
IdleOne"they are savages"00:13
bazhangescott, seems to be handled. thanks for stopping by00:14
IdleOneooof I better just shut up.00:14
elkyescott, is there something else we can help you with? If not, please read the /topic of this channel so you can better understand how it operates.00:27
escottelky, bazhang helped earlier. just forgot to close the window00:28
funkyHatAuroraNites21 is/was doing the same thing on oftc00:43
bazhang [miraMiPolla] (~sylab@     wonder if thats sylarbot01:30
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ikoniavibhav: I spoke to you yesterday about blindly posting things to people09:55
ikoniayou have had enough warnings on this09:55
ikoniaI will allow you back in the channel, but I'm going to put you on mute so you can't speak, but you can watch09:55
vibhavthat is why I asked you , am I right?09:55
Myrttiif you are in doubt, then don't paste it09:56
vibhavBut this time I asked ikonia09:56
Myrttiif you're not sure that your advice is sound, then don't give it and let someone else handle the matter09:56
Myrttiit doesn't matter if you ask09:56
Myrttiyou know that there are people silly enough to try whatever they see in the channel09:56
ikoniavibhav: I'll allow you back in the channel but leave you on mute to observe, as you constantly give the wrong info to people09:56
vibhavthere is no harm in trying that09:57
Myrttiperhaps even someone who doesn't even have the problem that [Ex0r] is having09:57
ikoniait will remove his xserver09:57
vibhavNO it will not09:57
ikoniavibhav: xserver-xorg-core09:57
ikoniavibhav: you told it to remove that package09:57
ikoniaahh, my apologies, you told it to re-install it09:57
vibhavsudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg09:58
ikoniadpkg won't reconfigure it either09:58
ikoniaas the config is dynamic09:58
ikoniaeither way, it's wrong, you've jsut told him to dump a load of packages, when the software he's using is nothing to do with the packages09:58
ikoniaI'll allow you back in muted, I'm wasting time talking to you when this guy needs help09:58
vibhavikonia -the advice was NOT dangerous09:58
MyrttiTHIS time09:58
vibhavYou said not to post Dangerous advice09:59
Myrttiare you seriously asking?09:59
ikoniavibhav: it was, it removed a load of ati packages that was nothing to do with the software he was using09:59
ikoniavibhav: you can rejoin but muted09:59
vibhavikonia he still installed  fglrx09:59
Myrttibut not from the repo09:59
vibhavstill the command will REMOVE it10:00
ikoniano it won't10:00
vibhavsudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx*10:00
Myrttiwhy would it remove it10:00
ikoniait will remove the packages/file defined in the ubuntu packages10:00
Myrttiif it's not installed by package management, then package management wont see it10:00
vibhavbut still this time I Read10:01
vibhavcd /usr/share/ati10:01
vibhavsudo sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh10:01
vibhavI was going to post that ,10:02
vibhavBut you banned me10:02
Myrttiyou're not banned now10:03
vibhavbut still muted10:04
vibhavthat does not make sense10:04
Myrttiwhy doesn't it10:04
Myrttiyou're allowed to benefit from the channel10:04
Myrttijust not allowed to participate10:04
vibhav sudo sh ./fglrx-uninstall.sh I was going to tell him to do that but he banned me before that10:04
vibhavIt was ikonia this time who did not read em carefully10:05
Myrttiyou really are not getting what we are trying to tell you10:06
Myrttilet me try to put it as simply as I possibly can10:06
Myrttiif we need to tell you every other day that your advice is not safe and that you need to leave the instructing to someone else that knows their stuff, that's too often10:10
Myrttiyou either need to stop giving instructions that you've not tried yourself or have only hazy idea what they do, or we as operators need to find a way to limit the amount of damage you may cause to others10:11
Myrttiwe can't assign a babysitter to watch the advice you are giving to others10:13
Myrttiand you can't chimp out on potentially malicious advice by asking people "is this command <paste> ok?"10:14
Myrttiwell that was perfect waste of 20 minutes of my time10:19
elkyle sigh.10:23
bazhangvibhav, hello10:39
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vibhavikonia please unmute me as I have a problem14:42
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic14:42
Tm_Tvibhav: unfortunately that is not going to happen14:43
Tm_TI'm basing my take on this that you still haven't learned why you are banned couple times and now muted14:44
vibhavYou even know what has happened!?14:44
Tm_Tand I really don't think "I need help" is any reason to drop the mute in this case14:44
Tm_Tvibhav: I know what is been discussed here, yes14:44
Tm_Tand I have followed your doings, yes14:44
vibhavikonia -ahh, my apologies, you told it to re-install it 09:5714:45
vibhavikonia thought I was telling him to remove it14:45
Tm_Tvibhav: that is irrelevant to me14:45
Myrttiand by sheer luck it happened that this time the command wouldnt have broken things14:46
Tm_Tall this has been clearly explained to him many times now14:47
bobsagetput me in the real chan please14:58
bobsageti have a questoin14:59
bobsagetand you told me not to come back and i didnt14:59
bobsagetand im still here14:59
bobsagetmaybe you should read the rules14:59
ikoniawho was this guy ?15:00
vibhavsmecahello, i've installed rollercoaster tycoon2 on 11.04, but the cdrom is not found on trying to run the game. can anyone help?17:20
vibhavgentoo-intelsmeca, http://m0001.gamecopyworld.com/games/pc_rollercoaster_tycoon_2.shtml17:20
vibhavis not that piracy?17:20
vibhavsorry check this http://pastebin.com/jiWwtdzX17:21
Myrttiwhy the pastebin link?17:22
Myrttia) he left the channel b) which part do you suspect is piracy?17:23
vibhavcheck it out Myritti17:23
Myrtticheck what out?17:23
vibhavMyrtti,  http://m0001.gamecopyworld.com/games/pc_rollercoaster_tycoon_2.shtml is a link that points to a CD crack17:24
Myrttialright, thank you.17:24
Myrttiwas there anything else?17:24
vibhavno , except the fact , this user was warned by ikonia many times17:25
Myrttiany opinions on the subject are valued, I'm having a footbath and a glass of my favourite wine so I'm inclined to do nothing17:26
charlie-tcaThe only thing I can think of is "Why did you install it if you thing it is pirated?"17:40
Myrttithe only thing I can think of is that quite often even legitimately purchased games require nocd crack for functioning in Wine17:41
ikoniaMyrtti: I'll give him a nudge,17:43
ikoniait's possibly not pirate stuff, in that I've had to use nocd crack on stuff when I'm moving my laptop around on games I own,17:44
ikoniawe either help him configure wine, or point him at the wine channel17:44
ikonianot suggesting crack stuff17:44
Myrttiikonia: thank you17:45
ubottusoreau called the ops in #ubuntu (daddy)20:26
Myrttian eye on egoga20:36
Myrttihow predictable20:39
IdleOnebeen trolling #debian for a while20:39
Myrttibeen watching that at -monitor20:40
Myrttisurprised he hasn't rejoined20:46
Myrttimacer1: hi, how can we help you?21:07
macer1Myrtti, hi, I don't need help at this time :) I just wanted to look what is this channel for ;)21:08
Myrttimacer1: that's nice. Please have a good look at the topic too21:09
macer1Thanks, I have read it ;)21:10
Myrttihave a nice evening then21:11
macer1Thanks :)21:11
Myrtticue: exit stage21:11
seatiafor some reason my mouse and keys do not work in grub on my other pc  in bios they do21:44
seatiaany idea21:44
Myrttisorry, this is not the support channel21:44
seatiaok put me in it21:44
Myrttithis is for resolving your behaviour in the support channel21:44
Myrttibefore it's resolved, you will not have access to the support channel21:45
seatiahow do i reslove it?21:45
seatiajesus forgave me for my sins why cant you21:45
IdleOneWe aren't religious.21:45
IdleOnePlease be patient.21:45
seatiaim doing myritti a favor by not changing my ip21:46
seatiaso just help me out21:46
IdleOnePlease be patient. I am looking up the logs21:47
Myrttithanks, IdleOne will help you, I'm past my bedtime21:47
Myrttigood night everyone21:47
seatiagreat maybe Idleone will treat me with respect21:47
IdleOneseatia: seems you were posting youtube links. Please keep all discussion in #ubuntu support related if you want to just chat you are welcome to join #ubuntu-offtopic.21:49
IdleOneI'll remove the ban if you agree to follow our channel guidelines. !guidelines21:49
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines21:49
seatiaok sure21:50
seatiai read em yesterday21:50
seatialike i said yesterrday i didnt mean anything malious by it21:50
seatiabut myrtti treated me like i did21:50
IdleOneok ban is removed.21:50
IdleOneplease join #ubuntu and part this channel. thank you.21:51
IdleOnekeep an eye on them I don't expect much improvement21:51
IdleOnemaybe I'm wrong21:53
* IdleOne crosses fingers21:53
Myrttiah, this is the fellow who did manage to play nice in the end21:55

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