
AlanBellis there a way in the LoCo directory to see all the events you are registered to attend?11:22
AlanBellperhaps a personalised ical feed?11:22
nigelbFairly sure there isn't a personalized ical feed.11:23
AlanBellso am I. Would be cool though11:26
mhall119AlanBell: file a bug11:27
mhall119write a patch if you can11:28
nigelbRSS would be complicated11:29
nigelbBut having a profile page would be awesome.11:29
AlanBellyeah, will file a bug11:29
AlanBellare there any recent patches with test scripts to look at?11:30
AlanBellI couldn't work out how to do a meaningful test for https://code.launchpad.net/~alanbell/loco-directory/backbutton/+merge/7352611:31
AlanBellwho should bug 773243 be assigned to?11:54
ubot4Launchpad bug 773243 in ubuntu-website "Ubuntu website advertises "Fully compatible with Microsoft Office" (affects: 4) (heat: 18)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/77324311:54
nigelbAlanBell: summit should have good tests12:52
james_wmhall119, https://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/awstrial/remove-maverick-text/+merge/7557215:26
mhall119james_w: I was actually joking about you doing awstrial work, that's in ISD's hands now15:28
james_wI was hoping it would still work though :-)15:28
mhall119I'll take it, don't get me wrong, it's less work for me15:28
mhall119james_w: I got an error running your multi-sprint tests17:00
james_wpastebin and I'll fix it17:01
mhall119it's in the MP17:01
mhall119looks like maybe you're using a newer version of Django?17:01
mhall119it can't find assertIs17:01
james_wassertEqual will suffice17:02
james_wmhall119, fixed17:04
james_walso argle, non-deterministic behaviour to try and write a test for17:06
james_wwell, I'll just fix the code and keep the test I think17:07
james_wthis is some private meeting fixes I'm working on, not the multi sprint branch17:07
mhall119james_w: my only concern about the multi-sprint is that once you add a Sprint record, you lose the default which uses the summit name17:10
mhall119this may cause confusion17:11
mhall119we'll just have to make sure people know about it17:11
mhall119so right now we'll have uds-p spring17:11
james_wI would have put some text on the admin page, but I wasn't sure how17:11
mhall119and if Marianna adds the Linaro sprint, suddenly it won't check the uds-p sprint anymore17:11
mhall119I think just making them aware will suffice for this cycle, but we might want to discuss how to keep it consistent going forward17:12
mhall119either dropping the use of a default, or adding the default as a sprint on initial save of a Summit object17:13
james_wah, that's a good idea17:13
james_wI'll set this one up, so it won't be a problem unless anyone changes them17:14
mhall119awesome test case for it though17:16
mhall119james_w: both your branches have landed in trunk, I also updated http://ec2-50-16-76-22.compute-1.amazonaws.com/ to the latest trunk  and migrated the DB17:26
mhall119james_w: you can test importing multiple sprints on there if you have one for linaro ready to go17:26
james_wI don't, but now that I know this is approved I will create one for testing17:27
mhall119I just ran lpupdate on there with the default sprint17:27
james_whmm, it will happily import from staging, I'll try that17:27
mhall119man, having this ec2 running trunk sure is nice17:28
mhall119cjohnston: nigelb: james_w: summit now has 43 unit tests, and they're all passing \o/17:37
nigelbYou guys are awesome :)17:38
nigelbI propose a hacking session every UDS.17:38
mhall119*after* or *before* every UDS17:38
mhall119ok, but no deployments17:38
nigelbThis puts all the stakeholders + people who can fix into one place.17:39
mhall119well we've had sesssions at the last 2 UDSs17:39
james_wthis seems to be working ok17:39
nigelbYeah :)17:40
james_wit fails to import blueprints from staging, as it's hardcoded to production17:40
james_wbut it imported users fine17:40
james_wso I think we're good to deploy this17:40
nigelbHrm, we should take it out into a config17:40
james_wany objection to a deployment on trunk to summit.ubuntu.com?17:40
mhall119not from me, but it's going to require some extra work this time because we re-set the South history17:41
mhall119so we'll need to ./manage.py reset south17:41
james_wI can do it, but some clues about that would be appreciated17:41
mhall119the ./manage.py migrate schedule 0001 --fake17:41
mhall119and ./manage.py migrate sponsor 0001 --fake17:41
mhall119then ./manage.py migrate17:42
james_wshould I merge trunk to stable and production branches first?17:42
mhall119not to stable, once trunk merges to production we're going to be done with stable17:43
james_wI'll get some lunch and tackle this17:43
mhall119ok, when do you want to try for a production deployment?17:43
mhall119we need to let jcastro know to expect it17:44
nigelbmhall119: why do you want to get rid of stable? :(17:44
mhall119nigelb: because once trunk merges to production, trunk will be our new stable17:44
nigelbBut what if want to make unstable fixes and stable fixes?17:45
mhall119so we'll go back to only 2 branches, trunk and production17:45
nigelbLike james_w did have to do a bit back.17:45
mhall119you make unstable fixes in feature branches from now on, and propose them back into trunk17:45
nigelbah, ok.17:45
nigelbNothing undeployable goes into trunk.17:45
nigelbMakes sense.17:45
james_wlet's say 1:15 from now17:45
mhall119james_w: wow, that soon? ok17:45
mhall119james_w: do you know how to make a proper backup of postgres?17:46
james_wis there a reason to wait?17:46
mhall119not that I know of17:46
mhall119except letting people know it's going to happen17:46
mhall119and backing up the db prior17:46
james_wyeah, I'll see about the db backup17:48
nigelbmhall119: pg_dump17:48
james_wdowntime should be short, and I don't think anyone is using it much right now17:48
mhall119nigelb: yeah, but what parameters do we want?17:48
mhall119james_w: I'm checking with jorge on that17:48
nigelbdatabase name?17:48
nigelband I'd guess username and password.17:48
james_whttps://code.launchpad.net/~james-w/summit/fix-autoscheduling-conflict-with-private/+merge/75594 was the problem I was fighting with earlier17:48
nigelbmhall119: "pg_dump summit" should work.17:50
nigelbunless it fails for authentication17:50
nigelbyou can get credentials from settings.py anyway.17:50
mhall119james_w: can't we compare user records by their primary key?17:51
mhall119also, why did you remove local_settings.py.sample?17:52
=== Ronnie2 is now known as Ronnie
james_wmhall119, that wasn't intentional, I must have used mv rather than cp18:12
james_wmhall119, compare by primary key, you mean implement __eq__ for Attendees?18:12
mhall119james_w: no, I mean using attendee.pk instead of attendee.name18:21
james_wthat should work18:22
mhall119james_w: I've got to pick up the kids from school in a few minutes, so just ping me before you deploy to make sure i'm around18:23
mhall119you can go ahead and merge trunk->production if you want though18:23
james_wI'll hang back to start anything in production18:23
mhall119james_w: once this goes out, let's talk about how to fix the caching (or at least providing a means of force-clearing it)18:25
james_wI was thinking about that in the shower this morning18:25
james_wI've made the .pk change and re-instated local_settings in the autoscheduler branch18:26
james_wand pushed up a small js branch for a bug I found while testing private meetings18:26
mhall119cool, I'll review later, it can go out after this deployment18:27
james_wthey are important fixes, but don't block deployment18:27
james_wand once we've done this one we should be able to do frequent deployments of well-tested changes :-)18:27
mhall119I'm thinking, about the cache, that we make a signal that gets fired whenever some code changes the schedule18:27
james_wand invalidate everything?18:28
mhall119that way we can start with a specific URL that you can hit to fire the signal, but also start adding it into the places where it needs to be and eventually not need the URL18:28
mhall119james_w: that's what we should discuss18:28
mhall119ok, leaving now, bbl18:28
james_wlet's do so later18:28
mhall119james_w: okay, I'm back18:53
james_wjust did the merge to production18:56
nigelbjames_w: I <3'd your RT.18:58
nigelb"summit is such a fuster cluck"18:58
james_wpg_dump done19:01
james_wnew code in place19:01
mhall119did you touch the .wsgi files?19:01
james_wnot yet19:01
james_wI'm thinking that should happen after the migrate commands19:02
mhall119ah, right19:02
james_wstarting those now based on your instructions19:02
james_wYou have requested a database reset.19:02
mhall119did you just do the --fake migrations?19:02
james_wThis will IRREVERSIBLY DESTROY any data for19:02
james_wthe "south" application in the database "summit".19:02
james_wAre you sure you want to do this?19:02
james_wType 'yes' to continue, or 'no' to cancel:19:02
james_wreset first right?19:03
mhall119we have a backup anyway, right?19:03
james_wmigrations done19:04
james_wtouching wsgi files19:04
james_wcrossing fingers19:04
james_wlooks good to me19:05
mhall119looks good to me too19:05
james_wanyone see any problems?19:05
james_wwe have the new code as well :-)19:05
nigelbHrm, today link is falling off the top menu :(19:05
james_wnot for me19:06
nigelbwhat browser?19:06
mhall119nigelb: no it's not19:06
mhall119nigelb: I get "There are no sessions scheduled for today."19:06
mhall119what do you get?19:07
nigelbmhall119: No, I meant its not staying in the top menu19:07
mhall119also, are you going to /today ot /uds-p/today ?19:07
nigelbbut dropped down19:07
mhall119hmmm, not for me19:07
mhall119nigelb: what URL are you seeing this on?19:07
mhall119nigelb: try ctrl+refresh? maybe you have old theme dadta19:08
nigelbmhall119: http://people.ubuntu.com/~nigelbabu/today.png19:08
mhall119or maybe your font settings are causing it?19:09
nigelbmaybe because I don't have Ubuntu font.19:09
cjohnstonwhats up with microblogging?19:14
cjohnstonare all of those curacao rooms for hacking?19:15
mhall119cjohnston: the Hackfest is from a track being assigned to the room19:15
mhall119I'm not sure what's up with twidenash19:15
cjohnstonRight.. I know that... I assume that those rooms are only for the hackfest tho?19:16
james_wcjohnston, they are Linaro rooms, assigned to teams to use for hacking19:17
james_was Linaro isn't planning to schedule a full roster of sessions, but spend some time hacking as well19:17
james_wmornings for discussion, afternoons for hacking19:18
james_wmhall119, let me know when you want to discuss caching19:18
mhall119james_w: should those be private rooms then, so that public meetings aren't auto-scheduled into them?19:20
james_wdouble hmm19:21
james_wprobably shouldn't be openly scheduled19:21
cjohnstonWe don't have a way of displaying the private rooms yet19:21
james_wmaybe they should be private, I'm not sure19:21
james_wI'll have a look19:22
cjohnstonWhat does marking a room closed do?19:23
mhall119james_w: can you either give g+w ./summit/media/js or run: bzr branch bzr+ssh://bazaar.launchpad.net/~django-foundations-dev/twidenash/2.0/ ./twidenash19:23
cjohnstonDoes that allow manually scheduling?19:23
mhall119cjohnston: only through the django admin19:23
cjohnstonSo we need a way to mark a room as avoid auto scheduler19:23
cjohnstonLike a 'Manual Scheduling'19:24
cjohnstonbecause, unless Linaro has a reason to have them private, there isn't really a reason that they shouldn't be displayed to anyone.19:25
mhall119cjohnston: maybe "Reserved" would be a good type description19:26
cjohnstonThat would work..19:26
james_wmhall119, done both19:30
cjohnstonjames_w: what do you think about a reserved status.. That way the room is still "Public" but the autoscheduler doesn't schedule stuff in there.. similar to private, just being visible to everyone19:31
cjohnstonon the edit page stuff can be manually scheduled19:31
mhall119fixed microblogging19:33
james_wcjohnston, maybe19:36
james_wI need to look in to whether we want the schedule for these rooms to be displayed at all19:36
james_wwe are using the tracks feature though19:37
james_wso it would only autoschedule sessions in the linaro-hacking track19:37
james_win to those rooms19:37
james_wso if we just schedule it how we want the autoscheduler will leave it along19:37
cjohnstonwont the conflict resolver mess with it if conflicts arise?19:38
james_wnot if we manually schedule everything19:39
james_wthe conflict resolver doesn't change hand-scheduled stuff19:39
cjohnstonmhall119: oops20:21
nigelbjames_w: the rescheduler does.20:21
mhall119cjohnston: yeah, sorry about that20:22
james_wnigelb, does what?20:22
mhall119statik has requested an official build and release of the latest django-openid-auth though20:22
nigelbjames_w: move things around20:22
james_wnigelb, where?20:22
cjohnstonwhats the eta on that mhall11920:22
mhall119cjohnston: dunno, let me ask20:22
nigelbjames_w: I think its commented out now. So we may be okay.20:22
cjohnstonbe even more awesomer if the memory issues get fixed instead20:22
mhall119yeah, that's the big concern20:23
cjohnstonthats why i asked about getting them switched20:23
cjohnstonmaybe you can say thats a good idea or something20:23
nigelbWorst case, we could just spawn an ec2 for summit.20:23
nigelbReally, I'm not that scared about the memory issues.20:24
cjohnstondo you actually think they would point summit to an ec2?20:24
nigelbYes, given enough pressure.20:24
james_wnigelb, the reschedule code only acts on autoscheduled events20:25
nigelbjames_w: AH!20:25
nigelbthe "auto" flag, right.20:25
cjohnstonand you don't think that when we actually add load to summit cranberry will get worse?20:25
nigelbcjohnston: I can't say that for sure.20:25
nigelbNo one can.20:25
nigelbBecause we don't know what's causing the problems20:25
nigelbIts intermittent.20:26
cjohnstonthats my point... that we need to figure it out20:26
nigelbPersonally, I think its something to do with apache config.20:26
nigelbBut someone needs to spend time figuring that out.20:26
nigelbI don't have access, neither do you.20:26
nigelbThat leaves IS or mhall119 / Daviey / james_w.20:26
cjohnstonbut do mhall119 Daviey and james_w have the correct access to figre it out?20:27
nigelbAnd we probably need root at some point.20:27
nigelbSo, they don't have all the access.20:27
mhall119I only have write access to the summit directory20:27
nigelbWe're screwed with a ghost of a problem.20:27
cjohnstonthrow harvest back on cranberry and give us guanabanana20:27
nigelbAnd, to make things even more complicated, its one of those things you have to be watching happen.20:27
cjohnstonor wtf ever it is20:28
nigelbIts guanabana.20:28
cjohnstonnigelb: mhall119 are there any of the emails that would be better than another to attach to the RT?20:38
nigelbpick any20:38
mhall119cjohnston: for the memory issue?20:41
mhall119none of the django ones will be especially helpful, because the error gets thrown at random places, whatever happened to be executing when it ran out20:41
cjohnstonI attached the most recent I have20:42
cjohnstonjames_w: keeps spamming me :-P20:44
james_wI can stop working if you want :-)20:44
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb james_w are we good with marking [summit-hackers] figure out a way to import data locally for testing    to postpone?20:49
nigelbYes, go ahead20:49
cjohnstonsame with [summit-hackers] JSON export of data to be used for local testing: TODO20:49
cjohnston[summit-hackers] Add more content/direct links on the front page: TODO20:49
nigelbthe last one is DONE20:49
nigelbis it it?20:49
cjohnston[summit-hackers] Making user roles for different users providing different levels of access: TODO20:49
james_woh my20:49
cjohnstonmore content direct links on front page is different than main nav matching20:49
james_wI reeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaalllllllllly hate model_mommy20:50
nigelbYou shouldn't forget a single model20:50
nigelbOr mummy doesn't work ;)20:50
nigelbThe launchpad way is more awesome.20:50
cjohnston[summit-hackers] Create a mutable item to where meetings in the past are muted: TODO   <--- this one is where the rescheduler doesnt reschedule stuff in the past?20:50
nigelbcjohnston: That was also for rooms being closed etc.20:51
nigelbLike sessions happen in Room X on day 1.20:51
nigelbWe close that room.20:51
nigelbTo facilitate that, we delete the room. All hell breaks loose.20:51
cjohnstonSo we need to fix that prior to this uds20:51
nigelbActually, we need to make room availability better.20:52
nigelbLike mark time periods where the room is unavailable.20:52
cjohnstonwe have that20:52
nigelbThen we should just tell jcastro to use that next time.20:53
cjohnstonThere is busy times...20:53
cjohnstonthe ability to add three different times20:53
cjohnstoni dont know if you can add more if you use all three20:54
cjohnstonlike say monday wednesday thursday afternoon and friday arent available20:54
cjohnstonI am wondering with all the additional rooms if the schedule is going to be too wide for the screen20:55
nigelbwe should get the schedule to be better.20:55
nigelbthat still bothers me20:55
cjohnstoni wonder if the screens will be available a few days prior to uds20:56
nigelbask elmo20:56
cjohnstonmhall119: nigelb james_w https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/community-o-summit    what else do you think we can postpone?20:58
nigelbthe render.py20:59
cjohnstonnigelb: did you ever finish the api bug you were working on?20:59
nigelbI don't think I will get to it either.21:00
nigelbI need more time.21:00
james_wFix scheduling conflict resolution and notification21:00
james_wwhat's that one?21:00
james_wMaking user roles for different users providing different levels of access <- I'm not sure we'll get to that one21:01
cjohnstonI'm not hugely familiar with the API (read don't know how to do it on my own) but I think thats an important bug to fix to make summit hugely improved21:01
james_whmm, we should likely turn the reschedule script off on the last day21:01
james_woh no, it won't fight with the admins, so it's ok21:01
nigelbjames_w: it usually is turned off.21:01
nigelbwe forgot last time :-)21:02
james_wwell it shouldn't be21:02
james_wperhaps add a rule to not reschedule anything that starts in the next N hours?21:02
james_wAllow people to define their own Busy times, check them for scheduling conflicts <- busy times are implemented, there's just no non-admin interface21:03
nigelbcan we hackup a form for that?21:03
nigelbI think it should be "easy"21:03
james_wwe could21:03
james_wI'm not inclined to21:04
cjohnstonwell.. i dont know about easy21:04
nigelbI wish we had more hands for ubuntu webdev.21:04
cjohnstonteach czajkowski to hack summit21:04
mhall119cjohnston: we can still get a JSON read-only API in before UDS21:24
james_wdoes anyone know if we are getting Guidebook again this time?21:25
mhall119cjohnston: django-openid-auth_0.4 is building in our PPA now, I should be able to re-open that RT tomorrow21:25
mhall119james_w: I haven't heard either way, I assume we are21:25
cjohnstonjames_w: we are afaik21:38
cjohnstonmhall119: sweet21:38
cjohnstonjames_w: i dont know that we should mark the private rooms bug as released..22:23
cjohnstonwe still dont have a way to display that someone is in a private meeting in a private room22:23
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
james_wcjohnston, true, but we can live without it if we have to23:05
james_wI say file another bug23:05
james_w 5 files changed, 7 insertions(+), 50 deletions(-)23:22
=== Ronnie2 is now known as Ronnie
cjohnstonjames_w: have a moment to help me debug code?23:29
cjohnstonjames_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/summit/trackleads23:45
cjohnstonI'm getting an error with inner() which is in decorators.py23:46
cjohnstoninner() takes at least 3 arguments (2 given)23:46
cjohnstonI'm sure my lead isn't right.. I'm just lost on getting it right23:46
james_wwhy does the lead need to go in there?23:47
james_winner() gets the arguments from the url23:49
james_wso it's taking the summit-name from the start23:49
james_wand expecting to get the lead next23:50
james_wbut urls.py isn't set up to pass that through23:50

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