[00:20] it's quiet in here tonight, where is everybody? ;) [00:22] heya chrisccoulson [00:22] hi bryce_, how are you? [00:22] chrisccoulson, good! RAOF and I are in chicago [00:22] just finished the X developer's conference today [00:22] chrisccoulson, and yourself? [00:23] yeah, i'm not too bad thanks. how was the conference? [00:24] chrisccoulson: We're around, just busy. :) [00:24] heh :) [00:25] chrisccoulson, it was good, although mostly just for being able to chat with people; the talks themselves tended to be on the esoteric side === fenris is now known as Guest90959 [01:16] robert_ancell: How can one find out what gnome-settings-daemon runs in the reduced mode? I am trying to debug why orca doesn't start in the lightdm u nity greeter. [01:17] TheMuso, http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~robert-ancell/unity-greeter/trunk/view/head:/src/settings-daemon.vala [01:19] robert_ancell: ok thanks. [01:31] Ok, the a11y-settings plugin only deals with keys. I.e if org.gnome.desktop.a11y.applications screen-reader-enabled/screen-keyboard-enabled are enabled, it enables org.gnome.desktop.interface toolkit-accessibility. I think its then up to gnome-session to actually launch the assistive technology that has ben activated. I need to dig further to be sure however. [01:42] robert_ancell: ^^ as above, I'll file a bug against unity-greeter. [01:43] ok === Guest90959 is now known as ejat [03:40] Good morning [04:14] Morning pitti. [04:15] hey TheMuso, how are you? [04:15] pitti: Seems someone is still having problems with python-pyatspi2 on upgrade from natty, bug 836798, their logs can be found at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/at-spi2-core/+bug/836798/+attachment/2399653/+files/dist-upgrade.zip. When you have a minute, mind seeing if you can see something else that I have missed? [04:15] Launchpad bug 836798 in at-spi2-core "natty to oneiric upgrade failed: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'python-pyatspi2'" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/836798 [04:15] Ubuntu bug 836798 in at-spi2-core "natty to oneiric upgrade failed: Could not perform immediate configuration on 'python-pyatspi2'" [Critical,Triaged] [04:15] pitti: Not too bad thanks, yourself? [04:15] bit tired still, but pretty ok [04:25] dist-upgrade.zip, argh [04:27] yeah I know. [04:27] TheMuso: oh, there we go [04:29] TheMuso: followed up in the bug [04:29] ok thanks [04:29] TheMuso: in short, libatk-adaptor still has a Conflicts: at-spi [04:29] Oh right, missed that. [04:30] that's the only thing I can stop [04:30] "spot" [04:30] TheMuso: do you know what the conflicts: is for? [04:31] pitti: Actually yes, it is because the at-spi source package and at-spi2-atk share /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/modules/libatk-bridge.so [04:31] * TheMuso double checks [04:31] TheMuso: would at-spi work with at-spi2's libatk-bridge? (I suppose not) [04:32] TheMuso: it would be worth testing if a Breaks: would fix the upgrade [04:32] it's less strong than a Depends [04:32] No [04:32] TheMuso: and it's missing a Replaces: either way [04:32] ok [04:32] IIRC Replaces: tells apt that you really want to move to the new package, instead of holding back [04:32] breaks is likely better. [04:32] so a breaks: plus replaces: might do the trick [04:33] yup on it thanks [04:33] needs testing, of course, but it's a "more correct" change either way [04:33] TheMuso: you can upload this now? then QA can test this again [04:33] yep [04:33] and the package already has a replaces. [04:35] ah, it's further up, sorry [04:35] np [04:36] TheMuso: still a bit awkward, though, as at-spi still has reverse dependencies, so for people who have one of those installed the upgrade will break [04:37] so it's definitively not enough then [04:37] Yeah, I know [04:43] robert_ancell: I'll be on holiday tomorrow, so for coordination: should I upload the lightdm package with the debconf fix and the privilege escalation fix applied, or do you want to do an upload today still anyway? [04:43] pitti, just upload the fix for now. I'm trying to track down a race condition in unity-greeter [04:43] ok [05:23] good morning [05:23] bonjour didrocks [05:23] guten morgen pitti, how are you? [05:24] pretty well, thanks! [05:40] jasoncwarner_, where's robert_ancell? [05:40] hey rickspencer3 [05:40] I noticed I have a text insertion cursor in my greeter this orning! [05:40] hi pitti [05:40] I just dist-upgraded and a lot of my bugs were fixed, I think [05:40] I can use the menus with the keyboard again [05:41] * rickspencer3 clears out /var/crash and waits [05:42] menu is still broken for me [05:42] good morning rickspencer3 [05:42] hi didrocks [05:42] pitti, no F10? [05:42] and no alt+letter [05:42] aah [05:43] it's nto fixed for me [05:43] oops [05:43] didrocks, I see I got a new compiz, I guess you got in a fix for that rather popular crasher? [05:43] I saw it was Fix Committed yesterday [05:46] rickspencer3: the crashers are not in compiz but unity [05:46] didrocks, oh? [05:46] rickspencer3: the new compiz was "only" being able to upgrade your configuration (removing the old alt + tab) + setting an option to True [05:46] my .crash files were compiz [05:46] rickspencer3: yeah, the process is called "compiz" [05:46] rats, so another day of crashing? [05:46] rickspencer3: as the plugin "unity" run in the compiz process [05:46] didrocks, understood [05:47] rickspencer3: the fix will be there as soon as I get some tarballs, I'm already chasing that all FFe/UIFe as been acked [05:47] yikes [06:01] pitti: so, last week UIFe for dash wasn't completed at 100%, I asked Mirco to open a new one: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/844889 [06:01] Ubuntu bug 844889 in unity "UIFe: Dash - Shape and positioning of most of the elements in the Dash need adjustment (Part 2)" [Medium,In progress] [06:02] hum, dx team set that to "in progress", /me reverts [06:26] pitti: as well, I asked the dx team to make a FFe for that one: https://code.launchpad.net/~alexlauni/unity-lens-music/musicstore/+merge/75398 [06:27] (and 5 FFe for a release) [06:27] * didrocks needs to track down the translation team now for an indicator-session string freeze exception [06:36] hm, I think we need a bigger "STOP!" sign :) [06:37] pitti: yeah, it's about going to drive me crazy TBH :) [06:37] (drive… stop… hope you appreciate my efforts on the analogy :)) [06:37] (commented) [06:38] didrocks: yes, let's not race into a tree at the last mile! [06:38] pitti: heh :-) [06:40] * pitti goes to do some more GNOME updates [06:52] hi robert_ancell! [06:53] I have an insertion cursor in my greeter today! [06:53] robert_ancell: lightdm uploaded, FYI [06:53] :) [06:54] rickspencer3, hello [06:54] always a bonus :) [06:54] robert_ancell, what toolkit does the greeter use? [06:54] GTK [06:54] cool [06:54] the greeter looks great [06:54] was it hard to style it the way you wanted? [07:08] good morning everyone [07:08] hey chrisccoulson, how are you? [07:08] chrisccoulson: and how's your new laptop? [07:08] hi pitti, i'm good thanks. how are you? [07:11] pretty well, thanks! [07:13] huh, upower thinks i have 2 batteries this morning :/ [07:14] well, it thinks one of them isn't present though [07:15] hey chrisccoulson [07:15] dpm: good morning! [07:15] hi didrocks [07:15] dpm: do you have time for a string freeze excepetion for indicator-session? [07:16] dpm: bug #850013 [07:16] Launchpad bug 850013 in indicator-session "[UIFe]Says "Reboot Required" instead of "Restart to Complete Updates…"" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/850013 [07:18] morning didrocks, sure, give me 2 minutes [07:18] dpm: you can even have 3! :-) [07:18] chrisccoulson: oh, you have an hidden batterie? :-) [07:19] :) [07:19] didrocks, i didn't yesterday, but my laptop seems to have developed one overnight according to the output of upower --dump ;) [07:19] (and i have an empty battery displayed in the power indicator too) [07:19] chrisccoulson: i want the same! :) [07:19] lol [07:23] nice - "time to empty: 8.1 hours" [07:23] :-) [07:23] chrisccoulson: yay new laptop [07:23] pitti - yeah, it's better than the 5 minutes battery life that i had on my old one ;) [07:24] i managed to sit downstairs all evening without my charger, and it still had power left at 2am [07:24] yeah, I get some 10 hours out of mine, too, it's really nice [07:24] I don't even bother bringing the AC adapter to UDS days any more [07:24] heh :) [07:28] pitti: btw, it seems that finally, it still uses the cached wallpaper (I was puzzled yesterday because in the 2.x land, killing nautilus or gnome-settings-daemon forced them to redraw the background on startup, doesn't seem to be the case anymore) [07:29] didrocks: ah, thanks! so it's something else [07:29] pitti: like, open the cache file with gimp, make a big cross on it, at next logout/login, you will see it [07:29] didrocks: ok, thanks for checking! [07:29] no worry :) [07:33] * didrocks just discovered again a new feature merged without FFe, urgh… [07:34] didrocks: I updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/11.10/BootSpeedAnalysis accordingly [07:35] pitti: great, thanks! that means there is another issue though :/ [07:35] yeah [07:35] pitti: you remember the nautilus at startup I mentionned two weeks ago? [07:35] 0.5 to 5 s is pretty bad [07:35] didrocks: I don't [07:36] pitti: like, there is a grey window appearing on the left, at the very beginning for 0.5s [07:36] (5 pixels width, almost the whole desktop height) [07:36] hm, haven't seen or heard about this yet; is that happening regularly? [07:36] at every boot [07:36] you can kill nautilus [07:37] and let it respawn, you should see it [07:37] (try hiding the launcher first) [07:37] $ killall nautilus [07:37] $ nautilus [07:37] no grey window, just the main window [07:38] argh, I really want ctrl+alt+t back [07:38] you have a fast computer :) [07:38] pitti: you can have it back, in gnome-control-center now [07:38] keyboard/shortcuts/Launchers [07:38] ah, empty desktop, no launcher, then I see it [07:38] "run a terminal" [07:38] ah :) [07:38] pitti: so, I xprop it [07:39] it's the nautilus desktop window [07:39] its height and width is the full screensize though [07:39] morning [07:39] good morning rodrigo_ [07:40] bonjour didrocks [07:40] hey rodrigo_ [07:40] pitti: didn't have time to get further, I tried to printf in most of init function of the nautilus desktop background class, and all is initiated before this window appears [07:40] I'm wondering if it's not a pane from classic nautilus hiding… [07:40] (classic as the file browser) [07:41] as upstream doesn't support "show files on desktop" anymore, I won't be surprised some changes broke something there [07:41] hi pitti [07:42] pitti, hey, just to let you know I managed to get a lightdm release together by the end of the day. Thanks for the 0.9.5 update though [07:43] robert_ancell: ah, nice; thanks [07:44] * pitti packages new indicator-session which delays aptd [07:44] nice, that'll reduce boot time on the mini 10 by 13 s :) [07:44] pitti: oh, already done [07:44] pitti: just waiting on dpm for the string freeze exception :) [07:44] didrocks: what changed now? [07:44] didrocks: oh, you mean indicator-session? [07:45] pitti: yeah [07:45] doesn't seem to be in the branch [07:45] pitti: bug #850013 [07:45] Launchpad bug 850013 in indicator-session "[UIFe]Says "Reboot Required" instead of "Restart to Complete Updates…"" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/850013 [07:45] * pitti deletes branch [07:45] pitti: it's mixed in the commit [07:46] look+ _("Restart to complete updates…")); [07:46] right [07:46] - _("Reboot Required")); [07:46] (but not at the same place) [07:47] just rebooting to test there is no surprise, brb :) [07:47] pitti: delaying aptd? :) yay! 13s ain't nothing to sneeze at! awesome [07:48] jasoncwarner_: yes, it's the biggest chunk of the regressions, see wiki page [07:48] jasoncwarner_: unfortunately the nautilus regression isn't as obvious as it seemed to be [07:48] pitti: i did...am _very_ happy to see that... [07:49] pitti: oh? well, neil said he is working on some unity/compiz/lens stuff...and that being 30s is obviously huge [07:49] well, not 30, it's 8 for the lenses, and about +5 to +8 for compiz/unity [07:51] pitti: hum, the lenses starts on login? [07:51] didrocks: no, but they start if you press the windows button [07:51] and it takes about 8 seconds between pressing windows key and the dash actually appearing [07:52] pitti: indeed (it's because of me) [07:52] because it's loading the world [07:52] right [07:52] and I have a feeling that 6 out of these 8 seconds is reading the apt database [07:52] and the banshee one maybe [07:52] this needs to happen async, and on demand (when you enable the app lens, I figure) [07:53] pitti: well, the home dash is looking for everyting everywhere [07:53] no [07:53] didrocks: you don't see uninstalled apps ther [07:53] only in the apps place [07:53] indeed, the category are taken by xapian as well IIRC [07:53] so xapian should be up [07:53] but maybe not apt [07:54] kamstrup: any clue on that ? ^ [07:54] well, I haven't actually checked [07:54] ah, it's not using apt, just xapian? [07:54] I didn't look _what_ takes so long [07:54] it was just a suspicion, as it shows available apps [07:54] it's using xapian for sure [07:54] and merging the xapian tree with the gnome-menu one [07:55] pitti: did setting Ctrl + alt + t worked for you? [07:55] didrocks: yes [07:56] didrocks, pitti: opening the S-C xapian index should be really fast. It's basically just mmap()ed afaik [07:56] ok, then that's not it [07:56] pitti, didrocks: the lenses don't use apt. It is pure xapian [07:57] pitti: but the dash should not be waiting for the lenses to come up... at least it doesn't here [07:57] If I open it very fast, I can see the lens icons are added async at the bottom [07:57] kamstrup: well, whatever it is, it's spinning 8 seconds full CPU after pressing windows the first time, and then comes up [07:58] and during that time it starts unity-applications-service (or -daemon?), which takes some 4 or 5 seconds of CPU alone [07:58] pitti: wow... that's a lot! [07:58] kamstrup: you can see the difference here: [07:58] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-oneiric-20110914-disable-indicator-session.png [07:58] (no dash) [07:58] pitti: I think that may be a regression... it used to be that it was very lazy loading [07:58] http://people.canonical.com/~pitti/bootcharts/daniel-oneiric-20110914-disable-indicator-session_open-dash.png (open dash right after startup) [07:59] kamstrup: the majority of CPU activity is in the compiz process, though (i. e. unity) [08:00] i just looked at a bootchart on my new laptop [08:00] pitti: ah, ok, I thought it was in u-l-a [08:00] X seems to do nothing for 5 seconds here before the greeter appears :/ [08:00] but at least it's better than my old one ;) [08:00] pitti: but yeah, starting compiz seems to be a major drag [08:00] pitti: for u-l-a is it a regression from natty? [08:01] I don't know, I didn't do charts for natty [08:01] * didrocks wonders if its not alt + F2 which does io at startup [08:02] hum no, pitti is on ssd IIRC, so shouldn't be the issue [08:02] yes, the mini 10v has an SSD, and not a too bad one [08:02] I still should try to not do this io anyway… [08:09] agateau: hey, do you have some time today to debug a Qt issue which seems to be widespread? [08:09] didrocks: what is all about? [08:09] * agateau suspects it's the one he started tracking this morning [08:10] agateau: seems an issue when using the gtk widget style: bug #805303 [08:10] Launchpad bug 805303 in qt4-x11 "Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed with the default qt4 gui" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/805303 [08:10] ah, no, not the one I expected [08:10] sorry for that :-) [08:10] no problem :) [08:11] agateau: thanks! (I didn't found anything on the upstream bug tracker) [08:11] find* [08:11] agateau: FYI, on the french forum, some apps which has the issue: http://forum.ubuntu-fr.org/viewtopic.php?id=635911 [08:12] ok [08:30] didrocks: I can't reproduce it :/ [08:30] agateau: do you have the theme set to a gtk one? [08:30] didrocks: I do [08:30] didrocks: can you reproduce it? [08:31] didrocks, sorry it took a while, but I've just +1'd the indicator-session string freeze break. Let me know if there is anything else I can do. Oh, and if next time whoever breaks the freeze could send an e-mail to the translators and docs list, that'd be great, as it will save me doing it :) [08:31] agateau: vlc ui doesn't start there, I didn't get the time to have a look, I'll try with on of the other application [08:31] dpm: I told them to send an email… three times [08:32] didrocks, ok, so now it's four, as I reminded them on the bug too :) [08:32] dpm: but thanks for the ack, I'll upload now! [08:32] hopefully the message comes across :) [08:36] dpm: while you are at it, would you mind taking a look at bug 792636 ? [08:36] Launchpad bug 792636 in gnome-control-center "[FFE] [UIFE] [Regression] Power section no longer allows configuration of "when the lid is closed" action in Oneiric" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/792636 [08:37] Will we rebase gnome-settings-deamon on the newest master before release? [08:38] pitti, oh sorry, I meant to have a look at it yesterday, but got sidetracked, on it. I think it makes sense to provide the functionality again, so +1 on translations. Let me reply to the bug [08:38] dpm: thanks [08:40] anyone ? :) [08:41] dupondje: 2.91.92 should arrive on Monday, we'll do it then [08:41] pitti: post beta2, isn't it? [08:41] no, this should be in for beta-2 [08:41] ah great :) cause there is a bug I want fixed in it now, but fixed in gnome :) [08:42] libraries today (unless there are trivial fixes), apps on Monday [08:42] I discussed that with release team last Friday [08:42] huh, i have to manually start pulseaudio here to get any sound (and for the sound indicator to work) :/ [08:42] Seb should be back on Monday, but some more help will be appreciated to update and test everything quickly [08:42] pitti, hello [08:43] hey ricotz [08:43] pitti, it seems there will be no new gtk2 release in the near futurue so it might be worth to add this patch http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=gtk-2-24&id=e0f3b18c37f1d5e9e0b9c7745513566686c006b0 [08:44] ricotz: what does that do? [08:44] currently the filechooser dialog is a bit broken due this problem [08:44] try to save a webpage from i.e. firefox [08:44] and look at the filetype combobox [08:45] oh, it's too narrow [08:45] this applies to all gtk2 apps using it [08:45] is there a bug # for it already? [08:45] (i. e. something which the changelog needs to close) [08:45] idno, have looked for one [08:46] rodrigo_: ok for me to upload control-center, or do you want to do an upload today anyway? [08:48] GunnarHj: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/838101 => So you mean its not longer possible to choose nl_BE, and it will always be nl_NL ?! [08:48] Ubuntu bug 838101 in language-selector "Locale settings not saved" [Undecided,Incomplete] [08:49] why the hell its possible to add n'Nederlands (BelgiÃe)' to the st then? [08:49] pitti, didnt found a related bug-report [08:49] ricotz: ok, then we'll just upload it like that [08:49] ricotz: will that fix the too narrow file type selector? [08:49] yes, it should [08:50] rodrigo_: ah, I'll just upload; there's plenty of version numbers, and the package is not that big [08:51] pitti, yes, not sure if I'll upload anythiong today, depends on the bugs I fixed, so go ahead [08:52] s/I fixed/I fix :) [08:52] ricotz: ok, building [08:52] * pitti needs to run out for some errands, bbl [08:53] pitti, thanks [09:01] didrocks: did you try some more to reproduce bug #805303? [09:01] Launchpad bug 805303 in qt4-x11 "Gtk-CRITICAL **: IA__gtk_widget_style_get: assertion `GTK_IS_WIDGET (widget)' failed with the default qt4 gui" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/805303 [09:01] didrocks: I am stuck [09:01] agateau: sorry, pingy time there [09:01] and paperwork, paperwork, paperwork… [09:02] fun [09:03] pitti: what do you think about closing all 450 New/Incomplete/Confirmed/Triaged bugs with Wishlist/Low priority in OpenOffice.org packaging as WONTFIX and ask reporters to reopen it in LibreOffice if it still applies? This is only bugs on "OpenOffice.org (Ubuntu)" not OOo upstream bugs. [09:04] pitti: add 353 undecided bugs to that. [09:18] agateau: running calibre, I have the gtk_critical [09:18] agateau: but apart from the spam, it seems to work [09:19] didrocks: yes, I suspect the gtk_critical messages are not the problem [09:23] Sweetshark: sounds fine to me; there's little hope that these get triaged properly eventually anyway [09:23] "bug bankrupcy" [09:26] pitti: hrhr [09:27] agateau: more than possible, indeed [09:31] What do we think about https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-control-center/+bug/838101 ? I really think it should be possible to select for example nl_BE. [09:31] Ubuntu bug 838101 in language-selector "Locale settings not saved" [Undecided,Incomplete] [09:31] ok, rebooting to test unity-2d === tkamppeter_ is now known as tkamppeter [09:45] pitti: sorry that I missed the other bug # [09:46] didrocks: no problem :) [09:50] ricotz: that patch doesn't fix the broken file type selector, at least not in firefox [09:51] ricotz: I committed it to bzr anyway, but I won't upload it [10:10] pitti, the patch you added isnt the one i mentioned [10:10] ricotz: oh, I guess /url grab fail [10:10] ricotz: sorry, will update [10:11] pitti, np ;) [10:11] pitti, just to be sure http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=gtk-2-24&id=e0f3b18c37f1d5e9e0b9c7745513566686c006b0 [10:12] yep [10:12] got it [10:12] my "/url" command just cut at the & [10:12] ok [10:25] ricotz: works fine, uploading [10:30] pitti, good :) [10:30] Pici, didrocks, https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/828862 [10:30] Ubuntu bug 828862 in unity "[UIFe] Radiance panel icons are unreadable and ugly when panel goes transparent with Dash" [High,Confirmed] [10:30] fudge [10:30] pitti, ^ [10:31] yes, confirming [10:31] njpatel: have you sent an email to the documentation team? [10:31] didrocks, I subscribed them so far, about to send an email [10:31] * didrocks adds the unity downstream task meanwhile [10:32] njpatel: updated === MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch [10:32] didrocks: oh, I just did [10:32] I re-used the light-themes one [10:33] ok, mid-air collision [10:33] pitti: indeed, sorry about it :) [10:33] not your fault :) [10:35] didrocks, sent [10:35] pitti, thanks [10:35] njpatel: thanks! [10:35] the change is all inside Unity, I believe [10:40] mvo: oh? you removed software-center-gtk3 binary? [10:40] * didrocks rushes to change in unity-lens-applications [10:41] didrocks: uh, should I ship a symlink? [10:41] * mvo is actually away for lunch [10:41] mvo: that's ok, we'll have a release soon, I just spotted it reading the changelog :) [10:42] done :) [10:45] didrocks, just up dated https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/unity-2d/+bug/846335 with a screen shot, I updated to the latest package and it still has the issue [10:45] Ubuntu bug 846335 in unity-2d "[panel] graphics corruption in top line of pixels" [High,Fix released] [10:46] pgraner: indeed, seeing it, thanks for the feedback, retargetting and reopening for the unity-2d team [10:47] (depends on graphic card, it seems, I didn't get it while testing) [10:49] its not possible anymore with the gnome-control-center to select nl_BE instead of nl_NL ?! [10:50] you want language-selector for that [10:50] c-c only selects a language, not a country [10:52] pitti: in the c-c you can add 'Nederlands (Belgie)' but it gets removed after a restart of the c-c [10:52] in the language-selector, it seems country cannot be chosen ? [10:53] well it can be choosed in 'Country Settings' but that doesn't set the locale correctly it seems [10:54] http://paste.ubuntu.com/689894/ => this is what it saved to .profile ... [10:54] export LANG="nl_BE.UTF-8" [10:54] that seems correct? [10:54] the LANG yes [10:54] rest not :( [10:54] that also seems fine [10:54] these categories are only language specific, not country [10:55] hmz ok [10:59] /usr/lib/locale/locale-archive was corrupt here :s it included chinese locale, while I did not install it [10:59] weird :) [11:02] chrisccoulson, didrocks: FYI, I'll be on holidays tomorrow, and this afternoon I'll only be on IRC scarcely [11:02] pitti: ok, enjoy your long week-end then! :) [11:03] Morning guys I have an issue in oneiric in that the select a printer isn't detecting a printer connected to another machine on my network, works on natty and maverick just not oneiric, is there anything I can do to debug it a little? [11:05] pitti: still a little remark. If I for example ssh to a remote server not having nl_NL installed, but only nl_BE locale installed, I get errors when running perl for example. [11:05] so still I think we should set LC_MESSAGES to nl_BE no? [11:19] pitti - oh, have a nice weekend then :) [11:24] didrocks: thanks! [11:32] hmm, zeritgeist-deamon seems to use tonnes of memory here [11:54] dupondje: yeah, that's currently being discussed in https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/ubuntu/oneiric/accountsservice/unset-lcmess/+merge/73219 [11:54] dupondje: it shouldn't set all these variables in the first place [11:56] pitti: how busy are you ? [11:56] like, super busy, or OK to look at an ffe/uife === zyga is now known as zyga-food [12:09] * rodrigo_ lunch === MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow [12:21] I am trying to fix bug 842768. On normal print jobs a notification popps up telling that the printer is not connected. It is triggered by CUPS shouting a "connecting-to-device" state reason into the D-Bus, but I cannot find out which program picks up this. I have already uninstalled system-config-printer and the notification still appears. [12:21] Launchpad bug 842768 in system-config-printer "Cups notifies "printer ' xxx ' may be not connected " although printer is OK and printing is OK too" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/842768 [12:31] pitti, with your comments on the panel bug, does that mean I still need the docs team to +1 or does that cover it? (sorry, I'm a bit confused) [12:32] pitti, as we have a few more UIFe's that have been waiting for some time and maybe you can take a look at them [12:33] njpatel: I would tell it covers it for your question #1 [12:33] njpatel: so to sum up, we need: https://bugs.launchpad.net/unity/+bug/844889 -> documentation ack [12:33] Ubuntu bug 844889 in unity "UIFe: Dash - Shape and positioning of most of the elements in the Dash need adjustment (Part 2)" [Medium,In progress] [12:33] and the release team ack on smspillaz's branch === zyga-food is now known as zyga [12:55] could somebody please point me to good documentation for porting (python) apps to GTK3? [13:02] oier: i wish i could :-/ [13:03] pitti: https://pastebin.canonical.com/52832/ looking good for the build closing of ooo bugs? [13:06] oier: gobject-introspection usage isn't particularly well documented [13:06] can someone help me getting started with using 'edit-patch' plz? [13:07] s/build/bulk/ [13:07] I mean a lot of apps have been ported to GTK3 recently, there has to be some reference somewhere [13:07] i'n trying to patch against network-manager with edit-patch but can't figure out how to proceed (see last comment at https://code.launchpad.net/~anders-feder/network-manager-applet/bug-704123/+merge/74964 ) [13:08] i'm* === zyga is now known as zyga-afk [13:15] just a test: [13:15] bug #827465 [13:16] hrmm [13:16] ubot2: bug 827465 [13:17] interesting. [13:25] issue 827465 [13:30] Sweetshark: nah, it's because it is private. just wanted to see what ubot2 did comapred to what ubot4 was doing. apparently LP changed and broke the bots wrt private bugs. :-/ [13:30] dobey: k [13:37] anyone can help me tracking down from which program a notification message comes? [13:41] anyone knows why we patch gnome-nettool to use tracepath instead of traceroute? [13:47] njpatel: panel bug> it's approved, so please go ahead; we had enough similar cases in the past that I think I can speak for the doc team in that regard [13:48] njpatel: for the others, can you please ask in #u-release? I'm pretty much off for a long weekend now (took a holiday) [13:49] Sweetshark: "status won't fix" -> "status wontfix" I think [13:51] Sweetshark: "also affects OO.o/LibO" is confusing, as OO.o is the very thing that is obsolete here; I'd just ask for filing a new bug with apport-bug if I were you, so that you get package versions etc. [13:54] pitti, okay, will do. Have a good break :D [13:54] pitti: hmm ok. [13:54] pitti: any idea why the email interface ignores the comment? [13:54] Sweetshark: no idea, no; it usually works for me; but for the command to succeed you need to gpg sign [13:55] anyway, see you on Monday! [13:58] chrisccoulson: ping. is the tb extension packaged? [14:01] hey dobey [14:01] hey rodrigo_ [14:01] dobey, couchdb still doesn't work [14:01] ? [14:01] dobey, desktopcouch does though [14:01] but couchdb gets stuck on any requests, never answers back [14:01] is the fixed couchdb in the archive now? [14:01] hmm [14:02] the couchdb with the patch jgruber cherry picked from svn is, yes [14:02] 1.0.1-0ubuntu17 [14:02] ok, that's the one I have [14:10] rodrigo_: hmm. i don't know. === bryce_ is now known as bryce2 [14:20] dobey, trying to debug, but "debugging" and "couchdb" seem to be antagonic terms :-) [14:22] indeed [14:23] rodrigo_: i have empty databases afaik, and with sync not working right for me, i can't add them on the web site and then poke local couchdb after a sync [14:26] dobey, I am debugging the connection bewteen evo-couchdb and couchdb, and I never get an answer [14:26] not even a timeout, or error or something [14:27] well it's a tcp connection to HTTP, so you should get a timeout at least, even if it takes 10 minutes to get it [14:27] riught, replication doesn't work neither here [14:27] last entry in the log is from April [14:28] dobey, yes, that's what I thought [14:29] oh i do have a couple records [14:31] dobey, can you run e-addressbook-factory with COUCHDB_DEBUG_MESSAGES=1 and see what it outputs? [14:31] rodrigo_: couchdb is working ok here, using desktopcouch in python [14:31] Anyone can help me wit an indicator notification issue? [14:31] rodrigo_: i seem to have 2 notes in my db [14:32] dobey, and evolution doesn't work for you? [14:32] rodrigo_: and i just printed the content of one of them [14:32] rodrigo_: evolution doesn't work properly no. i just get an empty contacts list and can't seem to add a new contact [14:34] rodrigo_: i think evolution 3.x is seriously broken [14:35] rodrigo_: even in my local address book where i seem to have 153 contacts, it only ever renders the first page of the view [14:35] dobey, hmm, I see that also, right [14:36] rodrigo_: i just dragged a contact to 'Ubuntu One' and nothing happened :-/ [14:37] rodrigo_: and if i try to delete the 'Ubuntu One' address book from evolution, it just says it couldn't do it, without any real reason why [14:41] rodrigo_: e-addressbook-factory isn't printing anything useful; i just tried to add a contact from the nautilus share dialog too, and no changes [14:42] wtf [14:43] rodrigo_: i think maybe this is an e-d-s issue perhaps [14:53] dobey, yes, evo-couchdb worked great with the system-wide couchdb, so something's broken indeed [14:54] and couchdb seems to work, at least the web UI works for me [14:54] rodrigo_: yeah, the desktopcouch python API works for me [14:55] rodrigo_: so seems like maybe something in e-d-s or evolution-couchdb or couchdb-glib unfortunately :-/ [14:59] rodrigo_: and in thunderbird i'm getting the "cannot open ubuntu one" message [15:08] dobey, test programs in couchdb-glib work ok, so seems e-d-s [15:08] and evo-couchdb used to work a couple weeks ago with system instance perfectly [15:09] so something's broken in e-d-s [15:09] does it fail now with system couchdb for you? [15:10] rodrigo_: i guess something changed in e-d-s 3.x that evolution-couchdb needs to deal with. [15:13] dobey: so hey, is that launch-time bug going to get any better? Or is that basically the best you can do? [15:13] dobey, yes [15:14] dobey, afaik not, and I've been using 3.1.x on my tests with the system couch [15:14] so it's something on the last update [15:14] jcastro: not until 12.04; that's basicaly the best we can do for oneiric [15:15] dobey: ok, can you leave that on the bug report? I guess we can resolve it for now so it's not on the release team death list? [15:16] jcastro: what other *startup* issue is there? [15:16] startup is still way slower than before, but you said that's not your fault right? [15:24] jcastro: it seems to take the same amount of time to start up now, for me, regardless of whether the u1ms extension is installed or not [15:25] jcastro: also, i highly recommend this place: http://www.laspadashoagies.com/locations.php [15:27] must get lunch now... [15:33] what do people have installed for flash stuff on the browser? [15:34] I installed gnash, but some pages don't play anything [15:34] and flashplugin-installer is broken right now [15:34] can't install it, that is [16:01] didrocks, did you look anymore at this issue with the wallpaper shifting on startup? [16:01] 000:<:021e: 48: Request(1): CreateWindow depth=0x18 window=0x02000095 parent=0x02000004 x=5 y=0 width=3120 height=1050 border-width=0 class=InputOutput(0x0001) visual=0x00000021 value-list={background-pixel=0x00000000 border-pixel=0x00000000 bit-gravity=NorthWest(0x01) colormap=0x00000020} [16:01] looks suspicious to me ;) [16:01] chrisccoulson: I really didn't get the time to look at it more [16:01] it's your wallpaper screensize? [16:01] didrocks - 3120 x 1050 is my display geometry [16:02] but x=5 looks wrong ;) [16:02] indeed [16:02] now to figure out where that comes from [16:02] chrisccoulson: I shift the icons subwindow a little bit if unity is there [16:02] chrisccoulson: but more than 5 (the value is hardcoded) [16:03] yeah, i don't think it's related to that [16:03] chrisccoulson: and I try without any of our patches [16:03] doesn't seem to be our fault :) [16:04] perhaps i should break on XCreateWindow ;) [16:04] chrisccoulson: yeah, that's a wise idea :) [16:37] didrocks: Hi Didier, any chance that you can sponsor another language-selector MP (before 21 UTC)? https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/language-selector/fontconfig/+merge/75045 [16:38] GunnarHj: sorry not today, it's unity/compiz release last run before beta2 freeze [16:38] GunnarHj: maybe you can find people (patch pilot?) on #ubuntu-devel or anyone else here? [17:06] Can someone upload gnome-settings-daemon before beta2 freeze? I have done a fix on it, bug 842768. [17:06] Launchpad bug 842768 in gnome-settings-daemon "Cups notifies "printer ' xxx ' may be not connected " although printer is OK and printing is OK too" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/842768 [17:08] jcastro: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EuSker-rLrM === smspillaz is now known as smspilla|z [17:28] didrocks: Ok. Already tried patch pilots, but they don't seem to be present. I'll give it one more shot here... [17:29] cjwatson: Hi Colin, do you possibly have time to sponsor a language-selector MP? https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/language-selector/fontconfig/+merge/75045 [17:29] (if somebody else who sees this has an opportunity to jump in, please let me know) [17:40] GunnarHj: really not, sorry [17:41] 2h before beta freeze and I have two branches to prepare for somebody else to review in time to be uploaded for that [17:42] cjwatson: Ok. Guess it will have to wait, then. No disaster. [17:51] oh crap, beta freeze is today, not tuesday? :( === eeejay_is_afk is now known as eeejay [19:20] jasoncwarner_: ping? [21:41] g'ah, no robert yet? [21:42] the latest lightdm breaks all policykit authorizations :( [21:42] not setting up consolekit session correctly? [21:47] james_w - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/oneiric/+source/lightdm/+bug/851055/comments/8 [21:47] Ubuntu bug 851055 in lightdm "[Oneiric] 'Not Authorized' error given when mounting device" [Critical,Triaged] [22:00] hey chrisccoulson, is a new webkit keeping new epiphany out of oneiric? [22:00] jcastro, yeah, i think so [22:01] i don't follow that so much though [22:01] ah bummer [22:08] !seen jasoncwarner_ [22:08] I have no seen command [22:08] * Sweetshark hands ubot2 a cookie. [22:12] Sweetshark: I last saw jasoncwarner_ yesterday, about this time; maybe he's about to be reachable. [22:13] cyphermox: thx [22:13] chrisccoulson: monsters in your bed? [22:14] Sweetshark, how come? [22:16] chrisccoulson: I just thought: "chris is logging of like any sensible european would do by now ;)" [22:17] heh [22:17] just trying to figure out what lightdm is doing wrong with PAM [22:17] i think i've figured it out now though [22:17] brb [23:17] chrisccoulson: Thanks for letting the channel know about lightdm issues, I'll hold off updating for the time being. [23:17] TheMuso, yeah, it breaks pretty much everything, including audio [23:18] Yep, I kinda need that. :) [23:18] i'll just upload a fix if robert doesn't appear in the next 20 minutes or so [23:20] Has anyone seen the Panel with the Nautilus menu and nothing else after updating tonight? 3d session is totally useless [23:21] pgraner, i haven't seen that, but it sounds like the unity plugin is perhaps disabled [23:21] chrisccoulson, how do I check to see? [23:22] pgraner, do you have ccsm installed? [23:22] chrisccoulson, yep, however I'm in 2d right now [23:22] * pgraner wonders if that matters? [23:23] i'm not sure if that works from the 2d session [23:23] i guess there's no reason why it shouldn't [23:23] chrisccoulson, so in the 2d session it is checked [23:23] hmmm :/ [23:23] might be a question for didrocks ;) [23:24] although, he's sleeping now [23:24] I am pretty sure ccsm works regardless of whether compiz is running. [23:24] i don't use the 3d session atm either [23:24] chrisccoulson, yea, I was afraid of that [23:25] hah, it's robert_ancell [23:25] cornered! [23:25] chrisccoulson, I saw this behavior once before earlier in the cycle [23:25] it's a lie. I'm actually someone else entirely [23:25] heh [23:25] lol [23:25] chrisccoulson, I was afraid the bug might be back [23:25] pgraner: have you tried unity --reset? this should reset the compiz settings to unity's defaults and start unity (but i'm not sure what this will do to your 2d session) [23:25] pgraner, yeah, it seems a bit fragile :/ [23:26] robert_ancell, it seems you broke the world with lightdm ;) [23:26] oh awesome [23:26] htorque, I'll try it, brb [23:26] robert_ancell, bug 851055 [23:26] Launchpad bug 851055 in lightdm "[Oneiric] 'Not Authorized' error given when mounting device" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/851055 [23:27] robert_ancell, setting PAM_TTY to the console device path causes pam-ck-connector to create an additional CK session ;) [23:27] (breaking policykit) [23:28] nice [23:29] :) [23:30] htorque, will that did it but I lost all my previous settings... like ctl-alt-t for a new term :( [23:30] * pgraner wonders what this isn't default anymore [23:30] chrisccoulson, what do you recommend? do we remove that change or is there a fix to what it should be set to? [23:30] robert_ancell, it seems that gdm sets PAM_TTY to the X display name, so we should probably do the same [23:30] pgraner: sorry for that :( [23:31] i didn't test that yet though, but that looks like it would stop pam-ck-connector from creating the extra session [23:31] htorque, no worries, no I can get back to filing bugs :) [23:33] chriswell, that's logical... [23:33] chrisccoulson, that's logical... [23:33] heh :) [23:34] that's what i thought when i looked at it too ;) [23:37] chrisccoulson, ok, building a new version now... [23:40] chrisccoulson, do you understand the urgency thing on debian/changelog? Should I set it to more than the default of low? [23:41] robert_ancell, i don't think it has any effect in ubuntu [23:41] yeah, that's what I figured [23:41] ok, rebooting [23:44] chrisccoulson, ok, that seems to fix it. Are you amd64? Could you confirm the fix? [23:45] robert_ancell, yeah, i'm on amd64 [23:45] chrisccoulson, actually it's probably faster to build from the branch. I've just pushed the update [23:46] thanks, i'll do that [23:49] ok, brb [23:51] yay \o/ - "Sep 16 00:50:05 farnsworth lightdm: pam_ck_connector(lightdm:session): nox11 mode, ignoring PAM_TTY :0" [23:51] robert_ancell, yeah, that fixes it :) [23:51] chrisccoulson, what log is that? [23:51] nice [23:51] robert_ancell, auth.log, but i added "debug" in /etc/pam.d/common-session [23:52] (for pam_ck_connector.so) [23:55] ok, uploaded new version. Is Oneiric still open for uploads? [23:56] robert_ancell, it's frozen now, but i'll see if anyone in #ubuntu-release can approve it [23:56] chrisccoulson, thanks for debugging this one [23:57] no problem, it was good to look at something else for a change :)