
chrisccoulsoncould someone approve that please? ^^^ :-)00:03
slangasekchrisccoulson: accepted00:18
chrisccoulsonslangasek, thanks00:18
slangasekScottK: did you need someone else to wave the kde no-change builds through?00:18
YokoZarCan I get my wine1.3 upload approved?  It removes a binary package and I figure the sooner we get that out of the archive the less problems we get.00:39
slangasekYokoZar: this looks like a new upstream release that's subject to feature freeze; has this been ok'ed already by ubuntu-release?01:04
* NCommander debugs antimon01:19
NCommanderwhy are we building an iso for mx5?01:20
NCommander oneiric-preinstalled-desktop-armel+mx5.iso            14-Sep-2011 04:02  1.5G  Preinstalled desktop CD for Freescale i.MX5x computers (standard download)01:20
NCommanderthats wrong in like 5 different ways01:20
YokoZarslangasek: Err, no, but I can vouch for it being better since I've been testing them all cycle01:42
YokoZarI'll mark the bug01:42
YokoZarfwiw I've always felt that Wine point releases generally fall under the "only bugfixes" general exception01:47
stgraberoops, seems like that update-grub call in friendly-recovery's postinst is failing quite miserably in the livefs chroots...01:55
stgraberapparently memtest86 installs fine when checking for /boot/grub/grub.cfg too, guess I'll do that too then01:59
micahgskaet: don't we get another week of being unfrozen after beta 2 before final freeze?02:02
skaetmicahg, yes02:03
* skaet wonders if one of her recent emails was unclear... sigh.02:03
micahgjust checked, same wording was in the beta 1 freeze notice...02:03
micahgThis line prompted the question: From now on,  all uploads to the archive and any user user interface02:04
micahgchanges will have to be approved manually by the release team.02:04
skaetgood point,  was only until beta 2 comes out.02:04
skaetwhen beta 2 is announced, please remind me to send something out to set the context for the last few weeks.   probably needed.02:05
micahgskaet: I will try to remember :)02:07
skaetmicahg, me too.   But I suspect I'll need to be reminded.  :)02:07
stgraberwould be nice to have that friendly-recovery change reviewed as soon as LP generated the diff. It's currently making livefs builds fail :(02:09
skaetstgraber, done02:14
stgraberskaet: thanks02:20
stgraberskaet: I'm guessing pretty much all the livefs failed to build?02:20
skaetstgraber, thanks for the fix. :)02:20
stgraberskaet: I'm only getting the e-mails for Edubuntu02:20
skaetstgraber: ??02:22
skaetdo we have problem with one of the mail lists?02:23
stgraberno, I was just wondering if you indeed got a lot of livefs build failures in your inbox. I'm only marked as a contact for Edubuntu dvd so I never get the others.02:24
skaetI've been working through the launchpad bugs all day, and yeah there are lots of failures to worry about.02:24
stgraberouch, that's a pretty long list of foundations... I guess I'll be doing some more ubiquity bug fixing then.02:27
skaetstgraber,  yes please.02:27
ScottKslangasek: Please feel free to wave them through, but generally I can get it, I was just away at a social engagement tonight.02:56
ScottKskaet: Now I'm confused.  IIRC, last cycle we left the queue frozen between beta 2 and final freeze.  Are you saying we're going to do it differently this time?03:03
skaetScottK,  there's one more week right now between beta 2 and final freeze, that wasn't there in Natty03:05
ScottKDid I miss where this was discussed?03:07
ScottKIf the queue is opened up, then I think that reduces the value of the Beta 2 testing since anything can get in between the two freezes.03:08
skaetScottK, lets talk about it tomorrow in the meeting then.  If the other members of the release team agree, I'm fine with leaving it frozen,  balancing work on approving each fix, against getting as many fixes in as possible.   Bug list is rather intimidating right now.03:10
infinityI tend not to make the meetings (clashes with another meeting I have), but for the record, I'm in favour of just keeping us frozen until release at this point.  It's more work for -release and -archive, but I agree with the idea of keeping control on what gets in from here on in.03:14
infinity(Unless people reject my uploads, then I think this whole idea is madness)03:15
infinityskaet / ScottK : --^03:15
skaetinfinity, noted. :)03:15
micahgScottK: sorry, my memory must be faulty then, I was just trying to be consistent across releases03:56
ScottKNo problem. We'll get it sorted tomorrow.04:40
skaetAgenda bugs sorted for the meeting tomorrow.05:31
skaetfor those who want an early look at it.05:31
* skaet --> zzz05:31
=== chrisccoulson_ is now known as chrisccoulson
Laney^ fixes an oversight I made08:51
ogra_NCommander, if you would read your backlogs regulary you would know why there is an iso for mx5 ... it was largely discussed in #ubuntu-arm when it showed up :)09:23
ogra_(and yes, its a mistake)09:24
cjwatsonLaney: accepted, though I'm slightly confused why that showed up as an upload rather than a sync09:27
Laneybecause I did syncpackage09:27
LaneyI sometimes do that when uploading to Debian and Ubuntu simultaneously otherwise I risk forgetting09:27
cjwatsonI make notes :)09:28
Laneythe home → work context switch can enbadden my mind though09:28
Laneyanyway, thanks09:28
didrockscjwatson: hey, can you accept the oneconf upload please? I start to get quite some duplicate because of a crash on unavailable apps.ubuntu.com10:28
cjwatsondidrocks: done10:39
didrockscjwatson: thanks a lot :)10:40
mvo_would be good if someone could review/allow the apt upload, I'm afraid without it translationed package descriptions are broken10:59
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cjwatsonmvo_: accepted, thanks - sorry for the delay12:35
mvo_no worries12:35
mvo_and thanks!12:35
dokocjwatson, please have a look at gcc-4.612:38
cjwatsonyou know one of these days queue diff generation will be responsive enough to be useful12:44
cjwatsondoko: pleasantly readable, thanks.  accepted12:45
jdstrandskaet: hey-- I may be a few minutes late to the release meeting12:47
jdstrandskaet: I think I'll be on time, but may not12:48
skaetjdstrand,  ok, will move you to the end of the round table then, no worries.14:16
lamontfwiw, pandafarm coming offline to add two more lp-buildds to it14:31
dokocjwatson, please have a look at gcc-4.4. -9 is more or less -8ubuntu2. once that's approved, I plan to upload {gcj,gnat,gdc}-4.4 over the weekend14:43
ScottKI'd appreciate it if someone would accept kubuntu-meta.  Kubuntu dvd's won't build without it.14:47
tumbleweedskaet: I've twisted Laney's arm to represent MOTU tonight14:51
Laneyplease put me ~first though, because I have an important date with a pint of beer14:52
skaetthanks for the head's up tumbleweed - will put Laney on the agenda then.14:52
tumbleweedLaney: :)14:52
skaetLaney,  ok,  you can swap with jdstrand,  he's going to be late.   :)14:52
nigelbLaney: tsk14:52
nigelbtoo less :P14:52
cjwatsondoko: accepted, thanks14:53
Laneynigelb: hey, the pub has a new brewery on. it's out of my hands really14:53
nigelbLaney: :)14:53
lamontand pandafarm back online, I'll be adding the other two lp-buildds $LATER (need to finish the installs on them)14:54
jdstrandskaet: I'm actually here15:01
jdstrandskaet: I did say I *might* be late ;)15:01
jdstrandskaet: but I don't mind swapping15:01
charlie-tcacjwatson: to further add misery, Xubuntu alternate images install today15:21
cjwatsoncharlie-tca: that adds perplexity, but not misery15:22
cjwatsonand the errors appear to have gone away from the log, too15:23
charlie-tcaOh, well, okay15:23
charlie-tcaAh, well, tomorrow is another day ;)15:23
charlie-tcaThis is the first day this week they worked15:23
ScottKslangasek: We're going to have to take kamoso off the dvd due to digikam as well (thus the pending kubuntu-meta upload).  I'd appreciate it if you would accept kubuntu-meta and demote kamoso as we've got an upload of it to do and need it out of main first so it doesn't get stripped.15:56
slangasekack, poking15:56
slangasekScottK: all done16:02
ScottKslangasek: Thanks.16:02
* Laney found out today that libproxy is a bit broken and outdated16:03
Laneydo people think it's too late now to get the new upstream in? there's a minor api break and new soname that i'd need to check out16:03
micahghi skaet, there was just a new major chromium release with security fixes, it's the default browser now for mythbuntu, lubuntu, would this be ok to get uploaded before Monday?16:03
infinityLaney: New API *and* new SOVER?  What could possibly go wrong?16:04
ogasawaraskaet, could I get the linux-backports-modules-3.0.0-11.3 package approved in the queue.  It's only an ABI bump to match the current kernel in the archive.16:04
Laneyluckily it has very few revdeps16:04
Laneybasically it currently will crash your app if you are using a PAC ile16:04
slangasekheh, my interpretation of the facts is slightly different16:04
slangasek"OMG it has revdeps in main"16:05
infinityLaney: Is the PAC fix backportable?16:05
LaneyI have no idea16:05
slangasekLaney: no chance of cherry-picking the crasher fix?  (What's a PAC file?)16:05
Laneybut upstream sound a bit stroppy that we are still on the 0.3.x series16:05
ubot4Launchpad bug 547106 in libproxy (Debian) (and 1 other project) "Please upgrade libproxy to 0.4.x (affects: 6) (heat: 38)" [Unknown,New]16:05
infinityslangasek: PAC files are how many/most large corporate networks configure proxy support remotely.16:05
infinityslangasek: So, y'know, no big deal.16:05
Laneyit's moved on somewhat, so I don't know how easy it would be to tease out16:05
Laneyit does seem a rather chunky update though16:07
cjwatsonogasawara: we should definitely have the new lbm for archive consistency16:08
infinityLaney: Ugh.  This discussion goes all the way back to 2010?16:08
Laneyone of Those, yes16:09
cjwatsoninfinity: large corporate networks and weirdos like me16:09
infinitycjwatson: Seriously?16:09
cjwatsonyeah, it means I can configure my browser to auto-detect and I don't have to change proxy by hand when going between home and elsewhere16:09
infinityLaney: I think there's no question we should have upgraded to 0.4.x long ago.  I think it's unfortunate that we're discussing it this close to release. :P16:10
infinityLaney: But if you're willing to hand-massage the revdeps and take ownership of the fallout...?16:10
LaneyI only found out today when a semi-angry user came onto IRC16:10
cjwatsonthough admittedly I sometimes turn off auto-detect on untrusted wifi anyway since I'm not convinced I want my browser executing javascript handed to me by an untrusted network16:10
cjwatsonbut ANYWAY16:10
infinitycjwatson: But a good idea, in theory, right? ;)16:11
* Laney would support more apps using libproxy in the future though16:11
Laneyconsistent proy support, yay16:11
Laneyworking x keys too16:11
Laneyinfinity: I'll look at it over the weekend16:11
cjwatsonif the new libproxy can fix my keyboard, I'm all for it :P16:11
infinityI'm kinda hoping the new libproxy can make me soup.16:12
cjwatsonno, that's libsoup.  HTH16:12
Laneynow I have to sample the delights of http://www.maypolebrewery.co.uk/16:12
infinityI hear they now depend on each other.16:12
Laneygood day.16:12
micahgLaney: you know there's no more xulrunner, right?16:12
hyperairwait, what? no more xulrunner?16:12
micahghyperair: we axed it about a month ago, not supportable under rapid release16:13
hyperairah right. i knew that.16:13
cjwatsonargh scons16:15
cjwatsonwhy do you have to have pointless abstraction around everything16:16
infinityI don't much care why scons does any of the things it does, but I do wonder why people use it.16:16
slangasekyou used to maintain PHP, I wouldn't think you'd need to ask ;P16:17
infinityI've reformed.16:17
nigelbTO use ruby instead? ;)16:17
cjwatsoninfinity: I shouldn't have to say this, but it wasn't my idea16:17
infinitycjwatson: That seemed like a safe assumption to make.16:17
cjwatsonI think people use it because they want to be unable to cross-compile their software without taking excessive quantities of prescription medication16:20
cjwatsonbut maybe that's just me16:20
skaetogasawara, approved.16:21
skaetmicahg, ok by me if the mythbuntu and lubuntu leads are comfortable picking it up.16:23
skaetgilir, ^16:24
infinitycjwatson: That's just unfair to the thousands of hard-working non-prescription drug vendors around the world who feed the rest of the Free Software world.16:25
micahgskaet: just asked superm1 in #mythbuntu-dev as well16:25
gilirskaet, micahg ok for me16:35
micahggilir: thanks16:35
Davieyskaet: Do you know if cdimage has been fixed to not purge candidate ISO's?17:06
Daviey(aka, delete-released-images fun)17:07
cjwatsonno, cdimage doesn't know what the candidates are17:07
skaetDaviey, no17:07
cjwatsonwe'll just have to be more alert and temporarily bump purge-days where necessary17:08
skaetDaviey, now that you're on the release team, feel free to help us figure out how to get this part a little more robust. ;)17:08
DavieyIt's currently 3 days?17:09
cjwatsonI think the test is > rather than >=17:09
cjwatsonwe can't increase it generally right nw because we're getting uncomfortably close to disk limits again17:10
Davieycjwatson: So, one i have a candiate - would it be bad to just chmod?17:15
cjwatsonI would really prefer you didn't.17:16
DavieyWe've had images go awol twice now, at the hour of release.17:16
cjwatsonWe should have a way to nominate a candidate from a shell on antimony, which could then maintain a local file listing the candidates and purge-old-images could respect that.17:16
Daviey(One being for B1, the other for Maverick final release cloud images, for the same reason)17:17
cjwatsonI have no idea whether just chmodding would (a) work or (b) cause other problems, and I don't particularly want to find out.17:17
DavieyWell yeah, that was why i was asking :)17:18
DavieyI don't mind committing to working on that issue btw.17:18
cjwatsonWhat I'd need is a script that posts a candidate to iso.qa, given some appropriate authentication.  I can deal with integrating it into cdimage (although not for B2).17:18
infinityHaving a way to mark and save candidates would be nice.  On the other hand, if you think that a new build will break your image, your candidate's a bit useless, IMO.17:19
infinity(In the sense that "we'll just ship something old because the archive is now broken" is a pretty bad place to be in)17:19
cjwatsonYep, agreed.17:19
cjwatsonIt's an emergency fallback.17:19
infinityAnd also just to save on testing if the image actually doesn't change.  Which is valuable.17:20
infinityBut I suspect things might change between now and, say, Tuesday. ;)17:20
Davieyinfinity: Well, i see your point.. but we have to have a snapshot that can be QA'd.17:21
infinityDaviey: Yes, I realise that.  See above.17:22
infinityDaviey: Anyhow.  Some way to mark them would be shiny, I agree.  Bonus points if it can export a candidate manifest (maybe a dotfile) that we can pull to auto-populate the ISO tracker.17:23
infinity(Which, I guess, is the opposite direction from how cjwatson was going...)17:23
infinityAnd his probably makes more sense, so non-cdimage people can mark cadidates for their products.17:23
Davieycjwatson: So, cdimage queries iso tracker to see if it shouldn't delete?17:24
cjwatsonno, it should have a local copy17:24
cjwatsonI don't want it reliant on network when building images17:24
cjwatsonwell, not that network17:24
cjwatsonYou can, as of now, 'export CDIMAGE_NOPURGE=1' to prevent a manual image build from purging old images17:24
cjwatsonThat should suffice for the time being17:24
cjwatsonA candidate manifest would do if we can pull it reliably.  I'd like to have a way to push from cdimage too, but maybe that isn't reuired17:25
cjwatsonWe can then pull it from cron or something17:25
cjwatsonAnd just keep the last version if iso.qa is inaccessible17:26
infinityarchive-team.internal seems like a good place to pull from iso.qa, and then publish to cdimage?17:26
cjwatsonIf you like17:26
DavieyHmm.. iso tracker doesn't host the iso.. so what purposes does posting it there have?17:26
infinityIf we don't want cdimage to be reliant on yet another sketchy remote host.17:26
cjwatsonI have no idea what archive-team.internal is17:26
cjwatsonDaviey: it lets people register tests17:26
infinitycjwatson: p.c.c/~u-a :)17:27
cjwatsonoh right17:27
Davieycjwatson: Ah, so when we enter freeze - all builds appear on the iso tracker automagically?17:27
cjwatsonDaviey: no, they're posted manually right now17:27
skaetBeing able to auto-populating the ISO tracker and saving a copy that's on the ISO tracker off somewhere has a certain appeal,  and it unifies with the manifest and test results that way.17:27
cjwatsonthough it would help if there were a way for them to be posted automatically; it's tedious manual work right now17:27
infinityDaviey: Product owners should post their candidates to the ISO tracker (as they do now), but the difference would be that cdimage would now refuse to purge those.17:27
infinityDaviey: You fail to nominate, we might purge, not our problem? ;)17:28
Davieycjwatson: Yes, i understood it to be manual - but you'd like it to do it for all, when we ramp up to release ?17:28
cjwatsoninfinity: product owners don't typically post right now17:28
infinitycjwatson: I guess a way to do one batch post at the beginning of a freeze/release cycle would be cool.17:28
cjwatsonit's normally the person building the images17:28
cjwatsonDaviey: in general yes17:28
infinitycjwatson: I know, I was living in a fantasy world while verbally speccing that.  Product owners should be the ones nominating candidates...17:28
infinity(In theory)17:29
Davieyinfinity: I think i'm missing how them being on the iso tracker would stop it purging, if it doesn't query the remote resource?17:29
DavieyIt seems two different issues?17:29
cjwatsonDaviey: we should pull a manifest of candidates every so often and check that17:29
cjwatsonrather than having to block while actually building the new image17:29
Davieycjwatson: ahhh17:29
infinityDaviey: It wouldn't query during purge, obviously we'd consolidate the info and keep a local cache.17:29
Davieydoes the iso tracker currently expose that data?17:30
cjwatsonno idea17:30
cjwatsonI mean it's on the front page and could be HTML-scraped17:30
cjwatsonwhether there's a more sensible mechanism, I don't know17:30
stgraberiso tracker has a parsable export17:30
DavieyThe 'API' (i hate calling it that), has worked pretty well for the coud images, http://cloud-images.ubuntu.com/query/17:30
cjwatsonand of course all the names the ISO tracker has for things are gratuitously different from cdimage's17:30
stgraber(not documented though :))17:30
Davieystgraber: Have a URL handy?17:31
stgraberDaviey: yep, hang on a sec17:31
cjwatsonso there would be some ridiculously tedious thing to map them into the right form, much as there is in publish-image-set17:31
stgraberDaviey: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/dllist17:31
stgraberDaviey: a bit empty at the moment17:31
cjwatsonI'd have to see what it looked like with real content ...17:32
stgraberif you don't mind me adding the current daily of Edubuntu (low number of subscribers), you'll see the real content for that image17:33
* cjwatson -> dinner17:34
stgraberoh, actually I can just change it in the DB for a few minutes, that way no e-mail get sent at all17:34
stgraberDaviey: look now17:36
Davieystgraber: ah neat!17:36
infinityOh, that's quite usable, I suspect.17:37
Davieystgraber: Can the date stamp be added as a field?17:37
cjwatsonoh, yeah, that's not bad17:37
stgraberyeah, adding stuff in there should be pretty easy, getting the changes deployed may take a while though17:37
cjwatsonDaviey: cdimage wouldn't need that17:37
Davieycjwatson: just query the hash?17:38
cjwatsonit can trivially construct the URL and just compare when deciding whether to purge an image17:38
cjwatsonwouldn't even need that17:38
cjwatsonI suppose the hash is an option too17:38
Davieygood thinking that man.17:38
cjwatsonstgraber: cool, thanks, that should actually be doable17:39
cjwatsonanyway, really dinner17:39
cjwatsonI can maybe have a go at that next week in my CFT17:39
DavieyI am concerned how many beer tokens i now owe cjwatson .17:40
adconradGrr, my co-lo machine's network is being DoSed...17:42
adconradstgraber: Would it break anything to add a magic EOF string to that list?17:43
adconradstgraber: So we could determine if an empty document was actually an empty list, rather than a broken webserver returning an empty document?17:43
adconradstgraber: That would be about all that would be required to make it a robust enough thing for us to use it to do filesystem matches and purge with impunity.17:45
stgraberadconrad: I don't think anyone is actually using that page at the moment, so adding an EOF string should be fine as long as it doesn't respect the format of the other lines (so it'd likely get skipped by existing parsers, if there's any)17:46
infinityYeah, something simple like "=== end of list ===" or whatever.  Just something we can match on to see if we actually got a list, or something broken.17:46
stgraberor maybe have it return something when the list is actually empty? I think it'd actually be easier to implement (looking at the (ugly) code)17:47
stgraberso we know that if it's empty and doesn't contain the magic string, it's because something failed17:47
stgraberor are you worried of getting a partial list too?17:47
infinityPartials are a possible issue that this would solve too, yeah.17:48
infinityMostly, this is just more discoverable, though.17:48
infinityOnly returning a magic string on an empty list requires an API doc.  Returning it at the end of the list unconditionally is discoverably simple to write against.17:48
stgraberupdated the DB to fix the existing netboot images in dllist17:55
infinityWhy no hashes for the ARM netboots?17:56
cjwatsonDaviey: I'm not :-)17:57
cjwatsoninfinity: doesn't much matter since cdimage isn't going to be purging those anyway17:57
infinitycjwatson: No, was just a curiosity. :)17:57
stgraberwell, I'm rather wondering where the hashes for the non-arm ones come from ;)17:58
cjwatsonshould be up a couple of levels17:58
cjwatsone.g. http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/oneiric/main/installer-i386/current/images/MD5SUMS17:58
cjwatsonbasically go up until you hit images/17:59
infinityLooks like that md5 is for netboot/gtk/netboot.tar.gz ... No sure how useful that is, but whatever.18:00
cjwatsonit lists all of them18:00
stgraberok, and it's using the one for "./netboot/gtk/netboot.tar.gz" instead of "netboot/mini.iso" or "netboot/netboot.tar.gz"18:00
cjwatsonoh right, you mean iso.qa is using the wrong one18:00
infinitycjwatson: No, I mean on iso... Yeah.18:00
stgraberhas been way too long since I wrote that code... ;)18:01
infinitystgraber: Has it fallen into "so old, it embarrasses you" or "so old, you don't understand your own black magic", or a bit of both?18:02
stgraberwell, the current ISO tracker was a PHP project for one of my programming classes 4 years ago ;)18:03
stgraberso I guess, the answer would be, both ;)18:03
stgrabermaybe I'll see if I can spend a bit of time of the 12.04 cycle improving the ISO tracker a bit. Upgrading it to a supported version of Drupal and getting the LP integration finally working would be a good start ;)18:11
stgraberthen maybe get a basic API would be nice (did plenty of that with weblive, so easy enough to re-use for the iso tracker)18:11
stgraberthat shouldn't take much more than 1 or 2 weeks of work and I guess would be useful for quite a few18:12
skaetstgraber, very useful indeed.   yes please.18:12
stgraberI'll make sure we have a blueprint for UDS. I know we discuss replacing it entirely at every UDS for the past 3 years but that still didn't happen, so maybe fixing it is a better and cheaper option ;)18:13
skaet:)   sounds good.18:14
cjwatsonevolution not revolution18:16
infinityWe reinvent enough wheels around here. :P18:18
nigelbstgraber: Or rewrite in Django :-)18:18
* nigelb runs fast.18:18
lamontdoing a little debugging on arm, manualizing for buildd selection with anger18:20
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davmor2nigelb: was that an offer to spearhead the new django version???  stgraber looks like your off the hook dude ;)18:23
nigelbdavmor2: Technically, that would be ISD's job......18:24
nigelbI won't be at UDS to get to that hook anyway ;-)18:25
charlie-tcaremote participation lets you have action items, too18:27
nigelbheh, I think I took enough action items last time to lsat a yar.18:29
stgraberwell, we've been talking about a rewrite in python for the last 3 years and it's still no there. So for now I'll stick with making the php one a bit more usable ;)18:42
stgraberif ISD has time to rewrite something that covers all the current usecase, I have no problem with that ;)18:43
nigelbI love how davmor2 went totally silent there :P18:45
davmor2nigelb: Not an ISD project at all it's a QA tool and they'll like pass it back to stgraber :P18:46
stgraberdavmor2: good thing I don't work for QA then ;)18:46
nigelbSeriously though, If I had more time I'd love to help.18:47
davmor2stgraber: I didn't say you did, I said they'd pass it back yo you ;)18:47
nigelbBut alas there's only 24 hours in a day.18:47
davmor2nigelb: no there aren't there are 36 how long do you sleep man ;)18:47
stgraberanyway, I don't think 12.04 is really the time where we'd like to switch to a completely different tool, so I'll have a look at how much changes I can make by alpha-1 and hopefully then just do a few bugfixes after that.18:48
stgraberthat's the tricky thing with the ISO tracker, it needs to work starting with alpha-1, not feature freeze ;)18:48
nigelbstgraber: We could spec it and target it for 12.10.18:48
* nigelb ponders18:49
stgrabernigelb: I don't think it needs speccing, we already have at least 2 complete blueprints on it ;) it needs implementation18:49
nigelbstgraber: Oh. lol. Okay.18:50
nigelbI agree with you that we probably don't want to swtich before 12.04.18:50
stgrabernigelb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/QATeam/Specs/TestTracker18:52
lamontback on auto18:54
* skaet --> appt, back on later tonight.19:09
infinitycjwatson: Is there a reason you haven't shoved that curl through binary NEW for the xmlrpc-c/udeb business, or were you just hoping for a less biased set of eyes?20:26
Davieyinfinity: I don't know if cjwatson saw it, i uploaded it.21:25
NCommanderskaet: when do we plan to disable the crontabs? I think we're back up to full armel image building capabilities after a test last night and lamont fixed the root cause this morning21:52
stgraberI guess we at least need to let everything build tonight as all the livefs failed yesterday21:53
NCommandermight be easier to just do that in manual mode TBH21:56
infinityskaet had planned to just let the dailies keep going all weekend.22:01
infinityGiven that we know we're getting an influx of new GNOME suff on Monday anyway. :/22:02
NCommanderoh lovely22:05
skaetinfinity, NCommander - lamont has a fix for https://bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/851934,  we're trying to figure out least impact for deploying it.23:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 851934 in launchpad "umount-chroot fails to umount the chroot (affects: 1) (heat: 6)" [Undecided,New]23:19
lamontinfinity: NCommander so... the fun bug where things seem to take a minute to die...23:19
lamontI just proposed a merge (lp:~lamont/launchpad/bug-851934) that at least keeps it from killing arm boards23:19
lamontthe question of the day is, do we want to roll that lp-buildd to the buildds on monday (US), or do we want to wait until after beta223:20
NCommanderskaet: ugh, what a headache :-/23:20
lamontwith the attendant challenge that llvm may knock over the pandafarm23:20
infinitylamont: Assuming that loop doesn't have any syntax errors (have you at least locally tested to make sure it DTRT?), I can't see how rolling it out would do any harm.23:23
infinitylamont: Still, fixing this in the process killing script sounds saner, if we can figure out WTF is going wrong.23:23
lamontinfinity: it's live on ain and shedir, and llvm built on ain23:23
lamontin terms of my work load, I'm going to let someone else take the "figure out what llvm is doing to sbuild-package" task23:24
infinitylamont: Ahh, kay.  Your merge proposal said it was untested. ;)23:24
lamontyeah - I need to update the bug23:24
lamontand actually, I pushed the branch, but I haven't actually done the merge req yet.. :*23:25
infinitylamont: I'm all for rolling it out all over then, if it's working.  But your call really.  You get to fix the world if if breaks because the patch isn't in place. ;)23:25
lamonttrue dat.23:25
infinityStill grumpy that this is happening at all, mind you.  I assume the bug appears on all arches, the others are just fast enough to not get hit by the race here, whatever that race may be.23:26
lamontbut it's "roll out everywhere" because someone will doubtlessly go get the world current wrt package installs, just like we do all the time23:26
lamontwe have only seen the bug on PANDA23:26
lamontoh, that could be23:26
lamontbut haven't seen it on any other arm boards than panda23:26
infinityYeah, doesn't mean much that it's only happened on Panda.23:26
lamontSMP+slow would be sufficient to explain that23:27
infinityCould be an SMP-specific race dealing with processes falling out of proc before closing fds, or who knows what.  Either way, it's worth someone looking into.23:27
infinityProbably worth keeping the bug open even after your patch lands, with a big "this is a workaround, not a fix" comment.23:28
lamonthttps://code.launchpad.net/~lamont/launchpad/bug-851934/+merge/75831 <-- comments  on the merge, if  you would?23:28
lamont"only a workaround" comment added to the bug23:29
infinityThe kill script is pretty anal about not exiting until everything's (supposedly) dead, according to proc, so this is still disconcerting.23:31
infinityGiven the reproducibility, though, this might be debuggable locally.  Maybe.23:33
infinityHappy birthday to me?23:33
infinitylamont: What prompted you to test with llvm-defaults and llvm-py?  Neither has been uploaded or built in ages...23:36
lamontthose were the packages that doko's rebuild of oneiric/arm did that knocked over the buildds23:36
lamontat least I'm guessing that's where they came from23:37
infinityThat would make some sense.23:37
lamontbut the packages were identified based on the logfiles of dead buildds23:37
infinityWell, defaults is a quick build.  And I'm assuming it's just the act of installing build-deps that breaks it, since the build itself doesn't seem to do much.23:37
infinitySo, this might not be TOO painful to track.23:37
* infinity fiddles.23:38
lamontfor your package copying fun23:38
infinityIt's days like today that I remember why I have a local mirror...23:39
slangasek^^ that friendly-recovery isn't critical for beta, but it's required for friendly-recovery to be usable on cryptsetup-using systems23:40
infinityslangasek: We haven't stopped the daily cronjobs yet, if it makes a shiny new feature actually testable/usable on certain systems, I'm all for it. :P23:41
slangasekinfinity: I think friendly-recovery was broken before as well23:45
slangasekon cryptsetup23:45
slangasekit's just the first time I've tested it in a couple of years :)23:45
infinityslangasek: Not broken sounds better than broken.  But what do I know? :P23:45
slangasekI also have a fix so that we can get boot logs out of plymouth, after months of this being broken23:45
slangasekbut waiting for the results of lightdm flicker-free before uploading23:46
lamontI must say, I like the pandas better with the stupid usb patch23:47
infinityYeah, a whopping 20MB/s throughput feels fast after 5...23:48
infinitySadly, it's still awfully slow. :P23:48
lamontwatching mkfs run is a sure reminder23:48
infinityI don't like this bug.23:57
infinitylamont: fuser, lsof, and walking proc/*/root (the method used by lp-buildd) find nothing using chroot/proc ... Yet, it's "busy".  \o/23:58

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