
Takyojitonyyarusso: For pay, I believe04:08
tonyyarussoTakyoji: intriguing04:17
tonyyarussoNo, I haven't.04:17
TakyojiI asked for more context, got a reply, then stated my opinions on the plan, and haven't heard back yet.04:18
TakyojiIt's of upgrading an Ubuntu LDAP/NFS server and 10 workstations; from Ubuntu 8.04 LTS04:19
tonyyarussoas just a bit job or long-term?04:20
tonyyarussoalso, where?  Down near you?04:22
* tonyyarusso is looking for part-time work04:23
TakyojiJust a one-time thing, upgrading the server.05:16
Takyojito my understanding05:16
tonyyarussoI could be up for that if it's Metro.05:18
TakyojiI'm assuming they found me through the Ubuntu LoCo or something, I can't really think how they found me otherwise. Otherwise it's in Rochester.18:44
TakyojiThe one and only time my location is advantageous over most others. xP18:45

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