
benonsoftwareHi all00:58
benonsoftwareSorry I missed the meeting00:58
patrickdickeyI'll probably be sleeping when the meeting happens, but I'll check the channel out after I wake up.17:35
godbykHey, rickfosb20:51
c7phello world !20:55
godbykhey, c7p20:55
c7phow are you godbyk ?20:56
rickfosbHello godbyk, c7p20:57
godbyknot too bad. and you, c7p?20:57
c7pgodbyk: fine :)20:57
c7phey rickfosb20:57
rickfosbgodbyk, liked the pdf site.  I just glanced at it;  is it free use?21:00
c7pηευ ChrisWoollard21:00
godbykrickfosb: Yeah, it's free for nonprofit use.21:01
rickfosbI like it!21:01
c7pyeah great tool21:01
rickfosbHello ChrisWoollard21:01
ChrisWoollardEvening rick21:01
godbykHey, ChrisWoollard.21:02
ChrisWoollardEvening Godbyk21:02
c7pwho is here for the meeting,  raise your hands !21:03
rickfosbGuys, only 5 signed up on the poll.  (I didn't vote)  HERE21:03
godbykI'm here.21:03
rickfosbChrisWoollard, I'll need to look that one up  :-)21:04
ChrisWoollardtwo hands up :)21:04
rickfosbHannie sent an apology, if I recall the email strings21:04
godbykIs everyone who said they were available in the poll here?21:05
rickfosbAh yes, I see it now!21:05
rickfosbagenda: http://pad.ubuntu-uk.org/tXtRXeYMKv21:06
rickfosb\two of you are21:07
rickfosbc7p and ChrisWoollard21:07
c7pmeetingbot ?21:07
MootBotMeeting started at 16:07. The chair is godbyk.21:07
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]21:07
rickfosbBryan, Mario, and Ben signed up21:07
godbyk[TOPIC] Should the Natty release continue?21:07
MootBotNew Topic:  Should the Natty release continue?21:07
ChrisWoollardAny thoughts?21:08
c7pNatty release has many problems21:09
rickfosbMy 2 cents:  I would rather not stop work. But perhaps we can try some new tools to help move along... like your pdf edit...  Maybe some additional advertisement via Planet Ubuntu21:09
ChrisWoollardI think that maybe not. Otherwise we are always playing catchup. It would be great to get the manual out at around release.21:09
c7pfirst, the natty manual will be out around when the oneiric will be released21:10
c7pwho will be interested on an outdated manual ?21:10
rickfosbI'm ok with Halting Natty; assuming we work on the process to get our manual out at 'release'... Is that even possible?21:10
godbykrickfosb: Well, we managed it with our first manual (lucid).21:10
rickfosbyou probably had a better editor in chief (grin)21:11
godbykrickfosb: And back then we were still inventing our tool chain and starting from scratch.21:11
godbykrickfosb: (I guess I was also unemployed then and had more time to spend on it, too. :-))21:11
c7prickfosb: no we hadn't even an editor21:11
ChrisWoollardIt could be possible. Natty and Oneric don't look vastly different so therefore it might be possible to tweak it enough21:11
rickfosbSo, IF we take what we have --> move directly to Oneric... what do we save?21:12
godbykIf skipping Natty and going straight to Oneiric would allow us to get back on track and release the Oneiric manual at the same time as the software, that'd be awesome.21:12
c7pgodbyk: yeah21:13
godbykI think we'd save some of the intermediary steps (various editing milestones, writing freezes, etc.).21:13
c7palso we need some new authors, cause ours have gone. New authors would be interested on releasing a manual that will be read21:13
rickfosbSo, how about doing on ly 1 release a year... same release each time X.1021:14
rickfosbor XX.04  which ever21:14
ChrisWoollardI think it depends what changes21:15
rickfosbgood point21:15
godbykChrisWoollard: I agree.  I think it'd be nice to have manuals for the LTS releases, at a minimum.21:15
ChrisWoollardUnity required quite a big change21:15
c7pi don't think the 2 releases is the problem, the problem is that we don't keep authors motivated :/ (maybe)21:15
godbykIf we had people working on writing and editing, I think we could manage the six-month releases.  But we'll need to continually recruit new members to replace the ones that have left.21:16
ChrisWoollardIt would also be nice to have the manual for the one prior to LTS also.21:16
rickfosbyea, they (we) all start out strong and then life happens21:16
godbyk...Or find a way for anyone to easily do that drive-by editing/writing.21:16
c7pgodbyk: +121:16
c7pon this subject Kevin i think we can deploy google docs21:17
c7pit's online, it's easy21:17
rickfosbI really like the pdf site as a way to get people to help out.  Especially if one of our ubuntu members (hint) could post to the planet every so often21:17
godbykAt some point we should probably survey our team members and get an idea of what does prevent them from helping.  Is our tool chain too cumbersome?  Do they just not have time? Are all the tasks too boring?21:17
c7por any relevant service*21:17
rickfosbWell, I like the tool chain; but I do find that I'm 'fixing' latex after a revision from some of the authors... like they don't run make...21:18
ChrisWoollardThat has always been an issue21:19
rickfosbso it may be an issue for some =-- tool chain that is21:19
ChrisWoollardI have been doing the same21:19
c7pi think we need one who will be in charge of this getting new people, motivating them, getting feedback from them etc21:20
rickfosbso, if we used google docs; or a pdf annotation tool, and did continuous outreach.... that might help us make the major revisions on time...21:20
godbykWould it be better if there were a two-stage editing process then?  Something more accessible (wiki, Google docs, Etherpad) that the authors and editors could work with.  Then another stage for the LaTeX geeks to handle the nit-picky LaTeX markup and layout?21:20
rickfosbMaybe reach some of the folks who are making the code changes to annotate21:21
rickfosbgodbyk +121:21
rickfosbc7p is really excited about it  ;)21:22
c7pi can handle the Latex markup21:22
ChrisWoollard+1 I think21:22
ChrisWoollardWhat would happen if once the google doc had been latexed and the author wanted to make changes?21:23
rickfosbThe trick with two stage is keeping the updates linear... I've had that problem when getting text in the same chapter from multiple sources...21:23
rickfosbexactly ChrisWoollard21:23
godbykChrisWoollard: I think after it was LaTeX'd, the changes should be noted on the PDF and the LaTeX editors would make them.  (We'd also need to track the changes in the original doc for future versions, too, I guess.)21:23
c7pbtw i want to share something with you21:24
rickfosbback to our current toolchain to help with version control...21:24
godbykIt seemed like there was also a problem figure out what we needed to update and write about this time, too.  Maybe there should be some initial meetings where we do some research and establish a clear and detailed outline of what's new, what's different, etc. so we know exactly what needs to be written.21:24
godbykThen the assignments to the authors could be more specific.21:25
rickfosbgodbyk: agree,  since I'm not running a beta... i've no real clue..  guess I'll have to learn how to run two versions21:26
rickfosbc7p was going to share? what?21:26
ChrisWoollardhttp://www.ubuntu.com/testing usually has release notes about what has changed21:26
MootBotLINK received:  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing usually has release notes about what has changed21:26
rickfosbI'll book mark that now (while I'm thinking about it)21:27
c7prickfosb: i'm talking with the guys from the greek community that are involved to a community magazine. We have exactly the same problems as projects. EXACTLY !21:27
c7ppeople are leaving, the process of writing is too technical, project misses its goals etc21:27
godbykc7p: that makes me feel a little better. :-)  have they found any solutions?21:28
c7pno we are searching :P21:28
c7pwhat i've concluded is that we have to keep the writing process as easy as possible21:28
rickfosbhow about this; what is our goal here?  If we are just a printed version of help, then we're duplicating effort.  If the goal is to provide user friendly information, then maybe we've added too much content21:29
c7palso we have to motivate contributors constantly, everyone has little free time, but with no motivation, rewards people lose their passion21:30
rickfosbtrim it down and point to online help when it gets 'too technical'21:30
rickfosb(I hear ya! c7p;  I could use a week off too! )21:30
ChrisWoollardAs far as was aware we are aimed at non techies. So there shouldn't be anything to technical21:31
godbykThe original aim of the project was to produce a printed and bound book for new Ubuntu users.21:31
c7prickfosb: the documentation for the too techy stuff exists but the process is still complex21:31
godbykWe assume that the readers have some basic computer knowledge (how to use a mouse and keyboard, etc.).21:32
rickfosbChrisWoollard, has the document gotten to 'fat'?21:32
godbykThe printed book aspect is important for new users because it's something they can scribble notes in as they learn, something they can set on their desk alongside them as they work through a procedure.21:32
rickfosbI like the book aspect; otherwise, why bother just do help.ubuntu...21:33
ChrisWoollardI don't think the size has changed much. 154 pages is quite slim really21:33
godbykWe actually have fewer pages now, but I think the bulk of that change is because I shrank the screenshots.21:33
rickfosbChrisWoollard, if we keep the same structure then (chapters) and target LTS releases, and significant interim releases, is that doable (given a constant flow of help)21:34
c7pi think we have to rethink the whole content of the manual, but it's not subject now. we have to look on it of course later21:34
c7pon a coming meeting21:35
godbykRight now we have a couple topics that are somewhat conflated:21:35
godbyk(1) Do we cancel the Natty release in favor of starting work on the Oneiric release (so it can be published on time)?21:35
godbyk(2) What can we do to improve our workflow and project's chance of success.21:36
rickfosbI'm inclined to vote yea on item 121:36
godbykI'm loathe to take a vote with so few voters, but at this point, I think we're the only active project members. :-/21:37
rickfosb#2 (I like providing content for the 'world' to comment on and let us do the latex)21:37
ChrisWoollard(1) +121:37
rickfosbgodbyk +1  I know21:38
godbykI'm also inclined to vote +1 to canceling the Natty release and moving straight to Oneiric.21:38
c7pme too21:38
godbykI guess we can make it official...21:39
c7peven if we don't have enough authors i have the time and energy to pull this release21:39
godbyk[VOTE] Cancel the Natty release and move on to the Oneiric cycle.21:39
MootBotPlease vote on:  Cancel the Natty release and move on to the Oneiric cycle..21:39
MootBotPublic votes can be registered by saying +1/-1/+0 in the channel, private votes by messaging the channel followed by +1/-1/+0  to MootBot21:39
MootBotE.g. /msg MootBot +1 #ubuntu-manual21:39
MootBot+1 received from ChrisWoollard. 1 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 121:39
MootBot+1 received from c7p. 2 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 221:39
MootBot+1 received from rickfosb. 3 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 321:39
MootBot+1 received from godbyk. 4 for, 0 against. 0 have abstained. Count is now 421:39
godbykI think that's all of us, right?21:40
godbyk[AGREED] Cancel the Natty release and move on to the Oneiric cycle.21:40
MootBotAGREED received:  Cancel the Natty release and move on to the Oneiric cycle.21:40
godbyk(I'm not sure if that closed the voting or not. I hope so.)21:40
rickfosbwhat is the release Date for Oneiric21:41
godbykOctober 13.21:41
ChrisWoollard13th October21:41
godbykWe've already passed the UI freeze date, so things should be fairly settled.21:42
rickfosbSo we go through the release notes and try to get the natty text updated?21:42
godbykIf you're not already, you might wish to subscribe to the ubuntu-docs mailing list.  They send UI freeze exception requests to that list so you can track the things that are still in flux.21:42
ChrisWoollardGodbyk: Can you transfer the natty branch to a new oneric one?21:42
c7pi'm from 11.10 now, i can track all the changes that need to be done21:43
godbykChrisWoollard: Yeah, I can set up the bzr branch.21:43
godbykWhat was remaining on the to do list for the Natty release?21:44
godbykWe'll need to transfer those items over.21:44
ChrisWoollardNot sure, but I did think that some editting was required21:44
c7pi will make a complete todo list maybe tomorrow, by tracking the changes21:44
godbykAnd we should get a few people to read through the various parts of the manual and ensure that they're up to date with Onieric.21:44
godbyk(That, in my mind, involves reading a section and clicking on whatever it says to click on.. ensuring that the text is the same and that the process still works as written.)21:45
c7pgodbyk: +1, the tool that you shared with us would totally help us21:45
godbykc7p: Once I get the oneiric branch created, I'll upload a new 11.10 PDF and we can start passing the link around.21:46
rickfosbReading the worksheet; the last three chapters showed lots of potential changes; but I never saw revisions to indicate that they'd actually done them.21:46
rickfosbc7p +121:46
rickfosbi mean godbyk +121:46
rickfosbChrisWoollard do you post your blog to planet ubuntu?  I've seen your name.. might help once we get the link to the pdf to get the word out?21:48
ChrisWoollardI do sometimes. It is my choice if it goes there21:48
ChrisWoollardjust tell me what you want and i can arrange it21:49
rickfosbChrisWoollard thanks!  I think once we get the branch built, and the first pdf built, we might want to blog about what we're up to... get a bigger audience?21:50
rickfosbrickfosb is shamelessly using ChrisWoollard21:50
c7pi think we must have the 11.10 pdf in a good status before sharing it with the planet21:51
rickfosbI would agree to that... talk about a firestorm.. :-))21:51
godbykheh.. no doubt!21:51
c7pmaybe we can share every chapter when it's almost finished21:52
rickfosbthe vote may not be closed; I have a private message that I already voted21:52
rickfosbc7p; just take the pdf by chapter?21:54
c7p:D, nevermind, the decision has been taken. the bot wants to sabotage us21:54
godbykWe've been writing and editing the chapters in parallel, not in serial.21:54
godbykSo we haven't all been focusing on, say, chapter 2 until it was finished and then moving on to chapter 3.21:55
c7pyeah, i'm talking for the sharing the pdfs for proofread and comments before the mani release of the whole book21:55
rickfosbI think 1 - 3 are in decent shape;  we'd need to review the release notes. not sure about the screen shots21:55
rickfosbMost are done, I thought;21:55
c7pi think so21:56
rickfosbgodbyk, when do you think you could have time to create the new branch?21:57
godbykrickfosb: I can probably get it done later today.21:57
rickfosbAfter the meeting, I'll work up an email to ubuntu-manual and let them know what we're up to, along with the raw meeting log, etc.21:58
c7pare we done ?21:58
c7phave we finished*21:59
rickfosbOnce you get the pdf location arranged,,, is that something that any of us could upload, or would that be you after a bzr revision?21:59
godbykrickfosb: Well, I figured I'd change the version number in the PDF to reflect 11.10 instead of 11.04 before uploading it.22:00
rickfosbyes sir.22:00
godbykOtherwise, anyone can upload a PDF to the site (it's free) and share the link.22:00
c7pi'm happy that some things have been set in order22:01
rickfosbIts not to hard to do global search and replace on the chapters to fix the other version numbers... and names...22:01
c7prickfosb: this have to be done on all tex files22:01
c7pif the branch will be up tomorrow, we have to do a lot of work :P22:02
rickfosbyes.. I've been using vi or gvim and stepping through the chapters when I found a global that needed work22:02
godbykI'll send you guys an email as soon as I get the branch created.  I'll also upload a PDF to that site and give you the link to it.22:02
rickfosbok, what else tonight?22:02
rickfosbgodbyk Great!22:03
c7pgreat all22:03
godbykSomething else I think we should do soonish it to create a simple, informal survey and email it to the list.22:03
c7psurvey for what ?22:04
godbykI'd like to get feedback from the team members to see how we can get them involved again, why they're not actively participating at the moment, how we can make things easier, etc.22:04
rickfosbgodbyk; I'll put that in my email to the team!22:04
rickfosbif you want?22:04
godbykrickfosb: sure!22:05
c7pso rickfosb will handle the survey ?22:05
rickfosb(its text... so not a 'formal' survey)22:05
godbykI can rattle of a bunch of random questions I have for the team if you like.22:05
rickfosbdid you have something else in mind?22:05
godbykI was thinking of just asking some rather open-ended questions and get some free-form answers.22:06
godbykNothing scientific or anything formal.22:06
godbykI just want a better idea of where the sticking points are.22:06
rickfosbyou want to think about it and email me?  I'll do the email tomorrow22:06
godbykrickfosb: that sounds like a plan.22:07
rickfosbcool, I'll use your email as my "go" to email the team22:07
c7pbtw if that helps you, you can use forms from g docs22:07
c7pthank you all22:08
godbykc7p: that's not a bad idea. then all the responses can go in a spreadsheet that we can share.22:08
c7pgodbyk: yeah you dont have to organize them :)22:08
c7pcheck goole docs, go create > forms22:09
rickfosbwow!  I never used a form... that alright22:09
c7pcreate new*22:09
c7pg2g see you soon22:09
godbykthanks for coming, c7p!22:09
c7pi hope to come up with the list of what needs to be done for 11.10 tomorrow or the day after tomorrow22:10
rickfosbsee you and thanks c7p22:10
rickfosbgodbyk, ChrisWoollard, any thing else tonight?22:11
ChrisWoollardnot that i can think of22:11
godbykrickfosb: not that I can think of22:11
rickfosbdespite this, I am enjoying working with you guys22:11
rickfosbi'm looking forward to the pdf annotations;22:12
godbykGuess I should do this before I forget...22:12
MootBotVote is in progress. Finishing now.22:12
MootBotFinal result is 4 for, 0 against. 0 abstained. Total: 422:12
MootBotMeeting finished at 17:12.22:12
rickfosbhave a good evening, then.22:12
godbykMootbot gets irked if you forget to end the meeting. :)22:13

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