
jrgiffordjandrusk: Haha not for membership. the america's membership board doesn't meet until mid-October, while it's unlikely, it's not out of the question. :P (yet)01:28
paultagjrgifford: dude, they're not too hard on you01:29
paultagjust do some bug work for a month or two01:29
paultagget a few +1s01:29
paultagdone done and done01:29
jrgiffordpaultag: Haha ok. I suppose being in the top 1% of askubuntu.com users probably wouldn't hurt much either. :P01:30
paultagthe canonical guys are pushing it01:31
paultagthey want people to see askubuntu's a big deal01:31
paultagso that'd make it easier01:31
paultagnot that canonical's dicating it01:31
jrgiffordI haven't seen much canonical influence on the actual site yet, although the ubuntu one questions seem to get a lot of "officially unofficial" attention. >_>01:32
paultagit's mostly officially official jrgifford01:33
paultagjrgifford: they're pushing it hard01:33
jandruskHmm. Interesting.01:34
jrgiffordpaultag: correction: jorge is.01:34
paultagJorge loves pushing askubuntu01:34
jrgiffordI think he's allergic to forums or something. :P01:34
paultagjrgifford: yeah, something like that01:34
paultagforums and free software01:34
* jrgifford eyerolls01:35
paultagspeaking of - new site's up - http://anized.org/01:35
jrgiffordthe whole "askubuntu is hosted on windows servers so we should boycott it" argument went on for almost four months. :P01:35
paultagnice shell org for me and my buddies01:35
paultagjrgifford: no, I mean, in general01:35
paultagjrgifford: he just doesn't care - it's a job for him01:35
paultagwhich is cool01:35
paultagbut he's not a freetard01:35
jrgiffordpaultag: nice site design.01:36
paultagthanks jrgifford, took a few minutes. I have a thing for minimal (see my pault.ag site)01:36
jrgiffordminimal is awesome.01:36
paultagclear, easy to digest, nothing fancy but nothing directly ugly01:36
paultagmy site's a bit of an exception01:37
paultagbut I think it's tasteful01:37
paultagjrgifford: oh, want to know the coolest bit?01:38
paultagjrgifford: it's actually using launchphplib to generate that list :)01:38
jrgiffordI like pault.ag - it looks a *little* weird when fullscreened, but it's nice and simple.01:38
jrgiffordok, now that's downright awesome paultag.01:38
paultagjrgifford: yeah it has an issue with super wide and skinny screens01:38
paultagjrgifford: thanks :) - it's a cute little binding I wrote in php for launchpad01:38
paultagfuck python for websites honestly01:38
paultag(and I say this as a huge pythonist)01:38
jrgifforddie-hard rubyist (not rails) here. ;)01:40
paultagjrgifford: good man. There are way too few of you01:40
paultagjrgifford: I love the concept, just never got into it. I dig OO, so ruby's super nice for that01:40
paultagNever really "got" rails, but I only tried it a few times01:41
jrgiffordI mean, I've dabbled in rails, but I'm more of a sinatra guy. starts you off with a basic httpserver, and thats about it.01:41
paultagjrgifford: honestly, it's PHP for stuff that should be and node.js for the rest for me01:41
paultagbut I dig rails and I dig ruby hackers01:42
jrgiffordhaven't dabbled in node.js, but i've heard good stuff.01:42
paultagjrgifford: yeah, it's super nice01:42
paultagi've been meaning to port v8 to a kernel base01:42
paultagwrite a kernel in javascript01:42
jrgiffordthat sounds fun.01:42
paultagjrgifford: well, I have the kernel bit done, I just need to port it and slim it down. I just don't think I care enough :)01:43
* gilbert is playing around with installing arch in a vbox vm :P01:43
paultaggilbert: :)01:43
paultaggilbert: they have some cool stuff, I just don't like the front-facing interfaces01:44
paultaggilbert: the fact they worked out how to make a CD ISO dd'able to a USB key is just plain l33701:44
paultaga bunch of nerds kicked canonical's ass on that one01:44
gilbertyeah, pretty awesome :) debian's d-i does that now too ^_^01:45
gilbertstarting w wheezy01:45
jrgiffordarch is cool, I keep meaning to play around with it more, but i've never had enough time.01:45
paultaggilbert: nice! I'm super stoked to see it, I had issues with getting USB keys to work with Debian, so I mostly make Ubuntu USB keys and debootstrap sid01:45
paultagsed s/make/made/g01:45
gilbertjrgifford: virtualbox is amazing for experimenting01:45
jrgiffordgilbert: should probably get around to installing that again...01:47
gilbertjrgifford: installing what?01:47
jrgiffordvirtualbox. oneiric borked it last week and I had to remove it.01:48
gilberto right of course exactly the thing we're talking about :?01:48
gilbertpaultag: have any recommendation on which arch repositories are good?  i'm thinking core+testing+extra?01:49
paultaggilbert: I have no clue :( - I tried it for a while, but never did get the hang of pacman01:50
gilbertok, probably not testing01:50
gilberttesting is like their sid01:50
paultagoh jeez01:51
gilbertand it's listed first in their selection box!01:51
gilberthah, restarting their setup yells at me when i try to continue where i left off...02:01
gilbertgreat, do i risk starting over or do i start from scratch?02:01
gilbertwell i guess i'll just wipe out partitions and itll be all good...02:01
gilberthmmm, can't unmount /mnt target...02:03
gilbertguess i'm starting from scratch...02:03
paultagoh no02:04
gilbertoh, i know what i did wrong: selected mirrors.kernel.org as source, and that's down due to security breach :(02:05
paultaghaha, oh yeah02:05
paultagP.S. - fail!02:05
paultagrandomized passwords + ssh keys ftw02:06
paultagdo it debian style02:06
paultagmanage keys via email interface accepting gpg clearsigned mail02:06
gilbertyay, downloading fo reelz this time :)02:08
gilbertinstallers really need to fetch their mirrors at install time rather than having it hardcoded02:09
gilberti was playing around with a gentoo install before this, but found that their python in the latest snapshot was broken (which bits of the installation process require)02:12
paultaggilbert: I don't mind portage + stage3 tarballs02:13
gilbertyeah, that's what i was doing, but the mirrorlist script was broken, and i didn't know what syntax it wanted...02:13
paultagjust kinda tedious for normal usage02:13
paultaggilbert: yeah, it's odd02:13
paultagtheir wiki rules02:14
gilbertso i abandoned it for arch, which i've also wanted to try for a while02:14
gilbertand started a download of their stable installer02:15
gilbertwhich i'll try maybe later02:15
gilberthopefully python won't be broke there02:15
gilbertbut @ 2.6 gigs its taking a while :(02:15
paultaggilbert: gentoo is in rough shape02:15
paultagthey had a problem with leadership in 2006ish IIRC02:16
gilbertyeah, i just read the lwn article about it02:16
paultagmight have been later, I can't recall02:16
paultagthat's when I left for Debian02:16
paultagthen left shortly after for Ubuntu02:16
gilbertwell, they don't do "real" releases anymore, so they don't generate any buzz anymore02:16
paultaggilbert: ah, aye02:16
gilbertwell, i guess you could call this 11.2 livedvd i'm installing a release, but they didn't make any fanfare about it02:17
gilbertand there hasn't been a security announcement since 2009 :(02:17
paultagfucking gentoo.02:18
paultagI love gentoo, but hate it so much.02:18
paultagjeez, I've gone through some pretty huge Slackware and Gentoo phases02:18
paultageven did slackware devel work02:18
paultagI guess not, actually - it was Wolvix02:19
gilbertfor some reason i've just never had any interest in slackware02:19
paultaggilbert: it's meh02:19
paultagwolvix was nice02:19
gilbertseems boring and a mess with just extracting tarballs02:19
paultaggilbert: humm?02:20
paultaggilbert: we used slapt-get - an apt-get clone for slackware packages02:20
gilbertnever heard about that02:20
paultaggilbert: yar02:21
gilberti have heard good things about pacman02:21
paultaggilbert: stupid interface02:21
paultaggilbert: all the flags are fscked up02:21
gilbertso i guess gentoo also got rid of the stage1/2 install process.  that's no fun, i wanted to build the whole friggin thing from source...02:24
paultaggilbert: there's always Syn02:24
gilberttaking the whole 2 days to go thru it ;)02:24
paultaggilbert: Syn will actually build fairly quickly02:24
paultaga bootstrap should take ~12 hours on my 1.6 GhZ single core atom with a gig of ram02:25
gilbertwhat is Syn?  is that a distro?02:25
paultagI need huge help with bug hunting :)02:25
paultaggilbert: Synnamon is :)02:25
paultaggilbert: Syn's the package manager02:26
paultaggilbert: I wrote it, it's very debian similar, but it makes sense and it's in python02:26
gilbertoh, craziness dude02:27
paultaggilbert: http://github.com/whube/syn02:27
paultaggilbert: it works and I booted it up the other day. init's fucked up (no scripts) so it was just the kenerl02:27
paultagbut it works02:27
paultaghas debian built in02:27
paultaggit :)02:27
paultaggilbert: Oh, and all the files are JSON or machine parsable in an easy way, so a daemon can auto-maintain most packages most of the time02:29
gilbertcrazy cool dude.02:29
gilbertyay, arch installed, now hth do i fetch and install updates???02:31
paultag-S or something, right?02:31
paultagI have no fucking idea02:32
gilbertholy fuck: pacman -U $(pacman -Q | cut -d' ' -f1)02:33
paultaggilbert: welcome to arch! :)02:34
gilbertooh, rpm-like #### progress bars :/02:36
gilbertoh, i guess there's a simpler upgrade command: pacman -Syu02:39
paultag02:21 <+paultag> gilbert: stupid interface02:41
paultag02:21 <+paultag> gilbert: all the flags are fscked up02:41
gilbertnow that i've given it a chance, i kind of like arch04:53
Unit193Welcome back, internet cutout?05:01
Cheri703I guess? I was at work05:38
Unit193Yet another thing that I think may be wrong https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Hour#USA09:54
Cheri703were there any Ubuntu lanyards left over from OLF? if so, could one or more get sent up here to Mansfield? jacob or gilbert or whoever else?13:54
=== sunkittn is now known as starkittn
starkittnall right, who keeps tossing locobot_1 out? hehe17:31
Unit193He's an old logbot17:32
starkittnwell someone get him a walker or a can or something :p17:38
Unit193I just looked, also has some other features17:38
dzholocobot_1: help17:39
dzhoI guess that's not one of them17:39
Unit193No encyclopedia17:39
Unit193locobot_1: last --from tnseditor17:41
Cheri703if anyone hears anything about the lanyards, that'd be awesome :)17:43
canthus13Cheri703: The only thing I've heard about them is that you're looking for them. :)17:44
Cheri703:) I ask because a. I could do with another one, b. some of the reloco folks might want one/some17:45
Cheri703I had two, but one got left behind at UDS with my one flash drive :( :(17:45
Cheri703I have one on my keys, but I want one for my work ID17:46
* canthus13 could use another one, too. His is pretty dirty.18:09
gilberthowdy :)18:12
gilbertCheri703: all the lanyards got scooped up18:13
Cheri703ok, I figured :)18:13

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