
Droopsta915Hello. Im trying to create an account but it keeps showing red exclamation points when i enter my email. Any ideas why?01:57
JamesTaitBonjour, tout le monde!08:32
clem-lcparrino: Hi Cristian, are you available?08:35
* mandel quick coffee09:18
* mandel back09:47
* mandel away due to system updates09:49
ralsinamandel: ping10:10
mandelralsina, pong10:19
ralsinahi mandel10:19
mandelralsina, hola!10:19
ralsinamandel: I am not sure I understand where you are going with the updater10:19
mandelI had to reboot the machine.. I hate updates :P10:19
mandelralsina, oh, is very simple I'm writing some methods to use the following: http://installbuilder.bitrock.com/docs/installbuilder-userguide/ar01s21.html10:20
mandelralsina, with that we can check if there is an update or not and later tell InstallBuilder to download and install the update10:20
mandelralsina, I'm just trying atm to get my head around building the update with InstallBuilder, the code is done10:21
mandelralsina, I think i sthe best thing to do, right? that way we do not have to change paths etc..10:22
ralsinahave you seen this working? How does it look?10:22
ralsinamandel: I was aiming for a trivial solution. This looks good, but remember deadline is today :)10:22
mandelralsina, yes, I'm working as fast as I can to get it for you after my lunch so that we can build it :)10:23
ralsinaand this actually is a wizard with multiple steps and stuff. Hopefully the UX is not complicated10:23
mandelralsina, not in minimal mode? I hope10:24
mandelthat ? was 3 dots puto xchat!10:24
ralsinait's ok, I don't mind the ? :-)10:25
ralsinamandel: ok, good luck and if you need a hand with anything just ping me, I will be working in about 1 hour10:28
mandelralsina, ok10:29
mandelralsina, do you know in the IstallerBuild UI how to pass variables to the build process?10:35
ralsinamandel: like what?10:35
mandelralsina, I'm using a write action in the insall builder operation and I added a var ${update_xml_url} which is the one that point to the xml in ourserver with the updates10:36
mandelralsina, I dont know how to pass that in the build step :P10:36
ralsinayou can just put the URL there, it won't change too often10:37
ralsinaor: http://support.bitrock.com/article/how-to-set-variables-at-build-time10:38
ralsinaand maybe add a "build installer" step to setup.py so we have things in only one place10:39
mandelralsina, that sounds like the best option, once I'm done I'll test locally with my local host if it works I'l ping you and beuno on what to do in the servers side10:39
mandelis very simple :)10:39
* ralsina is scared, mandel said "simple"!10:41
mandelralsina, nah, it means some xml and the files in the same location10:58
mandelralsina, no more, we can ignore automating it atm10:58
mandelralsina, oh, but it has to be written in COBOL :P11:00
ralsinaok, I am going to do dad things now, will be back in one hour11:01
mandelralsina, I'm of to walk the dog :P11:01
nessitahello crowd!11:14
nessitagatox, mandel: hello, how is it going?11:28
gatoxnessita, fine! fixing some tests11:29
karniduanedesign: ping11:30
nessitagatox: so, no need for me to review anything right now?11:31
gatoxnessita, yes..... let me give yoy11:32
duanedesignhello karni11:32
gatoxnessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/err-dict/+merge/75001  -  https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/845759/+merge/7538511:33
karniduanedesign: what do you use to edit audio file tags, easytag?11:34
nessitagatox: errdict approved after your response11:35
gatoxnessita, ok!11:36
duanedesignkarni: yes easytag or i just use Banshee11:36
karniduanedesign: k tnx11:36
nessitamandel: ping11:38
duanedesignkarni: https://pastebin.canonical.com/52827/ <--do not know if this helps you at all. This is what I start with if a user needs to edit tags to properly use the music sctreaming11:39
nessitagatox: did you got my review request?11:40
gatoxnessita, did you send it to canonical o gmail?11:40
nessitagatox: canonical, I'm trying to stop sending you work emails to gmail :-)11:41
gatoxnessita, here it is11:42
karniduanedesign: right, thanks. by the way, why do we expect all (all?) tag data to be filled. I think that's pretty messy. I would like to stream even files that have no metadata at all (like, a self recorded file, for instance). Do you know any background of the story?11:42
* gatox reviewing...11:42
nessitagatox: no hurry11:43
ryeduanedesign, byyy the way, yes, I had a question about this too and beuno said that we stream untagged files too, but they are marked as untitled or something like this11:47
nessitamandel: dude, where is my car?11:50
duanedesignrye: that is the way I understand it.11:51
duanedesignand it seems not all music comes tagged properly11:53
=== zyga is now known as zyga-food
nessitamandel: can you mumble pliz?12:08
ralsinagood morning!12:12
nessitahi ralsina12:19
ralsinahi nessita12:19
ralsinanessita: bug #827465 we have been fixing it in bits and pieces, but a lookaround is needed12:20
ubot4ralsina: Error: Bug #827465 not found.12:20
ralsinaubot4: you are full of crap12:20
ubot4ralsina: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:20
nessitaralsina: can you do that with a grep or similar?12:20
ralsinanessita: I am not sure I can figure that out of a grep12:21
ralsinaspecially since on Linux we do use "Control Panel" and such12:21
nessitaralsina: any other idea how to confirm if it's fixed or not?12:24
ralsinanessita: nope, just looking. I will do it starting in 15 minutes12:24
ralsinawe *could* check translation strings?12:24
ralsinanessita: the only qt part that is not working on Linux is SSO, right?12:25
nessitaralsina: I'm not sure we mark titles for translation... besides, we need to review the bundle script as well, no?12:25
nessitaralsina: sso-qt + wizard12:25
ralsinayes, but the bundle has little to no UI outside windows-installer12:25
ralsinathe wizard should be almost there for linux if sso imported correctly12:26
nessitagatox: 845759 approved12:26
gatoxnessita, nice12:26
popeyIs there some php code I could look at which demonstrates or otherwise shows how to implement a site which uses Ubuntu SSO for auth?12:41
popeythe only ones I've seen are python based12:41
ralsinapopey: I don't know but I am trying to find out for you :-)12:47
=== zyga-food is now known as zyga
nessitagatox: ping12:54
gatoxnessita, this branches are ready too: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/845759/+merge/75384    -    https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/845750/+merge/7517212:54
gatoxnessita, pong12:54
nessitagatox: why did you change the if-if-if in name-required to if-elif-elif..?12:54
nessitagatox: shouldn't we show everything that is incorrect  at the same time?12:55
gatoxnessita, i thought that was better, or maybe i'm missing something....12:55
nessitagatox: maybe I'm missing something12:55
gatoxnessita, please can you tell me the line..... to look at it12:55
gatoxin which branch......12:55
nessitaubuntu_sso/qt/controllers.py -> validate_form12:56
nessitagatox: name-required12:56
gatoxnessita, well..... if you see the code that was there previously... after calling message_box.critical(...), all of them do: return False, so i though that if-if-if-if was unnecessary12:57
gatoxnessita, also, in each call to message_box.critical, the previous message is erased (which in some cases can be a problem)12:58
gatoxnessita, i think..12:59
nessitathen we should concatenate all the messages and call a single critical?12:59
gatoxnessita, now that i read that again...... i'm seeing that: NAME_INVALID, EMAIL_INVALID and EMAIL_MISMATCH...... shouldn't be there..... they should be in the label assistance next to the proper line edit13:00
gatoxnessita, and maybe we can concatenate the others13:01
nessitagatox: but that's sso, does that apply there as well?13:01
gatoxnessita, didn't understand the last messate13:01
nessitagatox: let's talk after the stdup13:02
gatoxnessita, ok13:02
nessitaralsina, dobey, alecu?13:02
dobeyque pasa, seniora?!13:02
ralsiname (no notes)13:02
mandelshall we start?13:03
gatoxmandel, go :P13:03
mandelDONE: Create auto-update branch using the code generated by bitrock, added changes to u1-instaler to check for updates at boot time.13:03
mandelTODO: IRL closely to ensure update works as expected. Add some missing tests.13:03
mandelBLOCKED: no13:03
mandelnext: nessita13:03
nessitaDONE: more bug triage and bug follow up, tackled bug #850142, bug #849494, reviews, talk with alecu re bug #84637313:04
nessitaTODO: more reviews, team chasing to meat the deadline of second windows release today13:04
nessitaBLOCKED: nopes13:04
nessitaNEXT: dobey13:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 850142 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "UI Freeze exception: Remove the Bookmarks section from the Services tab (affects: 1) (heat: 10)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85014213:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 849494 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "String freeze exception: still offers Evolution plug-in for contact sync in Oneiric (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84949413:04
ubot4nessita: Error: Bug #846373 not found.13:04
nessitasorry, NEXT: gatox13:04
gatoxFixed some proposed branches.13:04
gatoxFinish with some high ui bugs.13:04
gatoxralsina go13:04
ralsinaDONE: reviews, few fixes, IRL testing, bug triaging, doctor appointment, turned 40. TODO: close code for release, send for signing BLOCKED: no13:04
dobeyλ DONE: bug #843002, bug #849308, bug #84007213:04
dobeyλ TODO: FFE for devtools, bug people about TB extension, bug #838778, get stuff off CD13:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 843002 in ubuntuone-installer (Ubuntu) (and 3 other projects) "Crashes when "For Purchase" apps have been installed (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84300213:04
dobeyλ BLCK: None.13:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 849308 in s25rttr/s25client (and 1 other project) "multiplayereinstellung (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84930813:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 840072 in ubuntuone-installer (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "Installer needs to install more packages (affects: 2) (dups: 1) (heat: 14)" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84007213:04
ubot4Launchpad bug 838778 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "After installing Ubuntu One, there are 2 Ubuntu One launchers in System Settings (affects: 45) (dups: 11) (heat: 202)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83877813:04
dobeyalecu: go13:04
alecu"doctor appointment, turned 40" LOL13:04
ralsinahey, it took me YEARS to turn 4013:05
nessitaalecu: hi there! go when your notes are ready13:05
alecuDONE: got a messy branch running with accented username13:05
mandelralsina, happy bday, nice passive aggresive DONE hehe13:05
alecuTODO: write some tests and land13:06
nessitaalecu: I'm dying to know how the thingy went13:06
alecuBLOCKED: no13:06
gatoxralsina, hey!!!! happy birthday!!13:06
* mandel lunch13:06
ralsinathanks everyone, you are all invited to a b-day party tomorrow. It's easy because only alecu could possibly attend :-)13:06
nessitaralsina: happy birthday!13:06
nessitaalecu: so, there are 3 bugs reports that your should attach/fix in your branch:13:07
nessitaalecu: the known bug #84637313:07
ubot4nessita: Error: Bug #846373 not found.13:07
dobeyralsina: feliz cumpleanos13:07
nessitaalecu: plus bug #818197 and bug #82743513:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 818197 in ubuntuone-client "Handle encoding of the options returned by ConfigGlue (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/81819713:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 827435 in ubuntuone-client "Windows: calling os.access with a bytes sequence (affects: 1) (heat: 19)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/82743513:07
alecudobey, hey, use the ñ!13:07
ralsinais ubot4 broken for private bugs or he just loses random ones?13:07
dobeyalecu: what is the hex utf-8 code?13:07
ralsinadobey: yes, use alecu's!13:08
ralsinadobey: copy/paste it :-)13:08
nessitaalecu: they are all assigned to you, let me know if that's ok/makes sense13:08
beunoralsina, it's a public channel, so he doesn't have access to proviate bugs13:08
ralsinabeuno: he used to say "is private"13:08
dobeyralsina: looks broken13:09
alecudobey, the hex utf-8 code is "c3 b1"13:10
alecudobey, but you are probably asking for the hex UNICODE, which is "f1"13:10
dobeyno it isn't13:10
alecudobey, yes, it is13:10
=== zyga is now known as zyga-afk
dobeyoh right13:12
dobeyf'n gnome13:12
ralsinaand I am pretty sure he failed with a public bug before... bug #82746513:12
ubot4ralsina: Error: Bug #827465 not found.13:12
nessitagatox: so, let's talk about name-required13:12
dobeyralsina: i think the bot is not authenticated13:13
gatoxnessita, can you mumble for a while about your branch and about name-required too?13:13
nessitagatox: yes!13:13
dobeyralsina: seems private bugs give a 404 for anonymous users13:13
ralsinadobey: that bug is public13:13
nessitagatox: I'm there13:13
nessitaalecu: wanna mumble after gatox's to do some follow up on your bugs?13:13
dobeyralsina: if i open https://launchpad.net/bugs/827465 in chrome (where i'm not logged in), i get a 40413:14
ubot4dobey: Error: Bug #827465 not found.13:14
dobeyralsina: and it is NOT public13:14
ralsinaugh, right13:14
* dobey sees red private bar at top of page13:14
ralsinawas scrolled :-P13:14
dobeyit's watermarked!13:14
alecunessita, sure13:14
ralsinaThe red bar appears about 15 seconds later than the page here for some reason13:15
nessitaalecu: when you're ready, let me know, I'm there13:15
dobeyit seems the bot in #ubuntu-desktop just doesn't do anything when i pasted the bug # there13:16
dobeyralsina: the bug issue is apparently because LP changed at some point to return a 404 rather than a bug with no real info13:25
ralsinadobey: ack13:25
nessitaalecu: ready when you are13:26
ralsinanessita: updated bug 827465  -- right now, the only "wrong" thing is "Ubuntu One client" on the firewall alert.13:47
ubot4ralsina: Error: Bug #827465 not found.13:47
nessitaralsina: can we fix?13:48
ralsinanessita: I have no idea where that is coming from, am on it13:48
* ralsina is guessing syncdaemon13:49
mandelralsina, ping13:55
ralsinamandel: pong13:55
mandelralsina, since when do we have to restart the machine after an uninstall?13:55
ralsinamandel: if the processes are running13:55
ralsinamandel: it's automatic13:55
mandelralsina, oh, makes sense, ok :)13:56
alecuralsina, that looks like the .exe metadata that is set in py2exe13:56
ralsinaalecu: could be, I am trying to figure out what exe is the one asking for the exception to be sure13:56
ralsinaalecu: confirmed, it's setup.py13:57
ralsinagatox, nessita: I really need reviews here, because I have to do another (tiny) branch after this one https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-control-panel/you-have-two-options/+merge/7537114:03
gatoxralsina, on it14:03
ralsinagatox: thanks14:04
nessitaralsina: branching14:05
ralsinanessita: thanks14:06
* mandel hates the fact that he updatd his OS? it does not work at all :(14:13
mandelralsina, ping14:19
ralsinamandel: pong14:22
nessitaralsina: ping14:23
ralsinanessita: pong14:23
nessitaralsina: is there any need to have the  from ubuntuone.controlpanel.gui.qt.gui import MainWindow inside start()?14:23
ralsinanessita: yes, it installs a reactor14:23
gatoxralsina, +114:24
* nessita browses14:24
ralsinanessita: yep, move it outside and you will see :-)14:24
ralsinaI have no idea where it's installed, but it is14:24
mandelralsina, I'm getting a runtime error (probabyl related with py2exe) with lp:~mandel/ubuntuone-windows-installer/auto_update, do you have time to make a package14:24
ralsinamandel: sure14:24
ralsinamandel: I am actually doing one :-)14:24
ralsinaWant me to do it with your branch, of course?14:24
nessitaralsina: can you please remove the      24 from ubuntuone.controlpanel.logger import setup_logging              import, the logger definition that is not used, and move the import out?14:25
mandelralsina, yes :D14:25
mandelralsina, that would be perfect14:25
ralsinanessita: sure, let me try it14:25
ralsinamandel: in 2'14:25
mandelralsina, thx, I'm rebuilding mine to see if there was an error in the steps..14:26
ralsinanessita: sorry, what import is that? It's not on the diff?14:27
gatoxralsina, nessita alecu mandel i've to go to the bank right now... brb (is quick), i have 5 branches for review if anyone has some time... some of them already has nessita's approval14:27
nessitaralsina: nopes, not in the diff14:27
ralsinanessita: what file?14:28
nessitaralsina: in ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/gui.py14:28
ralsinagatox: will start onthem right after I'm done with mandel14:28
gatoxralsina, thanks14:28
ralsinanessita: with that change I get a circular import14:31
ralsinanessita: let me merge trunk and see if it helps14:31
nessitaralsina: right, I think ytou need to move start to ubuntuone/controlpanel/gui/qt/gui.py14:32
nessitamakes more sense?14:32
nessitaralsina: next question: what's the point in returning the icon and the windows in start()? if I read main() correctly, those are not being used14:34
ralsinanessita: if I don't keep a referencec the garbage collector takes them away14:35
ralsinawhen they go out of scope14:35
nessitathey do?14:35
ralsinastandard behaviour14:35
nessitaralsina: what's the symptom?14:35
ralsinathat the window never appears, because the object is deleted when start ends :-)14:36
nessitasounds odd, but I trust you14:37
mandelralsina, I'm getting the following issue when I run my .exe: http://paste.ubuntu.com/690038/14:37
ralsinanessita: easy to test, don't keep the reference in main and try to run it14:37
nessitamandel: are you using a clean env?14:37
ralsinamandel: why is it using storage-protocol from the env? it should get its own copy14:38
ralsinamandel:  did you run python setup.py prepare?14:39
mandelralsina, yes, the command I used was: python setup.py fetch prepare py2exe14:40
mandelnessita, in theory the setup.py taks care of that14:41
ralsinamandel: no idea then14:41
ralsinamandel: what were you doing to get that error?14:41
mandelralsina, ok, let me know if you finished creating the package14:41
ralsinamandel: in a little bit14:41
mandelralsina, just running ubuntuone-windows-installer-qt and stderr gets that14:41
ralsinamandel: could be just a missing file in your library.zip but the path worries me14:42
mandelralsina, yes, I have the same feeling14:42
mandelralsina, lets see if its my env and not the code perse14:43
mandelalthough I changed nothing but adding an extra file and 2 functions..14:43
ralsinamandel: branching, will have something to say in 5 minutes or so14:43
mandelralsina, superb, I'll be waiting14:43
ralsinamandel: it's your environment14:53
mandelralsina, cool!14:53
ralsinain mine it works. Building installer now14:53
mandelralsina, great, please share with me the installer :)14:54
mandelralsina, did you use the ui or the command line to build it?14:54
ralsinamandel: both, depending on the moment14:55
ralsinamandel: so, I builder-cli build ubuntuone.xml14:55
ralsinamandel: do I have to do something else14:55
mandelralsina, you have to pass the versionID but dont worry I can manually change the update.ini for the test, not big eal14:56
ralsinamandel: tell me what to do then14:56
mandelralsina, its in the REAME :)14:56
mandelralsina, but dont worry in excess right now14:57
ralsinamandel: since it takes 30 minutes to upload one, I better do it right the first time!14:58
mandelralsina, ein? to upload where?14:59
ralsinamandel: anywhere for you to get it14:59
mandelralsina, really? 30 min15:00
ralsinamandel: more or less15:00
mandelralsina, whats your upload limit?15:00
ralsinalike 256kbps or 512, I don't know15:00
mandelok, I'll try to find the issue in my env15:01
ralsinamandel: it tells me I don't have a update.ini15:02
mandelbut the update.ini is generted by the installer15:02
mandelralsina, weird, wich revno do you have?15:02
ralsinamandel: 6915:03
mandelralsina, can you look at like 23 of the xml, there is where it creates the ini15:03
mandelralsina, may I see the error15:03
ralsinamandel, it tells me I don'thave a install.ini when I try to build the installer using build-cli, did you try that?15:04
mandelralsina, no, to be hones I used the UI and changed the vars manually...15:06
mandelralsina, can you try with the UI, if that is an issue I can add the install.ini15:06
ralsinamandel: just fix the variable in the file and push it15:07
ralsinathere is no point on that being in the command line15:07
mandelralsina, ok, but then you will have to do that in each release, is that any good?15:07
ralsinaI already have to do it anyway for versions15:07
mandelralsina, ok, pushing atm15:08
mandelralsina, done, revno 7015:08
ralsinamandel: also add the ini15:10
ralsinait's not being created15:10
mandelralsina, but it should not be complaining15:11
mandelralsina, may I see the error please15:11
ralsinamandel: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/690062/15:11
mandelralsina, let me try something, give me 2 min15:14
ralsinamandel: ack15:14
mandelralsina, please pull it should be fixed15:18
mandelralsina, there was an error in the xml15:18
ralsinamandel: ack, testing15:19
ralsinanessita: two-options has the changes you suggested, I am not sure if I mentioned it15:19
nessitaralsina: you did not. Did you apply all the comments I added to the MP?15:21
ralsinamissed those, let me check15:21
ralsinamandel: installer built and uploading15:23
mandelralsina, genial! gracias15:25
dobeylunch time, bbiab15:27
ralsinanessita: pushed two-options with all the suggested fixes from the MP15:37
ralsinamandel: http://ubuntuone.com/p/1H4I/15:42
mandelralsina, thx15:43
mandelralsina, I'm getting cmd screens during the setup, is that on purpose?15:49
ralsinamandel: yes15:49
ralsinamandel: I only get rid of them for the actual release15:49
ralsinamandel: this way you can see stderr15:49
mandelralsina, I love you15:49
ralsinamandel: ooooooooooook15:49
* mandel hates the windows updates!16:00
nessitagatox: ping?16:11
ralsinamandel: did that work?16:14
gatoxnessita, pong16:14
mandelralsina, yes, I just testing the update, I had to wait for some stupid windows updates16:14
mandelralsina, but the app works perfectly ok16:14
ralsinamandel: neat! Can you do a screencast of it or something so I can see it?16:16
mandelralsina, sure, let me think of something nice to do16:17
ralsinaso I can show it to people in the UK before they EOD16:17
mandelralsina, so, during the IRL I've noticed that I need priviledges to check for the updates, should I ask the user before I perform the request?16:25
ralsinayou need privileges even to check?16:26
ralsinathat totally kills the user experience :-(16:26
ralsinahaving the app asking once a day or whatever "can I run as admin so I can tell you there is nothing new to download" is awful16:27
mandelralsina, yes? I think I can get around it, let me check16:28
nessitaralsina: I got lint issues, added to the MP16:31
ralsinanessita: ok, checking16:31
ralsinanessita: forgot to fix the linux version ;-(16:32
nhainesQuestion: in oneiric I don't have any sort of U1 extensions in nautilus.16:33
nhainesIs this a known issue by now? :)16:34
ralsinanessita: fixed and pushed16:34
gatoxis this ok?? when the user is in the reset password page, and enter an invalid reset code, the error-dict generated is this: {'errtype': 'NewPasswordError', 'message': 'Piston/0.2.2 (Django 1.3) crash report:'}16:45
ralsinagatox: sure doesn't look ok to me!16:46
gatoxralsina, that's what i thought :P16:48
mandelralsina, got it fixed, the update will use runas and will create the tool to not require to be root16:49
ralsinamandel: need a new build?16:49
mandelralsina, let me push the changes, will take 2 min16:49
ralsinamandel: just in case, if for you installbuilder works and py2exe doesn't, you can just use the files from c:\program files\ubuntuone\dist instead of building them with py2exe16:50
mandelralsina, true, that is a good idea16:51
mandelralsina, but I changed python code :(16:51
ralsinaok then, I'll do it, no problem16:51
mandelralsina, one little change and I'm done (I hate win32api)16:55
ralsinamandel: I am about to interview a possible hire, how long before your EOD?16:57
nessitagatox: that's very very bad16:58
mandelralsina, please do pull the branch16:58
mandelralsina, I'm goint to be here a little longer :)16:59
gatoxnessita, do you know where is that coming from?16:59
mandelralsina, I want to get this working on your machine and then will go to open boxes...16:59
ralsinamandel: ok, I'll try to at least start the upload before startin the call16:59
mandelralsina, cool16:59
ralsinamandel: how can I try it?16:59
nessitagatox: yes, let me point you to the file16:59
gatoxnessita, ok thanks.....17:00
mandelralsina, you have to just install it, then kill everything and change update.ini to one I'll give you in pm17:00
ralsinamandel: ack17:00
nessitagatox: in sso, account.py17:00
mandelralsina, that will point to my server and will say that there is an update and will perform it, but I'll like to test it before you try :)17:00
nessitaline 22017:00
nessitagatox: request_password_reset_token17:00
nessitagatox: apparently, since ISD changed their backend, this no longer works:17:01
nessita    228             raise ResetPasswordTokenError(e.content.split('\n')[0])17:01
ralsinamandel: ok, uploading starts in 2' maybe you'll want to go open a few boxes until it's done17:01
gatoxnessita, ok, i'll take a look at that17:01
nessitagatox: can you please show me full trace? should be logged17:01
nessitagatox: should be in in the log file, I mean17:01
nessitabad news is that is broken for Ubuntu as well17:02
mandelralsina, can you use tweeter to le me know?17:02
mandelralsina, I wont be close the the laptop all the time :P17:02
ralsinamandel: sure!17:02
gatoxnessita, http://paste.ubuntu.com/690146/17:02
nessitagatox: confirmed is broken in Ubuntu17:03
nessitagatox: can you please file a bug, Critical, and assign to me,?17:04
gatoxnessita, ok17:04
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
nessitaralsina: ^ we'll need to file a string freeze exception for Ubuntu17:06
gatoxnessita, done https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-sso-client/+bug/85109417:07
ubot4Launchpad bug 851094 in ubuntu-sso-client "Wrong error representation generated for reset password fails (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Critical,New]17:07
ralsinanessita: ok17:08
ralsinanessita: am otp now, so please go ahead17:08
* mandel opens boxes17:14
mandelralsina, I'm getting an illegla instruction issue.. let me know if you experience the same...17:25
ralsinaillegal instruction? Where?17:26
mandelralsina, when doing the download of the update, the ntvdm encountered an illegal instruction17:26
mandelralsina, I have a filling that my vm is properly fucked17:26
ralsinalooks like it. I just finished the interview, let me do a quick try17:26
mandelralsina, yeah, so let me know when you have the package to take it for a test in my machine17:27
ralsinamandel: it's uploading17:27
mandelralsina, great!17:34
ralsinamandel: http://ubuntuone.com/p/1H4I/17:34
dobeythisfred: ping17:42
thisfreddobey: pong17:42
dobeythisfred: is there a method of testing ubuntuone-syncdaemon to force the progress bar to show up, without having to actually upload/download files?17:43
thisfreddobey, I think the tests mock it out. They also mock out the dbus calls to the actual progress bar, but if you hook those up again, you have tests that show the progress bar17:44
dobeyhmm, true17:44
dobeyi don't think it is working though :(17:44
thisfredI haven't tested it at all on oneiric yet, so that would not surprise me17:45
nessitaalecu: ping17:46
dobeythisfred: well it's not working currently on oneiric because of the .desktop file changes17:46
dobeythisfred: but i'm trying to test my fix, and it's still not working :(17:46
nessitaralsina: approved!17:46
ralsinanessita: cool, thx!17:47
thisfreddobey: we never really got the whole issue with the different processes talking to the launcher solved, so when I was taken off, it was all very much in flux17:48
thisfredif nobody looked at it since, I am not surprised it is broken17:49
dobeywhich issue with diff processes? the not allowing diff processes to talk to the launcher?17:50
dobeyand apparently beta freeze is in a couple hours17:51
dobeyreally FML. :(17:51
nessitaralsina: could you review a couple of branches from gatox?17:52
ralsinanessita: sure17:52
nessitahttps://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/845759/+merge/75385 and https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/err-dict/+merge/7505517:52
nessitagatox: ping17:53
gatoxnessita, pong17:53
thisfreddobey: I take it we've not managed to migrate to just the shim for oneiric then?17:53
thisfreddobey: anyway, let me know if I can help17:53
gatoxnessita, ?17:54
nessitagatox: regarding the changes made to https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/845750/+merge/75172, I was hoping we could re-use the properties dict to also keep track of the enabled flag (so we can remove self._enabled) and the polish/unpolish thingy.17:54
nessitagatox: so, you could implement polish as:17:54
dobeythisfred: i don't understand that question. the shim is irreelvant to this problem17:54
nessitaself.properties['polish'] = args17:54
thisfreddobey: well if we're not on the cd, does beta freeze affect us?17:54
gatoxnessita, ahhhhhh ok, no problem! i didn't know if apply that to that cases too17:54
nessitagatox: and then assert 'polish' is in proerties and the value has len bigger than 017:55
thisfredthat was the whole point right?17:55
nessitagatox: the simpler and easier to read the fake, the better17:55
ralsinanessita, gatox: +1 on both after a quick IRL17:55
dobeythisfred: beta freeze effects everything in the archive; even universe17:55
gatoxralsina, awesome17:55
gatoxnessita, ok!17:55
nessitagatox: but the branch looks much better!17:55
nessitagatox: another question17:56
dobeyerr, affects17:56
gatoxnessita, i'm finishing with the tests for the last high i have17:56
thisfreddobey, well yes, but once it opens up again, can we fix stuff without SRUs?17:56
nessitagatox: you added the new class FakePageUiStyle in both branches?17:56
dobeythisfred: we can't fix things without SRUs once the release is stable, no17:56
nessitaboth == 845759 and 84575017:56
nessitagatox: that will conflict, no?17:56
thisfreddobey: then I forget what use the shim idea is17:56
gatoxnessita, i don't think so17:57
nessitagatox: can you confirm? I may be wrong, but LP diff shows the class in the 2 mergers17:57
thisfreddobey: anyway, not the most productive use of our time to wonder about this now, sry17:57
gatoxnessita, ok, let mme check17:57
thisfredlet me know if I can review or if you have questions about the code17:57
nessitagatox: one last needs fixing for https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/name-required/+merge/75366 (I would advice add a test for validate_form to avoid raising a critical when is not needed)18:01
gatoxnessita, ok18:01
nessitaalecu: ping18:02
alecunessita, pong18:03
nessitaalecu: hi there! 2 questions: 1- would you any ETA for your branches? (so we can estimate when we'll build the final bundle)18:04
nessita2- ideally we should also land the u1cp branch where we shudown the webclient, can I help with that?18:04
alecunessita, regarding the u1cp branch where the client shuts down, we need to find why those DelayedCalls are still running on windows18:07
alecunessita, the weird thing is that on linux the tests pass just fine.18:07
nessitaalecu: is there any chance that affects IRL behavior?18:07
alecunessita, I'm talking about the errors you've found on: https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-control-panel/webclient-shutdowns/+merge/7470818:07
nessitaalecu: yes18:07
alecunessita, I'm not sure if this would affect IRL behaviour. In any case it will trigger an error when stopping18:09
alecunessita, so the only way it could affect is by writing yet another error when shutting down18:09
alecunessita, so if you want to help get this landed: perhaps we should add a "skipWindows" for this test, and create a bug to fix it.18:11
nessitaalecu: I can do that :-)18:11
* nessita does18:11
nessitaalecu: what about (1)?18:12
alecunessita, and regarding the ETA, my guess is that I will be able to finish it today18:12
nessitaalecu: have anything to start reviewing informally?18:12
alecunessita, but it will still need reviews18:12
gatoxnessita, ralsina  this branch is ready too: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntuone-windows-installer/reset-fails/+merge/7559918:13
nessitaalecu: I can start looking at the diff without a MP, and see if I see something odd. And ralsina can include the branch in the installer, I guess, even if is not in trunk18:13
alecunessita, not in a good shape right now, probably in two hours18:13
nessitaalecu: ok, let me know then18:13
ralsinayes I can18:13
ralsinanessita, gatox: trivial review https://code.launchpad.net/~ralsina/ubuntuone-windows-installer/start_right/+merge/7560118:15
ralsinagatox: got it18:15
gatoxralsina, on it18:15
ralsinagatox: +1 on that18:22
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
nessitagatox: lint issues in reset-fails18:31
* gatox looking....18:31
nessitaalecu: the branch is ready, shall you re-branch and re-propose or shall I? https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/webclient-shutdowns18:33
alecunessita, no preference18:33
nessitaralsina, alecu: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/webclient-shutdowns/+merge/7560918:35
ralsinanessita: got it18:37
nessitaralsina: test failure in start_right18:37
nessita(added to the MP)18:38
ralsinanessita: that test is patched, chec the diff18:40
ralsinanessita: maybe wrong PYTHONPATH?18:40
nessitaralsina: let me confirm (I did check the diff, I assume platform issues)18:40
nessitaralsina: you sure that works ok in linux too?18:40
ralsinaOh, on linux. Ok18:41
nessitaralsina: and thinking it twice, what PYTHONPATH issue can I have?18:41
gatoxralsina, nessita ok, all the fixes has been applied to my branches...18:41
nessitagatox: re reviewing18:41
ralsinanessita: having older installed ubuntuone-windows-installer in your PYTHONPATH instead of .18:41
nessitaralsina: in linux I'm not installing any package, so is very unlikely18:42
ralsinanessita: didn't know that :-)18:42
nessitaralsina: seems like you also need to fix ubuntuone_installer/gui/qt/utils/linux.py:32:18:44
ralsinano, the behaviour --with-icon makes no sense in linux18:45
ralsinaso I am duplicating the test as linux/windows specific18:45
ralsinaor rather, it may make sense eventually, in some cases, but we need to think about it18:45
ralsinanessita: I can't run the tests on linux because I can't start another VM. Pushed with what should work :-(18:46
nessitaralsina: I see the problem. The tests for gui should not test that Popen was called, but just that utils.start_control_panel was called18:56
ralsinanessita: good one, the tests are older than that function18:57
nessitaralsina: and then, since utils have different implementations for linux and windows, and different test suites, you can safely test one independently from the other18:57
nessitaralsina: in fact, test_utils do not test the start_control_panel function :-/18:57
nessitaralsina: you think you can fix that?18:57
ralsinanessita: honestly, not today :-(18:57
ralsinanessita: I can file a bug for it though!18:58
nessitaralsina: ok, I'll take that now18:58
nessitaralsina: I'll do it, should be ~ 30 minutes18:58
ralsinaok, sorry, but I have a ton of stuff to test before doing the binaries18:58
nessitais ok18:58
nessitagatox: lint issue in https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/845750/+merge/7560618:59
nessitaralsina: if you have a moment, this needs a second review https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/845759/+merge/7560519:02
ralsinanessita: ok, on it19:03
ralsinanessita, gatox: +1 on https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/845759/+merge/7560519:05
ralsinaI have to do a school run, should be back in 20' or so. See you people.19:06
nessitaralsina: you back?19:34
ralsina_Turns out I have to leave for a while (parents meeting at school). That is hell on schedule :-(19:38
ralsina_nessita, gatox, alecu: do what you can, send me email with branches that should go on the release19:38
ralsina_mandel: please send me an explanation about how your branch works19:38
nessitaralsina_: do you have an ETA for coming back?19:39
ralsina_I will try to put everything together late tonight and upload the binaries for signing19:39
ralsina_nessita: probably 7:30 PM :-(19:39
alecuralsina_, ack19:39
nessitaralsina_: ok19:39
ralsina_yeah, it hit my by surprise but I can not not go19:39
nessitamandel, alecu, gatox: please cc me in that email19:39
nessitaalecu: did you have any chance to review the webclientshutdown branch?19:40
ralsina_so, god luck people. Nessita, I am reachable by phone if something horrible happens19:40
nessitaralsina_: ack19:40
alecunessita, sorry, no. It's my code, so I would say "looks great!"19:41
nessitagatox: more needs fixing to name-required19:41
nessitaalecu: it does! :-D19:41
nessitaalecu: ok, I'll approve myself and land, since is your code19:41
nessitaralsina_: did you approved the webclient branch?19:41
alecunessita, I can run the tests and approve19:41
nessitaalecu: please do19:41
ralsina_nessita: I think so19:41
nessitaralsina_: you mentioned it was +1, but no +1 on LP19:41
nessitaralsina_: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/webclient-shutdowns/+merge/7560919:41
ralsina_must have not clicked submit or something19:42
nessitaralsina_: I have the start-right ready, do you have time for that review?19:42
nessitaor you're leaving right now?19:42
ralsina_nessita: in 2' or so19:42
ralsina_I'll try :-)19:42
ralsina_I can at least read the code19:43
nessitaralsina_: https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-windows-installer/start-right/+merge/7561819:43
nessitaI'm very happy with the code19:43
* nessita is such a narcissist 19:43
nessitadobey: so, shall I package u1cp?19:47
nessitadobey: so we can release  before the freeze19:47
alecunessita, approved19:47
nessitaalecu: great!19:47
alecunessita, (not the start-right, though)19:49
nessitaalecu: right19:50
ralsina_nessita: +1 start_right19:50
dobeynessita: no, i think freeze is in 10 minutes19:50
nessitadobey: LET S RELEASE NOW THEN :-)19:51
dobeywill take that long to do a proper release anyway19:51
nessita15 minutes is all I need19:52
dobey15 > 10 :)19:52
nessitadobey: I can try in 10. Do you have strong arguments to not try it?19:53
dobeyand because milestone/bug triage needs to be done19:53
nessitadobey: that is done automatically by the ubuntu-dev-tools, no19:53
nessitadobey: hum, not sure what you mean then. Last time I built a package, no extra effort was needed other than creating a good changelog that will explicit state what bugs were fixed19:54
nessitadobey: did the procedure change at some point?19:54
dobeyand anyway, i don't think rushing out a release right on the beta freeze deadline is a good thing, especially if it's only to fix one tiny bug when we have a couple of big ones that we really need to get in asap anyway19:55
nessitadobey: ok, but since I'm trying to get back on track of releasing and pacakging, please let me know when I can build the package for u1cp and ussoc19:56
dobeynessita: we need to manage our own bugs better; not only shoving them in the debian changelog for ubuntu. bugs we fix need to be targeted to the milestone for the release19:56
dobeynessita: i think you picked a poor time to do that. :)19:56
nessitadobey: is that a requirement of the platform team or is a proposal of you?19:56
dobeyit is not a requirement of the platform team. it is something we need to do for us19:57
nessitadobey: well, I think we need to discuss that before making it a requirement19:57
nessitadobey: discuss it within the team, I mean19:57
nessitaso we all follow the same procedure within desktop at least19:57
nessitadobey: anyways, why would you say is a poor time to do packaging?19:58
dobeynessita: "the team" has been me this whole cycle, and i have been doing it for every release i have made. and i don't want us to stop doing now because you're 'done' with the windows stuff and want to jump back on ubuntu packaging stuff and feel the need to rush out packages :)19:58
nessitadobey: 1- the team is coming back to be everyone is desktop now19:59
nessita2- I'm not trying to rush packaging, I started the talking about it with you (I could do it without asking you, and I considered that a bad approach)20:00
nessita3- I'm going back to packaging because is a good thing for me and for the team, and I hope you can help me getting better at it20:00
nessita4- I'm not saying we stop setting milestones, I'm saying that we need to discuss that in the team20:01
dobeynessita: ok, but my mind is not in the 'working as a team' mindset because i have been the lone ranger the whole cycle, and trying to adjust back to team mode is going to distract me too much.20:01
nessitadobey: I see, let's give you some time to adjust back. I will not package today, but I do want to do it when we're ready for it.20:02
nessitaand I'm happy to do the milestoning, I just think that I see no point on setting milestones once the bug is fixed, I think milestones are meant to be used for planning, before fixing the bug itself20:03
* alecu pictures dobey with his hat and mask on top of silver, and nessita dressed as an indian next to him20:03
nessitaalecu: what a coincidence! I'm just wearing "trencitas"20:03
nessitaa la Pocahontas20:03
nessitadobey: can you please remind me what bugs are we waiting to get fixed for u1cp?20:04
nessitabesides the TB-bookmarks ones20:04
dobeynessita: nessita bug #83877820:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 838778 in ubuntuone-control-panel (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 2 other projects) "After installing Ubuntu One, there are 2 Ubuntu One launchers in System Settings (affects: 46) (dups: 11) (heat: 206)" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83877820:05
nessitadobey: right, you're working on that, is that correct?20:05
nessitais there any other bug?20:06
mandelralsina_, ping?20:06
nessitamandel: he's gone to a parent's meeting, what do you need?20:07
dobeyi don't think so, but i think the TB *contacts* issue, and this one are big enough to wait on, and the "2 gb vs 5 gb" one is small enough that we don't need to rush a release into ubuntu for it20:07
mandelnessita, we where debuggin my branch in his machine, I'll wait until he is back so that we get it in the release,  I have a free evening20:08
dobeynessita: and i don't think there are any changes in SSO relating to the linux support since the last release i made (need to check on that); so i wouldn't say we need to urgently make one for it either20:08
nessitadobey: with TB-bookmarks I meant the TB issue and the removing "bookmarks" reference20:08
dobeyah right20:08
dobeyyes, i forgot those are 2 bugs20:08
dobeytoo much going on too quickly :)20:08
nessitadobey: I can take care of checking sso since your last packaging, do not worry about that20:09
nessitamandel: he wanted some things from you, did you read his ping?20:10
nessita(04:38:58 PM) ralsina_: mandel: please send me an explanation about how your branch works20:11
nessitadobey: actually, the 2GB vs 5GB issues will require a string freeze exception now, that we have passed the freeze?20:15
nessitadobey: and for sso we have a tiny string change... so I think I can build that package (will set milestones properly)20:16
dobeynessita: no, because we just removed the label20:16
nessitadobey: you're right20:17
dobeynessita: and it's a separate string from "join now"20:17
mandelnessita, yes, that is why I'm back :)20:17
dobeynessita: what string change is in sso?20:17
nessitamandel: can you please send those instructions cc'ing me?20:17
nessitadobey: leo added a couple of missing periods at the end of some sentences20:17
mandelnessita, sure20:18
dobeynessita: in qt UI or in gtk+? or are they the same in both?20:18
mandelnessita, but I'll wait around here so that I can chat with him, if he is to late I'll send the email20:18
nessitadobey: they are the same in both (though currently the code is duplicated... we'll fix that)20:18
nessitadobey: so he changed both20:18
nessitamandel: is the update thingy working? can I test somehow?20:19
nessitadobey: the branch was https://code.launchpad.net/~elopio/ubuntu-sso-client/typos/+merge/7310520:19
dobeynessita: oh ok. we will need a freeze exception for that bug. and it needs to be linked to the ubuntu package as well20:20
mandelnessita, he was not able to access the host with the xml, I'm going to test now in my system, I'll ping you when I trust the thing to work so that you can test in your xp vm :)20:20
nessitadobey: will take care of that now then20:20
nessitamandel: yes please, we need that working and "oiled up"20:23
dobeyoiled up?20:28
dobeythat's what she said? :P20:28
nessitadobey: is that even a word in english? (I just invented it)20:30
dobeyoiled? yes. but i do not think it means what you think it means?20:31
nessitadobey: well, I meant 'aceitado', which in spanich means with oil in it, but in figurative speech means something that runs smoothly20:31
nessitaso I deduced in english it was 'oiled up' :-D20:32
dobeynessita: i think if you did a google image search for 'oiled up' in the US, you would find it has a very different meaning ;)20:33
* nessita googles20:33
nessitadobey: well, imagine the an upgrade of the installer oiled up, that would mean what I meant20:33
nessitait just installs and updates, no user interaction20:34
nessitadobey: going back to bug #835054, if I do a branch that adds the dot at the end, outside the translatable string, that will not require an exception, no?20:36
ubot4Launchpad bug 835054 in ubuntu-sso-client (Ubuntu) (and 1 other project) "[UI Fe] Missing period on the email confirmation screen (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83505420:36
mandeldobey, I though about that too heheh20:36
nessitadobey: I was just thinking is not worth it to ask an exception for a new ending dit20:36
dobeynessita: adding the period to the end of the string always might break for RTL translations i think20:40
nessitadobey: you sure?20:40
nessitadobey: if so, I think we need to revert that change and apply it again once we make the stable tag. Is not worth it the string FE at this point20:42
nhainesI think the string simply displays RTL, so adding to the end should be fine?20:42
nessitahonestly, I'm not sure20:42
dobeynessita: eh, might as well get the freeze exception, i don't see any point in trying to avoid it unless there is some big urgent bug that was fixed since the last release i made (which i doubt there is)20:43
dobeynessita: it will easily be granted anyway20:43
nessitadobey: but that FE will require all the translation teams to translate the string again, I see that as a lot of effort that is not worth it at this point. Likewise, there are still some more sentences that do not end with a dot...20:44
dobey>>> print u'קבל כמונ' + '.'20:45
dobeyקבל כמונ.20:45
dobeyseems to do the wrong thing :)20:45
dobeynessita: we could sync the translations into trunk and fix them ourselves easily enough20:46
nessitadobey: you think that's worth it? I don't.... considering as well we have more strings in the same situation but not fixed20:46
dobeynessita: i think i don't want to think about it right now, and it's not an urgent thing we need to deal with right now20:47
nessitadobey: ok, I'll take care of this then20:47
dobeyok, am out. have a good evening all21:01
mandeldobey, adios!21:07
nessitaalecu: I'm about to EOD, have something for me to look at? (regarding branches ;-))21:10
mandelralsina, ping21:14
ralsinamandel: pong21:14
alecunessita, https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntu-sso-client/unicode-usernames21:15
alecunessita, and https://code.launchpad.net/~alecu/ubuntuone-client/unicode-usernames21:15
alecunessita, the second branch needs the first21:15
nessitaalecu: on them!21:16
mandelralsina, hola! can I make a push and we try a new one, I've fixed a number of small issues, if the download does not work we can change the text of the dialog and simply provide the url of the update21:16
alecunessita, another thing: I'm testing control panel with unicode usernames, and it's showing the path with scrambled characters21:17
mandelralsina, that way we have a first one to do it that uses more or less the same code21:17
nessitaalecu: which path where?21:17
alecunessita, the path on folder lists21:17
nessitaalecu: hum, we're calling os.expanduser()21:18
mandelralsina, I just pushed revno 73, can we try to build a .exe (unless your EOD)21:18
nessitaand replacing that21:18
nessitaalecu: have a screenshot?21:18
ralsinamandel: if you are not EOD, I am not EOD :-)21:19
ralsinamandel: can we mumble 2' so I can understand how this works?21:19
mandelralsina, sure, let me start mumble21:20
alecunessita, http://ubuntuone.com/76C471jhrAuulBQEqKX1Q221:25
nessitaalecu: thanks21:25
nessitaalecu: sso branch looks OK (though I would use unicode paths inside save_config_path instead of native_path). There is a lint issue (I know is not proposed, but the warning is:21:27
nessita    43:  [C0103] Invalid name "log_path" (should match (([A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)|(__.*__))$)21:27
nessitaalecu: I'll file a bug for the u1cp unicode madness, I will fix it tomorrow21:28
nessitaralsina: we may need to do the release without proper handling for non-ascii usernames21:30
ralsinanessita: it's ok21:30
ralsinanessita: we'll just put something in the mailing21:30
nessitaralsina: we have more issues than expected21:30
ralsinaas long as we get the autoupdater working, the severity of that decreases21:30
ralsinamandel: I don't need to build the autoupdater separately anymore, right?21:33
mandelralsina, waht do you mean?21:33
mandelralsina, yes, I changed it so that it does not need to be admin to execute21:33
mandelralsina, also make sure you use revno 7421:33
ralsinamandel:  generating autoupdate-windows21:34
ralsinaI now see I do have to, so doing it21:34
mandelralsina, I had to add a new attr21:35
nessitaalecu: in config.py, isn't it "better" to have xdg_config_dir = native_path(xdg_config_dir) to be a syncdaemon path instead, and keep using the os_helper methods?21:38
nessitaalecu: the we don't need the native_rename21:38
nessitacrap, I need to run to pilates in 10 minutes21:39
nessitaralsina: how's autoupdater going?21:39
ralsinanessita: uploading build to mandel, we figured out something we did wrong21:39
nessitaralsina: are we meeting the deadline with this new issue?21:40
ralsinanessita: well, without autoupdater it's a no, so I may have to work a bit early tomorrow, or late today. I expect we'll make it21:40
nessitaalecu: the rest looks good!!!21:42
alecunessita, for coherence, I think we better use all native functions in that module21:43
nessitaalecu: but the rest are not native but from os_helper, that's why I was suggesting keeping consistency21:43
alecunessita, in that module it's all native21:44
alecunessita, I explicitly removed "from ubuntuone.platform import path_exists, rename" from that module21:44
nessitaalecu: what\ s native?21:44
alecunessita, os.path.exist and native_rename21:45
nessitaalecu: no, I meant, why you say that module was using all native?21:45
nessitaalecu: I personally converted it to use from os_helper21:45
alecunessita, native == the functions that don't take syncdaemon paths21:45
nessitaalecu: I know what you mean, but I don't see that in the current code21:45
alecunessita, that module was using os_helper functions21:45
alecunessita, I moved it to use native21:46
alecunessita, because, as the big comment says...21:46
nessitaalecu: right, and I say let's keep using os_helper21:46
nessitaby not calling native_path but syncdaemon_path21:46
alecu+# We should not use standard functions from os_helper here,21:46
alecu+# because the configglue superclasses do not use them.21:46
nessitaalecu: but if you do:21:46
nessitainstead of21:46
nessitaxdg_config_dir = native_path(xdg_config_dir)21:46
nessitayou add:21:46
nessitaxdg_config_dir = syncdaemon_path(xdg_config_dir)21:47
nessitaand make all calls to configglue return a syncdaemon_path21:47
nessitawe isolate in early stages the natives paths21:47
alecunessita, what do you mean by "all calls to configglue"?21:50
nessitain bin/ubuntuone-syncdaemon, when we use options.something21:51
nessitawhen we access results from:21:51
nessita     89     (parser, options, argv) = config.configglue(file(configs[0]), *configs[1:],21:51
nessita     90                                args=args, usage=usage)21:51
nessitaso, when we grab the dirs from options, we call right in that point syncdaemon_path21:51
nessitaso, instead of:21:51
nessitausing options.data_dir directly, we shall use:21:52
nessitasame for shares_dir a root_dir21:52
nessitabut we leave all transforms encapsulated right next to congigglue21:52
nessitaso, we can have as invariante:21:53
nessitaMain() will always receive syncdamon paths21:53
nessitaalecu: I gotta run to pilates!!! leave any message you need21:53
nessitaI will read backlog later21:53
nessitaralsina: all my branches are landed, the on;ly pending is https://code.launchpad.net/~nataliabidart/ubuntuone-control-panel/webclient-shutdowns/+merge/75609 (depends on tarmac, I just pinged sid-nei about it)21:54
ralsinanessita: cool21:54
ralsinaI will merge it manually if it doesn't land21:54
gatoxralsina, nessita maybe i'm too late for a review, but i fixed: https://code.launchpad.net/~diegosarmentero/ubuntu-sso-client/845750/+merge/7560621:56
gatoxand finishing with the last one21:57
alecuConfigGlue woes: The config file is always utf-8, but the cmdline and the env-vars on windows are mbcs. That means that configglue options (config+cmdline) sometimes come as utf8, sometimes as mbcs :-(21:59
ralsinamandel: uploaded http://ubuntuone.com/p/1H4I/21:59
ralsinamandel: doesn't seem to work for me though21:59
mandelralsina, cool, let me take a look21:59
alecuralsina, how comes it does not work?21:59
mandelralsina, can be the config, let me check in mine22:00
ralsinaalecu: I don't get a new version notice when running -installer, only when usint windows-autoupdate22:00
ralsinamandel: make sure that if the XML file is not uploaded/accessible nothing happens :-)22:01
alecuralsina, since I won't have this branch ready today, and since I'm way tired, I'll be calling this EOD22:02
mandelralsina, yeah, that should be the case, the auto-update tool should be returning other value but 022:02
alecuwith a bit of luck my brain will function a bit better tomorrow than it did today.22:02
alecuso, all: bye!22:06
* alecu EODs22:06
gatoxalecu, bue22:07
mandelralsina, I'm making stupid mistakes? the path to autoupdate-windows is wrong...22:11
mandelralsina, just pushed the correct code to revno 7622:11
mandelsorry, that would be 7522:11
gatoxmocker i hate you..... :(22:19
karniGood night all!22:35
ralsinamandel: ack22:36
mandelralsina, let mw know when you are   done :)22:36
ralsinamandel: building22:37
ralsinamandel: I get a popup telling me "no update.ini at  c:\program files(x86)\ubuntuone/updte.ini22:47
ralsinabecause it's in "dist"22:47
ralsinalet me patch that...22:47
ralsinaok, no idea where to patch it :-(22:48
mandelralsina, cool, I guess I messed that up,it should be in the same location of the autoupdate22:48
ralsinait is in the same location22:49
mandelralsina, you have to place autoupdate-windows insid dist and its fixed :)22:49
ralsinaWhen I run autoupdate-windows manually, I get a Invalid XML syntax error22:49
mandelein? but it was working before..22:50
ralsinaBecause it seems to be geting a 302 from where the XML file should be22:50
ralsina<title>302 file found</title>22:50
mandelralsina, ah, you have to update the update.ini to point to my server, you are going to a one.ubuntu.com address22:50
mandelralsina, and then you get the 302 jeje22:50
ralsinaack, fixing that first22:50
mandelralsina, url: http://themacaque.com/windows_tests/update.xml22:50
ralsinaok, the autoupdate-windows.exe works manually, now let's try the other one22:52
mandelralsina, could it be that suprocess.call is screwing up the execution22:52
ralsinaAnd there i get the path error for update.ini22:52
mandelralsina, hm? I guess is the subprocess call that is crewing it up, I wonder if we can pass a parameter with the ini file, let me look22:53
ralsinamandel: leave it as is, I will take it from here, go to sleep :-)22:54
ralsinaI may need you to fix it tomorrow morning :-)22:54
mandelralsina, nah, is personal, I'll find out wtf is going on22:54
ralsinamandel: ok, cool22:54
ralsinabut I am not going to be able to do more builds for a little while22:55
mandelralsina, no worries, can you upload the latests one for me22:55
mandelralsina, and pastebin the logs from the isntaller22:55
ralsinasure, uploading, should be in the same URL in a few minutes22:55
mandelyou know those in xdg22:55
ralsinasorry, I can't do the logs, family is getting impatient :-(22:56
ralsinaI'll try to be back in 30 minutes or so22:57
mandelnada, corre22:57
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
mandelralsina, I'm going to call EOD please do send me a message with the url of the package to take a look at the issue23:03
mandelralsina, I'm using bip so  should get it23:04

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