
timClickssweet! the ubuntu monospace font looks great07:51
chiltstimClicks: are you using it in your editor already?08:53
* chilts is just reading http://design.canonical.com/2010/11/the-monospace-is-coming/08:54
ojwbwow, typotastic09:17
chiltsAndale Mono looks quite nice10:12
chiltsI have no idea what Emacs uses, it's the same one it was back in 2000 as far as I can tell10:12
timClickschilts: yes, just join the launchpad team as per docs10:28
ajmitchthere should be a law about it being this bright in the morning when I'm tired20:09
chiltsI like the fact that the 'l' has a bit on top and bottom that go different ways (rather than having it go both ways at the bottom)20:12
chiltsit makes it easier to see from '1'20:12
ajmitchlooking at this new font?20:13
* ajmitch wonders if he has access to the ppa already20:15
* ajmitch just found a good reason to go to LCA in ballarat next year, there's a beer festival there on the saturday after LCA :)21:29
ibeardsleethere has been a bit of .. "a ticket to the festival would be great in the loot bag", "do they know a bunch of geeks are in town, should the LCA organisers arrange a discount" et etc22:11
Atamiraim away for the weekend22:18
Atamirahave a great open software day whoevers going22:18
hadsThat makes me wish I was going even more.22:50
hadsSadly, not sure if I can make it this year, which would be the second in a row.22:51
* ibeardslee is presenting this year23:39
ajmitchsysadmin miniconf?23:40
ajmitchor the main conference as well?23:40
ibeardsleejust the main23:40
ajmitchnice, what are you talking on?23:40
ajmitchlooks interesting23:42
* ajmitch is hoping to be able to get to LCA again23:42

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