
magespawnGood morning all06:41
magespawnhmm everyone watching the rugby?07:05
Kilosmorning everyone08:17
superflyafternoon Kilos12:14
Kiloshiya superfly 12:15
Kilosdid you get a readme file with the seed?12:15
Kilosdirections-instructions-how to piece of paper12:16
Kilossaying when to start cutting12:17
Kilosif its a kikuyu type it spreads better and quicker when cut regularly12:17
Kiloswith a shears not a mower till roots established12:18
superflyNo, not really.12:18
superflyThey said to cut when the grass reaches a certain length, and how low it can be cut, but that's all12:19
Kilosah ok they using grass length to assure roots are good12:20
superflyYa, must be.12:20
superflyI probably need to wait a month or two before I can even think of cutting.12:21
Kilosright above the 180k there is one looks like its spliiting or branching out12:21
Kilosso must be close to cutting time12:21
superflyKilos: it's very sparse still.12:22
Kilosso long? how tall did they say it must be12:22
superflyBut I did sow some more seed12:22
Kiloslol good and get mrs_fly a nice shears 12:23
superflyAbout 10cm I think. Right now they're about 2cm tall.12:23
superflyNaw, she doesn't do gardening...12:23
Kilosoh is that length 2cm only12:23
Kiloslooks much more12:23
superflyJa, I took a real close up shot12:23
Kilosclose up pic?12:23
Kiloshee hee12:24
* superfly is moeg12:26
Kilosgaan rus dan man12:26
Kilosnaweek al half pad verby12:26
superflyI'm already lying down on the couch :-)12:27
Kilosclose eyes12:27
superflyOom Kilos, did I tell you I'm buying myself a netbook?12:28
Kilosisnt a netbook a lappy on the lower range12:28
superflyYa, I've been saving up, and now when I go over to the USA I'll buy me a little toshiba.12:29
superflySomething like that12:29
Kiloslike smaller than a notebook12:29
Kilosthey showed a lekker tosh on tv ten mins ago12:30
superflyEish, that sounds expensive12:30
Kilosmy boet got one for 6k12:30
superflyOh, not too bad then. I think the i7s are the real pocket-emptiers12:31
Kilosi was quite impressed. it is even quite fast with win7 and antivirus12:31
Kilosmethinks i5 would be great with ubuntu on12:32
superflyOf course.12:32
Kilosthey advertised the tosh as a second generation i512:32
Kilosians work lappy is also i512:33
Kilosthey nice and quick12:33
superflyOom, ek gaan bed toe. My oe wil nie oop bly nie.12:34
Kiloshave a rest superfly 12:34
Kilosgreat minds12:34
Kilosfools never differ12:34
sakhiMaaz: Today14:31
Maazsakhi: today is Saturday14:31
sakhiMaaz: Todays date14:31
Maazsakhi: Sorry...14:31
Kilos17 sept14:31
sakhiSFD 14:32
Kiloshiya nlsthzn 17:41
Kilosyou been lonely?17:41
nlsthznHi Kilos :) Nah... I have the whole Interwebs to keep me company17:41
nlsthznBack from the big city, tired but alive :)17:43
superflyhi nlsthzn, Kilos17:45
nlsthznAlo superfly :)17:45
Kiloshey superfly you feeling better17:46
* superfly has been doing a little 3D modeling in Blender17:46
superflyhi oom, much better now thanks17:46
nlsthznBlender is such an AWESOME tool17:46
superflyit is17:47
superflyit's not quite as easy to model in as Wings3D initially, but once you get used to it, it's pretty easy to do things17:48
superflyespecially since 2.517:48
Kilosnight guys. sleep tight19:09
* nlsthzn waves night to all19:11

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