
* nlsthzn waves04:51
superflymorning nlsthzn04:55
nlsthznHi superfly , how are you?04:55
superflyI'm doing alright... and yourself?04:55
superflymorning nuvolari05:40
superflynlsthzn: thanks. obsidian shell ftw05:40
nlsthznsuperfly, Oh I am OK... and I was uber impressed with the band... been listening to them for a while now...05:42
nlsthznhi nuvolari 05:42
nuvolarilo superfly, nlsthzn 05:43
superflynlsthzn: they are like a combination of skillet and demon hunter05:44
nlsthznCool... dont' know those bands...05:44
nlsthznhi uncle Kilos 05:45
superflymôre oom Kilos05:45
Kilosmorning superfly nlsthzn 05:45
nuvolarihallo oom Kilos 05:45
superflynlsthzn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1mjlM_RnsVE&ob=av2e05:45
Kilossjoe julle is vinnig ne05:45
superflynlsthzn: and http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sV58gCi1NxA&ob=av2e05:45
Kiloslo nuvolari 05:45
nuvolarimaar natuurlik oom! ons is nog lus vir die dag05:46
nlsthznthx superfly will give em a look05:46
nuvolarinou moet ons 'n jaar lank wag!05:46
nlsthznfirst link blocked in UAE... watching second now05:47
nuvolariKilos: vir TL se performance oom 05:48
superflynlsthzn: this one isn't the music video (the other one was), but it does at least have the full song: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z06LXZQwkrc05:48
Kilosshame ja05:48
nlsthznsuperfly, thanks05:49
Kilosdie Channel 7 tv mense het gebel en ek dink hulle is nou besig met n "follow up" interview05:50
superflynlsthzn: also check out Pillar and Disciple05:50
nuvolariheh, I don't think she's going to need that x-thingy TBH!05:50
nuvolariKilos: is it Xfactor?05:50
Kilosal die ausies het gekerm toe sy ewe skielik uit is05:50
nlsthznk, cool05:50
superflynlsthzn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nZiiW2tLxEU05:50
Kiloschannel 7 show xfactor05:51
superflynlsthzn: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ajx6Tg4orMQ05:51
Kilosi suppose channel 7 is like our mnet05:51
superflyyeesh, I'm the weirdest metal-head I know05:52
nlsthznsuperfly, unfortuantly I have to go get ready now... long trip to Dubai coming up... I will make note of the band names and give 'em a look and listen... thanks05:52
superflynlsthzn: you can always come back and ask me for their names again :-D05:52
nlsthznWIll do ... but I like to find uses for tomboy notes :p05:53
Kilosshe had a fone call from a recording company yesterday but didnt like the songs they wanted her to sing and asked them to come up with other songs05:54
superflyKilos: see, ek't mos gesê05:54
Kilosoh my, is that what tomboy notes are for05:54
nlsthznGuys... have a good one... cheers05:55
Kilosja superfly jy was reg, soos gewoonlik05:55
Kiloscheers nlsthzn 05:55
Kilosgo well05:55
superflyKilos: she might not have gotten very far in xfactor, but someone will hear her and will give her a call05:55
superflytoodles nlsthzn05:55
superflymorning sakhi07:01
Kiloshi sakhi 07:02
magespawnmorning all07:57
Kilosmorning magespawn 07:57
sakhimorning magespawn 07:58
magespawnhow are you on this fine day?07:58
Kilosgood ty 07:59
magespawnjust formatting laptop hardrive for a clean installl08:06
magespawnmmm love a clean install08:11
magespawnKilos do you uxse othe IRC channels?08:15
magespawnphone ketboard08:15
Kilosno only freenode08:16
Kilosand have my own ##kilos and used to sit on #glug.za and #ubuntu-afr08:16
Kilosfone texting sucks08:17
magespawni is here08:29
magespawnnow on a desktop08:30
Kiloswhy you ask about irc channels magespawn 08:31
magespawnlaptop busy with its updates08:31
Kilosyeah the install actually goes much quicker than updating08:32
superflyhi magespawn08:33
magespawnhi superfly08:36
magespawnthis one is quiet compared to others.08:37
magespawnhave just found this from gussliber on twitter http://mg.co.za/article/2011-09-13-ag-pleez-daddy/08:37
superflywhat is up with my firefox today?08:39
Kilospeeps here work more magespawn 08:42
Kilosif you want action go to #ubuntu08:43
Kilosi cant keep up there08:43
magespawnagg no this suits me fine08:44
magespawnwhat version superfly?08:44
superfly7 beta08:44
magespawni stopped using that because of problems with the sync between the laptop and the phone08:46
superflyI'm not using Sync08:46
superflymagespawn: what do you think of the judge's ruling?08:49
magespawnwhich one?08:49
superflythe one to ban Juju from singing08:50
magespawni hear they banned the song as well which is not a good thing. if they only ban him from singing it that says, to me, that as a person in a position of power you must watch what you say and do08:53
magespawnhttp://www.news24.com/Columnists/Khaya-Dlanga/The-K-is-not-OK-OK-20110914 this says it quite nicely at the bottom 09:01
magespawncensure the person not the song or word.09:02
superflyyes, I agree. the problem is that Malema can and does incite violence... heck, even the YL was violent toward their parent body, the ANC09:02
magespawnyes 09:16
magespawnwooo hooo laptop up and running again now now to load it down with superfluous software10:02
Kilosyou got natty on there10:15
magespawnno lucid10:29
Kilosi prefer maverick to lucid10:29
Kilosjust a little bit better10:29
Kilosmaverick is really kiff. my only hassle is from power cuts while busy i think10:30
magespawnhowdy all13:18
superflyafternoon magespawn13:20
magespawnlaptop now has xchat again so here i am13:20
magespawndid a clean install13:20
magespawnsuperfly what is the best way to upgrade firefox?13:21
superflymagespawn: I don't know, I'm using the 11.10 beta13:22
magespawnyeah i was too but with the reinstall i am now back to the default for lucid lynx i think 3.something13:23
magespawnwould there be away to use apt-get to make sure it gets the latest stable release13:27
superflymagespawn: I think there's a PPA somewhere13:29
superflyMaaz: google for firefox ppa13:29
Maazsuperfly: "Firefox Stable Channel Packages : “Mozilla Team” team" https://launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/firefox-stable :: "Official PPA for Firefox and Thunderbird daily builds : “Ubuntu ..." https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa :: "Firefox 5 Lands In The Firefox Stable PPA For Ubuntu 10.10 And ..." http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/firefox-5-lands-in-firefox-stable-ppa.html :: "Install Firefox 4 In Ubuntu 10.0413:29
magespawnta i always forget about Maaz13:30
superflyand Google :-P13:32
magespawnthanks i used this one http://www.webupd8.org/2011/06/firefox-5-lands-in-firefox-stable-ppa.html13:42
magespawnusing the command line and apt-get is still faster than the software centre13:44
magespawnmuch better now using firefox 613:48
Kilosmagespawn, try epiphany-browser13:49
Kilosthen you can tell me too how to show lotsa tabs on one window not a new one everytime13:49
magespawnnever heard of that one13:51
Kilosits quite close to ffox13:51
Kilosworks well here13:52
Kilosfaster than firefox13:52
Kilosthe fly told me to try it way back then13:52
Kilosand doesnt want to update all the time13:57
magespawnadd ons?13:57
Kilosit has lotsa stuff13:57
magespawnokay busy installing now13:58
Kilosonly thing i found is yahoo doesnt recognise the browser but everything there still opens14:01
magespawni am not too worried about updates have uncapped adsl line14:01
magespawnnever use yahoo any way14:01
magespawnlooks okay reasonable speed so far.14:04
magespawnnot bad loads my regular sites quickly14:06
Kilosi use it all the time14:06
Kilosmuch faster than the fox14:06
magespawnwhat did you want to know?14:06
Kilosthe fox struggled on gprs14:07
magespawnsometimes yes14:07
magespawnthen you can tell me too how to show lotsa tabs on one window not a new one everytime14:07
Kilosmine opens every link i go to in a new window not new tab14:07
magespawnthat what you said^14:07
Kilosotherwise its same as the fox14:07
magespawnweird hold on14:07
Kilosi musta done something wrong again14:08
magespawni cannot see anywhere to change that14:09
magespawnno mine does it too when i follow a link on page i am on14:12
magespawnif i Ctrl-T then it opens a new tab14:12
magespawnwhen you want to open a link right click rather than left and select open in new tab14:13
Kilosdo you not tick the link then14:13
Kilosah ty 14:13
magespawni use the same thing in ff just in case14:14
magespawnthe person who designs the website can set that as a default but most do not bother14:15
Kilosi dont even know if epiphany is or has been upgraded since karmic14:16
magespawnepiphany has picked up my network printer and put a bookmark in for me14:17
magespawnallows me to access the printer web interface14:17
Kilosthats nice14:17
magespawnwithout remembering the ip address14:18
Kilosi dunno why its faster than ff14:18
Kilosthere is another browser as well14:19
Kilosdunno why i left it out here14:19
Kilosalso fast14:19
Kilosfast light weight graphical browser14:21
Kilosi musta forgot seeing as i dont google much14:21
Steff_hey all14:40
Kiloshi Steff_ 14:40
Steff_is there a way i can get my hands on a free copy of ubuntu?  I just dont have the internet connection to download a distribution.... :-(14:41
Steff_any ideas are most welcome....  14:41
Steff_over windows ;-)14:41
Kiloswhere are you?14:41
Steff_in joburg14:41
Kilosthere is someone in the area that might have a copy still14:42
Steff_o ok.... cool...14:42
Kilosi forgot how to ask the bot who keeps them14:43
Kilossec i try work it out14:43
Steff_o ok... 14:43
Steff_no worries man...14:43
Kilosor superfly how we ask maaz who keeps cds in jburg14:43
Kilosno worry. i should remember or make notes14:44
Kilosyou are connected hey14:44
Kiloswhat does this link say14:44
Steff_currently im on ubuntu-za.org14:45
magespawnMaaz, who has ubuntu cd in JHB14:45
Maazmagespawn: Erk, dunno14:45
Steff_ive had a look at ubuntu.com too... no luck there...14:46
magespawnMaaz, who has ubuntu cd in jhb14:46
Maazmagespawn: I'm afraid I have no idea14:46
magespawnMaaz, who has ubuntu cds in jhb14:46
Maazmagespawn: I'm afraid I have no idea14:46
Kilosmaiatoday,  will know who she sent them to14:46
Kilosbut she not here14:46
KilosMaaz, get ubuntu14:46
MaazKilos: 301 Moved Permanently to http://www.ubuntu.com/, which gets a 200 OK "Homepage | Ubuntu"14:46
magespawntry the loco page14:47
Kilosnuvolari, waar kry mense ubuntu cd's14:47
Kilossomewhere maiatoday put a list of who had them in each area14:49
Kilosabout 200 mails ago14:49
Steff_he he ok.14:49
Steff_if you do come across some info for me, could you possibly mail me some details?14:49
Kilosit was the guy that organised the release party at irene i think14:50
Kilosyou want to give your mail addy here or pm14:50
Steff_ill give it here...no stress... its a mail made for spam :-)14:51
Kilosok will mail you as soon as i get the info14:51
magespawnJoin the mailing list http://lists.ubuntu.com/mailman/listinfo/ubuntu-za14:51
Steff_thanks dude.  Jy is 'n legend!14:51
Kilosyeah Steff_ join our mailing list14:52
magespawnthere is a list of ppl with disk here http://ubuntu-za.org/get-ubuntu14:52
Kilosthats it14:53
Kilosty magespawn 14:53
Steff_cool ... done14:53
Kilosnew it was something get ubuntu14:53
Kiloswelcome to ubuntu-za steff14:54
Kiloshope you enjoy ubuntu14:54
Steff_im sure i will ... many thanks!!14:56
magespawnlater it is now home time15:00
Kiloscheers mag\15:02
KilosMaaz, get-ubuntu15:25
KilosMaaz, ty15:25
MaazEnjoy Kilos15:25
gjensen-naGreetings from your "next door neighbours", the new Ubuntu Namibia LoCo team :-)17:22
Kiloshi gjensen-na 17:22
gjensen-naI was wondering - do you have members from Namibia in your LoCo? Or would know Namibians interested in Ubuntu? I'm a bit "member" hunting at the moment, and certainly could need some help "spreading the word". Perhaps I'm a bit too upfront here - sorry that, but that's just me ;-)17:24
Kilosim sure all our guys are local here17:25
Kiloseven though some of them roam around the world17:26
gjensen-naWell, was worth a try ;-) Trying out all possible "channels" (communication - not IRC) to reach people here though. What would be your advice for "best type of attention grabber"?17:28
Kilosleave mails on the ubuntu lists17:29
Kilosand check if #ubuntu has any lurking there17:30
gjensen-naHm, that's a good idea indeed - will "annoy" everyone at #ubuntu then ;-)17:30
Kilosbut you welcome to pop in here when you like. just very quiet unless there is a problem being sorted out17:31
gjensen-naEr... uhm. Empty channel :-)17:31
Kiloscant be17:31
Kilos1614 peeps there17:32
Kilosdid you type in /join #ubuntu17:33
Kiloshow are you getting here now?17:34
Kilosvia your browser17:34
gjensen-naNope, using Smuxi. I'll have a try again...17:35
Kilosi dunno smuxi17:35
Kilosare you using ubuntu?17:36
gjensen-naYepp, and the problem seems to be that Smuxi lags behind when opening a channel ;-)17:38
Kiloswhich ubuntu release are you using gjensen-na 17:38
Kilosmost peeps here use xchat quassel or weechat17:39
* sakhi needs to make an iso image of the proxy17:40
Kilosand freenode on irc17:41
sakhiKilos: and irssi.17:42
Kilosoh yes , ty sakhi 17:42
Kilosdo you have that proxy in a folder17:43
sakhinot yet17:43
Kilosi used quite a nice command to make an iso yesterday17:43
Kilosfrom a folder on desktop17:43
gjensen-naI'm using 11.04, found Smuxi in the Software Center, installed it - works. Has been a long time since I last used IRC, so that's why I'm probably not missing anyhting in Smuxi ;-)17:44
Kilosif you interested sakhi 17:45
Kilosmkisofs -o /tmp/cd.iso /tmp/directory/17:45
sakhiKilos: folder or directory sounds like a Windows iso17:45
Kiloscan make an iso from anything i think17:45
Kilosexcept my dog17:45
Kilosif its in the repos it must be ok gjensen-na 17:46
Kilosgjensen-na, did you find #ubuntu18:13
gjensen-naYepp, I did. Wild Windows discussions there ;-)18:13
Kilosi cant keep up in that channel18:14
Kilosthey type faster than i can read18:14
gjensen-naUh well - that's part of the fun isn't it? I mean: in a pub you also don't keep up with *all* discussions around you at the same time ;-)18:14
Kilosyou but there you can focus on one at a time18:15
Kilosi forget who asked or said what18:15
KilosMaaz, coffee on18:19
* Maaz starts grinding coffee18:19
MaazCoffee's ready for Kilos!18:23
KilosMaaz, ty18:25
MaazEnjoy Kilos18:25
inetprogjensen-na: welcome to #ubuntu-za18:40
Kiloshiya inetpro 18:41
inetproyou are most welcome to stick around here while you start to grow the community around you18:41
Kilosgaan dit goed?18:41
inetproheh Kilos, thanks for being a good citizen18:41
inetproKilos: you always ready to welcome the new guys18:42
Kilosyou forget this is my home18:42
* inetpro lol18:42
Kilosof course i must see who is knocking at the door and welcome them18:42
inetproKilos: I'm sure you could get ubuntu membership based on that alone18:44
inetproyou should apply18:44
Kilosto who18:44
inetproask highvoltage, drussell and drubin, they know the process18:45
Kilosok ty18:45
inetproand then there are a few others as well18:46
Kilosdrussell, how do i apply for ubuntu membership and what do i need to do?18:46
Kilosdont tell me to pass the lpi exam18:46
inetproKilos: I think you could start by attending some regular meetings at #ubuntu-meeting18:48
inetproas far as I'm aware anybody is free to take part, you just can't vote18:48
oomkooshello all18:59
Kiloslo oomkoos 18:59
oomkoosI'm in need of some help. If someone has the time it would be appreciated. I'm rather noob when it comes to Ubuntu. It seems my GUI fails to start when I log in. I can see the desktop but no toolbars whatsoever. If I start in recovery mode and choose to log in with failsafe graphics then everything is working 100%. How do I go about fixing this problem?19:03
Kiloswhat distro are you using oomkoos 19:05
oomkoosUbuntu 11.0419:05
Kilosand do you have aptitude installed19:05
oomkoosdont think I have aptitude19:06
Kilostry sudo dpkg --reconfigure -a19:06
Kilosok sudo apt-get install aptitude19:06
Kilosyou know how to use the terminal hey/19:07
oomkoosyes a little :)19:07
oomkoosbusy installing aptitude now19:07
Kilosgreat as well19:07
oomkoosI get: dpkg: error: unknown option --reconfigure19:08
Kilossudo dpkg --configure -a19:09
Kilosi get mixed up19:09
oomkoosok that worked19:09
oomkoosno problem thanks for helping!19:09
Kilosis it fixing things19:09
Kilosis it fixed now oomkoos 19:10
oomkooswell couldnt see anything happening. just got went over to new line19:10
Kilosok i think its a graphics prob19:11
Kilossudo aptitude reinstall gdm19:11
oomkoosbusy running19:12
oomkoos1 package reinstalled19:12
Kilosdo you have a graphics card that had to get drivers19:13
oomkoosno nothing19:13
oomkoosno dedicated graphics19:14
Kilosgimme a sec i need to find a command19:14
oomkoosok no prob19:14
Kilosi did a clean install and got stuff saved all over and put them in funny places19:18
oomkoosi know the feeling19:18
Kilosinetpro, please can you give me the fsck command19:18
Kilosdis nie die ouder nie maar die dom19:19
Kiloswb superfly mrs_fly 19:21
Kilosman tells me this  fsck [-sAVRTMNP] [-C [fd]] [-t fstype] [filesys...]  [--] [fs-specific-19:21
Kilos       options]19:21
oomkoosin human terms? :D19:22
Kilosbut i dont remember what the correct command was19:22
Kilosi got the same prob19:22
Kilosneed to have everything explained every time19:22
inetproKilos: I doubt that it would be a filesystem issue19:23
inetproKilos: sorry het gou die kinders bed toe gevat19:23
oomkoosthere is a option for fsck in the recovery menu and I tried that but it didnt do anything19:23
Kilosi dunno if gdm is the right package in natty19:24
inetproplease note that fsck can be very dangerous19:24
Kilosok when you boot do you end up at the command prompt19:24
oomkoosno i get to my normal login screen19:24
inetproI once helped a friend on fedora and we lost all his data19:25
oomkoosafter i enter my password the startup sounds play and I'm presented with my background. Just dont have any menu's19:25
inetproso, point number 1 is always, do you have backups?19:25
oomkoosthanks for the info enetpro. I'll consider myself lucky then that nothing happened19:25
Kilosok its the desktop then i think19:26
oomkoosjip, atleast know how to do those lol. would like to try and avoid re-installing if possible though19:26
inetprooomkoos: rename your profile folder and create a fresh one19:27
oomkooshave tried that but to no avail. the same problem on the new profile19:27
inetprothat would be /home/YouUserName19:27
inetprooomkoos: is it a new installation?19:27
Kiloslets try sudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop19:28
oomkoosno had it for a few months now. to be honest the problem has been around for about a month but never got around to fixing it19:28
oomkoosthis install is on my notebook and I dont use it that much19:29
oomkoosok I'll try that now19:29
inetprooomkoos: when did it happen, was it perhaps an update that caused the failure?19:29
oomkoosok thats done. should I restart and try?19:30
Kiloswhen did it happen first19:30
oomkoosI believe you are correct inetpro. new updates installed and after restart the problems started19:30
inetprohmm.... what graphics card?19:30
oomkoosonboard graphics19:31
oomkoosnot sure what chipset this board has19:31
Kilosoomkoos, you have synaptic package manager there hey19:31
oomkoosyes i do19:31
Kilosopen it19:31
Kilosand tick reload19:32
oomkoosit running19:32
Kilosthen mark all upgrades19:32
Kilossee if it has any19:32
oomkoosthere is quite a few19:33
Kilostick mark all upgrades sorry19:33
oomkoosactually a few is a understatement lol19:33
Kilosat the top19:33
oomkoosi did19:33
Kilosthen apply19:33
Kilosdoes it say how many19:34
oomkoos140 packages19:34
oomkoos270 mb... this will take time lol19:34
Kilosis data a problem19:34
Kilosoh my19:34
inetprooomkoos: lspci | grep -i vga19:34
Kilosthats about the full update19:34
oomkoosluckily not. and I'm fortunate to at least have a 1mb line19:34
inetprosuperfly: wb19:35
superflyinetpro: thanks... my VPS was being weird, and I figured it might have been related to that DoS bug in quassel core that everyone in #quassel discovered19:35
superflyso I upgraded it19:35
inetprosuperfly: you think it's better now?19:36
superflyinetpro: well, I got the upgrade that fixed the bug19:36
oomkoosinetpro: Intel Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated19:36
oomkoosKilos: about 30 minutes left. I'll report once it's completed19:39
Kilosok oomkoos 19:39
Kiloshere are some commands to write down oomkoos 19:40
Kiloswhenever you install ubuntu19:40
Kilossudo apt-get update      sudo apt-get upgrade and sudo apt-get dist-upgrade19:41
oomkoosok i'll make note of those!19:41
Kilosthe synaptic mark all upgrades does the same job i think19:42
oomkoosubuntu normally tells me when there is upgrades available but it's been some time since I used to notebook and also rather difficult without any toolbars lol19:43
Kilosif i think back i had a prob once where i didnt have panels either19:44
oomkoosi'm all for the (very) "clean look" but it makes using it rather troublesome hehe19:45
Kilosafter this it should want a reboot19:46
Kilosi dont know if the unity interface looks the same as the gnome one19:47
oomkoosyeah i suppose. I'll reboot and see whats happening19:47
Kiloson gnome the shutdown button goes red19:47
oomkoosnot that bothered with how it looks as long as it's not invisible like now...19:48
Kilosim sure the linux kernel is part of the upgrades there19:48
Kilosin synaptic you can tick details i think and watch what it is doing19:49
nuvolario/ g'evenings 19:49
Kilosin that little window after apply19:49
nuvolarilo oom Kilos 19:49
Kiloslo nuvolari 19:49
oomkoosyeah its downloading like crazy19:49
Kilosals goed daar?19:50
oomkoosola nuvolari19:50
nuvolariand oomkoos 19:50
nuvolarigaan oraait dankie oom. lang dag :-/19:50
oomkoostoemaar hier ook. gaan dit nog goed met jou?19:50
nuvolarioomkoos: is dit jy? of 'n ander oomkoos ?19:50
oomkoosnee dis ek lol19:50
nuvolaricool :P gedink dis jy19:50
nuvolaridit gaan goed hierso dankie, en daar?19:51
nuvolariek probeer maar net kop bo water hou met al die werk19:51
oomkoosgeen klagtes hier nie. kyk noord...19:51
oomkoos95 of 144...19:52
nuvolarieh? FM? nee, ek luister nie radio nie19:52
nuvolariwaarvoor is dit?19:53
Kiloshy bietjie agter19:53
oomkoosmy ubuntu alweer stukken :(19:53
nuvolarilol maar dit lyk of jy hom meer breek as iets anders19:53
nuvolariek het nou vanmiddag/vanaand arch linux op 'n virtual box aan die gang gekry19:54
oomkoosek belowe ek doen dit nie opsetlik nie :D19:54
nuvolariglo my, ons breek dit nooit opsetlik nie. dit gebeur net :P19:54
nuvolarioomkoos: arch linux19:54
oomkooscool, sal dit bietjie uitcheck19:55
nuvolarilightweight, rolling-release-based, highly customizable distro19:55
nuvolarimaar... dit beteken net jy begin van scratch af :P19:56
nuvolarisonder 'n GUI19:56
nuvolaridis nou nie so erg soos gentoo wat jy als van source af moet bou nie19:56
oomkoosek't vanmiddag 'n multiboot pendrive darm aan die gang gekry met 3 distro's op19:56
nuvolarikudo's! ek't dit nog nooit probeer nie :P19:56
nuvolarisolank ek iets met 'n terminal kan kry is ek gelukkig19:57
oomkoosnogal awesome. ekt nou ubuntu 11.04, backtrack 5 r1 en Hirens als op een USB19:57
nuvolarias jy 30 dae langer gewag het kon jy 11.10 opgehad het :P19:58
nuvolario wag, dalk bietjie meer 19:58
oomkooslol as ek 30 dae wag dan sit ek net die nuwe een by en verwyder die ou een hehe19:59
nuvolarioomkoos: hoor hier, is jy op google+?19:59
oomkoosnee lol ekt al vergeet van dit hehe19:59
nuvolariek is besig om myself van facebook af te skeur, stadig maar seker :P20:01
oomkoosekt dit lankal gedoen. as ek eenkeer in 3 maande inlog is dit baie20:02
oomkoos116 of 144...20:02
oomkoos10 min remaining...20:02
Kilosis it by the linux generic packages yet?20:02
oomkoosno its busy with libreoffice20:03
Kiloslooks like there was very little upgraded before20:04
oomkoosno argument from my side... hehe20:04
Kiloshopefully it boots properly now20:04
oomkoosi hope so too Kilos!20:05
oomkoosbusy with the linux stuff now20:05
Kiloswatch if your shutdown button changes colour20:05
oomkoosright now it looks like a lightswitch20:06
Kilosthen i will know if its the same as gnome20:06
oomkoosand that just brings up an menu and shutdown is an option20:07
Kilosshould also say reboot to complete upgrade20:07
Kilosonce everything is installed of course20:08
oomkoosdown to 2 min 20:08
oomkoosdunno how long it will take to install though20:08
Kilosnot long20:09
oomkoos22s remaining20:10
* Kilos holds thumbs20:11
oomkooslol thanks but I'll need toes as well with my luck20:11
oomkoosok all done!20:16
oomkoosshutdown didnt change at all20:16
Kilosyou were on that funny screen hey20:17
oomkoosI'll restart and see what's happening20:17
Kilosmaybe that why20:17
Kilosok we wait and see20:17
oomkoosmaybe. be back in 520:17
Kilosnuvolari, wie is oom koos20:18
Kilosekt vergeet20:18
Kilosstill no panels20:20
oomkoosi think this has something to do with whatever my window manager is20:20
Kilosoh my20:20
Kilosopen synaptic20:21
oomkoosbecause I can open xchat using the terminal but i have no border around it and cant move it20:21
Kilosin the top little window type in panel20:21
Kilosthen tell it search20:22
oomkoosok i'm stuck without my panals. i'll restart with the recovery mode. brb20:23
Kilosi wonder if they arent hidden or deleted20:23
KilosMaaz, google panels missing in ubuntu natty20:24
MaazKilos: "[SOLVED] Volume Icon Gone from Top Panel in Ubuntu 10.4 - Ubuntu ..." http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1436043 :: "Missing top and side panels in Unity, Natty Troubleshooting ..." http://www.tuxgarage.com/2011/04/missing-top-and-side-panels-in-unity.html :: "Ubuntu 11.04 Beta | Ubuntu" http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/beta :: "NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes - Ubuntu Wiki" https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyNarwhal/ReleaseNotes :: "U20:24
oomkoosok lets try this again20:26
oomkooswhat am I looking for in synaptic?20:26
Kiloslol i am looking at a link of someone who had same problem20:26
Kiloswill feed back to here20:26
Kilosyou cant use your browser because it is supposed to be in the top panel20:27
oomkoosno in this low end graphics mode i can use everything20:27
oomkoosbusy reading now20:29
Kilosdpkg -l | grep unity20:31
Kilosthat site is making my pc very slow20:31
nuvolarioomkoos: unity?20:31
nuvolariek dink nie unity het rerig panels behalwe die dock aan die linkerkant nie20:32
nuvolariof het jy absoluut niks nie?20:32
nuvolariprobeer die windows-key?20:32
Kilosnuvolari, kyk die lienk net hier bo20:32
Kilosander het die selle prob20:33
Kilosas dit natty is moet dit unity wees20:33
Kilosof gnome classic20:34
Kilosoomkoos, whats happening?20:35
Kiloswb bennie__ 20:36
bennie__soz my network cable keeps pulling out20:38
bennie__shortcut to open new terminal?20:39
Kilosum in the terminal 20:40
bennie__im without borders again20:40
Kilosfile open  tab20:40
bennie__lol thanks20:40
Kiloscan you see file20:41
Kiloswb oomkoos 20:42
Kiloslets go back a bit20:42
Kilosis that unity  or gnome20:42
oomkoossuppose to be unity if I'm not mistaken20:43
Kilosok 20:43
Kilosit would have told you if it needed gnome classic20:43
Kiloscan you see that web page20:43
Kilos in terminal dpkg -l | grep unity20:44
oomkoosyes I can but I have to close everytime I need to check chat cause I cant alt tab lol20:45
Kilosok i will give you the commands20:46
Kiloswhat does the above one say20:46
oomkooserror: need an action option20:46
Kilossudo dpkg -l | grep unity20:46
Kilosok go synaptic again20:47
oomkoosok i typed something wrong somewhere its working now20:47
oomkooslots of data here. what am I looking at?20:48
Kilossudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install unity20:48
Kiloscopy and paste the commands20:48
Kilostoo hard to type all of that20:49
oomkoosunity is already the newest version20:49
oomkooslol I type rather fast20:49
Kilosok replace apt-get with aptitude20:49
Kilosand reinstall20:50
oomkoosbusy running20:50
Kilossudo aptitude reinstall unity20:50
Kilosi go get next one20:50
oomkoostake it it should be sudo aptitude reinstall unity20:50
inetproKilos: apt-get en aptitude is baie dieselle so dit gaan nie 'n verskil maak nie20:50
Kilosapt-get se dis klaar die nuutste maar aptitude reinstall20:51
inetprohmm... baie interessant20:51
Kilosi actually havent tried apt-get with reinstall20:53
Kiloswerk reinstall daar ook inetpro 20:53
Kiloslol wb oomkoos 20:54
oomkooslyk nie reinstall werk met apt-get nie20:54
Kilossudo aptitude reinstall ubuntu-desktop20:55
Kilosis die laaste een al gedoen oomkoos 20:55
oomkoosjip het dit ook nou gedoen20:55
Kilossudo service gdm restart20:56
inetproKilos: wel apt-get het 'n --reinstall maar ek het ook nog nie gebruik nie20:56
Kilosi thought i was being dom again20:56
Kilosaptitude is lekker at times20:56
inetproek is eintlik ook 'n fan van aptitude 20:56
Kilosek wonder wat doen daai link met my pc20:57
Kilosdis so stadig20:57
Kilossukkel tot om te copy paste van daar20:57
oomkoosek vote vars install...21:00
Kiloskom ons try net daai site se goed en as dit nie werk nie dan goed21:00
oomkooswaar trek ons op daai lys?21:01
Kilos1/4 pad ek dink21:01
oomkoosok wats volgende?21:02
Kilosek sukkel om daar te copy om hier te paste21:02
Kiloshet gou dit met wget gehaal21:02
oomkoosok hang vas vir 5 min ek nou terug21:02
oomkoosgaan sommer gou die link op my pc net oopmaak dit sal vinniger wees. moet net als nou bymekaar kry21:03
Kiloslol ok21:03
Kiloshier gaan ons21:05
Kilosdis beter21:05
Kilosdpkg -l | grep compiz21:05
Kilossudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compiz21:05
Kilossudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install compizconfig-settings-manager21:06
Kilosoh my21:07
Kilosi missed they want you in the ctrl+alt+f1 terminal21:07
oomkooscrap, ek sien nou eers hoe laat dit al is21:10
Kilosinetpro, im sure its easier to look at that webpage and use synaptic to reinstall those packages21:10
oomkoosso used to the clock on the top... hard to see time if it's not there lol21:10
Kilosare you gonna follow those instructions21:11
Kilosits easier with 2 pcs21:11
oomkoosok Kilos I got the page on my pc and bookmarked it. I'll give that a go tomorrow and let you know what the results are21:11
Kilosok good then21:11
Kiloswe will be here21:11
Kiloslekker slaap21:11
oomkoosI have to get my 7 hours sleep else I'm cranky lol21:11
inetproskuus oom Kilos21:12
* inetpro besig met ander goodies21:12
oomkoosdankie vir al julle hulp dit word waardeur! cheers guys!21:12
oomkoossien julle more!21:12
inetprooomkoos: lekker aand21:12
Kilossal more weer kyk dankie inetpro 21:13
Kilosek dink ek moet ook bed toe nou21:13
inetproek gaan ook nou slaap21:13
Kiloslekker slaap julle21:13
inetpronag oom21:13

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