
StevenKO hai04:51
nigelb\o/ 20 landings04:51
nigelbStevenK: How do I know when my db patch is ready for landing again?05:16
wgrantnigelb: You don't, really. I'll try to arrange the remaining deployments on Monday.06:22
nigelbwgrant: cool, okay.06:22
StevenKWell, it can be worked it out. But only if you work for us.07:10
nigelbStevenK: I'm happy to. Except I seem to headed to set records for number of rejections :P07:17
wgrantNeed to arrange cocoplum/germanium/librarian/codehosting/mailman deployments. Shouldn't be too hard.07:25
lifelesswhy was registry removed from ~launchpad-translators?08:42
wgrantlifeless: It looks like it was removed from *everything* :/08:57
wgrantHm, it's actually not been a member of much for ages.08:58
wgrantAh, ~launchpad is in ~rosetta-admins, so we indirectly own ~launchpad-translators. Not sure we were a member, though.08:59
wgrantAnd oh wow that is a lot of mail.08:59
wgrantRoughly 10 shitloads of cronspam and wikispam.09:02
StevenKThat much? :-P09:05
nigelbYou never have too much email.09:06
nigelbUnless you have Nagios09:06
StevenKRight, Chapter Master finished09:08
LPCIBotProject devel build #1,082: FAILURE in 4 hr 16 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/devel/1082/09:11
StevenKI think I need to disable Jenkins builds, anyway09:11
StevenKAnd I can't get OpenStack working with Jenkins.09:12
StevenKAnd the jclouds plugin, which is the new hotness isn't finished and doesn't build.09:13
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #875: FAILURE in 3 hr 36 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/875/10:03
lifelessmtaylor: ^10:22
cjwatsonso how do I upload to dogfood for QA purposes?  it doesn't seem to have a poppy instance running - at any rate, nothing's listening on ftp11:03
wgrantcjwatson: Try 212111:05
wgrantcjwatson: Should also have SFTP on 5022.11:06
cjwatsonwgrant: neither of those is working for me, not even from chinstrap11:36
StevenKcjwatson: poppy is now running on mawson.11:37
cjwatsonand on FTP port 21 - thanks, sorted11:41
wgrantAh, someone must have fixed the firewall.11:42
cjwatsonwhat's the rune for running the publisher?  LPCONFIG=dogfood /srv/launchpad.net/codelines/current/cronscripts/publish-ftpmaster.py -d deribuntu -q # ?11:44
wgrantcjwatson: I normally run publish-distro directly, but yeah, that should work.11:59
wgrantcjwatson: You're QAing the translations compression change?12:01
cjwatsonif you have the thing you normally run in shell history, that would be ideal, I don't want to be inventing things as I go :)12:10
StevenKThere's a distro-run script somewhere on mawson, too.12:15
cjwatsonnot finding it ...12:16
cjwatsonhttps://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/QA was somewhat helpful but only up to a point12:20
cjwatson(or do I want to use --all-derived?  https://dev.launchpad.net/Soyuz/TechnicalDetails/Publishing)12:21
* cjwatson decides to go ahead with publish-ftpmaster -d deribuntu and see what happens12:24
cjwatsonThat seemed to work.  Lots of errors for missing files but they seem unrelated12:26
wgrantcjwatson: Yeah, we don't have the whole pool, because it's slow and not small.12:31
wgrantcjwatson: That looks fine, then. Thanks for QAing it.12:31
cjwatsonMarked qa-ok.  Thanks for the guidance12:33
StevenKwgrant: Can you think of any reason why queue-builder shouldn't be removed from the tree and burnt at the stake?12:36
wgrantStevenK: It's possible we might want to do a rescoring run at some point... maybe.12:37
wgrantStevenK: add-missing-builds also only works for a particular DAS, I think.12:37
wgrantIf we generalise add-missing-builds to also work over a whole archive, or it does already, then we should rip cMB out of queue-builder, at least.12:37
StevenKI thought we hadn't run it for years?12:37
wgrantI think it was running until early last year.12:38
wgrantIn --score-only, at least.12:38
wgrantI came across its logs a while back.12:38
wgrantIt was a terrible experience.12:38
StevenKadd-missing-builds already takes an archive argument12:39
wgrantYes, and I even made it work for the primary archive.12:39
wgrantBut it requires an explicit arch list, which is possibly silly.12:39
wgrantOK for its original purpose, but that was short-sighted.12:39
StevenKSo I'm free to gleefully rip cMB out of q-b?12:41
wgrant        sources_published = distroseries.getSourcesPublishedForAllArchives()12:41
wgrantFrom q-b.12:41
wgrantIt works over all archives at once.12:41
wgrant(wow, how did that ever not take a week...)12:42
wgrantSo, q-b still possibly has a purpose.12:42
wgrantAnd it's only like 180 reasonably unoffensive lines.12:42
* StevenK is tempted to put the final nail in the coffin of canonical.lp12:44
wgrantPlease don't.12:44
wgrantI have big plans for initZopeless.12:45
wgrantBut there's more that has to be untangled first.12:45
wgrantI have a rough idea of how it is going to go down, but need to work out specifics.12:45
StevenKwgrant: My plan was to move it away so lib/canonical/lp can be deleted.12:45
wgrantThat's the easy way out.12:45
wgrantBut initZopeless is pointless now.12:45
wgrantIt should die entirely.12:45
wgrantMoving it away just hides tech debt.12:45
* StevenK rewrites lib/canonical/lp/ftests/test_zopeless.py, since it's utterly disgusting.12:46
wgrantI deleted most of that last week.12:46
wgrantAll that's left is that doctest.12:46
StevenKBut it isn't even a doctest!12:46
wgrantIt is a doctest in a unittest!12:46
wgrantThings that remain:12:48
StevenKWhich is disgusting12:48
wgrant - untangling our dbuser change support.12:48
wgrant - renaming "Zopeless" mail to non-queued mail12:48
wgrant   (and detaching it from initZopeless)12:48
wgrant - Letting FunctionalLayer users specify a security policy.12:49
wgrant - Porting *ZopelessLayer users to *FunctionalLayer, using PermissiveSecurityPolicy12:49
wgrant - Delete initZopeless, because it no longer has a purpose.12:49
wgrant(Zopeless currently means three things: 1) non-queued mail, 2) DB user and isolation level reconfiguration, 3) PermissiveSecurityPolicy)12:50
wgrantI've got rid of most of the terrible old code, but we still have this awful tangled wrapper.12:51
wgrantConflating these three largely unrelated things.12:51
StevenKwgrant: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/691519/12:53
wgrantStevenK: You could do that, but the sole remaining callsite of isZopeless is Zopeless mail, which is next on the list to remove.12:54
wgrantSo I would be surprised if that test wasn't deleted within a fortnight.12:54
nigelbMy nightmare with that bug continues14:58
nigelbwgrant / StevenK around?15:27
nigelbHrm,looking at the time, I guess not.15:27
LPCIBotYippie, build fixed!15:40
LPCIBotProject db-devel build #876: FIXED in 4 hr 50 min: https://lpci.wedontsleep.org/job/db-devel/876/15:40
nigelbIf anyone has a few minutes to review an MP for a regression that'd be great! https://code.launchpad.net/~nigelbabu/launchpad/js-regression-849121/+merge/7585816:09
lifelessand again, deactivated. wtf20:33
lifelessshould be ban untaintableangel ?20:34

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