
=== andreas__ is now known as ahasenack
=== Mission-Critical is now known as MissionCritical
bullgard4How to obtain a list of numbers of the bug reports that I have filed against Launchpad?03:27
StevenKbullgard4: https://bugs.launchpad.net/~/+reportedbugs03:56
bullgard4StevenK: How can I sort this list? What is the default sort criterion of this list?04:07
bullgard4StevenK: I have now found out the default sort criterion of this list.04:22
ScottSanbarQuestion:  I updated a package/build so that it has no lintian errors, but that included changing from "native" to "quilt".  It builds fine on my home PC running natty, but when I try to run it on launchpad with a recipe doing an autobuild, it gives the error in the following pastebin.  What am I doing wrong?  Also, I have typed bzr launchpad-login scott-sanbar, but launchpad keeps giving me the error you can see in the pastebin that04:32
ScottSanbarPertaining to my earlier question, found the following answer:  https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+question/157658 for the following bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/bzr-builder/+bug/727299.  I assume the answer is current?05:58
ubot5Ubuntu bug 727299 in Baltix "accept quilt returning "2" as success" [Undecided,New]05:58
=== EisNerd_ is now known as EisNerd
mfraz74Is there anything that can be done when "out of office" notices keep appearing?12:12
ubot5Ubuntu bug 771788 in jockey (Ubuntu) "nVidia driver activated and apparently being used but reported as not being used by jockey-gtk" [Medium,In progress]12:13
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bjsnideri've got a ppa package here that says it's been going on for 5 hours. the buildlog screen is empty and the build only take a few minutes15:22
bjsnider5 hours building i mean15:22
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=== bulldog98_ is now known as bulldog98
Utopiahhi #launchpad17:44
Utopiahis there a way to search for a function name within a specific repository? if so, how?17:44
UtopiahI can bzr then search locally but that's not very practical17:47
guntberta possible bug in launchpad - where do i talk about that?19:53
nigelbgusnan: here isa good place19:58
gusnannigelb, I don't follow - was that intended for someone else?19:59
nigelbgusnan: argh, yes20:00
guntbertgood - bug 852150 has a zillion duplicates because the system apparently fails to detect them during the report from apport20:00
ubot5Launchpad bug 626798 in policykit (Ubuntu Natty) "duplicate for #852150 update-manager crashed with DBusException in _run()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62679820:00
nigelbguntbert: ^^20:00
guntbertseen :)20:01
nigelbapport isn't duping them?20:01
nigelbThat's not a launchpad bug per se.20:01
guntbertsorry, wrong number it was 62679820:01
nigelbIt needs a bug pattern20:01
nigelbbug 62679820:01
ubot5Launchpad bug 626798 in policykit (Ubuntu Natty) "update-manager crashed with DBusException in _run()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62679820:01
guntbertnigelb: ack, but the bug might lie in the fact, that those reports are mostly automated from apport and hence are very similarly worded (if not identiical)20:02
nigelbwhen I enter a similar title in +filebug, it does shoud me the right bug.20:04
guntbertwell, the newer reports have a much longer wording (compare 852150 to 626798) - that might throw off the checker  - whats that with +filebug??20:07
guntbertnigelb: ^20:10
nigelbguntbert: Like I said earlier, for apport bugs, the best thing for dupfinding is a bug pattern20:13
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
guntbertnigelb: understood, I was asking about the tool/command/??  +filebug - where is that documented?20:15
guntbertnigelb: sorry, I seem to be somewhat dense today - I always get to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs when I try to follow your link ^20:20
nigelbguntbert: Ah right. Only Bug Control gets to see it without that redirect.20:26
nigelbYou need to add ?no-redirect at the end if you want the form20:28
guntbertnigelb: right, I forget that so often - thx  - have a nice time squashing20:30
guntbertnigelb: ah thats the entry point for reporting bugs - and as soon as my search text is only one character longer than the original one LP tells me "search took too long" - so real bug seems to be in apport for creating too long summaries20:39
bjsniderok, this ppa package is still building after 11 hours and is obviously stuck21:43
bjsniderthe builder is called iridium21:47

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