggy network filesystem like lifeless said earlier, but something changed at least to expose the problem for you in 2.415:22
blackarchonyes, seems so15:23
jammgz, blackarchon: Note that I think in 2.4 and maybe 2.3? We started doing the right thing and locking config files before we update them.15:25
jamOtherwise there was a race in the past15:25
jamwhere 1 bzr could update X, and the other could update Y and silently discard X15:25
jamanyway, I'm off for tonight. Good luck15:26
mgzthis is on dirstate, which annoyingly I can't reproduce locally, I just get a hang15:26
throughnothingI accidentally removed a file with bzr remove, and then I added it back with bzr add, but the diff still shows the whole file being removed then re-added, how can I 'undo' the remove (I haven't committed yet)15:27
mgz`bzr revert`15:28
blackarchon'bzr revert filename' should do the trick15:28
mgzand optionally the filename15:28
throughnothingperfect, that worked15:31
Noldorinhey jelmer15:36
Noldorinjelmer, i see bzr 2.5b1 is out :-)15:36
Noldorinhow about colocated branches support in LP...up yet?15:36
jelmerNoldorin: landed, but I don't think deployed yet15:36
Noldorinjelmer, ah right. so in the next day or two i suppose15:36
Noldorinjelmer, can i subscribe to anythign to see when it's deployed?15:40
jelmerNoldorin: yeah, bug 38087115:43
ubot5Launchpad bug 380871 in Launchpad itself "support for colocated branches" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38087115:43
Noldorinjelmer, oh ok, already subscribed...thanks15:44
Noldorinjelmer, chance to work on the bzr-git issue today you think? :-)15:44
blackarchonwell I'm done for today... cya15:46
jamI'm seeing some test runner noise, has anyone else also seen this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/690112/16:21
Noldorinjelmer, well?16:35
jelmerNoldorin: nothing yet, I'll keep the bug report posted16:36
jelmerjam: I haven't see the "failed to open trace file:" warning, but the import warnings look familiar16:36
jelmerjam: I think they've been happening for a while in sid/oneiric16:36
Noldorinjelmer, sure...i like forward to it.16:36
Noldorinjelmer, will be around today again to help...but not tomorrow probably16:37
jelmerjam: importing lazr.restfulclient seems to trigger them16:37
Noldorinalso, is there a windows redistributable release for 2.5b1 ?16:37
jelmerNoldorin: see http://wiki.bazaar.canonical.com/WindowsDownloads16:42
jelmerI'm not sure if we usually provide setup files for betas16:42
jelmerlooks like we do16:43
jelmerNoldorin: see also https://launchpad.net/bzr/+download16:43
Noldorinjelmer, yeah, no luck there.... i only want the installer because i want tortoisebzr really :-S17:00
jamNoldorin:  Given that vincent hasn't announced it yet, and only created the tag about 3 hrs ago, we haven't built it yet17:03
jamthere is 2.4.1 which should have the latest tbzr17:03
Noldorinjam, oh ok, but it will be released soon-ish eh? :-)17:04
jamNoldorin: I would expect 2.5b1 to be announced tomorrrow17:05
jamand an installer built... whenever I can get around to it17:05
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Noldorinjam, ok cool...i only ask about the windows build for 2.5b1 because i want colocated branch support17:05
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Saviqhi all, any way to only commit a subset of changes? something that `git add -p` allows?17:35
LeoNerdbzr ci some file names here17:39
SaviqLeoNerd: what about per-hunk?17:40
LeoNerdAh, for that case I usually use "bzr shelve" to remove all the changes I don't want to commit17:40
LeoNerdThat way I can run unit tests etc.. on just those bits I do want to commit, so when I  bzr ci  I know I'm committing exactly what I tested17:41
Saviqfound it - https://launchpad.net/bzr-interactive17:41
Saviqbit inactive, but I'll try17:42
LeoNerdI prefer the shelve approach17:42
LeoNerdshelve is a widely-used plugin so it's well supported. And again also, the unit testing :)17:43
LeoNerdPersonally I really dislike the partial-hunk selection way of committing, because you don't really know if that partial selection even compiles, let alone actually works..17:43
Saviqwell, since you have that in separate revisions, you can easily find out17:44
LeoNerdMy usual workflow consists of *hack hack hack...* bzr shelve -m "Things that aren't done yet"; make test; bzr ci -m "Did stuff"; bzr unshelve..17:45
LeoNerdpossibly recursively.17:45
LeoNerdshelves stack, you can have multiple of them, nested17:45
LeoNerdThis way I know that every single commit definitely passes unit tests, because it was committed immediately after "make test" passed17:46
Noldorinjelmer, no rush for fixing the bzr-git bug i guess...now that i know the 2.5b1 windows installer won't be out for a few days...18:19
Noldorinjelmer, nor will the LP support for colocation...they'll all come at about the same time i guess :-)18:19
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jelmerNoldorin: any reason you're waiting for all of them to be updated?18:25
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Noldorinjelmer, i want to be able to push all my LP bzr branches to github :-)18:30
Noldorincan't do that until all 3 are updated/fixed18:30
Noldorinhey jelmer20:41
Noldorinjelmer, sorry to pester again...any progress? :-)20:51
jelmerNoldorin: I'll post to the bug once I've looked into it further20:52
Noldorinokay :-)20:52
BasicOSXsomething wrong with the bzr repo?21:14
BasicOSXbzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://bazaar.launchpad.net/%7Ebzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()21:14
BasicOSXbzr update before that ERROR message21:14
jelmerBasicOSX: you're trying to write to a repository (bzr.dev) over http21:16
BasicOSXseems strange, bzr update, just pulls from the repo right?21:16
jelmerBasicOSX: this usually happens if it's trying to take a write lock for some reason21:18
jelmerBasicOSX: what version of bzr are you using to do the update?21:18
BasicOSXBazaar (bzr) 2.5.0dev2   from bzr checkout /Users/tanner/projects/bzr.dev21:19
BasicOSX    revision: 614121:19
BasicOSX 21:19
jelmerBasicOSX: can you pastebin the output of "bzr up -Derror" ?21:19
BasicOSXall looks ok!21:20
BasicOSX$ bzr up -Derror21:20
BasicOSXTree is up to date at revision 6141 of branch http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~bzr-pqm/bzr/bzr.dev21:20
BasicOSXoh, never mind, so sorry, I did !bzr for command recall and the last bzr operation was a bzr merge :-( apologies!21:21
jelmerah :)21:22
* BasicOSX goes and hides in the corner21:22
jelmerthough we should print a saner error message..21:23
Noldorinshit. i just clobbered my branch on LP by reverting to r021:24
Noldorincan i recover it?21:24
Noldorinuncommitting to r021:24
jelmerNoldorin: just push again ?21:25
Noldorinjelmer, it's clobbered locally to21:25
Noldorinthey were bound21:25
Noldorini guess21:26
jelmeryou can run "bzr heads --dead-only" to find the previous tip21:27
jelmerthen "bzr pull -rrevid:<therevid> ." to revert back21:27
Noldorinjelmer, there are no dead heads :-S21:29
Noldorinjelmer, maybe you pulled the 0.4 branch recently and have it on your HD?21:29
Noldorini'm so fucked otherwise21:33
jelmerNoldorin: what's the lp branch?21:33
jelmerNoldorin: I see quite a few dead heads on the lp branch21:34
Noldorinjelmer, lp:ircdotnet/0.421:35
jelmerNoldorin: "bzr heads --dead-only" shows a handlful of dead heads for that branch21:35
Noldorinjelmer, it says no revisions to pull when i try to pull again21:37
jelmerNoldorin: are you specifying a particular revision>21:37
Noldorinjust want to pull afresh21:37
Noldorinso i created a new directory21:37
Noldorinand bzr init21:37
Noldorinthen bxr pull lp:ircdotnet/0.421:38
Noldorinand it tells me nothing to pull21:38
jelmerNoldorin: that won't work, because you've removed all the revisions from that branch21:38
jelmerNoldorin: you can still fetch a revision from the repository though21:38
Noldorinhow do i do that?21:38
jelmerNoldorin: run "bzr heads --dead-only lp:ircdotnet/0.4"21:38
jelmerthen find the relevant revision id21:39
Noldoringot it21:39
jelmer"bzr pull -rrevid:<revid> lp:ircdotnet/0.4"21:39
flacostehi there21:39
flacosteis it a known bug that bzr qannotate cause sXorg to take all available memory on Oneiric?21:39
jelmerhi Francis21:40
jelmerflacoste: I don't think I've heard about that one21:40
Noldorinjelmer, nothing recent there :-S21:40
flacostejelmer: yeah, bzr qlog seems to work fine21:41
jelmerflacoste: I can't reproduce the qannotate issue here (oneiric, bzr 2.4, qbzr 1.2.1), so there must be something specific that triggers it21:41
flacosteit's not qannotate so much than qdiff21:42
Noldorinthis is not fun..21:42
jelmerNoldorin: are you sure there were ever newer revisions on launchpad?21:43
flacosteas if I request a file difference in qlog, it does the same thing: Xorg goes to 2G RSS21:43
flacostein a few seconds21:43
jelmerNoldorin: uncommit doesn't remove revisions from the repository21:43
flacostejelmer: that's on the LP tree21:43
Noldorinjelmer, yes, up to r49. 100% sure21:43
flacostei'll check on a small tree to see if the same things happen21:43
Noldorinin this case it does...21:43
flacostejelmer: yes, same behavior on a small tree21:44
flacosteso must be qdiff related21:44
flacosteand might be a change in the way the QT libraries does its thing21:44
flacostei'll report a bug21:44
jelmerflacoste: thanks!21:45
jelmerfwiw, I can't reproduce that here either on a small tree21:46
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jelmerNoldorin: what does "bzr heads --dead-only" on your local repository say?21:47
flacostejelmer: i have this in the terminal:21:48
flacosteQWidget::setMinimumSize: (/DiffWindow) The largest allowed size is (16777215,16777215)21:48
Noldorinjelmer, sorry sorry, me being an idiot... i assumed dead-only heads were in chronological order :-P21:48
Noldorinjelmer, not that i want to...but is it possibly to remove dead heads?21:48
jelmerflacoste: that sounds like it might be relevant, I'm not seeing that here21:49
flacostejelmer: bug 85137921:52
ubot5Launchpad bug 851379 in qbzr (Ubuntu) "qdiff makes Xorg eats up all RAM on Oneiric" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85137921:52
flacostejelmer: yeah, i think it's creating a too big window that takes all RAM in the X server21:52
flacosteI've now lost my code archeology tool!21:52
jelmerflacoste: I'm afraid I'm not all that familiar with Qt and qbzr (other than as a user), but maybe Riddell has an idea21:53
Noldorinjelmer, ?21:58
jelmerNoldorin: in theory, yes. In practice we don't have a command that does it.22:01
Noldorinah ok sure22:01
Noldorinjelmer, it's a good safety measure anyway so that's fine ;-)22:01
Riddellflacoste: what happens if you move ~/.bazaar/qbzr.conf out the way?22:04
flacosteRiddell: same thing22:06
flacostei need to run, will follow-up with any question on the bug report22:06
Noldorinjelmer, no luck trying to create a minimal example of the bzr-git issue here22:17
Noldorinjelmer, what is the easiest way to join a series of commits into a single revision?22:29
Noldorinfor hte purpose of testing...22:29
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pooliehi all23:24
jelmerg'morning poolie, lifeless23:35
pooliehi jelmer23:35

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