
GeodudeThanks :)00:00
holsteini would confirm the iso image, just to be sure00:00
holsteinphilipballew: if its a different version, it could be graphics driver related00:00
philipballewalright. the laptop is like 5 years old00:01
holsteinmight need 'nomodeset' or whatever safe grahpics more00:01
philipballewhalf gig ram00:01
holsteinthats plenty00:01
holsteinjust wont matter if the drivers are funny00:01
philipballewxubuntu 10.04 installed just fine00:01
holsteinand i dont mean 'ha-ha' funny ;p00:01
philipballewi like funny drivers00:05
philipballewthey help pass the time!00:05
holsteinGeodude: you used wicd?00:05
holsteinor more precisely, wicd-curses ?00:06
holsteinnot sure if thats what you are looking for at all, but its something ive been meaning to look into00:06
GeodudeNot sure what that is. /googles00:06
Geodude /installs00:07
philipballewholstein, ill make a usb install. less chance of error00:09
holsteinphilipballew: pretty easy to hop around too00:11
holsteinonce you get installed... lubuntu-desktop, xubuntu-desktop... whatever00:11
Geodudeholstein: wicd isn't showing me wireless signal or quality. It does show the signal strength percentage, but not in an indicator applet (that I can see?).00:21
GeodudeI'm looking for something that shows:Quality=56/70  Signal level=-54 dBm00:22
holsteinGeodude: is that wicd? or the curses one?00:23
Geodudewicd. wicd-curses gives me screens and screens of errors.00:23
holsteini was hoping there would be something in the terminal that would be update-able00:23
holsteinGeodude: :/00:23
holsteinGeodude: maybe some desktop widget00:24
holsteinGeodude: HEY... im thinking conky... http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-563401.html wireless_link_qual net Wireless link quality (Linux only) im particular00:25
holsteinin particular*00:25
holsteinconky is just fun anyways, i stopped using it because i *cannot* stop playing with it00:25
thewrathhey is anyone in here00:51
escottthewrath, just ask your question01:15
=== AndrewMC` is now known as AndrewMC
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
=== ikonia_ is now known as ikonia
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as Mohan_chml
=== Geodude is now known as Geo|drunk
=== _2B_ is now known as E3D3
=== E3D3 is now known as _B_
_B_Hi all, what is broadcast messaging & why is it enable by default ?12:12
_B_Is broadcast messaging just for Twitter & Facebook so I can disable it if I don't use that ?12:14
=== geirha_ is now known as geirha
FoxtrotZeroPerhaps someone can help me?16:50
FoxtrotZeroI tried to install Ubuntu (with the Windows installer) which idn't give me any trouble, but I can't figure out how to start my computer using Ubuntu...16:51
FoxtrotZeroThere is no menu screen on startup, like the install page illustrates16:52
E3D3What is the use of mounting archives like rar & zip ? I always have to reconfigurate that and am curious about what you can do with it ?16:53
geirhaHuh? you can mount rar and zip archives?17:03
E3D3I don't see mounted archives appear in Dolphin's 'places'-panel. How/were can I see mounted archives in Dolphin file-manager?17:13
Brutus-E3D3, what do you mean with mounted archives? Can an archive be monted?17:17
E3D3Brutus-: Yes. Rightclick on an archive should give that option. Here its default.17:18
E3D3With it you can use it as a folder in Nautilus17:18
IAmNotThatGuyE3D3, I think you opened it with Archive Mounter17:18
E3D3Yes, but doesn't mounted whatevers show up in Dolpin ?17:19
E3D3Okay, I beter should read about Archive manager instead of dolphin. Sorry17:20
E3D3archive mounter17:20
E3D3No, I should not, I did (a little) I think it has to do with dolphin17:21
IAmNotThatGuyE3D3, Try running sudo mount -o loop file.zip /mnt17:22
IAmNotThatGuyI got a link http://clouddenizen.com/2010/03/13/archive-mounter-in-ubuntu-tip-of-the-day/17:23
IAmNotThatGuyidk why it is not showing in dolphin. Try that and that might work17:23
E3D3You are great, thanks, I will read it.17:24
Brutus-so tender17:24
E3D3IAmNotThatGuy: Thanks for helping.17:35
IAmNotThatGuyNo Prob17:35
IAmNotThatGuy:D late as usual :P17:35

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