
valorieI'm about to leave soon, but noticed that my Oneiric upgrade on the netbook went great, except for Kmail01:51
valorieperhaps I don't know how to properly configure it, but it always crashes immediately before i can even start configuration01:52
valorieand --purge --reinstall didn't help at all01:52
valoriealso still have the weird "no plasma on start" thing01:53
valoriehas to be started in the cli every time01:53
ScottKvalorie: We uploaded a bugfix release of akonadi today that fixes several crashers.  Maybe that will help somewhat for Kmail.  I would suggest though moving your ~/kds/share/apps/kmail aside, configuring from scratch, and then manually importing the mail.02:02
ScottKUpgrading Kmail -> Kmail2 has it's risks and there's not much at the distro level we can do about it.02:02
DarkwingDuckjussi: ping04:17
apacheloggerkubotu: order coffee04:30
* kubotu slides coffee with milk down the bar to apachelogger.04:30
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: it is like 7:30 in finland04:31
ScottKFrom the enormous amount of photos I've been seing in G+, I was under the impression jussi wasn't in Finland ATM.04:32
apacheloggermight be04:32
ScottKHe might be home by now too.04:33
* apachelogger aint up to speed on the social things04:33
DarkwingDuckapachelogger: jussi just commented on my G+ 04:33
apacheloggerkk :P04:33
ScottKOf course with the small child, there's no telling when he'll be awake.04:33
apacheloggeryou keep worrying about that and I meanwhile make QtQuick usable on maemo5 :P04:33
ScottKSomeone should look at the kde4libs build logs and fix up the symbols files.04:35
* apachelogger thinks bulldog98_ or bambee would be done for that sorta thing04:35
* DarkwingDuck goes back to trying to sell his laptop04:43
valoriethanks for the hint, ScottK -- I never had mail set up on the netbook at all04:50
valorieI wanted to set kmail up to sync my gmail via dimap04:51
valoriebut I'll def. try your advice and try again04:51
apacheloggeroh noes05:48
apacheloggerthe amarok fails on the armz05:48
* apachelogger is pulling some weird shit with qml again06:06
ScottKapachelogger: It's a ICE, so please file a bug against gcc 4.606:09
=== fabo_ is now known as fabo
apacheloggerScottK: I am about to fall asleep, so I'll put it on some todo06:21
* apachelogger just wrote a maemo5 windowstack for qml :S06:40
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
apacheloggerrbelem: ^08:24
apacheloggerbambee: or is it night? :P09:29
apacheloggerbambee: <ScottK> Someone should look at the kde4libs build logs and fix up the symbols files.09:29
apachelogger-*- apachelogger thinks bulldog98_ or bambee would be done for that sorta thing09:29
bambeeapachelogger: looking09:31
bambee"or is it night? " <--- what ?09:34
nikolahi kubuntu devs i don't know is this the right place but i found few annoying bugs in oneiric so i'll post here the issues09:35
nikola1) oxygen-gtk doesn't work in all gtk applications: http://www.dodaj.rs/?3p/XO/NioDUSf/snapshot1.jpg09:36
nikola2) very annoying taskbar bug: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=27546909:36
ubottuKDE bug 275469 in widget-taskbar "4 7 Regression: closed windows stay in the taskbar sometimes, taskbar doesn't react on clicks" [Normal,New]09:36
nikola3) Clementine "seeking artifacts" /video/ http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPA_bC4mJl809:37
nikolafix at https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=28180409:37
ubottuKDE bug 281804 in style "Clementine Player's seek bar started to blink since version 4 7 0" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]09:37
shadeslayermorning 10:20
shadeslayerScottK: kdelibs has missing symbols?10:22
bambeeit's for armel10:28
shadeslayerah ok10:36
shadeslayervalorie: started any work for the doc camp?10:57
yurchorHi! Can I discuss typos in Kubuntu 11.10 docs here? The patch can be found here: http://pastebin.com/v0AXnkBU11:22
apacheloggeryurchor: I believe it would be best if you were to report a bug and attach your patch11:26
apacheloggerDarkwingDuck: ^11:26
yurchorapachelogger: The docs are not valid now (entity &muonmenu; is not defined). That's why I'm asking.11:27
apacheloggeryurchor: report bugs please, DarkwingDuck will surely address them asap... he does not seem to be around right now unfortunately11:28
yurchorapachelogger: OK, but later (just looking, not buying ;) ).11:29
shadeslayerheh :D11:30
yurchorAnd one more problem: bug reporting is not possible, because there is no 11.10 branch (LP reports so).11:31
apacheloggerwhy do you need a branch to report a bug? :O11:32
bambeedoes not make sense, the missing symbol is still there... (it's a template..)11:33
yurchorapachelogger: Oops. I have just clicked on "Bugs" on the project page and saw "oneiric must be configured in order for Launchpad to forward bugs to the project's developers."11:34
yurchorapachelogger: Reported as bug 852519. Thanks for the advices.11:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852519 in kubuntu-docs (Ubuntu) "Typos and missing entity in Kubuntu 11.10 documentation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85251911:43
debfxfabo: in icecc, why do you set ICECREAM_ALLOW_REMOTE in the conf and default file?12:04
debfxfabo: in the init script you read $ICECC_ALLOW_REMOTE, that seems to be a typo12:04
shadeslayerapachelogger: ping12:08
shadeslayerapachelogger: i haz a question about KConfigGroup::readEntry12:09
apacheloggerdo I haz ical parser yet?12:09
shadeslayernope, will start on it after i finish this12:10
shadeslayerso, in order for me to start on the ical parser, you need to help me here :P12:10
* apachelogger is a cute developer and aint got no idea about no KCG12:10
shadeslayerapachelogger: http://paste.kde.org/122527/ << that is not working for some reason12:12
shadeslayerpresenceGroup is a KConfigGroup12:12
shadeslayerneed to rename presenceIcon to something better tho :P12:12
apacheloggeryou know12:12
apacheloggeryou could work in brisbane with your silly code format12:12
apacheloggerso yeah12:15
apacheloggerI have no idea what not working looks like12:15
shadeslayernvm, i think i found the solution12:16
apacheloggeralso I have no idea what overload you are using there, because you sold all your extra commas on ebay it seems and now cant efford to run the entire overload param list12:16
shadeslayerlol .. yeah, i forgot to pass a extra argument, didn't read the build error closely thinking that readEntry wants only one parame12:18
kubotushadeslayer meant: "lol .. yeah, i forgot to pass a extra argument, didn't read the build error closely thinking that readEntry wants only one parameter"12:19
apacheloggerbuild error it was12:20
apacheloggeryou are funny12:20
fabodebfx: thanks, fixing13:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: dude, you did not review my digikam packaging 13:50
apacheloggershadeslayer: where is that then?13:53
apacheloggerI was supposed to?13:53
apacheloggernews news all day news13:53
afiestas_<CIA-31> Alex Fiestas 1.2 * rv1.2-5-g7999934 bluedevil/src/ (3 files in 3 dirs): Fix mimetype, basically make dun/panu work again when launch from bluetooth://14:59
afiestas_apachelogger: that fixes the thing14:59
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ScottKshadeslayer: I just say it go by in the build log.  Should be fixed.15:23
ScottKapachelogger: ^^^ pull that one in and FFe approved.15:24
ScottKafiestas_: Thanks.15:24
* apachelogger has not spelt in over a day, so that will have to wait15:25
apacheloggerslept even15:25
afiestas_no hurry, I will release 1.2.1 this weekend fixing some more minor stuff15:25
ScottKLet's get that then.15:25
afiestas_and testing everything again, because I'm extremely surprised that this bug slip away...15:26
afiestas_I did test it u.U15:26
ScottKafiestas_: We need it to go in tomorrow, so it really needs to be this weekend.15:26
ScottKThat's why we test too ...15:26
* apachelogger ordered a headset from the UK, bought with USD, shipping to Austria \\o/15:26
apacheloggeractually it has the blue teeth15:27
apacheloggerafiestas_: so that stuff of yours better be working15:27
* apachelogger waves his fist threatening15:27
ScottKThis is the Disney Mouse Princess fist, right?15:28
ScottKNot very threatening.15:28
apacheloggerno, the grumpy havent slept in days fist15:28
apacheloggeralso I am on whisky15:28
ScottKBut you've got that nice bridge waiting for you.15:28
* apachelogger waves fist some more15:29
apacheloggerscrew that15:29
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afiestas_ScottK: it will be today15:31
* apachelogger fondles fregl and leaves for water15:31
afiestas_Will send it to kubuntu-devel once fully tested and tarballed15:31
* apachelogger also does some more fist waving while leaving15:32
apacheloggerbambee: bug 84670915:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 846709 in amarok (Ubuntu Oneiric) "amarok crash after 4sec of play" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84670915:33
apacheloggerwithout having read the description that is what you were looking into, no?15:33
apacheloggerdid you fix0r it?15:34
apacheloggeror do I have to emit a wall of written thoughts on the issue again?15:34
* shadeslayer gives some coffee to apachelogger15:40
jussigood evening DarkwingDuck15:40
jussiScottK: small child is not here yet, due to arrive in January :)15:41
Tm_Tjussi: watch out those kids, and small ones are worst15:44
* Tm_T hides15:44
bambeeapachelogger: I am busy right now15:44
bambeeapachelogger: no, did not fixed yet15:45
ScottKjussi: Oh.  I lost track.  Then get sleep while you can.16:08
ScottKafiestas_: Great.16:08
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=== woshibot is now known as drdanz
bulldog98_apachelogger: yofel Quintasan_ shadeslayer: could you have a look to http://bulldog98-jonathansblog.blogspot.com/2011/09/kubuntu-and-kde-love-story-continued.html17:09
* shadeslayer looks17:09
shadeslayererm, yofel is already a kubuntu dev i believe :P17:10
shadeslayerapart from that, looks good17:12
bulldog98_shadeslayer: corrected that17:17
* bulldog98_ now must syndicate his blog to planetubuntu17:17
=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
shadeslayerhave fun branching from bzr17:18
nigelbI need to clean up the planet config17:18
nigelbI keep wanting to do that but get lazy.17:18
nigelbThere's so much junk in there.17:18
* bulldog98 needs someone to post a nice 4.7.1 pic on imgur.com17:21
bulldog98since my config is to far away for standard17:21
bulldog98btw does someone know if fsfe.org fellowship blogs are supported by blogilo?17:22
bulldog98planet is a fat repro oO17:23
apacheloggerbulldog98: s/preparde/prepared/g17:29
bulldog98apachelogger: where exactly?17:31
apacheloggerTogether they preparde 130 source packages for upload.17:31
bulldog98found thx17:32
bulldog98apachelogger: ib,17:33
bulldog98s/ib/ into what?/17:33
kubotubulldog98: You did something wrong... Try s/you/me/ or tell me "help sed"17:33
apacheloggerarchive? repository?17:33
apacheloggerFWIW using haxx0r lingo is bad17:34
* bulldog98 fixed that17:34
bulldog98apachelogger: would you mind making a screeny and uploading it to imgur.com?17:34
apacheloggerso you should be talking about 11.04 andnot natty, 11.10 and not oneiric etc.17:34
apacheloggerbulldog98: of what?17:35
bulldog984.7.1 Desktop17:35
apacheloggermy desktop is nokia branded for some odd reason17:35
apacheloggerbambee: ^ plz give the man a screenshot17:35
* apachelogger notes that screenshots of 4.7.0 == 4.7.1 17:35
apacheloggerand boring, unless nakkidness is involved17:35
* apachelogger drops some pills and hopes to catch some sleep soonish17:36
apacheloggeranother day without sleep and I'll start singing broadway songs17:36
* shadeslayer is bored17:44
* shadeslayer starts writing that ical parser17:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: around?17:49
bulldog98shadeslayer: I think apachelogger want’s to sleep18:11
CIA-130[lp:~planet-ubuntu/config/main] Jonathan Kolberg * 1423 * (heads/bulldog.jpg config.ini) Added my blog (with category)18:12
ScottKdebfx: Can you upload Qt (with fabo's patches) so I can accept it?18:15
bulldog98shadeslayer: if you are bored you could do the screeny for my blogpost18:16
shadeslayerbulldog98: dude, just take it from the kde release page :P18:24
shadeslayerand i haz to write that ical parser by tomorrow18:24
bulldog98shadeslayer: that’s an good idea :)18:24
bambeeapachelogger: a screenshot of what ? o.O18:35
bulldog98bambee: no need anymore18:37
bulldog98JontheEchidna: string 30 of welcome section has doubled Kubuntu at the beginning18:54
bulldog98BarkingFish: the congrats for me is because I became an offical Kubuntu member :)19:25
BarkingFishnice! Well done!19:25
BarkingFishI'm laying off anything complicated for a day or two at the moment, I have concussion :)19:26
BarkingFishI won't be packaging anything for a coupla days, not after getting the trunk door of my mate's SUV right in the head.19:26
BarkingFishbulldog98, I hope one day I will achieve that status too :)  I will use the force, luke :P19:27
bulldog98BarkingFish: if you keep contributing it may happen :)19:28
bambeeBarkingFish: may the force be with you :D19:49
valorieyikes, BarkingFish -- did you see a doctor?20:08
BarkingFishI have 5 stitches in my head, the wound is also glued closed and dressed.20:09
valorieno messing about with brain injury20:09
ejatouch 20:09
BarkingFishNo, exactly.  20:09
valorieshadeslayer: I have ideas, but haven't seen the proposal, so don't know exactly what we are working on20:11
valorienor where I should be spinning out my thoughts and ideas20:11
Quintasan_This is f!Q@##!%#@ sick20:11
Quintasan_ScottK: ping20:12
shadeslayervalorie: #gsoc-doc-camp-kde is now ours20:12
shadeslayeras for the proposal, one sec20:13
shadeslayerQuintasan_: ssup20:13
Quintasan_shadeslayer: They just fixed my phone line20:13
shadeslayerQuintasan_: didja get my email? :P20:13
Quintasan_And they first told me (on monday) that they will have it fixed within 76 hours20:14
shadeslayervalorie: check email etc20:14
Quintasan_Then they called me and told me that the line must be broken in my house20:14
Quintasan_Then some durps came and started drilling right in front of my house and they told my dad they were sent here to fix the breakage20:14
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
shadeslayerQuintasan: want to work on a ical parser?20:17
shadeslayerin qt :P20:18
Quintasanshadeslayer: The one about PN poll? It did but I had no means to read that20:18
Quintasanshadeslayer: Not really, I can't code yet + this is my senior year in hs, don't want any more assignments right now20:18
shadeslayerQuintasan: yep, fine, just add questions if you like, all i could come up with are those few questions20:18
shadeslayerah alright20:19
valoriemind blowing20:19
QuintasanWish I had monies to go there20:21
* shadeslayer shakes fist at ical20:22
valorieI've never seen The Plates20:24
ScottKQuintasan: pong20:39
Riddellweird e-mail du jour http://paste.kde.org/122893/20:40
valorieRiddell: approve away!20:52
* valorie gives permssion for all of Eurasia to download files freely20:53
shadeslayerwohoo only 2 fields to go21:00
shadeslayeras soon as i figure out what X-TYPE is21:00
valorieprobably which of the X-MEN you are21:02
bulldog98Riddell: I think he wants permission to provide a download of Kubuntu21:03
bulldog98but that’s nonsense he does not need permission21:03
shadeslayerapachelogger: https://github.com/shadeslayer/libqcalparser21:21
shadeslayerapachelogger: its a very rough implementation, probably very crappy in terms of speed and leaks memory everywhere, but i'll try and improve it tomorrow21:27
shadeslayerboo ya22:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: yer ical parser is done22:41
shadeslayer"Server Summit"   "nd-sierra-f" 22:41
shadeslayerthe summary is truncated for some reason22:44
shadeslayeri guess my calculations are off a bit22:45
BarkingFishI'm off for the night valorie - I need some serious downtime.23:44
valoriesleep well and heal, BarkingFish23:44
BarkingFishheal, i will. Sleep? I doubt it.  I have an egg on my forehead the size of an egg, and a headache the size of a small transylvanian village.23:45
BarkingFishthe same side I holed is the side I sleep on.23:46
valoriehmm, take some of that pain killer they surely gave you23:46
valoriesleep is necessary23:46
BarkingFishI have some, but it's one that makes you sleepy.  As a registered paramedic, even I know you don't administer opiate medication for 24 hours after concussion :)23:47
BarkingFishNatural sleep is the best way if you can get it.23:47
valorieI hear you23:47
valoriemeditation maybe then23:48
BarkingFishthat might actually work. I have some incense and tealights...  23:48
valorieI find that almost as restful as actual sleep23:48
BarkingFishRelaxation and some Oliver Shanti if I can find my CD might just do the trick23:48
BarkingFishanyhow, I'm gonna go try to kip out.23:49
BarkingFishSee you tomorrow :)23:49

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