
Unit193^^ Died00:17
Unit193Er... Not actually, just timeout and that's IRC death00:19
Unit193wrst: Woops, not the best wording it seems00:20
wrstOK whew I was worried00:21
Unit193Talk to her much?00:24
Unit193Oh, and she doesn't hate me :D  Searched for me before I searched for her :P00:25
wrstshe helps us out with LoCo issues very helpful00:32
Unit193I know her from something else, but she's your LoCo contact person :D00:34
cyberangerUnit193: Microsoft bob, hang on00:51
cyberangerUnit193: http://toastytech.com/guis/bob.html00:54
linuxman410wrst u here01:05
linuxman410cyberanger u here01:05
wrst_hmm linuxman410 just gave that a look, looks pretty normal as far as hardware02:00
=== wrst_ is now known as wrst
wrstlinuxman410: grub issues?02:01
linuxman410wrst it just goes to blank screen02:02
wrstafter grub?02:02
linuxman410wrst it does not even show grub02:03
wrsthmm weird02:03
wrstwhat distro?02:03
linuxman410ubuntu 11.04 alternate install02:04
wrsthmm weird looks like it should work really well with that unless something weird with the video02:05
Unit193You have to hit shift to see grub02:06
Unit193Left Shift02:07
linuxman410wrst i put bodhi on it based on 10.04 and it runs good02:07
Unit193Peer isn't very nice...02:29
linuxman410wrst i hit left shift no grub02:30
=== orangeni1ja is now known as orangeninja

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