
=== saad__ is now known as SaadTalaat
RemounAnyone using Chrome find it slow to close windows?04:05
thelinuxerEgyParadox: use shortened url's dude :P12:05
EgyParadoxelkasal we7esh12:05
SaadTalaatthelinuxer: +112:05
EgyParadoxmost arabic questions expire12:06
EgyParadoxma7adesh beyrod 3ala 7aga12:06
thelinuxerEgyParadox: we need to pay gr8 attention to this12:07
thelinuxer i stopped watching the questions long time ago12:08
thelinuxerEgyParadox: aiwan14:23
EgyParadoxI wanted u to reply bas14:23
thelinuxerWhat ?14:24
=== saad_ is now known as SaadTalaat

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