
SymmzHey i was wondering if someone could help me with something03:41
Symmzim getting this error message while installing03:42
Symmzok the error message is "udeved[75}: woker [147} failed while handling /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:01.0/0000:01:05.0"03:43
Symmzdoes anyone know what this means lol im stumped03:43
CIA-45ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r375 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/ (8 files in 2 dirs):08:18
CIA-45ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: Convert HTML entities to their unescaped forms to help translators.08:18
CIA-45ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: Thanks Dylan McCall.08:18
CIA-45ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r376 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/po/ (6 files in 6 dirs): generate-pot-files08:18
CIA-45ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r377 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog: Fix changelog.08:21
CIA-45ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu: evand * r378 ubiquity-slideshow-ubuntu/debian/changelog: releasing version 4409:37
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r4943 trunk/ (152 files in 3 dirs): Update translations from Launchpad.09:45
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r4944 trunk/ (d-i/manifest debian/changelog):09:47
CIA-45ubiquity: Automatic update of included source packages: flash-kernel09:47
CIA-45ubiquity: 2.28ubuntu31, partman-base 151ubuntu1.09:47
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r4945 trunk/src/wallpaper/Makefile.in: Add missing wallpaper Makefile.in09:55
CIA-45ubiquity: evand * r4946 trunk/debian/changelog: releasing version 2.7.2910:47
Wellarkcjwatson: hi13:02
Wellarkwell, at least the grub-setup problem can be easily workaround by dropping to installer shell, chrooting to /target and running grub-install and update-grub manually13:03
cjwatsonWellark: yeah, it sounds like a cache coherency bug13:15
cjwatsonnot sadly the first such13:15
Wellarkcjwatson: do you want me to report a new bug or is #838981 "close enough"?13:18
cjwatsonplease file a new one13:20
cjwatsonit's easier to mark bugs as duplicates than it is to split them up13:20
stgraberev: Just saw your fix for the wallpaper in ubiquity. Sadly this won't work for edubuntu as our default wallpaper is /usr/share/backgrounds/edubuntu_default.png. What'd be the best way of making it work?13:29
evstgraber: probably factoring out the wallpaper path as an argument to the binary13:30
stgraberthen check for /usr/share/backgrounds/edubuntu_default.png in ubiquity-dm?13:31
stgraberok, I'll do that once I'm done doing some more work on friendly-recovery13:45
evokay, cool13:49
=== kentb-afk is now known as kentb
Wellarkcjwatson: if you have time could you explain the cache coherency problem?15:15
Wellarkcoherency problem when changing files outside of chroot and inside chroot?15:16
Wellarkshall I tag with something?15:20
cjwatsonno, tags are useless :-)15:21
WellarkOK XD15:21
cjwatson(for this anyway)15:21
cjwatsonpeople tag grub2 bugs with all kinds of irrelevant crap like "boot", gets on my nerves :-)15:22
WellarkI feel you :)15:22
cjwatsonwe're writing files to the partition using ordinary POSIX system calls, and then trying to read them back using GRUB's built-in filesystem drivers reading directly from the disk device15:22
cjwatsonthere's a caching layer in between those and if it isn't properly flushed you can get this kind of symptom15:23
WellarkI think the tags thingy is pretty much undocumented and people don't simply know how to use them15:23
Wellarkso, "sync" is not enough? :(15:23
Wellarkit _should_ be15:23
Wellarkbug #85101215:24
ubot2Launchpad bug 851012 in ubuntu "alternate installer: grub2 can't be installed on a partition" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85101215:24
cjwatsonWellark: "it's a bit more complicated than that"16:25
Wellarkcjwatson: I'm sure it is :)18:35
WellarkI'm just trying to learn something here:D18:35
Wellarkbecause AFAIK "sync" should force the actual buffers to be flushed to the permanent storage so why does that not happen or if it does indeed happen why doesn't grub see the data?18:36
Wellarkfor example in reiser4 case the fact that programs did trigger sync (e.g. vi and emacs) and that caused tremendous performance problems as the reiser4 kernel module indeed was forced to sync to the disk18:37
Wellarkand that completely trashed the performance of the algorithms18:38
kyleNsuperm1, hi. my project with oem-config is not installing lang packs for the user selected language even though the apt cache knows where they are at oem-config run time. do I need to turn that one somehow?18:40
kyleN(he had discussed I think that it was automatic and the packs installed are those returned by check-language-support -l <user-selected-lang>)18:41
kyleNwe had, i mean18:41
kyleNmy packs are in an on disk archive from which I can install them with apt-get install, but no success on the oem-config path.18:41
kyleNnothing in /var/log/oem-config.log (except some keymap warnings)18:42
kyleNev, do you know about this ^ ?18:49
kyleNsuperm1, I also have another question: what's the best way to cut down the list of languages displayed on the first page of oem-config (without modifying source if possible).18:56
superm1kyleN, you need to preseed only-show-installable languages to cut down the list18:58
superm1as for it not installing them, can you confirm that you can actually apt-get install them manually with how they're set up in your apt cache?18:58
kyleNsuperm1, ok I can check on the preseseding18:59
kyleNsuperm1, I just did manually install them with apt-get from the on disk archive18:59
superm1kyleN, then you'll  need to run oem-config in debug mode and see what is happening when it tries to install them i think19:00
kyleNsuperm1, how. pass -debug arg and launch with sudo from normal termimal/desktop?19:01
superm1kyleN, there is a kernel command line option for it19:01
superm1debug-oem-config I think19:01
kyleNsuperm1, ok. thanks19:01
superm1kyleN, you can ask chris townsend to look at one of the oneiric ISOs that I have working with the full process if you want to compare, he can point you at it19:03
kyleNsuperm1, thanks19:03
kyleNonly-show-installable-languages worked regarding cutting down display. (I also set find-installable to true), superm119:26
superm1kyleN, cool, so it only offers the ones in your pool now right?19:27
kyleNsuperm1, right. but now I click Continue and it hangs and I con't move to the next page19:27
kyleNContinue button never gets enabled properly19:28
superm1you have to pick a language for it to get enabled19:28
superm1maybe the sensitivity setting isn't working right?19:28
kyleNsuperm1, I think this is something unrelated to stock oem-config. I'll let you know if there's an issue19:29
kyleNsuperm1, something else I notice is that after session login, LANGUAGE var is unset and is not set in /etc/default/locale.21:30
kyleNthat's the main var now I think for controlling the user language for translation purposes21:31
superm1kyleN, i think you need to investigate the debug logs to see what happened21:31
superm1hopefully they're informative21:31
kyleNsuperm1, do you expect LANGUAGE to be set?21:31
superm1kyleN, LANG should be set in /etc/default/locale21:32
kyleNsuperm1, LANG is. LANGUAGE is not and should be21:32
superm1i dont think there is a LANGUAGE variable in /etc/default/locale by default21:33
kyleNtrue, but there needs to be I believe21:33
superm1i don't think so21:33
kyleNit is THE var that sets the language for translation purposes now21:33
superm1i just checked a recent spanish install and it's unset21:33
kyleNat session time is it set? (must be)21:34
kyleNLANG is now used for formats (number, currency, etc) only I believe21:35
superm1i don't see it set in the session no (looking at export output)21:35
kyleNand I bet you are not seeing all the translations in the UI you would expect21:35
superm1well all the apps are in spanish it seems21:35
superm1unity is in spanish21:35
superm1so if it's supposed to be, that might be an unrelated problem to lang packs getting installed21:36
kyleNi think it is unrelated21:36
superm1there is something wrong with lightdm's screen not showing up properly in zh_CN i think though21:36
superm1according to scripts/localechooser-apply LANGUAGE will only be set if the languagelist is one of  them that has alternatives21:41
kyleNsuperm1, I am surprised. there was definitie movement away from LANG to LANGUAGE but oneiric seems to be using LANG for translations21:41
superm1so it's possible21:41
kyleNit is true that LANGUAGE sets a hierarchy21:41
superm1maybe scripts/localechooser-apply needs to be updated still21:41
kyleNkind of thing21:41
kyleNsuperm1, if I set LANG in terminal to en_US.UFT-8 and launch gedit, it is in en21:42
kyleNif I export LANGUAGE=fr_FR and launch gedit it is in french21:43
kyleNmy guess is that if LANGUAGE is unset it falls back to old-style lang21:43
kyleNbut LANGUAGE overrides, as it should21:43
superm1looking at localechooser/post-base-installer.d/05localchooser it does the same thing, LANGUAGE is only set if languagelist is a list of languages with alternatives, otherwise it's useless21:44
superm1so if that is no longer the case i think both localechooser and ubiquity need to be updated21:44
kyleNso, I assert LANG should not be used for translation language.21:44
kyleNI can ask david planella and martin pitt21:44
kyleNI'll email them and cc you21:45
superm1superm1@ubuntu.com is fine21:45
kyleNnow, why don't my lang packs install :)21:49
kyleNsuperm1, does misc_install.py's do_install function always run? i inserted some code to write the value of the langpacks arg to file and it was never written...21:51
kyleNsorry, that should be install_misc.py21:51
superm1it's called from plugininstall.py's install_language_packs21:52
superm1so maybe is self.langpacks not being set?21:52
superm1did you preseed that true?21:53
kyleNdon't think so21:53
superm1oh i think i remember ev decided  to not set it true because not all oem scenarios will have an on disk apt pool, that's right21:53
superm1(by default)21:53
kyleNthat's ok as long as we know about it :)21:54
kyleNyes, its false by default21:56
kyleNsuperm1, progress. except for one bit. I had to add "--force-yes" to  the code in /usr/share/ubiquity/plugininstll.py or else it fails. Does this mean i did not set up my on-disk apt-cache correctly?23:23
kyleNthe code I refer to is the debconf-apt-progress line that actually does the installation of the pkgs23:24
kyleNoh it still fails :(23:25
kyleNno wait, the lang packs ARE (finally) installed. but I do get a big error message at the end of oem-config (in spanish)23:26
kyleNso there is progress but not solved yet. the error is that the debconf-apt-progress that does that apt-get install exits with status of 100.23:27
kyleNI can press OK and continue, but checking in another tty shows the lang packs are indeed installed23:29
kyleNI'll have to take this up later, but to summarize:23:31
kyleNto install lang pack debs I have in an on disk archive the apt-cache knows about (and from which I can install from at the command line):23:32
kyleNOh, and to only show the langs in oem-config  for which I have lang packs in that apt cache:23:33
kyleNset debconf 'ubiquity ubiquity/show-only-installable boolean true'23:33
kyleNset debconf 'oem-config oem-config/install-language-support boolean true'23:34
kyleNedit /usr/share/ubiquity /installplugins.py to use the apt --force-yes option23:35
kyleN(which may mean I set up my on disk archive wrong? ^ )23:36
kyleNand I get an error pop-up after the lang packs are successfully installed indicating installplugins.py exited with status 100. but I can press OK and continue and all the lang packs are indeed isntalled23:36

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