
slashtomgood morning08:22
dstaargood morning08:24
BenChapmanMorning :)08:37
BenChapmanMorning ebel08:41
dstaarWhich vim colorscheme do you use. I'm looking for a new one08:51
* ebel uses default white bg black text08:53
* BenChapman uses gedit08:54
slashtomgreen on black for my xterms, and vim uses that too08:54
dstaarfor me is syntax highlighting very important my terminal background is black  but e.g. the violet comment highlighting is not readable for me09:41
slashtomthat's always been my problem, it's very hard to pick good colour combinations, so i end up being monochrome09:47
dstaarfor editing config files etc it might be okay but not for editing code09:53
ebelsyntax highlighting all the way09:54
* ebel always has a white background terminal09:55
dstaarbut using a white background in dark rooms or during night glares (is that the right word?) too much10:02
ebeli adjust monitor brightness in that case. or turn on a light :P10:08
dstaarwell that's too easy :D10:14
czajkowskiblack terminal green text14:52
thethomaseffectblack terminal green text is the only color scheme for me :)16:58
dstaarthat's the classic one17:25
czajkowskiso this is who I work for now - watch the video http://www.codegent.com/blog/2011/9/september_news19:55

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