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uvirtbotNew bug: #852349 in php5 (main) "sqlite2 support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85234905:02
Error404NotFoundhow would i display all pvs belonging to a specific vg?06:01
Error404NotFoundgot it06:02
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madalinhello, can anyone tell me how i can get the dhcpserver to lease forever ?09:09
RoyKanyone that knows any good speech syntesis software? or even better, a horrible one to make eightees-speech syntesis?11:10
Davieyflite, festival?11:15
Davieyor spd-say11:28
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linxehhi there, I'm just doing an install of 11.04 server, and there is an option of "basic ubuntu server" in the list of software to install. Is there a list of the packages this will install anywhere?13:23
linxehjust look at the "server" meta package?13:25
linxehok nm, tasksel to the rescue13:27
T3CHKOMMIEgood morning everyone. can anyone help me troubleshoot my dovecot IMAP server... thiings dont seem to be working :(14:09
T3CHKOMMIEpatdk-lap, ive got postfix working and using webmin i can send and recieve just fine. i just cant get dovecot to server up the mailboxes via IMAP or IMAPS im using ubuntu server 10.0414:23
patdk-lapdunno anything about webmin14:24
patdk-lapand without any other info I can't help you14:24
T3CHKOMMIEpatdk-lap, do you know of a good tutorial for configuring dovecot with ssl?14:25
ersiI'd suggest reading either at ubuntu server guide or at dovecots documentation14:26
ersithere's a ton of reading about postfix, dovecot and so14:26
patdk-lapthe postfix and dovecot websites are really the best, they have all kinds of info14:27
ersiindeed, a ton of reading there14:27
T3CHKOMMIEok thanks ill get to it.14:29
Myrttiwebmin isn't supported anymore, anyways14:58
ubottuzentyal is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Zentyal (Project formally known as eBox - including in Lucid/10.04).14:59
savidHi, I'm looking into possibly using upstart to manage my website processes (using nginx + gunicorn), but I don't want to have a separate script for each website.  Is it possible to have a single script manage multiple processes based on a given name15:49
savidfor example, if my upstart service is called "website",  I would want:  "service website www.example.com start",   and I would want upstart to be able to monitor and respawn that individual process for that website separately.15:59
SpamapSsavid: just make multiple jobs that start on starting website and stop on stopping website16:03
SpamapSsavid: you can even make website an empty job that just has 'start on runlevel [2345]' and 'stop on runlevel [016]' ...16:04
SpamapSsavid: I hate to leave you hanging but I have to run.. maybe check out http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/ as well :)16:04
savidSpamapS, cool, makes sense.   Would I still need to have a script for every website, though?16:04
savidah, ok.  thanks16:05
XpticalHi all.  Anyone awake in here?16:39
Myrttito some degree16:39
XpticalLOL.  Understandable.16:39
XpticalI recently changed my residential cable to a business account to get around the 250GB monthly cap.16:40
XpticalI got a static IP along with that and I was thinking of setting up a personal web server.16:40
XpticalBut I'm unsure about everything I'll need.16:41
XpticalI know I want to use Cherokee server.  Probably PureFTP16:41
XpticalI'd like to use Postgres or some other SQL server to get away from MySQL16:41
XpticalAnd maybe Drupal as a CMS16:42
XpticalAm I missing anything?  Maybe something to handle outgoing mail for Drupal's notifications...16:42
Myrttican't really think of any valid reason to have anything to do with FTP apart from if you need to receive files from an embedded device that can do only that16:44
Myrttior if you're hosting a mirror of something16:45
XpticalI think most FTP clients can do FTP over SSH.  Right?16:46
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XpticalSome "dropbox" type service would be nice too...16:48
Xpticaldropbox is blocked at my office...16:49
patdk-lapxptical, there is no ftp over ssh, unless you meaqn ssh tunneling16:49
patdk-lapthere is sftp, but it really has nothing to do with ftp16:49
XpticalI was playing with FireFTP last night.  If you tell it to use SFTP, it uses port 22.16:50
patdk-lapyes, that is sftp, not ftp over ssh16:51
XpticalSo, yeah, probably no need for an actual FTP server16:51
XpticalWhat about outgoing mail?16:51
ersiXptical: There's FTPS, which is FTP over a SSL encrypted channel. There's SCP (Secure Copy), FTP clients usually can't handle that thouhgh16:58
patdk-lapI don't know what scp is called secure copy17:03
patdk-lapit's really just a normal ssh session, that and you run normal commands17:03
patdk-lapmakes it hell to secure17:03
ersipatdk-lap: Well well, it's called 'secury copy' none the less17:14
uvirtbotNew bug: #852479 in asterisk (universe) "Merge asterisk 1: (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85247917:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #852484 in backuppc (main) "Merge backuppc 3.2.1-1 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85248417:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #852601 in bind9 (main) "package bind9 1:9.7.0.dfsg.P1-1ubuntu0.3 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85260117:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #852705 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85270517:32
uvirtbotNew bug: #852713 in drbd8 (main) "package drbd8-source 2:8.3.7-1ubuntu2.2 failed to install/upgrade: drbd8 kernel module failed to build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85271317:32
HelloWorld321I think I've installed Glassfish (and NetBeans) via Ubuntu Software Center, and I see lots of glassfish folders in /usr/share/doc, and I see lots of glassfish jars in /usr/share/java but I can't find asadmin anywhere.   Where should I be looking for asadmin?18:26
jmarsdenHelloWorld321: You can use dpkg -L PACKAGENAME  |grep asadmin    # to list the contents of a package you installed, and look for asadmin in the output...18:40
DulcinHi, I have a question, I'm setting up an ubuntu server and currently setting up apache. https://help.ubuntu.com/11.04/serverguide/C/httpd.html18:48
DulcinUnder 'Basic Settings' it mentions a 'Listen' directive, but I can not find this in the default virtual host file18:48
ersiIt's not in the virtual host file, it's in another configuration file18:49
oCeanDulcin: it's in ports.conf if I'm not mistaken18:49
ersioh yeah, that's the name of it18:49
Dulcinok so it's included by default and my virtual host files can just leave that out?18:49
Dulcinthat clears things up a little18:50
ersidepends on how your virtual host is configured :)18:50
ersiif it's answering on everything, ie *, then yes18:50
DulcinWell I'm trying to set up a subdomain, so I copied the default file and am now editing it as the manual tells me to18:51
Dulcinbut I couldn't find the Listen directive which it says should be there, so I was confused18:51
DLCNdoes it matter if my subdomain is an A record or CNAME when setting up the virtual host?19:01
ersiAs long as the browser sends the correct "Host:" headers - it doesn't matter at all19:02
ersirecord type doesn't have anything to do with that, afaik. It's just how the resolving of the names will occour19:03
DLCNOk, I was just checking because the apache docs kept mentioning CNAME records19:06
DLCNBut I was being stupid, forgot I was editing in the sites-available folder and not sites-enabled19:06
DLCNI got it to work now :)19:06
ersiah :)19:06
ersiyeah, that shit has confused me a few times as well19:06
ersi(I was used to having one huge vhost config files before)19:07
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Dulcinso now that the file is copied, which one do i edit?19:15
Dulcin(sites-enabled or sites-available?)19:17
Dulcinlooking at the file rights, I assume sites-available :)19:20
DulcinI mean, symlink19:20
HelloWorld321I just did a fresh install of Derby.  Do I need to do something to make it auto-start?  Will NetBeans launch it for me?19:32
zastaphunder F4 Modes, would I choose "Install a minimal virtual machine" if I want to run Ubuntu server as Guest OS in VirtualBox ?20:46
qman__can, don't have to20:51
qman__that's what used to be known as the JeOS option, it strips out most drivers and things that aren't needed in a VM20:51
qman__standard installation will work equally well, it'll just be larger20:51
zastapham setting up an "ubuntu server LTS master" that I can clone for all kinds of purposes, so kind of important choice :)20:53
guntbertzastaph: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/JeOSVMBuilder  for an explanation20:54
zastaphand i think what is more relevant is if JeOS will work equally well as Normal .. that it wont have any disadvantages20:54
DulcinHmm, for some reason my apache virtual host file is not pointing to the right directory. The /var/www/index.html is displayed instead of /var/www/html/index.php - even though nothing in the virtual host file points to the old directory21:07
Dulcinah got it working21:09
leonelhey ! xulrunner is gone in 11.10 .. what library replaces it ?21:12
jmarsdenleonel: ask in #ubuntu+121:14
leoneljmarsden: thanks  asking ...21:15
DulcinGah, these virtual host files are driving my crazy.21:20
HelloWorld321how many Kbps in a 100BaseT network?21:21
DulcinWhen I set my server domain to 'example.com' it does not redirect to the right folder21:21
Dulcinbut if I make it 'test.example.com' it works?21:22
qman__you do know what 100BaseT stands for, right?21:23
DulcinI mean ServerName*21:23
qman__100 megabits21:23
qman__your hosts file has to match up for it to work properly21:24
qman__but that looks more like something else syntactically at fault21:24
qman__maybe overlapping virtualhost definitions21:24
DulcinI only have localhost + my domain in my hosts file21:25
HelloWorld321so if I never want an application to use more than half the bandwidth, and it throttled in kbps, I could use 50,000 kbps?21:27
qman__not exactly21:28
qman__that's the line's data rate21:28
qman__there are other things to consider like protocol overhead21:28
qman__half or full duplex, and whether all devices are capable of saturating the line21:29
qman__you should run a real world test to see just how much data it can actually push through21:29
qman__halve that, and use it21:29
Dulcinhmm does ubuntu have something like fedoras fpaste?21:30
jmarsdenDulcin: pastebinit maybe?  What exactly does fpaste do?21:30
qman__and you should also reserve a few percent of your bandwidth outside of any allotments, to avoid saturation lagging you out21:30
Dulcinjmarsden: upload output to fpaste pastebin and returns an url21:31
jmarsdenYes, pastebinit is the equivalent.21:31
Dulcincool thanks21:31
jmarsdenYou're welcome.21:31
DulcinHere's my file, do you see any errors?: http://paste.ubuntu.com/691863/21:34
qman__the first directory statement isn't in quotes21:36
qman__I don't know for a fact that it needs to be, but being syntactically consistent is important to avoid weird problems21:36
Dulcinhmmm, ok ill change it, but this was an exact copy of the default virtual host file21:37
jmarsdenqman__: The /etc/apache/sites-available/default has it without quotes... :)21:37
qman__fair enough21:38
qman__you also don't have a "<Directory />"21:39
qman__again, I don't know that it's required, but all of mine have it21:39
Dulcinthey all have a </Directory> right?21:40
qman__yes, I just meant there's no entry there for /21:40
Dulcinoh right, i removed that,21:40
qman__nevermind that, I just looked on a different server21:41
qman__none there21:41
Dulcini will add that, but was confused with its meaning as i already pointed to the directory21:41
Dulcinoh ok21:41
Dulcinwhat I find strange is that it points to /var/www/[index] at the moment, instead of /var/www/html/[index]21:42
Dulcinmaybe its because of the 000-default file that's in the enabled directory?21:43
qman__well, here's two sites on one of my servers, which both work:  http://pastebin.com/1zC6107S21:43
qman__oh, you have both enabled?21:43
qman__the sites must be overlapping21:43
qman__disable the default and see if it works21:44
Dulcinyeah it's working!21:44
Dulcinthat was kind of stupid of me21:45
Dulcinthanks for looking at it with me qman__21:46
zastaphone of the first questions when installing ubuntu server is the hostname.. now, if I clone this VM shouldn't I change the hostname for each clone to avoid any network conflicts?22:28
ersizastaph: Well, sure - if you're using DHCP. Otherwise the only thing I'd change is removing the dbus rule that holds the MAC address of your current virtual NIC22:40
zastaphthe MAC address is changed when cloning (by vbox)22:41
jmarsdenzastaph: Yes, but vbox is not smart enough to edit /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules for you, as far as I know.22:46
zastaphwell i thought I would just edit /etc/hosts and another filed called hostname if I recall22:47
jmarsdenzastaph: That's hostname stuff, not MAC address stuff.  In Ubuntu, there are usually MAC addresses in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules -- so as far as I know, you will want to get rid of them before cloning.22:49
zastaphoh, before22:50
ersiThis is valid for Red Hat and SuSE as well.22:50
ersiI'm speaking by experiance. And I use vbox as well. Took me several hours/a day to figure that interface names out :P22:51
ersithat's really all you need to think about when clonin', if it's a really basic vm :)22:52
zastaphdo you use LVM for your guest OS's ?22:55
zastaphI installed the minimal virtual machine of ubuntu, and now under software selection with "DNS server, LAMP server, etc." there's also one called "Basic Ubuntu server" .. i dont think that option is with the normal install.. what would I miss if I didn't install that?23:02
ersino, I havn't yet used LVM with my guests23:03
zastaphyeah i also thought it would be overkill as vbox allows you to dynamically resize and do snapshots23:04
jmarsdenzastaph: Use tasksel to see what tasks are available and what they install.  For your case,   tasksel --task-packages server23:05
zastaphdont have access to shell yet23:05
ersizastaph: I was considering it, but it felt overkill. Havn't had the need yet :)23:05
jmarsdenThen install a boring default server, and add what you really need later :)23:05
jmarsdenzastaph: Usually one has a workstation before one installs a server...23:06
ersiMainly using it to have a system that is easily snapshotted and rolled back (for testing several of the companies software products and compliances)23:06
zastaphjmarsden, so to install "Basic Ubuntu server" or not?23:06
zastaphersi yes but vbox already gives that functionality23:06
jmarsdenzastaph: Up to you.  You can always add it later using tasksel , as I said.  i do not know your use case, so what you choose to install is up to you...23:06
ersiIf you for some reason ever consider having SuSE 10.3 as a guest.. Stop right there and shoot yourself in the foot directly.. way more pleasant btw23:06
ersizastaph: yeah23:07
* ersi shakes fist in SuSE 10.3's general direction23:07
zastaphjmarsden, im making a "Ubuntu server LTS master" that I can clone for different server purposes.. so I dont want to install more than I need.. but "Basic Ubuntu server" sounds like basic things to me23:07
zastaphersi, no im staying with Ubuntu, it runs very good in vbox23:08
jmarsdenzastaph: Either way works.  You have some learning to do :)  http://paste.ubuntu.com/691913/ has a list of packages from the 'server' task on my 10.04.3 LTS workstation, if that will help you to decide.23:09
jmarsdenReally, whether you install that task at install time, or later using tasksel, does not matter.23:10
zastaphlet me ask in another way then.. in the very beginning i pressed F4 and instead of "Normal" i chose Minimal virtual machine which seems to omit some drivers and apps not required for VM's .. now if I install "Basic Ubuntu server", won't I be back to normal then?23:11
jmarsdenI have no way to determine whether any of those packages would be useful to you, "different server purposes" is way too generic for me to be able to tell.23:11
jmarsdenI have no idea, but I don't think those are the same thing.  read the package list and decide whether or not you want them :)23:12
ersizastaph: Indeed it does.23:12
zastaphwhats the difference if I install OpenSSH server here (in "Software selection") or if I do it using apt-get once I log in?23:14
zastaphand what difference if I install openssh with apt-get or tasksel23:14
jmarsdennone.  tasksel is just a way of grouping sets of packages together for convenience.23:14
jmarsdenman tasksel23:14
ersiPrepare the guest with as much of what you believe will be the common software among your guests23:14
zastaphok ill omit them all for now :)23:15
ersiIf I clone a system, I want an exact copy to keep building on23:15
ersiand I always want to SSH into them23:15
jmarsdenersi: But you need to regen your SSH host keys if you clone after install openssh-server, otherwise they all have the same host key, which is at least in theory a security weakness.23:16
ersiYeah, I just deleted the keys in my 'master copy' ;)23:17
ersiIt generates key on startup if no keys are found23:17
zastaphI just install openSSH on master, and don't generate keys for it, then clone23:17
ersiIt'll try to be smart and generate keys for you, if I'm not mistaken23:18
zastaphhmm.. then I should not have installed it on my master?23:18
jmarsdenzastaph: Just delete the keys before you clone it.23:19
ersiOr just shut sshd down, remove the keys and then clone it23:19
zastaphwould be easier to just apt-get it on the clones23:20
zastaphbedtime, thanks for your advice23:22

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