
=== Gabby is now known as Ahmuck
Ahmuckhi treacherous00:48
treacheroushow you doing?00:50
Ahmucktreacherous_: i'm well, and u?01:18
treacherousI'm good, too many channels lol01:20
treacherousare you going to that meeting tomorrow?01:20
Ahmuckmight be interested ... but not sure what meeting it is01:21
treacherousconway tomorrow at 2pm, sure he'll be online later if you're interested in the details, I think he said some church01:24
Ahmuckkwardoke iirc01:24
Ahmuckwhat type of meeting?  refersh my memory01:24
treacherousone from a mailing list hmm give me a min01:24
treacherousWe organized an All (La Lucha Space) Community Meeting on Sept 17th.  St. Pete's Episcopal Church on Prince Street has allowed us to use their Parish Hall for the meeting. Our organization hopes to act as a hub to the diverse efforts around Central Arkansas to foster creative and collaborative efforts, further sustainability and food security, create culture, and just generally make our community a better place to live. (That'01:25
treacherouss the shortest description I could come up with).01:25
treacherousno idea, I doubt it..01:25
AhmuckLa Lucha ...01:25
treacherousno clue lol01:26
Ahmuckit fights01:26
Ahmuckif it was espanol, si si si01:27
treacherouswell, gotta go, later01:27
Ahmuckhow to get a hold of kwardoke?01:38
treacherousHey, how'd the meeting go?22:10
danielveazeyhi all22:36
danielveazeywhat's going on?22:38
treacherousnot much here..22:38
treacherousdid you go to that meeting?22:38
danielveazeyyeah it was not really all that exciting22:47
danielveazeysorry for the delayed response22:47
treacherousah it's fine, I was just curious how it went22:48
danielveazeythere were a lot of people from other groups there that had nothing to do with linux. for some reason i thought it was going to be more about linux than it was.22:49
treacherousAh, what was the main focus?22:49
danielveazeyhonestly, it was a lot of hippie stuff, environmental stuff, "energy healing," urban agriculture, gun control, etc.22:50
treacherousI knew it!22:50
danielveazeynot really my cup of tea22:50
treacherousha, I told I forget his name starts with a k like kwad or something lol22:50
treacherousglad I hesitated to go now :P22:51
treacherousmy brother is crazy enough about that stuff22:51
danielveazeybut there were a couple of guys there from a group called defcon501 or something like that. they were interested in technology stuff. they had a website, hack-man.org22:52
treacherousoh yeah?22:53
danielveazeythey're having a meeting in maumelle next week, will be focused on tech stuff, lockpicking, arduinos, etc. they said they were going to have a tamper-evident device contest or something22:54
treacheroushmm I think maumelle is closer to me let me check22:54
danielveazeyyeah, maumelle is just across the river from little rock22:54
treacherousmeh still 2 hours22:55
danielveazeyi might check it out, not sure yet.22:55
treacheroushmm they don't have an irc cahnnel?22:56
treacherousyou should suggest they get one for sure :O22:56
danielveazeynot that i know of. just the website is all i heard them say22:56
treacherousor join this one22:56

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