
AlanBellspd-say  "ubuntu oh nairic ossselot" < does that sound right?09:45
=== kloeri_ is now known as kloeri
AlanBellspd-say "ubuntu oh-nigh-ric osselot" is looking like the favorite so far12:20
czajkowskido we know what PEE PEE is ?12:22
popeyczajkowski: context?12:40
* popey wonders if oneiric will install cleanly on his mbp12:41
* popey grabs the beta1 iso12:41
czajkowskipopey: after oneiric12:42
popeyor "12.04 codename" in english.12:46
popeyI dont think it's been announced12:46
czajkowskiI never really go by the code name tnh, probably should12:47
czajkowskimight sound more professional12:47
popeydepends who I'm talking to12:51
popeyif I'm talking to other ubuntu folk I'll say the codename, if I'm talking to someone who doesn't know Ubuntu from a hole in the ground I'll use version numbers12:51
AlanBellspd-say "oh-neric, oh-nigh-ric"13:09
popeyspd-say "eleven point ten"13:31
AlanBellyeah yeah13:32
AlanBellspd-say "aubergine" it gets that right :)13:38
AlanBellspd-say "on-eer-ric"14:04
AlanBellspd-say "on-eer-ric"14:08

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