
GridCubegood late night people02:32
GridCubei guess alternate images are broken?02:32
GridCubei can't really test today :(02:32
micahg\o/ we're free of python-support on the CD05:28
Unit193Sweet, that should make us smaller!05:29
micahgmr_pouit: what's better is we're free of it before anyone else :)05:29
Unit193So we get to shout "first"? ;)05:30
micahghttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel/2011-August/033965.html was either wrong or some changes have leaked back in05:33
olbiAre here ppl from translating?10:37
mr_pouitmicahg: nice! (also, thanks for the x-d-t/exo syncs :)10:43
mr_pouitolbi: all xfce translations are handled upstream10:43
olbii`was found some incorrect translations on Xubuntu 11.04,  i.e. during copy files :)10:59
olbixubuntu has mono install at default?11:26
astraljavaHey guys, I finally took the plunge and started using oneiric as my primary workstation for my job.14:03
astraljavaSo, I can more easily test and possibly fix stuff, if needed.14:04
astraljavaBut, I was wondering, did any one of you set the box up with pulseaudio previously, and manage to get several sound sources working at the same time?14:05
astraljavaIf so, then can you set it up the same way on oneiric?14:05
charlie-tcaGood morning14:10
charlie-tcaBeta2 freeze today at 21:00 UTC14:10
charlie-tcamicahg: what about blueman? do we need it ?14:34
charlie-tcaAlternate images still broken15:13
charlie-tcagoing cut grass15:13
micahgcharlie-tca: haven't had time to look yet :(15:50
charlie-tcaOkay, thanks, micahg 16:41
mr_pouitmicahg: thanks for the syncs! (please don't sync fsguard-plugin though, the patch doesn't work here, it causes a segfault; I've committed a new version to svn, but it's not uploaded yet)20:00
micahgmr_pouit: there was another problem with that one as well20:01
micahgmr_pouit: override_dh_auto_test: seems to have been added with nothing in it, was that intentional?20:01
micahgmr_pouit: also, I wanted xfce4-dict, but -01 was added which means we won't get certain hardening in the build20:02
mr_pouitmicahg: the override is intentional, to avoid the build failure due to the patch and intltool20:05
micahgok, good to know20:05
mr_pouit(intltool will ask to add the .pc/patch-name/patch-c-files to po/POTFILES.skip20:06
mr_pouit(we usually regenerate that file, but Corsac found that it's easier to override the auto_test when package don't have useful tests)20:07

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