[06:30] Thank you [08:17] DarkwingDuck: back again if you're still chasing me [15:36] DarkwingDuck, do we have a mailing list yet? [15:36] I want to send out a doodle pool [15:36] so we can come with a date for our first meeting [17:28] You’re Invited to Join the Ubuntu Leadership Team - http://akgraner.com/?p=1028 #ubuntu #locoteams #canonical #community #leadership [17:45] akgraner: We don't have a ML yes but, we have logging. [17:45] ok :-) [17:46] well I'll update the post to refect that [17:46] yes/yet [17:46] reflect even [17:46] akgraner: know anyone looking for a powerhouse laptop? [17:46] I just wanted more people to know what was happening, where we are and the direction we are heading in [17:46] DarkwingDuck, can't say that I do [17:48] Da, now that planet is fixed :) [19:35] akgraner: you didn't tag your post with UPlanet :) [19:35] er, categorize [19:35] * pleia2 was looking for it on planet for UWN [19:39] fixed [19:39] :-) [19:40] pleia2, thanks for pointing that out.... [19:40] sure thing, and added to UWN doc now [19:45] I'll jump in there on SUnday and write up some summaries [21:14] hi there! [21:17] Afternoon :) [21:18] hey DarkwingDuck ;) just coming around because i read a post of akgraner inviting me into the leadership team ;) [21:19] me too -- I'm glad to see this finally happening [21:20] Yes, it's still a work in progress. But, we are making headway :) === DarkwingDuck is now known as DWonderly [21:20] DarkwingDuck: could you give me a short intro ? === DWonderly is now known as DarkwingDuck [21:20] Sure. [21:21] Our goal/aim is to be a help center and training people in leadership. [21:21] cool. what is the status ? [21:22] Just off the ground :) [21:22] We have a doc that is a work in progress for Loco Leadership. https://docs.google.com/Doc?docid=0AdKZelXU8Y2LZGNrcHRkYmhfNzhmNnNmM2RjdA&hl=en_US [21:22] I'll be pouring more work into it now that the Doc freeze is over. [21:22] Loco? i thought of general Ubuntu-leadership [21:22] because i am from germany ;) [21:23] NRWlion: Awesome. [21:24] We are still building training guides and getting everything setup. This is def a communnity effort. [21:25] leadership was a part of my studies [21:25] ;) [21:25] Awesome. [21:26] just tell me what i can do ;) [21:27] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuLeadership/sandbox is where I will be placing ideas. There will be more coming very soon. [21:28] Within 24 hours there will be more coming. [21:29] if you see me online just poke me or give me a note for a skype call ;) [21:29] would be happy to get into the team as i have had a rough time around here [21:30] Awesome. [21:30] I will let you know. [21:31] Either akgraner (akgraner.com)or myself (wonderly.com) will be blogging updates. [21:32] DarkwingDuck: if i am not online here you will get me on Facebook Chat [21:32] ;) [21:32] Awesome. [21:59] DarkwingDuck: Hi [21:59] will this be hosted on lp? [22:00] maybe it should be converted to a book [22:27] bye every1 [22:27] DarkwingDuck: we are clear, arent we?