
ScottLTheMuso, could you help me on a few points?01:45
ScottL1. can you help make sure some updates get pushed to the repos01:45
ScottL2. possibly explain what is involved in pushing to the repos01:45
ScottL3. suggest a method that i can acquire the ability to push to the repos?01:46
ScottLany help would be appreciate :)01:46
ScottLoh, on any of those points01:46
micahgScottL: for #3: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers#Per-package_Uploaders03:49
micahgthe same rules apply for a packageset which ubuntustudio has03:49
micahgScottL: I'd suggest throwing any updates in the sponsorship queue04:01
micahg!sponsoring | ScottL 04:01
micahgScottL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SponsorshipProcess04:01
astraljavaScottL: Sorry, I've been really swamped with 'real-life' issues lately. I'm gonna get things updated today, and bug the necessary people. Thanks for asking, and sorry I've been out of reach.08:34
ScottLthanks micahg!  i will certainly read those today :)11:55
ScottLastraljava, don't worry friend, these things happen, i just want to make sure we have redundancy for such things11:56
ScottLperhaps it is my reading comprehension that is deficient, but i do not explicitly see how i request sponsorship for a fix12:21
ScottLi see notes to updating the code, filing bugs, attaching your work, making debdiffs, et al12:23
ScottLbut between two different pages i did not see it say, "in order for sponsors to know your package needs sponsorship you need to do $ACTION12:24
astraljavaScottL: Yes, redundancy is good. :)12:34
astraljavaScottL: Are you talking about a  FFe, or just needing an upload of something that doesn't require it? In the former case, a bug needs to be filed, and ubuntu-sponsors team needs to be subscribed on it, but in the latter, only asking for uploading on #ubuntu-devel or #ubuntu-release should be sufficient.12:36
micahgScottL: usually, unless it's urgent, it's better to subscribe ubuntu-sponsors than poke someone in ubuntu-devel for upload (unless there's a patch pilot in the /topic, they're made to be poked)15:51
scott-workastraljava and micahg: my internet at work was dodgy for a bit, checking logs15:57
scott-workastraljava: i'm surprised that #ubuntu-motu wouldn't be the place to ask for uploading/sponsorship, doesn't make me right/others wrong, just presenting my own personal biased thinking :P15:58
scott-workbut i shall remember -release and -devel for uploading/sponsorship15:59
scott-workmicahg: but i see you are saying to just subscribe ubuntu-sponsors unless it's urgent, i shall do that then16:00
scott-workthank you two :)16:00
micahgscott-work: well, right before beta 2 freeze could be considered urgent, I hope to be piloting a little later16:01
astraljavascott-work: I suppose -motu is as good a place as the aforementioned, but on the two former there's bound to be a higher percentage of people privileged enough to do the job requested.20:23
astraljavascott-work: I made the modifications, and asked for the upload, but didn't find any traces of the nautilus-image-whatwasthat.20:23
astraljavaWill have to check again when new images have been spinned.20:24
astraljavaOh, and ubuntustudio-menu is of version 0.15, with falktx's changes. I haven't tested the new images yet, but I will do that soon. Forgive me, but I forget, did we have the lightdm-greeter theme existing? (I will of course comb the backlog for it)20:26
falktxastraljava: I haven't seen the package report for it, so I assume no20:27
astraljavafalktx: Just found the link to the tarball. Is the 0.1 the latest version of it?20:32
falktxshould be20:33
falktxastraljava: link?20:34
micahganything need to go in for beta 2?20:36
falktxastraljava: beh, that's not on launchpad...20:37
falktxmicahg: ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme 20:37
falktxoh, and ubuntustudio-icons20:37
micahgthose are both new packages and need FFes20:38
micahgand I don't know if 20 minutes is enough for a new source audit20:40
falktxmicahg: *-icons is not new20:40
falktxmicahg: it's already packaged, and the code is already updated in the branch20:41
falktxit just needs an update20:41
falktxmicahg: https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev/ubuntustudio-icon-theme/UbuntuStudio20:41
micahgah, it's called ubuntustudio-icon-theme20:42
falktxmicahg: can you update it?20:43
falktxmicahg: I already made a bug report for it - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntustudio-icon-theme/+bug/84648320:44
ubottuUbuntu bug 846483 in ubuntustudio-icon-theme (Ubuntu) "icons do not play nice with XFCE" [Undecided,Confirmed]20:44
micahgyes, but I believe you need a UIFe for it at this point20:44
micahgoh, totally broke?20:45
falktxmicahg: this is a fix20:45
* falktx wonders how to get ubuntustudio-lightdm-theme into the repos...20:46
micahgfalktx: you forgot to close the bug in the changelog20:46
falktxmicahg: ah, yes, I created the bug after the package :)20:47
falktxmicahg: do I really need to close it?20:47
micahgfalktx: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess#FeatureFreeze_for_new_packages20:47
falktxok, I'll update the branch20:47
astraljavafalktx: It is now.20:48
micahgfalktx: can you jump into #ubuntu-release to discuss the icon update?20:49
astraljavaOh crap, how did the +junk get in there?20:49
falktxastraljava: thanks!20:49
astraljavaI didn't notice it.20:49
falktxhehe, junk...20:49
falktxwhat a cute name ubuntu gives for these things...20:49
astraljavaIt's embarrassing, for so many reasons. :D20:50
falktxastraljava: scott-work: do you have screenshots of *before* any icon changes? (ie, the normal behaviour?)20:50
astraljavafalktx: Is this what you're looking for? http://astraljava.kapsi.fi/(X)ubuntu_studio_cropped.png20:51
falktxastraljava: no, that doesn't show the missing icons20:52
* falktx is trying to get the new icons into beta-220:53
astraljavafalktx: You got 3 minutes. :D20:56
astraljavaNot really, that's just the freeze.20:56
falktxI'm trying20:56
astraljavaOk, which icons are we looking at?20:56
falktxastraljava: they didn't even know US was going to change to XFCE!20:57
knomei need to see how photoshop will create asymmetric circular gradients20:59
astraljavafalktx: Who didn't?20:59
astraljavaknome: I'm sorry, I don't do hebrew.21:00
falktxastraljava: the ubuntu dev guys21:00
astraljavafalktx: Well, they're too busy with the vanilla, they have no time to think about the derivates.21:00
micahgfalktx: I hope you've tested this :)21:00
astraljavaAnd quite frankly, it's just as well, as we're still heavily leaning on their power for the foundation etc.21:00
falktxmicahg: yes, I did21:01
astraljavamicahg: I suppose this needs an FFe as well, right?21:01
falktxmicahg: what else can we do to make this happen?21:01
micahgfalktx: which one, I'm test building then uploading the icon package21:02
knomeah great! the inner glow -effect does exactly what i want21:02
falktxmicahg: the icon21:02
falktxmicahg: lightdm theme I think it's too late, right?21:02
micahgwell, you can file for the FFe21:02
falktxmicahg: but the lightdm thing is not 100% working right now, it's missing some postinst rules21:03
falktxbut now at least the code is up, thanks astraljava21:03
micahgfalktx: icons uploaded21:04
falktxah, nice!21:05
astraljavafalktx: Okay, then we have a problem. I included that in desktop already. I need to get that off quick, because I already asked for an upload of ubuntustudio-meta.21:05
falktxastraljava: it's safe to use21:05
falktxastraljava: but it will not "just work"21:05
micahgI can't do meta, I don't have enough time ATM21:05
astraljavaAhh... okay then, it can stay then.21:06
falktxthe package will install21:06
astraljavamicahg: No worries, I asked on -release.21:06
falktxmicahg: thanks for the icon upload! where can I find you if I need more help?21:06
micahgI can do it later tonight though21:06
astraljavamicahg: Thanks a bunch for your efforts!21:06
micahgfalktx: I idle in here21:06
falktxwow, this was fast... :)21:07
falktxmicahg: I'll mark the bug as fixed then21:08
micahgfalktx: LP should do that21:08
falktxah, yeah21:08
falktxI'm new to all these stuff21:08
micahgfalktx: that's why I had you close it in the changelog (also since if anyone had a question why the upload was done this late, there's a reference)21:09
falktxyep, got it21:09
astraljavaI like this sort of thing, at the office we're utilizing git+redmine for it, very similar to bzr+LP (the bug management side of it)21:11
scott-workach, sorry, been really busy at work today22:02
scott-workit looks like we dont' need a screenshot for the icons now22:02
scott-workmicahg: do you think it is possible to get the lightdm package in before final release at all?  not just before B2?22:03
scott-workgoing home, micahg i'll catch your response as ScottL22:04
astraljavaScottL: I would think we'll get it in. After all, it's only affecting our distribution, nothing else depends on it.22:07
ScottLand it is only a lightdem theme as well, shouldn't be too hard to check it23:08
falktxScottL: fixed menu and icons will be in beta!23:13
ScottLyeah, thank you falktx !23:18

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