
jelmercjwatson: I'll have a look00:14
micahglamont: thanks!00:26
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ScottKdoko_: libspf is about to be removed from Debian.  I'd just remove it along with it's two rdepends.02:25
ScottKI'll mark in the bug.02:26
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pittiGood morning03:39
pittiapw: no need to, you just need to edit /etc/init/plymouth-stop.conf and add "lightdm" to the list in pre-start03:39
pittifreeflying: hey, how are you?05:10
pittifreeflying: would you mind dropping indicator-applet from the ubuntu-chinese seeds (and create an oneiric branch for it), and update the metapackage?05:11
pittiindicator-applet is gone now05:11
didrocksgood morning05:23
dholbachgood morning06:44
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dokopitti: did you see the postgres ftbfs on armel?07:18
pittiuh, no, I didn't; shouldn't I get mail about that?07:19
pittihangs in the test suite, hmm07:20
dokostart your day with http://qa.ubuntuwire.org/ftbfs/ ;-)07:20
pittidoko: actually I started with http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/nbs.html :)07:22
* pitti removes the old libindicator3 libpanel-applet-3-0 for good07:22
pittitwo to go, flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound and honeyd07:22
dokonbs looks like a boring start meanwhile =)07:23
micahgdoko: I've got a couple of armel FTBFS syncs queued up for sync (inteltool drops armel, exo fixes the FTBFS)07:23
mvopitti: cdbs langpack.mk is no more right, can it just be removed and dh_translations will DTRT (context is rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store ftbfs)07:25
pittimvo: right, dh_translations is the new thing07:25
pittimvo: but don't bother about rhythmbox-ubuntuone-music-store07:25
mvowhy not? is it going to be dropped?07:26
pittimvo: I think we shoudl ship an empty package for not breaking upgrades07:26
pittimvo: ubuntuone is still all gtk2, and rb is gtk307:26
pittii. e. the package is FUBAR right now07:26
dokomicahg, these two?07:26
pittimvo: I added a breaks: to that version, so from my POV we might just as well remove it from teh archive07:26
micahgdoko: yeah, I sync'd the other one just now07:27
pittimvo: and reintroduce it when it gets ported07:27
pittimvo: want me to?07:27
pittimvo: (and yes, it's a pity)07:27
mvopitti: yeah, please go ahead07:28
* mvo looks at something else in the list as a wake-up task then07:28
pittimvo: done; I didn't see an FTBFS bug for this, though07:30
mvopitti: I used http://people.ubuntuwire.org/~wgrant/rebuild-ftbfs-test/test-rebuild-20110816-oneiric.html#core07:30
pittiright, but doko auto-filed FTBFS bugs for all packages usually07:30
mvohm, no idea then07:31
dokomvo: these are superseded07:33
dokowgrant: current debian and ubuntu version numbers would be nice, hint, hint ^^^07:33
wgrantThose shouldn't be superseded.07:34
wgrantI thought I excluded superseded packages from the packageset listing...07:35
dokoahh, ok, these are the one problematic on the virtual builders07:35
micahgthose aren't superseded AFAICT07:36
dokoScottK, could you/kubuntu have a look at  the libgwenhywfar ftbfs?07:53
freeflyingpitti: seems there is no package depends on that, guess we can drop it from archive if possible08:00
pittifreeflying: ubuntu-chinese-desktop depends on indicator-applet-session, which doesn't exist any more08:01
pittithat's the one that needs to be unseeded08:01
freeflyingpitti: I mean to drop ubuntu-chinese-desktop, looks there is no need for this package08:02
pittifreeflying: I'm just not sure why it was introduced in the first place, so I'd appreciate a removal bug08:03
freeflyingpitti: assing or subscribe to someone/team?08:08
pittifreeflying: ubuntu-archive; but you can just tell me the number08:08
Amozdholbach, where can I find Mike Heald?08:09
dholbachAmoz, try https://launchpad.net/~mike-powerthroughwords08:10
Amozdholbach, oh, he's not at IRC?08:10
dholbachapparently not - let me check where he's from08:10
dholbachthe UK, might be waking up in a bit08:11
Amozactually, I'm just trying to get the ubuntu-friendly branch to execute, but I'm getting a "template 500.html not found"08:11
dholbachI guess you can always just drop him an email08:11
Amozhe rejected one of my merges a few minutes ago so he should be awake =)08:11
dholbachoh ok08:11
dholbachAmoz, passed on the ping :)08:12
Snicksiei guess UK is already awake, its 9:12 AM there dholbach :p08:13
dholbachI guess that depends on how long you sleep ;-)08:13
Amozbtw, the UF site looks awesome08:13
dholbachor if you have to take the dog for a walk first, etc.08:13
jedimikeAmoz: hi08:14
Amozoh hai08:14
pittifreeflying: thanks removed08:15
pittifreeflying: (imagine a comma there :) )08:15
Snicksietrue dholbach :p08:15
Amozjedimike, I get a template error when trying to run the ubuntu-friendly website, could you give me a pointer? :)08:15
Amozjedimike, do I have to include the template directory in the settings.py?08:16
jedimikeAmoz: of course, what error are you seeing?08:16
jedimikeAmoz: you shouldn't need to...08:16
AmozTemplateDoesNotExist: 500.html08:16
jedimikehmm, weird, which template?08:16
Amozactually I'm just branching, then runserver, and try to visit the site08:17
jedimikeit *should* just run… let me check my local_settings.py to see if I forgot something08:18
jedimikeAmoz: I think I see, it's not a template directory issue - can you create a local_settings.py file in apps/ and put DEBUG = True in it08:19
jedimikeAmoz: then we should be able to see the real error. Most likely a database issue if my guess is correct08:20
jedimikeAmoz: I need to put a hacking.txt in there because there are a couple of setup steps you need to do08:20
AmozI'm not having any databases running.08:20
Amozyes please :) would be nice having a running setup08:21
jedimikeah ok :) You can override database names and usernames in local_settings.py - I will get a hacking.txt file in there today!08:21
freeflyingpitti: another one #85070508:22
jedimikeAmoz: and please excuse some of the code duplication in there, it was initially produced in a 4 day sprint (which included wireframing and getting data imported from the results tracker system!)08:22
jedimikecleanup is going to be my focus over the next week or so08:23
Amozjedimike, I think it looks awesome, and I'm no expert so I wouldn't know.08:23
jedimikeAmoz: thank you, I'll take the compliments where I can get them :D08:23
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rbasakThe evolution first-run wizard says "Click on Forward" but the button is actually labelled "Continue", in en_GB anyway. Where should I report this?09:13
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tkamppeterpitti, can we do a small change on CUPS' AppArmor profile? See my last comment on bug 160092.09:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 160092 in cups (Ubuntu) "apparmor rules break filters in /usr/local" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16009209:36
pittitkamppeter: yes, sure09:36
tkamppeterpitti, should be trivial and so feasable for beta2.09:37
dokoapw, any progress on the kernel header include fix? bug 833035 is another fall out ...09:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 833035 in labrea (Ubuntu Oneiric) "labrea version 2.5-stable-3 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83303509:37
pittitkamppeter: I need to do two other bug fixes in cups anyway, I'll do that now09:37
apwdoko, i have a fix somewhere, damn it dropped off my radar09:38
apwdoko, you got the bug number save me hunting it down09:38
pittitkamppeter: committed09:39
dokoapw, bug 82437709:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 824377 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "ftbfs on i386" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82437709:40
tkamppeterpitti, thanks.09:40
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tkamppeterpitti, we should not simply drop the ipptool files out of the distro, but better make a separate, optionally installable binary package, named ipptool or cups-ipptool.09:44
pittitkamppeter: I didn't drop ipptool, just the example files09:44
tkamppeterpitti, are these really only example files or does ipptool need them to perform its tests?09:45
pittitkamppeter: they are not referenced anywhere in the source / code09:45
tkamppeterpitti, they are referenced in the man page, "man ipptool".09:47
dokoScottK, could you/kubuntu look at kde-style-skulpture kompozer ftbfs?09:56
dokojamespage, could you have a look at bug 831372?10:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831372 in jmol (Ubuntu Oneiric) "jmol version 12.0.40-1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83137210:07
dokoand bug 74921910:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 749219 in jing-trang (Ubuntu Oneiric) "jing-trang version 20091111-3 failed to build on i386" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74921910:08
dokomaybe just propose the removal ...10:08
jamespagedoko: I can in a bit10:12
dokono haste ...10:12
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kelemengaborhi, is there any indicator-datetime dev around, who could take a look at bug #845473 and the proposed branch? currently, its i18n looks pretty bad, but the fix is really simple.10:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 845473 in Ubuntu Translations "Strings from indicator-datetime do not appear translated" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84547310:32
pittididrocks: ^ who would be a good reviewer?10:34
didrockspitti: kelemengabor: tedg will probably be the best right now as ronoc is away10:34
didrocksI'll ping him when he's around10:35
* ogra_ sighs about appo10:45
ogra_making my system comple10:45
ogra_tely unu10:45
ogra_with it10:45
ogra_windows forceful10:45
ogra_ng the foc10:46
* ogra_ has closed about 120 popups up to 10:46
ogra_and it doesnt seem to stop !10:46
pittiuh, 99 ~ubuntu-archive bugs10:46
ogra_hmm, now it stopped it seems10:46
* pitti goes to work on some10:46
ogra_can we possibly make it not steal the focus at least10:47
janimois there no checkbox for 'do not report for this package' ?10:47
ogra_janimo, not in this window10:47
ogra_if i would click ok it would actually fire off the apport dialog10:47
ogra_but that tears my system down to its knees10:47
jamespagecjwatson: how would I go about requesting an addition to the ubuntu-server packageset?10:47
ogra_and having to cliock it over 100 times would take hours (apport coming up takes 15-20 min after i clicked)10:48
cjwatsonjamespage: normally you should do so by seeding the additional package10:50
cjwatsonthen it's semi-automatic10:50
cjwatson(as in, occasionally I remember to run the script that works out the right package sets from the seeds and pushes them to LP)10:51
dpmhi, could whoever who's patch piloting have a look at bug 542068?11:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542068 in Ubuntu Translations "Missing translations for "xterm failsafe session"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54206811:04
dpmwith people accessing that menu to switch between the unity and unity 2d sessions in lightdm, I assume that those strings have become more visible11:05
jamespagecjwatson: OK - thanks - I'll take a look there11:16
Davieyjamespage: openjdk7 is already seeded isn't it?11:25
jamespageDaviey: hrm - don't think so11:26
jamespageits not default yet11:26
scarleoHi, is there any reason to why aa-logprof updates apparmor standard profiles instead of adding changes to local/profile? Customizing standard profiles means they get overwritten every update11:30
jamespagedoko: merge proposed for jmol (bug 831372)11:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831372 in jmol (Ubuntu Oneiric) "jmol version 12.0.40-1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83137211:33
jamespagelooking at jing-trang now11:34
dokojamespage, s/icedtea6-plugin/icedtea-plugin/11:38
doko6 is a transitional package11:39
jamespagedoko: OK - I'll update11:39
dokojamespage, wait, already done11:39
jamespagedoko: ta11:39
jamespagedoko: merge proposed for bug 749219 as well11:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 749219 in jing-trang (Ubuntu Oneiric) "jing-trang version 20091111-3 failed to build on i386" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/74921911:45
jamespagebdrung: missed a ping from you last night - anything I can help with?11:51
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bdrungjamespage: yes. the question is whether we can get eclipse 3.7 into oneiric12:14
bdrungjamespage: eclipse 3.7 from debian experimental needs an newer asm3 and lucene212:15
bdrungjamespage: asm3 needs an FFe (has a bunch of rdepends that needs testing)12:15
bdrungjamespage: the newer lucene2 fails to build: https://launchpadlibrarian.net/79813945/buildlog_ubuntu-oneiric-i386.lucene2_2.9.4%2Bds1-3~oneiric1~ppa1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz12:16
bdrungjamespage: do you have time to debug this build failure?12:16
smoseranyone have thoughts on how big of a deal bug 850587 is ?12:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850587 in cloud-init (Ubuntu) "cloud-init fails to install if /tmp directory is noexec" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85058712:17
smoseri dont' even see where i'm trying to use /tmp for execute12:17
Davieysmoser: That bug is all over the Debian BTS.. :/12:21
smoserso its a dupe of a debconf bug?12:21
Davieysmoser: blame the templates.12:21
Davieysmoser: ie, http://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=12928912:21
ubottuDebian bug 129289 in debconf "noexec /tmp" [Wishlist,Open]12:21
cjwatsonI was sort of meaning to fix that debconf bug at some point; but noexec /tmp really doesn't provide significant security so it's not high priority12:21
cjwatsonit's so utterly trivial to work around12:22
smoseris there a debian bug ?12:22
cjwatsonsee above! :-)12:22
Davieysmoser: ^^12:22
Davieyjust don't noexec /tmp :)12:23
cjwatsonyeah, for now, this is DDTT.12:23
DavieyFix Released :)12:23
cjwatsonno, it is a valid bug, it's just low prio12:23
smoserbug 9008512:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 90085 in debconf (Ubuntu) "When /tmp is mounted noexec, preconfigure fails" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9008512:23
smosercjwatson, so where would you assume you can put a file that will be guaranteed-ish to be not mounted noexec ?12:24
smoserother than /bin12:24
cjwatsondunno ottomh, on the phone12:24
smoseri'm just curious12:24
cjwatsonwe'd probably do something under /var12:24
smoserbug 90085 is the ubuntu bug12:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 90085 in debconf (Ubuntu) "When /tmp is mounted noexec, preconfigure fails" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/9008512:25
cjwatsonyes, I saw that when you said it ten lines before ;-)12:25
smoseri did ?12:25
smoseroh. i did say it twice. man my brain is broken.12:33
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didrocksmdke_: hey, can you have a look at bug #844889? This is part 2 of an UIFe that was fully accepted last week (but all changes couldn't come in, so I asked dx to reask for an UIFe), as I understood you didn't take the sceenshots yet?12:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 844889 in unity "UIFe: Dash - Shape and positioning of most of the elements in the Dash need adjustment (Part 2)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84488912:39
jdstrandscarleo: that is an interesting question. it does not for historical reasons, but that might be a good thing to change. can you file a bug?12:40
scarleojdstrand: I have already: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/85083012:41
ubottuUbuntu bug 850830 in apparmor (Ubuntu) "aa-logprof updates standard profiles instead off changing local/profile" [Undecided,New]12:41
jdstrandscarleo: thatnks12:41
jamespagebdrung: sure - I'll take a look now12:46
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GunnarHjRiddell, RoAkSoAx: Hi, saw that you are patch pilots today. Can some of you possibly sponsor a language-selector MP before beta freeze? https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/language-selector/fontconfig/+merge/7504512:51
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bregmahey ho, could someone enlighten me on the Ubuntu policy of -dbg packages vs. -dbgsym packages?13:29
cjwatsonbregma: -dbg packages are for when the debug version actually needs to be different in some way (e.g. different compiler flags, #ifdef bits, etc.).  -dbgsym packages simply consist of the debug symbols filed off the objects in the main packages.13:33
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bregmacjwatson, is there any way to get -dbgsym packages from a PPA?13:41
cjwatsonthat I don't know13:41
tkamppeteranyone can help me tracking down from which program a notification message comes?13:44
tkamppeterBigWhale (~b@ has joined #ubuntu-desktop13:44
tkamppeter<tkamppeter> I am trying to fix bug 842768. On normal print jobs a notification popps up telling that the printer is not connected. It is triggered by CUPS shouting a "connecting-to-device" state reason into the D-Bus, but I cannot find out which program picks up this. I have already uninstalled system-config-printer and the notification still appears.13:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 842768 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) "Cups notifies "printer ' xxx ' may be not connected " although printer is OK and printing is OK too" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84276813:44
geserbregma: IIRC no -dbgsym packages get build for PPAs13:49
geserpitti: ^^ is that still correct? (no -dbgsym for PPA)13:49
ahasenackSpamapS: hi, do you think you will have time to upload #813477 today?13:49
pittigeser: right; technically we could, but there is no archive to publish them to13:49
tkamppeterpitti, hi13:51
ahasenackhi, can someone please sponsor the smart package in the unnapproved queue for lucid? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=13:52
tkamppeterpitti, can you approve cups-pdf in natty-proposed and also Q-FUNK's cups-pdf upload for Debian?13:52
ahasenackhttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/lucid/+queue?queue_state=1&queue_text=smart more specific url13:52
jamespagebdrung: OK - so I think there are a couple of issues with the FTBFS of lucene2 from experimental13:53
stgraberjamespage, cjwatson: I proposed a temporary fix for open-iscsi in bug 838809 that will at least fix installs for beta2, unless one of you knows how to make open-iscsi behave properly with already existing sessions.13:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 838809 in Ubuntu Oneiric "authenticated and unauthenicated iscsi clients fails to complete boot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83880913:54
tkamppeterpitti, can you help me with bug 842768?13:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 842768 in system-config-printer (Ubuntu) "Cups notifies "printer ' xxx ' may be not connected " although printer is OK and printing is OK too" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84276813:54
pittitkamppeter: I'm pretty much off for a long weekend; but I'm sure that SpamapS/RAOF will get to it soon, they handle SRUs pretty well these days13:54
jamespagei) the version of libjidy-java we have in oneiric has a bug - see merge proposal on bug 84169513:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 841695 in lucene2 (Ubuntu) "FTBFS with jtidy 7+svn20110807-1" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84169513:54
stgraberjamespage, cjwatson: If you're fine with that workaround, I'll implement it, close that bug and make sure we have another bug report for open-iscsi not mounting additional LUNs when the root is on iscsi.13:55
pittitkamppeter: can have a look next Monday13:55
* pitti waves goodbye13:55
jamespagebdrung: ii) something related to the buildd running out of memory when you tested - trying to reproduce that now but works fine locally13:56
tkamppeterpitti, so have nice holidays, will move all the stuff past-beta2 ...13:57
cjwatsonstgraber: yes, I'm fine with that for now.  You're at the limits of my iSCSI knowledge; it might be worth syncing up with the Debian maintainer (although admittedly our package could sorely use a merge with Debian and we have a bunch of patches still to forward ...)13:58
jamespagestgraber: workaround sounds reasonable - at least it gets us back to a point pre beta-1 where iscsi root at least partially worked13:59
stgraberok, I'll push that for now and make a note to look at what's in Debian, see if they also have the problem.13:59
jamespagebrdung: we could sync jtidy from Debian as -2 should resolve the issue with this package - but the package switches build system which I was a little reticent todo at this point in the cycle14:03
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cjwatsonHTML::Template version 2.6 required--this is only version 2.10 at blib/lib/HTML/PopupTreeSelect.pm line 7.14:06
* cjwatson giggles14:06
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eurofordcjwatson: hi, the initial iso of Qin ubuntu is released, where could I find it?14:30
eurofordcjwatson: I can test it14:32
tkamppeterAnyone can help me wit an indicator notification issue?14:32
apwcjwatson, i am looking at a flicker free regression, and i am starting to wonder if grub is actually leaving the contents on the screen at hand over ... is there some simple way i can test that?14:34
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cjwatsoneuroford: did whoever told you that it was released not also give you the URL?14:44
cjwatsonif not, that was unhelpful of them :-)14:44
cjwatsoneuroford: http://china-images.ubuntu.com/oneiric/daily-live/current/14:44
eurofordcjwatson: thanks14:44
cjwatsonapw: maybe use 'set debug=linux' and you should be able to see some debug output from GRUB on top14:45
eurofordcjwatson: I just received the email from lp14:45
eurofordcjwatson: could I release the URL in ubuntu-cn maillist?14:48
apwcjwatson, well that does say things on the purple, then it loads the kernel and initrd, then 'instantly' to a human it drops back like it would with gfxpayload=text14:49
eurofordcjwatson: I think more people will involved in.14:50
cjwatsoneuroford: yes14:50
cjwatsonapw: oh, on reflection, if GRUB is going to set the video mode it sets it late enough that it's hard to distinguish that from debug output14:52
cjwatsonapw: can I see grub.cfg?14:52
cjwatsonapw: also might be worth seeing what 'set' from the GRUB command line says gfxpayload is set to14:53
cjwatsonapw: actually the value of linux_gfx_mode is more interesting14:53
apwcjwatson, http://people.canonical.com/~apw/grub.cfg14:54
Quintasandholbach: ping14:55
Quintasanuhh I just got email,  I'll reply to that then14:56
* Quintasan has no access to the internet14:56
* Laney wonders how these messages are getting through14:58
apwcjwatson, so linux_gfx_mode is text14:58
cjwatsonapw: is the card perchance blacklisted?14:59
cjwatsonapw: or did the last boot fail?14:59
apwoh the last boot did fail14:59
cjwatsonthe X guys asked me to set gfxpayload=text when the last boot failed on the grounds that that's more likely to work well14:59
apwi suspect that invalidates all my testing15:00
ahasenackpitti: hey, do you have postgresql 9.1 packages for lucid?15:00
apwcjwatson, what do i set it to to override things15:00
cjwatsonapw: change 'set gfxpayload=$linux_gfx_mode' to 'set gfxpayload=keep'15:01
apwcjwatson, you know that feels like it might put us in a 'my machine only boots the second time' spot15:01
cjwatsonpossible, although that's better than "my machine won't boot at all"15:01
cjwatsonalbeit more confusing15:02
cjwatsonI dunno, maybe you could argue that out with bryceh and RAOF :-)15:02
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* cjwatson would rather do what clever people tell him is best, in this case15:02
apwcjwatson, yeah can't fault the logic, perhaps i could ask for something on the purple to tell me :)15:02
ahasenackpitti: found the ppa, nm15:03
cjwatson"Safe mode" in a really chunky VGA font15:03
tgardneris there a way to specify an alternate package mirror for the Live CD from the kernel boot command line ?15:03
apwcjwatson, well at least that tells me why none of my testing make any sense, now when i crash the kernel early i really do have purple, so you are handing off to me with =keep15:03
cjwatsontgardner: not for the live CD itself, but if you set mirror/http/hostname=foo.example.com (and mirror/http/directory=/example if it's something other than /ubuntu) then that should affect installation15:04
cjwatsonapw: ok, good, I think15:05
tgardnercjwatson, I have a local mirror and just wanted to speed up installation tests15:05
apwcjwatson, well i think i just invalidated 12 hours of build boot testing on due to the no handoff on crash15:05
cjwatsonapw: :-(15:06
cjwatsonthough, not sure that's the major audience - but yes15:06
apwcjwatson, well at least i am making some progress, i am at least getting into the kernel with purple15:06
dholbachQuintasan, pong15:07
apwcjwatson, ok i am getting =text on even reboot after a good boot, so perhaps i am blacklisted15:07
cjwatsonapw: should be able to compare PCI IDs15:10
cjwatsonapw: of course it's possible the blacklisting is buggy15:10
apwcjwatson, my blacklists (assuming grub-gfxpayload-list is the right one) only has vmware filled in i think15:11
apwthere is just a blank line in my 00_header line15:11
apwfile even15:11
cjwatsonfrom the command line, try:15:12
cjwatsonhwmatch ${prefix}/gfxblacklist.txt 315:12
cjwatsonecho $?15:12
cjwatsonecho $match15:12
apwcjwatson, is that the grub command line ?15:13
apwcjwatson, error: incompatible licence15:14
apwand $? == 215:14
apwand $match == ''15:14
cjwatsonoh FFS15:14
cjwatsonbug on grub2 please?15:15
cjwatsondead easy to fix15:15
apwshall i shove my kernel bug over to grub2, i think that makes sense15:15
stgraberoh, that's where the "incompatible licence" comes from ;) I saw that yesterday in a VM but wasn't quite sure where that was coming from.15:15
cjwatsonapw: yes15:16
cjwatsontotally my fault then, I thought I'd checked all our additions for that15:16
cjwatsonmaybe I only checked in the Debian branch15:16
ubottuUbuntu bug 850202 in linux (Ubuntu) "grub splash is erased before plymouth starts" [Undecided,In progress]15:17
cjwatsonfix uploaded15:21
cjwatsonthat's probably buggered things up for a good part of the cycle :-/15:21
Davieyapw: Ah!  I think i had that problem, but i blamed it on my hardware.15:24
Davieycjwatson: Do you have a few minutes to review some stuff?15:24
dpmhi, could perhaps someone have a look at the patch for bug 542068?15:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 542068 in Ubuntu Translations "Missing translations for "xterm failsafe session"" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54206815:26
apwcjwatson, its been wrong on my machine for a fair while for sure15:30
bdmurraypitti: is bug 298217 missing the verification-needed tag?15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 298217 in libgksu (Debian) "no second attempt and no feedback when wrong password entered" [Unknown,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29821715:52
slangasekapw: ping, re: bug #82437716:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 824377 in linux (Ubuntu Oneiric) "ftbfs on i386" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82437716:14
apwslangasek, hi16:15
slangasekapw: hey there - is this bug really "in progress" still?  I know last-kernel-of-the-cycle is impending16:15
apwthe kernel moves in to freeze, but we can still spin bug fixes for it, and that one would be one i think we can do16:16
apwwe move into SRU mode for the kerne16:16
SpamapSahasenack: heh, I've thought I'd have time the last two days. I'll take a look right now.16:16
ahasenackSpamapS: super, thanks a lot16:17
slangasekthe fix doesn't help with archive build failures for the remainder of the cycle if it only goes to -updates; by "spin bug fixes", do you mean you would upload to the -release pocket?16:17
cjwatsonDaviey: in a bit, I'm doing some sysadmin here16:24
cjwatsonslangasek: they upload to release pocket but adhering to SRU rules16:24
DavieyI assume -updates only opens if something needs 0-day'ing once we have the release iso's?16:31
Davieycjwatson: thanks.16:31
SpamapSDaviey: a little before the release iso's really. If its not critical for install day it starts falling into -proposed after beta2 (or at least, it did in 11.04 cycle)16:34
apwcjwatson, confirmed that your new grub sorts out my issues, just a white flash as lightdm starts now16:36
DavieySpamapS: that just seems confusing. :/16:37
apwcjwatson, i am supprised to find so few blacklists in the blacklist, ie none, is this separate from nattys list ?16:37
SpamapSDaviey: IIRC it has something to do with space management too.. being on the release team, I'm sure you can auth things in if you want to, but I'm thinking its a case-by-case basis.16:39
ScottKdoko: I'll look at kde-style-skulpture.  kompozer isn't a KDE app (despite the name).  You want someone who knows about mozilla stuff.16:41
apwslangasek,  yeah what colin said16:48
apwslangasek, if i wasn't slammed with flicker-free-boot, boot-speed, and power-consumption spam i'd be right on it16:49
apwslangasek, i will try and get it out for review in my AM so it can be in the next upload16:49
cjwatsonapw: check with tseliot for that; he's been doing the updates there16:50
cjwatsonDaviey: go ahead?16:50
apwcjwatson, thanks will do16:50
Davieycjwatson: Would you be able to look at the branches on bug 831496?  introduces a new source package, xmlrpc-minimal, which links against the new binary package produced from curl (minimal configure options).16:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 831496 in Ubuntu Oneiric "[FFe] Add cobbler enrollment support to server cd image" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83149616:52
cjwatsonDaviey: wait, why do you need a new source package just to do a different udeb build?16:53
cjwatsonyou really shouldn't need that16:53
cjwatsonjust configure the curl udeb differently16:53
Davieycjwatson: So, if xmlrpc binary package build depns on a bloated curl libary, how can they co-exist?16:53
slangasekapw: thanks, appreciated - it's nothing that should preempt those other topics to be sure, but it seems like an easy win so I just wanted to check if we'll still get it :)16:53
apwslangasek, yeah i will put it top of my list in the mornign and hopfully that'll get done before things go to poop16:54
cjwatsonDaviey: shouldn't matter what it build-depends on; you pass minimal configure flags to the curl udeb build pass, and likewise to the xmlrpc udeb build pass16:54
slangasekapw: :)16:54
cjwatson(LP is being slow for me today so I haven't actually looked at the branches yet)16:54
apwslangasek, your lightdm fixes were they just a change to plymouth-stop.conf ?16:55
Davieycjwatson: Sure, but xmlrpc needs to link against curl.. So *a* curl library needs to be in the build enviroment.  Considering both the minimal and bloated libcurl's provide the same *.so (one with less links), i'm not sure how that can happen?16:55
slangasekapw: yep16:56
cjwatsonI'm going to have to finish soon today, as I'm about to get toddler-supervision responsibility passed to me16:56
apwslangasek, and with that in place do you still get a vile white flash from lightdm starting ?16:56
cjwatsonDaviey: I think it will be easier to demonstrate this than to explain :)16:56
slangasekapw: hmm, I don't recall seeing any white flashes - I get plymouth, then a black screen, then lightdm16:56
Davieycjwatson: Okay, are you going to be around later today, or is it a tomorrow thing?16:56
SpamapSahasenack: ok, sponsored into maverick/natty -proposed. I'll let one of my fellow SRU team members ack them in. :)16:56
cjwatsonthe branches there are significantly at variance with how we normally do installer changes, though, so I'm going to have to nack them as they stand16:57
cjwatsonDaviey: I have a bit longer now, and then expect I'll be around later16:57
apwslangasek, ok i am seeing (with waht pitti said was your fix) plymouth, clean handoff to X (cursor etc) then a clear to white, then lightdm shows16:57
cjwatsonthere shouldn't be a -minimal variant as a deb at all16:57
cjwatsonit should only exist as a udeb16:57
Davieycjwatson: Okay... ignore the end binary for a moment... The issue is that xmlrpc links against curl.. curl normal is rather bloated.16:58
cjwatsonyes, but it shouldn't matter whether there's a bloated version in the build-dependency tree16:58
slangasekapw: right; that's probably an issue with lightdm itself, from the conversation I had with robert_ancell my clear to black and your clear to white may be related16:58
SpamapSDaviey: the minimal libcurl has a different ABI?16:58
DavieySo we need a minimal version for xmlrpc to link against, right?16:58
DavieyI don't see how that can be a ./configure option.16:58
apwslangasek, as long as its not my problem and not yours we are good :)16:58
cjwatsonthe minimal version only needs to exist as a udeb16:58
cjwatsonit does not need to be there when you're building16:59
slangasekapw: I believe that's the case :)16:59
Davieycjwatson: But how can something else build depend on a udeb?16:59
cjwatsonit can't, and doesn't need to16:59
DavieyI must be missing something.16:59
cjwatsonjust link it against the regular version - it'll have the same soname16:59
slangasekapw: do you know more about the post-grub blinking cursor?16:59
cjwatsonas long as it only uses symbols present in the udeb variant, it'll all work fine16:59
DavieyHmm, that didn't seem to be the case; perhaps i was mistaken.17:00
SpamapSis it maybe just dh_shlibdeps getting confused?17:00
apwslangasek, yes that one turns out to be a grub2 regression, get the now fixed grub2 thats publishing like right now and its resolved17:00
cjwatsongrr, my network is made of CHEESE17:00
slangasekapw: ah, woot17:00
apwslangasek, i have only the unavoidable black for modeswitch before plymouth and the white splash from lightdm17:01
apwslangasek, for me if lightdm is sorted we are back to natty levels17:01
apwslangasek, but do update grub and repeat my findings ... you need ubuntu317:01
smoseranyone more python friendly than me want to grab bug 810019 merge proposal?17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 810019 in distribute (Ubuntu Oneiric) "UserWarning printed on import pkg_resources'" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81001917:02
smoserthat thing is *really* annoying17:02
cjwatsonDaviey: it's possible that somebody forgot to do dh_makeshlibs --add-udeb so that the udeb shlibs come out right17:03
cjwatsonanyway, I'm checking all the stuff out now17:03
cjwatsonunfortunately upgrading my stepson's machine from lucid to natty at the same time so it's caning the network17:04
Davieycjwatson: I did add a --add-udeb, but perhaps i was missign something.17:04
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tkamppeterCan someone upload gnome-settings-daemon before beta2 freeze? I have done a fix on it, bug 842768.17:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 842768 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Cups notifies "printer ' xxx ' may be not connected " although printer is OK and printing is OK too" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84276817:10
ahasenackSpamapS: thanks a lot for the proposed upload17:18
ScottKdoko: kde-style-skulpture is fixed.17:23
* cjwatson sends child 1 to look after child 2. Daviey, I'm working on a revamped curl build now17:24
cjwatsoncc jamespage17:24
jamespagereading backlog now17:25
Davieycjwatson: eek, don't want to get you in trouble.17:26
cjwatsons'ok, they're just watching tv until we go to the pub17:26
* cjwatson <- dubious parent17:26
cjwatson(it's a child-friendly pub :-) )17:27
jamespageOK - I think I get it - in which case we should be able to revert to Daviey's original package update of xmlrpc-c17:27
cjwatsonjust picking out the bits of the xmlrpc-c change to apply, while curl builds17:27
jamespagecurl: Drop the minimal-dev and libcurl3-minimal binary packages and just have the new udeb package17:27
cjwatsonI'll push amended branches to lp17:28
jamespagewill the xmlrpc-c udeb build look for a libcurl udeb automagically?17:28
cjwatsonoh, incidentally, it's quite important that the udebs not be Priority: important (I'm fixing that too)17:28
cjwatsonwell if we set it up properly yes17:29
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cjwatsonif the udebs are Priority: important, they will be sucked into *every* netboot install17:29
bdmurraymterry: do you have any ideas about bug 850744?17:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 850744 in quickly (Ubuntu) "quickly crashed with ImportError in __main__: No module named quickly" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85074417:30
Davieycjwatson: Wow.  I've really struggled to find docs on udebs :/17:31
cjwatsona good chunk of the X/GTK stack is built like this17:32
dokoScottK, thanks17:32
mterrybdmurray, I switched to dh_python2 in the latest upload, I may have screwed that up17:33
bdmurraymterry: okay, I ask since I just ran into that bug too17:33
tkamppeterany core-dev around who can do an upload for me? bug 842768.17:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 842768 in gnome-settings-daemon (Ubuntu) "Cups notifies "printer ' xxx ' may be not connected " although printer is OK and printing is OK too" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84276817:39
doko$ apt-cache rdepends scribus17:43
dokoReverse Depends:17:43
doko  scribus-template17:43
doko |scribus-template17:43
doko  open-font-design-toolkit17:43
doko  ezgo-imaging17:43
doko  scribus-doc17:43
doko  kubuntu-full17:43
cjwatsonjamespage: just waiting for the test suite now, I should have turned it off17:43
cjwatsontest 171...OK (170 out of 610, remaining: 21:17)17:43
dokois this kubuntu only, or are there other reasons?17:43
ScottKdoko: Yes.  We ship it on our DVD.17:43
dokoScottK, can we exchange this to scribus-ng? builds at least on armel17:44
jamespagecjwatson:  x4 runs as well :-)17:44
ScottKdoko: Last I looked scribus was newer than scribus-ng.  There's a patch in Debian to fix the armel FTBFS that I think micahg was looking at.17:44
dokoScottK, which was applied to scribus-ng17:45
cjwatsonjamespage: damn it.  will be faster to ctrl-c then17:45
dokomicahg, do you work on this one?17:45
jamespagecjwatson: yep17:46
micahgScottK: doko, I didn't say I was working on it, I just pointed out it needed a merge from Debian, I could do it, but not before beta freeze17:46
ScottKdoko: I'm fine with switching.  I'm making another Kubuntu seed change now, so I'll go ahead and switch it if you or micahg will take get of updating scribus-ng from Debian.17:46
ScottKActually it looks like a sync.17:47
micahgScottK: actually, both of us did that already :)17:47
ScottKOK.  rmadison doesn't know it yet.17:47
micahgwas about 12 hrs ago17:47
ScottKdoko: Would you please promote scribus-ng and demote scribus then?17:48
ScottKdoko: Seed changes pushed.  I'll upload a new kubuntu-meta in a moment.17:50
dokoScottK, hmm, the change was pushed to both packages17:50
dokoI'll look at the merge17:50
ScottKdoko: OK.  I'll wait in the meta upload.  Tell me which one I want.17:51
jamespagebdrung: lucene2 built in PPA OK for me with new version of jtidy from Debian - https://launchpad.net/~james-page/+archive/java-universe-oneiric/+build/278688017:53
ScottKdoko: Do you know yet which scribus I want?18:03
dokoScottK, merging ... building ... uploading ...18:04
dokoitz kde, so it takes a while ;p18:05
dobeydoko: have a minute before beta freeze? :)18:05
ScottKdoko: So I should stick with scribus and not switch to ng?18:05
ScottKdoko: Actually it's just Qt.  No KDE in it at all.18:05
dokoScottK, for now, yes18:05
dokodobey, sure18:05
ScottKOK.  I'll put it back.18:05
dobeydoko: jdstrand says https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntuone-dev-tools/release-020/+merge/75196 needs an FFe, but not clear to me how best to request that. it fixes the FTBFS you filed against it, but there have also been some other changes since the last release. and it's a package in universe that i don't think anyone other than us (u1) uses yet.18:08
dokoScottK, ok to recommend icc-profiles-free, or is CD space tight?18:09
dokodobey, I can't approve a FFe, but it looks ok.18:10
dokoslangasek, cjwatson: ^^^18:10
* cjwatson is slammed18:11
ScottKdoko: I'd rather not include it.  Looking at making that go away was on my TODO, so if you can handle it, that'd be great.18:13
dokoScottK, icc-profiles-free, not icc-profiles ?18:14
ScottKdobey: Universe or Main doesn't affect the need for an FFe.18:14
ScottKdoko: Let me double check.18:14
cjwatsonDaviey,jamespage: lp:~cjwatson/ubuntu/oneiric/curl/minimal-udeb and lp:~cjwatson/ubuntu/oneiric/xmlrpc-c/udeb18:15
dokoScottK, it's main18:15
dobeyScottK: i wasn't implying it did. i was asking doko for advice18:15
cjwatsonDaviey,jamespage: please check that those meet your needs - and I'd appreciate it if Daviey could deal with the upload if they do, since I'm away as of a minute from now18:16
Davieycjwatson: Really appreicate your help with that, will look at it now.18:16
slangasekdobey: fwiw the process for requesting an FFe is here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze_Exceptions18:16
slangasekI'm looking at the changes now18:17
cjwatsonthis produces libxmlrpc-core-c3-0-udeb which Depends: libc6-udeb (>= 2.13), libcurl3-udeb (>= 7.16.2-1)18:17
ScottKdoko: I was thinking of something else.  We already ship it and it's fine.18:17
cjwatsonand libcurl3-udeb which Depends: libc6-udeb (>= 2.13), libcrypto1.0.0-udeb (>= 1.0.0), libssl1.0.0-udeb (>= 1.0.0), zlib1g-udeb (>= 1:
dobeyslangasek: yep, i understand the process. i'm just not sure what the best way to do that is for these changes. seems like doing for each of the bugs which might be considered a feature may be overkill, and an FFe on an FTBFS bug doesn't necessarily make sense to me18:17
cjwatsonI haven't tried building the cobbler stuff against it; you may need to adjust Build-Depends or something minor, but basically just build-depend on the regular xmlrpc-c stack and it should come out right18:18
slangasekdobey: I wouldn't expect a separate bug for each feature, just one for the proposed update18:18
slangasekdobey: I am surprised to see all of these changes in a single bzr commit?18:18
dobeyslangasek: so file a new bug just as '[FFe] upgrade to vblah?' instead?18:19
dobeyslangasek: they aren't a single bzr commit upstream18:19
slangasekdobey: does the UDD branch for this package track the upstream branch?  That would be the ideal...18:20
cjwatsonDaviey: gone now - SMS if you need me18:21
slangasekdobey: filing a new bug for the FFe is fine, repurposing the FTBFS bug is also fine as far as I'm concerned18:21
DavieyIt seems to me, that if the ubuntuone team break their dev package, they get to keep the bits. :)18:21
Davieycjwatson: No, i'll wait until you are back.. Go and have fun. :)18:21
dobeyslangasek: ok18:21
slangasekdobey: given that this merge request doesn't appear to include any of the upstream metadata expected by UDD (i.e., the output of 'bzr merge-upstream $newver'), it seems to me that we'd want to not merge this branch as is and just track a debdiff on the bug18:22
slangasekdobey: unless you did a bzr merge-upstream and this just doesn't show up in the LP merge view?18:22
ScottKdoko: Would you please demote digikam to Universe.  It'll be in component mismatches once the current kubuntu-meta is published, but I'd like to get it moved now so we can get the new version in ASAP (it now has non-optional BD on a Universe package (that failed MIR) so demotion is the only solution for Oneiric)18:22
dobeyslangasek: i don't know how it stores that information; i did bzr merge-upstream --version= ../foo.tar.gz18:23
slangasekdobey: ok, let me bypass LP's web UI then and see if I get the right thing using bzr here :)18:23
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
cjwatsonDaviey: FFE-wise I'm happy with this change (feel free to quote me on that); it was only the implementation that bugged me ;-)18:24
cjwatsonDaviey: I can review the debconf interaction once it's in the archive18:24
dobeyslangasek: i think http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntuone-dev-tools/release-020/revision/1.1.3 is maybe what you are looking for on LP?18:25
slangasekdobey: yep, looks like it - completely undiscoverable from the merge proposal page AFAICS though, heh :)18:26
Davieycjwatson: The debconf stuff is known to be less han perfect.. but i want to at least get /something/ in.18:26
dobeyslangasek: yeah, you have to go to the branch, then browse the code, and the click on the "(merged from upstream)" link in the metadata area :)18:26
Davieycjwatson: now, go away. Thanks :)18:26
bdrungjamespage: thanks18:27
dobeyslangasek: added FFe bits to bug #84806718:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 848067 in ubuntuone-dev-tools (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[FFe] ubuntuone-dev-tools ftbfs in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84806718:27
=== deryck[lunch] is now known as deryck
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
jamespagebdrung: did that make sense?  we just need to sort out jtidy one way or the other and lucene2 should be just fine as-is18:49
bdrungjamespage: yes18:50
bdrungjamespage: do you have time to follow up jtidy and lucene2?18:50
jamespagebdrung: yes although I will need a sponsor :-)18:52
bdrungjamespage: i am happy to sponsor you once you got the FFe18:53
bdrungjamespage: do you have time to track down asm3?18:53
jamespagebdrung: jtidy should not need one - its just a packaging update - and so is the sync of lucene2 - we should probably go with a sync of both18:55
bdrungjamespage: do you mind not getting the upload credits? then i would use the new sync lp api18:56
jamespagebdrung: fine with me :-)18:56
bdrungjamespage: the bigger task will be asm3. it has ~ 10 rdeps that needs testing18:57
jamespagebdrung: I can't tonight but I can take a look tomorrow morning18:57
bdrungjamespage: thanks18:58
jamespagebdrung: I just updated bug 841695 with details of the syncs required.19:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 841695 in lucene2 (Ubuntu) "FTBFS with jtidy 7+svn20110807-1" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84169519:00
jamespage(for jtidy and lucene2)19:00
bdrungjamespage: jtidy synced. i will sync lucene2 once jtidy is built19:01
jamespagebdrung: great19:02
bdrungjamespage: btw, asm3 builds fine: https://launchpad.net/~eclipse-team/+archive/debian-package19:03
Davieyjamespage: what is keeping asmX in main?19:05
jamespageDaviey: nothing - I think they are all in universe now19:06
jamespageyep - just checked19:06
Davieyjamespage: asm3 still seems to be main, and it's not a candidate for demotion.19:07
DavieyI was looking in the wrong place.19:08
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
jamespagebdrung: have you done any reverse-build testing against asm3 yet?19:08
bdrungjamespage: no19:09
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
jamespagebdrung: quite a long list - http://paste.ubuntu.com/690250/19:10
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
bdrungsadly, yes19:10
jamespageanyway - I said I'll look tomorrow - going to eat....19:10
stgraberjamespage: just did a netinstall of oneiric, at least unauthenticaed iscsi root works fine now!19:39
stgraberjamespage: though SpamapS change to ifupdown/upstart make the boot time over 2 minutes on iscsi root19:39
stgraber(I get "Waiting for network configure..." then "Waiting up to 60 more seconds for network configure..." then finally "Booting system without full network configuration..."19:40
stgraberthat's because we don't configure any NIC and just keep the configuration from initramfs (ipconfig)19:40
ScottKIf there's an archive admin around, would you please demote digikam to Universe?19:46
jamespagestgraber: great news!20:05
* jamespage worries about 2 minute wait times20:05
stgraberyeah, I'm wondering if I'll see that problem with LTSP too. I should test that as it'd be bad going from 10s to 2 minutes for thin clients20:07
dobeyjdstrand: ping20:21
dobeyor any core dev, i guess, ping20:22
Davieydobey: You will have more success if you ask your question, nobody is going to stick their head about the parapit - it might be a hard quetion!20:25
dobeyDaviey: it's not a question so much. my FFe was approved, and the merge proposal was already approved, so i just need someone to merge it and get my new upload into ubuntu :)20:27
dobeyDaviey: and jdstrand reviewed the merge proposal, so i thought it apt to ping him, but i guess he's busy20:27
jdstranddobey: I'm not piloting and don't have time atm.20:29
* jdstrand looks at patch pilot calendar20:30
jdstranddobey: I don't see patch pilots with privs coming online anytime soon20:31
jdstranddobey: that is the 0.2.0 new release?20:31
dobeyjdstrand: yep20:31
jdstranddobey: if you put the signed package on chinstrap, I'll figure something out today20:32
mterrydobey, what's up?20:33
dobeymterry: hey. can you merge https://code.launchpad.net/~dobey/ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntuone-dev-tools/release-020/+merge/75196 ?20:33
mterrydobey, looking.  (btw, is ubuntuone-installer 0.7.4 going to be uploaded for beta2?)20:34
dobeyit is already i thought?20:34
Davieydobey: erm, that package isn't in main, is it?20:34
mterrydobey, I only see 1.7.320:34
mterryDaviey, you're right, it's in universe20:35
dobeymterry: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/oneiric/ubuntuone-installer/oneiric/revision/620:35
dobeyDaviey: no, it's in universe. sorry20:35
Davieymterry: are you taking it?20:35
mterryDaviey, I can, sure20:35
mterrydobey, sure, it's in bzr, but it's not in the archive20:36
mterrydobey, did you dput it?20:36
jdstrandI was doing that20:36
* jdstrand looks20:36
mterryjdstrand, doing which?  the ubuntuone-installer?20:37
mterryjdstrand, sweet, thanks20:37
jdstrandI reviewed it yesterday and I have an .upload file20:37
* jdstrand looks around20:37
mterrydobey, so you say the FFe is approved?20:37
dobeymterry: yes, slangasek approved it20:38
dobeymterry: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-dev-tools/+bug/848067/comments/320:39
ubottuUbuntu bug 848067 in ubuntuone-dev-tools (Ubuntu Oneiric) "[FFe] ubuntuone-dev-tools ftbfs in oneiric" [High,Confirmed]20:39
DavieyI'm honestly suprised it's easier to have a package with such a small scope in the archive.20:40
dobeyDaviey: what do you mean?20:47
mterrydobey, during a pbuilder build, I got the following:20:49
mterry    232:  [W0511] XXX Testing that W0511 does not cause a failure20:49
mterry    26:  [F0401, install] Unable to import 'PyQt4.QtGui'20:49
Davieydobey: This package is only for u1 developers, right?20:50
dobeyDaviey: no20:50
dobeymterry: huh20:50
mterrydobey, (which stops the build)20:53
dobeymterry: right; i just fixed/pushed that in my branch. forgot i needed to add python-qt4 to build-depends for that. sorry :)20:53
* mterry tries again20:55
dobeyDaviey: it is useful stuff that anyone can use. particularly useful if you have a python gtk/dbus using app you want to run unit tests on, without screwing with your live system, for example.20:55
mterrydown to the wire of 21 UTC20:55
Davieydobey: ahhh!20:56
dobeyDaviey: i literally spent a week trying to think of a better name for it, before giving up and just making the project with that name :)20:59
mterrydobey, uploaded20:59
dobeymterry: yay. did you see what was up with installer? it looks like it was merged, but not uploaded?20:59
mterrydobey, jdstrand sorted it out and uploaded it21:00
dobeymterry: ah ok, cool. thanks21:00
dobeyand on that note, i think it's time to call it a day :)21:00
dobeyjust as the rain and thunder starts up… :-/21:01
mterrydobey, see ya!21:01
mterrydobey, happy beta freeze day!21:01
dobeymterry: hah, you too!21:01
jdstrandI don't know what happened. I had an .upload, but no email confirmation so I just did it again21:02
jdstrandsorry about that21:02
astraljavaHi all, I added a new branch under ~ubuntustudio-dev team, which is depended upon in our desktop seed. Does that require an FFe because of the new package?21:08
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sladenScottK: I love your endless series of OOPs on that +distroseries bug!23:16
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