
cjohnstondo be do03:15
=== Ronnie1 is now known as Ronnie
mhall119nigelb: cjohnston: james_w: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/rest-api/+merge/7585916:32
nigelbmhall119: heh, just saw that16:39
nigelbmhall119: Did you see lyz is doing a career day today?16:40
mhall119nigelb: yeah17:23
mhall119nigelb: cjohnston: james_w: got another one for you: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/personal-ical/+merge/7586017:26
mhall119and with that, I'm calling it a day17:28
mhall119nigelb: would you be able to figure out which bugs we've fixed since last UDS?17:28
nigelbmhall119: Can you blog?17:29
nigelbI'll mail it to ya17:29
mhall119yeah, I'm going to blog about our summit progress, and I'd like to include that list17:33
mhall119thanks nigelb17:47
mhall11933 bug fixes, not bad17:50
mhall119that doesn't even count the numer of things that we did without a bug #17:50
nigelbI'm going run a lint.17:50
mhall119be careful17:50
nigelbmhall119: check merges as well.17:50
mhall119lint just might punch you in the face when it sees it17:50
nigelbEntirely possible.17:50
nigelbOr it might say "LOL"17:51
nigelbmhall119: OH GOD.17:53
mhall119I'm guessing it was closer to a punch in the face than "LOL"17:56
nigelbIt punched me.17:56
nigelblet me do somethign like what launchpad does17:57
nigelbfix lint for files you modify17:57
nigelbso, slowly, we'll get there.17:57
nigelbHrm. This may be hard.17:59
mhall11968 merges18:00
mhall119yeah, I'm not overly concerned about lint18:00
mhall119for new files it might be a good requirement18:00
nigelbmhall119: I'll try and fix them all in an MP.18:01
mhall119I'd suggest one MP per file18:03
mhall119it'll be easier for us to review18:03
nigelbone MP per file?18:05
nigelbthat's goign to be hard.18:05
nigelbI can do one MP per app.18:05
mhall119there's only 2 apps18:06
nigelbYeah :D18:06
mhall119http://paste.ubuntu.com/691741/ anything else I should mention in my blog?18:06
mhall119nigelb: I just don't want a 4000 line MP18:06
nigelbIt won't be that long, don't worry :)18:07
nigelbmhall119: You will clean up the formatting right?18:07
mhall119I'm betting it'll be close18:07
nigelblike put it into a table, eetc18:07
mhall119nigelb: yes, that's just a quick dump of what I want to mention18:07
mhall119I'm also hoping to be able to mention my 2 new MPs (hint, hint)18:07
mhall119one more MP: https://code.launchpad.net/~mhall119/summit/fix-test-site_root/+merge/7586218:15
mhall11963 test cases, and with the above MP they all pass18:16
nigelbmhall119: I get what you mean18:21
nigelbthis is going to be long lints18:21
nigelbso I'll fix a few propose an MP. fix a fwe more and propose another MP.18:21
mhall119sounds good18:38
james_wmhall119, 237+ key.update(str(self.pk))18:38
james_w238+ key.update(self.user.username)18:38
james_wwhy did you want to have those in the md5?18:39
mhall119james_w: just to add more to the hash than just a random number18:39
james_wI think the only thing it protects against is recycling the RNG seed18:41
james_wif, say, every request had the same seed then every user would get the same key without that18:42
james_wbut aside from that I don't think it contributes much18:42
james_wbut it doesn't hurt either18:42
nigelbWhen does the md5 get generated?18:42
nigelbEvery login?18:43
nigelb(I just confused after I commented)18:43
mhall119nigelb: the first time Attendee.get_secret_key is called18:43
james_wall three approved18:43
nigelbjames_w: You, sir, are courageous. Cleaning up render.py is not an easy task :)18:43
mhall119james_w: you'll have to update your MP for the Schedule.__init__ cleanup to add the show_private that I added18:44
james_wnigelb, yours is approved as well now18:45
* nigelb runs tarmac18:45
james_wmhall119, merged, and test added18:48
mhall119http://ec2-50-16-76-22.compute-1.amazonaws.com/ has been updated to trunk18:57
mhall119the personal ical is going to be much nicer18:58
mhall119who manages the bots for UDS, anybody know?18:58
nigelbmhall119: tsimppson18:58
mhall119now I just need to write API docs19:04
mhall119nigelb: would it be appropriate to add the API doc to your rtd stuff?19:04
nigelbmhall119: Yes, please go ahead19:07
nigelbjames_w: what do you think abuot setting up bzr pipes for lint checking? (like launchpad)19:11
nigelbbzr pipe plugin19:12
mhall119nigelb: if you make committing dependent on passing a lint test, I swear to god I'm leaving the project19:19
nigelbmhall119: lol, not commiting.19:19
nigelbWhat it does is, lints the files you make changes19:20
nigelbBut only those files19:20
nigelbSo, like our testing infrastructure, we can slowly improve19:20
nigelbso, if you branch and touch 5 files, it will only lint those. Once you commit and touch one file. Before the next commit it will only lint one file. Onc you commit - all 6 files.19:21
=== Ronnie2 is now known as Ronnie

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