
astruasdhPolah after grub-install, I will update-grub2: this package came with the grub-pc. probably update-grub is for the old grub00:00
Polahastruasdh, update-grub2? Never heard of it, I know there's update-grub though00:01
merryman540Gredeu - is there any place you could refer me to where I could learn how to do all that. I'm afraid partitioning in linux tends to fuddle my brain lol100:01
astruasdhPolah yeah, there is update-grub also. probably update-grub2 is for grub200:01
[Ex0r]Hmm, is there a package I can download for installing ati radeon drivers on ubuntu that can be done from cli ?00:01
Polahastruasdh, I've used update-grub with grub200:01
djskiddReinstalling Ubuntu on the SAME COMPUTER.00:01
escottPolah, astruasdh update-grub2 is a symlink00:02
bazhangdjskidd, have an actual question?00:02
Polahdjskidd: Okay, what's the problem?00:02
Polahescott: to update-grub?00:02
escottPolah, yes00:02
MonkeyDustdjskidd: not too complicated, if you keep your /home partition separated00:02
djskiddI was updating 10.10 to 11.04, and the power glitched out during.00:02
GeodudeIs there any way to make >>sudo iwlist wlan0 scan<< show only my ESSID that I'm connected to? Or just a particular one. isntead of all within range. Also, is there an indicator applet that I can make do this command every so many minutes and display results? I'm very unhappy with the "sometimes 3 bars, usually 4 bars" approach. I no longer even receive the percentage signal tooltip in 11.0400:02
com3thank you escott and zykotick9_00:02
com3it works00:03
escottdjskidd, and can you boot to single use mode?00:03
nathanji need help00:04
djskiddI can boot to XP, when I attempted booting to Ubuntu, it said "Partition for / is not ready or not present.",00:04
djskiddso I had to go reinstall00:04
nathanji need to know how to chane ownership of a folder and allow myself access to it00:04
escott!permissions | nathanj00:04
ubottunathanj: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions00:04
com3can i run two net interfaces with NM00:04
astruasdhPolah hitting update-grub --version and update-grub2 --version, the same string was returned. Maybe are only a kind of alias. I will first update-grub and then update-grub2. This way I think will end with a good system00:04
com3for internet share00:05
escott!ics | com300:05
ubottucom3: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing00:05
nathanjnot permissions.... ownership00:05
djskiddAnyone know how I can host an FTP server for my house?00:05
escottastruasdh, ls -l `which update-grub2`00:05
djskiddLike have 3 folders, all password-protected00:06
ldz420question.. I am trying to install scala and use java's jvm.. does scala package automatically install java or must I do this separately ?00:06
computerxEasiest way to detect Ubuntu from a bash script?00:07
shadows090i know this isn't a server irc channel, but is anybody here *really* familiar with servers?00:07
nathanjthe real problem is that my ubuntu install has just crapped itself and i need to back my stuff up to a windows machine but on the windows machine it wont let me access the files00:07
vyshay_i am a server00:07
djskiddSo I had an idea at school today for a new Ubuntu: Jabuntu!00:07
escottComputer, lsb-release00:07
computerxshadows090: That's an amazingly open question!00:07
vyshay_i shit servers00:07
djskiddJabuntu would be Ubuntu under the Java core!00:07
shadows090computerx, yeah i know. i'm having to set up two rack servers, but i'm stuck on what hardware to get though00:08
computerxshadows090: I guess it's internal, and not through a provider?00:08
computerxOK escott, I get "core-2.0-amd64:core-2.0-noarch:core-3.0-amd64:core-3.0-noarch:core-3.1-amd64:core-3.1-noarch:core-3.2-amd64:core-3.2-noarch:core-4.0-amd64:core-4.0-noarch" - not sure how I'm meant to know if this is Ubuntu from that00:10
computerxOr is the very existance of that command Ubuntu specific?00:10
escottcomputerx, lsb_release -i00:10
shadows090computerx. correct. i'm familiar with setting up servers (all of the os and software), but i don't know what sort of hardware would be required00:10
astruasdhescott the md5sum of both, update-grub and update-grub2 are not the same... but the --verison is the same. I will update-grub and then update-grub2. What do you think? nice?00:11
shadows090computerx, i'd be running about 4-5 vhosts on each one, magento installations (which are pretty demanding)00:11
escottastruasdh, on my system (perhaps not on yours) update-grub2 symlinks to update-grub so they have to have the same md5sum00:12
computerxescott: Ahh, I see! Sorry :)00:12
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computerxshadows090: See, normally I'd ask the people I was hosting the server with for advice... ;)00:13
astruasdhescott here is not symlinking... but it appear to be the same00:14
shadows090computerx, lol yeah that's not a bad idea. we're moving our dev and staging servers away from hosting though, and moving to in house.00:14
nathanjplease. my hard drive is dying. i dont have time to go learning about all the ins and outs of sharing folders and stuff i need to copy everything i can of before it gives up00:15
nathanji managed to take ownership of the folder00:16
nathanjnow i need to allow access to a windows machine to it00:16
nathanjthe windows machine can see it but when it tries to copy from it, it says i need to give permissions00:16
nathanjcan anyone tell me what i need to do??00:17
nathanjwell thanks for your help then00:18
escottnathanj, setting up things like samba is opposite the quick fix00:19
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nathanjman i neer asked how to set up samba. the windows machine can see and read the files on my hard drive. but when i go to copy them to the win7 machine, it says on the win7 machine that "you require permissions from the systems administrator etc"00:22
OerHeksnathanj, this maybe a help > https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html#samba-fileserver-configuration for guest file permissions00:23
OerHekselse your HDD is really dying00:24
escottnathanj, that would be a samba config issue00:24
nathanji know that. is there a way to just turn all samba security off and allow everyone full access to the share folder?00:25
AxlinHey guys. I'm having some trouble launching Tomboy on Kubuntu 11.04. I filed a bug report for it, but I figured I might as well ask on IRC as well, in case somebody here could point me in the right direction. Here's the report: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/tomboy/+bug/85227800:26
ubottuUbuntu bug 852278 in tomboy (Ubuntu) "Tomboy does not launch - "Unhandled Exception" - Kubuntu 11.04" [Undecided,New]00:26
AxlinI understand that this is #ubuntu, but I have a feeling this is more Mono/Tomboy related than Kubuntu-specific, which is why I'm also asking in here.00:26
escottnathanj, given that is something nobody would recommend in any normal situation. i doubt you will find an answer here. why not just remove the drive and physically connect it to the other machine00:27
davisi am trying to see linux kernel boot messages. /etc/default/grub settings for splash and quiet don't change the display.  I can not get a splash screen or boot messages regardless of settings.  I am also doing update-grub.  Any clue what is wrong?00:27
ActionParsnipnathanj: if you run:  sudo smbpasswd -a $USER    and set a password, you can authenticate as that user00:27
computerxshadows090: I find having an under-powered dev and stage server with poor optimisation (like low key buffer and no query cache on your sql) is a good thing. It forces you to write better code, and only makes your live system work better in the end00:27
ActionParsnipnathanj: also make sure the partition is mounted writable00:27
plummerbOk...  How do I see errors parsing MIB files when launching SNMPD?00:27
nathanjActionParsnip, thank you so much00:27
computerxshadows090: Infact, I've purposefully crippled my apache/mysql on my development servers00:27
shadows090computerx, i appreciate the advice. how did you cripple apache/mysql?00:28
tenXnathanj: actually i wonder about that error msg. if samba would deny access the error should be about access denied but not asking for admin privileges i'd think00:28
nathanjit wont let me add a samba user anyway00:28
nathanjnever mind its going in the bin now.. thanks for the help00:28
tenXnathanj: add a samba user?00:29
computerxshadows090: As mentioned, low buffers and set query cache to on-demand only, kept the apache threads low etc00:29
computerxshadows090: I also turned PHP's magic quotes on, so I know my scripts will work around it00:30
shadows090computerx. ah ok. our (small) team just develops magento (a shopping cart platform if you're not familiar with it) so when we develop we turn caching off (for other reason). It does make it dirt slow though, even on powerful dedicated servers00:30
computerxshadows090: Ahh, I've developed my own shopping cart platform. Yes, I'm a masochist.00:31
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shadows090computerx, lol i've considered making one in python, or extending a current framework into a shopping cart platform. I'm not really that good yet though00:32
computerxshadows090: I consider myself an expert PHP developer, and have a mental problem that I always use my own code...00:33
plummerbWhy isn't SNMP working?  Hows that for general?00:33
shadows090computerx, well its great to know the internals of code though. Sometimes it's best to just write your own, instead of take the time to understand someone else's.  I'm still not that great with php, or programming in general. I really do enjoy working with magento though, and the zend framework00:35
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computerxshadows090: It's gotten to the point where I hate working with other people's code. I even wrote my own bbcode parser...00:37
PolahHow do I run a command detached from a terminal, i.e. if I close the terminal the process I started will continue to rn00:39
z3bra"nohup <command>; exit"00:40
NeedGrubHelpHow do I add "i1915.modeset=1" to your GRUB settings in Ubuntu/Lucid....grub.conf is gone...00:41
Quantum_IonBoy this channel is DEAD tonight00:41
Quantum_IonSince it's Friday everyone must be out on a hot date tonight00:42
z3bra /quit00:42
escottNeedGrubHelp, /etc/default/grub then update-grub00:42
plummerbI'm going to be.00:42
NeedGrubHelpescott: there is no grub file in /etc/default00:43
Quantum_Ionplummerb, I need to catch some extra Zzzz's because 2012 is right around the corner the end of the world00:43
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plummerbYes, we will need the sleep then.00:43
nankurahey guys. anyone here know much about E17?00:44
ActionParsnipNeedGrubHelp: add it in /etc/default/grub    in the quotes with: quiet splash    save the new file and run:  sudo update-grub00:45
escottNeedGrubHelp, what version of grub do you have installed dpkg -l "*grub*"00:45
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: I'm at work here, all the way til 7:30am00:46
ActionParsnipQuantum_Ion: no hot date for me00:46
NeedGrubHelpescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/691169/00:46
NeedGrubHelpActionParsnip: First off, cool name haha.....not sure I understand your comment...I have no grub file so this would be the only line in there if I added it00:47
jon_high9000Hi. is there anyone here who can help me regarding control resources. my HD light is on pretty much all the time now. i would like to get a handle on it asap.00:47
ActionParsnipNeedGrubHelp: its not, grub2 has a lot of lines in that file00:47
escottNeedGrubHelp, so thats confusing because you have both grub1 and grub2 installed, and it is unclear what one you are actually using to boot.00:48
ewookjon_high9000: man lsof00:48
ActionParsnipjon_high9000: run:   top     see what is using a lot of resources00:48
escottNeedGrubHelp, I would recommend completing the grub2 transition00:48
nronksrWhat is a good GUI files & folders search app that is as good as the terminal app find?00:49
NeedGrubHelpescott: how so? the computer was recently upgraded from Hardy to Lucid....that may be what happened00:49
nixninehey guys, I had several cups updates and now I cannot print anything.  I get errors: Print command failed with status code 1. lpr -P Deskjet_F300.  Anyone know about this?00:49
escottNeedGrubHelp, see if this is applicable http://www.unixnewbie.org/how-to-easily-upgrade-grub-2/00:50
jon_high9000ewook: thank you . very much. :)00:50
davishow do you determine what distro you are running?00:50
jon_high9000ActionParsnip: is that HTop you are talking about?00:51
Graynixnine, did you try googling the exact error message?00:51
rogeriohello,I'm from Brazil00:51
ewookjon_high9000: sorry, lsof is a bit of a struggle to get a grip on without the man-pages *_*00:52
escottNeedGrubHelp, it would help to know what bootloader you are actually using to boot. the grub splash screen should state the version number at the top00:52
rogeriohelp me00:52
escottdavis, lsb_release00:52
nixnineYeah but what resulted was different things.00:52
ewookjon_high9000: htop is a ncurses-version of top00:52
ewookescott: lsb_release -a ?00:53
davisescott: thanks00:53
dankerhelo, I need to know where I can download oil rush game (full-free) for linujx00:53
ewookdanker: hopefully from the repos.00:53
jon_high9000ewook: thanks. :)00:53
davisescott: it says no lsb modules are available00:53
davisi did not see anything like /etc/redhat-release00:54
davisi don't know if I am on edgy, hardy, etc00:54
escottdavis, as ewook suggested use the -a flag (in general if a program doesn't give you want you want try program --help)00:54
davisahh, i see it in the first tab of update-manager as well.00:55
davisthanks guys00:55
Graynixnine, do you have the latest HPLIP drivers?00:57
rasustohello all. im trying to use 'find' to locate all files non-mp3 files in a folder heiarchy. anyone know how to do this?00:58
nixninewell, according to synaptic I do00:58
NeedWirelessHelpescott: http://paste.ubuntu.com/691182/00:58
gaylerasusto: Use ls and grep00:59
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rogerioi'm sorry which country this chat00:59
escottNeedWirelessHelp, so now the old grub is marked for removal, but config files remain. purging it will completely remove it, but you should make sure your system is still bootable00:59
gaylels |grep -v mp301:00
Lithos84!br | rogerio01:00
ubotturogerio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:00
NeedWirelessHelpescott: it boots and I now have a file called grub in /etc/default with data in it01:00
escottNeedWirelessHelp, a grub2 setup includes the following: /etc/default/grub /boot/grub/grub.conf and grub2 on the mbr01:00
Grayinstalling the newest version directly from HP might help, but I'm not sure to be honest01:00
Grayif you want to give it a try here is the link:01:01
escottNeedWirelessHelp, you can maybe check that grub-install is doing grub2 install and reinstall to the mbr if you are worried about that last step01:01
NeedWirelessHelpescott: thanks! do I now add i1915.modeset=1 in a line by itself?01:01
escottNeedWirelessHelp, there is also some bootscript thing floating around that will inspect your mbr and tell you what kind of grub is there01:01
ActionParsniprasusto: find -t f /path/folder | grep -v -i "*.mp3"        (as far as I'm aware) will find all non mp3 files in a folder (and subfolders)01:01
rajmahendraI am using Ubuntu 10.4  I want to move the windows  minimize maximize close button to right side. How to do this ?01:01
ActionParsnip!controls | rajmahendra01:02
ubotturajmahendra: Starting in Lucid, the minimize, maximize, and close buttons have been moved to the left side. For more informationand workarounds, please see http://pad.lv/53263301:02
ewookrogerio: basic knowledge is that english seems to be the default language all around.01:02
escottNeedWirelessHelp, no in the LINUX_DEFAULT line (next to quiet splash)01:02
escottNeedWirelessHelp, then run update-grub01:02
ActionParsniprasusto: there are literally THOUSANDS of guides for this online, did you not find any?01:02
escottActionParsnip, rasusto find -t f -iname "*.mp3" /path/to/folder01:02
NeedWirelessHelpescott: ok and do it inside the quotes like this: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash i1915.modeset=1"01:02
escottNeedWirelessHelp, yes01:03
seattlerainI was just in #windows and mentioned Ubuntu. turns out the majority of people in the Windows IRC aren't running Windows at all. They are running Ubuntu and want it everywhere. Funny.01:03
NeedWirelessHelpescott: trying it now...thanks!01:03
ChristopherNGrajmahendra: !english01:03
escottrasusto, and the path goes before -t and -t is -type01:04
ActionParsnipescott: thanks, a bit tired here01:04
rasustoguys i am trying to locate all the files that ARENT mp3s01:04
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList01:04
escottActionParsnip, as am I :)01:04
rasustoso i can clean all the junk files out of my music folders01:04
ActionParsnipescott: file extension may be MP£ though, grep -i helps01:04
escottrasusto, then use the grep version and do grep -v "*.mp3"01:05
ActionParsniprasusto: then you want my command, it has the inverted grep01:05
* ActionParsnip sits quiet01:05
rajmahendraActionParsnip, thank you.01:06
gxhey guys, i'm having an issue with apache/php5 .. is there some way to reinstall both of them over top without losing my config?01:08
escottgx, just dont purge01:08
nunuyabizI'm having a problem burning an image from a cd. I need the file /usr/bin/toc2cue  I believe it is in a Medibuntu repository. Does anyone know which repository it is in?01:08
escottnunuyabiz, did you not install cdrdao01:09
nunuyabizescott apt-get couldn't find it. I think it's because I don't have the repository that I need01:10
dankerewook: Thank01:10
rogeriojesse;help me01:10
nunuyabizescott man you must have a lot of spare time to sit here and help people all day!01:11
dankerewook: on repo is only demo, thank01:12
Graymaybe someone here who knows more about printing will be able to help you, nixnine01:12
_jesse_rogerio: what?01:12
escottnunuyabiz, im avoiding work01:12
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nunuyabizescott well I hope that works out for you! LOL01:13
rogeriojesse;i do not speak english.01:13
rogeriojesse; i'm rom Brazil01:14
nixnineOkay.  Thanks.  I've got another error that popped up.  going to check it out.01:14
_jesse_rogerio: what language do you speak?01:14
Graysorry I couldn't be of more assistance01:14
_jesse_I can't remember the bot command now01:14
bazhang!br | rogerio01:14
ubotturogerio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.01:14
_jesse_rogerio: I know :)01:15
_jesse_thanks bazhang01:15
notverygoodatthiI am failing with this partitioning thing, can I get some help please?01:16
escottnotverygoodatthi, could you be more specific about what you are trying to do and what is going wrong01:16
rogeriojess; i'm learnig english01:16
bazhangrogerio, this is ubuntu support; did you have a support question? if not, please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:18
rogeriojesse;which country is this01:18
bazhangrogerio, please, this is NOT the chat channel.01:19
rogeriobazhang, thankyou,bay01:20
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nunuyabizescott I can't believe it. It was in synaptic all the time. I ran apt-get install cdrdao but it didn't work. I didn't know that if it didn't work in apt-get that it could still be in synaptic.01:21
_jesse_rogerio: this channel is for ubuntu support in english01:22
sean_I could use some advice. I just installed ubuntu minimal and when I boot the pc I get a black screen with a blue and black line of pixels across the screen.01:22
nunuyabizescott thanks for your help. now maybe I can put my iso on my hard drive.01:22
escottnunuyabiz, very odd01:22
escottsean_, have you tried nomodeset01:22
ActionParsnipsean_: can you boot to root recovery mode?01:23
spec_i installed ubuntu on my notebook recently and now it's freezing at a purple screen on boot. the ubuntu logo with five dots comes up but then no activity. how do i figure out what's going on.01:23
ActionParsnipspec_: do you get the login screen, or did you enable autologin?01:23
notverygoodatthiokay, so I'm trying to install Ubuntu studio from a USB drive (to dual boot) and as far as I know it's using the standard linux partitioning tool. I set aside 15 gigs of unallocated hard drive space for Ubuntu but the partitioning software doesn't recognize this. instead it shows the unallocated space as part of either the main partition or the "recovery" partition, neither of which it wil01:24
notverygoodatthil allow me to resize. (it also seems to see the recovery drive as not having a file system). How can I get it to recognize the unallocated space, or a separate partition? (which I also have tried with the same results as above)01:24
notverygoodatthiwhew, that took a while to type01:24
sean_escott, no what is nomodeset?01:24
spec_action - it does not get to the login screen.01:24
spec_it does respond to ctrl alt del between just resets01:24
sean_ActionParsnip, yes I can go into recovery01:24
escottsean_, its a kernel boot option to prevent it from doing some things with the graphics card01:24
sean_escott, how do i load into it?01:25
escottnotverygoodatthi, how big is the drive you are trying to install to01:25
notverygoodatthi250gigs total01:25
ActionParsnipsean_: cool, get a wired connection and get updated, may help01:26
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escottnotverygoodatthi, and what tool did you use to set aside the unallocated space01:26
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, can you open the partitioner gparted and take a screen shot and imagebin it.01:26
notverygoodatthiI used the built in windows 7 partitioning tool01:26
nronksrWhat are some favorite GUI file/folder search tools?01:26
notverygoodatthishould I use Gparted instead?01:26
ActionParsnipnronksr: 'find' is al I use01:27
escottspec_, edit /etc/default/grub to have nosplash noquiet instead of splash quiet and then run update-grub01:27
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ActionParsnipmrmist: beagle exists01:27
spec_ah in grub it let me choose a previous version and that one loads.01:27
spec_-11 fails but -8 works.01:27
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ChapaAndi need help with this error adduser: El usuario `timidity' no existe.01:27
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spec_it must have been some failed auto update01:27
escottnotverygoodatthi, maybe. at the least we would be familiar with gparted01:27
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nronksrActionParsnip: Yeah, I use find myself, but the wife is a GUI'er... and I don't know what to give her that is comparable. heh01:28
notverygoodatthiokay. I will get a screenshot, one minute01:28
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sean_ActionParsnip, is there a way to move shell prompt up a line (it is off screen currently)01:29
ChapaAndhey people i am new using ubuntu and when i try installing something in sudo i get this error adduser: El usuario `timidity' no existe.01:29
ChristopherNGwhy do very few woman use linux? I think there are a few but there input to linux is very small?01:29
ChapaAndcan any one tell me what to do01:29
bazhang!ot | ChristopherNG01:29
ubottuChristopherNG: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:29
ChristopherNGbazhang: I thought i was in offtopic lol01:30
ActionParsnipnronksr: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FindingFiles01:30
ActionParsnipChapaAnd: does that mean 'the user timidity doesn't exist'?01:31
nronksrActionParsnip: Thanks!01:31
notverygoodatthiis gparted something you can run in windows?01:31
ActionParsnipnronksr: all I did was websearch...01:31
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, it should be on the linux live disc01:31
ActionParsnipnotverygoodatthi: its in Ubuntu, if you cross compiled it could be. Windows7 can resize it's own partitions if that's what you wantr01:31
Nasr20112011Hello every body , my asus f5r with ubuntu 11.04 installed freezes when i remove AC power supply .It continue to work well for a while then it's completely freeze.01:32
nronksrActionParsnip: Yeah, I had a brain lock on tunnel vision, I forgot about the internet. hah01:32
ActionParsnipnronksr: good ol duck :)01:32
nixnineOkay.  Got the printer working.  Had to modify settings in printer.conf file.  The new error found the answer.01:32
superneroSo hey, if i have 2 internet connections (tether to phone AND wifi), is there a way i can somehow select which connection an application uses?01:32
* nronksr quacks01:32
ActionParsnipNasr20112011: got latest BIOS?01:32
notverygoodatthiI'm installing ubuntu studio and it's not a live CD, idk if there is one for studio01:32
ActionParsnipNasr20112011: any bugs reported?01:32
wddcan anyone grab a journal article for me, im not on campus01:33
gxis it safe to apt-get remove libssl0.9.8 ? apt is giving me a 'potentially harmful' warning01:33
macer1gx, it is a server OS or desktop?01:33
ChapaAndhey p01:33
escottgx, your system should still boot, but anything needing that library may break01:33
Ed34232hi guys! can anyone help me with an install of unbutu im having problems with? im trying to install it along win7 but so far when it boots only win7 starts and no option to start with the unbutu i installed01:34
Ed34232pls pm01:34
Nasr20112011i don't know how to update BIOS  !! :: NO bugs reported01:34
ActionParsnipEd34232: boot to ubuntu CD and reinstate grub201:34
ActionParsnipNasr20112011: do you have windows on the system too?01:34
escottNasr20112011, bios updates are usually done through windows or dos01:34
gxescott: i had zend server installed, and it was conflicting with apache2... i've removed zend server, as well as apache2+php and reinstalled them... yet i'm still getting the same error.01:34
Ed34232can i pm you actionparsnip?01:34
gxi'm thinking if i purge libssl and reinstall it might fix that01:34
gxbut i really dont know what im doing here :p01:35
Nasr20112011No , i dont have windows .. only ubuntu01:35
ActionParsnipNasr20112011: hmm, makes bios stuff trickier. I suggest you reoprt a bug with acpi01:36
gxthat error is what scares me01:36
gxwarning, rather01:36
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, actually there is a live disc, I think our concern here is whether you have maxed out the allowed primary partitions allowed, do you have any live ubuntu disc gparted is on those.01:37
Ed34232how you do reinstate grub201:37
Evanescencehow to write crontab for "the third Saturday in September"01:37
ActionParsnipEd34232: http://www.robertbeal.com/562/rebuilding-grub2-grub-cfg-from-ubuntu-live-cd01:38
notverygoodatthiurlin2u, I just burned a gparted disc, might as well use it01:38
=== winston is now known as Guest55424
fbdystangAnybody an avid git user?01:38
Nasr20112011<ActionParsnip> Thankyou i will try .01:39
rwwfbdystang: It's offtopic for #ubuntu, too.01:39
escottfbdystang, yes01:39
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, yeah I thin you can save a screen shot to a thumb/usb flash, are you familiar with the 4 primary partitions , or 3 primary and one extended per HD limitations01:39
rwwfbdystang: You've been told about #git. If everyone else followed the "Not getting help in the right place, let's go visit random channels!" idea, IRC would be even more of a mess.01:39
escott!grub | Ed3423201:39
ubottuEd34232: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)01:39
fbdystangrww: point taken, I will take it to #git01:40
=== david567 is now known as davekong
AGKdomoI had a failed upgrade to 11.10 so I had to do a clean install of 11.04 but now my wireless is not working.. any solutions ?01:41
notverygoodatthino, is four the maximum allowed number of partitions on an HD?01:41
gayleAGKdomo: Is it a laptop?01:41
gayleHow about the switch?01:41
Evanescencehow to write crontab for "the third Saturday in September"01:41
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, yes I think that is probably the problem.01:41
ActionParsnipAGKdomo: what is the output of: sudo lshw -C network; dmesg | grep -i firm; lsusb; lsb_release -a01:42
AGKdomoorange I keep pressing but it wo.t turn on01:42
ActionParsnipAGKdomo: use a pastebin to hold the text01:42
escottnotverygoodatthi, the maximum for primary partitions but you can have one (or more) be extended and those can have like 255 each01:42
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, 4 primamry partitions there is a extended tyoe that can have a unlimited logical type that ubuntu or any linux run in.01:42
=== Guest55424 is now known as Raziekiel
notverygoodatthican I change a normal primary partition into an extended one?01:43
notverygoodatthi...or something like that01:43
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, not without deleting the content.01:44
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, the extended is actually a container for logicals.01:44
escottnotverygoodatthi, no. you could (very carefully) construct an extended partition and a logical partition that EXACTLY matches the original primary partition01:44
escottnotverygoodatthi, and i THINK that gparted may have some ability to help with that01:45
RaziekielHaving some audio issues, I don't have any sound. Can anyone help me troubleshoot? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=11257976#post1125797601:45
waiguorenhi there, im trying to connect to a VPN butmy connection keeps timing out (with network manager) , i was wondering if there are some log files i can look at , to learn more about the problem, (i can connect fine thru command line)01:45
notverygoodatthiescott, that sounds time consuming and risky01:45
=== Guest64817 is now known as ghostxx
sanelunaseaHow can I disable whatever it is that automatically switches windows to fullscreen when I move them to the top of my screen?01:46
ghostxxCan someone help me guide me through to install wireless adapter?01:46
gayleAGKdomo: What is the make and model?01:46
notverygoodatthiI'm staring at gparted right now on my main screen typing on an ubuntu netbook, is the screenshot still relevant? I'm going to have to go back onto windows to get more info on what the current partitions are for01:47
ganymede11Greetings #ubuntu01:47
urlin2ughostxx, you will nede to be specific with the usb device.01:47
gayleRaziekiel: Try alsamixer (see that it is properly recognized and that channels are not muted or turned down).01:47
urlin2uor the adapter ghostcart01:47
Raziekielgayle, I've tried that, nothing is muted and it all looks right01:48
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, do you have a tumb to save a screenshot to?01:48
ganymede11I have an old laptop which has no cd rom support because of a defective drive, additionally it cannot boot to a USB device. It does have a floppy drive that works. Is it possible to set up a network image server and install linux to the laptop without having usb OR cd rom support? Or is that just not possible?01:48
conrad90How do I view the wtmp log file?  It is not letting me01:48
gayleRaziekiel: cat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp  #Do you hear noise?  Any errors?  Let us know.01:49
notverygoodatthiyes but I can't figure out how to access it using the gparted interface01:49
waiguorenganymede11, does is have an OS?01:49
ActionParsnipganymede11: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/use-a-floppy-to-boot-usb-pendrive-linux/01:49
rectec794613Everytime I unplug my laptop's AC adapter, I get a message saying that the battery's low. Any suggestions?01:49
ActionParsnipganymede11: that image will make a boot floppy which can boot usb01:49
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, if you hit the prtsc key it may let you save it to a exteranl01:49
ganymede11waiguoren,  no because i just recently swapped a defective drive from it. Now the old drive does have an os and is still bootable. But the new hard drive is totally blank01:50
Raziekielgayle, I get a "bash: /dev/dsp: Permission denied" error, ran both as user and as su01:50
escottRaziekiel, sudo -i first01:50
Dylan2236Guys I am so Windows Sick.01:50
ganymede11sounds like I am without any options in this scenario01:50
Dylan2236I miss Windows.01:50
notverygoodatthithere's a screenshot button on the desktop which I used but it just automatically saved it to /home/user01:50
ganymede11Dylan2236,  which bit do yuo miss?  :P01:50
urlin2u!ot | Dylan223601:50
ubottuDylan2236: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!01:50
ghostxxCan someone help me guide me through to install wireless adapter PCI card?01:51
ghostxxurlin2u, its a pci wireless card01:51
urlin2ughostxx, we need to know what it is.01:51
ganymede11ActionParsnip,  I am actively searching my basement and other areas of home for another floppy drive01:51
ganymede11I am surprised a dell inspiron 8100 cannot USB boot01:52
ganymede11I know it's old but I am bored this is what I wanted to do.01:52
urlin2ughostxx, lspci -v will give you a list to find it.01:52
Raziekielgayle, it's just sitting there, I don't hear anything01:52
sanelunaseaHow can I disable whatever it is that automatically switches my windows to fullscreen when I move them to the top of my screen?01:52
ganymede11I was wrong in assuming that I could connect the laptop to a router which is connectewd to a computer running an image server and it would just "see" the image server and begin to cast the image to the laptop's hard drive01:53
ganymede11from PXE boot i mean01:53
organikshey all02:00
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, what happens if you hit the prtrsc key?02:00
notverygoodatthinothing as far as I can tell02:01
LedHedis there a limit to the number of CPU/cores on a 32bit OS?02:01
organiksif i ssh in how can i make what i have go onto the screen?02:01
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, so looking at gparted how many partitions do you see?02:01
notverygoodatthiit's an fn key, idk if those necessarily work on other OSes?02:01
LedHedI have a Dual Opteron (24 cores total) and only 8 are showing up in top02:01
rectec794613I'm buried in a sea of status messages. How can I turn off the alerts telling me _____ has joined or quit?02:01
ActionParsnipLedHed: its determined by parameters in the kernel, not the bits really02:02
rectec794613in xchat02:02
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, named sda1 to 4?02:02
LedHedActionParsnip, Ubuntu 10.04 Server x8602:02
LedHedis it capped at 8 cores?02:02
notverygoodatthiyes. and unallocated space. the sizes don't match the setup according to Windows, though02:02
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, actual partitons don't count the unallocated as one.02:03
escottLedHed, what does cat /proc/cpuinfo | grep processor show02:03
ActionParsnipLedHed: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/maximum-memory-and-cpu-limitations-for-linux-server.html   seems it does, my bad02:03
Raziekielgayle, that command finally gave me "cat: write error: No space left on device"02:04
urlin2unothingspecial, you see a boot parttion at the begining not showing in widows?02:04
notverygoodatthiit seems to be added to another partition, but it says there is one mb of unallocated02:04
LedHedescott, it shows processor: 0 - 802:04
connexHow can I reinstall mysql-server package so it will create all it's /etc/mysql files?02:04
cappyI need to get my sound card working, I can't seem to find the problem the driver is showing up as via82xx modem, I'm using the latest Xubuntu.02:05
notverygoodatthione sec, that's weird... the main partition (200gb) is labeled recovery, which it is not02:05
Flannelconnex: purge mysql-common and mysql-server-5.1 (or whatever version you're using), then reinstall.02:05
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Flannelconnex: If you're not sure, `dpkg -S /etc/mysql` will give you the packages you need to purge/reinstall02:05
notverygoodatthiI'm gonna go back to windows, one sec02:05
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, to be honest you might consider getting the live ubuntu studio cd, you would want this for a tool and installs much easier in many ways.02:05
notverygoodatthiif this takes much longer I'll go for that, I'm trying to avoid downloading another iso though, takes forever02:07
LynxSpark124what iso?02:07
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, this is the link from the list of live cd available if needed.  http://ubuntustudio.org/02:07
ghostxxurlin2u, its a encore electronics wireless n300 pci adapter . When i did that command I'm unable to find any related to wiress pci02:08
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connexFlannel, Thank you.02:08
julie101010LedHed, which opteron model do you have?02:08
notverygoodatthithe ubuntu iso, is there a way to download just the live CD part rather than the whole deal?02:09
notverygoodatthigiven that I have the non live CD iso02:09
urlin2ughostxx, with a quick web look I see refrence to b43, but it not working well or at all, not much info at all on the web actually.02:09
LedHedjulie101010, 616802:09
LedHed12 cores each02:09
ActionParsnipnotverygoodatthi: if you just want a live OS then puppy is a good cal02:09
urlin2ughostxx, you will need someone better in that area then myself.02:09
ActionParsnipnotverygoodatthi: depends what you want to do02:10
notverygoodatthinot just looking for a live OS though, I want to dual boot studio with win702:10
ActionParsnipnotverygoodatthi: could resize the Win7 partition in Windows then install ubuntu minimal. Then install the ubuntu studio metapackage02:11
urlin2uActionParsnip, appears to have 4 primaries at this time.02:11
urlin2unot sure that is the effort of confirmation here. ActionParsnip02:12
etfbIs there a better program to archive files than the awful one built in to Ubuntu?  Right click a folder, select Compress, type in a name, tell it to begin... and ten minutes later it tells me "an error occurred" but gives no hint even about what archive file  it was producing, let alone what file caused the error.02:12
notverygoodatthiI might go for installing the studio package after the main system, if this doesn't work out, I wanna try another thing or two02:13
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, if you have 4 primares and try to add another you will k=make the HD dynamic, which is bad news.02:13
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LedHedI'll recompile the kernel and see if I can add more02:14
ganymede11I smacked the cd rom unit around a bit.... it seems to be loading the install  :P     just one more spin up is all i need:)02:15
ganymede11i love playing with old gear02:15
notverygoodatthithe 4th primary is "hp_tools" and is about 100mb, I don't really know the contents, is there a chance it's not needed?02:15
ganymede11one truncated mangled install later.....02:15
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, I think your safe in removing that then make a extended partition then the logicals insude the extended for the ubunru studio02:17
escottnotverygoodatthi, its assorted hp drivers and such. probably not needed02:17
ActionParsnipnotverygoodatthi: i'm make an image of it first, then you can do what you like02:17
urlin2u+1 on the image notverygoodatthi02:18
notverygoodatthione sec, I'm doing a screencap of the contents of the folder to make sure, everything looks pretty unfamiliar such that I wouldn't know if it's essential or useless02:19
LedHednope,  makemenuconfig only allows a max of 8 cpu's02:20
notverygoodatthilook safe?02:21
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add   you need to post it here, and show the url, I doubt any of us can give any better answer though02:22
LedHedI had to enable "Support for big SMP systems with more than 8 CPUs"02:23
julie101010LedHed, that doesn't mean you can't manually change it in the config files...  just note that I read an article that mentionned that running so many cores actually decreased overall system performance02:23
LedHedthen I was able to set the "Maximum number of CPUs" to 2402:23
Ramir00sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth02:23
julie101010good to know02:23
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, hold on I see the image.'02:23
LedHedjulie101010, can you give me the link to that article?02:24
kyubeyhi. i'm trying to figure out my memory usage. i run top and hit shift-M to sort by things using the most memory02:24
etfbI'm getting an "Input/output error" when I try to sudo rm a directory on my external hard disk.  How can I fix that?02:24
kyubeyit says i'm using 592 megs, but when i manually add up the top 20 items or so, i only get around 375 megs used02:24
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, I wold not heitate to remove it myself If I had a clone og=f the main OS and all other partitions02:24
kyubeyanyone know what the missing memory is?02:24
notverygoodatthiI'm a little lacking in backup02:25
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, a image what W7 do you ave02:25
julie101010LedHed, http://www.conceivablytech.com/3166/science-research/current-operating-systems-may-only-make-sense-up-to-48-cores02:25
=== earthshade is now known as sheesh
LedHedjulie101010, thanks02:26
sheesh This is offtopic but anyone have any tips on asking someone to homecoming? :P02:26
notverygoodatthium... home premium, I think, if that's what you're asking02:26
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, do you have a external HD or a set if dv's?02:26
IdleOnesheesh: yeah,  ask in an offt topic channel like #ubuntu-offtopic :)02:26
sheeshIdleOne: Ah ty02:27
sheeshBut its whateves02:27
notverygoodatthiclosest thing I have is an old 80gig ipod I use for storage (doesn't work out of one ear but the HD is fine)02:27
=== J_sux is now known as j4jb0y
LedHedsheesh, say this within speaking distance of the girl you want to ask.  say to a buddy of yours, "Hay man, don't let me foget to puckup those extra large condoms"02:28
sheeshLedHed: Hahahahaha02:28
etfbWhat is the Linux equivalent of MSDOS's chkdsk, for checking and repairing a disk when a directory appears to be corrupted?02:28
sheeshLedHed: That could be taken the wrong way02:29
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!02:29
LedHedetfb, oops.  fsck02:29
urlin2unothingspecial, your allowed a one time back up of the main OS=C I would do that, you have to ask yourself what would yo do if you didn't have one, chanes are that the grub bootloader will not trigger the recovery that is there, even though it appears to big as you describe.02:29
etfbLedHed, is that a program, or did you just sneeze?02:29
LedHedthats the chkdsk equivelant in linux02:30
notverygoodatthiwould I need a backup of my entire HD or just the OS? I've never bothered with backing up before because I don't keep anything that valuable on my hard drive, on the other hand, I've never intentionally done something that might result in a crash before02:30
sheeshAnyone know a laptop manufacturer that gives you the option to purchase without an OS02:30
LedHedsheesh, it could, but either way (whether she thinks you're into men or not) she'll know you have a big 'D'02:30
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, not sure look in the back up section in admin and see the options.02:31
sheeshLedHed: Yea i was kinda going for a more romanticapproach02:31
IdleOnesheesh LedHed Please take it elsewhere.02:31
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, you can also make a recovery disc you would need that as well, that would triggervthe recover if needed I believe.02:31
LedHedIdleOne, sorry02:31
LedHeddidnt mean to offend02:31
etfbLedHed, cool. It gives me scary warnings when I run it. Is it safe to use if I unmount the disk and run using sudo?  Won't erase my disk as a precautionary measure or something?02:32
sheeshLed hed isnt in offtopic soooooo02:32
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, the recovery disc is only about 100mb02:32
LedHedetfb, you dont run it on a mounted filesystem02:32
notverygoodatthiand that would allow me to get back to my current state if something goes wrong?02:33
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, the recovery hard to say here we are linux not windows, the recovery disc though is another tool like a live cd, and backups that a educated user has.02:34
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, these tools will be what allows you to break your system and fix it easily.02:35
LedHedetfb, if you are wanting to check your root filesystem you need to schedule the fsck for the next reboot02:36
LedHedyou can do this by:  sudo touch /forcefsck02:36
etfbLedHed, no, it's an external HD, so I'm running it now.  It says there are errors, so we wait and see what's going to happen...02:37
sheesh"Anyone know a laptop manufacturer that gives you the option to purchase without an OS"02:37
etfbsheesh, what country?02:37
urlin2usheesh, dell does probably others call them to find out.02:37
sheeshurlin2u: I called dell and its a no02:37
notverygoodatthiahh wtf the system repair disc creation gives me a memory error. should rebooting help with that?02:38
etfbsheesh, OS costs are a tiny part of a total bill. Better to find a brand that actually works with Linux.  From personal history I would start by ruling out Acer and ThinkPad...02:38
urlin2usheesh, hmm I saw a user post that they do within the last couple of weeks after talking with them02:38
LedHedsheesh, order one with linux.  then even if you wanted a different distro you didnt have to pay for M$02:38
sheeshLedhed that limits your selection tho02:39
clickwirjust setup my first ubuntu server. setup dnsmasq and squid. Was pretty easy, thanks Ubuntu!02:39
sheeshetfb: Have any recommendations?02:39
sunicesheesh I found this http://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/category/category_slc.asp?CatId=119&name=No%20OS%20Systems02:40
organikscan i mount iso's in ubuntu02:40
sheeshsunice: Ill check it out02:40
sunicesheesh more comprehensive http://lxer.com/module/forums/t/23168/02:41
urlin2uorganiks, for what?02:42
organiksim tryin to update my hd02:43
organiksthis link: http://seagate.custkb.com/seagate/crm/selfservice/search.jsp?DocId=21545102:44
clickwirorganiks: yes, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountIso02:44
clickwirmight not be useful to actually mount it, but you can.02:44
mihai_hello there02:45
urlin2uorganiks, you have the non windows bootable, and is the seagate a external?02:45
notverygoodatthiokay, win7 is not being cooperative (memory error every time I try to make a system repair disc). is there another way to do that? (burn an iso or something)02:45
mihai_i've got a problem with the time indicator, it doesn't show the time, instead it says "Time" :)02:46
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, you may need to run a chkdsk, the #windows channel may be more helpful there, the good thing is if you get the recovery ISO you can load it to a thumb that will boot in the ubuntu studio setup.02:47
mihai_that happened after installing the daily build, and then updating packages using update-manager02:47
notverygoodatthiI found the windows 7 recovery iso, DLing now02:48
urlin2umihai_, daily build of what?02:48
mihai_urlin2u: oneiric02:48
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, the paid for one?02:48
urlin2umihai_, you need to be on #ubuntu+102:49
mihai_ok, thanks!02:49
notverygoodatthiI ran a chkdsk earlier today before I started trying to install ubuntu, is there any likelihood something went wrong in that time?02:49
urlin2umihai_, no problem. :D02:49
Ramir00does not change when I run the isntrucciones plymouth02:50
Ramir00sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth02:50
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, hard to say from here really, would you post an image if the W7 partitioner.02:50
Ramir00sudo update-initramfs -u02:51
notverygoodatthithe recovery disc iso was free, I'll run the CD to make sure it works before I do anything that could screw things up02:51
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, you have a link for that download?02:51
Ramir00how to change plymouth?02:52
notverygoodatthigah, trying to copy paste between different computers doesn't work, one sec02:53
organiksurlin2u: naw seagate internal02:54
notverygoodatthiactually I am now somewhat suspicious, I kind of just downloaded the first thing I saw02:54
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, that is why I ask, the only one that was free that I new of now costs, http://neosmart.net/blog/2009/windows-7-system-repair-discs/02:56
urlin2ucheap though02:56
notverygoodatthithat's the one02:56
notverygoodatthidoesn't seem to cost anything02:56
notverygoodatthioh, I downloaded it off a different site's link02:57
notverygoodatthiI assumed it was the same as the first but apparently not, it was a rapidshare02:57
notverygoodatthiIt was supposed to be just a mirror, I think02:58
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, personally the fact that the computer wont generate one would be a red flag, I wonder if you have not made the HD dynamic.02:58
notverygoodatthihow would I have done that?02:58
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, if you had 4 primaries and actual tried to install another this would happen, that is why I wanted to see a image of the W7 disc partitoner.02:59
Giac0m0hi guys quick question, where can I find the config file for my current gnome theme?02:59
notverygoodatthiokay, what I tried to do was shrink existing partitions in the linux partitioning tool, I don't think I ever tried to create a new one03:00
notverygoodatthibut I will get a screencap03:00
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, so you ran the chkdsk before the shrinking?03:01
MiteshShahidentify <Knowledge>03:01
notverygoodatthiis snag.gy okay for screenshots? it's by far the most convenient for uploading but if you prefer I can use imagebin03:02
=== MiteshShah is now known as Mitesh
=== Mitesh is now known as MiteshShah
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, the link is not working, ok the changing of the partitions usually triggers a auto chkdsk, I would run one again and see if the recovery disc works then, run it from the ms terminal chkdsk /f/r and acept the chkdsk at reboot, it will take awhile but is better than the chkdsk fron the computer area.03:04
notverygoodatthiokay. ...it says dynamic right under the disc name, shit03:05
notverygoodatthiis that irreversible/terrible?03:05
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, how long have you had it the manufacturer will sell you the OEM reinstall discs for probably 30$ americam.03:06
notverygoodatthihad the laptop for over a year, no warranty or anything left03:06
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, theoretically reversible, way beyond my help.03:06
notverygoodatthiwhat's so terrible about the drive being dynamic?03:07
Nour_al_imen_Can someone help me even to find help please ?03:07
lbhis an internet connection required to install ubuntu?03:08
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, here is alink reall now you have a windows problem, so I would work out whether that is true with their channel to be honest.  http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa363785%28v=vs.85%29.aspx03:09
lbhtenX that's interesting since it keeps asking me to configure my network and i cannot progress in the installation unless i provide network information.03:09
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, may have been that way to begin with if a different partitioning setup.03:09
cdnjay@lbh No, but you'll want one for updates.03:09
lbhkubuntu-11.04-dvd-amd64 btw.03:10
notverygoodatthido dynamic drives not support logical drives?03:10
commanderstitchi need some help if you guys have any time to help me. it's about the grub03:11
urlin2unotverygoodatthi, I can't help beyond this I just know standard mbr partitioning, but now you know what you have so we got that far good luck. :D03:12
lbhi don't see how to progress in the ubuntu command line based menu installer.03:12
lbhit keeps asking me for networking info.03:12
tenXlbh: the ubuntu installer? never installed without network support but i feel to remember you could leave it unconfigured. if not you could just supply ambigious info03:12
StrangeCharmis 11.10 expected to be released towards the start or the end of the month? (deciding whether to do a short reinstall now, or just wait two weeks)03:13
notverygoodatthiokay, thank you. I'll see what I can figure out on my own now03:14
urlin2ucommanderstitch, can yo give details like what the OS' are and what is happening with grub?03:14
commanderstitchsince the linux drive is 2 hours away and that isn't an option, i was hoping someone knows how to boot up the windows drive. is there some commands that can boot up the drive and launch the windows drive from the screen? right now it says grub rescue. i ls'd it and it said (hd0) (hd0,msdos2) and (hd0,msdos1)03:14
commanderstitchany guidance or help in this area would be greatly appreciated as i know messing with the kernel is deep stuff, or killer stuff! :D03:15
urlin2ucommanderstitch, what is the windows version and do you have a recovery or install disc for it?03:15
commanderstitchi don't think i have the disks on me, but i'm not sure. do i have to have them?03:15
urlin2ucommanderstitch, you have the install disc, or a ubuntu disc?03:16
commanderstitchi don't have the ubuntu disk for sure03:16
commanderstitchthat's 2 hours away, and at that point i would use the other drive anyway. :)03:16
urlin2ucommanderstitch, yo =u ned ethier to reload the mbr to boot it.03:16
StrangeCharmapparently, 11.10 is expected on october 13: http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2011/05/ubuntu-11-10-release-schedule/03:16
commanderstitchreload the mbr?03:16
commanderstitchit's not there or i can't just command it to boot? "I command you to boot."03:17
urlin2ucommanderstitch, you can't boot XP right?03:17
commanderstitchit goes to the grub rescue screen03:17
urlin2ucommanderstitch, any other OS's on the HD?03:17
commanderstitchjust xp03:18
commanderstitchi was using 2 hd03:18
urlin2ucommanderstitch, you need to load the mbr the masterboot record to boot XP.03:18
commanderstitchhow do i doo that?03:18
urlin2ucommanderstitch, or the other HD.03:18
commanderstitchi wish i had it03:18
urlin2ucommanderstitch, with a XP or ubuntu disc.03:18
commanderstitchobvioiusly i didn't know this was going to happen :)03:19
commanderstitchlike a windows recovery disk?03:19
urlin2ucommanderstitch, many don't, get a ethier and you will be set the ubuntu disc can load LIOL a linux bootloader that will work.03:19
commanderstitchthe one that you make and it makes like 3 disks?03:19
urlin2ucommanderstitch, not sure what you mean 3 discs that sounds like a backup set.03:20
commanderstitchurlin2u it probably is03:20
urlin2ucommanderstitch, down load a ubuntu disc I can give you the commands03:21
urlin2ua live cd03:21
commanderstitchi didn't even think of that03:21
commanderstitchwhere do i find the proper ubuntu disc so that (download) it will match the problem. that sounds like a wide statement03:22
urlin2ucommanderstitch, actually a linux live cd, and a ubuntu disc is one of the better tools for a windows setup in several ways.03:22
commanderstitcha linux live cd. hmmm. ok03:23
urlin2ucommanderstitch, the latest release will work, no specific version really is needed.03:24
urlin2ucommanderstitch, a eay fix with the disc.03:24
commanderstitchso, i download ubuntu to a disk?03:24
commanderstitchthat will fix it?03:25
commanderstitchjust using the disk to launch03:25
urlin2ucommanderstitch, you get the ISO which can be burned to a cd ot loaded to a usb/thumb03:25
misaqhow can I share the entire drive in ubuntu?03:25
commanderstitchurlin2u when you download ubuntu, is there an option to do it as an iso?03:26
urlin2ucommanderstitch, that is the option.03:26
misaqcan I share the entire partition in Ubuntu like that of Windows?03:27
urlin2u! details | misaq03:27
ubottumisaq: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:27
notverygoodatthijust an update, I'm thinking that chkdsk never happened, I scheduled one but never saw it happen and didn't really know what to expect. doing a legit one now, may help03:27
ActionParsnipmisaq: not wise to share everything but it is possible03:27
commanderstitchthank you :)03:27
cdnjaycommanderstitch If you go here there are directions for downloading and burning the ISO to disk: http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/download03:27
misaqI have two computers together. I want to have access to both computers' files from the other03:28
ActionParsnipmisaq: but I doubt very much you will need anything more than the content of home03:28
Braber01am I useing mplayer in the right way with the following line?03:29
urlin2ucommanderstitch, no problem you wil need to run some specific commands from the terminal of the booted live cd, g=do you want that info or you will be back within the next 4 hours or so?03:29
misaqActionParsnip: yes I want to access all drives. and I thought sharing is a good option. isn't it?03:29
ghostxxhow to check if my wireless is working in ubuntu server?03:30
Braber01"at 5:30 \n mplayer cue://home/$USER/Music/Various/Metal_for_the_Masses/$Track ?03:30
cdnjayghostxx Working in what sense? To check if it's connected to the network you can use ifconfig03:31
misaqnow does anyone know how I can share the entire partition. for e.g. I have one partition for music and want to have it shared all the time between two computers03:31
=== Logico is now known as Ciente
cdnjayghostxx If wlan0 has a number next to 'inet addr' then you should be good to go03:32
bullgard4ghostxx: A good idea is to first analyze the output of iwconfig.03:32
ActionParsnipmisaq: you simply share the mount point with samba, it will be accessible over LAN03:33
ActionParsnipghostxx: sudo iwlist scan03:33
ActionParsnipghostxx: makes it scan for wireles networks03:33
misaqActionParsnip: I don't know how to work with Samba. can you tell me pls?03:34
ghostxxcdnjay if i don't see wlaan0 means i haven't install correct driver03:34
ActionParsnipmisaq: nobody is born knowing, there are a tonne of samba guides online03:34
ActionParsnip!samba | misaq03:34
ubottumisaq: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.03:34
bullgard4UpdateManager showed an entry "Distribution upgrades" and an associated checkbox, along with the names of several packages that it proposed to upgrade. What does this entry "Distribution upgrades" mean?03:35
cdnjayghostxx That's possible, which devices are shown currently? Just 'eth0'?03:35
misaqActionParsnip: you're right. thanks anyway.03:35
xangua!upgrade | bullgard03:35
ubottubullgard: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade03:35
bullgard4xangua: Are you drunk? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes does not even mention UpgradeManager.03:37
bullgard4xangua: Also, http://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu/upgrade does not answer the question which I have put.03:39
commanderstitchurlin2u i will see.03:42
qinbullgard4: I think it is equivalent to: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade03:43
ActionParsnip+1 for qin imho03:43
urlin2ucommanderstitch, okay. :D03:43
qinActionParsnip: cheers03:43
ActionParsnipqin: word03:43
urlin2ubullgard4, is this your lucid install?03:44
bullgard4urlin2u: No.03:45
urlin2ubullgard4, well any below Natty the words speak for themselves.03:46
bullgard4urlin2u: I do not understand what information you are intending to convey to me. For me, these words do not speak for themselves. Can you say it in other words, please.03:47
ghostxxanyone here a expert in installing wifi card with ndiswrapper or other ways03:47
ActionParsnipghostxx: is it an internal device or usb?03:49
ghostxxinternal device03:49
bullgard4!details | ghostxx03:49
ubottughostxx: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."03:49
ActionParsnipghostxx: ok then run:  sudo lshw -C network    use the product line of the wifi to find guides03:49
david567sometimes when I close a window both of my monitors go into power save mode and the system becomes unresponsive any ideas what is going on here? how to fix this?03:49
urlin2ubullgard4, the consensus is that it is a within the distro district upgrade, ra=eal y at this point I would think you would know that at the least the distro it is would help.03:50
ghostxxActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/691248/  and its a ENLWI-NX203:51
ghostxxActionParsnip, i'm trying http://translate.google.com/translate?hl=en&sl=es&u=http://quemantequilla.blogspot.com/2011/04/instalando-tarjeta-encore-enlwi-nx2-en.html&ei=TwZ0TrSzKOHH0AGzma3LDQ&sa=X&oi=translate&ct=result&resnum=10&ved=0CHoQ7gEwCQ&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dencore%2Benlwi%2Bnx2%2Bubuntu%26hl%3Den%26biw%3D1280%26bih%3D919%26prmd%3Dimvnsfd03:51
urlin2ubullgard4, could be a upgrade to the release above it, we don't knoiw how often you have used the update manager.03:51
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ActionParsnipghostxx: ok run:  lspci; lsb_release -a      what is output please?03:52
ActionParsnipghostxx: its a realtek chip which have native drivers03:52
bullgard4qin: Yes, this makes sense to me. --  Thank you very much for your help.03:54
ghostxxActionParsnip, http://paste.ubuntu.com/691250/03:54
ghostxxActionParsnip how would i make it work since its a native driver03:54
TropolisIs it possible to have more fine-tuned control over font-sizes? I'm able to get the exact font size/hinting/etc I want in a browser via CSS, or with the '-fa pixelsize=..' argument to xterm. But most apps only have a GUI allowing you to select font size, and I need a '10.5' or something in-between.03:55
david567Does anyone know about a bug that would cause X to crash when  a window is closed for fixes for it?03:57
ActionParsnipghostxx: could try:  sudo modprobe rtl8192se; sleep 3; sudo iwlist scan      see if it works ok03:59
bullgard4urlin2u: I was afraid of just this: "could be a upgrade to the release above it". I did not intend doing that. I did not use the -d switch but rather clicked on the UpdateManager icon when Synaptic had told me that I am using an old LibreOffice package version.  --  <qin> has given an explanation that seems to be reasonable to me. --  Thank you for answering.03:59
ActionParsnipghostxx: if that driver doesn't work then run:  sudo modprobe -r rtl8192se; gksudo ndisgtk04:00
urlin2ubullgard4, no problem, I was suspicious of that possibility, but the words seem to convey a inside the distro upgrade, I never use the update manager, so I'm not up on the wording .04:02
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david567radeon dual monitor support is broken in the Linux kernel?04:05
gebbionerunning for me04:06
bullgard4urlin2u: Thank you for explaining.04:08
commanderstitchurlin2u you're not going to believe this, but i stuck my "recovery" disk 1 in there and typed in "q" to quit it and it bypassed the grub. lol littearlly chainbooted from the cd and on into windows LOL04:12
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greghi everyone04:13
ActionParsniphi greg04:13
gregi have a problem - all qt apps have arthefacts : menus are flickering.04:14
gregi have umplayer, vlc and skype04:14
urlin2ucommanderstitch, cool, windows is supposed to be easily bootable claims the windows geeks, I only know how to load the mbr's really.04:14
gregand i'm on 11.04 classic desktop04:14
gregi have no compiz, only metacity compositing enabled04:15
dr_willisyou tried turning that off?04:15
urlin2ucommanderstitch, you might ask in #windows if there is a way to reload the XP bootloader from inside the OS.04:15
david567removing my second monitor seems to have fixed things :(04:16
gregdr_willis: yes ( no effects04:16
dr_willisgreg:  as a test. you could try some other alternative window manager/desktop like 'icewm' and see if the things still flicker. that would narrow it  down to not being a gnome related issue at least.04:17
dr_willisgreg:  also have you tried it as a differnt/newly made user?04:17
gregthx for tips, i'll try openbox04:17
zillyHas anyone got the AMD E-350 driver working to play back 1080p smoothly?04:20
jhonmayesalguma mulher nesse local?04:22
=== AndrewMC` is now known as AndrewMC
ActionParsnipzilly: you may need an xorg.conf if your display is not running well04:23
zillyActionParsnip, do you have the E-350 driver working properly?04:24
ActionParsnipzilly: no but I was looking at one a while back, then I saw it was ATi and didn't want it04:26
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
dr_willisAti still needs to do a lot to improve their bad rep with linux users.04:32
gregyayy! problem solved!04:32
dr_willisgreg:  oh?04:33
gregi made  as you said - tryed opembox and guest session04:33
gregboth worked good with qt04:33
ActionParsnipdr_willis: i think nvidia have pretty much nailed it due to awesome support over many years, see what wayland does eh04:33
dr_williswayland - will be - interesting times.04:33
ActionParsnipopenbox rocks, specially on top of lxde04:33
gregdr_willis: problem was in some gtkrc-2.0 tweaks, which i made04:34
dr_willisgreg: :)  trouble shooting fundamentals work again. :)04:34
ActionParsnipdr_willis: true, makes me sad04:34
gregdr_willis: thank you for help anyway)04:34
dr_willisI seem to recall like 1 or 2 other attempts to replace X in the years gone by.. :)04:34
rawfodogI am trying to launch a .exe in wine, but all my exe's won't allow me to use the checkbox EXECUTE. What command line would I use to make this exe executable ?04:35
dr_willisrawfodog:   you could just do    wine /path/to/the/whatever.exe04:35
dr_willisrawfodog:  if its on a ntfs/vfat filesystem - you dont just 'chown/chmod' it.04:35
kkrowleyhey does ubuntu 10.04lts support TRIM and ssds?04:36
rawfodogthank you dr_willis for your help04:36
dr_willisthe whole 'exe needs to be executable' is just a limitation  for that 'safe launcher' app demands.04:36
Dollzhow to kill processes that have a specific name pattern ?04:36
dr_willisrawfodog:  i always run wine stuff from terminal normally. that way you see error messages and so forth.04:36
rawfodoglol, and I see a lot right now ;D04:37
spligakIs it possible to add the debian wheezy packages as a source for apt under ubuntu? How would I go about doing such a thing?04:38
dr_willisspligak:  mixxing in debian repos can break things badly.04:38
vehemothis there any documentation on gtk3 theming?04:39
dr_willisrawfodog:  if the apps are on a ntfs or vfat filesystem. You can tweak how they get mounted to make EVERY FILE on the fs excutable.. but  i find that even more annoying :)04:39
dr_willisvehemoth:  i seem to recall the gnome homepage/gnome-3 web sites having info on that topic. I just skimmed them a few weeks back04:39
spligakgranted. my intent is to install mangler and it seems to be available in wheezy and sid, but nowhere else in an apt-understandable format.04:39
vehemothdr_willis: thanks I'll take a look04:40
spligakdoes ubuntu mirror these testing package environments in some manner?04:40
ActionParsniprawfodog: if you dual boot and want to run the installed apps using wine, it won't work unless the app is very portable04:40
dr_willisspligak:  ubuntu dosent do stuff the same way.  there Might be a PPA for that app. ive never heard of it.04:40
rawfodogI deleted my dual boot, I was just trying to get age of empires to run. Im gonna try it in a virtual machine04:40
dr_willisrawfodog:  with most apps - you want to 'reinstall' them in wine. Not just run them from the C:  :)   you did check the wine app database ont hat game also?04:41
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:41
ActionParsniprawfodog: which age of empires?04:41
spligakIt seems to have a presence on launchpad - https://launchpad.net/~mangler , if that helps at all? I'm not familiar with "PPA's" and what they do, exactly.04:42
dr_willis!ppa | spligak04:42
ubottuspligak: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa04:42
dr_willisa ppa is basically a personal repo :)  some contain just 1 app.. some contain several that a person is working on.04:43
dr_willissome can be very poorly done also. :) so watch out when using ppa's04:43
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expiationhow can i watch blurays?04:46
dr_willisHmm. wonder if theres a wiki page on that.04:46
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:46
spligakexcellent. thank you, dr_willis. just found a ppa with it already packaged properly. already have it up and running.04:46
spligakthanks a bunch.04:46
dr_willisor the forums or askubuntu.com04:46
dr_willisspligak:  ppa's are a  top 10 reason to use ubuntu i find. :)04:47
rawfodogAge 2 ActionParsnip04:47
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stephenthemartyrwhat is openSUSE knwn for?04:51
expiationthat dumphd program never works for me04:51
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ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: I'd ask in the suse channel04:53
stephenthemartyrhmmm nah04:53
stephenthemartyrActionParsnip: if you dont know dont answedr04:53
Ben64does anyone know the program that is similar to `which` but prints all runnable files with that name in any of the paths04:53
ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: well it's not Ubuntu related, so is offtopic here so I gave constructive advise.04:54
ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: Even if I did, I woulnt say as it's offtopic here which means 'not for discussion'04:55
stephenthemartyrActionParsnip: ok,what is the difference between ubuntu 10.4 and opnSUSE04:55
ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: ask in #ubuntu+104:55
ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: this channel is for support, people who have apps crashing and need a fix or stuff like that04:55
ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: again, wrong channel04:56
Singhamstephenthemartyr : please join #suse04:56
stephenthemartyrActionParsnip: hmmm you could just be friendly and help me out04:56
ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: i was going to be until you gave the whole'if you dont know dont answedr'  maybe you should listen to your own advice04:56
stephenthemartyrcan ubuntu be installed then ubuntustudio added in synaptic?04:56
stephenthemartyrActionParsnip: ok im sorry04:57
stephenthemartyrcan we just drop it04:57
ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: yes absolutely, there is a dead handy metapackage to install the ubuntu studio stuffs and you can select it at login04:57
stephenthemartyrActionParsnip: thanks dude04:57
stephenthemartyrand i apologize for bieng rude04:57
ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: I believe it also changes the boot splash so you may need to tweak that back if you have customized it or care04:57
ActionParsnipstephenthemartyr: np man ;)04:57
ActionParsnip!info ubuntustudio-desktop04:58
ubottuubuntustudio-desktop (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Desktop Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.83 (natty), package size 3 kB, installed size 40 kB04:58
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xut_jcdoes freenode webchat have a https option?05:03
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soreauxut_jc: Try ##freenode05:05
soreauxut_jc: Try #freenode05:05
xut_jci'm back, now using https. thanks guys.05:09
jimlestathola una pregunta puedo instalar ubuntu en una laptop con pantalla tactil05:12
jimlestatporfa alguien05:13
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.05:14
preyaloneHow do I tell my Xbox 360 to boot from an Ubuntu livecd?05:14
xut_jcdon't think you can.05:15
soreaupreyalone: Hacking your xbox is well beyond the scope of this channel. In short, xbox was not intended to run ubuntu05:15
xut_jcprobably can with heavy mods involved.05:16
xut_jctry google.05:16
dr_willisheh. x box hacking. :)05:18
xut_jcdoesn't look like ubuntu, but may interest you. http://tinyurl.com/yeynedz05:18
kermithow can i stop ubuntu from messing with my eth0?05:21
ghostxxWhich wireless card work out of the box in ubuntu?05:21
xut_jcdefine "messing"?05:21
kermitxut_jc: removing the ip address05:21
fermulatorkermit: define "messing" (you mean the network manager? -- you're trying to configure it manually, and network manager is fiddling with it?)05:21
hoverbearghostxx: All that work with normal ubuntu you just need to configure the network05:21
kermitfermulator: network manager? thanks05:21
sillytones!wifi | ghostxx you can find a list here05:22
ubottughostxx you can find a list here: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs05:22
xut_jctrying to set manual ip?05:22
xut_jchave you set the ipv4 to manual?05:23
kermitfermulator: apt-get remove network-manager.. it seemed to want one last blow and took down my network on uninstall.05:23
xut_jcremove network-manager and it will remove your network. what would you expect otherwise.05:23
fermulatorxut_jc/kermit: one should be able to remove the GUI network-manager, and keep basic configuration (ifconfig)05:25
xut_jcdon't think so actually. i've done the same thing a long time ago and learnt the hard way.05:25
fermulatorkermit: try re-installing network manager, and in the GUI, (buttom right hand), tell it to "disable networking", then you should be able to manually configure in /etc/network/interfaces05:25
kermitfermulator: uninstalling it worked, thanks, and was easier than figuring out how to get to 'the gui'05:26
[Relic]Anyone know who does dev for new mice?05:27
fermulatorkermit: no problem ;-005:27
triunityQuestion, when i create a file like hello.cpp (c++) or hello.py is creates this very cool graphic, but then i edit the file, the graphic is replaced and it shows me the inside of my program,  any idea on how to make my computer use the graphic?05:28
ghostxxWhich wireless card work out of the box in ubuntu??05:28
ghostxxany recommendation?05:28
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:28
ghostxxbest wireless card for ubuntu server???"05:28
triunityohh dude, wireless on servers is no fun....05:29
talntid2server shouldn't be on wireless ;)05:29
talntid2both if you insist, something atheros based.05:29
triunityexpecially with wpa...05:29
ghostxxits a home server.05:29
ActionParsnipshould be ok, wired will be much better05:30
dr_willisis there a reason you are using the server edition and not the desktop edition?05:30
ghostxxif i'm going return this crappy wireless adapter to newegg05:30
dr_willisfor a home network. the desktop ed. can work as a decent file server.05:30
talntid2if it was me...05:30
ghostxxwell i want it to become a home server and ftp server05:30
talntid2i'd get a DD-WRT compatible router05:30
talntid2and do a wireless bridge...05:31
dr_williswhy are you even using FTP at all? :)05:31
talntid2and connect the server via ethernet05:31
ghostxxto store back up05:31
ghostxxnot ftp05:31
xut_jcwhat is everyones problem with ftp05:31
ghostxxnot sure05:31
triunityGhostxx, you should just use the desktop edition, for your "server" You don't need the security the lacking gui provides, and as far as ftp, use sftp (ssh protocall) it works so much better05:31
dr_willisxut_jc:  its old and has security issues.. and i can find several links that give lots of other reasons its time for it to die.05:32
dr_willisgoogle for 'ftp must die' :)05:32
daneshow can I tell from terminal if a program is being executed after running it?05:32
dr_willisor check http://delicious.com/dr_willis05:32
ghostxxi have install open ssh05:32
ghostxxworks perfectly :)05:32
xut_jccan be secured quite easily really. lack of knowledge of how to do so is the problem.05:32
dr_willisdanes:  ps command,05:32
ghostxxand love it05:32
blsh0phey guys05:32
blsh0pi have question05:32
ghostxxBUt the problem i want it as a home server05:32
blsh0phow do i edit compiz in ubuntu?05:32
triunityOk, with openssh, you have NO need for ftp, as openssh allows for file transer05:32
ghostxxshould i add a wireless card or what?05:32
dr_willistriunity:  i was just about to type that. :)05:33
xut_jci have ftp running over my networks also ssh.05:33
blsh0phow do i edit compiz setting in ubuntu 11.0405:33
dr_willis!ccsm | blsh0p05:33
ubottublsh0p: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz05:33
triunityghostxx, any wireless card that works with ubuntu desktop, works with server ed05:33
ghostxxI want place this crappy desktop out in my near tv screen05:33
ghostxxso i can watch my Touchwood series05:34
blsh0pthanks ubottu05:34
triunityhowever, you will find that configuring that wireless in ubuntu server ed is quite a pain in the @$$05:34
dr_willisghostxx:  for a home server you could just install the desktop edition and use the various gui tools to configure it also. :)05:34
blsh0pur the best bot in the whole world05:34
ghostxxwell i'm having a butt load of problems trying isntall this new wireless pci adapter05:34
triunityagreed Dr Willis, You should really use the home edition as your server, you can install all the tools for a server on the desktop ed05:34
triunityexpecially with wireless in the mix05:35
ghostxxencore  enlwi-nx2 n30005:35
dr_willisif you are hooking up the  'server' to a tv in the front room. You may as well use the desktop install and put xbmc or boxee on it and get some extra use from it :)05:35
triunityBOXEEEEEEEEE :D05:35
ghostxxI WILL dr_willis05:36
ghostxxbut help me install this wireless card05:36
ghostxxI can't follow it at all05:36
ghostxxI'm not sure what I'm doing wrong05:37
ghostxxI even have xubuntu live usb with me05:37
ghostxxI wasn't able to detect wireless pci adapter with it05:37
triunityQuestion, when i create a file like hello.cpp (c++) or hello.py is creates this very cool graphic, but then i edit the file, the graphic is replaced and it shows me the inside of my program, any idea on how to make my computer use the graphic?05:37
dr_willistriunity:  its a empty file. so its showing the generic icon.  once you add stuff to it. it sees it as a text file so shows it as such.  You could disable the show-previews option in the file manager perhaps.05:38
dr_willisi dont see the point in worrying about icons for .c files. :)05:39
triunitywould that be in gconf-editor?05:39
dr_willisits in the normal file manager settings I think05:39
triunitydr_willis, its a matter of taste, i like my icons ;)05:39
clickwirDoes Ubuntu work ok with new Advanced Format hard drives?05:39
shankaraI need a help in making cannon LBP2900 work after restart05:40
ServerTechLaptopInadyn startup error? Error 'RC_CMD_PARSER_INVALID_OPTION' (0x50)05:40
shankaracan anyone please help05:40
triunityAnd when i have 20 "text" files, and some are cpp others are py and others are pl, the icons really would help show which are which.  I know, that's what folders are for, but still05:41
triunityOk, i looked, how do i get to that menu option?05:44
dogarrhea2so.. i tried yG then i tried p05:45
dogarrhea2and nothing happened.05:45
dogarrhea2but i somehow read the manual thinking that the expected behavior would happen05:45
dr_willisnot on gnome. so i cant tell you triunity .  I recall  it being in the file manager menu/settings somewhere.05:45
triunityHAHAHAHHAHA, I got it :D05:45
dogarrhea2is there something missing from yG and p?  i'm just trying to paste into another file after switching user05:45
triunityThanks for the tip!05:46
dr_willisdogarrhea2:   im not sure anyone in here knows what you mean by 'yg and p'05:46
dogarrhea2yG yank till end of line. p  Paste05:46
dogarrhea2here's what i do:  vi somefile yG  :q  su otheruser vi newfile p05:47
dr_willisvi dosent use the system clipboard, You could select, then middle click i belive. OR i think i saw some  mentionof a way to get vi to use system clipbord on a forum post somewhere.05:47
dogarrhea2oh wow. then yG is useless for my needs. i keep seeing that it copies to "system buffer"05:47
dogarrhea2but apparently it doesn't do anything useful like that05:47
dogarrhea2ugh. why can't they just make it easy to use/well documented05:48
dr_willisvi's buffers are not the same as the gnome clipboard.05:48
dogarrhea2i don't even know what this "system buffer" is then05:48
dr_willisvi's own internal buffer i would imagine.05:48
dogarrhea2according to all this so called "documentation" on the internet.05:48
dogarrhea2does it go away when you quit?05:48
dr_willisI would imagine so.05:49
dogarrhea2well i guess so since it doesn't work when i open a new one05:49
dogarrhea2can anyone lead me in the right direction?05:49
dr_willisrunning vi, then running a 2nd vi as a new user..  and expecting them to share the same buffer would be a little..  insecure also.05:49
dr_willisdogarrhea2:  this is on the console only? or in X?05:49
dogarrhea2i'm using putty05:49
dr_willisthat adds another layer of complexity then. :)05:49
dr_willisyou can write a buffer out to some temp file then read it in  to the second vi i imagine. ive never needed to do this sort of song and dance.05:50
dr_willisor hit up google perhaps for 'vi share buffers'05:51
dogarrhea2this is the problem:  admin only gave me sudo to switch users and not modify files05:51
dogarrhea2but i need to get one file to another folder05:51
dogarrhea2so i'm trying this stupid hack to get the file into the other folder05:51
dogarrhea2even though i'm installling software for a client05:51
dr_willisthe users cant modify their own files?05:51
nsadminhow do I install flash on 11.0405:51
dogarrhea2they can modify their own files.05:51
dogarrhea2but u can't copy05:52
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash05:52
dr_willisthey canyt use the 'cp' command?05:52
dogarrhea2so i'm trying to scrape from VI and then switch the user and paste it as a new user05:52
dogarrhea2i don't have write access to the folder.05:52
dogarrhea2in either user.05:52
rypervenchedogarrhea2: You can do it hold shift while selecting it, and open the new user's session in a new window05:52
dr_willisim missing where you are going to save the file to...05:52
quiescenshow can vi do it if you can't cp to it?05:53
dr_willisbut i do belive putty hsa some sort of buffer/clipboard feature.05:53
rypervenchedogarrhea2: and if your vim was compiled correct, a function like that does exist.05:54
dogarrhea2rypervenche, the file is 34590 lines long05:54
dogarrhea2i will be holding shift for a long long long long time05:54
rypervenchedogarrhea2: Well it does exist, like I said if vim was compiled with the feature.05:54
dr_willisI think this is getting beyond ubuntu support. :) sunce it seems to be a very very hacked up ubuntu system05:55
dogarrhea2blame verizon05:55
dogarrhea2they are managing the box05:55
quiescenswhat are you actually trying to do?05:57
quiescensrather than, what are you trying to get vi to do05:57
dogarrhea2i'm trying to cp a file over to another user's folder05:57
dogarrhea2when i don't have access to actually use cp05:57
quiescensthey blocked just the cp command?05:57
nsadminthanks, it's installing now05:58
dogarrhea2they blocked everything except allowing me to switch users..05:58
dogarrhea2(not to root)05:58
dogarrhea2that's all they allowed me to do. sudo su so and so user.05:58
dogarrhea2not root though05:58
Myrttiyou can sudo cp05:59
dogarrhea2Verizon thinks it's their job to screw me, another 3rd party contractor, so they can teach our primary client that they should let Verizon bill out as many horus as possible05:59
dogarrhea2because they are needed to provide proper access....06:00
quiescensneither user can even run cp but they can run vi?06:00
dogarrhea2what an abuse/neglience of contract06:00
dogarrhea2u can only cp to folders u own06:00
quiescenswell yes06:00
quiescensbut you have cp, you could cp potentially from elsewhere06:00
eVisetaxI have an acer aspire 5315 and I am trying to connect it to my TV using a monitor cable but when I plug the cable into my laptop and my tv  the tv still displays "No Signal"06:00
eVisetaxany ideas?06:00
quiescensor upload somewhere and just wget it back06:01
dogarrhea2wget doesn't work.06:01
quiescensor temporarily use something in /tmp06:01
dogarrhea2no permissions06:01
dogarrhea2hmm /tmp might work06:02
dogarrhea2i see a variety of owners of files there06:02
dogarrhea2instead of just 1 owner for every file06:02
dr_willisHmm.. sudo su - is root...06:03
dogarrhea2tmp hack doesn't work06:04
kkrowleyhaha cp06:04
dogarrhea2The file access permissions do not allow the specified action.06:04
quiescenswhat did you actually do?06:04
dr_williseVisetax:  what  video chipset?06:04
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kkrowleypedo bear approves;)06:04
dogarrhea2quiescens, i moved it to /tmp then tried to copy it over to the folder.. after switching user06:05
Guest17230anyone from texas?06:05
quiescensand checked permissions on the file before switching user of course06:05
dogarrhea2sudo su - is root but somehow it's not helping me.. i woudl've thought the other user i switch to would have extra privileges06:06
dogarrhea2it's like the file i'm trying to cp doesn't exist06:06
dogarrhea2is ''   a double quote or 2 single quotes when it comes to unnamed registers?06:06
dogarrhea2trying another hack.06:07
ed563654hi guys, im sorry but im about to give up installing unbutu, been trying for 3 days already and i know im a complete nub but lol im trying as hard as i can06:07
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dogarrhea2ed564654, if it's hardware, it's probably not worth your time to get it working06:07
ed563654i just want to leave my win7 copy there and install unbutu to learn it06:07
ed563654no its not hardware actually06:07
dogarrhea2as is the case for wireless drivers that aren't supported and video cards that aren't supported06:07
dr_willised563654:  you could always run it in virtual box to play with the OS.06:07
ed563654its jus me trying to get the installation to be recognized in the startup06:07
eVisetaxnevermind figured it out06:08
manny_713i had the same issues dogarrhea06:08
ed563654but it takes ages to load06:08
dogarrhea2manny_713 how did you solve?  scream at vendor? or some technical hack?06:08
dogarrhea2there is something even more screwed up about this box06:08
dogarrhea2u can only sudo su in 1 direction.06:08
manny_713for instence the wireless driver... i went out and bought a new one06:09
dogarrhea2if u try to sudo back to the original user it ignores u06:09
tenXmanny_713: you bought a new driver?06:09
dogarrhea2doesn't say anything. but you still see the originaluser@whatever06:09
manny_713no a new wireless adapter06:09
tenXmanny_713: ;)06:09
quiescensare you trying to work as root, or two different users both of which are supposed to have admin access?06:09
quiescensor something?06:09
manny_713it was a quick 15 dollar fix06:10
dogarrhea2i'm trying to move/ copy a file from one user's folder to another06:10
tenXmanny_713: yeah there are even cheap chinese vendors with decent wlan hw06:10
dogarrhea2they said: "you have access to sudo su - someuser and sudo su -anotheruser06:10
dogarrhea2and that's all i have apparently.06:10
manny_713yup i cant even pronounce this new brand but it works amazing06:11
quiescenscan i back up a step, and double check, you checked the permissions on your file in /tmp when you tried to copy it into /tmp and then back out on the other user06:11
tenXmanny_713: what is it06:11
dogarrhea2yea.. linux is awful at supporting desktop hardware06:11
manny_713does anyone know where i can find like a local chatroom?06:11
quiescensalthough, you probably shouldn't use /tmp if its a sensitive file06:11
quiescensanother option is to pre authenticate sudo06:11
dogarrhea2pre authenticate?06:12
quiescensand then do something like cat file | sudo sh -c 'cat > newfile'06:12
zHammeRzsudo is only used to perform root level actions of your current username, if you want to switch user do it without sudo <G>06:12
manny_713i cant make out the name lol06:12
dogarrhea2zHammeRz i'm also having problems with that..06:12
Random832zHammeRz: sudo -u06:13
Random832or sudo su06:13
dr_willisyou got it backwards. - hardware makers are often awful at supporting linux.06:13
dogarrhea2someuser@somedomain[/]$su another user    Password:  I type the password.  someuser@somedomain[/]$06:13
dogarrhea2it completely ignores me..06:13
zHammeRztype whoami06:14
zHammeRzafter you su to another user06:14
dogarrhea2hmm it says i'm the user i su to06:14
dogarrhea2why is it still showing the old user06:14
edsonWhy does my videos and music automatically pause when I don't use the mouse?06:14
zHammeRzof course it does06:14
zHammeRzwhy not just make another terminal connection as the other user?06:14
edsonAnyone experienced it?06:15
dogarrhea2zHammeRz how is that going to help?06:15
dogarrhea2just curious06:15
Todd-Lreally can't believe my ubuntu died 3 times after installed....06:15
elkydogarrhea2, so you can become the users independently, but that's all?06:16
zHammeRzdogarrhea2, then you won't have to su?06:16
dogarrhea2zHammeRz i'm trying to copy 1 file into another persons folder06:16
elkydogarrhea2, copy it to /tmp as the first user, copy it back out as the other user06:16
dogarrhea2elky, permission denied06:16
dr_willisif that other person can chmod dirs in their home. they could make one writeable by others.06:16
quiescensdogarrhea2: when you copied to /tmp, did you check the file permissions?06:16
dr_willisbut this is getting to be a 'my server is way messed up beyone ubuntu standards'06:17
zHammeRzsudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/destination06:17
dr_willisIf the os even is ubuntu. :)06:17
dogarrhea2i started as user1 and copied to temp. then i sudo su - to the other user and tried to copy06:17
* quiescens waves hands around06:17
dogarrhea2and it does not work.06:17
quiescensfine ignore the question for the 3rd time06:17
zHammeRzyou are confusing sudo and su06:17
dogarrhea2not really. sudo is just saying "i'm admin" and su is "switch user"06:18
zHammeRzyou don't need root level access to perform a switch user06:18
dogarrhea2ok i'm gonna ignore that one.06:18
dogarrhea2but yea the file is only read/write06:18
dogarrhea2which is why i was trying to vi copy paste it06:19
dogarrhea2read/write for the user.06:19
rypervenchedogarrhea2: lol, keep ignoring help and you won't get any after a bit :P06:19
zHammeRzdogarrhea2, sudo cp /path/to/file /path/to/destination (As your original user)06:19
blsh0pwhen does oneiric oselot come out non-beta?06:19
quiescensprobably october06:20
dogarrhea2 user myuser is not allowed to execute06:21
dogarrhea2this is for trying to execute cp.06:22
dogarrhea2back to square 106:22
os1riscan someone please help. I am trying to run dual monitors on ubuntu. When they are currently in mirror mode which i do not want. When I change it in the pref.  says its outside the limit.. Can anyone help?06:22
dogarrhea2there has to be some VI hack..06:22
dogarrhea2god forbid i look at the 34000 line file and manually copy it06:22
dogarrhea2i can't even paste it without messing up with ^M06:22
dogarrhea2doing this putty stuff06:23
* dr_willis wonders if theres sshfs for windows.06:23
dr_willisyou could scp it to the windows box. then scp it bgack as the other user. :)06:23
zHammeRzwhat version of ubuntu are you running?  If those commands do not work, your system is locked down, or you're typing things incorrectly06:23
* quiescens can think of a couple possibilities06:23
edsonWill Lubuntu be really an official Ubuntu in the next release?06:23
dr_williszHammeRz:  now you are getting to the core of the issue :)06:23
dr_willisedson:  ive heard it will be. but i imagine it depends on   how well finished it is.06:24
zHammeRzdogarrhea2, mail the file to him06:24
dogarrhea2i'm betting the system is locked.06:24
dogarrhea2but there is no way to copy paste from vim?06:25
dr_willisim wondering if the system even is ubuntu.06:25
zHammeRzdogarrhea2, type lsb_release -a06:25
dr_willisI sort of mentioned that about an hr+ ago. :)06:26
quiescensthey seemed more focused on finding a way to copy and paste from one user, to another user on the same system in vim, than actually trying the suggestions people provided06:27
dr_willisand i dont really see how  it was covered under 'ubuntu support' :)06:27
zHammeRzPeople just don't listen when you suggest stuff..copying a file from one user dir to another user dir when you have sudo access is open and shut.  If it doesn't work it's locked down for a reason06:27
dr_willisthen theres always the scp it here, then scp it there.. method.06:28
quiescenswhen we told them to copy to /tmp, they said they couldn't copy it back out of /tmp on the other user, I asked for them to check the file's permissions in /tmp 3 times06:28
zHammeRzlol quiescens06:28
quiescensthen there is of course what dr_willis just said06:28
quiescensbut they didn't try either option06:28
quiescensi offered a cat (file) | (sudo or su -c) cat > (file) type option as well06:29
Myrttirigtho people, moving on06:29
Myrttidebriefing at #ubuntu-offtopic06:29
Myrttisession starts at xx:30 of the current hour06:29
vibhavhow do I add album art to my music in banshee?06:30
histovibhav: i think there's a plugin you can enable that will pull album art automatically06:31
vibhavhisto - How do I install it?06:32
zHammeRzvibhav, are you able to right click on where the album art "should" be and browse too it?  I assume you have it downloaded already or do you want the app to auto-download it?06:32
vibhavGot it thanks!06:32
vibhavThanks zHammeRz  histo06:32
histovibhav: banshee should fetch from last.fm i believe06:33
vibhavhisto - how do do that?06:33
histovibhav: don't know that's just what I gathered from a quick google search. I don't use banshee06:34
vibhavhisto - Thats fine I am manually doing it06:34
histovibhav: http://banshee.fm it says under features that cover art is automatically fetched from multiple sources. Perhaps there is a problem with your tagging that it can't find the appropriate art.06:36
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marcpvhi, how can I install Xubuntu over Ubuntu 11.04?06:47
auronandacemarcpv: sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop06:48
chapchahey guys06:48
chapchatrying to install https from https://www.eff.org/issues/privacy06:48
marcpvanyone can help me?06:49
chapchaand it says author not verifyed06:49
chapchashould i trust the site???06:49
auronandace!packages | chapcha06:49
ubottuchapcha: You can browse and search for Ubuntu packages using !Synaptic, !KPackageKit, !Adept, "apt-cache search <keywords or regex>", or online at http://packages.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu has about 30000 packages available, so please *search* for an official package before installing things in awkward ways!06:49
urlin2umarcpv, you want the xubuntu-desktop alongside the others correct06:50
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phelippeAll people on this channel and anyone talk about anything? I do not understand this irc06:57
dr_willisphelippe:  what? We discuss ubuntu support. thats thefocus of this channel06:58
dr_willisgeneral chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic06:58
jinu_how to get memory map in linux?06:58
dr_willisjinu_:  a map for what purpose?06:58
nsadminI wanna put a time display on one of my panels..how would I do that?06:59
phelippeThere are anyone alive?06:59
dr_willisnsadmin:  you mean one of the gnome panels? theres a clock widgit i thoght06:59
dr_willisphelippe:  yes.  1000+ people in here.06:59
marcpvurlin2u: yes, please06:59
dr_willisit IS  3AM in the usa also. :) so its a bit slow.06:59
urlin2umarcpv, per auronandace sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop07:00
jinu_dr_willis:to just study how the mapping is happen?07:00
phelippedr_willis: really thanks, because on brazil channel ubuntu's never talk to me. I think need send some doctors there to help all07:00
dr_willisit pays to know english i guess. :)07:01
marcpvwhen I try to install xubuntu-desktop, it say it has to remove ubuntu-desktop07:01
dr_willismarcpv:  thats not a problem07:01
dr_willisboth are meta-packages that just pull in other packages.07:01
phelippeAnyone here play any game? mmorpg or fps, rts, any?07:02
marcpvso I will keep the 2 desktops?07:02
ubottuInformation about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php and http://www.penguspy.com/07:02
dr_willismarcpv:  you pick what one to use at the Login screen normally07:02
phelippe do not wanna information, i wanna know who or how many people play what07:03
marcpvok, thanks a lot07:03
dr_willisphelippe: general chitchat in #ubuntu-offtopic this channel is for support questions.07:03
nsadminphelippe channel's kinda big for that07:03
dr_williswith 1000+ people we have to stay focused.07:04
phelippedr_willis: okay sorry, i am new here. but i understand what did you talking about. You have reason.07:04
thoidingjam /msg NickServ identify <password>07:04
chacatchahi again07:05
dr_willisplus everyone knows that 'nethack' is the ultimate game. :)07:05
chacatchasorry how was to install the https again???07:05
chacatchai used apt-get install, but it doesnt find the package07:05
dr_willischacatcha:  you normally install things using the package manager tools.07:05
dr_willisinstalling 'https' makes no sence.. ive never heard of an app called 'https'07:05
dr_williswhatever package manger tools you like.07:06
dr_willissynaptic is one :)07:06
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)07:06
chacatchado i need to have activated some universe or multiverse for the https?07:06
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories and http://www.ubuntu.com/project/about-ubuntu/components - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories07:07
dr_willisYou could clarify what you mean by 'https'07:07
chacatchahttps everywhere07:07
thoidingjamHello, what was the cmd i am to type in console to find out the unbuntu version?07:07
ubottuTo find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »07:07
dr_willischacatcha:  thats still not very clear07:08
thoidingjamty ubottu07:08
The_BROSHello! Is there anybody here who uses Unity interface?07:08
chacatchawell, im using wireless on a non very friendly enviroment07:08
dr_willisThe_BROS:  a great many people use Unity.07:09
urlin2uThe_BROS, many.07:09
chacatchathats why i need to install https everywhere07:09
dr_willischacatcha:  if you want your browser to always default to https when it can. that would be a browser plugin i imagine.07:09
chacatchayeah, im using firefox07:09
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chacatchaand the plugin is called https everywhere07:10
The_BROSIs it difficult to get used to it?07:10
thoidingjamIn 9.10 karmic i cannot reinstall chrome anymore. please help. it used to work before. i did factory reset and now fails07:10
thoidingjamgoogle chrome*07:10
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urlin2uthoidingjam, you know that karmic is end of realease?07:10
chacatchathe point is, that firefox said that the author could not be verifyed07:11
dr_willischacatcha:  if its a firefox plugin - then download/install it in firefox..07:11
chacatchayeah, i know07:11
thoidingjamuilin2u i dont know anything about it07:11
dr_willisthats not really a ubuntu issie chacatcha .  the signing of plugins is somtning ff and theff plugin web site handel07:11
urlin2uchacatcha, that doesn't protect the wireless per-say07:11
dr_willisif you trust the site.. hit ok.. i guess.. if not.. well.. do without07:12
thoidingjam<urlin2u> till yesterday i was using google chrome, after reinstallation i cant get chrome in my system07:12
urlin2uthoidingjam, I don'y use chrome or chromium personally, you get the question I asked though07:12
StrangeCharmchacatcha, that's because the addon isn't distributed through addons.mozilla.org, so the developer (the eff) isn't vetted by mozilla07:13
tittuhi, I am running windows 7 and i mounted my disc image in a virtual drive. I have an external hard disk connected to my system. when i run the usb-creator.exe , it doesn't show that hardisk in usb devices. can anyone helo me with that please. thanks!07:13
ubuntu_I have a new computer that I'm trying to install ubuntu 11.10 on along side Windows.  Install works fine but when the computer reboots it goes str8 to windows without the grub menu.  can anyone help?07:13
ActionParsnipubuntu_: ask in #ubuntu+1 for oneiric until release day please07:14
urlin2uubuntu_, go to ubuntu+1 that is the 11.10 channel.07:14
StrangeCharmchacatcha, once you confirm that you're connecting to the eff via a legit https connection, you can rely on the download. you could also download it and check it against the signature file07:15
urlin2uthoidingjam, karmic is not supported anymore, although that shouldn't sffect chrome.07:15
chacatchaStrangeCharm, that is a good idea07:15
ActionParsnipKarmic was great07:15
thoidingjamtill yestersay it was working, i did os reinstallation and it doesnt support anymore. i was confused.07:16
thoidingjamanyways thats it  thanks.07:16
chacatchaor md5 if i can find it07:16
ubottuSee https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes for the md5sums of Ubuntu discs.07:16
excelsiorhelp please, Unity taskbar is glitching on the first three icons. Instead of their titles, I'm getting a glitchy gibberish.07:20
excelsiorhelp please, Unity taskbar is glitching on the first three icons. Instead of their titles, I'm getting a glitchy gibberish.07:20
dr_willisI had all sorts of unity garbled image issues on my nvidia system.  but that box is now beta testing 11.10 :() havent seen it there.07:21
dr_willisexcelsior:  try a simple 'unity --restart' ?07:21
excelsiorunity: error: no such option: --restart07:23
AxlinTry: unity --replace07:24
excelsioryay, glitchiness is gone07:25
excelsiordr_willis: thank you very much.07:25
excelsiorI told it to be verbose in the terminal, and it spit out a lot of "failed" lines07:26
dr_willisI had to do that silly unity --replace so many times.. i decided to just go test the beta. :)07:27
excelsiorwhat does replace do?07:28
dr_willismakes it replace the existing widnow manager.. whch is itself.. so that makes it restart basically07:28
excelsioroh, the man page sez reset.07:29
dr_willisreset  does a resetof the SETTINGS.07:29
dr_willis  that may not be what you want. :)07:29
excelsiorthe wallpaper is pixelated, is that metacity?07:31
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dr_willisi woulent think that would  be a metacity issue07:32
dr_willistry changeing it perhaps07:33
excelsiorhow do I close the terminal without closing unity?07:33
dr_willisexcelsior:  use the exit command perhaps07:33
dr_willisavoide the close button when using terminal :)07:33
dr_willisages ago i set compiz to not show the close button on my terminal windows (or was it some other wm) so now i never use close button.07:35
excelsiornow firefox is glitchy07:37
excelsiorcan I make it redraw?07:37
GlowballMoving its window will probably work07:38
agentcI'm having network issues on a fresh install of ubuntu07:38
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agentcan ip is leased from dhcp but I can't ping out07:39
agentcwired connection07:39
excelsiorhow can I reset gnome to be the desktop?07:42
auronandace!classic | excelsior07:42
ubottuexcelsior: The default interface in Ubuntu 11.04 is !Unity. To switch back to regular !GNOME: log out, click your username, click the Session box at the bottom of the screen, and select "Ubuntu Classic".07:42
Glowballexcelsior: Relogin into "Ubuntu Classic". Note though that that option will disappear in 11.10.07:43
excelsiorcan we make it the default?07:43
auronandaceexcelsior: bear in mind though, that from 11.10 onwards gnome2 will not be an option07:43
excelsiorI'm setting this up for someone else, and I don't want to underachieve on my promises...07:44
excelsiorcan we make it the default?07:45
ikoniaexcelsior: then you shouldn't promise what you don't know how to deliver07:45
excelsiorcan we make it the default?07:46
urlin2uexcelsior, if you choose the classic it will default to it07:46
Glowballexcelsior: If I'm correct, it'll default to the last used DE, so yes07:46
excelsiorok, good, thank you.07:47
EugenicistLame question07:47
EugenicistI can't get wifi with an alfa while using it for ad-hoc can I?07:47
ikoniaexcelsior: just ask it07:47
ikoniaexcelsior: sorry, that was for Eugenicist07:47
ikoniaEugenicist: an alfa ?07:47
EugenicistAlfa wifi card07:47
dr_willisthats a brand ive never heard of.07:47
dr_williswhat chipset?07:47
ikoniaI have no idea what an alfa is07:47
EugenicistIt's an excellent wifi card07:48
dr_willisI have heard that with some chipsets ad-hoc  cant work.07:48
ikoniaall won't07:48
dr_willisI dont do adhoc enough to even begin to confirm that07:48
excelsiorI've been at a Python conference today. The asking to ask was grating. I wanted to write a "don't ask to ask" directive on the board.07:48
EugenicistNice man07:49
dr_willisEugenicist:  and what chipset is in it?07:49
EugenicistPython is awsome07:49
EugenicistI know it supports ad-hoc07:49
EugenicistI'm asking if I can use ad-hoc if the internet source is the alfa itself07:50
excelsioris there a way to log off into GRUB without a complete restart?07:50
EugenicistOr do I need another wifi card/ethernet07:50
cheche11.10 takes longer to start than 10.04 :-(07:50
ikoniaEugenicist: it will depend on the card in that situation, mostly no07:50
ikoniaEugenicist: 999.9999% "no"07:50
smwhow do you control cpu frequency scaling?07:51
auronandace!11.10 | cheche07:51
ubottucheche: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:51
excelsioris there a way to log off into GRUB without a complete restart?07:52
ikoniaexcelsior: no, grub is a boot loader07:52
xgt001hello i have oneiric beta and windows 7 in dual boot, i would like to install lucid along side... any way?07:52
urlin2usmw, there is a third party app that puts a control in the panel.07:52
ikoniaxgt001: not without a lot of pain thanks to the grub2 config in ubuntu07:52
ikoniaxgt001: the easier way is if your motherboard can select a boot device, putting it on a different disk, that's the sad but honest best way07:53
smwurlin2u, got any idea what that app is called?07:53
urlin2usmw, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/indicator-cpufreq-cpu-frequency-indicator-ppa-installation-instructions-included.html07:53
smwurlin2u, thanks07:53
xgt001ikonia: hmm...how about wubi inside windows?07:54
urlin2usmw, no problem/07:54
ikoniaxgt001: for me, that's a total no-go, I don't like it as a technology, that doesn't mean it won't tick your box though07:54
auronandacexgt001: a vm would be better than wubi07:55
dr_willisi saw a 'select what os to reboot to' thing for unity the other day on webupd8 blog site07:55
ikoniadr_willis: they normally just modify the grub config for the next boot07:56
dr_willisgrub also has a saved feature and theres some command that changes that from the cli i recall.07:56
ikoniadr_willis: a dirty hack and pointless application considering grub is a menu driven system07:56
dr_williscome up with a better way i guess. :) Grub2 is gettng so  complex its almost its own os.07:56
excelsiorwhen unity glitches, blocks of pixels seem to be switched around. They're all there, but they're out of order.07:57
dr_willisbut my laptop has 2 hard drives. :) I pick what OS i want via the F12 key.07:57
ikoniadr_willis: it will get scaled back to a simpler way, such as grub1, but with grub2 technology, it will get there, just needs to mature07:57
bullgard4'~$ uname -v' obtains the kernel version number. But what command obtains the (daily) build number?07:57
ikoniadr_willis: it's terrible that the bios is the best boot selector in the modern software of today07:57
ikoniabullgard4: what daily build number ?07:58
dr_willisive seen hardware switches you used to put in drive bays to select what HD to  use. :) old skool.07:58
ikoniathe kernel isn't built daily07:58
xgt001i want the global menu to show the menu's (file, edit etc) always so that i dont have to hover my mouse on the panel...is there any hack to make it always visible?? gconf?07:58
bullgard4ikonia: The one that is referred to here: http://www.mail-archive.com/kvm@vger.kernel.org/msg22945.html08:01
dr_willisxgt001:   seen somt tips/tweaks on it at the webupd8 blog site. but ieve never tried what you want to do.08:01
ikoniabullgard4: what version of ubuntu are you running ?08:01
gr33n7007halfa (chipset 8187) doesn't support ad-hoc mode only managed and monitor.08:05
hansg01how to change a primary parition to a logical partion using gparted08:09
speedwagonhi. i just upgraded to 11.04 and it seems that eth0 is not supported anymore which is bad since i need that to go to the internet (lan -> dhcp).08:10
auronandacehansg01: you don't change it, you'd have to copy it08:10
hansg01yeah how to copy it?08:11
hansg01i want to install ubuntu on my hp 1117tx08:11
hansg01but there are 4 primary partitions already installed08:12
ikoniahansg01: you can't08:12
ikoniahansg01: you need to delete partitions, create a logical partition, then create partitions within the logical partitions08:12
auronandacehansg01: one of those 4 needs to be an extended partition (into which you put logical partitions)08:13
waiguorenhi, i'm trying to connect to VPN but keep getting time out error with network manager (can connect fine with command line) i was wondering if there is some log i can find which will give me more info ?08:14
hansg01which one to delete hp_tools ,system or recovery?08:14
hansg01i knw if system is deleted the windows wudnt be able to boot08:15
urlin2uhansg01, do you have a backup?08:16
ikoniahansg01: you can't just delete any partition08:16
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ikoniahansg01: the data you delete needs to be a.) big enough to create partitions to hold the data you want b.) consecutive with the data you want to merge into one partition08:16
dr_willismake a backup dvd set BEFOR you delte partitions :)08:22
dr_willisjust in case you need to restore your system08:22
gluesniffmonkeyWhat is the recommended backup program for ubuntu 10.04?08:26
stephen_i have hp pavilion 64 bit i7core with 8gb ram what "archetecture"type of iso image do i use?08:27
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geirhastephen_: The 64-bit. The 32-bit will work too.08:28
stephen_right but when it has amd64 and i386,what are those?08:29
geirhaamd64 is the 64-bit, i386 is the 32-bit.08:30
mama58ciao a tutti08:30
OerHeks!backup | gluesniffmonkey08:30
ubottugluesniffmonkey: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning08:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».08:30
stephen_geirha: oh ok08:30
geirhaDon't let the amd in amd64 fool you. It works just as fine on intel 64-bit architectures08:31
RenaKunisakiwhat's with X crashing every time I try to take a screenshot08:44
stephen_can someone help me figure out to put a iso from my desktop onto a usb flash so i can use it to boot?08:49
psycho_oreosyou use unetbootin08:49
sven^stephen_: use any burning software08:50
stephen_no just from the terminal,i did it before but its not working now08:50
RenaKunisakiburning software for a USB stick?08:50
stephen_RenaKunisaki: a live usb08:51
sven^uh, sorry08:51
szal!liveusb | stephen_08:51
ubottustephen_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:51
vladimireap live-usb it's cool!08:51
rgb247hi to everyone, anyone can help me to configure warcraft 3 with wine ?08:52
stephen_szal: huh08:52
RenaKunisakiI wonder.08:52
RenaKunisaki!help | #ubuntu08:52
ubottu#ubuntu: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:52
RenaKunisaki!help > #ubuntu08:53
ubottu<RenaKunisaki> wants you to know: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:53
vladimirlook here http://www.linuxliveusb.com/08:53
RenaKunisakinow figure out how to make it join another channel and that could be used to mildly annoy people! :o08:53
stephen_vladimir: thats for windows08:54
tuxeruse usbcreater in ubuntu08:54
vladimiroh, sorry. It was link from my link-book08:55
stephen_so using the usbpendrive thing i hot "make startup disk"and i guess its done,it only takes a few seconds?>09:06
chapcatchahow do i close open ports?09:07
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madalinhow can i set the dhcp server to lease forever ?09:08
chapcatcha you funny09:09
bullgard4What is the command-line command to suspend the computer to suspend (to RAM)?09:11
jribbullgard4: try pm-suspend09:13
bullgard4jrib: I will. Thank you.09:13
Luca1Hi! Just a quick question: I would like to install kde on my Ubuntu desktop, but is it somehow possible to keep some kind of track of which packages are going to be installed so that, in case I don't want it anymore I can rollback precisely? I have some KDE applications already and I would like to keep those during rollback.09:13
madalinanyone can tell me how i can set the dhcp server to lease permanently based on the mac ?09:14
madalinLuca1: /var/log/apt/ is for you :)09:14
ooooany 1 know how to minimize rhythmbox in Gnome3?09:15
Luca1madalin: thanks! But... will I have to select all the packages manually? I see installing kubuntu-desktop is bringing in hundreds of packages :-)09:15
joepaI've lost the ability to set my laptop to suspend (or hibernate) on lid close in oneiric09:15
joepaI see the option in power settings, it's just greyed out09:15
jrib!oneiric | joepa09:16
ubottujoepa: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:16
ooooonce I click close, the application just quit instead of minize09:16
joepaI can suspend/hibernate manually by calling pm-* from teh command line09:16
ooooany one know how to do?09:16
joepajrib: ???09:16
joepajrib: I'm asking to see if anyone else is experiencing the problem09:16
jribjoepa: oneiric is still in development.  Support in #ubuntu+1, not here09:17
joepaI don't see any recent bugs in launchpad along the same lines09:17
joepajrib: I didn't know about #ubuntu+109:17
joepajrib: thanks09:17
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sveinseI remember finding a meta package which contains a lot of scripts and utilities for building deb packages, but I don't remember its name. Anyone who do?09:23
FxIIIhi all09:28
sven^how do I really get rid of that stupid command-not-found?09:29
sven^i did an apt-get remove but now I only get errors09:29
hansg01i m using ubuntu 10.1009:30
[Ex0r]when I install new drivers, does it automatically reconfigure and overwrite the old oens?09:30
hansg01how to enable wireless in my hp g6 1117tx?09:30
ikoniasven^: install the commmand that's missing09:30
ikonia!wireless | hansg0109:30
ubottuhansg01: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs09:30
sven^ikonia: no, I want to get rid of it. It's quite an useless feature, that's why I removed it09:31
ikoniasven^: what did you remove ?09:31
Mkaysisven^: run "gksudo gedit /etc/bash.bashrc" and comment lines 50-63, I think09:31
sven^apt-get remove command-not-found ikonia09:32
ikonia!info command-not-found09:32
ubottucommand-not-found (source: command-not-found): Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions. In component main, is standard. Version 0.2.41ubuntu2 (natty), package size 8 kB, installed size 144 kB09:32
ikoniasven^: dpkg -l | grep command-not-found09:32
sven^Mkaysi: that's a workaround, yes. But since there are nice ifs around that part of bash.bashrc I would rather have apt really remove the package when I tell it to ;)09:32
Giac0m0hey guys kernel.org is still down for investigation. Is there a reliable mirror that I can use in the meantime?09:33
[Ex0r]lol investigation?09:33
ikoniaGiac0m0: just select a different mirror from the software sources tool09:33
sven^ikonia: uhm, yeah? It shows the package09:33
ikoniasven^: can you show me the full line please.09:33
sven^different machine, but I can type it... command-not-found 0.2.43ubuntu1 Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions09:34
sven^and there is also command-not-found-data09:34
Giac0m0well i'm looking to download the a file form wireless.kernel.org so i don't think it is in the repositories09:34
ikoniasven^: please show me on the line from the machine in question, the ouptut of dpkg -l | grep command-not-found09:35
Giac0m0its a patch for my wireless driver09:35
sven^ikonia: that's what I typed above09:35
plouffeGiac0m0, what is kernel.org being investigated for?09:35
sven^ikonia: " command-not-found                0.2.43ubuntu1                Suggest installation of packages in interactive bash sessions"09:35
ikoniasven^: thats' the output of dpkg -l | grep command-not-found09:36
Giac0m0[Ex0r], plouffe their server got compromised a couple of weeks ago09:36
sven^ikonia: it's a small -L, right?09:36
ikoniasven^: there are no "i" or "ii" next to it09:36
ikoniasven^: correct09:36
Giac0m0kernel.com to by the way09:36
sven^ikonia: ah, sorry. There is a 'rc' in front of it09:36
[Ex0r]oh, nice09:37
ikoniasven^: ok - so reboot and it will be gone09:37
Giac0m0[Ex0r], plouffe, http://linux.slashdot.org/story/11/08/31/2321232/Kernelorg-Compromised09:37
sven^I apt-get remove'd it like 5 reboots ago ;)09:37
[Ex0r]anyone here know where I can get opengl supported ATI display drivers? I downloaded the official ones from amd.com, but they aren't correct09:37
ikoniasven^: basically it's removed the package, but because the binaries are in use (probably by your shell) it's not completed the remove09:37
ikoniasven^: really, and it's still not gone09:37
ikoniasven^: re-install the package, and then purge it, not remove it09:38
vibhav[Ex0r], Check whether your AMD/ATI graphics card model series is supported by the fglrx driver.09:38
ikonia[Ex0r]: use software from the ubuntu repos, not amd.com the ones in the ubuntu repos are validated to work with your ubuntu release.09:39
sven^ikonia: I think there is an error in the bash.bashrc. In some way the if-statements are not enough to ensure that the package really is installed.09:39
vibhav[Ex0r], https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI#Installation09:39
sven^wait a minute...09:39
ikoniasven^: one thing at at a time, lets remove the package properly09:39
[Ex0r]vibhav- okay, but I am on cli09:40
vibhav[Ex0r],  uh..09:40
Peter_Bilthow to add a md drive?09:40
FxIIIis there a way to avoid pppd to ask for wins and ms-dns? my isp is a little buggy....09:40
[Ex0r]vibhav- I meant for as far as instructions, that page was for installing drivers using a window manager09:41
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vibhav[Ex0r],  Ok09:41
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sven^ikonia: I found the error. apt-get install command-not-found installs "command-not-found" and "command-not-found-data". apt-get remove/purge only removes command-not-found. So a apt-get autoremove fixes the issue09:42
vibhav[Ex0r], can you enable "Source Code' repository?09:42
ikoniasven^: excellent09:42
sven^is that normal?09:42
ikoniasven^: probably a dependency, so yes09:43
[Ex0r]vibhav- I already have it enabled09:43
sven^yeah, but is it normal that dependencies don't get removed? I think I saw apt remove dependencies without autoremove before09:43
ikoniasven^: that is normal09:43
[Ex0r]I installed the 10.8 drivers from the amd website, but when i try opening anything GUI related, it tells me that it needs opengl drivers09:43
vibhavDownload the drivers found from the ATI website , save it inside an empty folder09:44
shbkhello! does anybody know how to find out how many keys has my keyboard? I've tried lshw, hwinfo, lspci , but nothing09:44
vibhav[Ex0r],  ell me your graphic card model09:44
[Ex0r]fglrxinfo displays 'Unable to open display (null)'09:44
ikonia[Ex0r]: do not do that09:44
ikonia[Ex0r]: use the amd driver from within the ubuntu repositories09:44
[Ex0r]vibhav- it's an ati radon hd 545009:44
ikonia[Ex0r]: they are validated against your ubuntu install, and will work as a compabile module.09:44
[Ex0r]ikonia- okay, how do I remove these drivers I installed already than ?09:45
ikonia[Ex0r]: the ones from the external sites may not work with your current versions and are a mess to try to remove09:45
sven^hmm, I am a bit dissapointed that apt tells me "no longer needed" what should really mean "leads to errors if you do not remove it right now!", ikonia09:45
ikonia[Ex0r]: there we go....09:45
ikonia[Ex0r]: you've installed from the amd website, and it's a mess to remove09:45
ikoniasven^: no, leads to errors != no longer needed09:45
ikoniasven^: does autoremove not pick it up now ?09:45
vibhav[Ex0r], how did you install them?09:45
[Ex0r]vibhav- It gave me a .run file09:45
[Ex0r]I ran it from cli09:46
vibhav[Ex0r],  what was the output?09:46
[Ex0r]it said installation successful when it was done09:46
[Ex0r]so i rebooted machine09:46
sven^ikonia: yes it does. But still apt just tells me that it is no longer needed which I interprete as "I will do autoremove at some point when I am in the mood" and not as "I have to do it right now" ;)09:46
vibhav[Ex0r],  then?09:46
ikoniasven^: so if you do autormeove now, does it remove it for you (sorry if I've missed that in what you've already said)09:47
sven^ikonia: yes09:47
roastedwhere is pidgin's hidden folder stored in 11.04? I can't seem to track it down... I thought it was .purple but I'm not seeing it.09:47
[Ex0r]vibhav- nothing will load, its telling me an opengl compatible driver needs to be used09:47
MarcWeberWhich network analysis tools can be used to detect source IPs causing unusual high traffic (HTTP) even if its about SYN attacks only?09:47
ikoniasven^: ok, so that is expected behaviour09:47
vibhav[Ex0r], So you messed up X09:47
sven^ikonia: maybe the text about autoremove should be altered ;)09:47
ikoniaMarcWeber: fail2ban with bad-bots plugin can work well09:47
ikoniasven^: perhaps it's wording could be better09:48
[Ex0r]its like the new drivers messed with the config, fglrxinfo doesn't display anything, it says 'Unable to open display (null)'09:48
vibhav[Ex0r], can you boot it into recovery mode using grub?09:48
ikonia[Ex0r]: I'm not surprised by that09:48
ikoniavibhav: why does he need to be in recovery mode, he's already at a shell09:48
LarsAgerstrandHi! I tried to install suPHP to make it easier to manage joomla websites, now nothing works and I need some much appreciated noob help!:-)09:48
sven^ikonia: like "the following packages are no longer required and can lead to errors if you do not autoremove them" ;)09:48
[Ex0r]vibhav- I am at the shell09:48
[Ex0r]I just cant load up anything x related09:48
sven^ok, thanks, I am off09:48
vibhavikonia,  He could try ubuntu recovery mode09:49
ikoniavibhav: why ?09:49
ikonia[Ex0r]: do you have a file /etc/X11/xorg.conf currently ?09:49
vibhavikonia he could try FailSafeX mode09:49
ikoniavibhav: that's not going to "fix" anything09:50
[Ex0r]yes, I do, ikonia09:50
ikonia[Ex0r]: ok, remove it, or move it to your home directory09:50
ikonia[Ex0r]: that will put xorg back into an autodetection mode,09:50
ikonia[Ex0r]: rather than trying to hardcode settings.09:50
[Ex0r]okay, what if I just rename it?09:50
ikonia[Ex0r]: move it out of the directory to keep it clean09:50
vibhav[Ex0r], Move it out09:51
[Ex0r]its moved out09:51
ikonia[Ex0r]: if you reboot now, it should go back to a sane driver such as Vesa, the performance will be poor, but it will give you a platform to take this forward and resolve it09:51
kholerabbiis 11.10 stable enough to upgrade yet?09:52
ikonia[Ex0r]: you'll get the desktop back, no acceleration etc, but it will be a working desktop09:52
ikoniakholerabbi: no - it's not released, so not stable09:52
vibhavIf you've previously installed the ATI binary/proprietary driver (a.k.a Catalyst/fglrx), you need to make sure it's fully purged before trying to use the open-source ati/radeon driver - [Ex0r]09:52
ikoniakholerabbi: it will be stable enough for an upgrade once it's released.09:52
[Ex0r]vibhav- yeah, I need to remove the one I installed somehow09:52
kholerabbiikonia, it's just a home machine, I was more asking for people's experience then for a release date :P09:53
[Ex0r]nope it's still not working09:53
ikoniakholerabbi: "no"09:53
ikonia[Ex0r]: what's the issue now ?09:53
[Ex0r]same thing09:53
ikonia[Ex0r]: the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf is %100 gone ?09:53
vibhav[Ex0r], sudo apt-get remove --purge fglrx* , sudo apt-get remove --purge xserver-xorg-video-ati xserver-xorg-video-radeon , sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-ati , sudo apt-get install --reinstall libgl1-mesa-glx libgl1-mesa-dri xserver-xorg-core , sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg .....Am I right ikonia?09:54
ikoniavibhav: NO09:54
vibhavikonia why?09:54
ikoniavibhav: did you read what he said ! he installed them from the ATI site, not from the repos09:54
ikoniavibhav: where did you get that command ?09:54
[Ex0r]ikonia- Okay, after reboot xorg.conf is back in the directory again09:54
vibhavikoina Wiki command09:54
ikonia[Ex0r]: ok, that's intersting and that's also the issue09:55
[Ex0r]if it makes it any easier, the distro is ubuntu with xbmclive wrapped around it09:55
ikonia[Ex0r]: hand on heart I don't know how xbmclive would effect it09:56
[Ex0r]well, the error itself is coming from xbmc, it says 'xbmc needs opengl hardware acceleration. Please install the appropriate drivers'09:56
bullgard4jrib: '~$ sudo pm-suspend' works all right. --  Thank you again for your help.09:57
[Ex0r]I think something is wrong with the drivers themselves, because fglrxinfo is 'supposed' to display what drivers are installed09:57
[Ex0r]but it just says cant open display (null)09:57
GHostdoes it matter if its a xubuntu vs ubuntu09:57
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Guest58848i can have ubuntu instal and install xfce with xubuntu light weight09:58
JasonGriffeeCan I have someone verify the safety of this recommendation I have been given? it involves the /etc/init.d/rc script.09:58
MarcWeberikonia: Will those also learn about syn packets? I know that source can be spoofed. BUt if not I'd like to block source IP.09:58
jribJasonGriffee: just ask the question09:58
ikonia[Ex0r]: one moment, not forgot about you09:58
[Ex0r]ikonia- I am using that page you gave me (the wiki page), and it seems to be doing something different now as far as installing09:59
ikonia[Ex0r]: hang on there just 1 minute09:59
JasonGriffeein the /etc/init.d/rc script, is it safe to set "CONCURRENCY=shell"09:59
ikonia[Ex0r]: I'm just having a quick look to see if xmbc has anything to do with the re-creation of the xorg10:01
ikonia[Ex0r]: just want to check that out before you pull anything10:01
ikonia[Ex0r]: is your machine on the network ?10:02
[Ex0r]ikonia- yes10:02
ikonia[Ex0r]: could you sudo apt-get install pastebinit10:02
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ikonia[Ex0r]: it's just a command that allows you to pastebin from the command line10:02
jrib!away > jkr-away10:03
ubottujkr-away, please see my private message10:03
ikonia[Ex0r]: could you "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | pastebinit" please.10:03
JasonGriffeein the /etc/init.d/rc script, is it safe to set "CONCURRENCY=shell"?10:04
ikonia[Ex0r]: interesting, ok, so lets try to do a little "hack" to get you a basic desktop, is that ok as a method going forward ?10:04
hansg01i musing ubuntu 10.10 on my hp g6 1117tx10:05
[Ex0r]whatever fixes it, haha10:05
hansg01wireless prob10:05
ikonia[Ex0r]: are you "ok" with a text editor ?10:05
[Ex0r]I can use pico and nano10:05
ikonia[Ex0r]: ok, so "sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf"10:05
hansg01@ikonia can't find nething from the doc you gave10:05
ikonia[Ex0r]: we'll try to change the config file, rather than remove it10:05
SavageWolfInteresting, I just upgraded to 11.10, and it set /tmp to rwxr-xr-x...10:05
Myrtti!oneiric | SavageWolf10:05
ubottuSavageWolf: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+110:05
[Ex0r]okay, its open10:05
ikonia[Ex0r]: go to the line that says Driver "fglrx"10:06
hansg01nothing visible as wireless in the taskbar10:06
ikonia[Ex0r]: change the "fglrx" to "vesa"10:06
hansg01there is a red ! on network manel on panel10:06
ikonia[Ex0r]: if it re-creates it when we remove it, hopefully it will leave it alone if we just alter it10:06
ikonia[Ex0r]: try restarting X / rebooting10:07
[Ex0r]k, give me a couple secs to reboot10:07
ikonia[Ex0r]: lets see if it alters it back, in honesty I don't normally use ati so I don't know what's re-creating10:07
[Ex0r]I generally dont like nvidia, nothing but problems with them hardware wise, so ive dedicated to ati10:07
ikonia[Ex0r]: as in I don't know what's re-creating it, I'm guessing some ati config tool, but I don't know what's launching that and how10:08
[Ex0r]hmm, okay10:08
ikonia[Ex0r]: I'm having a little research now to see if that's normal or something xmbc does10:08
[Ex0r]it appears that its doing it again10:08
ikonia[Ex0r]: so it's changed the config file back ?10:08
[Ex0r]no i think its in vesa now10:08
[Ex0r]but its giving the same error10:08
racho[Ex0r], at grub menu press 'e' and modify the starting parameters 'quiet splash' to 'nosplash nomodeset'10:08
ikonia[Ex0r]: have a look at the /etc/X11/xorg.conf file10:08
JasonGriffeein the /etc/init.d/rc script, is it safe to set "CONCURRENCY=shell"?10:09
ikoniaracho: are you suggesting this a problem before it gets to X11 ?10:09
[Ex0r]nope its still the same10:09
[Ex0r]didnt modify it10:09
[Ex0r]Driver "vesa"10:09
racho[Ex0r], it will boot into safe "vesa" mode and you can use the apt-get or the restricted drivers to fix it10:09
ikonia[Ex0r]: so it does say "vesa" now10:09
ikonia[Ex0r]: Hmmm10:09
[Ex0r]ikonia- I'm not expert, but it appears that there is something wrong with the drivers10:09
ikonia[Ex0r]: well, you shouldn't be using the ati ones now according to that config10:10
[Ex0r]before I installed the ones from the site, it was working10:10
[Ex0r]I could boot right into xbmc10:10
ikonia[Ex0r]: remove the line Option "DPMS" "true" too from /etc/X11/xorg.conf please10:10
RESTRICTEDrestricted drivers to fix it10:10
racho[Ex0r], if you have an ati card put the fglrx drivers and somehow update your kernel or x-server there is always this kind of problem10:10
ikonia[Ex0r]: I understand that, but the config line you're using now shouldn't use the ati ones, it should use the failsafe ones10:10
ex0r2ikonia i removed that line10:12
ikoniaex0r2: oh, a different nick10:12
rachoikonia, first he needs to reconfigure xorg to user the new xorg.conf but it will probably spit an error out whie trying10:12
ex0r2yeah, i timed out, haha10:12
ikoniaracho: ??? it will use xorg.conf, you don't have to change anything to get it to use that file10:12
ex0rstupid connection10:13
ex0ri think im stable now10:13
ikoniaex0r: no problem.10:13
ex0rokay, I removed that line you asked me to10:13
ikoniaex0r: I'm not expecting it to make a massive difference,10:13
ikoniaex0r: I just want to check something10:14
racho[Ex0r], i really suggest to boot with 'nosplash nomodeset' and fix it with System Settings -> Additional Drivers10:14
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ex0rracho- xorg is installed, but its a very basic interface, and isnt set to load up automatically, xbmc loads up on bootup10:14
ikoniaracho: I agree the additional drivers tool is the way to fix it, but picking up the vesa driver is not working10:14
ikoniaracho: I'm wondering if xmbc is adding/doing something to it10:15
ikoniaracho: if you remove /etc/X11/xorg.conf something re-creates it, so I'm wondering if that's xmbc10:15
ex0rits possible, because xbmc is setup to load on bootup automatically10:15
rachoikonia, maybe it is. or it recreates it from xorg.conf.failsafe10:15
ikoniaracho: no, it re-creates it with the ati stuff, hence my caution10:16
ikoniaex0r: that's what I'm wondering10:16
ikoniaracho: the failsafe contains vesa for obvious reasons, something is re-creating the config with the ati stuff, and I can only assume (researching) that it's xmbc10:16
ex0rikonia- so do you have any ideas? Perhaps a config option in xbmc?10:17
ikoniaex0r: I'm just having a quick read through the xmbc docs, you could not have picked two worse topics for me, ati and xmbc, but the behaviour is odd, so I'm sure we can work it out10:17
ex0rikonia- okay10:18
panda__I have a quick question10:19
ex0rim browsing through the xbmc dir to see if I can see a config file somewhere, but there doesn't appear to be one10:19
panda__The '|' can be used to pass the output of one command to another10:20
ikoniaex0r: is it possible to disable xmbc from starting at boot (for a test)10:20
panda__I want to cd to a directory that I search for via string, but cd | ls | grep "words"10:20
panda__doesn't give me the right result10:20
ikoniapanda__: you can't do cd |10:20
ex0rikonia- no idea, I don't know how to do it10:20
ikoniaex0r: ah, ok10:21
panda__ikonia, can you suggest anything10:21
ikoniaex0r: what version of ubuntu is this10:21
Myrttipanda__: cd must be given the name of the directory you are moving to10:21
ikoniapanda__: ls -la /path/you want | grep words10:21
ikoniaex0r: in /etc/X11/xorg.conf is there a xorg.conf.failsafe ?10:21
ex0rikonia- http://pastebin.com/H96UGyTv10:22
panda__ikonia, I'm looking to change into the directory that I have searched for10:22
ikoniaex0r: that's interesting having the ofirinals too10:23
ex0rthats the entire /etc/X11 directory10:23
ikoniaex0r: originals10:23
panda__hence the cd10:23
ikoniapanda__: you need to script that sort of thing10:23
ikoniapanda__: with results evaluation10:23
ex0rthey are empty, ikonia10:23
panda__cool, sounds fun10:23
userj #php10:23
ikoniaex0r: odd odd10:23
ex0rikonia- except the fglrx one10:24
ex0rthat has stuff in it10:24
panda__where can I place a script file for me to be able to go ~$: func param param10:24
panda__so that func is recognised as useable in any directoy10:24
ikoniaex0r: let me see if we can build a failsafe xorg config10:24
th0rpanda__: I think ~/bin will work10:25
ex0rthis is very frustrating, seems like its almost easier just to reinstall the livecd10:25
panda__th0r, awesome, I thought so too :)10:25
ex0rikonia- okay, let's do it10:25
ex0rThank you so much for the help, by the way10:25
ikoniaex0r: just one minute10:25
ikoniaex0r: no problem, I'm sorry it's not better out of the blocks10:25
ex0rBlame it on ATI :)10:25
ex0rExcellent hardware, crap software10:26
ikoniaex0r: actually it maybe easier to do it this way10:26
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ikoniaif someone could pastebin their /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe, you could then wget it10:27
kayamanhi all10:27
ex0rdoes it have to be from the same xorg version?10:27
ikoniaex0r: no, just a sane ubuntu failsafe10:27
ikoniaex0r: I don't have an ubuntu box to hand to give you one myself,10:27
ikoniaex0r: failing that we'll build one from scratch10:27
ikoniaex0r: one more thing to check "grep "/etc/X11/xorg" /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:29
ikoniaex0r: lets see what file it wants to use10:30
ex0rusing config file: /etc/X11/xconfig.org10:31
ikoniaex0r: that's grep "/etc/X11/xorg" /var/log/Xorg.0.log10:31
ikoniaex0r: ooooh10:31
ex0rsorry, typo :)10:31
ikoniaex0r: so it is using xorg.conf, fine10:31
ikoniathat's worth checking10:31
ex0rgot two different keyboards here, confusing10:32
ikonianot a problem10:32
ex0rikonia- I wonder if aticonfig has something to do with it ?10:33
ikoniaex0r: no doubt that's what created it10:33
ikoniabased on the comments in the file10:33
ikoniaex0r: the bit I'm surprised about it the re-creation10:33
ikoniaex0r: that maybe a genuine ati feature, I don't know10:33
ex0rmaybe catalystc control center is starting up at startup and rechanging it?10:34
ikoniaex0r: could you pastebin the output of "ls -la /etc/init.d" please10:34
ikoniaex0r: lets have a look at that while I try to digout the xorg failsafe10:34
ikonia(unless someone with an ubuntu box on here would be kind enough to pastebin their /etc/X11/xorg.conf.failsafe)10:34
JasonGriffeein the /etc/init.d/rc script, is it safe to set "CONCURRENCY=shell"?10:35
ex0rlook at #7610:36
ikoniaex0r: that's ok, thats xmbc10:37
ikoniaex0r: we'll come back to that if the xorg failsafe doesn't play10:37
ex0rim also trying to find xorg.conf.failsafe10:38
ikoniaex0r: for some reason it doesn't appear to be on your machine, but you do have some oddones installed in there too, so I don't know what's happened10:39
ikoniaex0r: where was that ?10:39
ex0rI found it on google10:39
ex0r"xorg.conf.failsafe pastebin10:39
ikoniaex0r: that's it, perfect, put that in place on in /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:39
ikoniaex0r: so that's utter back to basics,10:39
ex0rcan I wget that ?10:40
ikoniaex0r: errr no, I don't think so10:41
ikoniaex0r: it would get the pastebin webpage, rather than the content10:41
ikoniause that10:41
ikoniaex0r: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=H96UGyTv10:42
panda__ikonia, I did cd $(ls | grep words)10:43
panda__gave me the exact result I needed10:43
ex0rikonia- thats a paste of my x11 directory10:44
ikoniaex0r: oops, sorry.10:44
ikoniaex0r: http://pastebin.com/download.php?i=K1TjZnW410:44
ex0rokay, done10:45
ikoniaex0r: lets try it10:45
ex0rokay, what do we do?10:46
ikoniaex0r: restart X/reboot10:46
ikoniaex0r: (I assume that is now your /etc/X11/xorg.conf file10:46
ikoniaex0r: as in that data is your config file10:46
ex0rlol no whoops10:46
ex0rI saved it as xorg.conf.failsafe10:47
ikoniaex0r: no problem, copy it to your xorg.conf file too (as well as)10:47
ex0rdone, now lets reboot10:47
ex0rikonia- it started loading up xbmc, than kicked me out to terminal10:48
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ikoniaex0r: ok, so that's a step forward, we know that a.) your xorg will start b.) xmbc is causing an issue here10:49
ex0rand xorg.conf is still how it was before reboot10:49
ThonEneydoes someone know how can i make ubuntu no manage updating chrome/firefox?10:49
ikoniaex0r: ok, so the xorg.conf is still containing the failsafe data10:49
ikoniaex0r: ok, so lets look at disabling xmbc first10:49
llutzThonEney: set packages you don't want to upgrade on hold (aptitude hold <packagename>)10:51
ex0rikonia- im assuming we have to modify /etc/init.d10:51
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dr_willisThonEney:  how do you want to mange it then?10:51
ikoniaex0r: that would be the simple way of doing this10:52
ThonEneywell they have their own update managers i don't see why they shouldn't use those10:52
ikoniaex0r: move (not copy) the xmbc file in /etc/init.d to xmbc.disabled10:52
ikoniaex0r: I can't remember what the file was called xmbc.conf ?10:53
llutzThonEney: not those from the repos10:53
dr_willisThonEney:  because each user would need to update the program theirselfs..10:53
ex0rmove xbmc-live xbmc.disabled10:53
ikoniaex0r: was it called xmbc-live ?10:53
ex0rokay, done10:53
ThonEneyi'm the only user, the reason is because chrome updates always seem to be 20ish mb, i don't think regular ones are that much10:53
ikoniaex0r: ok, lets me super sure, move xmbc-live.disabled to your home directory10:54
ikoniaex0r: that way there is nothing in the init.d directory to launch into upstart10:54
ikoniaex0r: I don't know how xmbc is as an upstart script, so lets make sure by moving it out of the way10:54
dr_willisuse the chrome stable ppa and you wont have as many updates10:54
ex0ralrighty, done10:54
ikoniaex0r: ok, now lets reboot10:54
ex0rokay, its rebooting10:55
ex0rstill loading up10:55
ThonEneydr_willis, i believe this is the stable channel10:56
ex0rikonia- it loads xbmc up still10:56
ex0rbut than crashes back to terminal10:56
ikoniaex0r: wow, I wonder what's doing that10:56
ikoniaex0r: how did you install xmbc10:56
ex0rikonia- it comes on a livecd10:57
ex0ryou put the livecd in and install, and it installs it all together10:57
ikoniaex0r: oooh, so this isn't a stock ubuntu distro ?10:57
ikoniait's an xmbc one based on ubuntu10:57
Peace_MakerHi all10:57
ex0rits ubuntu with some xbmc stuff added to it10:57
dr_willisex0r:  you are using the xbmc live cd? it was very flakey last i tried it.10:57
ex0rwhen it starts up, it shows ubuntu 10.0.4 or something10:57
ikoniaex0r: ok, lets jump into the channel ##linux and work this through10:58
dr_willisex0r:  was eeaier to install ubuntu, then install xmbc :)10:58
ikoniaex0r: as this channel only supports official ubuntu builds,10:58
ex0roh, i figured with it being ubuntu it was10:58
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ikoniaex0r: not a problem, we'll pick this up in ##linux10:58
dr_willisMost people dont even know there is a xbmc cd :) it was a little out of date last i looked at it.10:58
ex0rim banned in there for some reason10:58
ex0ri cant talk10:58
ikoniaex0r: ahhh you need to register10:58
ikonia!register | ex0r10:59
ubottuex0r: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode10:59
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sweb1is ubuntu 11.10 still using Unity ?11:03
dr_willisof course11:04
dr_willisits going to be the default for the foreseable futyre11:04
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sweb1dr_willis, Ubuntu lose many user to use this feature. i don't like Unity. :(11:08
dr_willissweb1:  im not about to sit here and debate  it..  its a new feature and it has improved in 11.10 by 1000%11:08
dr_willisI can rember when gnome was 'new' and buggy like crazy.. same for kde (twice now) and other  new things..11:08
sweb1dr_willis, GNOME UI is more friendly with user. Canonical must support the GNOME instead create an alternate desktop feature such as Unity11:09
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dr_willissweb1:  You need to research it a bit more..  unity is running on top of gnome 3.11:09
dr_willisand you can easially install gnome3/gnome-shell if you want on 11.1011:09
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ikoniasweb1: canonical don't have to do any such thing, they have chosen the direction for their desktop, you must choose if you want to use it11:10
dr_willisthe gnome2 devs have stopped work on gnome2 and moved to gnome3 - which is just as new as unity.11:10
dr_willisif you want an old-skool classic desktop theres Lubuntu/lxde and Xfce.11:10
dr_willisLubuntu has gotten VERY VERY well done. in 11.10 :)11:11
zakwilsonThose tend to be light and fast if that makes a difference.11:11
oooaaaooohelp! Ubuntu 11.04 on samsung nc110 netbook keeps freezing all day11:11
shbki want to find out how many keys my keyboard has.  i have tried lshw , lspci,  hwinfo, sysinfo,hardinfo.  i am planning if this bash function to use it in c++ via   system() call, afterward receive output, parse it and take what i needed. i 've  almost all info about system which is needed.  but I'm confused with keyboard. how can i do this in c++ or bash?11:11
oooaaaooowhat should I do?11:12
zakwilsonUnity feels like it wants to be Mac OS X for power users or some such.11:12
zakwilsonshbk: why don't you count them?11:12
dr_willisI dont find Unity like OS-X at all.. but ive used GUI's since the old C64GEOS and win3.x days :)11:12
* dr_willis is old.11:12
zHammeRzon the otherhand I absolutely love Unity and the way it works/interacts with the desktop11:13
shbkI ain't accountant11:13
dr_willisi have gotten where i just fullscreen apps and alt-tab around all day :)11:13
zakwilsonI used Win 3.1 and Mac OS 6 when they were current and I DO think Unity is Mac-like.11:13
dr_willisi rarely even use/see the unity panel11:13
oooaaaooohi guys my 11.04 has been freezing on me all day; is there a log that I can take a look at?11:13
geirhashbk: I don't think the keyboard emits that information11:13
dumbo88nobody remembers Apple II peeks and pokes :-(11:13
dr_willisdumbo88:  yes. :)11:14
sweb1yeah GNOME 3 also have many problem. Both GNOME 3 and Unity is so simpler and not useful for intermediate users11:14
shbkI 've seen it is possible under DOS11:14
sweb1i change my desktop to Ubuntu Classics for using 11.0411:14
sweb1i'm web developer. unity not good for me11:14
dr_willisgnome-3 has a fallback/classic type look.11:14
zakwilsonThe Unity panel (do they call it a panel?) is very dock-like and Unity has a semi-persistent menu bar kinda like Mac OS.11:14
geirhashbk: If it has windows keys, it's 105. Media buttons don't count as keys.11:14
oooaaaooowhats with all the offtopic crap??11:14
shbkI know11:15
dr_willisim seeing more and more creative keyboard layouts lately also.  Logitech removed some keys from the last keyboard i bought from them11:15
zakwilsonoooaaaooo: GUIs for Ubuntu are pretty on-topic I think. Nobody's answering your question because we don't know.11:15
zakwilsonFreezing sounds like it could be a video driver problem. /var/log/Xorg.0.log might have something.11:16
llutzzakwilson: its offtopic, this is support channel not general discussion11:16
oooaaaooozakwilson: what? this is the ubuntu support channel11:16
geirhashbk: I suspect the way to "detect" it is to have a database on it.11:16
dr_williscould be overheating also..  so without more details its hard to say11:17
shbkI think system has such information, but where does exactly?  I've looked /dev   /sys  /proc,  nothing11:17
dr_willis!info hwinfo11:18
ubottuhwinfo (source: hwinfo): Hardware identification system. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.0-2 (natty), package size 45 kB, installed size 112 kB11:18
ikoniashbk: I don't think it contains a keyboard count nativly11:18
ikoniashbk: keyboards don't normally offer the information "I have 62 keys"11:18
dr_willisthe installer dosent automtically detect the keyboard # i noticed. it did have some sort of wizard to help you figure out the keyboard.. but Im always on standard Usa/105's so never mess with them11:19
dr_willisof course half the time im on a laptop with an extra keyboard attatched. so i wonder what the system would detect in that case.11:19
shbkubottu: I tried hwinfo11:20
ubottushbk: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)11:20
craigbass1976I've done an apt-get --purge remove wine and still get /usr/bin/wine when I type which wine.  I also still see wine entries in the applications menu.  What'd I miss?11:22
sven_craigbass1976, wine1.2 wine1.3? aptitude search wine |grep ^i11:23
craigbass1976aptitude search wine |grep ^i11:23
craigbass1976hey, this isn't a terminal....  sorry sven_11:23
sven_craigbass1976, open one11:24
dr_willisthe user installed wine progrmas are NOT removed by the package manager.11:24
dr_willisthat would be very annoying if it did remove them all. :)11:24
craigbass1976sven_, I did, then accidentally pasted in here.11:24
dr_willisplus the which wine command may be showing the cached history/apps it saw in the path11:24
dr_willisis there a /usr/bin/wine binary still?11:25
craigbass1976dr_willis, where are those stored, /home/me/.wine ?11:25
dr_williscraigbass1976:  .wine for the actal stuff. and the icons come from some other dir. .config/apps   or somthing like that11:25
dr_willisthe point to rember is the package manager does not manage the stuff in the users home. :)11:25
craigbass1976That's the output of aptitude search11:26
dr_williscraigbass1976: is there a /usr/bin/wine binary?11:26
dr_willisdoes the command 'wine' work. :)11:26
craigbass1976It appears to be installing Sketchup11:27
craigbass1976dr_willis, sudo dpkg -r wine  ?11:30
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:33
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».11:38
dr_williscraigbass1976:  if you remove a binary there still may be a cache record of it  in things like wich and so forth. if  you are really worried about it.. you could logout/back in or reboot.11:38
craigbass1976dr_willis, there were all sorts of packages left though.  I did a dpkg -r or --purge on all of them.  Was that the right way to do it?11:39
thoidingjamwhen i try to install googl chrome it reads ERROR: WRONG ARCHITECTURE "amd64" any help?11:44
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szalthoidingjam: how are you trying to install it?11:45
thoidingjamthe chrome zip stable on site. i tried  to open with Gdebi package installer. it used to work before.11:46
szalthoidingjam: 'lsb_release -a' please11:47
dr_williscraigbass1976:  remove wine package, then perhaps sudo apt-get autoremove should get anything left over.11:47
dr_willisthoidingjam:  you got the 32bit binary/64bit when your system is the other type.11:47
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dr_williseasier tojust add the google ppa and install them that way11:47
thoidingjamubuntu 9.10 ka rmic11:47
dr_willisor repo.or whatever it is. :)11:48
thoidingjami tried beta too11:48
szalthoidingjam: out of support, sorry11:48
szal!eol | thoidingjam11:48
ubottuthoidingjam: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:48
thoidingjamit used to work. till yesterday11:48
thoidingjami reinstalled my os today morning and i cant get chrome back. i used to have it before ryt bfo the reinstall11:49
szalthoidingjam: upgrade to 10.04 or newer and we can continue, but for now it's EOD11:49
thoidingjamok to upgrade how do i help myself?11:49
szalthoidingjam: see above, 2nd link11:50
thoidingjamryt. moment11:50
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thoidingjamhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades it mentions about updrading from 9.10 to 10.04 LTS . but has no description as provided for below 9.1012:04
auronandacethoidingjam: you are better off just installing a new version from scratch12:05
thoidingjamwitha cd or something?12:06
auronandacethoidingjam: yeah, or usb12:06
thoidingjamis it available n market where do you recommend i get it from?12:07
auronandacethoidingjam: word of warning though: 10.10 and 11.04 come with unity by default12:07
oooaaaooohi guys am running 11.04 on a samsung nc110 netbook; would like the ability to select between b/g/n wifi networks , how do i do that?12:07
Sidewinder1thoidingjam, Why not just copy your /home to an ext. drive; download current ISO; md5sum it; burn to CD; install. Then copy /home back to HD?12:07
auronandace!download | thoidingjam12:07
ubottuthoidingjam: Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download !Natty, and help keeping the servers' load low!12:07
auronandaceSidewinder1: he's already reinstalled 9.04 fresh this morning, would be better to just have a fresh home partition12:09
th0rauronandace: and make it a separate partition so in the future upgrades will be easier12:09
auronandaceth0r: indeed12:09
Sidewinder1auronandace, OIC, sorry, didn't read ^up^ far enough. :-)12:10
oooaaaooohi guys am running 11.04 on a samsung nc110 netbook; would like the ability to select between b/g/n wifi networks , how do i do that?12:10
dr_willisyou mean you want to force it to use 'g' when you are on a 'n' network?12:10
oooaaaooodr_willis: no i want it to connect to g when a network supports multiple protocols12:11
oooaaaooodr_willis: or n, or b just want the ability to set it12:12
CurseorangeSo i am in need of repairing my GRUB anyone able to assist me? Much appreciated12:12
Cyrax5I need to edit a PDF file. Gimp can import each page of the pdf as an image and thus allow me to edit them. However how can I save those now edited pictures back into a pdf file?12:13
auronandaceCurseorange: what is wrong with it?12:13
th0rCyrax5: cups-pdf?12:13
Cyrax5th0r How do I do it with that?12:14
th0rCyrax5: cups-pdf creates a virtual printer so you can 'print' to a pdf file12:14
CurseorangeWell, when i boot my pc ( i have 2 partitions win7 and ubuntu) it boots and when it should allow me to choose between OS, it gives me the error "mode not supported" I am assuming it is because i installed the windows after the ubuntu, What options do i have to restore my GRUB so i have a selection again?12:14
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CurseorangeThat error for the record is from my monitor not my system12:15
auronandace!grub2 | Curseorange12:15
ubottuCurseorange: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)12:15
Cyrax5th0r Ah okay thanks I'll look into that now.12:15
CurseorangeOk, i shall take a look here.12:15
Fishman12aCurseorange: Or you can look here. This is (to me) a much simpler explanation and I have used it - http://sites.google.com/site/easylinuxtipsproject/grub12:17
oooaaaooo 11.04 on a samsung nc110 netbook;how do you select between b/g/n connection offered by a given access point?12:17
Curseorangefishman12a well i mean it says all ill really have to do is install that repair boot cd, right? and run that? simple enough12:17
Fishman12aCurseorange: Usually. Your problem doesn't seem that severe12:18
PolahCurseorange, you can do it from a LiveCD12:18
CurseorangeNah i just overwrote it12:18
Polahoooaaaooo, why would you need to switch between protocols?12:18
th0roooaaaooo: as far as I know there isn't any way to do that.12:18
CurseorangeI can do it from a liveCD? Well i have many ubuntu cds laying around, mind explaining the process?12:18
PolahCurseorange, you want to reinstall GRUB, right?12:19
PolahCurseorange, just boot up the LiveCD, open a terminal and run sudo grub-install /dev/sdX   , replace as necessary for the device you want to install it on, then run sudo update-grub and you should be good12:20
Cyrax5th0r I'm reading on how to use cups-pdf now. But it says to 'Go to the Permissions tab and click the "Set user ID" special flag' Set user ID flag? Never heard of that before?12:20
CurseorangeAlright, thanks polah i shall try this one12:20
snuffthi guys12:20
CurseorangeI will return with good news with all luck12:20
oooaaaoooPolah: I believe my wireless driver is causing intermittent crashes on my netbook and the only thing that I have noticed to be different is my new wireless environment supports some kinda 2.4g &5g dual bandwidth12:20
Fishman12aCurseorange: You didnt happen to install Windows and Ubuntu on seperate drives did you?12:20
rachoFishman12a, i think he might have12:21
oooaaaoooPolah: and as far as I know only n uses 2.4/5 GHz12:21
th0rCyrax5: what are you reading? I just installed it and then used the cups interface to choose it as my default. Without that...if you just install it then it should show up as a printer choice when you go to print.12:21
Curseorangeno only diff parititions12:21
Curseorangefail spelling12:21
Fishman12aAll right12:21
Polahoooaaaooo, yes, n is dual-frequency with multiple channels, g is single channel on 2.4GHz12:22
Polahoooaaaooo: You may be able to disable allowed protocols on the router or whatever is providing your wireless12:22
oooaaaoooPolah: beyond my control12:22
oooaaaoooPolah: was told that i could connect to the g connection also provided by the same router12:23
oooaaaoooPolah: according to the system admin, the option is available within windows but have no help other than that12:23
Cyrax5th0r I was reading a tutorial on ubuntu forums. Said I had to do some things prior to be able to use the cups printer. I just tried printing it and it was already there.  Anyhoo thanks alot for helping!12:24
snufft'm having a weird problem where i can't seem to access subdomains... example: google.com works fine and loads instantly. mail.google.com times out after about 5 mins or so. Chrome and FF. on a windomws machine on the same network, both are working fine :S12:24
BlueWolfI have just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop, Upgraded and installed afew programs. When I tried to get compiz, desktop cube working the tool bars on my desktop disappeared. So I restarted and went into the ubuntu classic in the logon screen. But I don't know how to fix the Original 11.04 side. How do I fix Compiz desktop cube?12:24
Jubei_anybody know what these "none" mounts are? http://codepad.org/BPo4c1Ig12:25
wh1zz0Hi guys, Anytime I' trying to install mediubuntu keyring so I can play some video formats with the default player (i.e using this tutorial: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu) BUT when I issue the first command in the terminal I keep getting this error and it's killing me: Reading package lists...... I've googled and googled and googled but I keep getting conflicting solutions and none has worked so far, please how can I solve thi12:28
Cyrax5th0r Damn just when I thought we had it all sown up. When you import the pdf into gimp you can either have each page as a layer or seperate image. I did it as layers. When I print it to a pdf though it only displays the first layer.12:28
wh1zz0W: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net natty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY A78B3D9410394F7312:28
th0rCyrax5: that I believe is a function of gimp...I have only toyed with it and can't help much there.12:29
yeatssnufft: try 'nslookup mail.google.com' from the terminal12:30
tim167hello, I'm running ubuntu 10.10, is it safe to allow update manager to Upgrade to ubuntu 11 ?12:31
yeatstim167: if you're data is backed up, all should be fine12:31
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tim167yeats: so actually I'll take that as a "no it's not safe" ?12:31
snufftyeats: it's resolving to googlemail.l.google.com fine :S12:31
yeatstim167: that's not what I said12:32
DefusalHi everyone, i get some sort of disk error screen when i boot off my ubuntu cd, is it likely the cd didnt burn correctly?12:32
yeatssnufft: that seems to limit the problem to the browser(s) - maybe a cache issue?12:33
tim167has anyone here done an upgrade of ubuntu 10.10 to 11.04 successfully ?12:34
yeatstim167: update manager works well most of the time - I just always caution people to back up before upgrading (period)12:34
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iotim167: yes. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NattyUpgrades#Upgrade_from_10.10_to_11.0412:34
Polahtim167: Yes it's fine to do so. But, you may want to back up your data just in case something goes wrong.12:34
E3D3Can I savely remove gnome-keyring deamon & seahorse if I don't store passwords ?12:34
ioPolah: backing up data before upgrading from <any version> to <any version> is always a good idea ;-)12:35
Tharlinnfresh install of xubuntu 11.04, grub wont show menu, doesnt boot into xubuntu. here is my bootinfoscript resulsts: http://pastebin.com/TLtPNWgV    Any help?12:35
tim167ok thanks everyone!12:36
ioE3D3: it depends on the individual setup. gnome-keyring doesn't just store passwords12:38
E3D3io: I also don't have encrypted stuff. I have Ubuntu Alternate that setup LVM here real smooth. But also no encryption. Thanks I will look deeper in it.12:40
Fishman12aPolah: What is the 'easiest' way to find out exactly what partition grub is on? (Helping that guy out who messed up his grub)12:41
Fishman12aHe has a Win and a Ubu partition12:41
melis it true that there is still no easy fix for this mail-notification bug in natty?? I really would like to have working mail-notification with evolution and somehow i find it hard to believe that there is still no update for the mail-notification package? :)12:42
Fishman12aConfusion on the sdb1 or sdb2 and so on12:42
snufftyeats: cheers. i've flushed cache in chrome and FF though and no dice :( restarted before this too. no diea what's going on :12:42
Braber02I'm having trouble getting g15macro to work, I keep trying to run it however it says segmentation fault, should I remove the pacakage and try again?12:43
PolahFishman12a: GRUB isn't normally on a partition, it's installed into the MBR of the drive. It will usually be the first drive; the one that is set to be booted from first in the BIOS.12:44
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Fishman12aPolah: Usually that would be sda1 though? Or it can vary?12:44
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Tharlinnah thanks Polah and Fishman12a12:45
BlueWolfI have just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop, Upgraded and installed afew programs. When I tried to get compiz, desktop cube working the tool bars on my desktop disappeared. So I restarted and went into the ubuntu classic in the logon screen. But I don't know how to fix the Original 11.04 side. How do I fix Compiz desktop cube?12:45
PolahFishman12a, /dev/sda, not sda1. sda1 would be the first partition. sda is the entire device12:45
Tharlinni selected in my xubuntu install to put grub on mbr of /dev/sda, but when i booted that no dice, went straight to win7.12:45
Tharlinnso switched to boot from /dev/sdc first, but bootinfoscript says no grub on there12:46
Tharlinnwhat should i do? reinstall with grub on /dev/sdc, or fix that grub shows on /dev/sda?12:46
PolahTharlinn: Your GRUB may be set to go to Windows 7 first automatically rather than Xubuntu. Hold shift during boot and see if Xubuntu is in the list given to you12:46
Tharlinnthanks will try that!@12:46
Tharlinnhold on12:46
Tharlinnholding shift does nothing, straight to win712:49
PolahTharlinn: You have multiple drives, correct? And your BIOS is set to go to the first, sda?12:50
Tharlinnand yes12:51
PolahTharlinn: Change your boot order to boot the drive with Xubuntu on it first, then see if that gets you in. Then, run update-grub12:51
TharlinnPolah, the drive with Xubuntu on it is /dev/sdc, and that hasnt got Grub on it as far as the bootinfoscript shows right?12:52
yeatssnufft: maybe try another browser - maybe midori or even lynx (terminal based)?12:53
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E3D3BlueWolf: I'm a noob and if I don't find a clue than sometimes I just reinstall & hope that it won't save its bad configuration. I'm sorry. Good luck.12:54
E3D3BlueWolf: I mean reinstall Compiz not Ubuntu :-)12:55
TharlinnPolah: no luck. It only shows my bios, then my raid setup and then a black screen with a flickering underscore. No grub, no xubuntu boot12:55
meraklihey all12:55
Tharlinn(when booting from /dev/sdc)12:55
TharlinnOh Polah left..12:57
TharlinnAnyone else that can help with my grub problems?12:57
[Ex0r]okay, could somebody here direct me to the CORRECT way to install ATI drivers on ubuntu?12:58
smw!anyone | Tharlinn12:58
ubottuTharlinn: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.12:58
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TharlinnOh excuse me smw. Lets me rephrase12:58
Tharlinnfresh install of xubuntu 11.04, grub wont show menu, doesnt boot into xubuntu. here is my bootinfoscript resulsts: http://pastebin.com/TLtPNWgV    Any help?12:58
amin`hi guys could i use GDM themes like this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Akumin+GDM+-+smleimberg?content=102828 for GDM3 or gdm3 just uses te wide system GTK themes?12:58
amin`if yes how?12:58
ikonia[Ex0r]: this isn't the place for your distro, you've been told that, you're not using ubuntu12:58
[Ex0r]It IS ubuntu12:59
ikonia[Ex0r]: it is not and you've been told this is not the channel that's why we moved to ##linux12:59
[Ex0r]I asked in here, because the back-end of it is still ubuntu. Every installation, apt-get, etc uses UBUNTU repositories more-so than it uses standard linux repositories.13:00
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BlueWolfI have just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop, Upgraded and installed afew programs. When I tried to get compiz, desktop cube working the tool bars on my desktop disappeared. So I restarted and went into the ubuntu classic in the logon screen. But I don't know how to fix the Original 11.04 side. How do I fix Compiz desktop cube? And the other thing it keeps doing is freezing, and it's doing it alot, how do I fix it?13:00
ikonia[Ex0r]: please don't continue to ask for support in here - it's not ubuntu and it's not supported in this channel ##linux is the best place, as discussed before13:00
smwTharlinn, what is booting? ubuntu?13:00
smwTharlinn, is windows booting?13:01
Tharlinnsmw: when i boot /dev/sda it boots win7, when i boot /dev/sdc it doesnt boot anything, neither does it show grub. just show a black screen with a flickering underscore13:01
[Ex0r]ikonia- I understand that, but I don't understand how it's not ubuntu just because it has something that auto-boots besides gnome. It uses all of the ubuntu commands, the ubuntu kernel, and the ubuntu repos.13:02
Tharlinnsmw: but grub is installed on /dev/sda but somehow holding shift doesnt put me in grub, it goes straight to win713:02
SinghamTharlinn : Ubottu gave you a working link..did you try that ?13:02
TharlinnSingham, it didnt?13:02
ikonia[Ex0r]: the modifications (as we've seen from your problems) make it work in a non-standard way, eg: missing tools such as jockey which are the official/corect tools, hence why it's not supported in here, so please don't ask13:02
SinghamTharlinn :So try that .....  :)13:03
macer1What distro is using Ex0r?13:03
TharlinnSingham, you make no sense to me?13:03
ikonia!info linux-image lucid13:05
Pat201hey everyone, i was curious to try lxde, so i installed it but now im booting veeery slow if i deleted it do you think i would boot faster?13:05
ubottulinux-image (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image.. In component main, is optional. Version (lucid), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia all armel)13:05
nightquakerhi all =)13:06
nightquakerIs it a official Ubuntu help channel? =)13:06
ikonianightquaker: correct13:06
Sidewinder1nightquaker, You in PA?13:06
nightquakerwhat mean PA?13:06
Fishman12Tharlinn: I opened a chat window with you13:07
nightquakerAnd also, i have a problem, well, some question about Ubuntu 11.04, can i ask?13:07
Sidewinder1Otacon22, but Pennsylvania13:07
ikonianightquaker: please do13:07
nightquakerok, so, when i turning off or restarting my PC, i see a error "dbus main process (466) killed by TERM signal", it's happening after about 1 day after installing and upgrading Ubuntu13:09
ikonianightquaker: I wouldn't worry about that13:09
nightquakerReally? I'm really worry about that because, you know, that error have many variations. From a power management issue to a critical system error13:10
SqueezerHello everyone o/13:10
nightquakerIt's depends on number  i guess13:10
ikonianightquaker: I really wouldn't worry about it, a termination on shut down is fine13:10
SqueezerHow do I troubleshoot sound in Flash on my ubuntu?13:10
nightquakerbut it's not happened before13:10
Squeezerno sound in YouTube or Grooveshark13:10
ikonianightquaker: that's fine13:11
ex0troubleshoot work hardware and peripherals back...13:11
Squeezereverywhere else sound is OK13:11
nightquakerwell, ok, if you say so, but i will check a system information and also, how i can use a Conky?13:11
Squeezerlike if I listen to an mp3 using a player13:11
ikonianightquaker: install conky, configure it, run it13:11
ex0command "man conky" after installation13:11
ex0exactly lol13:12
ikonianightquaker: there is a good guide on the wiki.ubuntu.com site13:12
nightquakerthanks, ikonia =313:12
nightquakerand ex0 =313:12
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ex0oh wow13:12
Curseorangepolah you still kicking around?13:12
snufftyeats: i've noticed that none of the other machines on the network can see this ubuntu box. perhaps it's not browser related?13:13
yeatssnufft: maybe a routing issue?13:14
nightquakeri installed Conky from software center tho13:14
ikonianightquaker: that's fine13:14
nightquakerAnd it's listed only in my software center -> installed software, not in software search in Unity13:15
ex0which linux version are you using13:15
ikonianightquaker: it's not something you launch like that, if you read the wiki as I suggested it will explain how to use it13:15
auronandacenightquaker: type conky from a command line13:15
nightquakerupdated 1 day ago13:15
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=867076 nightquaker13:16
ikoniaex0: what ?13:16
bazhangnightquaker, read that beginners guide to start13:16
nightquakerok, thanks =313:17
ex0no i was sayin for him to check your post.. is all13:17
nightquakersorry for my kinda noobiness =313:17
ex0np everyones a newb sometime13:17
ex0or other13:17
SqueezerOK it is not just sound in flash, but also HTML5. I think there is just no sound in my browsers.13:18
linxehwhat does the option "Basic Ubuntu Server" install on the server install iso?13:18
SqueezerChrome and Firefox13:18
ex0creates a basic server... like it states13:19
linxehex0: which is what ? what packages, how can I find out what it is actually going to install ?13:19
ex0linexh: you should be able to choose..13:20
ex0linexh:nby not checking that.13:20
compdoclinxeh, typically, the server versions have no desktop - command line only13:20
linxehex0: there is a list of options. the first is basic ubuntu server. this is clearly some kind of convenience lumping of packages - I want to know what packages that installs13:20
linxehcompdoc: I know.13:21
linxehunderneath basic ubuntu server there is openssh, dns, lamp etc13:21
linxehI'm quite happy with those, I just want to understand what that "basic ubuntu server" means in terms of packages (And hence potential security issues)13:22
zykotick9linxeh, perhaps someone in the #ubuntu-server channel knows what "basic" installs?13:22
linxehzykotick9: good point; I forgot about that channel!13:22
nightquakerdo i need to exit from Conky to install a temperature monitoring extension?13:22
nightquakerif so, how i can exit from Conky?13:22
ex0kill the process13:23
ex0and start it again13:23
ex0use the "top" cmd to view13:23
ex0or ps aux13:23
Peter_Bilthow to configure internet connection sharing on ubunu?13:24
bastidrazornightquaker: if you're editing the .conkyrc all you need to do it write the file and conky will automatically restart.13:24
bastidrazor!ics > Peter_Bilt13:24
ubottuPeter_Bilt, please see my private message13:24
blackgorundi got a question13:25
BlueWolfPlease can some one help, I have just installed Ubuntu 11.04 on my laptop, Upgraded and installed afew programs. When I tried to get compiz, desktop cube working the tool bars on my desktop disappeared. So I restarted and went into the ubuntu classic in the logon screen. But I don't know how to fix the Original 11.04 side. How do I fix Compiz desktop cube? And the other thing it keeps doing is freezing, and it's doing it alot, how do I fix it?13:26
blackgorundcan anyone help me with css and ie??13:26
nsadminblackgorund: #css13:27
Peter_Biltthis is way to complicated to setup network manager?13:27
zykotick9BlueWolf, what graphics card are you using?  Usually compiz fails to start, because there isn't 3d support.13:27
nsadminand probably #html13:27
blackgorundnsadmin do you mean a group in irc??13:27
linxehex0, zykotick9: tasksel --task-packages server   did it13:27
nsadmin(and your page needs to be valid html and css before you ask questions there)13:28
BlueWolfzykotick9: The Graphic drivers are all fine, it's not that.13:28
linxehjust for reference :)13:28
tapirHow to mount a cellular phone (to explore his internal memory) in ubuntu, it doesnt automount...13:28
ex0linxeh: gj13:28
BlueWolfzykotick9: It's Natty.13:28
ex0view dmesg13:29
ex0and see the device13:29
JvAHi! If I want to load a module at start (ath9k) with an option (nohwcrypt=1), should I create a file in /etc/modprobe.d and add "options ath9k nohwcrypt=1"?13:29
Luca1Hi! I just installed KDE on my Ubuntu to try it, but now I cannot login to Unity anymore. I found someone else experiencing the same on askubuntu but no answers. Anyone who can help?13:30
bastidrazorex0: try to use the enter key less as punctuation. its hard to keep up with13:31
gentoo-intelLuca1, thats why they make kubuntu13:31
nightquakerwell, i kinda configured Conky, but it's kinda f*cked up (sorry for this kind of word)13:32
ikonianightquaker: control the language13:32
ikonianightquaker: if you know it's a bad word, don't use it13:32
Luca1gentoo-intel: what does that mean? I know it is possible to have all those DE on the same system. The problem is that now selecting unity in gdm it logs in to gnome instead of Unity...13:32
ubudogHi mix.13:32
mix22891sudo apt-get install winace -not work13:33
ubudogWhat's it give you?13:33
mix22891or winrar/winzip13:33
nightquakerbut it's kinda annoying, that i can't see all processes in Conky, either no network info and some error in logging section13:33
mix22891E: Unable to locate package winrar13:33
zykotick9mix22891, i don't think winace/winrar/winzip are available packages (those are windows programs)13:33
ubudog@mix22891 Winrar is not available in Ubuntu.  Have you tried the standard Archive Manager?13:34
gentoo-intelmix22891, unrar does rars13:34
mix22891it's works13:34
mix22891no ubudog13:34
mix22891thats work on debian13:34
ubudogYou can install a 7zip addon for Archive Manager, from the Software Center.13:34
bastidrazormix22891: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression may help with what Ubuntu has13:34
Fudgehi got a new acer laptop, bcm 57785 and wireless  i think its 4358. im on a lucid netbook and putting lucid on laptop. can i download the packages on here and install them on laptop?13:34
tapirPeazip i an option...13:34
bastidrazorFudge: yes.13:35
bastidrazor!offline > Fudge13:35
ubottuFudge, please see my private message13:35
mix22891ok 7zip13:35
mix22891thank you13:35
ubudogAvailable in software center.13:35
Fudgeill just grab out of cache13:36
modhu7Hi I got a Asus A43E laptop with the second generation Core i5. Its Graphics and Ethernet card is not being recognized by 11.04. How can I debug and resolve the issues?13:36
mix22891last time i've upgate to ubuntu 11.11 he freezing all the time13:36
mix22891ubuntu freezing too much13:36
ubudog@modhu7, have you installed any drivers?13:36
ubudog@mix: 11.11?13:36
modhu7no @ubudog I haven't13:37
mix22891i mean the last ubuntu13:37
ubudog@mix: Do you mean 11.10?  11.10 is experimental, it's in development.13:37
mix22891the last13:37
modhu7@ubudog: how do I know which drivers to try and from where do I get the drivers?13:37
ubudogHmm... @modhu, do you see anything in Additional Drivers?13:37
mix22891it's freezing all the time13:37
ubudog@mix: Did you use Update Manager or a clean install?13:37
gentoo-intelmix22891, how much ram have you got? and have you tried classic mode?13:38
mix22891update manager13:38
modhu7no @ubudog, not at System -> Preference -> HW Drivers13:38
=== skoef_ is now known as skoef
Peter_Biltsomeone tell me where the network manager stores its files?13:38
ubudogEthernet or wireless card?13:38
mix22891i think it's 2Ghz ram13:39
mix22891i mean13:39
FuchsPeter_Bilt: parts in /etc/NetworkManager/, parts in gconf. What are you looking for?13:39
modhu7@ubudog, strange is that, wireless is working fine :D13:39
gentoo-intelmix22891, have you tried the classic mode13:39
gentoo-intelit might help you neverk no13:39
ubudogWhat Ethernet card model do you have?13:39
ubudogYou can find out: lspci13:40
mix22891to sweich to classic mode?13:40
ubudogmix, at the  login screen, you have an option at the bottom13:40
mix22891thanks ubudod13:40
ubudognp :)13:40
Peter_Biltno etc networkmanager directory13:41
modhu7Atheros device 1083 (rev c0) @ubudog13:41
mix22891now thats tells me (cannot open arcive) , this is a zip file13:41
mix22891i've install 7zip13:41
ubudogRight click the .zip, select open with "Archive Manager"13:41
ubudog@modhu7: I'll do a quick search, brb.13:41
mix22891same error13:42
gentoo-intelmix22891, im not 100% sure but if you search for file-roller in the software centre, it might come up with addons to download with it underneath it13:42
mix22891could not create arcive13:42
dr_willissounds like it may be a bad archive. or missnamed13:42
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
ubudog@modhu7, try this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=180605613:43
ubudog@modhu7, might wanna go to last page.13:43
Peter_Biltsomeone tell me where network manager store its files( its not /etc/network13:43
mix22891file-roller is installed already13:43
gentoo-intelmix22891, yes its default, but osmetimes you can install extra addons eg rar and zip if you search for it13:44
modhu7@ubudog, checking...13:44
ubudog@Peter_Bilt: /etc/NetworkManager/13:44
ubudogCapital N and M13:44
mix22891gentoo-inte: where are the addons are at?13:44
Peter_Biltits not NetworkManager/13:45
ubudog@Peter_Bilt: You don't see /etc/NetworkManager/?13:45
Peter_Biltsome idiot use Capitalizing for config directories13:45
nightquakercan i post a screenshot with my problem of Conky here?13:45
gentoo-intelmix22891, like i said im not even sure there are, but search for file-roller in software centre and sometimes you can choose addons with tick boxes13:46
auronandace!screenshot | nightquaker13:46
ikonianightquaker: did you follow the guide I gave you and bazhang gave you ?13:46
ubottunightquaker: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://imagebin.org/?page=add and post a link to it.13:46
bastidrazornightquaker: yes, there is also a #conky channel13:46
bastidrazoroh, i missed that. guide giving.13:46
mix22891gentoo-intel : ok13:46
nightquakeryep, i followed that guide, installed all dependencies including X,etc.13:46
ubudog@Peter_Bilt: I'm not making that decision, that's how nm was made.  That's the config dir.  NetworkManager.13:46
ikonianightquaker: you already had X installed13:46
ikonianightquaker: if you're using a desktop that's already there13:46
ikonianightquaker: right, so you didn't install X13:46
nightquakerwell, i installed X actually13:47
ikonianightquaker: how ?13:47
nightquakeror updated it if so13:47
ikonianightquaker: you where already running it13:47
ubudogI agree it's kind of silly using caps... however that's how it is.13:47
mix22891ok there is a RAR13:47
zerkmshi there13:47
ubudogHey @zerkms13:47
zerkmsguys, I have ssh main process (4695) terminated with status 255 on my ubuntu server13:47
gentoo-intelmix22891, just tick the ones you want if theyre not  already ticked13:47
zerkmsgot it after attempt to move sshd from 22 to 222213:47
wh1zz0Okidoki.. thanks for the silence.. At least it made me think... "sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com A78B3D9410394F73" = problem solved.13:47
[diablo]afternoon all13:47
=== XLV_ is now known as XLV
zerkmscurrently it just doesn't start :-S13:47
mix22891do i need to restart?13:48
nightquakeri installed X using this sudo apt-get --assume-yes install libxext-dev lm-sensors13:48
zerkmschanged back to 22 in sshd_config with no help13:48
ubudog@modhu7: Did it work?13:48
mix22891maby the file is broken13:48
gentoo-intelmix22891, no13:48
[diablo]guys, is anyone running chrome here? I just updated with apt-get and got " files list file for package `liblwres60' contains empty filename"13:48
mix22891could not open the file13:48
[diablo]anyone having the same issue?13:48
shane__hey all, does anyone know what the best local mail server would be for ubuntu13:48
nightquakerand also, can i post a screenshot via imageshack.us? I prefer imageshack13:48
ikoniashane__: the best one is the best one that you know how to use13:48
gentoo-intelmix22891, no idea. btw please type the name of the person you're messaging otherwise its hard to reply13:49
shane__well i guess the easiest to set up :)13:49
modhu7@ubudog, reading through it, could not find where to download from13:49
mix22891i need eJay 5 full!!!!!!!!!13:49
gentoo-intelmix22891, try another rar file maybe to test it13:49
ikoniashane__: is this going to recieve mail from the public internet ?13:49
gentoo-intelmix22891, so its a downloaded prog?13:49
shane__not at this stage no just locally13:50
mix22891gentoo-inte: yes13:50
ikoniashane__: at some stage in the future ?13:50
gentoo-intelmix22891, well piracy isnt allowed here lol and im 99% sure it wont work on ubuntu anyway13:50
auronandace!tab | mix2289113:50
ubottumix22891: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.13:50
shane__possibly yes, but for now just for a local network/cms testing etc13:50
mix22891tab not working13:50
ikoniashane__: ok, then look on https://help.ubuntu.com there are guides for exim and postfix, both are straight forward13:50
shane__ok thanks :)  I13:51
shane__appreciate the help13:51
ubudog@modhu7: Sorry, I have to go.  Feel free to send me a PM on Ubuntu Forums, I'm ubudog there too.  :)13:51
mix22891where i can find "full eJay Techno" please?13:52
gentoo-intelmix22891, try another rar file, if its some torrented cracked program i doubt youll get help13:52
mix22891gentoo-intel: this is  1 big file13:52
modhu7@ubudog, thanks a lot13:52
mix22891could not opened13:52
gentoo-intelmix22891, are yo using wine?13:52
ikoniamix22891: are you trying to download ejay techno software ?13:53
gentoo-intelnot allowed13:53
ikoniamix22891: right - in that case, do NOT ask again,13:53
nightquakerwell, here is the screenshot with Conky problem http://imageshack.us/f/143/conkyq.png/13:53
gentoo-intelmix22891, youll prob get banned13:53
ikoniamix22891: this channel is for ubuntu support, not illegal downloading.13:53
ssk_the_gr8i'm using ubuntu lucid 10.04 , can i upgrade just the ubuntu software center to version 4?13:54
gentoo-intelmix22891, if you want to pirate software. sort all the problems out on your own13:54
mix22891oh i'm sorry13:54
gentoo-intelmix22891, but have you tried another rar file? to check if its the file or not?13:55
ikoniagentoo-intel: please stop this discussion now13:55
nightquakerso, what about my Conky problem? Any suggestions how to solve that?13:55
auronandacemix22891: look for a free open source alternative13:55
gentoo-intelikonia, im not talking about piracy.13:55
poisonjoin #twil13:55
CMoHhey. how can i stop something started with runsvdir (in my case git-daemon)13:55
ikoniagentoo-intel: please stop13:55
gentoo-intelikonia, im talking about unrar13:55
ikoniagentoo-intel: I understand that, please stop13:55
gentoo-intelikonia, stop what?13:56
ikoniagentoo-intel: assisting mix22891 to unrar this file13:56
nightquakerok, give me a name of Conky channel please =313:56
gentoo-intelikonia, alright13:56
Fuchsnightquaker: /msg alis list *conky*13:56
ikoniagentoo-intel: thank you13:56
ssk_the_gr8i'm using ubuntu lucid 10.04 , can i upgrade just the ubuntu software center to version 4?13:57
ikoniassk_the_gr8: no13:57
ssk_the_gr8is it not like all the other apps?13:57
ikoniassk_the_gr8: because that version is not in 10.0413:57
ikoniassk_the_gr8: unless I'm missunderstanding what your asking13:58
gentoo-intelcan you not get it through a ppa?13:58
ikoniaI wouldn't do that13:58
ikoniaI wish people would not point other people blindly at unsupported PPA's13:58
gentoo-inteli didnt point to a ppa13:58
ssk_the_gr8like i can upgrade firefox to version 6 ,.... i want to upgrade software center to version4 because i like the features of version 413:58
ikoniagentoo-intel: "can you not get it through a PPA" - what is that suggesting13:59
ssk_the_gr8gentoo-intel: i like the PPA idea13:59
gentoo-intelikonia, suggesting that maybe a ppa has it13:59
ssk_the_gr8but ikonia seems to dislike it :(13:59
ikoniagentoo-intel: bravo, well done13:59
ikoniagentoo-intel: yes, with no warning that PPA's components are totally unsupported, vary in quality and maintencen13:59
ikoniajust randomly "try a PPA"13:59
gentoo-intelwhy you being like this14:00
gentoo-intelits only software centre14:00
BlueWolfIs there any simple program in Ubuntu that will allow me to create characters, landscapes etc to make a movie?14:00
ikoniagentoo-intel: because you are pointing people at potential danger14:00
ikoniagentoo-intel: software center is critial to ubuntu and linked into many things14:00
* auronandace is glad that somebody else doesn't like the idea of ppa's14:00
ikoniagentoo-intel: pointing it at a random unsupported upgrade.....doesn't seem clever14:00
dr_willisassuming there is a ppa for a updated version of  the software center14:00
ikoniadr_willis: exactly14:01
ikoniaif people can't actually point someone at something - don't do it, randomly saying "look for a PPA" is not good help14:01
dr_willisI cant imagine what features are so imporntant..14:01
gentoo-intellol all I said was "can you not get it through a ppa?"14:01
gentoo-intelpmt much?14:01
RobinJ_are the current daily builds of 11.10 safe enough for daily use? or is there a possibility they'll mess up the hardwareN14:01
nsadminisn't software center an alias for apt-get?14:01
auronandace!11.10 | RobinJ14:01
ubottuRobinJ: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:01
jubobahow can I prevent gnome-panel from running at startup?14:02
dr_willisRobinJ_:  mess up the hardware?  cant say ive ever seen that happen. :) except in very very specilized cases.14:02
ikoniagentoo-intel: stop it, your advice is not helping, think about what you offer people as advice, if that guy goes off, finds a random PPA, upgrades software cener and his whole OS is broke, its this channels fault.14:02
jubobaI've tryied everything I've found14:02
dr_willisjuboba:  what are you running now exactly?14:02
RobinJ_dr_willis: 11.04 messed up my battery and that was supposed te be a "stable" build >.<14:02
jubobadr_willis, awn14:02
dr_willisjuboba:   i ment what version of ubuntu/desktop.14:02
jubobadr_willis, ohh, Ubuntu 10.04 desktop14:02
CurseorangeAnyone able to assist me fix my grub?14:03
dr_willisYou can alwyas set the panel to auto hide in the old gnome.. and move it to the top or side.14:03
nsadminRobinJ_, curious, what did it do to your battery?14:03
RobinJ_... kill it? xD14:03
jubobadr_willis, can't I disable it from running?14:03
nsadminhow did it do that?14:03
RobinJ_in 2 months time it went from 2 hours to 20 minutes when it is fuully charged14:03
dr_willisjuboba:  its not trivial to do it. so i never bother.14:03
ssk_the_gr8dr_willis: i want the size of each app ( as i'm on a very slow internet connection) + i'd like to see the average rating + comments14:04
jubobadr_willis, wow14:04
dr_willisPower ussage in 11.10 has increased/battery life is shorter.. :) i hear.14:04
ssk_the_gr8gentoo-intel: i'm not looking for PPA... so is there no solution?14:04
nsadminjuboba: you could run something other than gnome14:04
RobinJ_and 11.04 crashed, so i'm running of a live cd now.... wich is worse than the beta of 11.04..... i think it just messed up a cd-rw.... "brasero has closed unexpectedly"14:04
gentoo-intelapparently not14:04
plouffeCurseorange, what's wrong with it?14:05
jubobais it possible to run gnome3 on my ubuntu?14:05
CurseorangeWell i installed linux then windows7 a while back14:05
jubobaI mean, is it available on repos?14:05
CurseorangeMessing it up14:05
jubobaI tried it on my Frugalware box14:05
Curseorangebeen living knowing how many clicks with the arros to get to each partition14:05
gentoo-inteljuboba, apparently it breaks14:05
gentoo-inteland not supported14:05
auronandace!gnome3 | juboba14:05
ubottujuboba: Gnome 3 is not currently supported on Ubuntu. A PPA for natty is available at https://launchpad.net/~gnome3-team/+archive/gnome3 but these packages are EXPERIMENTAL and UNSTABLE, will break Unity and possibly other parts of your system, and cannot be downgraded safely.14:05
ssk_the_gr8ikonia: i understand.. PPA's can be bad... but i would love it if i could upgrade just the software center instead of the whole OS :P14:05
dr_willisjuboba:  its   easy to install in 11.10  not so easy in 11.0414:05
RobinJ_[14:04] <dr_willis> Power ussage in 11.10 has increased/battery life is shorter.. :) i hear. << yeah but that shouldnt mean that it kills my battery in 2 months time. when i first installed 11.04 my battery's capacity was still 92%, and now, almost two months later, it's only 25%14:05
nsadminRobinJ_,  so you're complaining that software is screwing up hardware... the -only- way this is possible is if the motherboard has -support- for said destruction14:06
jubobaI see14:06
dr_willisRobinJ_:  could be you just got a bad battery.14:06
lucaHi! Is there any way to manually configure gdm?14:06
gentoo-inteljuboba, another distro would be best best for gnome 314:06
dr_willisluca:  configure it to do what.14:06
plouffeCurseorange, do you have a livecd?14:06
RobinJ_nsadmin: well.... one year with windows7 didnt give me any problems (at leats ot related to the battery >.<), 2 months with ubuntu 11.04 killed it14:06
jubobafor now I just want to remove gnome-panel14:06
lucadr_willis: choosing Ubuntu is not logging me in with Unity anymore. It always logs in with Gnome. Can I manually fix this?14:07
plouffeyou can mount the partition with grub on it, then chroot and run an update-grub14:07
plouffefrom livecd14:07
gentoo-intelRobinJ_, the current kernels kill bettery apparently14:07
dr_willisluca:  log out, selexct the unity desktop. log back in.. it will then be the default14:07
nsadminRobinJ_, the ubuntu was after the windows or before?14:07
dr_willisluca:  or does both entrys to go gnome classic?14:08
RobinJ_.... WHAT? why do they even release the kernel if it kills batterys?! are they that incompetent?14:08
lucadr_willis: all goes to classic gnome, yes.14:08
RobinJ_nsadmin: after, though i ran 10.10 for a while before windows714:08
gentoo-intelRobinJ_, its been going on for a few kernels now14:08
lucadr_willis: nothing logs me in with Unity anymore after I installed KDE. The rest is ok.14:08
plouffeCurseorange, it will rewrite grub to the MBR14:08
ssk_the_gr8RobinJ_: it does not actually kill the battery... but the kernel's are a powerhog14:09
RobinJ_gentoo-intel: ... so they released a kernel wich kills your battery..... this makes windows look like the best os ever.... -.-14:09
dr_willisluca:  as a test. try making a new user. see if it works for them. also check what your .dmrc file has in it.14:09
AleksanderHello. On Ubuntu 11.04 i386 my sound applet is grayed out and it doesn't work no matter how many times I restart. What can I do to restore it? Should I restart pulseaudio? How can I do that?14:09
gentoo-intelRobinJ_, theyre sorting it apparently14:09
RobinJ_Aleksander: try running "sudo pulseaudio" in a terminal14:09
nightquakerwell, can i post a Conkyrc here?14:09
RobinJ_i hope so14:09
nightquakermy Conkyrc14:09
AleksanderE: core-util.c: Home directory /home/user not ours.14:10
nsadminRobinJ_, oh, you're comparing operating systems, never mind, I'm out of this conversation14:10
jpmhI have a netbook that I often use with an exteral monitor - when using in this mode I want to close the lid - how do I tell the system to do NOTHING when I close the lid - the choices are Hibernate, shutdow, etc - none of these work14:10
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sattu94nightquaker: you could try asking at #conky.14:11
nightquakeri tried, but they seems like afk14:11
Aleksanderbrb, let's try something else...14:12
danny_msg nickserv register 9895961715 danishbacker@gmail.com14:12
lucadr_willis: .dmrc file says Session=kde-plasma now.14:12
ant13hi everyone, i'm in the process of installing ubuntu on my mac and I noticed i need refit, i also saw its available in ubuntu repos but the files the repo version installs and the files I'd get downloading it from sourceforge are different (.efi files are different checksum) does anyone know what the cause would be? hopefully I'm not in the wrong place14:12
Tharlinnquestion: i think something went wrong with my xubuntu 11.04 installation. It failed to launch grub/ failed to boot entirely. Now i am in that installation for the first time with supergrub2disk, and my /home/vincent/ is empty.14:12
nightquakeri posted my Conkyrc on #conky channel, but still no responce14:12
grantlycan I ask here for help?14:12
gentoo-inteldanny_, should always do that in the freenode window not in channel14:12
auronandace!ask | grantly14:13
ubottugrantly: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)14:13
grantlythanks auronadace14:13
danny_im new14:13
danny_where ?14:13
grantlyI am trying to install the newest ubuntu14:13
danny_shoud i do ?14:13
gentoo-inteldanny_, well i'd change your password14:14
grantlyhaving troubles with the cd version and the web down load installer14:14
sattu94nightquaker: you could but make sure you pastebin it.14:14
nightquakeryep, sure, pastebin14:14
grantlyI am trying to install it on a xp machine as a duel boot type setup14:14
ssk_the_gr8Should i try the daily builds PPA of ubuntu software center? will it install beside the old software center or replace it?14:14
nightquakerhttp://pastebin.com/Nrv533Au here it is14:14
grantlybut it keeps falling over and stopping14:14
auronandacessk_the_gr8: that will break your system14:15
grantlyon the install while windows is running I have the log14:15
ssk_the_gr8auronandace: :(14:15
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grantlycomes up wiht a error that I don't have persmission but I am a admin14:15
ssk_the_gr8auronandace: will it replace the old software center?14:15
auronandacessk_the_gr8: i assume so14:15
grantlynot sure of the issue?14:16
ssk_the_gr8ssk_the_gr8: i just want to be able to see the size of the software i want to download in ubuntu software center, is there any way to find this out before i download it ?14:16
ssk_the_gr8I'm on lucid14:17
grantlyI have zone alarm installed but set it to game mode14:17
grantlyI have avg but had it disabled14:17
auronandacessk_the_gr8: not sure via software centre, but you can do it on website or even on irc14:18
auronandace!info firefox lucid | ssk_the_gr814:18
ubottussk_the_gr8: firefox (source: firefox): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 3.6.22+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.10.04.1 (lucid), package size 11178 kB, installed size 30060 kB14:18
auronandacessk_the_gr8: see the size there?14:18
lpzhttp:// - EVERTON - WIGAN14:18
lucadr_willis: creating a new user says me I don't have the hardware required to run Unity.14:18
lpzhttp:// - EVERTON - WIGAN14:18
warfarenhi.. i am running 11.04 amd64 and i just ran the update manager. it installed lots of updates and after reboot i can't boot again14:19
poisonim getting this error while trying to update natty14:19
warfarenit updated my kernel but the old ones doesn't work either14:20
grantlyany suggestions? The machine is a athlon 3200 single core. Has 3 gig ram and 30+ gb hd14:20
ssk_the_gr8auronandace: i do the website thing currently, but it is very irritating visiting each website, what's the point of the software center then?14:20
warfareni get the loading dots but then i freeze at black sreen and never get to the login.14:20
poisonwarfaren: it happen with me too14:20
warfarenctrl+alt+f1 doesnt work either14:20
warfarenhm ok14:20
ssk_the_gr8!info firefox14:20
auronandacessk_the_gr8: i've never used the software centre (i use synaptic)14:20
ubottufirefox (source: firefox): Safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component main, is optional. Version 6.0.2+build2+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.11.04.1 (natty), package size 14888 kB, installed size 30032 kB14:20
ssk_the_gr8auronandace: thanx for the irc tip, so can i use this command in any channel or only in ubuntu channel?14:21
auronandacessk_the_gr8: you'd have to add lucid at the end, otherwise it shows the latest releases repo (natty)14:21
poisoncan anyone help me with the update manager issue?    http://imagebin.org/17283214:21
auronandacessk_the_gr8: i'd open a chat with ubottu, that way you won't disturb the channel14:22
auronandacessk_the_gr8: /msg ubottu bot14:22
auronandacessk_the_gr8: then type the commands to ubottu14:23
ant13hi everyone, i'm in the process of installing ubuntu on my mac and I noticed i need refit, i also saw its available in ubuntu repos but the files the repo version installs and the files I'd get downloading it from sourceforge are different (.efi files are different checksum) does anyone know what the cause would be? hopefully I'm not in the wrong place14:23
grantlysorry to disturd... many thanks for listening14:24
ssk_the_gr8auronandace: thanx a lot, i'm willing to live with this temporary solution14:24
auronandacessk_the_gr8: no worries :)14:24
Singhampoison : have you checked http://blog.justindorfman.com/2011/09/how-to-fix-not-all-updates-can-be.html14:24
warfarencan you accelerated h264 with ati gpus on ubuntu?14:24
poisonthank you im checking it14:25
warfaren1080p seem too heavy for my cpu alone14:25
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dnivrais there a sound recorder app for ubuntu that doesn't depend on the GUI? I've been able to find only GNOME based ones-I run Kubuntu and there hasn't been much help from the channel.14:26
JohE61iI'm trying to make a persistent USB flash drive to use with a LiveCD using this tutorial14:27
JohE61ibut I have to press F6 when in boot menu to write "persistent" in there to make it work14:27
JohE61ibut the new ubuntu doesnt have that Other options (F6) when in boot menu14:27
JohE61ihow do i set it as a boot parameter then ??14:28
Singham!enter | JohE61i14:28
ubottuJohE61i: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!14:28
JohE61ii'm sorry..14:28
JohE61iI'm trying to make a persistent USB flash drive to use with a LiveCD using this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence but I have to press F6 when in boot menu to write "persistent" in there to make it work14:28
JohE61ibut the new ubuntu doesnt have that Other options (F6) when in boot menu, how do i set it as a boot parameter then ?? 'persistent'14:28
plouffeCurseorange, try this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot14:30
davisis it possible to install a 686 version of the kernel? I see these refs to install this version but I don't see it synaptic.  I just see x86 and pae.14:30
poisonSingham: Thank you! fixed14:30
BluesKajHowdy all14:31
auronandacedavis: x86 is 68614:31
davisauronandace: ok. many thanks.14:32
JohE61ican anyone help me out too ?14:32
JohE61iI'm trying to make a persistent USB flash drive to use with a LiveCD using this tutorial https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCD/Persistence but I have to press F6 when in boot menu to write "persistent" in there to make it work14:32
JohE61ibut the new ubuntu doesnt have that Other options (F6) when in boot menu, how do i set it as a boot parameter then ?? 'persistent'14:32
FloodBot1JohE61i: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
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Fudgehi whats the url to get broadcom packages for 64bit lucid14:35
Fudgeonly have 32bit here14:35
coderarityanyone know of a my little pony: friendship is magic IRC channel?14:37
coderaritymeh, meant to ask in #freenode14:37
Fudgehow cute14:37
optimushello can anyone help me14:37
nightquakerwell, need to reboot14:37
Fudgeoptimus  just ask14:38
warfarenyeah well there are channels for that though? :o14:38
optimusi'm trying to run a game through wine, however when i click the open with wine, it don't load anything14:38
coderarityi hope there are channels for that14:38
Fudgeoptimus  is the game supported?14:38
optimusi have tried running it through terminal also14:38
coderaritythere's forums and videos and music, so there could be a chat channel14:39
optimussupported with wine?14:39
robertzaccourhow come recordmydesktop isn't smooth and not buggy like camtasia is in windows?14:39
warfarenwhat game are you trying to rnu?14:39
xanguaoptimus: is that game located on another partition¿14:39
auronandace!appdb | optimus14:39
ubottuoptimus: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:39
optimusHaunted Halls Green Hills Sanitarium CE14:39
robertzaccourfor some reason no matter what distro I use recordmydesktop doesn't record right14:39
th0rrobertzaccour: because you haven't put out the patches for it yet14:39
optimusthe installation ran fine in wine14:40
optimusjust won't load up when i click the shortcut14:40
robertzaccourth0r: I'm not too computer intelligent in that aspect.14:40
warfarenwhich shortcut? the one in applications > wine > programs?14:41
optimusno it's just a shortcut in my home folder14:41
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx14:42
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optimusso no one can help?14:44
TheEvilPhoenixoptimus:  it wont run from the desktop ever.14:45
TheEvilPhoenixoptimus:  you need to know the name of the program, then open the dash, and start typing the name14:46
TheEvilPhoenixthe system will eventually find it14:46
TheEvilPhoenixoptimus:  if you arent using unity, then its under Programs > Wine > etc.14:46
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optimusi'm using crunchbang14:46
th0roptimus: this is a shortcut to a program running under wine?14:47
optimusno its an os14:47
TheEvilPhoenixoptimus:  well then you're in the wrong channel14:47
TheEvilPhoenixthis is #ubuntu support14:47
TheEvilPhoenixnot crunchbang14:47
rapageI have a problem with my screen resolution the maximun detected is 800 x 60014:47
auronandace!derivatives | optimus14:47
ubottuoptimus: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition14:47
rapageI used cvt and the desired resolution then added the new mode then I could see it on >preferences > monitors but it gave me an error14:47
optimuswell no one in the #! server is responding14:47
optimusand its just a problem in wine14:47
auronandaceoptimus: then ask in #winehq14:48
bagelsEvery time I run Wine-installed programs, all it gives me is that the program  "has encountered a serious problem and needs to close" Why is it like this for every wine prog?14:48
optimusok thankyou14:48
LucaHi! I made a little bit of a mess in my system. I can't login in Unity anymore because it seems that the glx extension is missing. How can I add it again? I suspect something was changed by KDE.14:48
rapageI have a problem with my screen resolution the maximun detected is 800 x 60014:49
rapagemy laptop is old from 2001 it's a p3 850mhz14:50
poisonLuca: computer name plz14:50
Lucapoison: what do you mean by computer name?14:50
poisonintel or amd14:50
Lucapoison: intel14:50
bagelssorry, I got booted.  Anyone know how to fix my Wine problem?14:51
rapagewine addiction?14:51
bagelsyes, I'm a wino man14:51
auronandace!appdb | bagels14:51
ubottubagels: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help14:51
poisonLuca: me too faced with the same issue and fixed it...however mine is AMD14:52
bagelsauronandace, I already knew that.  They didn't have anything on it14:52
Lucapoison: how did you do it?14:52
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auronandacebagels: it's a wine problem, not a ubuntu problem, i don't know what you expect us to do14:53
Lucapoison: I suppose I should load the glx extension in xorg.conf, but I can't understand what happened and I noticed ubuntu removed the xorg.conf... so I'm quite puzzled...14:53
bagelsauronandace, just wishful thinking, I guess.14:54
geirhabagels: Can you repeat the question? I joined ~20 minutes ago and can't see it.14:54
bagelsEvery time I try to run a program nowadays, all I get is the program "has encountered a serious problem and needs to close".  Why is that?14:54
bagels^geirha ^14:54
Braber01Hi does anybody have experance with the g15 keyboard in Ubuntu? I keep trying to run g15macro however I keep getting a segmentation fault, could this be because I have to be using a certan shell to use it?14:55
ohkiehi. i was messing around with the login sessions on my mythbuntu and set xbmc as the "session"... now i cant seem to get back to the desktop. if i close xbmc it takes me back to the login screen for ubuntu. is there a way to fix this? :)14:56
ecstoianHi. I have a question regarding the jetty daemon (Java servlet engine and webserver) -- what is it used for by Natty ? Can it be safely disabled ?14:56
geirhabagels: Ah, yes. Wine keeps evolving, making more and more windows programs runnable, but in the process, other programs stop working.14:57
oberthow should i check and fix my own user chown settings in order to work correctly without have to be super user too often?14:57
geirhabagels: What's the appdb rating of those programs?14:57
rapageanyone knows why sometimes when I log off ubuntu the screen gets all messed up with color bars and it appears to have hanged? I'm on a laptop14:57
bagelsgeirha, I found some articles that said to delete a certain DX9 file, but I don't have it.  Starcraft 2 is where my problems started.  I think it's rated gold or plat, I forget which.14:58
Brutus-Hi, iwlist scan says  wlan0 - Failed to read scan data : Network is down. But ifconfig wlan0 up says Operation not possible due to RF-kill. Then i tryed with rfkill unblock all but my wireless device stay hard blocked. What else i can do? Please, help.14:58
BlueWolfIs there any simple program in Ubuntu that will allow me to create characters, landscapes etc to make a movie?14:58
BlueWolfIs there any simple program in Ubuntu that will allow me to create 3D characters, landscapes etc to make a movie?14:58
bagelsgeirha, After encountering an error in SCII I started getting the same error everywhere else.14:58
auronandaceBlueWolf: blender?14:59
geirhabagels: Ah. Have you tried grabbing wine from winehq's repositories instead of Ubuntu's?14:59
bagelsgeirha, what's the repository? should I completely uninstall, then reinstall?14:59
scarleoohkie: when you choose your user on login screen there is an option "Ubuntu" in a dropdown at the bottom15:00
bagelsalso I typed in a bit of code that would eliminate that pesky "executable bit" crap.  once I reinstall, will I have to re-enter that?15:00
geirhabagels: No, though if SC2 triggered it, maybe it removed a file it shouldn't or something like that. You could try installing one of the windows programs that suddenly started failing in a separate wineprefix and see if that works.15:00
scarleoohkie: it probably says XBMC right now15:00
bagelsBlueWolf, KToon?15:01
warfarenhm wtf. rebooted after installing graphics drivers and now i end up in BusyBox?15:01
geirhabagels: I don't know what that "executable bit" stuff is15:01
bagelsgeirha, speaking greek, man.  I'm trying to run a .exe that doesn't even require installation15:01
Doonzhey can anyone help me out with working with a bash script for uploading pictures to google picasa?15:01
ohkiescarleo: im running mythbuntu. its got the name of my pc, the user i normally connect with, "other..." and at the bottom a toolbar that has the time and a shortcut to shutdown/reboot etc15:01
scarleoohkie: did you click on your user?15:01
scarleoohkie: it has to be marked to show the session type15:02
E3D3BlueWolf: Maybe this helps: http://linuxappfinder.com/15:02
bagelsgeirha, when you click an .exe file ubuntu slaps you with an executable bit error, like windows saying that mother knows best, don't run exe files15:02
organiksAnyone running Seagate Momentus Xt?15:02
auronandace!anyone | organiks15:02
ubottuorganiks: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.15:02
ohkielemme check15:02
geirhabagels: Ok, for testing, open a terminal and run  mkdir /tmp/wine; export WINEPREFIX=/tmp/wine/test; wine /path/to/file.exe15:03
organiksim trying to update the drives firmware and having some probs15:03
geirhabagels: It's important that you run wine from that same terminal, not from the file browser or anything.15:03
organiksfrom here15:04
organiksgot the iso but dont know how to run in ubuntu15:04
bagelsgeirha, i still get the error15:04
bagelsgeirha, want me to pastebin15:05
auronandaceorganiks: burn it to a disk15:05
organiksdont have a burner just wanted to mount and use?15:05
auronandaceorganiks: just like the page you linked to says15:05
BlueWolfauronandace: Have you tryed to study that program recently? It takes ages to learn, besides the person who wants it does not know vectors. So I was just wondering if there was another simple one?15:05
flirtyguy /set net_throttle off15:05
auronandaceorganiks: ah, thats a problem15:05
ohkiescarleo: i think ive got a more restricted view to what you think im seeing? I have a feeling u think im seeing something like: http://ihaveapc.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Ubuntu-11.04-Classic-Gnome-Session-001.png ?15:05
geirhabagels: No, the technical stuff in the error message will tell me nothing. Need to be a wine developer to parse that.15:05
auronandaceorganiks: you might be able to get grub2 to boot the iso file15:06
Brutus-Hi, iwlist scan says  wlan0 - Failed to read scan data : Network is down. But ifconfig wlan0 up says Operation not possible due to RF-kill. Then i tryed with rfkill unblock all but my wireless device stay hard blocked. What else can i do? Please, help.15:06
bagelsgeirha, so should I put this up on #winehq15:06
auronandaceorganiks: not sure how to do that though15:06
bagelsnobody is responding in there15:06
organikslol tx15:06
auronandace!grub2 | organiks15:06
ubottuorganiks: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:06
saulotoledoSome channel to find some testing PPA users?15:06
ikoniasaulotoledo: no15:06
ohkiescarleo: none of those items at the bottom are there for me. :(15:06
scarleoohkie: and you did select the user?15:07
auronandaceBlueWolf: no idea, 3d isn't my area of expertise15:07
ohkiebut then i realised im an idiot :(15:07
geirhabagels: With patience, someone might.15:07
auronandaceBlueWolf: if there was a simple one, i'm sure it would be the most popular15:07
ohkiecheers for your help scarleo.15:07
saulotoledoikonia: ty :)15:08
scarleoohkie: solved?15:08
organiksanyone know how to boot an iso in GRUB15:08
BlueWolfauronandace: Ok, So you don't know of any other program? Kind of like Spore?15:08
ohkiescarleo: yeah. im looking at a big screen plasma and didnt notice those items appearing at the bottom of the screen.15:08
scarleoohkie: Ah, ok :)15:09
geirhabagels: Since it still didn't work with a fresh wineprefix, I don't think SC2 had anything to do with it.15:09
auronandaceBlueWolf: no i don't15:09
gebbionehi guys, in Firefox under ubuntu for some reason i can only open a embedded document in the browser but then when i tried to open another one it does not render, is this something you know of and can be fixed?15:09
theadminorganiks: http://www.webupd8.org/2011/02/how-to-boot-iso-with-grub2-easy-way.html15:09
usr13Brutus-: "ifconfig wlan0 up"  will fail if it's alredy up15:09
ohkiescarleo: dont know if you're much up to resolving audio issues? trying to get the sound thru my hdmi cable.15:09
bagelsgeirha, I'm thinking it doesn't, either, every program I try fails.  SCII didn't even finish installing, I got the same error15:09
Brutus-usr13, i don't remember where but i read was down15:10
organiksthnx theadmin15:10
usr13Brutus-: ifconfig   #with no arguments will show network interfaces that are up and running.15:10
warfareni can get audio through hdmi cable15:10
warfarenit wasn't very hard15:10
scarleoI've done that. In audio preferences select different hardware, you probably have some saying HDMI15:10
BlueWolfDose anyone else know of a 3D program the will enable one to create Animation Characters and make a movie?15:10
warfarenthat's how i did it too15:10
theadminBlueWolf: Hm, blender?15:10
scarleoohkie:  I've done that. In audio preferences select different hardware, you probably have some saying HDMI15:10
geirhabagels: Then perhaps the "executable bit" hack you were talking about could've triggered it?15:10
theadminBlueWolf: I know that some people made movies with that15:10
usr13Brutus-: Do you have network-manager?15:10
Brutus-usr13, yes15:11
usr13try using it15:11
E3D3BlueWolf: I used raytracing for it (=povray) but since kpovmodeler disappeared from the list, I'm gave up 3D modelling in Linux. Blender don't work for me to15:11
xanguatheadmin: BlueWolf and games ;)15:11
usr13See what network manager says about available wireless networks, etc.15:11
BlueWolftheadmin: Ya I know of Blender. I was wondering if there was a simpler one, one that does not use Vectors.15:11
Brutus-usr13, it says the switch is off15:11
usr13Brutus-: Is this a laptop?15:12
ohkiescarleo: is that in xbmc or ubuntu/mythbuntu?15:12
usr13Brutus-: Turn the switch on.15:12
Brutus-usr13, yes a Samsung N220. I can't turn it on, it doesn't work15:12
bagelsThis guy in Winehq just told me to " put the output of mount on pastebin" what, do I just type "mount" in the terminal?15:13
Brutus-usr13, This is a well-know problem for this netbooks .. :(15:13
jpmhI wanrt to close the lid on my netbook when I have an external monitor - how do I tell the system that I do not want it to blank screen, shutdown, or do anything else15:13
scarleoohkie: in ubuntu15:13
geirhaBlueWolf: What could one use instead of vectors for creating 3d models?15:13
ohkiei dont appear to have a sound settings section. possibly cause im running mythbuntu?15:13
rapageanyone knows why sometimes when I log off ubuntu the screen gets all messed up with color bars and it appears to have hanged? I'm on a laptop15:13
warfarenjpmh: you should be able to set that under power management15:13
BlueWolfgeirha: I don't know thats why I'm asking!15:13
indystormhey when is the next lts version for ubuntu desktop?15:14
xangua!oneiric | indystorm15:14
ubottuindystorm: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+115:14
jrib!lts | indystorm15:14
ubottuindystorm: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)15:14
theadminindystorm: I think that'd be 12.0415:14
xanguaooh lts15:14
g3nt3lg1antbagels: what are you trying to do??15:14
jribindystorm: yes, 12.04 as theadmin said15:14
bagelsg3nt3lg1ant, nvm Ifigured it out15:14
indystormcool thanks- are they going to scrap support for gnome 3 and go back to gnome 2 do you know?15:15
jribindystorm: I doubt that...15:15
theadminindystorm: No, gnome3 is already the main desktop in Oneric15:15
indystormoh god thats terrible- gnome 3 is the worst--- ok--- thanks anyway---15:15
organikscan i force the grub menu to come on during boot15:15
auronandaceindystorm: gnome2 is no longer supported from 11.10 onwards15:15
theadminindystorm: There's a fork of Gnome2 in development, called mate-desktop-environment, but I don't think they make debs yet15:16
jpmhwarfaren: I agree - but the only options offfered there for close lid are blank, shutdown, suspend etc15:16
warfarenah yes. that's true15:16
warfareni guess i don't know then sorry15:16
theadminindystorm: Or, you could always try Xfce, it does give the gnome2 feel15:16
indystormok cool thanks!! I will try it--!!15:17
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davisis it possible to bring up a wpa2 wifi connection without using /etc/network/interfaces and simply using the command line tools?15:17
geirhaindystorm: or lxde15:17
theadmindavis: wpa_supplicant?15:17
davistheadmin: never heard of that.  I am having trouble getting my wifi connection working. I can iwlist and I can ifconfig. I want to see if I can figure out why network-manager does not work.15:18
theadmindavis: It doesn't work because it's network-manager >.<15:19
theadmindavis: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Wireless_Setup#Manual_setup - read this, the wpa/wpa2 part15:20
davistheadmin: Ok. I have wpa_supplicant installed.  I'll try to read your post. many thanks man.15:20
scarleoohkie: you found it?15:21
ben_unityHi everyone15:21
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theadmindavis: Be aware that Arch is not Ubuntu though, so don't rely on that wiki *too* much :D15:21
davistheadmin: ok. will do.15:21
warfarendoes 11.10 also have unity as default?15:22
sinanihello, gentlemen and ladies.15:22
ohkiescarleo: nope :( it goes settings manager, acessibility, appearance,desktop,display... but no sound/audio15:22
theadminwarfaren: Yes.15:22
dr_williswarfaren:  yes its the default from now on  basically15:22
scarleoohkie: right click the speaker symbol on upper right, select prefs and then hardware15:22
ben_unityI don't get why everyone says that Ubuntu is only for beginners. It is just the Linux Kernel with what ever Canonical added, same as other distros, only different people and companies. Can anyone explain?15:23
dr_willisunless they chagne their mind15:23
jribben_unity: ask people saying it :/  That's not related to support15:23
warfarenwell i guess it's set up so that lots of user friendly software is included15:23
[diablo]Hi is anyone having google's Chrome 64 bit update fail on them today please?15:23
ben_unityOk, sorry, wrong place to ask it15:23
warfarenand it has a good package manager, you dont have to compile so much stuff15:23
ohkiescarleo: now thats something i noticed before. i dont have a speaker icon. possibly dont have speaker package/drivers installed? or just another symptom of mythbuntu trying to hide stuff from me?15:23
xangua[diablo] use chromium instead ;) opensource and already on ubuntu repository15:24
The_BROSAnybody uses Punto switcher analog?15:24
[diablo]xangua, thats not my question15:24
theadminThe_BROS: Try xneur15:24
The_BROStheadmin: best soft for this?15:25
ben_unity[diablo], what do you mean by 'fail'? Crash the whole program , or did it just stop downloading?15:25
theadminThe_BROS: The only one I know, to be honest15:25
[diablo]hi ben_unity15:25
[diablo]no, upon apt-get dist-upgrade I get the following:15:26
warfarenwhat's the best way to change the order of the items in the grub boot menu list?15:26
[diablo](Reading database ... 60%dpkg: unrecoverable fatal error, aborting:15:26
[diablo] files list file for package `liblwres60' contains empty filename15:26
scarleoohkie: do you have sound?15:26
dr_williswarfaren:  change which items? you can rename the files in /etc/grub.d/*15:26
scarleoohkie: I mean from other than hdmi15:26
warfarenthe operating systems i get to choose between15:26
The_BROSWhat is the best soft for making backup in Ubuntu? (settings, data, etc.)15:27
warfarenlet's say i want to place another one on top so it autoboots if i dont touch any keys15:27
ohkiescarleo: ill plug in some headphones.15:27
dr_williswarfaren:  that narrows it down to 90% of the entries are there. :) which OS do you want at the top?15:27
dr_willis!grub2 | warfaren15:27
ubottuwarfaren: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)15:27
[diablo]ben_unity, dunno if google pushed out a broken package15:27
xanguaThe_BROS: copy&paste home15:27
warfareni don't know yet, just want to mess around with it15:27
auronandace!backup | The_BROS15:27
ubottuThe_BROS: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning15:27
dr_williswarfaren:  read those grub docs then. they explain the config files15:28
The_BROSthanks guys!!!15:28
ohkiescarleo: yeah. i have audio out of my headphones :)15:28
ben_unityMight be that it cannot find the right package? I am probably barking up the wrong tree, but try going into synaptic and re installing liblwres60. Or try removing it. If it says it needs to remove other things, don't, but it seems that liblwres60 has been corrupted.15:28
warfarenaha it moved to etc15:28
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scarleoohkie: what version *buntu do you have? (uname -r)15:29
[diablo]ben_unity, actually I had an FS failure yesterday15:29
[diablo]could be attributed to that15:30
warfaren-r only gives you the linux kernel version though?15:30
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ben_unityPossibly. Try completely removing liblwres60 and reinstall it from the repositories to get it back if it did get corrupted15:30
ohkiescarleo: 2.6.38-11-generic15:30
rapageanyone knows why sometimes when I log off ubuntu the screen gets all messed up with color bars and it appears to have hanged? I'm on a laptop15:30
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mike-whi guys15:31
ooxihi, how can i find out which type of ram my system needs? is this doable in software or do i have to open the case?15:31
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mike-wi have a question that how can i examine how much memory a program used?15:32
scarleoohkie: do you have indicator-applet-complete installed?15:32
Johnny_Gigglesooxi: it is do-able in software.  Do you have Windows?15:32
edbianmike-w: short answer: with gnome-system-monitor or top15:32
ohkiescarleo: ill try to install it now15:32
edbianmike-w: long answer: with gdb15:32
ooxiJohnny_Giggles, no ubuntu 10.0415:32
Johnny_GigglesThere's a program called CPU-Z that is perfect for that sort of thing, ooxi but it's Windows not Linux15:32
ooxiJohnny_Giggles, i have windows i paralell installation, thanks for the hint15:33
scarleoohkie: you are on gnome, not unity, right?15:33
Johnny_Gigglesooxi: Most people do.15:33
mike-wedbian, are there any commands like time15:33
Johnny_Gigglesooxi: That's why I said.  Go to cpuid.com15:33
edbianmike-w: top is a command15:33
edbianmike-w: ?15:33
scarleoohkie: maybe check for indicator-sound if so15:33
mike-wedbian, i know that,i will have a try15:33
edbianmike-w: :)15:34
scarleoohkie: not 100% sure which one of them it is :)15:34
mike-wedbian, thanks15:34
ohkiescarleo: im pretty sure its gnome yeah. ill install the sound one15:34
compdocooxi, sudo dmidecode --type 1715:34
ohkiescarleo: its talking about instlaling pulseaudio etc... is that a good thing?15:34
mgaunard_how does ubuntu automatically mount my extra partitions? I see nothing in /etc/fstab15:35
scarleoohkie: hmmm, so you are not running pulse, thats probably a difference with mythbuntu then...15:35
ooxicompdoc, thanks! damn what i expected 4x2gb intead of 2x4 :-/ but ,,error information handle'' tells me not provided. as far as i know these should be eec. am i misleaded?15:36
ohkiescarleo: ive read some stuff talking about tweaking the alsa audio etc...15:36
scarleoohkie: try indicator-applet-complete, if it depends on pulseaudio15:36
ohkiescarleo: will do.15:36
scarleoohkie: yeah, but you can still have pulseaudio as well15:36
compdocooxi, you think it has ecc ram? is it a server?15:36
JasonnI accidentally clicked block this applet when I was running an online java applet, and I dont know how to revert those settings15:37
ooxicompdoc, no it's de desktop pc. but it has a xeon cpu and tell service tag told me eec (but not the amount of ram and speed etc :-/)15:37
ohkiescarleo: 152 new packages!15:37
scarleoohkie: probably not a good idea15:37
Fuerteciao a tutti15:37
ohkiescarleo: hmmm15:37
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scarleoohkie: gotta run, sorry, maybe try the first indicator-sound and install pukseaudio as well, I don't think that would break anything but there might be a difference with mythbuntu15:38
scarleoohkie: good luck15:38
compdocooxi, I have ecc ram on a server, and I get error information handle is not provided15:38
ohkiescarleo: thanks anyway mate.15:38
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».15:38
mike-wedbian, when i type top,all programs' states are displayed15:39
edbianmike-w: indeed15:39
ooxicompdoc, hm ok. is it possible to run a mainboard without ecc ram, if it now has ecc ram installed? or does this depend on the mainboard? because non ecc ram costs like a quarter of ecc ram15:39
mike-wedbian, but i just want to examine a specific one15:39
compdocooxi, what is Total Width:  ?15:39
ikoniaooxi: this isn't a hardware channel15:39
edbianmike-w: oh :P15:39
mike-wedbian, if i have a program named t15:39
ooxicompdoc total width is 72bit15:39
ooxiikonia, i'm sorry but i didn't know where to ask15:40
mike-wedbian, how can i see how much mem does it use?15:40
ikoniaooxi: ##hardware15:40
compdocooxi, thats ecc15:40
bagelsHow can I edit fstab to get rid of noexec?15:40
bagelsMy mount says this:15:40
bagels/dev/sda1 on /media/9A50D9BE50D9A175 type fuseblk (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)15:40
compdocTotal Width: 64bits is not ecc15:40
ooxicompdoc thanks :-)15:41
theadminbagels: It doesn't sound like it's mounted via fstab15:41
bagelstheadmin, tell me more, guru15:41
theadminbagels: "type fuseblk" makes me think it's mounted by FUSE (GNOME?)15:41
edbianmike-w: ummm, I'm trying to filter ps -eLF | grep t15:41
bagelstheadmin, yes, I'm in gnome.  What's all that mean?15:41
edbiansomething like that15:42
edbianmike-w: look at ps -eLF15:42
mike-wedbian, oh,you just pick it out,right?15:42
theadminbagels: What's the filesystem type on the drive?15:42
bagelstheadmin, ntfs15:42
theadminbagels: You'd want to keep noexec then15:42
bagelstheadmin, what if I have .exe files on there I want to run on wine?15:43
edbianmike-w: yes15:43
mike-wedbian, thanks15:43
theadminbagels: You should copy them over to a Linux partition, mostly. NTFS doesn't handle UNIX permissions properly anywhere.15:43
th0rbagels: I don't think the exe files have to be on an 'exec' partition...if I remember correctly I used to run them right from C drive when I was dual-booting15:44
bagelstheadmin, I'm still transitioning from windows, and haven't gotten all my things moved over, nor have I reinstalled my programs15:44
bagelsth0r then why won't my exe files work in wine?15:45
th0rbagels: but if the exe is part of a package with dlls and such then you will have to install it in wine, it won't run from c drive unless it is a standalone exe15:45
organikshow do i get the grub menu to pop up15:45
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bagelsth0r it is standalone15:45
bagelsth0r it worked last week15:46
edbianorganiks: shift15:46
organikshold during boot15:46
bagelsth0r but then I used Mount Manager to edit auto-mounting of NTFS and things got screwy.  I want them the way they were15:46
theadminorganiks: Left shift15:46
th0rbagels: never used Mount Manager, so don't know what tricks it might try to pull15:47
th0rbagels: as a test, copy one of the exe files to your home directory and try to run it from there.15:47
bagelsth0r awesome it worked15:48
bagelsCan I copy my files to a FAT32 partition of say... 200GB, or is that too big for FAT32?15:49
savidHi, I'm looking into possibly using upstart to manage my website processes (using nginx + gunicorn), but I don't want to have a separate script for each website.  Is it possible to have a single script manage multiple processes based on a given name?15:49
warfarenhm if you tar something all the files privilegies get included right?15:49
th0rbagels: the quick and easy solution would probably be to just copy those exe files to the wine c_drive15:49
ikoniasavid: if you can script it, you can do it15:49
mgaunard_bagels: it's too big for a single file, but not for a partition15:49
bagelsth0r there isn't enough space yet15:49
bagelsmgaunard_, ok so a partition of 200GB is cool then? Is there another filesys that Windows and Linux both like?15:50
savidikonia, well, I guess I'm not familiar with how respawn works.  I guess I'm just curious about how I can make it so that it will monitor and respawn individual processes15:50
organiksi held shift but no luck15:50
mgaunard_bagels: ntfs15:50
organiksstill boots into ubuntu15:51
savidikonia,  at least, just looking for whether or not it's possible or if it's even a good idea.15:51
bagelsmgaunard_, I'm having a lot of problemswith ntfs on my ubu box15:51
ikoniasavid: ahhh, I see what you're saying multiple versions of the same process, how can it monitor ?15:51
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mgaunard_bagels: what kind of problems?15:51
organikshow can i boot into grub menu during restart15:51
bagelsmgaunard_, my ntfs drive for some reason is noexec and I can't run standalone exe's or install programs to my bigger ntfs partition15:52
OerHeksorganiks, hold left-shift during boot15:52
savidikonia,  from my brief research on upstart, that's what I'm assuming the "respawn" option is for15:52
organiksi did and no grub15:52
organiksany other way ?15:53
OerHeksorganiks, then you did not press it long enough15:53
savidikonia, http://upstart.ubuntu.com/cookbook/#respawn15:53
mgaunard_bagels: you'll have the same problem with fat3215:53
organiksimma reboot and hold it the hold time15:53
[SPSU]Zachwhen i boot from my flash drive to try the demo, i get to the white and black-ish looking part where it gives me the option to try ubuntu or install to drive etc.... will it let me manually choose which drive to install it to?15:53
mgaunard_bagels: and anyway you can mount the partition so that all files are executable15:53
mgaunard_bagels: be it fat32 or ntfs15:53
rigved[SPSU]Zach: yes.15:54
warfarenok did a clean install now15:54
bagelsmgaunard_, any way to automate that? I'd love that15:54
[SPSU]Zachthnk you15:54
warfarengonna run update manager the first thing i do15:54
warfarenhopefully i wont get stuck at a black screen by the time it's done and i rebooted15:54
mgaunard_bagels: how do you mount your partition?15:54
rigved[SPSU]Zach: when you reach the partition screen, choose manual partitioning. then you can customize the installation paritions etc.15:55
bagelsi set it up to auto mount with mnount manager, and I want to not do that anymore...15:55
bagels*Mount manager mgaunard_15:55
mgaunard_well if you write an entry directly in /etc/fstab15:55
mgaunard_you have to play with the umask option15:56
mgaunard_I think it's umask=022 that you want15:56
th0rbagels: check /etc/fstab and see if there is a line in there for the ntfs drive. If so, that is where you would change the noexec15:56
GRMrGeckoIs there such a thing as a DNS server that does whitelisting?15:56
bagelsth0r fstab just says 0 0 0 0 0 next to all my drives... it's really weird15:56
smecahello, i've installed rollercoaster tycoon2 on 11.04, but the cdrom is not found on trying to run the game. can anyone help?15:56
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bagelsth0r UUID=9A50D9BE50D9A175 /media/9A50D9BE50D9A175 ntfs-3g defaults 0 015:57
th0rbagels: is that all? each line should end with just two zeros (0 0)15:57
gentoo-intelsmeca, not sure. maybe there is a nocd patch15:57
al3xsmeca: find a "no cd patch"15:57
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smecaok i'll try that thanks15:57
th0rbagels: yeah...that is ok...or should be...I don't know what this Mount Manager is doing15:57
gentoo-intelsmeca, http://m0001.gamecopyworld.com/games/pc_rollercoaster_tycoon_2.shtml15:57
bagelsth0r but Mount says "/dev/sda1 on /media/9A50D9BE50D9A175 type fuseblk (rw,noexec,nosuid,nodev,allow_other,blksize=4096)"15:57
rigvedth0r: that is for dump and pass, afaik. you can set it to 0 1 if you want the partition to be mounted late15:58
th0rrigved: yeah....those two digits control fsck checks too I think...but 0 0 is normal for most partitions15:58
mgaunard_/dev/sdb1    /path_to/mount_point    ntfs-3g    uid=suzette,gid=users,umask=0022    0 015:59
rigvedth0r: yes.15:59
malac0da13i installed ubuntu 11.04 twice today on the same computer with the same disk...first time it installed the drivers for my video card it seemed and second time it didnt...how does this happen lol15:59
savidfor example,  for example, if my upstart service is called "website",  I would want:  "service website www.example.com start",   and I would want upstart to be able to monitor and respawn that individual process for that website separately.15:59
bagelsmgaunard_, was that for me?15:59
GRMrGeckoIs what I'm asking for not existing?15:59
bagelsGRMrGecko, I've never heared of it, but google is your friend.16:00
rigvedGRMrGecko: you should ask in #ubuntu-server for DNS related stuff16:00
The_BROSHow to avoid the underlining of the English words?16:00
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GRMrGeckobagels: All I find is stuff for DNSWL which is spam email related16:00
th0rGRMrGecko: or watch #debian, where you crossposted and got an answer16:01
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
zul__anybode could help me in the upgrade of rails 3.0 up to 3.1 in my ubuntu 10.04 system?16:01
Tharlinnokay, i finally got a working xubuntu installation working, but now grub doesnt show my win7 installation anymore. any way of getting that back in there again? here is a pastebin of my bootinfoscript http://pastebin.com/sbDf6drq16:01
TharlinnIt also seems as though rescatux made a lot of pretty weird extra drives (/dev/wrapper/..) and i think those might cause problems16:02
bagelsth0r I want to get rid of the noexec though16:02
The_BROSHow to avoid the underlining of the orthography of the English words?16:03
th0rbagels: try editing /etc/fstab per the line posted by mgaunard_ but change your uid to your username16:04
th0rbagels: you can 'store' the old line by adding a '#' to the beginning, making it a comment16:04
raven_zynaddsubfx: [ERROR]: LV2: Failed to instantiate plugin http://home.gna.org/zyn/zynadd/1 - ubuntu 10.04 lts ardour 3.0a16:04
bagelsth0r working...16:05
th0rbagels: once you have it changed, you can simply 'sudo umount /dev/sda1' and then 'sudo mount /dev/sda1' and it should remount with the new permissions16:06
bagelsth0r mgaunard_ made it sdb1 is that ok?16:07
th0rbagels: no, that needs to match your drive, which you said was /dev/sda116:07
paulinajesteś ?16:07
paulinadaniel ?16:08
bagelsth0r can i change the name of the drive from /media/9A50D9BE50D9A175 to like, /media/CDRIVE ?16:08
sternaoh yeah16:08
paulinao co w tym chodzi ?16:08
ecstoianHi. My fonts seem to appear a bit ugly on some sites I visit with Firefox. Is there any font package or tweak I can install/use to make the fonts beautiful ? Here is a screenshot of mine: http://ompldr.org/vYWU1ZQ/ubuntu110416:08
sternawhere do i buy?16:08
th0rbagels: you would need to first create the mount point, then you could mount to it16:08
th0rbagels: it is just a folder someplace16:08
ikoniasterna: buy what ?16:08
bagelssoooo after i edit this th0r can you teach me how to do that16:09
sternatotally missed the window16:09
paulinawhat your name ?16:09
gentoo-intelecstoian, your fonts look good there16:09
th0rbagels: I am running out of time, but I am sure someone here can16:09
ecstoiangentoo-intel: the fonts for the Google links on the left and for the black bar of links at the top look much better on Windows. Any idea why ? I do have the Microsoft fonts installed in my Natty.16:10
bagelsmgaunard_, th0r that helped, I can run exe files now16:10
bagelsDoes anyone know how to change my mount point's folder name? mine is currently /media/9A50D9BE50D9A175 and that's difficult to remember16:11
th0rbagels: then make a folder in /media....call it whatever you want, then change /etc/fstab to /media/whatevername16:11
gentoo-intelecstoian, they look very fine to me. you could maybe try uninstalling the microsoft fonts, but i think a couple of apps may need them16:11
Myrtti!pl | paulina16:11
ubottupaulina: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.16:11
bagelsth0r do i rename the current folder, then remount it?16:11
zusis anyone using the 3.0 kernel, and are able to disable tap to click on the track pad?16:11
th0rbagels:  would be better to just create a new one. Not sure what Mount Manager did or didn't do16:12
ikoniazus: the 3.0 kernel is not currently supported with ubuntu releases so it's doubtful people are using it16:12
bagelsth0r if I make a new folder what happens to the old one16:12
bagelsth0r is there stuff in that folder?16:12
rypervenchezus: I've got it but not on Ubuntu. I haven't tried to enable the disabling of trackpad though.16:12
th0rbagels: either it will sit unused or be deleted by Mount Manager. And no, there isn't anything there unless the drive is mounted to it16:13
bagelsoh cool.16:13
bagelstyvm th0r16:13
kenjin2201You can turn off the system after some time using "shutdown". Is it also possible to "suspend" after some ?16:13
zusikonia,  rypervenche  thanks...16:13
th0rbagels: once you are sure the drive is properly mounted to the new mount point, and has survived a total reboot, you can delete the old mount point if you like16:14
zuswhere can i go for 3.0 kernal questions?16:14
waperboyI have a little cunundrum16:14
BluesKajzus, you can upgrade to 11.10 if youwant to use the 3.0 kernel16:14
bagelsth0r that worked16:15
bagelswill reboot now16:15
TharlinnAlright, another go: installed win7 first, then xubuntu 11.04, grub loads, shows xubuntu, doesnt show win7. xubuntu boots fine. pastebin with bootinfoscript here http://pastebin.com/sbDf6drq any help?16:15
BluesKajzus, but be warned, it's beta16:15
waperboya couple of years back, I modified some files so that my keyboard keys 'scroll lock' and 'pause' are mapped to volume decrease/increase respecively. I can't for the life of me find which files16:16
zusBluesKaj,  yeh im waiting for release.16:16
Kageeveryone... I found a awesome command16:18
Kagesudo chmod a-x $(which chmod)16:18
ikoniaKage: do not post silly things like that16:18
ikoniaKage: changing hte permissions on chmod is not something to randomly suggest16:18
DangerOnTheRangrIt can really mess up your Ubuntu install16:19
mgaunard_Kage: how is that awesome16:19
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND! That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!16:19
macer1!danger | Kage16:19
ubottuKage: please see above16:19
ikoniamgaunard_: drop it, it's not good and he's been told not to do it16:19
mgaunard_well I guess the workaround could be complicated16:20
ikoniaKage: please check your private messages16:20
waperboyI spent many hours to find out how to change keyboard mappings, and now I've forgotten - what a drag16:21
zusthanks again16:21
jpmhsomehow I have managed to create a sitation by which /dev/sda2 and /dev/sda5 are both mounted as / when I boot.  I do not believe that there is anything that I want on /dev/sda2 - how do I unmount it16:21
waperboyjpmh, not possible - there must be some misunderstanding16:22
organikscan i resume a ssh session?16:22
th0rwaperboy: usually use xev to determine the keycodes, then map the new definitions using ~/.Xmodmap16:23
jpmhwaperboy: why do you say that gparted etc show that they are both mounted as that and do not let me unmount16:23
waperboyjpmh, if both are mounted as / - which is your root?16:23
ikoniaorganiks: you can use tools, such as screen, but you can't resume an ssh connection directly16:23
macer1Is dpkg-reconfigure chmod or something like that can recover from chmod -x?16:24
edbianjpmh: You cannot unmount partitions that are root.  you can edit /etc/fstab to prevent it from being mounted as root again16:24
macer1I mean, chmod -x chmod16:24
edbianmacer1: stop that16:24
kristopherThere is no easy way to flash a freking bios via Linux Dos 7.1 on my USB worked great for the netbook which was a plus since my netbooks latest bios has better support for linux OS's. But HP is a whole other story. There is no way to run their bios update via DOS it has to be run with the system exe inside a windows OS. After 10 hrs of a pirated copy of windows 7 along with DBAN to wipe mand reinstall linux. I got the la16:24
kristophertes bios for the damn hp machine. Now I ask of you this, I feel it would be better if I broke away from the stock HP bios since they are shit, does anyone know where to look for modified or unloack bios?16:24
FloodBot1kristopher: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:24
ikoniamacer1: can you please stop posting that16:24
macer1what? i am asking how to repair this.16:24
organiksikonia can i pull up the session on the pc then16:24
waperboyth0r: My mappings since two years back are still in effect, but I cannot remember how I did it :)16:24
ikoniamacer1: you'd have to re-install it16:25
macer1re-install OS or reinstall chmod?16:25
ikoniamacer1: chmod, or boot from a livecd and change it, something simple16:25
macer1OK. This knowledge can be useful in future :D16:26
waperboyI hate how Ubuntu refuses to boot if a filesystem has errors16:27
mgaunard_it's understandable if it's the root mount point16:27
kristopherbetter ubuntu with errors than proprietary microsoft their resolution is $20016:27
ikoniakristopher: please don't be silly16:28
waperboyforced to boot off usb-ubuntu and run fsck16:28
ikoniawaperboy: ubuntu should auto fsck16:28
kristopherdoes anyone know where I can find or browse unlocked bios for hp machines16:28
waperboybut it said /home has unrecoverable error, and just halted16:28
nathanelhello ... i need to automate UUID retreival for mounting partitions on startup according to partition scheme.. can anyone help me?16:28
roddHi, how can I edit the boot order on grub 1.99? I'd like to set win7 as default, it's currently the last item in the list16:29
ikoniakristopher: please don't ask that sort of thing, this channel is for ubuntu discussion,16:29
waperboybooted off usb-ubuntu, ran fsck, and it was ok16:29
ikoniawaperboy: for that you could just boot into single user mode16:29
th0rnathanel: the answer to your question is 'yes'16:29
ikoniawaperboy: you don't need a usb/cd to boot from16:29
edbianrodd: /etc/default/grub   there is an option in there16:29
mgaunard_waperboy: usually you can drop to a shell16:29
mgaunard_and do your fsck cleanup there16:29
waperboydidn't remember how to boot into single user, and no computer = no internet, so usb boot :)16:30
nathanelth0r: so my question is, how do i automate (through bash) the retreival of a specific device uuid by partition scheme?16:30
waperboyseems to be a red line in my life - I don't remember details16:30
kristopherwaterboy hold shift down after bios when ubuntu begins to boot i display some options16:30
edbiannathanel: You look up the UUID's and put them in /etc/fstab manually16:31
t0kenHi folks, ubuntu desktop 11.04, what's the preferred method for sending emails from scripts, specifically, to gmail.  Looks like it's "sendmail" with using a postfix back-end.  I can't quite figure out what needs to be configured...anyone have a pointer?16:31
roddedbian, I seen GRUB_DEFAULT but it's set to a number of which I have no idea what is related to16:31
edbianrodd: 0 is the first thing, 1 is the second thing, 2 is the third thing.  It's programmer counting :)16:31
nathanelthor: i know... but i would like to retreive and cat it to fstab automatically16:31
roddI tried editing that and adding "Windows 7 ..." just as it appears in the boot screen but it didnt work16:31
ikoniat0ken: sendmail and postfix cannot be used at the same time, so I don't know why you think it's sendmail with postfix16:31
ikoniat0ken: you just need any MTA16:31
mgaunard_rodd: isn't GRUB_DEFAULT a number16:31
mgaunard_and not a string16:31
ikoniamgaunard_: yes16:31
th0rnathanel: you can retrieve the uuid with the blkid command. parsing that output in a bash script is a question for #bash16:31
ikonia0 is the first option16:32
edbianmgaunard_: rodd It's a number16:32
t0kenikonia: sendmail is the actual command line executable, I don't mean the sendmail mta16:32
roddah alright16:32
adeeeguys i have complete command on ubuntu basics but i want to go ahead and learn the ubuntu kernel and become programmer. am currently learning php. what should i need to learn to master in ubuntu linux.16:32
ikoniat0ken: sendmail shouldn't be a comment16:32
nathanelth0r: ah... wrong room again :P.. sorry guys and thanks for the tip :)16:32
ikoniat0ken: mailx or mail is normally used16:32
ikoniaadeee: just day to do use will get you there16:32
ikoniaadeee: you can't "learn it"16:32
waperboyadee, are you a programmer?16:32
ikoniait's experience and knowledge16:33
edbianikonia: that's learning16:33
t0kenikonia: k, so I should be running 'mailx -s "Test" me@example.com < stuff.txt'  then?16:33
edbianadeee: learn c / c++ and take college level courses on operating systems.  Then you have the background necessary to learn things about the kernel.  You will never learn the entire kernel.  It's too big.16:33
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mgaunard_adeee: the POSIX system calls16:33
adeeewaperboy. as a mater of fact not yet. but am learning php. also a good designer.16:33
ikoniat0ken: that's a valid command to send the mail, you need a running mta to actually send the mail though16:33
cxxcim in the same boat as adeee but looking to work on servers such as LAMP16:34
ikoniaadeee: right, so don't learn the kernel, learn a programming language you want to learn16:34
mgaunard_adeee: and C, of course16:34
cxxcis the RHCE worth anything these days?16:34
edbiancxxc: Then you probably care more about web server software rather than the OS16:34
ikoniathis is offtopic16:34
ikoniaguys, it's an ubuntu support channel16:34
llutzt0ken: for just sending some stuff to gmail from scripts, look at simple mtas like ssmtp/msmtp etc. exim/postfix/sendmail would be overkill16:34
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edbianikonia: noted :)16:34
jxshxxHowdy.  Just changed an older laptop from Lucid to Natty.  Switched to Ubuntu Classic (no effects) but it's still noticeably slower.  Other suggestions?16:34
edbianrodd: make sure you're running sudo update-grub16:34
kristopheradeee the kernel is actually pretty easy to understand but difficult to work with i did alot with androids i suggest opening one up to see the code and edit as needed that will give you ideas on how they work http://www.kernel.org/16:35
t0kenllutz: ok thanks, that's what I was looking for.  I don't need a "mail server" per se, I just wanna fire off mail to my gmail account16:35
roddyeah, just trying to figure out which number refers to windows16:35
waperboyadee: becoming a programmer is a long road, there's so much you need to know. To program in the Linux kernel is not a walk in the park :)16:35
adeeeThank you guys. for your good advise. so can you tell me about the college or universities where the courses are studied about linux or c++.16:35
ikoniaadeee: please drop it16:35
edbianrodd: what does the list look like at the grub menu?16:35
rodddont remember, perhaps 616:36
roddit's set to 6 currently16:36
waperboyadee: if you're not already headed for college, forget formal education. Passion and experience are your best friends16:36
roddbut ubuntu is still the default16:36
edbianrodd: make sure you run sudo update-grub when you change the list16:37
adeeewaperboy you may be right. :p but am must learn this because i have mind attached with computer and computer languages16:37
mgaunard_why C++? The kernel is written in C, and torvalds despises C++16:37
ikoniamgaunard_: enough16:37
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Myrttiplease keep offtopic to #ubuntu-offtopic16:38
timothyis it possible to install lastest version of software on ubuntu 10.10 or 11.04 packages?16:38
jiahuican anyone help me to solve my problem?16:38
ikoniatimothy: you shouldn't mix versions and packages16:38
mgaunard_timothy: it's possible to try, but you may have problems16:38
mgaunard_timothy: dependencies will probably be missing16:39
ikoniatimothy: I very strongly advise you not to do this, it will cause problems16:39
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kristopherstick with what ubuntu gives you and let them turn out the updates there behind on some software for a good reason16:40
timothyhmmm i see16:40
jiahuimy Network icon has disappeared16:40
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timothyi can use ubuntu tweak16:40
amin`hi guys could i use GDM themes like this http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Akumin+GDM+-+smleimberg?content=102828 for GDM3 or gdm3 just uses te wide system GTK themes?it is about 3days i search about converting from bash to zsh and I am worried about a consciousness ! am I gain mopre than i lose by converting to Zsh16:41
jiahuidid anyone know why?16:41
ikoniatimothy: I wouldn't use that either16:41
ikoniatimothy: there is nothing (that I'm aware of) that you can't do using the proper tools that ubuntu tweak can do16:41
edbianikonia: of course there's nothing! The proper tools are the most powerful tools :)16:42
ZoffixHey all. I asked about this last week, but still haven't found a solution. When I render a video using PiTiVi, it adds a lot of black space around the actual video. Even when I set the export dimensions to be the same as that of the video itself it adds black stuff around it. How to make it export without adding anything; just the size of the video frame?16:42
waperboyhaven't performed update for ages, afraid it will break my personal modifications like keyboard mappings etc. Is this fear unfounded?16:42
timothybut then again linux is not about having the most updated version of software16:42
ikoniawaperboy: depends what's changed between versions16:43
zul__could anybody help me to install ruby 3.1 in my ubuntu.. I'ha any problems16:43
egogaHow do I make a CIL image for an executable16:43
Zoffixwaperboy, last time I did an update, it killed Quanta and KDevelop - the two editors I use for work.. I avoid updates like plague now :}16:43
[SPSU]Zachi have downloaded the iso file at least 7 different times and every time i checksum it it says it doesn't match16:43
kristopherubuntu tweak is the dummies way for editing it will eddit and change with a press of a button instead of you doing it urself but if ubuntu tweak isnt on par with the latestet updates it could make things unstable16:43
Zoffixwaperboy, by "killed" I mean that quanta started freezing for 5 minutes on file saves, and I forget what was wrong with KDevelop, but I couldn't use it anymopre.16:44
cxxcif it aint broke dont fix it16:44
ikoniaegoga: you can start by not using caps16:44
theadminegoga: Be patient, don't caps.16:44
timothyhey how do you run a ".run" file or a ".bin"16:45
egogaI typed mono file.exe and it said: Cannot open assembly '/home/egoga/file.exe': File does not contain a valid CIL image.16:45
egogaYou type: sh file.bin16:45
theadminegoga: That's nonsense16:45
theadmintimothy: chmod +x whatever.run ; ./whatever.run16:46
egogaor ./file.bin... in Google Earth's case, you will have to run and install googleearth-package*.deb to turn it into a dpkg16:46
theadminegoga: .bin files are most usually not shellscripts, so sh won't work16:46
timothydo i need to cd to the directory first?16:46
theadmintimothy: Well, duh16:46
E3D3what is the use of mounting archives like rar & zip ?16:46
Zoffixtimothy, not necessarily.16:46
Zoffixtimothy,   runing:     some/directory/file  will run it16:47
egogaIf I downloaded a 19 year old ROM, at http://megaupload.com/?d=XFW6UA3A, would it be illegal?  When do copyrights expire16:47
LjLegoga: it would be illegal16:47
theadminegoga: Wrong channel for this.16:47
[SPSU]Zachsomeone suggested that i torrent the iso and the checksums are still differnt. :(16:47
ikoniaegoga: and nothing to do with this channel16:47
ikoniaegoga: thie channels for ubuntu discusion, can you please stick to that16:47
egogaI'll rubbity dig dag assa coon thank you16:47
kristopherPatents don't last long but copyrights do16:47
theadminikonia: This channel is for support, not discussion16:48
theadminegoga: ^16:48
=== Tohuw465 is now known as Tohuw
theadminikonia: Or you'll confuse em16:48
timothychmod: cannot access `Qt_SDK_Lin64_online_v1_1_3_en.run': No such file or directory16:48
timothygave me that error ^^16:48
[THC]AcidRainkristopher, please take your patents/copyrights discussion to #off-topic16:48
ikoniatheadmin: you're not in the same directory16:48
kristopherchances are the copyright is still in effect but at the age of 19 i wouldnt worry as its probably not enforced well by the owner16:48
ikoniafair enough16:48
[THC]AcidRainthanks ;)16:48
theadminikonia: Sorry?16:48
theadmintimothy: You need to cd to the file location16:48
ikoniatheadmin: sorry, that was for timothy16:49
ZoffixThere's more noise from people telling what not to do than from the actual guy :}16:49
[THC]AcidRainkristopher, believe me, you dont want the admins gripin at you just because you said a few off topic helpful things. lol16:49
timothyit doesnt work...16:51
ikoniatheadmin: what's the error16:51
theadminikonia: There you go again >.< Could you please type "ti" before tabbing him?16:51
timothy chmod +x chmod: cannot access `Qt_SDK_Lin64_online_v1_1_3_en.run': No such file or directory16:51
ikoniatheadmin: sorry16:51
ikoniatimothy: what's the error16:51
timothy chmod +x chmod: cannot access `Qt_SDK_Lin64_online_v1_1_3_en.run': No such file or directory16:51
ikoniatimothy: ls -la Qt_SDK_Lin64_online_v1_1_3_en.run16:51
timothythank you illtry that16:51
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dr_willischeck your spelling timothy  , use tab to complete the file name. :)16:52
timothyok it didnt give me an error whats the next step16:52
timothywhat does ls -la do?16:52
dr_willisrun it :) ./whatever16:52
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jiohdils = list16:53
dr_willisls -la shows the file details. You might want to spend a bit of time reasing some bash tutoruals timothy16:53
ZoffixHere's what my video looks like once rendered: http://zoffix.com/new/del/Screenshot1.png   But all the frames in the clips I'm combining are originally sized at 848x480... why is PiTiVi adding all that black stuff around it? :(16:53
organiksis ubuntu 11.04 64bit only for amd?16:53
LjLorganiks: no16:53
FoxtrotZeroPerhaps someone can help me? I tried to install Ubuntu (with the Windows installer) which idn't give me any trouble, but I can't figure out how to start my computer using Ubuntu... There is no menu screen on startup, like the install page illustrates16:53
dr_willisorganiks:  No.16:53
kristopheryou can use ubuntu 64 bit with any 64 bit machine i run it on my netbook they only use the word amd since they developed it off amd16:54
LjLFoxmaster: the Windows installer, if by that you mean Wubi, will not let you boot directly from Ubuntu. there will be an icon in Windows' Start menu, i think16:54
kristopherand amd is more famous for 64bit computing16:54
=== emilio is now known as fester-
timothyit just told me that it is a directory after running ./ ls -la Qt_SDK_Lin64_online_v1_1_3_en.run16:54
timothywithout the ls and -la16:54
timothyso ./Qt_SDK_Lin64_online_v1_1_3_en.run16:54
Zoffixtimothy, yeah16:55
FoxtrotZeroLjL: Nothing new in my start menu. It's another operating system, isn't the concept that I can start the computer running it?16:55
Zoffixtimothy, type: "./Qt" then press TAB key to complete the filename. You're likely misspelling16:55
Parsindwhy not 128 ?16:55
LjLFoxtrotZero: not if you install it from Windows16:55
FoxtrotZeroWell, crap.16:55
garothe default kernel has aufs modules but no unionfs, is aufs the way to go now ?16:55
LjLFoxtrotZero: you must install it from the live CD for that16:55
FoxtrotZeroLjL: So the windows version is like running Ubuntu INSIDE Windows?16:55
timothytab didnt do anything16:55
ParsindAMD 128?16:56
Zoffixtimothy, then type "ls"  and see if the file is in there at all...16:56
LjLFoxtrotZero: i can't say i'm very familiar with it, but it is at least started from within Windows, and it uses a file on your Windows HD as its "virtual hard drive"16:56
timothyit is16:56
[THC]AcidRainhow do i determine what group a certain user is in from command line?16:56
timothyi see a .bin files16:56
organikswhen i ssh into a box how can i get it to output what i type on the screen? or if i ever close the terminal can i pull it back up and then use 'screen'?16:56
kristopherorganiks: I would always go 64bit even on my netbook lol but it isnt really needed unless you run more than 4gigs of ram but yeah it will work with any 64 bit chip keep in mind files are bigger on 64 bit and ubuntu will turn updates out faster for 32bit16:57
LjLFoxtrotZero: oh, i'm being told the option to start Ubuntu is probably in the Windows boot menu, accessible by pressing F8 if i remember correctly16:57
Zoffixtimothy, ok, then try: "chmod +x Qt" and then press TAB to complete the filename...16:57
dr_willisFoxtrotZero:  wubi makes a special boot menu item to boot to the Ubuntu Wubi install.   I dont reccomend using wubi.16:57
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FoxtrotZeroLjL: Alright then, so is it possible to install in such that when I start my computer, I have the option of running Win- Oh, alright.16:57
FoxtrotZeroLjL: Why do you not reccomend Wubi?16:57
organiksthnx kris16:57
fester-I'd like remove tty23456, but i can't locate inittab16:57
dr_willisWubi is often problematic from  the # of probolems with it i see in here on a weekly basis.16:58
theadmin[THC]AcidRain: groups USERNAME16:58
dr_willisfester-:  look in /etc/init16:58
dr_willis!upstart | fester-16:58
ubottufester-: Upstart is meant to replace the old Sys V Init system with an event-driven init model.  For more information please see: http://upstart.ubuntu.com/16:58
organiksso what if i run less than 4gigs of ram?16:58
LjLFoxtrotZero: i didn't say i don't recommend it... but well, it seems much saner to me to install it as another OS alongside Windows. the whole your-hard-drive-being-really-a-Windows-file thing doesn't sound too good to me, at the very least it will impact speed16:58
timothy.. i already tried no sucess16:58
ubottuIn Ubuntu all runlevels except 0,1 and 6 are by default equal. Also keep in mind that Ubuntu now uses !Upstart instead of System V init so there is normally no /etc/inittab.16:58
FoxtrotZeroLjL: Sorry, that was dr_willis16:58
FoxtrotZeroLjL: But yeah, that makes sense16:59
kristopherorganiks if u run less than 4 gigs of ram and have no intent of exceeding it 32bit is fine if you have intent to expand passed 4 gigs id go the 64 bit route16:59
dr_willisand i rarely see any wubi problems actually fixed.  - the people tend to have to reinstall or get sick of it and do a normal install.16:59
The_BROSAre there any methods to transfer files by Pidgin?16:59
kristopherif your chip supports 64 bit16:59
FoxtrotZeroLjL: So it's possible - and I'm sure I know the answer - to install Ubuntu alongside Windows such that when I start my computer, I can select either Windows or Ubuntu?17:00
ZoffixFoxtrotZero, yes, I have it right on this box17:00
dr_willisFoxtrotZero:  thats now it normally works.17:00
kristophereveryones diff i like 64 bit on my netbook just beacause i have a 64bit chip but i dont really need it since i can only have 2gbs of ram in it on my desktop another story17:01
ZoffixFoxtrotZero, I first installed windows, then I installed ubuntu into a separate drive (you can also use a separate partition).17:01
dr_willisFoxtrotZero:  if you did a  wubi install , somthing must have messed up.17:01
ZoffixFoxtrotZero, a word of learned advice: don't trying to install Vista along with your existing files.. I told it not to touch my ubuntu partition, and it deleted it anyway. I think maybe it has some anti-Linux code :)17:02
kristopheryeah best way install windows then linux. they are anti-linux lol ms silverlight but i doubt they intended to delete a partition17:03
FoxtrotZerodr_willis The install was interrupted for a reason I don't understand the first time, which caused my computer to spontaneously restart. Multitasking isn't a good idea. When the computer came back on, I reopened the wubi installer, and it said something about deleting the old installaion.17:03
dr_willisFoxtrotZero:   sounds like you need to reinstall wubi.17:03
dr_willisor do a normal install.17:03
ZoffixHaha, I solved my problem :) I needed to go to Project -> Project Settings and then set the size of the project to my intended output size... Then it's fine *phew* :)17:03
[SPSU]Zachi download ubuntu lots of times and the checksum is always different help plz!17:04
FoxtrotZerodr_willis Already tried that, but yeah, i'm going with the normal install.17:04
FoxtrotZeroZoffix: I assure you I have no intention of doing that. I really only need to keep my copy of XP around (thats right, i'm on an at least five year old machine) for my computer-illiterate grandparents.17:04
dr_willis[SPSU]Zach:  use the torrent it can verify the files. :)17:04
[SPSU]Zachi did :(17:04
Zoffix[SPSU]Zach, maybe the checksum you got is wrong :)17:04
LjLFoxtrotZero: sure, the normal install from the live CD automatically shrinks your Windows partition (though a backup is advised, of course), and then recognizes your Windows install and lets you select at boot17:04
dr_willis[SPSU]Zach:  clarify how you are checking the sums perhaps..17:04
[SPSU]Zachi am using winMd5sum17:05
dr_willisDosent the cd's have some verify item in their menus? you could boot the iso in vbox and have it verify :)17:06
dr_willisbut with the torrents, your torrent client should also verify the data.17:06
FoxtrotZeroLjL: Is it possible for me to create a third partition (my computer came with a D:/ partition for 'system restore') in which I install Ubuntu, and Windows and Ubuntu basically leave each other alone?17:07
mang0I'm using awn dock, is there a way to remove the "avant window navigator" launcher on the left of the dock?17:07
LjLFoxtrotZero: yeah, should be done automatically in that case too. but you do have the option (the installer asks you) to set up the partitions manually, as well17:07
dr_willisFoxtrotZero:  you can have a large # of parittions. but you can only have 4 primary parittions.  thats often an issue on new machines. the win7  setups often are using all 4 primaries to begin with17:07
[SPSU]Zachi got the last download frome something like ubuntutracker.com or linuxtracker or something17:07
Myrttimang0: right click it...17:07
[SPSU]Zachand i opened it in utorrent17:07
[SPSU]Zachand it said it was checking it or somehting17:08
[SPSU]Zachit downloaded really fast17:08
dr_willishave utorrent double check it. and be sure you got the right md5sum file to get the sum from.17:08
CurseorangeLooking for a slightly experience ubuntu user to assist me in downloading something17:08
dr_willisCurseorange:  a little more detail would be helpfull. :)17:08
FoxtrotZerodr_willis: Well i'm running Win XP Media Center SP3, so I doubt that's an issue.17:08
mang0Myritti....and...."Dock preferances" "Quit" and "About awn"17:08
dr_willisFoxtrotZero:  fire up gparted and partition how you want then. :)17:09
[SPSU]Zachhow do i know if im using the right checksum?17:09
[SPSU]Zachand how do i get utorrent to check the sum17:09
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows17:09
FoxtrotZerodr_willis: Partitions are new to me. The hell is gparted?17:09
dr_willisthe sums are in a file on  the fileservers,  has a list of files and the sum.. how were you checking the sums if you dident know what sum to check against? :)17:10
dr_willis!info gparted17:10
ubottugparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.0-1ubuntu1 (natty), package size 487 kB, installed size 1632 kB17:10
FoxtrotZeroLjL: Also, how much space is required for this install? I have a 2GB flash drive, and some 700MB CDRs, but that's it. Am I going to be able to do this?17:10
LjLFoxtrotZero: a partition editor. anyway if you already have 2 partitions, you've got just enough room for Ubuntu (since Ubuntu normally requires two partitions, its main one and the one for swap / virtual memory)17:10
kristophergparted is a nice tool it should come factory with ubuntu download from ubuntu softwarecenter it allows u to manage partitions and formate drives and removeablemedia17:10
edbianFoxtrotZero: yep (you only need either 1 CD or 1 usb drive)17:10
edbianFoxtrotZero: partitions are just divisions of the hdd17:10
dr_willisFoxtrotZero:  you can put the iso on the 2gb flash and boot the flash..   you will want a few gb on the hd to install to.17:10
GOMIwhat does it mean if a webcam gives a GREY screen ???17:10
FoxtrotZeroEdbian: Yeah, thanks. I know what a partition is, but nothing about dealing with them.17:10
GOMIfirst it was black now grey17:10
edbianGOMI: it's foggy17:11
organikswhen i ssh into a box how can i get it to output what i type on the box screen?17:11
LjLFoxtrotZero: you need to burn Ubuntu to one CD, and that's it17:11
edbianFoxtrotZero: gparted let's you deal with them17:11
FoxtrotZerodr_willis: I have well over 130GB free, so no worries there17:11
GOMIedbian, am serious17:11
dr_willisorganiks:  one way  use screen, and open a term on the box and have screen show the session.17:11
GOMIedbian, do you know or are you playing17:11
edbianGOMI: googling...17:11
FoxtrotZeroAlright gentlemen, my friend is bugging me to play Minecraft, so i'll attempt this later, and consult you if I run into trouble.17:11
GOMIedbian, am googleing for two weeks now ...17:12
edbianGOMI: I'm guessing, since I've never heard of this before.  Something is physically blocking the webcam17:12
naftilos76hi, is there a good video converter for gnome like k9copy?17:12
dr_willisI have a broken webcam on my laptop. :( loose cable or somthing.17:12
dr_willisnaftilos76:  k9copy works in gnome.17:12
organiksdr_willis: what is screen - option to use17:12
dr_willis!info screen17:12
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu7 (natty), package size 571 kB, installed size 1008 kB17:12
naftilos76i know that, but is there a GTK based app?17:13
soreauGOMI: I'd guess a webcam driver bug or that the webcam cant handle the lumens entering it's lens17:13
dr_willisorganiks:  detatch/reatch the session where you want it.17:13
cappy__Hi folks I'm having trouble getting the sound to work on an old pc with xubuntu installed. the card is recognised and the driver is loaded but there's just no sound coming out of the speakers. can anyone suggest a solution17:13
Tharlinni have weird extra drives showing up in my fdisk -l. how can i get rid of those? here a pastebin of fdisk -l http://pastebin.com/KCwR4vL417:13
The_BROSHow to create shortcut to Panel if I have portable Windows program?17:13
CurseorangeWould someone be kind enough to assist me in downloading a program using the terminal, just need someone who can answer questions so i can learn what im doing as i get this done.17:14
LjLCurseorange: what do you need to download17:14
soreauCurseorange: What program?17:14
CurseorangeI am downloading tor through my terminal17:14
kristopherlol sound that was everyones problem back in the day with linux, check for proprietary drivers first in system settings additional hardware and makes sure your using latest version of ubuntu17:15
naftilos76anybody? a good video converter GTK based for gnome?17:15
soreau!info tor | Curseorange17:15
ubottuCurseorange: tor (source: tor): anonymizing overlay network for TCP. In component universe, is optional. Version (natty), package size 1016 kB, installed size 2104 kB17:15
LjLCurseorange: it's in the repositories, so you just need to type "sudo apt-get install tor"17:15
soreauCurseorange: sudo apt-get install tor17:15
edbiansoreau: hi17:15
soreauedbian: hey17:15
cappy__I've done all that, I've loaded the Nvidia gfx drivers and the Bcm43xx wireless drivers, they are the only two proprietry drivers available17:16
CurseorangeE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable)17:16
CurseorangeE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?17:16
soreau! sound | cappy__17:16
ubottucappy__: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.17:16
LjLCurseorange: are you already running Synaptic, the Software Center, or something like that?17:16
edbianCurseorange: you have a second package manager running17:16
edbiancappy__: What are you trying to get working?17:16
Curseorangemy drivers17:16
CurseorangeMore likely17:16
soreauCurseorange: Not more likely..17:17
kristopherlol sound that was everyones problem back in the day with linux, check for proprietary drivers first in system settings additional hardware and makes sure your using latest version of ubuntu. if nothing go into sound preferences make sure everything is selected as it should be.17:17
soreauCurseorange: You have another process running that is using the package management system17:17
cappy__I've checked the sound volume aplet and used sudo alsamixer I've also followed ALL steps @ https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting17:18
soreaucappy__: There's no reason to run alsamixer as root. Dont do it17:18
kristopherorca maybe lol what type of sound card do you have any info on it17:18
soreaucappy__: What chipset is it as reported by the output of lspci?17:19
cappy__Its an integrated via82xx17:19
cappy__Its an integrated on an asus motherboard17:19
kristophersry i laugh since i had this problem when i first used linux years ago its correctable17:20
nathanelth0r: the dude in #bash is unfortunately being very unhelpful... i'm really sorry for being a beginner at this17:21
cappy__lspci reports  00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)17:21
cappy__I've been googlin this for 3 days17:21
soreau! pm | Curseorange17:21
ubottuCurseorange: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.17:21
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Curseorangeok soreau mind explaining what i need to do?17:21
Curseorangeim trying to learn linux and i like to know steps and what they accomplish17:22
soreauCurseorange: You have something else running that's using the package manager like software center, synaptic package manager or apt17:22
cappy__well Kristopher? anything else to add?17:22
organikslooking to output screen on the box i ssh in to, anyone know?17:22
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Curseorangei was updating some drivers through additional drivers17:22
Curseorangewould that have done it17:23
kristopheryeah i have a fix that worked on centos using hda intel17:23
Curseorangethought so17:23
Curseorangelet me attempt to install it again17:23
kristopherlet me double check and see if i can get u the steps17:23
CurseorangeE: Invalid operation tor17:23
soreaucappy__: I thought you said it was via, not hda intel17:24
nathanelquestion: how can i enumerate, read and write all hdd devices to fstab to mount them automatically on boot17:24
cappy__that's true17:24
cappy__00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller (rev 50)17:24
soreauCurseorange: You typed the wrong command17:24
soreauCurseorange: sudo apt-get install tor17:24
CurseorangeAhh okay17:24
Curseorangeok i installed it17:25
Curseorangehow do i run it?17:25
soreaucappy__: In alsamixer, does it show everything is unmuted? (m) and you have the right card selected? (f6)17:25
kristopheryeah im still looking someone reported success with a via card and a hda intel driver17:25
soreauCurseorange: No idea, this was your deal ;)17:25
dr_willisCurseorange:  with tor. you shold be checking the docs at the tor homepage.17:25
dr_willisand the ubuntu tor wiki page.17:25
soreauCurseorange: Maybe try tor --help or even 'man tor'17:25
=== mike is now known as Guest24672
Curseorangei have been too pampered with a gui17:25
LjLCurseorange: i think it'll be started automatically at boot17:26
Guest24672hey is there a way I can get my xubuntu to read what I type faster?17:26
Guest24672there is always a lag and half the stuff I type gets lost17:26
LjLCurseorange: the usual suggestion was to run "privoxy" with tor, which creates a proxy server for you to use in web browsers17:26
[SPSU]Zachdoes winmd5sum work?17:26
cappy__soreau: let me just check, I'm also going to pastebin a lot of info I got from a script I ran on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting. thanks for the help so far, I'll be back17:26
CurseorangeWell id like to have a chat with someone as i read these things because i have alot of questions17:26
dr_willis[SPSU]Zach:  i dont see why it wouldent work,17:26
Curseorangewhich is why i wanted a priv with someone to not bug the channel17:27
[SPSU]Zachevery time i download the iso17:27
dr_willisCurseorange:  start with reading the tor docs..17:27
[SPSU]Zachthe sums are different17:27
soreauCurseorange: Does 'ps ax|grep tor|grep -v grep' show anything?17:27
LjLCurseorange: the channel is here to be bugged, as long as they're ubuntu questions17:27
dr_willis[SPSU]Zach:  you sum the same file twice in a row and it gets a diffent sum>17:27
* soreau points at > dr_willis 17:28
nathanelhello again: I am trying to enumerate all the hdd devices on my machine automatically, how do i do so through terminal?17:28
Fuchsnathanel: fdisk -l should list them, or what exactly do you want to do?17:28
Fuchsudisks might be a possibility as well17:28
Fuchsas in: udisks --enumerate17:29
nathanelFuchs: i am trying to write  ascript to query the device(s) information (UUID TYPE LABEL) and write info to fstab for automatic mount on startup17:29
cappy__soreau: I'm sure I have the correct card selected, I'm going to hit pastebin and report back. thanks!17:29
[SPSU]Zachi figured it out17:30
Fuchsnathanel: there are better ways to automount, however, if you still want to do it: both possibilities I named will probably do17:30
[SPSU]Zachyou have to manually copy the md5sum from ubuntu website and paste in the cmopare thing17:30
nathanelFuchs: I already have the different blkid commands to do so but i would like to generalize and loop it for all /dev/sdX devices connected17:30
[SPSU]Zachthen compare17:30
nathanelFuchs: example: UUID=dd2424a3-3305-416c-8add-e9b160784716 /media/Backup ext4 defaults 0 017:32
cappy__soreau: http://pastebin.com/ASSuKVJg this contains alot of info on the card, please take a look17:32
kristopherbig help17:34
nathanelFuchs: udisks --enumerate seems to be going well... but how can i specifiy a string lookup for devices in   "sd*" format17:34
edafgafhello guys, im new to ubuntu and i made an install, all my components are detected with the exception of the webcam, is there anything i can do about it?17:34
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Fuchsnathanel: udisks --enumerate-device-files   with some grep17:35
soreaucappy__: Are you sure that audio card works? Has it ever worked?17:36
nathanelFuchs: can i restric to parttions only?17:37
cappy__soreau: it was working about 4 years ago, I haven't used the system since then. I couldn't really tell without installing xp but it only has 256 megs of ram so I think that would be dificult not to mention a pain in the arse17:37
zykotick9nathanel, you really should try to migrate away from using /dev/sdX# as these can change, using UUID or LABELS is preferred for "most" uses17:37
soreaucappy__: Can you show the output of 'lspci -nn|grep audio'? Specifically, vendor/product id numbers at the end in the format xxxx:xxxx17:38
cappy__will do 1 sec17:38
nathanelFuchs: thats exactly what i want to do...  i want to enumerate all devices and query their uuid, type and label to cat to fstab17:38
cappy__soreau: 00:11.5 Multimedia audio controller [0401]: VIA Technologies, Inc. VT8233/A/8235/8237 AC97 Audio Controller [1106:3059] (rev 50)17:39
Fuchsnathanel: well, you could cut off the last part of the --enumerate, or the first column of fdisk -l17:39
cappy__can't see any product id's there, sorry17:39
zykotick9cappy__, it's the [1106:3059] number17:40
kristophercappy im still looking for you but try this for now this wiix it but youll have to go to work in terminal your pastebin is a big help leave open in another window when looking at this documentation https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting17:40
cappy__zykotick9: oh yeah , duh17:40
nathanelFuchs: I get it, but ow do i repeat? loop?17:42
soreaucappy__: How are you testing the audio?17:42
kristopherur not the first with this kind of error some users reported and adjustmnet in alsa and said it was a easy fix after they tore up the system others said they had to do some work so lets not give up on it take a look at that doc ill look for a streamlined fix17:42
Fuchsnathanel: for i in <command>; do <something with $i>; done17:42
nathanelFuchs: thank you17:42
cappy__soreau: I was using the command aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Center.wav17:42
Fuchsnathanel: you can use readline or so17:42
cristiy need a way to find this  "color = (0.47,0.47,0.47,1)" , how to define them etc17:43
soreaucristi: It's in the format RGBA, red, green, blue, alpha17:43
soreaucristi: It's probably a medium gray17:43
cappy__soreau: and aplay /usr/share/sounds/alsa/Front_Left.wav17:44
cappy__soreau: and youtube17:44
cristiooooo , thank you , this its all y need17:44
savidHow can I get ls to sort "_" and "." files first by default?17:44
soreaucappy__: Not sure really.. maybe try the tips at the end here https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+question/165399 comments #3 and #417:45
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savidah, nm, found it..  LC_COLLATE=C.17:46
cappy__soreau: thnks man, I'm stumped also, I think i'll just fork out for a cheapy usb snd card and be done with it. thanks for your efforts though, you too kristopher17:46
zykotick9savid, hey that's kinda neat, thanks17:46
soreaucappy__: It's very possible the sound card just does not work, even though everything appears fine in software17:46
soreaucappy__: The first thing I'd do is try to verify the hardware is good17:47
soreaucappy__: Possibly an ancient version of ubuntu if you have one lying about17:47
cappy__soreau: yeah I was starting to think that, how would I do that do you think?17:47
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soreaucappy__: Any way you can :)17:47
cappy__soreau: gotchya thanks again.17:48
kristophercappy take a look at the doc and your pastebin they refer to ur hardware as an example in some places which means its a known issue that is correctable17:48
soreaucappy__: no problem, let us know what you find17:48
cappy__Kristopher: I'll do that.17:49
organikswas wondering if i ssh in to a box can i get that box to output or mirror what i type into terminal?17:49
kristopherwhen ur following the steps ur pastebin will fill in the blanks17:49
zykotick9organiks, you can copy paste the commands, what you're asking sounds like "puppet" which is some big piece of software to perform the same commands on multiple machines (probably WAY more complex then what you're looking for - though I've never even tried to play with puppet so can't say for sure)17:50
ubuntuusrhello can i clone usb stick on ubuntu17:52
kristopheryou can also  try replacing with oss open sound system or orca it worked in the past but i belive orca is a trial worked for me on early release id leave it as a last resort tho17:53
HelloWorld321for Derby, do I install sun-java6-javadb or sun-javadb-common or both?17:54
ubuntuusrhello can i clone usb stick on ubuntu17:55
jxshxxNeed help shutting off extras that are making Natty run slower than Lucid on an old laptop.17:57
ubuntuusrhello can i clone usb stick on ubuntu17:58
organikszykitick9 i was looking just to have the session output results on the ssh box17:58
kristopherjxshxx at login best bet is to switch ubuntu classic17:58
thrillERboyubuntuusr: why not copy paste :/17:58
kristopherdrops unity but will give u a boost in performance17:58
zykotick9ubuntuusr, of course check out the "dd" command for starters - it "might" be as simple as "dd if=/dev/sdX of=yourimage.img" but you may need more!  Good luck.17:59
jxshxxkristopher: I've made that change, but looking for more options as it's still slow.  Other ideas?17:59
kristopherhow long has your os been installed17:59
zykotick9!tab > organiks18:00
ubottuorganiks, please see my private message18:00
kristophertime will help as it settels in18:00
warfarenso i reinstalled ubuntu a few times because i messed it up a bit but it's good now.. but i see that it created a lot of partitions!18:00
zykotick9organiks, during your ssh session it "should" output to that session?  I'm not sure what you want...18:00
anewguesti want to know that whether its possible to upgrade ubuntu 10.04 to 11.04 without loosing user settings18:00
warfarenhow do i merge them?18:00
jxshxxkristopher: less than 24 hours18:01
BluesKajcappy__, open alsamixer in the terminal, and look in the upper left for a listed driver18:01
zykotick9anewguest, you have to update from 10.04 -> 10.10 -> 11.04.  Are you sure a backup/fresh install isn't possible?  Good luck (PS. I'd never recommend upgrading from one version of ubuntu to the next, and twice seems insane to me)18:01
kristopherjshxx also i would grab bleachbit to drop some temp files to see if that helps clear all except localizations free space and memory if u have save passwords uncheck becareful with it and run in terminal sudo bleachbit but it should speed it up once the os settles in18:02
zykotick9anewguest, BUT it is possible18:02
anewguestfresh install is possible but i want to keep the user settings18:02
anewguestzykotick9: fresh install is possible but i want to keep the user settings18:03
zykotick9anewguest, so save your /home folder(s) to another media18:03
organikszykotick9: i just want it outputed on the ssh machine18:03
jxshxxkristopher: Thanks, I'll try that.  I don't undersand this "settling in" of the OS.  Can you elaborate or point me to a good read?18:03
[SPSU]Zachis there a quick easy way to see if ur computer can boot from usb?18:03
zykotick9organiks, as you're running the commands, they will be?  Could you try asking your question using different terms perhaps?18:04
kristopherYeah, After a fresh install it takes time for the os kernel to figure out how you work and your hardware like batterylife etc. After some time when it builds info logs on your sys, it should begin to what I call settel in and run a bit better for you18:04
organiksas im running the cmds they are posting in the terminal(home) and terminal(ssh) so it can been seen on both systems18:05
nathanelFuchs: can i show you what i did through pastebin?18:05
dracmasBios should show boot options. If there's no section for your usb then no.18:05
Fuchsnathanel: you can, but I probably won't comment it18:06
kristopherbattery life is a good example after a fresh install if it says 2 hrs left its probably more like one lol once it settles and charges up etc it becomes more accurate18:06
nathanelFuchs: meaning?18:06
zykotick9organiks, i don't know a way to do that with ssh sorry.  good luck.18:06
kristophersame thing goes for the rest of the sys18:06
Fuchsnathanel: you can show it to me, but it probably won't make a difference :)18:06
cappy__BluesKaj: under card it says VIA8235, under chip it says Realtek ALC650E18:06
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2 - See !grub1 for releases before Karmic (9.10)18:07
Rich246Hi guys, is there a way I can get all the Wallapers from Ubuntu past to current for my computer?... I don't have Ubuntu.18:07
nathanelFuchs: oh.. but I would like to get your feedback in terms of logic... I'm no expert...18:07
surgehi, i followed the steps to create a USB installer from windows18:07
ticopuravidaUnable to use my Laptop's external monitor in Ubuntu 11.04, have read all the forums and tons of articles out there, but none works, of course the monitor is ok, I use it normally on Windows.18:07
surgewhen I boot from the usb stick it says missing operating system18:07
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Fuchsnathanel: show me then, but since I found the original idea bad, I probably won't give any good comments on how to improve.18:07
Rich246Is there a link or website I can go to?18:08
jxshxxkristopher: Thanks again!18:08
nathanelFuchs: I understand.. but it's for closed network machine usage only.. rest assured.. I know the risks...18:08
BluesKajcappy__, ok, have all the ctrls turned right up and no "M"s in the boxes , especially Master and Line18:08
kristopheralso jshxx if your browser is slow some people find alternative browsers to be better, i would also check to see if there are any propreitary hardwar avaliable in additional hardware and reboot a few times latest updates etc. if its still slow after some time then we can try other options18:08
nathanelFuchs: it's in18:09
trismRich246: this site seems to have warty-maverick http://ubuntu.ecchi.ca/wallpapers/18:09
=== sythe-afk is now known as sythe
cappy__BluesKaj: OMG I'm so sory for wasting everyone's time, That was it there were MM's in all the boxes, I'm such a TOOL thankyou so much18:10
kristophercappy something simple?18:10
Rich246trism: Ty! Do you know the resolution of those wallpapers?18:10
cappy__Kristopher: sorry dude for wasting your time18:10
Fuchsnathanel: well, you probably would have to give me the URL18:11
kristopheryour ok 9-10 problems with ubuntu usually wind up to be someting simple that we all overlook18:11
cappy__soreau: thanks so much I know one of you toldd me to check that and I just didn't understand,18:11
Dylan2236Is there any way to install Windows from inside Ubuntu?18:11
nathanelFuchs: sorry... http://pastebin.com/LPJGzkyx18:11
IdleOnecappy__: never a waste of time when someone learns :)18:11
trismRich246: they seem to vary18:11
nathanelFuchs: i forgot the >> /etc/fstab on the echo line...18:12
soreaucappy__: It works now?18:12
cappy__Wow that's just incredible you guys are the best18:12
cappy__yeah it works sorry for wasting your time man18:12
soreaucappy__: Yea, in alsamixer you use arrow keys to navigate and 'm' to (un)mute tracks18:12
soreaucappy__: Glad you got it working! :-)18:12
IdleOneDylan2236: using virtualbox18:12
cappy__soreau: I realise that now, I should have read your post more carefully18:13
Dylan2236You can install windows to your hard drive and like Boot up on it?18:13
Fuchsnathanel: despite the fact that I still don't like your solution at all: it does not check for duplicates.18:13
soreaucappy__: That's ok, as long as it works now ;)18:13
IdleOneDylan2236: no, for that you need to use a Windows CD.18:13
cappy__thanks again all I owe ye big time18:13
Rich246trism: Thanks again :)18:13
nathanelFuchs: it was the next step.. avoiding sda1 (default ubuntu install partition) and dups18:14
warfarencan someone help me delete the swap partitions ubuntu created when i reinstalled it 3 times?18:14
Dylan2236I tryed using A Windows XP CD but it did not detect my hard drives.18:14
Dylan2236Ubuntu Configured my Hard drives improperly I think.18:14
IdleOneDylan2236: check with ##windows for support installing windows18:14
nathanelwarfaren: gparted or palimpsest18:14
surgehas anyone been able to get the pendrive thing working?18:14
Fuchsnathanel: and for swap and other kinds of partitions it is a bad idea as well18:14
surgeevery time i get "missing operating system"18:14
warfareni have 3x3GB swap partitions. i thought it would delete the old ones because i selected "delete the old ubuntu and install a new one" something18:14
Fuchsnathanel: again, there are more proper solutions for automounting18:14
Fuchsnathanel: consider using one of these18:15
nathanelFuchs: i don't do swap... got plenty ram and a 64 bit system...18:15
warfarenyes nathanel that's what i'm using but when i try to delete /dev/sda7 it says it cant because my current swap partition is /dev/sda918:15
surgei dont think the penndrive utility is creating a proper mbr18:15
MonkeyDustwarfaren: why 3 swap partitions?18:15
warfarennot intentional18:15
warfareni reinstalled ubuntu 3 times18:15
[SPSU]Zachis there a way to install ubuntu directly to my hard drive without having to boot from cd?18:15
warfarenbut the installer didnt detect the old ones and just repartitioned the disk more and more18:15
kristopherwhen you install a new version of ubuntu it formats and installs over existing its possible things get orphaned18:16
warfareni chose to remove the old ubuntu install in the installer18:16
trismRich246: you can also download tar files of the newer versions here https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-wallpapers (I don't think oneiric is the final version yet though)18:16
kristopherdban.org is what i use to wipe my drives but use at risk and be prepared for serious time18:16
kristopherits easy just takes time to wipe18:16
egogaI hate these crappy channels where no one tells how it works18:17
egogaI mean there are 1514 people here18:17
egogaIt's like "how do I make a CIL file for a .NET exe file with mono"18:17
warfarenwell i dont think i can delete those old unused swap partitions now, they are /dev/sda6 and 7 and my ext4 is /dev/sda818:17
kristopherif u dont like that mess gparted to edit partitions18:17
egogano one responds, they just go "go google" or "http://wiki.debian.org/wiki/Mono" or "http://www.mono-projects.org18:17
egogawhat's a good way to compile the latest CVS of cinepaint18:18
egogaor is there another good thing like adobe illustrator/Paint Shop Pro for Linux (not GIMP itself, that's like Photoshop)18:18
Myrttiegoga: a generic question like that is very difficult to answer18:18
egogaI'm not talking about simple programs like Xpaint18:18
HelloWorld321Do you mean something like InkScape?18:18
kristopheryeah egoga theres better than gimp18:18
egogamaybe inkscape, I don't know, I've never heard of it18:19
HelloWorld321LibreOffice has a drawing module, but its more for charting.18:19
egogainkscape seems like a vector editor, what I want is something similar to PSP18:19
warfareni resized those unused swap partitions now, to 1MB18:20
warfarenbecause it wont let me delete them18:20
r0z4 I am learning ruby on rails and i am making a blog about it in spanish specially for ubuntu, i want to share it, because i want to have feedback and comments  http://mxrubyonrails.wordpress.com/   :)18:20
warfarenso now i have about 6GB unallocated space18:20
kristopheryeah inkscpae is good but theres others too18:20
HelloWorld321InkScape is indeed vector graphics.18:20
oCeanr0z4: don't do that here18:20
egogaI looked at Cinepaint, but it seems more for video editing18:20
warfarennow i would like to resize my ext4 partition that i'm currently running from18:20
kristopherfedora has it built in i think let me check18:20
warfarendo i need to fire up my live cd? or can i set it to do it after a reboot or something?18:21
[SPSU]Zachdoes ubuntu support the i7 processor?18:21
warfareni'm sure it does yeah18:21
warfarenwhat's "swapoff"?18:22
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warfarenis that unmount swap partition?18:22
kristophernow dont get me wrong i hate fedora but there flavor has this built in also available for ubuntu best editing sw like gimp http://fedoraproject.org/en/features/#creativity18:22
egogaWhat I did was: ran e2fsck -f /dev/ext4partitiontoberesized18:22
egogaFrom the Debian NetInstall CD in rescue mode18:22
egogathen type resize2fs /dev/whatever 89G to resize it to 89 gigabytes for example18:22
FloodBot1egoga: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:22
Fuerteciao a tutti18:22
egogathen type resize2fs /dev/whatever 89G to resize it to 89 gigabytes for example18:23
kristopheregoga go there to look at titles http://fedoraproject.org/en/features/#creativity download for ubuntu from sw center18:23
oCeanwarfaren: yes. swapoff -a will unmount all swap partitions, swapon -s will show you various partitions in use. You can also use swapoff /dev/sdXX for example18:23
egogaFloodBot1 I'm not flooding18:23
Braber01I can't seem to get g15macro to run I got it to run only once before but now it just gives me a segmentation fault message can anybody help me with this?18:23
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nathanelFuchs: if [[ $(awk '/is mounted/ {print $3}'<<<"$INFORMATION") == '1' ]] ||  ??????18:23
warfarenso how do i best run gparted without my system partition mounted?18:23
warfarenlive cd?18:23
nvJimcan anyone help me troubleshoot my nvidia problem. Fresh install of Ubuntu 11.04 booted up fine updated ubuntu to latest, then installed recommended nvidia drivers.. now it wont boot into x18:24
Fuchsnathanel: sorry, I won't help you further in developing a solution which is, in my opinion, a bad idea to start with18:24
gentoo-intelwarfaren, yes18:24
warfareni hope this'll work...18:24
warfarenworst case scenario i mess it all up again lol18:24
warfarenoh yeah.. one more thing18:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».18:24
nathanelFuchs: why do you consider it a bad idea?18:24
gentoo-intelwarfaren, what are you trying to do?18:24
HelloWorld321I think I've installed Glassfish (and NetBeans) via Ubuntu Software Center, and I see lots of glassfish folders in /usr/share/doc, and I see lots of glassfish jars in /usr/share/java but I can't find asadmin anywhere.   Where should I be looking for asadmin?18:24
warfarendelete some partitions i did not intend to create18:24
warfarenand merge the space into my main ext4 partition18:25
warfarenbut i cant because i'm running from it now so18:25
gentoo-intelwarfaren, yea should work fine18:25
Fuchsnathanel: because there are way better solutions for automounting, automatically fiddling with a file such as the /etc/fstab is a really bad idea which might break a lot of things18:25
=== ubuntu_ is now known as ubuntu_aaaaa
r3mHi, LTS version are always version terminating by .04 or no? or one version on each two?18:25
warfarenmy main ext4 partition is called sda818:25
ubuntu_aaaaai'm having trouble install ubuntu 11.0418:25
warfarenso if i delete those other partitions which are sda7 and sda618:25
xangua!lts | r3m18:25
ubottur3m: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)18:25
warfareni guess my sda8 will be the new sda6?18:25
xanguar3m: every 2 years is LTS18:26
kristopherlts is every 3 versions usually after oneric there will be another lts18:26
r3mxangua: thanks!18:26
gentoo-intelwarfaren, i think so. it can be slow if partitions are before the / partition18:26
gentoo-intelvery slow18:26
r3mxangua: can i update from a LTS to 11.04?18:26
warfarenyeah ok18:26
warfarenwill there be a problem if it changes to sda6?18:26
warfarenor will it correctly mount it anyway?18:26
kristopheryeah terminal update -d18:26
xanguar3m: you can update from lts to lts18:26
r3mxangua: perfect thanks a lot18:26
warfareni mean, if i go into livecd and delete those partitions in between18:26
warfarenwill it still find my ext4?18:27
oCean!enter | warfaren18:27
ubottuwarfaren: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!18:27
kristophershould work or just change the setting in updat advanced settings show releases18:27
xanguar3m: if you want to upgrade to normall release you will have to upgrade tru every version18:27
gentoo-intelwarfaren, if it doesnt youll have to chroot in and change the grub config / fstab18:27
gentoo-intelwarfaren, never tried what your doing myself18:27
kristopherupdate -d will get you off lts to the next in terminal18:27
oCeanwarfaren: if it is just 2 swappartitions you want to delete, there's no need for booting in livecd18:27
nathanelFuchs: I completely understand but the UUID input of the hdds which are mine and mine only as internal is fine by me as I've done it manually in the past. It has happened that formatting my drive has changed the uuid and made a previous, more basic version of an automated script fail. Other gtk solution do the same thing but via interface.. i really dont get why it'S so bad...18:27
warfareni see. well i'll take my chances hehe18:28
oCeanwarfaren: just run a sudo fdisk -l to see your partion layout18:28
warfarenoCean: the problem is that they have a lower sda number than my ext4 that i'm running from18:28
warfarenso it wont let me do it18:28
warfareni'm booting the live cd now anyways so whatever18:28
Fuchsnathanel: it doesn't have to be any graphical solution18:29
Fuchsnathanel: you could just use pmount or udev rules18:29
duryhi there all :)18:29
kristopherif your running 11.04 and type update -d in terminal youll be going to the beta 1 of oneric oncelot if your before that it will take you to what ever the next version is if your on ubuntu 9.04 its gonna take awhile to get to 11.0418:29
nathanelFuchs: please be patient  as i am not too familiar with such methods18:30
durywhich distribution it's secure?18:30
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gentoo-inteldury, as in what?18:30
gentoo-intelubuntu is pretty secure18:30
kristopheralways the latest version of ubuntu is more secure non beta versions but in honesty i dont like fedora support they are the most secure18:30
ipalaushello! I'm trying to connecto my mongodb server in ubuntu but I've this error: http://pastebin.com/LpRSSa4z anyone knows how to solve it? Thank you in advance!18:31
warfarenopenbsd is pretty secure stuff too18:31
ipalausI prefere funtoo :)18:31
warfarenbut that's not linux18:31
durygentoo-intel: what about "Gentoo"18:31
nathanelFuchs: i really appreciate your help -  how would it operate through a udev rule or policy18:31
gentoo-intelofc, but not good for desktop!18:31
gentoo-inteldury, gentoo has hardened, which is prob as secure as linux gets18:31
oCeandury: this channel is for ubuntu only, please stick to that topic. Other discussions in #ubuntu-offtopic18:32
duryoCean: sorry18:32
kristophergentoo about 1 in 50 people could install it lol installation is a task and unless u really know linux i would not attempt it alot to compile18:32
gentoo-intelan installer is in the works18:32
Fuchsnathanel: I only have a german manual at hand, let me see if I find an english one18:33
gentoo-intelkristopher, yes, but ill get kicked for talking more18:33
kristophernice to know ;) tho18:33
nathanelFuchs: thanks18:34
Fuchsnathanel: there is an example for usb media, you can adapt the rule to match hard drives in general http://cdfx.penguins-on-hudson.com/2010/01/20/automount-removable-devices-on-ubuntu-servers/18:34
nathanelFuchs: thank you.. checking it right now18:35
rocket16Hello. I am having exactly the same problem as here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1779489 Can there be any help other than reinstalling ubuntu? :( I badly need it. Thanks in advance18:35
ubuntu_aaaaai'm having trouble install ubuntu 11.04. its able to detect dev sdb but unable to add any or remove partition18:36
warfareni'm in livecd environment now and running gparted but for some reason i cannot expand my ext4 partition into the size i want. i can only make it smaller. that's even though i have 6GB unallocated space18:36
gentoo-intelwarfaren, directly after it?18:36
warfareni guess i don't know18:37
warfarenoh. no that must be the problem18:37
gentoo-intelgparted should be pretty clear18:37
kristopherboot and nuke lol18:37
warfarenthere's a swap partition in between18:37
gentoo-intelit HAS to be directly after it18:37
gentoo-intelotherwise it has no space to expand in to18:37
warfareni see.. so if i delete the swap partition will i be able to create it again later?18:38
gentoo-inteldelete swap, expand it then create a swap at the end18:38
gentoo-intelif you know how18:38
warfarenill delete it first18:38
gentoo-intelgparted can do it all18:38
DefusalHi everyone18:39
kristophertru should be factory with ubuntu18:39
warfarenyes, i just deleted my swap with gparted now18:39
rocket16Any help guys?18:39
warfarennow how do i create it and actually make my installed ubuntu find it?18:39
gentoo-intelwarfaren, ubuntu should just pick it up18:39
gentoo-intelwarfaren, when you create a new partition gparted should have a swap option18:40
auronandace!here | rocket1618:40
ubotturocket16: Please give at least an overview of your problem *here* (all in one line) - you will get a much greater audience. If you have to use more than 3 lines, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com18:40
DefusalWhen attempting to set my gateway for my wireless interface using the gui settings, ubuntu refuses to save the correct address and can only save or if i enter "2", it saves How can I manually override these settings to work around the bugged GUI interface? It appears that it does not use /etc/network/interfaces18:40
kristopheras long as its ext ubuntu will know it is no need to syn anything18:40
warfarenso ill expand my ext4 first. and then ill make a swap18:40
nikolais there a change in policy about chromium updates in natty? it is still on version 12!? before version 12 i had updates... but version 13 is out for over the month and still no updates18:40
kristopherwarfaren if your resizing to shrink swap yes expand ext4 then creat swap with remainder of space18:41
ubuntu_aaaaai'm having trouble install ubuntu 11.04. its able to detect dev sdb but unable to add any or remove partition?18:41
auronandace!latest | nikola18:41
ubottunikola: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, so "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.18:41
warfarenok time to create swap. it only lets me choose "logical partition"18:42
warfarenand i set file system to linux-swap. will that be ok?18:43
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DefusalAnyway, will someone please highlight my nick when you are able to answer, thanks18:43
oCeanDefusal: sure18:44
warfarenok well all done.. reboot time.. hopefully it works18:44
kristopherwarfaren should be right18:44
oCeanDefusal: oh wait, I thought you just needed a highlight..18:44
kristopheras long as its labled as swap linux will know18:44
warfarencrap. i get grub error now18:44
warfaren"error: no such partition." grub rescue>18:45
DefusalI was hoping that the latest LTS release would be more bug free, but it appears to be bugged like any other version, so I just need a workaround to be able to get my internet working and I'll be happy, thanks18:45
warfarenso what do i do now? :( can't boot18:46
MonkeyDustDefusal: you can always try another linux distro, which better suits your needs18:46
warfarenperhaps grub was hardcoded to dev/sda8 and can't find that now18:47
warfarenin that case i need to change it to sda6...18:47
DefusalMonkeyDust, why would I want to do that? I'm sure it will work fine as my needs are rather simple for this machine, one need is being able to boot and run persistently from a usb drive, which it does...18:47
kristopherwarfarren 1. User any live CD (Ubuntu) or installation CD 2. Type command "linux rescue" at the boot 3. Type "chroot /mnt/sysimage" command after entering into the rescue mode 4. Use "grub-install /dev/hda" to recover your Grub boot loader18:48
warfareni'm booting a live cd now18:49
warfarenbut it's going straight into GUI18:49
warfareni do have windows in multiboot on the drive too, would it be affected?18:49
kristopheronly if linux is removed yes then u wont be able to boot windows as itll throw grub errors18:50
warfarenwell i dont plan on removing it18:50
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warfareni just wanna fix it so i get my multiboot working again18:51
warfarenso, i click on "test ubuntu" on the live cd right? or do you want me to go into a virtual terminal?18:51
oCeanwarfaren: please learn to use your enter key less.18:51
kristopherthose steps should bring back ur grub boot loader18:51
MrPocketsCan anyone recommend a dock for Ubuntu?18:51
warfarenwell sorry.. it's just that i type and think, i dont have all the text in my head when i press enter the first time18:52
MrPocketsalll mac look'en and stuff?18:52
MonkeyDustMrPockets: awn works fine18:52
MrPocketsthats the one i was looking for18:52
stephenthemartyri am trying to install ubuntu on a partitionhow do i install only in part of the "free space" and not erase the whole disk?18:52
oCeanwarfaren: well, get used to it, there's normally very heavy traffic in this channel.18:52
kristopher1500 users18:52
warfareni will try my best. i dont want to annoy you guys. very thankful for the support you provide18:52
auronandace!partitioning | stephenthemartyr18:52
ubottustephenthemartyr: For help with partitioning a new install see: https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html - For partitioning programs see !GParted, !QtParted (!Kubuntu 8.10 and lower) or !PartitionManager (!Kubuntu 9.04 and up) - Other partitioning topics include !fstab !home and !swap18:52
organiks-if i already have ubuntu installed how do i put windows on?  most guides say install windows first18:53
MonkeyDuststephenthemartyr: assign seperate space to root, /home and /swap18:53
saturn6962Usually there isn't many rude people. Times change.18:53
ActionParsnipSee how many users there are when Oneiric is released18:53
kristopherwarfaren try those steps to reinstall grub18:53
nathanelFuchs: i'm lost...18:53
kristophershould give us the boot options18:53
nathaneli get the idea of what i need to do but don't know how to append variables18:53
nathanelFuchs: i get the idea of what i need to do but don't know how to append variables18:53
[SPSU]Zachi have a g74sx laptop18:54
[SPSU]Zachother ppl have it too18:54
[SPSU]Zachand they can install ubuntu18:54
[SPSU]Zachbut i cant18:54
[SPSU]Zachit always says "unable to find medium containing live file system"18:54
slakcphildoes anyone recommend 64 or 32 10.04 for a amd64 toshiba with 2gb ram. what would be best in your opinions18:54
warfarenyeah i'm gonna try those but linux rescue doesn't work. i suppose i'm not supposed to write them in bash18:54
ActionParsnipslakcphil:I'd go 64bit18:55
MonkeyDust[SPSU]Zach: please don't use Enter too often18:55
stephenthemartyrauronandace: alright but its not a blank disk there is another OS on 100gb of the 650gb HD and I dont want to eraSe that,gparted can explain how to do that?18:55
ActionParsnip[SPSU]Zach: did you test your RAM for errors? Did you use a CD or USB?18:55
slakcphilActionParsnip, ok for any reason in particular?18:55
stephenthemartyrMonkeyDust: im sorry seperate space where?18:55
ActionParsnipslakcphil: uses the full features of your CPU, cleaner RAM upgrades18:55
MonkeyDuststephenthemartyr: you know how to use Terminal? if yes, type sudo fdisk -l|pastebinit and paste it here18:56
organiksdoes windows need to be installed first  before ubuntu?18:56
stephenthemartyrMonkeyDust: yes18:56
ubuntu_aaaaaI need help installing ubuntu its said no root file system defined18:56
kristopheri agree 64 bit isnt needed for less than 4gigs of ram but if ur cpu supports it and u ever decide to expand passed 4 gigs 64bit is the way to go18:57
MonkeyDustorganiks: yes, or win overwrites grub and you will have to repair it18:57
ActionParsnipubuntu_aaaaa: when you partition you need one set to / and one for swap18:57
kristopherwarfarren were u able to get grub18:57
slakcphilAcitonParsnip, ok I like the sund od that :) I have just had some errors in bt5 r1 with freezing at boot18:57
warfarenall i get when i boot from harddrive is "grub rescue", and when i boot from my ubuntu 11.04 live cd it sends me straight into the gui18:58
auronandace!backtrack | slakcphil18:58
ubottuslakcphil: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition18:58
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slakcphiland windoze7 is slowskie, nothing worse than trying to clode laptop and head out somewhere and then it decides it's a perfecdt time to download 40 updates :(18:59
ActionParsnipwarfaren: get youtself to the installed desktop and run: sudo update-grub18:59
stercorI can't save files as text in gscan2pdf.18:59
kristopherwarfarren from livecd and terminal for steps18:59
blsh0pwhat is the irc chatroom for playonlinux?18:59
ActionParsnipwarfaren: may want to run: sudo grub-install --root-directory=/ /dev/sda      assuming sda is your ubuntu drive19:00
warfarenActionParsnip: i get /usr/sbin/grub-probe: error: cannot stat `aufs'.19:00
warfarenyes, i have windows in dualboot on it too19:00
stephenthemartyrMonkeyDust: pastebin.com/sdgabxNO19:01
blsh0pwhat is playonlinux irc room?19:01
auronandace!alias | blsh0p19:01
oCean!alis | blsh0p19:01
ubottublsh0p: alis is a services bot that can help you find channels. Read "/msg alis help list" for help and ask any questions about it in #freenode. Example usage: /msg alis list #ubuntu*19:01
ActionParsnipwarfaren: ok what does the error mean (use websearches to find out). You could reinstall the19:02
ActionParsnipwarfaren: grub-pc package, may help19:02
warfarenhere's what it looks like: i have /dev/sda2, my windows partition and /dev/sda6, my ubuntu ext4 partition19:02
stephenthemartyrMonkeyDust: http://pastebin.com/sdgabxN019:03
ubuntu_aaaaaActionParsnip, i wasn't able to set up a partation for it19:03
ubuntu_aaaaaI need help installing ubuntu its said no root file system defined19:03
auronandaceubuntu_aaaaa: you need to pick a partition and make it root (/)19:04
warfarencan't i just have the ubuntu installer just scan my drives and configure grub properly? :(19:04
winutmaybe wrong partition is set active?19:05
ubuntu_aaaaaauronandace how would i set the partation to root when i can't edit19:05
ubuntu_aaaaaauronandace, in gpart?19:05
ActionParsnipubuntu_aaaaa: then it won't install. If you make free space, you can tell the installer to use the new space19:06
auronandaceubuntu_aaaaa: not in gparted, in the ubuntu installer19:06
ActionParsnipwarfaren: could try: sudo apt-get install os-prober; sudo os-prober; sudo update-grub19:06
auronandaceubuntu_aaaaa: it has to be a partition type that linux can install on19:07
ubuntu_aaaaaActionParsnip, i already cleanly format out free space no partation19:07
stephenthemartyrMonkeyDust: did u see the link?19:07
ubuntu_aaaaaActionParsnip, auronandace got it .19:07
eric357how is it that apt-cache search php5-mcrypt returns package information but apt-get install php5-mcrypt says: E: Package php5-mcrypt has no installation candidate?19:08
warfarenActionParsnip: again i got the same error from update-grub, cannot stat aufs19:08
ActionParsniperic357: try:  apt-cache search | php | grep -i cryp19:08
ActionParsnipwarfaren: what does the error mean?19:08
jriberic357: run sudo apt-get update; if your issue remains, pastebin full input and output when you attempt to install19:08
ubuntu_aaaaaActionParsnip, auronandace should i have /boot (100mb) /swap, / ,  /home19:09
warfarenwhat i can find on google is i need to chroot19:09
warfarenthat's right, i haven't done that19:09
r3mHi, is there a way to install flash from adobe? i think its faster than other19:09
rainy-dayHi, I have 11.4, I had unity but then I enabled compiz cube, it asked me to turn off unity, I clicked ok and now after restart I have an empty desktop - no gnome bar, alt-f2 doesn't work, but ctrl-alt-del menu works. How can I fix this?19:09
ActionParsnipubuntu_aaaaa: you don't really need /boot. It can be part of / and have no adverse effects19:09
jrib!flash | r3m19:09
ubottur3m: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash19:09
_schulte_how to set the font used in tty consoles?19:10
auronandaceubuntu_aaaaa: if you like19:10
ubuntu_aaaaaActionParsnip, so swap in beginning19:10
eric357jrib: update was good idea but install still returns the same error19:10
ubuntu_aaaaaor swap all the way end like / /home /swap?19:10
jriberic357:  pastebin full input and output when you attempt to install19:10
ActionParsniprainy-day: try:    gconftool-2 --recursive-unset /apps/compiz-1; unity --reset19:11
ActionParsniprainy-day: you can press CTRL+ALT+F1 and run it there19:11
warfarenso how do i chroot and all that? i dont even know what chroot does in this case :/19:11
rainy-dayActionParsnip: thanks will try19:11
_schulte_is it possible to use the new UbuntuBeta font in a tty?19:12
tensorpudding_schulte_: no19:13
rainy-dayActionParsnip: I get python traceback error saying global name 'GError' is not defined19:13
_schulte_tensorpudding: well, I'm looking forward to when/if it is19:13
eric357jrib: output is: http://pastebin.com/LwKJL0ee19:13
tensorpudding_schulte_: in a gnome terminal, probably19:13
[SPSU]Zachi finally was able to boot from my usb19:14
tensorpudding_schulte_: but console fonts are special, you can't just use any truetype font on them19:14
[SPSU]Zachusb port 3.0 does not work with ubuntu...19:14
_schulte_tensorpudding: yea, I have it running in my graphical env.  but would like it in text tty as well19:14
jriberic357: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list*19:14
_schulte_makes sense19:14
[SPSU]Zachis there a way to downgrade ubuntu while its running?19:14
[SPSU]Zachfrom usb?19:14
ActionParsnip[SPSU]Zach: just install the older version19:14
ActionParsniprainy-day: http://mygeekopinions.blogspot.com/2011/05/how-to-edit-compiz-settings-in-ubuntu.html19:15
[SPSU]Zachi try to reformat my flash drive and my computer sees it as a dvd drive and says "no disk in drive H"19:15
rainy-dayActionParsnip: ok thanks19:16
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[SPSU]Zachor should i just use the usb maker thing to reformat it?19:16
sburwood1I have a USB Wifi Key, a D-Link DWA-135.  I want to use it with a desktop computer.  How do I proceed with Ubuntu 11.04?19:16
ActionParsnip[SPSU]Zach: then I'd ask in ##windows   H: is a windows construct19:16
eric357jrib: pasted at: http://pastebin.com/kcxqk2UC19:16
ActionParsnip[SPSU]Zach: unetbootin can format as far as I am aware19:16
LynxSpark124hey guys19:17
LynxSpark124why does Skype exit out suddently19:17
ActionParsnipsburwood1: have it connected and run:  lsusb    you will get an 8 character hex ID you can find guides with19:17
LynxSpark124during a video call?19:17
LynxSpark124I was just talking and it just closed out?19:17
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: run it from a terminal, the output may give clues19:17
jriberic357: what is the result of « uname -m »?19:17
LynxSpark124how do I do that?19:17
stephenthemartyrso i am here https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/switching/installing-partitioning.html but one of the steps in booting linux when ther is a windows partition doesnt make sense,can someonbe please please walk me through it19:18
sburwood1ActionParsnip: I found its ID = 2001:3c17, but havent found a driver or whatever for it19:18
LynxSpark124how do I run it from terminal?19:18
ActionParsnipsburwood1: also run:  sudo iwlist scan   to see if it scans ok19:18
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: type:  skype   and hit enter, I'd have thought you would have TRIED that yourself....19:19
[SPSU]Zachnevermind i unplugged and replugged and it saw as "install ubuntu" again19:19
timothyrm /home/19:19
LynxSpark124Here is what is says19:19
LynxSpark124/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:19
LynxSpark124(<unknown>:3034): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to load type module: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so19:19
LynxSpark124/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:19
LynxSpark124(<unknown>:3034): Gtk-WARNING **: Failed to load type module: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so19:19
LynxSpark124(<unknown>:3034): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ibus.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:19
eric357jrib:  it's i68619:19
LynxSpark124(<unknown>:3034): Gtk-WARNING **: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed19:19
LynxSpark124(<unknown>:3034): Gtk-WARNING **: /usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/immodules/im-ibus.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:19
FloodBot1LynxSpark124: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:19
LynxSpark124(<unknown>:3034): Gtk-WARNING **: Loading IM context type 'ibus' failed19:20
LynxSpark124/usr/lib/gtk-2.0/2.10.0/menuproxies/libappmenu.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6419:20
sburwood1ActionParsnip: iwlist scan tells me that lo, eth0 and vboxnet0  do not support scanning19:20
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: you have installed the 32bit client on a 64bit OS19:20
timothyxchat needs copy past cut etc19:20
teh5abikinghello everyone, i installed ubuntu 11.10 beta 1, and when i tried to sync my 4th generation iPod touch, the songs weren't listed in my iPod's music app.19:20
ActionParsnipsburwood1: ok then its not working and you need to expend effort19:20
LynxSpark124I installed the amd 64 version19:20
cliff__Hey guys, I messed up my upgrade to 11.04 from 10.10 64bit cuz of pkg repo problems, do you think I can pop in a live cd and install from there?19:20
eric357jrib: Linode running Ubuntu Lucid 10.04.3 LTS19:20
LynxSpark124that's what it says on my cd19:20
escottI have a NAS behind my router and dyndns setup on the nas. I forward a non-standard SSH port through from the router to the NAS, and use auth_key authentication. When I try to use rsync to connect to the NAS (coming at it from the dyndns side, and using the routers forwarding of port 873) I get a key authentication error. When I use rsync directly to the NAS it works. Do I need to do something to tell rsync that the ssh forwarded port is19:21
escott non-standard (even though rsync is using rsync protocol), or should I be doing this in a different way.19:21
LynxSpark124See here is the output of skype19:21
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: I'd uninstall it then reinstall it, either that or you have been messing with libs and put the wrong file in the location19:21
escotts/dyndns on the nas/dyndns to the router/19:21
teh5abikingi checked the documentation, but the information was outdated. anyone have any ideas as to why I can't sync my iPod?19:21
sburwood1ActionParsnip: Please help a n00b find where to look for extended effort19:21
LynxSpark124I installed skype from the software center19:21
LynxSpark124Since my Cd says AMD 64 . It should be 64 bit right?19:21
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: ok what is the output of:  uname -a; ls -la /usr/bin/skype19:21
LynxSpark124ok wait19:22
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: pastebin that19:22
warfarenyeah amd64 = all x86_64bit cpus such as ahtlon 64 and newer amd's.19:22
sburwood1Action, if lsusb finds it and iwlist doesn't scan it, that means ... what?19:22
warfarenand also all intel core cpus19:22
sburwood1ActionParsnip: , if lsusb finds it and iwlist doesn't scan it, that means ... what?19:22
LynxSpark124here is the output19:23
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teh5abikingI was on UbuntuForums, and they told me to run for help on this IRC channel?19:23
LynxSpark124well what do you think?19:23
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: ok and the output of:  file /usr/bin/skype19:23
=== register is now known as lovabill
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: sorry I'm not replying at the speed of light. I'll try be faster19:24
LynxSpark124well that's the output I got19:24
LynxSpark124I just pasted it..19:24
LynxSpark124and when I type /usr/bin/Skype it says no such file or directory19:24
warfarenwell if you want i can post my grub.cfg on pastebin and maybe you can help me better?19:24
LynxSpark124so what should I do?19:25
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: it's /usr/bin/skype   not /usr/bin/Skype19:25
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: there is a difference19:25
LynxSpark124Here it is19:26
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: what is the output of the command:     file /usr/bin/skype19:26
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: 'file'   is a command in Ubuntu19:27
jriberic357: one second, that seems strange.  Can you pastebin the output of « sudo apt-get update && apt-cache policy php5-mcrypt »?19:27
Ddorda1hey guys, i want to update my dejavu fonts, what should i do?19:27
LynxSpark124Here is the output19:27
LynxSpark124What do you think?19:27
Ddorda1i have downloaded the latest package and extracted it /usr/share/fonts/truetype/ttf-dejavu19:28
guntbert!enter | LynxSpark12419:28
ubottuLynxSpark124: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line. Don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:28
eric357jrib: I'll do that, hold on.  (yes, seems strange to me too!)19:28
Ddorda1but now it looks weird19:28
LynxSpark124Sorry guys Bit I'm in a rush.19:28
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: read it, yuo tell me. Its clear as day19:28
LynxSpark124I don't understand ?19:28
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: /usr/bin/skype: ELF 32-bit LSB executable19:28
LynxSpark124Oh so I downloaded the 32 bit version/19:29
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: its the 32bit binary, which you said you didn't install19:29
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: yes, I knew you had, but I wanted you to see it, you MUST have force installed it19:29
LynxSpark124I installed the 64 bit Ubuntu but not the 64 bit Skype19:29
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: yes, uninstall it, go to the skype website and get the 64BIT version, it will work19:30
LynxSpark124and also how do I get the 64 bit version of Wine?19:30
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: no, wine will sort itself out19:30
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: why do you need wine with skype?19:30
LynxSpark124No I need wine to play games19:31
eric357jrib: output is:  http://pastebin.com/BbzNPAyf19:31
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: thats a completely different issue, but wine will sort itself out19:31
MonkeyDustLynxSpark124: http://users.skynet.be/gbachot/html/games.html19:31
LynxSpark124all right thanks19:31
LynxSpark124Where is the 64 bit skype link?19:32
DefusalWhen attempting to set my gateway for my wireless interface using the gui settings, ubuntu refuses to save the correct address and can only save or if i enter "2", it saves How can I manually override these settings to work around the bugged GUI interface? It appears to not use /etc/network/interfaces19:32
LynxSpark124What ever19:32
jriberic357: you have some repositories other than the ones in /etc/apt/sources.list enabled.  They're probably in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/19:32
LynxSpark124found the amd 64. deb file :D19:32
LynxSpark124Thanks dude19:32
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: yes on the skype site19:32
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: easy isn't it :)19:33
LynxSpark124God Bless you sir and good day19:33
LynxSpark124Wait but how do I installed it..?19:33
jriberic357: also, do you have anything in /etc/apt/preferences*?19:33
LynxSpark124I right click it and it just says install in Ubuntu Software center?19:33
eric357jrib: jrib: yes, the file is mercury.list  The pastebin follows momentarily19:34
LynxSpark124well so what do I do?19:34
LynxSpark124How do I install amd64.deb?19:34
ticopuravidaHP DV9000 Laptop with Nvidia GeForce 6150 Ubuntu 11.04 Clasic (not Unity), never able to use an external monitor, a good source of information for this issue, other than Nvidia.com and x.org and ubuntu forums, I read all of that already19:34
stephenthemartyri need help partitioning and installing a dual boot,the website on partitioning by ub untu did not make sense nor work for me,can someone please help me19:34
MonkeyDuststephenthemartyr: do you want re-partion from scratch or repair existing partitions?19:35
lovabillhello! first time here.19:35
soreauhi lovabill19:35
LynxSpark124how can I run a amd64.deb file?19:36
alkafoosoreau: hello19:36
alkafooLynxSpark124: man dpkg, /-i19:36
soreaustephenthemartyr: What two OS'es?19:36
alkafooLynxSpark124: you know, assuming you have an amd64 system to use it with19:36
soreaualkafoo: hi19:36
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: double click it. Be sure to uninstall the current skype19:36
eric357jrib:  files are here: http://pastebin.com/xCiBzym819:37
rapageanyone knows why sometimes when I log off ubuntu the screen gets all messed up with color bars and it appears to have hanged? I'm on a laptop19:37
LynxSpark124It takes me to software center?19:37
MyrttiLynxSpark124: why shouldn't it?19:37
gentoo-intelLynxSpark124, when you double click deb it installs with soft centre19:37
jriberic357: why do you have the karmic repos enabled?19:37
LynxSpark124no wonder19:38
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flodinerapage thats just ubuntu19:38
LynxSpark124It says an older version is Available. So I guess this is the new 64 bit and not the 32 bit?19:38
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: you can install it in terminal with:  sudo dpkg -i filename.deb; sudo apt-get -f install19:38
flodinerapage all my laptops do that even when you log on19:38
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: did you uninstall the current skype first, like I said?19:39
flodinerapage thats why im on fedora 1519:39
LynxSpark124I meant yeah19:40
stephenthemartyrsoreau: windows 7 and tango studio(10.,4ubuntu)or avlinux or 64studio19:40
soreaustephenthemartyr: If you already have windows installed, just boot your flavor of ubuntu live, then select to install and auto-partition unless you want a specific partition setup in which case you would select manual partition option19:41
xjliuwhat is this?19:41
r3mi make an error, i put grub on my usbkey.... anybody can tell me how to set it on the hd19:41
gentoo-intelxjliu, what?19:41
eric357jrib: this is a Linode stack script called pantheon mercury.  I don't know why Karmic repos are enabled19:41
ActionParsnipLynxSpark124: I'd use terminal, its a little easier19:42
soreauxjliu: This is #ubuntu, the official support channel for the ubuntu operating system19:42
xjliuI am new to the Gnome, just logged in to the XChat.19:42
xjliuic. thanks.19:42
jriberic357: well there's some sort of attempt to pin the php packages to karmic versions; that's not really supported and is the cause of your problem19:42
nathaneli need help with udev but no one answers in #udev :(19:42
gentoo-intelxjliu, this is ubuntus irc channel19:42
BrokenCogHello, I'm trying to display an app on my Ubuntu laptop and keep hitting "can't display <ip>:10.0 "  ... I've installed sshd, tried w&w/out ForwardX11Trusted, and yes xhost allows clients.  Is there some hiddin trick within gnome or Ubuntu??19:43
eric357jrib: okay, I'll inquire of the stack script maintainer.  Thanks.19:43
xjliuok. thanks, gentoo-ubtek19:43
soreaunathanel: What do you need to do with udev?19:43
stephenthemartyrsoreau: yea i goot that far but there are 3 small partitions that are really small so i dont know what tpo do19:43
soreaustephenthemartyr: You probably should just leave them as they are and just install ubuntu19:43
MonkeyDuststephenthemartyr: find out in what partition you installed win and erase all the rest, then re-partition19:43
soreaustephenthemartyr: In some cases, you may need to resize your windows partition from within windows19:44
nathanelsoreau: i was told by Fuchs that it was the safe way to ask for automounting internall hdd devices, i found a rule on archwiki that i have slightly modified to avoid redisplaying sda1 (which is my main ubuntu disk (FS only)), i put the rule as 91-mount.rules and rebooted but my other drives and partitions fail to mount19:45
=== Mud is now known as Guest63099
stephenthemartyrMonkeyDust: i just erased one of the 4 before and the system crashed and i had to do a fresh install19:45
ActionParsnipno gratitude either? did s/he just go?19:45
warfarenokay i tried all the advice you gave me but i can't manage to repair grub :(19:45
soreaunathanel: Are you using arch?19:45
nathanelsoreau: ubuntu19:46
warfareni assume i need to get to linux rescue somehow19:46
stephenthemartyrsoreau: yea i did that and made 500gb of free space19:46
nathanelsoreau: can i pastebin u the rule?19:46
soreaunathanel: I don't really know why you would ever need to mess with udev rules to automount internal hard drives.. /etc/fstab is what you'd want to setup correctly19:47
warfareni have a new idea... i'll just remove this swap partition now and i'll run ubuntu setup again and maybe it will get fixed19:47
soreaustephenthemartyr: Then you should be good to go19:47
NastyaHi there!19:47
ActionParsnipis lynxSpark124 around?19:47
soreauhi Nastya19:47
NastyaHave you heard about DLP systems?19:47
nathanelsoreau: OMG! seriously... everyone i spoke to discouraged me and refuses to help bc of fstab input.. and now that i find udev you tell me fstab is the way to go...19:48
NastyaI'm realay worrying about it and want to know your opinions about them19:48
nathanelsoreau: sorry if i snapped (i don't mean to be rude)19:48
soreaunathanel: What do you mean by fstab input?19:48
Nastyaa DLP system is actually a spy system which checks your emails IMs and file transfer and report about it to your employer19:48
soreauNastya: What does this have to do with ubuntu?19:49
Fuchssoreau: the problem is that he wanted to write a script which automatically adds lines to fstab based on fdisk -l  / udisks --enumerate19:49
soreauFuchs: eep :P19:49
Nastyasoreau: I want ubunu to protect me against DLP19:49
Fuchssoreau: which is a bad idea. If you have static data and you only add it once to fstab: agreed. If it has to be dynamically: udev or pmount19:49
Fuchssoreau: I was a way for a while, sorry.19:50
nathanelsoreau: my original project was to be able to parse all my devices through udisks --enumerate-device-files, get UUID, LABEL and TYPE and the echo to fstab19:50
soreauFuchs: No worries.. I'll let you handle it since you know what's going on19:50
soreauand that's beyond my field of expertise19:50
Nastyasoreau: does it male sense?19:50
nathanelFuchs: you're still in here?19:51
Fuchsnathanel: halfways19:51
soreauNastya: I'm not sure why you'd be worried about such an attack19:51
nathanelFuchs: http://pastebin.com/h3FCEhvt19:51
Fuchsnathanel: yes, looks like an automount rule19:52
stephenthemartyrsoreau: in the live  install itg says that space is "unusable"19:52
Fuchsnathanel: if you want to mess around with the fstab, you could add it in the add command19:52
Nastyasoreau: Because I want my data to be private. My emails and all other traffic. I guess it is possible to use some ciphering but... but i want to make it hidden19:53
soreaustephenthemartyr: I guess windows didn't properly free it then..19:53
stephenthemartyrsoreau: do i need to make a blank partition in windows and mark it fat32 or somin then install?19:53
Fuchsnathanel: but again, I would _never_ modify the fstab in any kind of automation, unless I am really knowing what I am doing. Errors in there will render your system unbootable without a live-system19:53
nathanelFuchs: I do agree with whatever way is the safest... but the rule does not mount anything.. the only one showing up is sda1 (main FS drive)19:53
soreaustephenthemartyr: No, you don't want to create a partition, you only want to shrink the windows partition19:53
nathanelFuchs: the only reason being that it's loaded as an fstab entry19:53
soreaustephenthemartyr: Is it labeled as free space or a partition? (the 500GB)19:54
Fuchsnathanel: well, you could check with udevadm whether it matches,19:54
Fuchsnathanel: and since the rule was oringinally for a different distribution, look whether the files are where it expects them to be19:54
nathanelFuchs: i have checked the sbin with grep.. it' all there19:55
WhitesquallNastya: use i2p, tor, vpn for your paranoia :)19:55
BrandonBoltonHello, just out of curiosity. Is it possible to install Ubuntu One on different Linux Distributions? Like Fedora or OpenSUSE19:55
ed_moneyI just installed a b43* broadcom wireless card on a different machine and got it working. I then turned off the machine, and now the machine shows no wireless connection and under System->Hardware Drivers shows "No Proprietary drivers are in use on this system." Where would you start diagnosing this problem?19:55
Fuchsnathanel: another thing would be to write out the variables in a file for debugging19:55
Fuchsnathanel: so you see whether the rule even applies and if the variables are correct19:55
stephenthemartyrsoreau: the partition graph free space,the partition table right under it "unusable"19:55
Fuchsnathanel: you can use echo and a file in /tmp/ for that19:55
nathanelecho the rule to "file" in tmp?19:56
nathanelFuchs: echo the rule to "file" in tmp?19:56
soreaustephenthemartyr: Can you pastebin the output of 'sudo fdisk -l' to pastebin.com?19:56
Fuchsnathanel: any file you like, /tmp is sticky, you should be able to create one19:57
Fuchsnathanel: e.g.  /tmp/udev_rule_debug19:57
lovabillWhitesquall you can even on windows19:57
nathanelFuchs: i know.. but i mean.. how do i do the debug as is19:57
annecyHi,  I updated from the flexiondotorg ppa and now I have a black screen after logging out19:57
Fuchsnathanel: echo the variable to this file?19:57
escottBrandonBolton, yes and no. I'm sure you can run the client software on other distros, but depending on how the nautilus plugins work it may be a lot of work to integrate it with a precompiled version of nautilus shipped with some other distro19:58
r3mI have a blank screen with a blinkin cursor after reboot from install19:58
stephenthemartyrr3m: i had that19:58
r3mi try shift+e without success19:58
annecyThe packages were for libglib2.0 and libc-bin.  The ppa is for Shotwell backport19:58
stephenthemartyrr3m: had to reinstall19:58
r3mstephenthemartyr: :(19:59
fbdystangr3m: did install complete?19:59
ActionParsnipannecy: seems to be only for shotwell, so shouldn't give a black screen19:59
BrandonBoltonescott, so it would be a lot of hard work probably is what you are saying. Thank you, I was just curious.19:59
soreaur3m: Did you check the md5sum of the image you used to install?19:59
r3msoreau: no20:00
soreaur3m: Did you run the built in cd checker utility?20:00
fbdystangr3m: same thing happened to me, I had to burn my iso at a slower speed20:00
escottBrandonBolton, it may not be work at all. I would look into how nautilus plugins work. If they don't need to be built in at compile time it should be easy20:00
stephenthemartyrsoreau: pastebin.ubuntu.com/691813220:00
r3msoreau: i use unetbootin and i select ubuntu netinstall 10.04 from the dropdown men20:00
annecyI can't think what else it could be.  There is a large x instead of a pointer20:00
alkafooannecy: can you move the X?20:00
jojomoI  have attempted doing a 10.04 -> 10.10 upgrade several times now, but it keeps hanging sometime after installing samba-common and around libgp & libarchive. the keyboard is unresponsive. the mouse continues to work, but new windows and menus do not work correctly. rebooting results in an incomplete grub/kernel install. no boot.20:00
stephenthemartyrsoreau: http://paste.ubuntu.com/691813/20:01
BrandonBoltonescott, Okay, I shall google it now. Thank you.20:01
annecyalkafoo: yes20:01
nathanelFuchs: i'm so sorry, I'm just not familiar with the process.. i get the principle but it seems it's not returning anything20:01
Fuchsnathanel: echo $VARIABLE >> file20:01
Fuchsif it is not set: there is your problem, look where it is assigned20:02
alkafooannecy: that means X is working, but that you might not have a window manager configured properly to actually load20:02
nathanelFuchs: it should give me an error if it does not understand it?20:02
Fuchsnathanel: probably, but you'll never see it, since you are not executing this rule20:03
annecyalkafoo: i have compiled and openbox, but how do I start them?20:03
linxehis there a big advantage to using kvm/qemu/xen over virtualbox?20:03
soreaustephenthemartyr: The first two likely belong to the windows 7 system, not sure what the other two are. Try deleting them from windows if they're not holding any valuable data20:03
alkafooannecy: openbox?20:04
annecyalkafoo: sorry I meant compiz instead of compiled20:04
soreauannecy: compiz --replace or openbox --replace20:04
alkafooannecy: are you using a login manager, like GDM?20:05
annecyalkafoo: yes gdm20:05
alkafooannecy: there should be a button somewhere where you can change what window manager/desktop environment to use20:05
alkafooannecy: if not read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox20:05
annecyalkafoo: nope only black screen20:06
annecyHow can I restart window manager from try?20:06
annecySorry tty20:06
daddyi like big dicks20:08
annecysoreau: xterm xt error: can't open display.  I'm in tty20:08
benoliver999When downloading torrents overnight, my wireless car packs in and stops working. Networks are still listed, but none will connect, and when I restart network-manager I get 'device not ready'. I can fix this by shutting the whole computer down for a few seconds/minutes and rebooting. A straight 'restart' does not work.20:09
benoliver999Wirelss car?20:09
soreauannecy: You need to set DISPLAY variable if running an X program from tty20:09
daddyi lkie dick20:09
soreauannecy: For example (provided X is running on another tty) try DISPLAY=:0 xterm20:09
benoliver999I'm using a desktop with a PCI wireless card.20:09
daddy'using cock and balls20:10
soreaudaddy: That is not appropriate for this channel. Try #ubuntu-offtopic20:10
Flanneldaddy: Please don't.20:10
alkafooannecy: /etc/init.d/gdm restart maybe20:10
alkafooannecy: might need to sudo it20:10
soreauWell, it's not appropriate there, either :P20:10
daddyoh noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo my face is gonna melt20:10
annecysoreau: could you clarify?20:11
benoliver999Weirldly enough, I get no trouble during the day.20:11
[Relic]Anyone know how long it takes for a new mouse to get functional or who does that type of dev?20:11
soreaubenoliver999: The drivers are probably putting the card into a strange state20:11
soreauannecy: DISPLAY=:0 xterm20:11
larstrHow do I stop the waves? I hit some weird key combo and now there are waves all over the screen. (using compiz)20:11
alkafoosoreau: annecy hasn't a window manager running20:12
larstrwin+c doesn't help20:12
soreauannecy: If you run that from tty, when you go back to the tty X is on (usually ctrl+alt+F7), it should be running there20:12
benoliver999soreau: Thanks, I'll look into it.20:12
alkafoosoreau: won't be particularly helpful20:12
soreauannecy: Likewise, you can start a wm with 'DISPLAY=:0 compiz --replace' for example20:12
annecysoreau: What command exactly?20:12
benoliver999soreau: I wonder if it could be to do with the PC being idle for a long time.20:12
auronandacelarstr: i think it is shift-f920:13
alkafoolarstr: SHIFT+F9 ?20:13
soreaubenoliver999: It's a bug in the driver or kernel. more likely than not, in the driver20:13
soreauannecy: What desktop environment do you have installed if any?20:13
larstrauronandace: alkafoo: nope.. didn't have any effect20:13
nathanelFuchs: no erros so far.. I don't get it20:14
alkafoolarstr: look in prefs, compiz should have a list of shortcuts somewhere20:14
MonkeyDustlarstr: http://ulyssesonline.com/2007/10/25/compiz-fusion-keyboard-shortcuts/20:14
annecysoreau: gnome 2 on 10.04. The command says DISPLAY:0 COMMAND Not found20:14
larstrMonkeyDust: thx20:15
soreauannecy: You're doing it wrong. Try DISPLAY=:0 metacity --replace20:15
alkafooannecy: isn't GNOME 2 what 10.04 comes with by default?20:15
howlymowly_hi poeple.. i just tried upgrading to oneiric using the update manager and got this message:    An unresolvable problem occurred while calculating the upgrade.20:15
howlymowly_Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:20:15
howlymowly_'E:Error, pkgProblemResolver::Resolve generated breaks, this may be caused by held packages.'20:15
alkafoosoreau: GNOME isn't even running yet20:15
Fuchsnathanel: are the disks already mounted?20:15
ActionParsnipannecy: prefix with:  export20:15
soreau! 11.10 | howlymowly20:15
ubottuhowlymowly: Ubuntu 11.10 (Oneiric Ocelot) will be the fifteenth release of Ubuntu.  Codename announcement here: http://www.markshuttleworth.com/?p=646 Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:15
howlymowly_any idea?20:15
nathanelFuchs :only sda1 which is the FS20:15
soreaualkafoo: I explained to him this assumes X is running on another tty20:16
ActionParsniphowlymowly_: ubntu-bug packagename20:16
ActionParsniphowlymowly_: oneiric is offtopic here, it is discussed in #ubuntu+1 until release day20:16
Fuchsnathanel: well, next thing is: it only mounts them on events20:16
alkafoothat won't help annecy after a reboot20:16
Fuchsnathanel: so, as long as you don't un- and replug it, or reboot, it won't do anything20:16
aaa(ubuntu 11.04, gnome-classic) is there a way to set the date format (near the shutdown button) to a different format (say yyyy-mm-dd, instad of ddd mmm dd)?20:16
soreaualkafoo: Is X not starting on bootup for some reason?20:17
nathanelFuchs: i did the reboot already... nothing mounts20:17
nathanelFuchs: when i click in nautilus to mount, it says im not authorized20:17
r3mwhat is the version of the kernel that come with 10.04 please20:17
nathanelFuchs: i should also mention the drives are all internal scsi - sata20:17
soreaur3m: uname -r should tell you.. I believe it's 2.6.3520:18
alkafoosoreau: X is starting, no window manager or DE is20:18
Fuchsnathanel: missing rights in gnome sounds like problems with consolekit to me20:18
soreaualkafoo: Sounds like he has bigger problems than just no wm/de20:18
Fuchsnathanel: or the entries being in fstab already, and you don't have the permission to mount20:18
nathanelFuchs: i purged fstab entries20:19
warfarenalright ActionParsnip i fixed the problem  now.. phew20:19
nathanelFuchs: except for sda120:19
ubuntu_aaaaaI'm not sure if my installation froze on my how can i check?20:19
aaa(ubuntu 11.04, gnome-classic, noob) is there a way to set the date format (near the shutdown button) to a different format (say yyyy-mm-dd, instad of ddd mmm dd)?20:19
warfarenthanks @ all for your help!20:19
rapageI have a problem with my screen resolution the maximun detected is 800 x 60020:19
rapageI used cvt and the desired resolution then added the new mode then I could see it on >preferences > monitors but it gave me an error20:19
gentoo-intelaaa, probaby somewhere in the system settings menu20:19
ed_moneyI installed proprietary hardware drivers for a Broadcom wireless card and can see the directories for the cart in /lib/firmware. But when I go to System->Hardware Drivers, it says "No proprietary drivers are in use on this system." What would you do to diagnose this?20:20
soreaurapage: nvidia?20:20
annecyExport DISPLAY:=0 don't work20:20
soreaued_money: How did you install the drivers?20:21
soreauannecy: case sensitive, it's 'export'20:21
alkafooannecy: what is this PPA you used and why20:21
soreauannecy: What is the actual problem you are having and when did it start?20:21
ben_unityI have an issue with recording on Cheese on Ubuntu 11.04 with a Asus Eee PC 901 webcam20:21
annecyI know I'm on my smartphone doing this20:21
alkafooben_unity: yes?20:21
aaa<gentoo-intel>, i looked in the Time&Date setting, it allows me to hide each part, but not set their order20:21
ben_unityIt takes photos well, yet videos freeze20:21
nathanelFuchs: ?20:21
alkafooannecy: what input method are you using?20:22
Benkinoobyhi, some1 knows a software to parse youtube videos. until now i made myself list of youtube links and fed them to vlc 1.1.11 as a playlist... but for some time it is not able to play youtube videos anymore :(20:22
ben_unityYou click the 'Record' button and it goes black, then gets image, and freezes20:22
Fuchsnathanel: yes, no idea from here, then. Sorry20:22
annecySwiftKey.  Just started with it today.  A bit weird20:22
alkafooBenkinooby: youtube-dl, clive20:22
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
javier__Hi! I have ubuntu 11.04, which I use with Unity. But some time ago I was making some changes in "classic ubuntu" and the two status bar are dissapeared. How to bring them back?20:23
ubottuTo reset the GNOME panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:23
ed_moneysoreau: with the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx#b43_-_No_Internet_access. Using options "Installing b43 drivers, No Internet Access". After one restart, the wireless worked. But then I turned the machine off and on again, and now it doesn't work20:23
soreaujavier__: You mean the top and bottom panels?20:23
puck_centdoes anyone know where to download themes for lightdm?20:23
javier__ubottu: thanks a lot. That was exactly what I was looking for20:24
ubottujavier__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:24
gentoo-intelpuck_cent, I'd google "lightdm themes"20:24
soreaued_money: Does 'iwconfig' show a wireless interface?20:24
Benkinoobyalkafoo, ok, thx for the hints20:24
puck_centtheank gentoo. Tried that and came up empty20:24
Benkinoobyalkafoo, i know about youtube-dll but don't know clive20:24
soreauFlannel: He's back20:25
puck_centdidnt know if I was missing something. guess not :(20:25
javier__soreau: yes, I meant that. My translation from spanish wasnt that good ;)20:25
alkafooBenkinooby: there's one somewhere that will download an entire channel, might be clive I forget20:25
ed_moneysoreau: iwconfig shows "eth0      no wireless connections."20:25
soreaujavier__: Make sure gnome-panel is running20:25
nathanelsoreau: could you help with udev when you got a minute?20:25
Benkinoobyalkafoo, i even don't want to download...20:25
aaa(ubuntu 11.04, gnome-classic, noob) is there a way to set the date format (near the shutdown button) to a different format (say yyyy-mm-dd, instad of ddd mmm dd)? i looked in the Time&Date setting, it allows me to hide each part, but not set their order.20:25
ed_moneysoreau: and also "lo     wireless extensions"20:25
alkafoodaddy: yo20:25
daddyhey niggas20:25
daddygay user20:25
FloodBot1daddy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:25
soreaued_money: Make sure the driver module is loaded with 'lsmod'20:26
soreau! ops | daddy20:26
ubottudaddy: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - elky, Madpilot, tritium, Nalioth, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, jpds, gnomefreak, bazhang, jussi, Flannel, ikonia, maco, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, or rww!20:26
Benkinoobyalkafoo, i want to make my own youtube playlists in textfiles, and then feed them to a player... no need to download20:26
daddyweird red20:26
Spacewalkerdaddy: Please stop using the word "gay" as an insult. :/20:26
soreaunathanel: What you're trying to do is beyond my area of expertise, sorry20:26
alkafooBenkinooby: you said VLC does that?  What's the problem?20:26
ed_moneysoreau: what am I looking for in the output of lsmod to know if the driver is loaded?20:26
Benkinoobyalkafoo, it did... now it doesn't20:26
Benkinoobyalkafoo, i use vlc 1.1.11 on ubuntu20:27
soreaued_money: Whatever the name of the driver that's supposed to be loaded for your card :)20:27
nathanelsoreau: so could we revert back to my original idea? i have a live usb ready in case anything goes boom! i'm on a test machine anyways20:27
soreaued_money: I20:27
alkafooBenkinooby: well something changed =)20:27
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot ». If you're looking for a channel, see « /msg ubottu !alis ».20:27
alkafooBenkinooby: figure out what and fix it20:27
soreaued_money: I'm not that familiar with broadcom20:27
Benkinoobyalkafoo, obvioulsy20:27
javier__ubottu: is it possible to turn classic ubuntu top panel into unity one? (I mean with those file ,edit, tools... bottoms in the same panel)20:27
ubottujavier__: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:27
Fuertea tutti20:27
soreaunathanel: I don't really know what you're trying to accomplish20:27
javier__ah, ok20:27
alkafoojavier__: perhaps you'd like to use 'unity 2d'20:27
soreau! it | Fuerte20:27
ubottuFuerte: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)20:27
Benkinoobyalkafoo, i allready searched some forums and google - but no luck... that's why i am here20:27
ed_moneysoreau: nope, the driver does't show up. What baffles me is that it worked once, then after a restart it didn't20:28
Fuerte! it20:28
soreaued_money: That's fine, try 'sudo modprobe driver_name' to load it20:28
soreaued_money: I'm not sure what driver_name should be20:28
alkafoojavier__: it's called gnome global menu, if you want to seek it out20:28
ubottuNa tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:28
alkafooBenkinooby: you should check your system update logs first20:28
nathanelsoreau: i am making multiple scripts to configure my system automatically on fresh install, one of many being the ability to query all attached internal sata devices and partitions and set them to mount in fstab (by uuid)20:28
macer1Cool, ubottu knows about loco ubuntu channels :D20:29
javier__alkafoo: just i don't want unity bar, so I would like another dock20:29
soreaunathanel: I can't really help you with that20:29
nathanelsoreau: why?20:29
ed_moneysoreau: you rock. wish I could buy you a beer ;>20:29
kurt_how are you?!20:29
soreaunathanel: Because I don't know how to do that. You might try somewhere more advanced like ##linux20:29
soreaued_money: Now to make it load by default, add the driver_name to /etc/modules on a single line20:30
nathanelsoreau: ah.. sorry20:30
alex-When I switch my screen from 1600x1200 to 1920x1080 the top and bottom bar dissapear (they are there, but dont fit on the screen). I'm using Ubuntu 11.04 with Gnome 2. The screen is attached over HDMI interface.20:30
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soreaualex-: Sounds like a graphics driver issue20:31
aaa(ubuntu 11.04, gnome-classic, noob) is there a way to set the date format (near the shutdown button) to a different format (say yyyy-mm-dd, instad of ddd mmm dd)? i looked in the Time&Date setting, it allows me to hide each part, but not set their order. it seams related to the language support -> regional settings, but i didn't find a way to edit it, just to change to preconfigured values20:31
alex-soreau: how to fix it?20:31
soreaualex-: What driver?20:31
jribaaa: yes, it's set by your locale...20:32
alex-soreau: how can i see?20:32
aaa<jrib>, but how do i edit it?20:32
soreaualex-: /var/log/Xorg.0.log would tell you or I can probably guess from the output of 'glxinfo|grep renderer'20:32
alkafooalex-: you could try ending and re-starting the panel processes20:33
jribaaa: you can set LC_TIME if you wish20:33
egogaI have a question for you20:33
egogaI need to know20:33
egogayour words of love with your name on every wall20:33
egogaWhy are texlive packages so BIG?20:33
alex-OpenGL renderer string: Gallium 0.4 on AMD RS88020:33
egogaWho the f*** uses texlive anyway20:33
egogaok then, soreau20:33
rapageit's an ati mobility 8mb agp20:33
soreaualex-: So it's radeon rs880. You might try asking in #radeon20:34
rapageI have a problem with my screen resolution the maximun detected is 800 x 60020:34
soreaurapage: nvidia?20:34
alkafooegoga: you do, for starters20:34
jribegoga: do you have an actual ubuntu support question you need help with?20:34
rapageati 8mb agp from 200120:34
egogaDo I NEED texlive latex extra docs20:34
jribegoga: only you can determine what you need20:34
egogaThese programs like lilypond or texlive come with HUGE documentation files, larger than the programs themselves20:34
alkafooextra docs?  Likely not, but it's been known to happen20:34
soreaurapage: You might not have enough vram to run at a higher resolution at 24/32 bit depth. Try using 16 bit depth20:35
dpnuxhi. I was installing nvidia driver. how can I fix the ubuntu 10.04 splash?20:35
Arthur7xdoes somebody know how to make blaving records your voice on linux? it doesn't to me :(20:35
alkafoodpnux: what's broken?20:35
Arthur7xthe duration doesn't change so it basically does nothing to me20:35
egogabut apparently some programs depend on the documentation files20:35
egoga(why,m I don't know, but funny, you newbies don't know either)20:35
aaa<jrib>, and how do i do that? is it in some configuration file?20:35
alkafoothere might be more than just docs in there20:35
egogaI really doubt any people in this channel have been using this Internet before 199920:35
dpnuxalkafoo: the splash screen with purple background20:35
alkafoothat happens sometimes20:35
alkafooalso sometimes devs hard depend docs for no particularly good reason =P20:35
dpnuxalkafoo: it's so ugly20:35
alkafooif you think it's a bug, file a bug report20:35
alkafoodpnux: heh20:36
rapagemonitor preferences program don't allow me to select bit depth of any kind20:36
jribaaa: no.  I'm afraid I don't have time to walk you through this.  Read about locales.  LC_TIME is just an environment variable you can set20:36
ActionParsnipdpnux: do you mean the login screen, or the boot animation?20:36
soreaurapage: You have to set it in xorg.conf IIRC20:36
Arthur7xI can't record my voice on blaving, I mean, I play record button and it works, but it doesn't seem like if it recorded anything, my micro works on skype ); thx20:36
egogaoh yeah20:36
dpnuxActionParsnip: the boot animation20:36
jribaaa: note there may exist another way I am not aware of20:36
egogafor nVidia X servers, does it require kernel modifications?20:36
egogalike kernel modules and a recompile?20:36
ActionParsnipdpnux: http://idyllictux.wordpress.com/2010/04/26/lucidubuntu-10-04-high-resolution-plymouth-virtual-terminal-for-atinvidia-cards-with-proprietaryrestricted-driver/   forces the fb driver and will make it show20:37
wakko222I am running a mythbuntu box with a wireless connection, that then shares the eth0 connection out to my HDTV.  The default sharing IP address is  The TV is able to connect to the internet fine, but it gets seperated from the rest of the network.  Can I change the address to something that will work with the rest of my network?20:37
aaahow do i set  LC_TIME?20:37
ActionParsnipdpnux: the proprietary driver loads slowly, so you get no boot splash20:37
egogalike kernel modules and a recompile?20:37
egogafor nVidia X servers, does it require kernel modifications?20:37
dpnuxActionParsnip: okay. will check it, thanks.20:37
FloodBot1egoga: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:38
aaaok, thanks20:38
ActionParsnipoh dear20:38
soreauActionParsnip: That's what you get for not answering, apparently :P20:39
Arthur7xhow do I update the flash plugin?20:39
soreauArthur7x: very carefully20:39
ActionParsnipsoreau: zing!20:39
wakko222I am running a mythbuntu box with a wireless connection, that then shares the eth0 connection out to my HDTV.  The default sharing IP address is  The TV is able to connect to the internet fine, but it gets seperated from the rest of the network.  Can I change the address to something that will work with the rest of my network?20:39
ActionParsnipArthur7x: its in the repos20:40
javier__so, someone knows if I use gnome global menu or appmenu in classic ubuntu (11.04)?20:40
ActionParsnipArthur7x: if you use 64bit OS, there is a PPA with the 11.02 flash rc in 64bit20:40
soreauwakko222: What do you mean 'it gets seperated from the rest of the network'?20:40
Arthur7xActionParsnip, Skype works well to me, but I've started on a Social Network called Blaving and when I try to record my voice it doesn't seem to be recording itself on the website, so I don't know what is it actually happening T_T my micro works well20:40
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ActionParsnipArthur7x: is your OS 64bit?20:41
Arthur7xNo ActionParsnip :S20:42
wakko222soreau: the rest of my network is a 192.168.*.*  There is an Android app that lets me control my tv, but my TV had a 10.42.43.* IP and the Android device has a 192.168.*.* IP.20:42
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djboxIs there anyway i can simplified to uninstall all the fresh install ubuntu bloatware with command??20:44
soreauwakko222: right.. so you'd want to set a static ip for eth0 from which you're sharing the connection20:44
wakko222soreau: yes, but I don't know how as the eth0 shared doesn't allow you to change the settings, at least not with NM20:45
rapagesoreau, I'll try xorg then20:45
ActionParsnipdjbox: how do you mean?20:46
soreauwakko222: I know how to do it with masquerading manually, but not with NetworkManager built-in stuff20:46
soreauwakko222: See if it has an option to set a static ip while still sharing the connection mayb e20:46
muktiIs there any was to see a "live output" of the current temperature of my machine?20:46
ActionParsnipdjbox: do you mean uninstall a recently installed app?20:46
ActionParsnip!sensor | mukti20:47
ActionParsnip!sensors | mukti20:47
ubottumukti: To access CPU temperature sensors and detect fan speeds, install the lm-sensors package. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto for installation and usage instructions.20:47
soreauwakko222: Yea I know, that's why I just chmod -x NetworkManager and do it all with scripts and such20:47
muktiActionParsnip: I know about that, but I mean one that will display the temperature, then update them as they change20:47
wakko222soreau: can you give me a link to a guide on doing that?20:47
soreauwakko222: If you google for 'ubuntu connection sharing' there is a rough guide though it's a bit outdated20:48
ActionParsnipmukti: there is xsensors as well as some conky code which will display it20:48
djboxActionParsnip, both . You know when you recently install a fresh ubuntu and it contains those games20:48
djboxActionParsnip and trying out those games out20:48
wakko222soreau: thank you20:48
muktiActionParsnip: i don't really want to run it with conky, just through the command line. I guess I could just write a script20:49
ActionParsnipdjbox: I'm familiar, if you run: sudo apt-get --purge remove aislerot gbrainy gnomine gnome-mahjong   it should work20:49
ActionParsnipmukti: sudo sensors    will show the temps etc, you could make a script to loop it round20:50
ActionParsnipdjbox: you get the idea, personally I use the minimal install and work up as a default ubuntu desktop has far too much fluff which I simply don't use. Takes me longer to gut it than to build up20:50
djboxActionParsnip,  what os your using right now?20:52
zykotick9ActionParsnip, careful suggesting mini, it's what lead me away from ubuntu ;)  Mini and a comment from rww actually.20:53
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ActionParsnipdjbox: oneiric I use mainly LXDE but switch to Gnome+Unity so I can support it20:54
[SPSU]Zachi dont like the new scrollbars in 11.04 is there an option to switch back to the old ones?20:54
djboxActionParsnip, so far found out the games are located /usr/games contains the game name20:54
djboxI see20:55
ActionParsnip[SPSU]Zach: http://mikebeach.org/2011/05/disable-the-overlay-scrollbars-in-ubuntu-natty/20:55
ActionParsnipdjbox: they are all part of packages, just remove the package and it will remove20:55
DefusalWhen attempting to set my gateway for my wireless interface using the gui settings, ubuntu refuses to save the correct address and can only save or if i enter "2", it saves How can I manually override these settings to work around the bugged GUI interface? It appears to not use /etc/network/interfaces20:57
djboxActionParsnip I'm not sure if i'm doing this correctly. Is it sudo apt-get --purge remove  ___________20:58
ActionParsnipdjbox: gbrainy gnome-mahjong gnomine aislerot qudrapassel20:59
MonkeyDustDefusal: in /etc/network/interfaces20:59
djboxActionParsnip, how did you get that whole list of name so quick20:59
DefusalMonkeyDust: then why does the gui not update /etc/network/interfaces21:00
ActionParsnipdjbox: I typed it21:00
ActionParsnipdjbox: I used my head I guess21:00
rapageanybody knows how to format the mbr of a usb drive21:01
MonkeyDustDefusal: maybe report it to the developpers21:01
th0rDefusal: I think the way it works is that /etc/network/interfaces is ignored if network manager is set to handle the interface. You might consider replacing network manager with wicd21:01
rapagewhen I insert it and want to format it says is mounted when I unmount it it says it can't find partition what should I do :?21:01
satellit_rapage: gparted?21:01
tom3pa box with 8.04(ext3) cant see partitions with 10.04(ext4), will i be able to see the ext4 from another box over a lan?21:02
th0rDefusal: but if you are talking about the routing gateway, it is set using route, not network/interfaces21:02
alkafoorapage: what are you trying to do?21:02
ActionParsnipdjbox: some of the spelling may be off but you can tab complete stuff21:02
rapageno with disk utility21:02
Defusalth0r, it is? i remember setting the gateway in network/interfaces for ubuntu server21:02
alkafootom3p: not likely21:02
noob1Does Ubuntu have a program equivalent to TeamViewer?21:03
rapagealkafoo, I'm trying to eliminate posibility of virus on the usb mbr21:03
alkafoonoob1: it comes with a VNC server and client21:03
MonkeyDustnoob1: what's teamviewer?21:03
ActionParsnipnoob1: http://www.liberiangeek.net/2011/03/install-teamviewer-ubuntu-11-04-natty-narwhal/21:03
alkafoorapage: you could wipe it with dd21:03
noob1A windows program allowing remote control of another computer.21:03
rapagewhat does it wipe the mbr or partition21:03
alkafoorapage: either, depending on what params you give it21:04
th0rDefusal: I believe you can set the dns servers there, but the default gateway is set with the route command. I believe it can be set by dhcp, but I don't think it is defined in /etc/network/interfaces21:04
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rapageI never used dd21:04
CT1Hi.  I have Win7 and Natty installed and want to add WinXP.  I have a free primary partition for XP but have never installed in that order(XP=>Win7=>Ubuntu I've done before and all was working fine.)  How can I install XP without trashing Win7 and Natty booting?21:04
escott!vnc | noob121:04
ubottunoob1: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:04
satellit_gparted  Device/create partition table...works21:04
noob1<ActionParsnip> Thanks.21:04
alkafoorapage: is there anything on the disk you need to keep at the moment?21:04
Defusalth0r, im pretty sure it is, i've never needed to manually route it in the past, but alright, thanks21:04
escottrapage, having a usb device mounted should not affect your ability to manipulate the mbr21:05
noob1Thanks all.21:05
alkafooCT1: you'll just need to reinstall GRUB afterwards21:05
rapageescott, but the error msg says something like usb is busy when the partition is mounted21:05
alkafooCT1: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows21:05
rapageand when is ejected it says no partitions are l oaded21:05
alkafooCT1: I must say, though, that installing Windows 7 and XP both seems like a waste of time21:06
rapagealkafoo, why does it matter21:06
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alkafoorapage: if it doesn't I could give you the dd command for wiping it entirely21:06
rapageI want to wipe off all chances of virus on the mrb21:06
rapageI'll do dd then21:06
th0rDefusal: looks like we were both sort of right....http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/howto-debian-ubutnu-set-default-gateway-ipaddress/21:06
alkafoorapage: probably dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/foo count=1 bs=512, make sure you get the right /dev/foo21:08
CT1alkafoo: Thankyou VERY much for the link.  Much appreciated!  [Time I have, and some classic 16bit "windows" games that won't run in Win7 64bit or under virtualbox (Wine seems to run them fine but "Time I have") Thanks again!21:08
massvorezHello - I am using some other distro rather than Ubuntu but it is Ubuntu based. The only problem is that it does not have Canonical download manager. How could I install in into my other distro?21:08
auronandace!derivatives | massvorez21:08
ubottumassvorez: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux), Ultimate Edition21:08
alkafooCT1: Windows but not DOS? http://www.dosbox.com/comp_list.php?letter=a21:08
rapagewha';ts /foo21:09
alkafoorapage: it's a placeholder for the real device name21:09
alkafoomake sure you get the right device21:09
alkafooCT1: also 7 can run programs in a compatibility mode if you right-click the exe/launcher, and some versions of the xp mode virtualization, too21:09
CT1alkafoo: That it can, but not 16bit on 64bit win721:10
alkafoohow tedious21:10
alkafooyou gamers =P21:10
rapageI got 1+0 records in21:11
rapage1+0 records out21:11
rapage512 bytes (512 B) copied, 0.00404325 s, 127 kB/s21:11
rapagehow do I know it got rid of the previous mbr content21:11
CT1alkafoo: Not a "gamer" as such, more a "living in the past... Command & Conquer, Commandos etc.. :p21:12
Seveasrapage, dd if=/dev/foo bs=512 count=1 | less21:12
alkafoorapage: dd if=/dev/foo of=path/to/foo.file count=1 bs=512 && file path/to/foo.file21:12
Seveasthat should give you nothing but ^@21:12
alkafooor that =P21:12
alkafooCT1: I do that every now and then, but not to the point of installing Windows to a hard disk =P21:13
alkafoomost of my favorite old timey games are DOS anyways21:13
ActionParsnipCT1: Command and Conquer rocks21:13
FoxtrotZeroSo i'm downloading the Ubuntu ISO. I'm going to be able to trial the OS from the disk?21:14
alkafooI think there are some Linux native C&C clones21:14
ActionParsnipFoxtrotZero: yes it will run in a RAM drive21:14
ActionParsnipfaxremember to MD5 test the ISO so you know it's good21:14
FoxtrotZeroActionParsnip: Hmm. Do I need a specific amount of RAM for that to work? Because I have an uber low amount.21:14
ActionParsnipalkafoo: http://home.mayn.de/comrad/freecnc/21:15
ActionParsnipFoxtrotZero: anything more than 256Mb will work21:15
rapageI did that and it gave me @@@@21:15
alkafooFoxtrotZero: no, but really fancy effects might be auto-disabled21:15
rapagehow do I know it finished21:15
alkafoorapage: because the process gave you a new prompt21:15
rapagewhat do i do there? I p-ress q and exit21:15
Cyrax5Guys I need to burn to a dual layer disc. I have my iso image and the dvd file but how should I go about burning it?21:15
alkafoorapage: that's all21:15
gentoo-intelCyrax5, same as usual21:15
FoxtrotZeroActionParsnip: Alright. Now, if I decide I want to install Ubuntu, i'm probably going to want to create a new partition. Any reccomendations on how to go about that?21:16
rapagedid that get rid of the mbr content21:16
alkafooCyrax5: get yourself a USB stick instead21:16
alkafoorapage: yes21:16
alkafoorapage: it replaced it with 0's21:16
ActionParsnipalkafoo: http://www.boswars.org/  seems the other project is dead afaics21:16
Cyrax5gentoo-intel How'd you mean same as usual?21:16
alkafooFoxtrotZero: what do you have on there now, a Windows partition taking up everything?21:16
gentoo-intelCyrax5, burn as you would any cd /dvd21:16
gentoo-intelCyrax5, are you on windows?21:17
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: The only partitions I know of are C, which is my Windows XP copy, and D, which is a several-gigabyte drive for my computer's "system restore" feature. I have well over 130 GB free on my HDD.21:17
Cyrax5gentoo-intel where in the ubuntu help channel. I'm using ubuntu21:17
DoonzHi, In a bash script if i have a text file that is only 1 line how would i parse that one line out into a variable21:17
gentoo-intelCyrax5, sorry i assumed it was an ubuntu isp21:17
ActionParsnipFoxtrotZero: you canresizae the NTFS in the liveCD and install to that21:17
mkdoes hwinfo give current information, or does it cache it? I just switched a drive to a new computer and I can't tell if I'm getting old info, or new21:18
gentoo-intelCyrax5, use brasero / whatever disk burner21:18
alkafooFoxtrotZero: okay, then you can either use D and sacrifice your restore, or resize C (after defragging) and make a new partition21:18
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: Right. Is there some software I need to create a new partition?21:18
mkhow do I get hardware info for my computer that isn't out of date?21:18
FoxtrotZeromk: Who makes your computer?21:19
salvatoreE: cups: il sottoprocesso vecchio script di post-installation ha restituito lo stato di errore 121:19
Cyrax5gentoo-intel I don't think brasero supports .dvd files.21:19
alkafooDoonz: source path/to/file21:19
mkFoxtrotZero: I built the previous one; the current one I have no idea, just a box laying around. Compaq?21:19
alkafooDoonz: or, at least that works if you have FOO=bar in the file21:19
djboxHow i install  openssh in ubuntu?21:19
alkafooDoonz: ask #bash for more21:19
massvorezWhat do you guys recommend me in order to learn Ubuntu OS? Any video tuts or books? Anything? I am so damn hungry for information..!!!21:19
ActionParsnipdjbox: sudo apt-get install openssh-server21:20
mkmassvorez: install it, then do whatever you usually do21:20
ActionParsnipmasen: just use the OS21:20
ActionParsnip!manual | masen21:20
ubottumasen: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/21:20
alkafoomassvorez: if you have a question about something, ask here21:20
FoxtrotZeromk: Well if it's a compaq, the most relevent info you can probably get is from HP's support website. Obviously, anything you or a previous owner has modified is different from those specs, but I would expect you to be aware of that.21:20
alkafooFoxtrotZero: yes, you'll probably want gparted21:20
alkafooFoxtrotZero: which I believe is included on the Ubuntu live image21:20
Cyrax5Guys what burner can I use that supports the usage of .dvd files?21:20
massvorezok thanks21:21
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: I suppose we'll see. I guess I should defrag then.21:21
ActionParsnipCyrax5: what is a .dvd file?21:21
mkFoxtrotZero: I'm looking specifically for the cpu spec, for the old and new machine. I can't boot the old machine, and the new (compaq) is giving me stats very similar to the old machine21:21
alkafooCyrax5: run 'file foo.dvd'21:21
mkso either the newer machine has the same cpu as my old one, or I'm getting outdated info when I run hwinfo21:21
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: Perhaps you can inform me of how partitions work. It's basically like having different hard drives inside one physical hard drive, right?21:21
mkthe heatsink is glued to the cpu on both, so I can't just pop that off to look at it21:22
alkafooFoxtrotZero: yes, "partitions" in the drive21:22
massvorezI would like to master the command line - does anyone recommend me anything about it?21:22
FoxtrotZeromk: You've lost me. I'm not exactly an expert on this.21:22
alkafooFoxtrotZero: your Windows partitions are probably taking up the entire drive21:22
alkafooFoxtrotZero: they'll show up as /dev/sda1 /dev/sda2, probably, or there might be one or two very small ones before the larger ones used as C and D in Windows21:22
mkFoxtrotZero: the computer has things like drives and cpus. I can't see what's written on my cpus, but I'd like to know their version21:23
ActionParsnipmassvorez: just use it when you would use GUI, like moving files and such, you'll become more comfortable if you start with basic stuff like that21:23
alkafooFoxtrotZero: you want to determine which is used as C and resize it, then make a new one in the empty space for Ubuntu21:23
alkafooFoxtrotZero: but defrag C from inside Windows first21:23
mkhow can I get system information?21:23
alkafoomk: cat /proc/cpuinfo21:23
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: I'm willing to bet. So, if I get a virus on C and everything is wiped out, but I backed it up on another partition, I could restore my information from that partition.21:23
alkafoomk: or lshw21:23
FoxtrotZeromk: Are these computers stock, or have you modified them?21:23
alkafooFoxtrotZero: yes if you backed it up right =)21:24
mkalkafoo: will that give me updated info? I just switched the drive to a new machine21:24
cliffordHey guys, I need to download packages from a download script to a usb drive to install in an offline computer. What is the best way to achieve this?21:24
alkafooFoxtrotZero: and if the virus wasn't so nasty it messed with other partitions/drivespace (rare but possible)21:24
mkFoxtrotZero: modified heavily21:24
FoxtrotZeromk: Wait. Disregard me. I've forgotten that you're obviously using ubuntu, and i'm sitting here just installing it.21:24
alkafooFoxtrotZero: anything you can easily access from within Windows as a normal user can also be pretty easily accessed by a proper virus21:25
rapagealkafoo, a whilte ago you gave me some path/to/foo.file thing what file should I had it pointinng to21:25
alkafoorapage: any path and file name you wanted21:25
pedro3005how can i reduce a video's quality and thus its size using avidemux? all the options seem highly technical and i can't figure it out21:25
alkafoorapage: for a new file21:25
alkafoopedro3005: what for?21:25
pedro3005well i want to upload it and it's gonna take too long as is....21:25
muktiI have a bash script that doesn't work correctly, and I feel I must be doing something incorrectly... i haven't scripted for some time...21:25
gentoo-intelpedro3005, theres bitrate settings etc, and file types21:26
gentoo-intelpedro3005, avidemux is quite hard to exlpain better off googling the docs21:26
pedro3005gentoo-intel, is there something simpler?21:26
muktiwhen I run it, it says line 5: let: 20-=1: attempted assignment to non-variable21:26
gentoo-intelpedro3005, i think openshot its called. never tried it though21:26
muktiWhat is the correct way of assigning and calling a variable in a bash script?21:27
alkafoopedro3005: if you have ffmpeg, it's pretty simple to use -s to use a smaller resolution, and by default it uses fairly economical compression21:27
mkwhen I run lshw or hwinfo etc., I get numbers that look a lot like the cpu I just pulled the drive out of. It's now in a new machine. hwinfo etc. scan the hardware directly, right?21:27
alkafoomukti: FOO=bar and "$FOO"21:27
mkthey don't just look in a cache or file?21:27
alkafoomukti: you should really talk to #bash21:27
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: Alright. Perhaps i'll see some method of securing it, because all i've currently been doing is taking the things I care most about - mostly music - and backing them up with a free dropbox account, which is cheap, but effective. If you know of any better means of keeping my stuff safe, do tell.21:27
rapagehaving a new file on the usb or a new corrupted mbr so it allows me to reformat it21:27
cliffordHey guys, I need to download packages from a download script to a usb drive to install in an offline computer. What is the best way to achieve this?21:27
muktialkafoo: sorry21:27
alkafoomk: cat /proc/cpuinfo is as direct as it gets21:27
rapagealkafoo, having a new file on the usb or a new corrupted mbr so it allows me to reformat it21:28
mkalkafoo: awesome, thanks21:28
ActionParsnipclifford: you can tell apt-get to only download the deb files for you21:28
alkafooFoxtrotZero: redundant backups (including at least one off-site) and not hooking data up to Windows boxes is a good start21:28
gentoo-intelFoxtrotZero, use clonezilla if you want a full clone21:29
alkafoorapage: pardon?21:29
gentoo-intelits easy and works fine21:29
cliffordActionParsnip, i know. I'm thinking of a terminal code that only downloads the files "to me" and then redirect them to a folder on my computer. Since the script is bash, I thought it possible.21:29
alkafooa 'full clone' is good if you want to backup an OS without jumping through hoops21:29
alkafoobut for personal data, clonezilla is going to be overkill; look into rdiff-backup or rsync, etc.21:30
alkafooa closed source OS* I should've said21:30
alkafoothere's no need to backup OS files for open source OSes, they're already mirrored in hundreds of thousands of locations21:30
rapagealkafoo, why did it matter to point it to a file?21:30
gentoo-intelalkafoo, easier than remembering all your files21:31
alkafoorapage: so you could run 'file' on that file and see that it didn't recognize it as an MBR21:31
alkafoogentoo-intel: only if you don't mind constantly enduring tremendous disk i/o21:31
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: I don't really care about backing up my system, I just don't want to lose my files, which is probably no more than three gigabytes of music, images, and videos. I don't have alot of stuff I care about, albeit the ability to back up everything would be nice. I'm pretty poor hardware wise, so I don't have any external hard drives or anything I can backup to.21:31
alkafoofor several hours at a time21:31
gentoo-intelalkafoo, does he want it constantly synced then?21:32
alkafooFoxtrotZero: well if it'll fit on D as well as C, that'd be pretty safe21:32
K|nGHi there I install the Xubuntu or XFCE but I want to delete now Gnome can someone tell me how I can do this ??21:32
alkafooas long as you don't accidentally screw up D when you're resizing C =P21:32
gentoo-intelK|nG, xubuntu doesnt include gnome21:32
FoxtrotZeroAlkafoo: D isn't designed to back up data, it's owned by HP's system restore, which returns the computer to factory defaults.21:32
th0rFoxtrotZero: you might want to look at SpiderOak as a cloud backup service?21:32
alkafooK|nG: you installed Xfce from an ordinary Ubuntu install?21:32
alkafooFoxtrotZero: I know, but if you can open it in explorer, you can probably copy data to it as well21:33
K|nGalkafoo: I install it from Ubuntu software but I want to delete now Gnome UNITY DESKTOP21:33
alkafooK|nG: right21:33
K|nGalkafoo: How I can delete it ??21:33
gentoo-intelK|nG, why not install xuubntu from scratch?21:33
gentoo-inteleasier to maintain21:33
K|nGgentoo-intel: I install it first as a gnome and after that I install XFCE what`s the deal I am asking about how to delete other desktop`s21:34
FoxtrotZeroAlkafoo: Well it's only got a few megabytes of free space, so I doubt that, but I think i'll see about creating another partition for backups. Perhaps I can figure out some way to secure the partition or something.21:34
FoxtrotZeroth0r: I'll look into it, but if it costs, I don't have cash: if I had cash, I'd just have an external HDD.21:34
alkafooK|nG: I think http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce might have the commands21:34
alkafooK|nG: also seen them on ubuntuforums.org before21:35
th0rFoxtrotZero: 2GB for free...and it supports linux21:35
gentoo-intelK|nG, i mean if you install xubuntu, you wont need to mess about wiht anything. if its xfce you want21:35
K|nGgentoo-intel: Yeahh XFCE rocks :D LIGHT AND VERY COOL21:35
th0rFoxtrotZero: spideroak.com...but remember it is a cloud solution21:35
alkafooFoxtrotZero: you'll have to resize a partition to create a new one =P21:35
gentoo-intelK|nG, so why not do it the clean way then?21:35
FoxtrotZeroAlkafoo: Yes, I know that.21:35
alkafooFoxtrotZero: you might look into buying a couple external hard drives; you can get a single 2TB for $100 these days (in the USA, anyways)21:35
alkafooFoxtrotZero: well worth it; though if you only have $100, it'd be better to get two $50 drives21:36
w30FoxtrotZero, 1tb usb 3.0 drives are south of $99 nowadays, be good, Christmas is coming in 3 months21:36
alkafooredundant physical devices is better than capacity, especially since it'll probably take you a while to fill up that much anyways21:37
FoxtrotZeroth0r: Well, I currently have my most-important stuff backed up via Dropbox, and i'd be absolutely set with only about 4GB. Alkafoo, the problem is, i'm actually a minor, I don't have employment, and I don't have cash i'm willing to spend, nevermind the fact that a terabyte is absolute overkill for me.21:37
rapagecan a usb drive contain a virus on its mbr21:37
alkafoow30: right, now just to afford that USB 3 ready computer/mobo =P21:37
FoxtrotZerow30: Hah, the odds of me getting a $99 USB drive are 0:0, but thanks21:37
alkafoorapage: a win32 virus, sure21:37
rapageor can a usb drive infect a pc after connecting it21:37
alkafoorapage: yes21:37
rapagethat'a aweful21:37
rapagehow to scan a drive before connecting it then21:37
escottrapage, why not use something like clamav if you are worried21:37
alkafooeven Microsoft figured that out, and eventually made their OS not auto-open USB sticks21:38
gentoo-intelrapage, thats why people disable autoplay21:38
rapagewhere do I go to disable that21:38
vasundharWhat is this and how to get it ... It is the sole bottleneck in installing Android ADT and likes : org.eclipse.wst.css.core 0.0.0  on ubuntu natty21:38
w30alkafoo, yeah the round robin effect gets awful with usb 3.0, thunderbolt etc.21:38
K|nGgentoo-intel: I am asking many times here How to REMOVE other desktops and I want just XFCE your not giving me any helpful answer21:38
escottrapage, ubuntu doesnt autoplay21:38
gentoo-intelrapage, in ubuntu? nautilus has it in the options21:38
alkafooFoxtrotZero: well the terabyte isn't what's relevant... it's just that at any given time a specific capacity is the cheapest for how much you get, and right now that's 2TB21:39
rapagenvm I'll ask on windows irc21:39
djboxanyone have problem installing XBMC???\21:39
alkafooFoxtrotZero: so while you can get a lower capacity drive for less than $100, it will be quite a lot less capacity for your dollar21:39
gentoo-intelK|nG, i have no idea on that. all im saying is xuubntu is the cleanest and easiest way21:39
alkafoorapage: newer versions of Windows have it disabled by default21:39
gentoo-intelK|nG, ubuntu is gnome based, up to you if you want to do it dirty way21:39
K|nGgentoo-intel: aha thanks anyway21:40
djboxAnyone know if ubuntu 11.04 support xmbc?21:40
alkafooit's really not that dirty21:40
w30alkafoo, yeah, it all depends on overstock somewhere in the chain21:40
Picidjbox: of course.21:40
alkafooK|nG: I already told you exactly what you needed to know21:40
alkafoow30: right21:40
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: I was trying to install the windows version of ubuntu the other day, and I couldn't get it to work. Which isn't what i'm concerned about, but i'd like the 17GB it took back. Any diea how I could get it?21:40
escottrapage, if you are paranoid you have to recognize that a usb device can present itself as whatever it wants. plug in an external hard drive and it can claim to be a keyboard and start sending commands to the console21:40
gentoo-inteli just fail to see the point, install ubuntu, take all gnome stuff, deps etc off, then put xfce on21:40
alkafoowhen I was getting my 2TB drives for $100, they had 1TB ones for $100 right beside them21:40
alkafoothe technology is coming faster than it's selling21:40
K|nGalkafoo: Thanks :021:41
alkafoogentoo-intel: because running two commands is significantly easier21:41
djboxPici but i follow according to the xmbc installation wiki i'm unable to dl it21:41
=== TheDreamer is now known as Youri
Picidjbox: Can you show me the instructions you are using?21:41
cliffordActionParsnip, How can I tell apt-get to do that?21:41
zykotick9!purexfce | K|nG21:41
ubottuK|nG: If you want to remove all !KDE and !Gnome packages and have a default !Xubuntu system follow the instructions here « http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce »21:41
FoxtrotZeroescott: i think you just created the most brilliant way to hack a computer ever, with an HDD executing a predetermined list of 'mouse' and 'keyboard' commands21:41
djboxPici http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Installing_XBMC_for_Linux21:41
Picidjbox: I'm running it successfully, and was using it about 10 minutes ago.  Let me take a look at how they want you to do it.21:42
djboxPici sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc > ...21:42
K|nGzykotick9: Will there remove any app on my Ubuntu ??21:42
escottFoxtrotZero, my favorite was the cafe at the SFO airport with usb charging ports for your phone. i can only imagine how much corporate espionage you could accomplish with a well positioned "public phone charging terminal"21:43
Picidjbox: What do you mean? What happens when you run that?21:43
alkafooK|nG: should only remove those used for GNOME21:43
alkafooK|nG: that is: do exactly what you want21:43
nimbioticsjoin flightgear21:43
zykotick9K|nG, possibly21:43
alkafooescott: easy enough wirelessly, too21:43
JuhazOneI'm trying to install kubuntu using the alternate installer. However, when I get to partitioning the installer suggests the wrong disk. I want to use /dev/sda, not /dev/sdb. Any suggestions on what to do?21:43
FoxtrotZeroescott: Perhaps a laptop charger would be even more brilliant? Sure, the competent might realise that you don't charge a laptop with a USB port, but alot of people would just put the plug where it fits.21:44
djboxPici it successful added into the repo, but when i sudo apt-get update21:44
djboxPici i get "w: Failed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/team-xbmc/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/binary-i386/Packages  404  Not Found"21:44
alkafooFoxtrotZero: no drug for ignorance =)21:45
JuhazOneit seems that the program the installer is running is called partman. i can't figure out why it only suggests partitioning /dev/sdb . /dev/sda is recognized since fdisk can list its partitions.21:45
FoxtrotZeroescott: Was that real thing? If someone actually screwed with those...21:45
w30FoxtrotZero, even a battery was hacked, An Apple one I think?21:45
escottFoxtrotZero, usb was how they cracked the playstation21:45
Picidjbox: Ah.. I see.21:45
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: Do you know how I can get those 17 gigs back21:45
IanLiuIs it possible to create a startup disk creator for Ubuntu 10.10 inside Ubuntu 11.04?21:45
alkafooFoxtrotZero: which 17, what's not used on C?21:45
FoxtrotZerow30 Yeah, but what would you expect from an apple product?21:45
alkafooIanLiu: a what?21:46
macer1djbox, there is not repo for natty.21:46
Proshotwhere could i download a daily build for the 11.11 release21:46
macer1you need to use maverick.21:46
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: It was the one that uses a windows installer. It took 17GB on C, but I don't know where it put the files.21:46
spligakUsing an Apple keyboard, I can't get the function keys to behave like normal function keys. It always requires me to use the Fn+F# combo. What configuration option should I change to fix this?21:46
macer1i mean, replace natty with maverick in apt line21:46
IanLiualkafoo: I want to install Ubuntu 10.10 in a pendrive from Ubuntu 11.0421:46
Picidjbox: Okay. It looks like they've not built packages for natty in that ppa.  I'm using their unstable PPA with success on my htpc.21:47
alkafooFoxtrotZero: it what?21:47
alkafooIanLiu: yes you can do that21:47
zykotick9Proshot, the fact that you're calling it 11.11 suggests you probably shouldn't be installing 11.10 - search for daily releases21:47
escottspligak, you might be able to reverse the keysyms with xmodmap, but i think that is in the keyboard firmware21:47
djboxPici how would I get the unstable PPA ?21:47
alkafooIanLiu: I forget what the official app is called, though unetbootin is a 3rd party one that can manage it21:47
Picidjbox, macer1: The unstable PPA sometimes gives me a package that doesn't work, installing a ppa meant for a different release might give you more serious problems.21:47
spligakescott, not familiar with xmodmap. going to check that out.21:48
IanLiualkafoo: I see. I tested with Unetbootin, but when I boot from pendrive, Ubuntu neve finishes loading and never enter install screen21:48
satellit_usb startup disk creator21:48
Picidjbox: remove file that the command you ran created, it should be as simple as: sudo rm /etc/apt/sources.list.d/team-xbmc-*.list21:48
tarvidwhy is adkubuntu so bloddy picky?21:48
Picidjbox: Once you've done that, just run: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:team-xbmc/unstable21:49
satellit_for ubuntu pendrives21:49
tarvidhow do I bring a vm created with testdrive under kvm or qemu?21:49
alkafoowhat is testdrive?21:49
escottalkafoo, its a server image creator tool21:50
zykotick9alkafoo, that's my question ;)21:50
IanLiusatellit_: I've tried startup disk creator, but it is very strange in 11.04. It asks for password 2 times, and never finishes. It freezes at 100% and never finish21:50
Picidjbox: after that, you can do apt-get update and follow the rest of the instructions.21:50
binaryHello everyone21:50
macer1Pici, I wasnt knowing that there is a ppa for natty :) When I was installing it I simply changed natty to maverick in apt line for xbmc ppa.21:51
alkafoobinary: 011010000110010101101100011011000110111121:51
w30IanLiu, I have used usb-creator in natty to make boot flash drives from iso's that are not natty so have you tried usb-creator in Onerirc?21:51
djboxPici thanks ~ i wish i can buy you a coffee right now.21:52
seatiaIm having a problem. i have a bluetooth keyborad and mouse. they have been working fine but recnetly it stops working at grub but works in bios21:52
spligakescott, xmodmap -e "(?) = F1" -- how would I go about determining what the keycode or name is for the non-Fn modified version of the F1 key is?21:52
satellit_dd to usb? dd if=xxxx.iso of=/dev/sd(g) bs=2M in root terminal....21:52
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: I don't know exactly what it did, because I never got it to work. It screwed up somehow, and I abandoned the project. But I just realised that it either installed ubuntu, or the means to run ubuntu, and took 17GB of space on my C drive. Unless it did something drastic, like creating a partition I don't know about.21:52
seatiaany ideas?  cant even boot into OS becuase its not on a timer21:52
escottspligak, xev to find the keysym21:52
IanLiuw30: I don't have oneiric installed yet21:52
binaryCan we install aircrack-ng in ubuntu?21:53
alkafooFoxtrotZero: ooooooh21:53
zykotick9satellit_, does it happen to be an onerirc iso?21:53
alkafooFoxtrotZero: you may have installed Ubuntu via wubi, which installs to a file inside your Windows install21:53
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: Wubi. Thats what it's called.21:53
alkafooFoxtrotZero: if you don't want it you can just delete it, let's see where it is stored...21:53
satellit_IanLiu be sure of udb address very dangerous if wrong (dd)21:54
alkafooFoxtrotZero: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#Uninstallation apparently it adds to add/remove programs21:54
Jordan_Useatia: You don't see the grub menu even if you hold shift during boot?21:54
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: Thanks, I'll check it out.21:54
seatiaJordan_U:  i see the grub just cant do anything becuase keyboard wont work, but works in bios21:54
IanLiusatellit_: copying the iso into the usb should work?21:55
djboxWhat i software i need to make my Ubuntu  . like a homeserver/ server like21:55
satellit_via dd should21:55
djboxto transfer file and act like a storage and21:55
IanLiusatellit_: I will try that, thanks!21:55
spligakescott, there are all sorts of things going on that don't look like key events with a non-Fn modified keypress21:55
satellit_IanLiu use mount command to see USB  device name...21:55
spligakescott, it appears there's already mapping going on21:55
Jordan_Useatia: Very odd. Does your keyboard have an non-standard layout?21:56
spligakescott, "KeymapNotify" events and such21:56
escottspligak, there are press and release events for each keypress. i don't think the fn button generates an event21:56
seatiaJordan_U:  no its normal and use to work, but randomly one day it started happening, and it wouldnt be a problem but my gurb isnt set to a timer to load a OS so it just sits there21:56
IanLiusatellit_: It is /dev/sdb1, so the command should be dd if=<ubuntu.iso> of=/dev/sdb1, right?21:56
th0rescott: according to xev I think it does21:57
spligakescott, no, and I can see the keypress event perfectly with a Fn+F1 combo - with the lone F1 keypress, not the case. it spits out a number of entries, but no keypress21:57
spligakescott, more importantly, no keycode21:57
satellit_/dev/sdb is better21:57
egsome Without any sound devices, Can I get the sound's output of some application redirected to another ? ( I don't want to hear it, just get it redirected to another app. )21:57
Jordan_UIanLiu: No. Ubuntu isos can't be simply dd'd to a drive, and certainly not to a partition.21:57
satellit_for USB21:57
Polahdjbox: For a home network, samba for file sharing. For a publically-accessible server (i.e. to access your files from anywhere), FTP, or Apache to access files through a browser21:57
IanLiuJordan_U: why is that?21:57
vanyok/join #freenode21:58
FoxtrotZeroalkafoo: That took care of it.21:58
Jordan_UIanLiu: Because they are not designed to be used that way.21:58
satellit_Jordan_U are you sure?21:58
IanLiuJordan_U: My problem is Startup disk creator is not working properly21:58
Jordan_Usatellit_: Yes.21:58
spligakescott, going to paste the output. sec.21:58
PolahIanLiu, satellit_: The ISOs aren't the actual filesystems. The actual filesystem required to run Ubuntu is in casper/filesystem.squash.fs21:58
djboxPolah which samba should i isntall21:59
seatiaanyone have any idea why keyboard doesnt work once i get to grub?  i even tried other keyboards21:59
MnFishermancommand to reconfig ati driver from terminal?21:59
djboxPici  one more thing  ' this operation, 98.0 MB of additional disk space will be used.Do you want to continue [Y/n]' I hit y and nothing happen21:59
Jordan_UIanLiu: That's because Startup Disk creator often has problems in making USBs for older versions from newer versions of Ubuntu due to incompatible changes in syslinux syntax.21:59
alkafooseatia: usb? ps/2? wireless?21:59
satellit_It should act just like the .iso as a CD (I have not tested this lately)21:59
seatiaalkafoo:  its a bluetooth2.0 but also tried a usb. same thing.   they also worked fine a week ago and out of nowhere they do not22:00
spligakescott, http://paste.ubuntu.com/691883/22:00
djboxPici never mind. It's working now. thats strange22:00
escott_spligak, sorry was testing with xev on my system and put the machine to sleep. if the special keys are not generating events seen by X i think you would have to do some kernel level stuff to switch it around, if thats even possible22:00
IanLiuJordan_U: So, is there a document explaining on how to do it manually? Also, my Ubuntu 11.04 is 64 bits, while the iso is 10.10 32bits22:01
alkafooseatia: didn't change BIOS?22:01
spligakescott_, did you see my paste?22:01
escott_spligak, negative22:01
spligakescott_, http://paste.ubuntu.com/691883/22:01
seatiaalkafoo:  nope i even checked to see if i did and reset to default and nothing.  is there something i should be looking at or for in bios?22:01
Jordan_UIanLiu: http://www.supergrubdisk.org/wiki/Loopback.cfg#How_do_you_use_a_loopback.cfg_to_boot_an_iso.3F22:01
=== rafase282 is now known as Rafase282
MnFishermancommand to reconfig ati driver from terminal?22:02
spligakescott_, I think the terminal is wacking out the keycode, I see "68" there as a code but I'm not sure that's correct22:02
spligakescott_, you see what I mean about the Keymap already happening?22:02
binaryWhat is a good book to learn linux?22:02
spligakescott_, it's like if I could just stop it from doing that, I'd be fine22:02
alkafooseatia: well if you didn't change the BIOS and you don't have any serious enemies or pranksters, it probably hasn't changed, so isn't the problem22:02
alkafoobinary: man man22:02
binaryMan man? Sorry noob22:03
seatiatype man man in term binary22:03
Pici!manual | binary22:04
ubottubinary: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:04
escott_spligak, to be honest im not sure how to interpret that22:04
w30binary, Barns and Noble always has a bunch of thick Linux books. Read a few pages when you are there to check their contents22:04
spligakescott_, do you think this could be easier than we're making it? maybe with a simple keyboard type switch in the gui config stuff?22:05
binaryThank you22:05
Jordan_UIanLiu: 32 bit vs 64 bit is irrelevent for this purpose.22:05
spligakescott_, a layout change, I mean. right now I'm using "Generic 101-key PC" keyboard layout22:05
djboxI've already isntalll openssh server22:05
binaryI want to learn pentest but starting my way up from the basics22:05
djboxhow start it?22:05
escott_spligak, i think its lower level bios stuff22:06
alkafoodjbox: /etc/init.d/sshd start or whatever that says to run22:06
hallmanAm I correct to assume that egit was for some reason taken out of the package repositoy - and therefore uninstalled on my system? This pisses me off to no end22:06
Jordan_UIanLiu: That link I gave you assumes that you are either going to use an existing grub installation or know how to install grub to a usb drive. If that's not the case then "man grub-install" and ask for further help in #grub (I unfortunately need to leave now).22:06
spligakescott_, found this just now... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AppleKeyboard22:07
spligakescott_, it looks like this is a possible solution. I'm looking to set this value to "2," apparently22:08
spligakescott_, looking for the least destructive way to do this. thoughts?22:08
escott_spligak, ad the echo command to your rc.local22:08
escott_spligak, note that in rc.local you do not need to do any sudo stuff. to test it for now sudo -i and then issue commands in that session22:09
satellit_IanLiu: doing dd test now....22:10
spligakescott_, hm. none of these files exist.22:10
spligakescott_, missing some kernel module?22:11
escott_spligak, stuff in sys has been moving around a fair bit the last few years it seems22:11
IanLiuJordan_U: Thanks for your help, I will read the links ;-)22:11
spligakescott_, yeah, think I found it. sec.22:11
escott_spligak, try find /sys -iname fnmode22:11
IanLiusatellit_: I did the dd test some weeks ago, but my pendrive was corrupted. I will now also22:12
spligakescott_, sweet. that first command worked. how you say to put this in my rc.local? sans sudo command?22:12
spligakescott_, echo 2 | tee /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode -- correct?22:13
soreauhi CosmicChan22:14
satellit_IanLiu: failed here  sorry works in other Os's not here22:14
CosmicChanhi there, ive been trying to install ubuntu onto my hp tower but i cant get it to work22:15
spligakescott_, well, I'll figure out the details on making sure it happens every startup. but thank you so much for your help!22:15
IanLiusatellit_: hah, thats ok =P22:15
satellit_can you boot ubuntu live and then use startup disk creator from the same version on CD?22:15
CosmicChanive tried usingthe wubi installer and booting via flash drive22:15
CosmicChanno, everytime i try it just crashes22:16
djboxPici it ran slow the XBMC22:16
IanLiusatellit_: now I've descovered that the liveusb created with unetbootin works in my other laptop, but not this one. Maybe it is an unknown hardware?22:16
djboxPici is there any way make it run smoothly?22:16
hanz0What service is in charge of loading window titles?22:16
satellit_: )22:16
satellit_good luck....22:16
jribhanz0: why?22:16
TimothyA1what did I do wrong when only have of the gnome interface is skinned?22:17
soreauspligak: The better way would be to create /etc/modprobe.d/hid_apple.conf with the contents: options hid_apple fnmode=222:17
hanz0Seems like it crashed on me. All windows have "File Edit Blah-blah-blah" menu immediately after their upper border.22:18
soreauspligak: This way, the module gets loaded with the option to begin with instead of loading it wrong, and adding the option later22:18
hanz0Like... Now I can't see "XChat - somewhat" on top of my XChat window and no "%tabname% - Mozilla Firefox" on top of my FF.22:19
TimothyA1my windows seem to get skinned, but the taskbars aren't skinned22:19
TimothyA1and the folder icons aren't skinned either22:19
TimothyA1buttons too ;>_>22:19
TimothyA1everything worked fine until I rebooted22:19
changoanyone here write kernel modules for linux?22:20
soreau! anyone | chango22:20
ubottuchango: A high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.22:20
geirhaTimothyA1: Sounds like gnome-settings-daemon has crashed. See if hitting Alt+F2, then running "gnome-settings-daemon" helps.22:20
changoI just want some help with a kernel module22:21
TimothyA1geirha: nope22:21
soreau! ask | chango22:21
ubottuchango: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:21
TimothyA1.... I had to run it as root22:21
changofuck you ubottu22:21
IdleOne!language | chango22:21
ubottuchango: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:21
soreau! language | chango22:21
changosorry...ubottu is pissing me off22:22
TimothyA1geirha: so how would I fix this issue?22:22
cnk_hi does anyone know how to configure a raid?22:22
changoI need some help with kernel module I am writing22:22
TimothyA1cnk_: install world of warcraft and hope for the best22:22
soreauchango: Why are you wasting time getting mad at a bot? Just ask your question already22:22
IdleOnechango: ubottu is a bot and the info it gives you is to help you get help in here.22:22
geirhaTimothyA1: No, running gnome-settings-daemon as root will likely break things. Running as root, programs instended to be run as a regular user, may give odd errors and side effects.22:23
changoso kernel modules?22:23
cnk_I'm trying to run fdisk -l and it's not showing anything22:23
TimothyA1geirha: so, how would I fix this?22:23
soreaucnk_: Try sudo fdisk -l22:23
TimothyA1it said something about a certain configuration daemon not being available when I tried to run as non-root22:23
changosudo fdisk didn't work. My VM went down22:23
cnk_genius lol.22:23
TimothyA1** (gnome-settings-daemon:2041): WARNING **: Failed to acquire org.gnome.SettingsDaemon22:23
kebomix1hello, i have a problem with ubuntu/kubuntu 11.04 livecd, the iso md5 is correct, when it opens it shows me menu to choose what do, when i select run live desktop or install ubuntu, it loads and then stops suddenly ! and doesn't pop up installer !22:24
soreaukebomix1: What graphics card is it?22:24
geirhaTimothyA1: Ah, that means its already running, so that's not the issue then.22:24
pikapphey guys, I am using an external monitor with my laptop closed, after a period of inactivity the screen fades to black, although it will still play background sound, and then when the keyboard is pressed brings me to the login22:24
pikappI have edited Power Management settings, could this be related to just automatically logging me out instead?22:25
kebomix1soreau: ATI 365022:25
TimothyA1geirha: but it isn't22:25
soreaukebomix1: Have you run the built-in cd checker?22:25
TimothyA1anyhow, going to try out a fix in a bit once this update is through22:25
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* TimothyA1 wishes he had a closer mirror to download from22:25
TimothyA150KB/s... 100MB22:26
pikappBasically, I am trying to avoid auto-logout or logging in altogether if possible but I am having a bit of trouble finding the correct Settings pane22:26
kebomix1soreau: yes, it hangs as well and doesn't pop up anything !, Ubuntu 10.10 works well for me !, i run it on my USB !22:26
changoubottu, can you help me or what?22:27
ubottuchango: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:27
soreaukebomix1: If the cd checker hangs, I'd suspect the image on the boot medium is faulty22:27
soreaukebomix1: You might try reburning it at a lower speed or redoing it if it's usb22:27
changoThen why do you keep responding?22:27
cnk_help plz. I am using a rocket raid. before i compiled the driver kernel, the drives on the raid card were showing. now after i compiled, they aren't showing, but the card is showing and the hardware driver tool has my card and having drivers installed....got the green light.22:27
TimothyA1geirha: issue fixed22:28
TimothyA1it was the /etc/hosts file22:28
TimothyA1as described in http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=88503822:28
soreaucnk_: Why are you building raid kernel drivers?22:28
kebomix1soreau: how! the md5 is correct, i tried both ubuntu/kubuntu ! i use ubuntu usb creator !!22:28
Ramir00how to  install22:29
soreaukebomix1: The cd checker runs a minimal kernel. If that's not working, something is definitely wrong22:29
soreaukebomix1: Of course, I don't know if cd checker works from usb..22:29
soreaukebomix1: Tried burning a cd yet?22:30
kebomix1soreau: yes same problem :(, i think it is Graphics Card problem22:30
escott_spligak, sorry got distracted by the TV. you dont need the tee command just echo 2 > /sys/file. you might or might not need to do something to get rc.local to run on boot22:30
h00kRamir00: Open up the Software Center and search for Docky22:30
soreaukebomix1: Try booting with nomodeset then22:30
soreau! nomodeset | kebomix122:30
ubottukebomix1: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter22:30
h00k!manual | Ramir00 this may help you with beginning to use Ubuntu22:31
ubottuRamir00 this may help you with beginning to use Ubuntu: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/22:31
kebomix1soreau: yes, that is what happens, blank screen22:31
soreaukebomix1: Try booting with nomodeset22:31
bencahillhey guys, is there some way I could set up a computer to send all keystrokes to another X server?22:32
kebomix1soreau: ok i will give it a try and will be back, thank you :)22:33
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ActionParsnip!away > sythe-away22:35
ubottusythe-away, please see my private message22:35
Polahbencahill, what do you mean?22:35
ActionParsnipbencahill: kinda like vnc you mean?22:36
bencahillPolah, ActionParsnip: okay, I've got a headless computer (no monitor/mouse) with a PS/2 keyboard attached, and I want it to send all keystrokes so they register on another computer's X22:36
massvorezI have a GTK 2.x theme but in .tar  - There are 3 files in it - (1) gtk 2.0 (2) chlordane.vim (3) wmiirc colors. I don't know how to install them. Could anyone give me a hand please?22:36
atdprhsHello, I know that what I will ask is out of topic but I was hoping if anyone experienced with IRC to tell me what to do, I wanna join a channel but I cannot send them any message, what do I do to get to send them messages?22:37
MonkeyDustbencahill: like ssh to that other computer?22:38
Polahbencahill: I don't think that's possible. If it's headless it wouldn't have a keyboard so there'd be no reason to develop something like that. You'd have to move the keyboard to another machine. Or SSH, but I don't think that's really what you want22:38
bencahillPolah: the other machine doesn't have PS/2, that's why I want to do this22:39
changoHow do you get in the ##c channel?22:39
zastaphin what situations would one install Ubuntu without LVM ?22:39
Polahbencahill: You can get PS/2 to USB adapters you know22:39
bencahillPolah: of course, but that costs money...if I can do this, I'd much rather22:39
FJAA-1983Is it possible to Sync an Ipod 6th Gen with Ubuntu yet? I've been searching the net for an answer but I can't find something conclusive.22:39
Polahbencahill: Like I said, I don't think you can. They cost maybe £5/$1022:40
hanz0Seems like it crashed on me. All windows have "File Edit Blah-blah-blah" menu immediately after their upper border. Like... Now I can't see "XChat - somewhat" on top of my XChat window and no "%tabname% - Mozilla Firefox" on top of my FF.22:40
hanz0Can I do something with that?22:40
Polahzastaph: When you don't need to manage disks, i.e. if you're just setting up one or two disks once and then not modifying them, there's no real need to use LVM with them22:41
bencahillPolah: thanks anyway...it has to be compatible with the Model M, which most aren't...I'll see if I can rig up something with synergy, if not, oh well :)22:41
zastaphPolah, I use virtualbox, which actually has some of the same features as LVM (dynamically resizing disk, and snapshots)22:41
MonkeyDusthanz0: you'll have to start metacity22:41
FJAA-1983Is it possible to Sync an Ipod 6th Gen with Ubuntu yet? I've been searching the net for an answer but I can't find something conclusive.22:42
Polahbencahill: The adapter has to be compatible? It's PS/2 to USB, it's just an interface between two types of connectors22:42
PolahFJAA-1983: Why not try and find out? Banshee has some iPod support.22:42
massvorezI have a GTK 2.x theme but in .tar  - There are 3 files in it - (1) gtk 2.0 (2) chlordane.vim (3) wmiirc colors. I don't know how to install them. Could anyone give me a hand please?22:42
th0rFJAA-1983: I sync my nano using gtkpod22:43
FJAA-1983Polah: Banshee didn't work for me. I'm able to "copy" the files to the IPOD, but then I am not able to play them. They do not appear on the playlist.22:43
th0rmassvorez: I believe you just put all of it in a folder with the theme name in ~/.themes22:44
FJAA-1983Polah: Also read that our good friends in Macintosh killed the "friendly" ipod interface. I just wanted to know if it was corrected yet.22:44
massvorezth0r: Let me try it - thanks22:44
hanz0Theme crashed, but it works still :3.22:44
FJAA-1983Th0r: I will try that. Let me see.22:44
MonkeyDusthanz0: it's a bug22:44
peri_hi there. A silly question but I'm flumoxxed (and new to unbuntu). I want to play streaming real media or streaming windows but can't work out what to do. The site sending the streams is http://www.abc.net.au/rn/philosopherszone/ Most grateful for any assistance. Many thanks.22:45
hanz0It actually works about 20% faster without the theme. :o22:45
th0rperi_: look at vlc22:46
waiguorenhi, im using karmic which is no longer supported. i'm quite happy with it but it seems like theres a bug in network amanger that prevents me from connectin to VPN, can i just upgrade the network manager without reinstalling the system ?22:46
zerosumyou mean realplayer and window media streams, peri22:46
BarkingFishunfortunately, I don't think so, waiguoren22:46
peri_Hi Thor - thank. i have it installed, but when I click on the "listen" link - this little box pops up asking me ot install real player or windows media player.22:46
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bencahillPolah: no, most don't give enough power for the Model M22:46
BarkingFishyou'll probably have to move up to one of the later releases22:47
escott_massvorez, the .vim is a vim theme and would go in .vim22:47
peri_Zerosum - yes, i did mean realplayer and windows media streams.22:47
peri_I am using natty, BTW22:47
bencahillPolah: it's the well known IBM Model M keyboard, and it has some perks...but it's awesome to type on22:47
waiguorenBarkingFish, what if I install the next release of network manger, say i have 9.03 and i install 9.0422:47
escott_peri_, that was always a mess. if you install realplayer and find the rtsp url in the html page you can sometimes make that work22:48
th0rperi_: you have to configure your browser to use vlc for the wmv files. I usually right click to catch the links, then create a playlist with the urls in it22:48
tim167how do I install QT4 on ubuntu 11.04 ?22:48
escott_peri_, but i havent seen an rtsp stream in 5 years or more22:48
tim167when I try to install QT4 I get "Errors were encountered while processing: /var/cache/apt/archives/qt4-dev-tools_4%3a4.7.2-0ubuntu6.2_i386.deb"22:48
peri_OK. will try that.22:48
th0rperi_: you can also right click on the download audio and listen offline22:49
BarkingFishwaiguoren, you can try by all means, but I think you're looking at moving up to the next full release.  Others here may correct me on that, but I don't think you can upgrade component parts without upgrading what supports them.22:49
FJAA-1983Th0r: GTKpod didn't sync.22:50
zerosumperi_ Also, I would check out Medibuntu: http://medibuntu.org/repository.php for codecs22:51
BarkingFish9 was karmic koala, iirc - what was the L release guys? Lucid something-or-other22:51
th0rFJAA-1983: well...it was worth a shot. V6 is new stuff...will probably take a while for the devs to pick up on it22:51
FJAA-1983Th0r: Just hate when other OS developers kill the Linux vibe. :-S22:51
* BarkingFish takes Th0r off his highlight list :P22:52
th0rFJAA-1983: that is apple. I was amazed gtkpod would handle my nano, and it is old tech22:52
FJAA-1983Th0r: Thanks for the help anyways. :-) Have a good day.22:52
FJAA-1983Have a nice one. Bye!22:53
bencahillPolah: it looks like I found what I want! x2x: https://github.com/dottedmag/x2x22:54
Fudgehi i have a usb tetherred connection to myh laptop with the broadcom 57785 and a wifi b435822:55
Fudgewhat packages can i install plz....22:55
peri_Thor - thanks for suggestions. Yes, I often do download the file and listen off line. But some of the older programs (not the one I snt the url for, thought) are no longer there for download.22:56
laananHi all, newbie here, migrating to linux (jolicloud, which is based on ubuntu netbook remix)...trying to get a handle on the file system and installing software which will not go through apt-get...22:57
peri_Escott - yes. the ABC (Australia) for some bizarre reason are using realplayer streaming and windows streaming still.22:57
laanani am trying to install a program called novashell, which comes in the form of a tar.gz22:57
laananI tried unzipping it to my personal folder, but it does not run (it is an executable)...22:58
laananso, I tried to copy the folder to user/bin/games...but I got directory omitted...22:58
BarkingFishif you're positive it's executable, you need to give it the executable bit, laanan22:58
peri_Thank you zerosum. I will have a look.22:59
laananlike .exe22:59
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BarkingFishexecutable files are sometimes blocked, and if it's a proper exe, chances are you need to run it through wine22:59
KartagisI have a problem22:59
laananperi_ it just says command not found22:59
BarkingFishlaanan, - see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Security/ExecutableBit22:59
Kartagismy cron job seems to run, but it doesn't execute stuff. how come?23:00
laananAny more general guides out there that are good?23:00
BarkingFishdon't mark it executable unless you're 101% sure that the file is safe :)23:00
BarkingFishlaanan, the whole wiki is good.  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/23:00
hellhammermy ubuntu software center wont install or remove anything when i click the respective button nothing happens whats going on?23:01
BarkingFisha lot of really good info on there.23:01
laananBarkingfish, ooooh ok. This totally makes sense..now that I know what ubuntu is doing.23:01
BarkingFishyeah, better safe than sorry :)23:01
TH3-G0D5I'm on my mobile and I'm only seeing join/quit messeges can anyone help me verify at this is working?23:10
Fudgeyesa you are working23:11
TH3-G0D5Nice one fudge. Thanks23:11
Fudgenp bud23:11
TH3-G0D5It seemed like there was a lot more conversation on here earlier.23:12
hellhammermy ubuntu software center wont install or remove anything when i click the respective button nothing happens whats going on?23:14
gentoo-intelhellhammer, tried rebooting?23:14
escott_Kartagis, some more specifics would be in order. what is the line23:18
Kartagisescott_: */5 * * * * PYTHONPATH=/home/iegg/f0und/f0und/lib/python2.6/site-packages /home/iegg/f0und/bin/supybot-botchk --botdir=/home/iegg/f0und/bin --pidfile=/home/iegg/f0und/bin/pid.f0und-dn --conffile=/home/iegg/f0und/bin/f0und-dn.conf --supybot=/home/iegg/f0und/bin/supybot23:18
Kartagisescott_: I've to go now, I'll come back later23:19
ubuntu_i have a problem. i have the hdd out of my other laptop hooked up via sata adapter to this machine. i know it worked fine when i removed it. the machine it came out of was dual boot ubuntu and win 7 with a seperate partition for each and a large shared storage partition. i am trying to access the drive from this machine but it won't show up. assuming because of the multiple partitions. can anyone help?23:21
ubuntu_i have a problem. i have the hdd out of my other laptop hooked up via sata adapter to this machine. i know it worked fine when i removed it. the machine it came out of was dual boot ubuntu and win 7 with a seperate partition for each and a large shared storage partition. i am trying to access the drive from this machine but it won't show up. assuming because of the multiple partitions. can anyone help?23:21
cache_surpluswhat is the best way to completely remove everything related to mysql-server, apache2, php5, and start from scratch without reinstalling OS? there seems to be confs/files all over the place.. thanks23:22
cache_surplusoh and i added them with apt-get23:22
cache_surplusno tars23:22
ubuntu_i am attempting to access so that i can get to the family pictures and such23:23
peri_Hi folks - thanks to everyone who provided suggestions about 20 mins ago - I had a play and worked out how to do it.  Many thanks23:24
Polahcache_surplus: apt-get purge mysql-server apache2 php5  and any apache modules, then apt-get remove23:24
ubuntu_any mideas?23:24
ubuntu_i have a problem. i have the hdd out of my other laptop hooked up via sata adapter to this machine. i know it worked fine when i removed it. the machine it came out of was dual boot ubuntu and win 7 with a seperate partition for each and a large shared storage partition. i am trying to access the drive from this machine but it won't show up. assuming because of the multiple partitions. can anyone help?23:25
lauratikai change the power suply recently and now my bios wont recognize my second hard drive... but everything is conected as supposed. any ideas on what to do?23:26
vvshis it possible to resize a mounted partition?23:26
Newunitymy facebook and hotmail website cannot open, just loadiing, i use ubuntu unity.. somebody can help me ?23:27
ubuntu_i have a problem. i have the hdd out of my other laptop hooked up via sata adapter to this machine. i know it worked fine when i removed it. the machine it came out of was dual boot ubuntu and win 7 with a seperate partition for each and a large shared storage partition. i am trying to access the drive from this machine but it won't show up. assuming because of the multiple partitions. can anyone help?23:28
lauratikaNewunity:what browser you are using?23:28
Newunitygoogle chrome and firefox mozila23:29
Newunitythey just loading and cannot open23:29
lauratikain both browsers?23:29
PolahNewunity: Try changing your network MTU to 1453 in your network manager23:29
cache_surpluswhat is the best way to completely remove everything related to mysql-server, apache2, php5, and start from scratch without reinstalling OS? there seems to be confs/files all over the place.. thanks23:30
Newunitycan i do this by terminal ?23:30
lauratikaNewunity: no23:30
lauratikayou can open the norwser via terminal23:30
cache_surplusPolah: i did that23:30
ubuntu_i have a problem. i have the hdd out of my other laptop hooked up via sata adapter to this machine. i know it worked fine when i removed it. the machine it came out of was dual boot ubuntu and win 7 with a seperate partition for each and a large shared storage partition. i am trying to access the drive from this machine but it won't show up. assuming because of the multiple partitions. can anyone help?23:31
cache_surplusdoes that remove everything? conf files, cached files, dpkg files??23:31
Newunityok, im new user... how i start =)23:31
lauratikaNewunity: seems not a problem of ubuntu23:31
lauratikabut of your browser23:31
cache_surplusPolah: how can i find what mods are installed?23:31
kebomix1soreau: i'm back, i successfuly installed it with nonmodset, but how to start ubuntu after installation, still blank screen,how to start it with this mode as well23:31
lauratikacan you browser other webpages?23:32
Polahcache_surplus, well, you probably installed them23:32
Newunityyes normaly23:32
cache_surplusPolah: how do I know... was the question, i loaded this years ago23:32
ubuntu_can someone help me plz?23:32
cache_surplusor yesterday and i forgot,,, the question is,,, how to know which mods were installed23:32
Newunityjust this 2 websites cannot open23:33
Polahcache_surplus: They're probably gone if you used purge then autoremove23:33
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Newunitymy msn have this same problem23:33
cache_surplushow about my.cnf, is that purged as well?23:33
Newunityjust loading and cant conect23:33
PolahNewunity: Like I said, open your network manager applet, edit your active connection and change MTU from automatic to 1453 then try23:33
Polahcache_surplus: Should be, else you could remove it manually.23:34
Newunityok i'll try23:34
lauratikatry this in your address field
ubuntu_can someone help me plz?23:36
NewunityPolah thx very thx23:38
Newunityi change and now all is ok23:38
urlin2uubuntu_ what is the OS on the main computer?23:40
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nimbioticsHello all, I'm trying to install simgear-2.4.0, but when i try "make install" I get results show at (http://paste.ubuntu.com/691930/) I  dont know what the messages mean, can someone please help me fix this? TIA!23:42
jpmhI use my netbook with an extrenal monitor - how do I tell the power options to do nothing when I close the lid on the netbook - the options seem to be the various power down plus blank screen23:46
user01gimp 2.6.10 is conflicting with my libcairo2 :(  what should i do?23:46
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user01i cant print in gimp because of libcairo2 i think :(23:47
cache_surplususer01: better ask the Pharo23:48
user01cache_surplus, where is he/she?23:48
urlin2ujpmh, gconf-editor-gnome-power-manager-buttons-lid_ac   put in nothing, then go to power and choose it.23:49
FoxtrotZeroGentlemen. What's the best utility for discovering/creating/resizing HDD Partitions?23:49
cache_surplususer01: in Egypt23:49
nimbioticsthats not nice cache_surplus23:50
urlin2uFoxtrotZero, we don't do best here, but I use gparted.23:50
cache_surplusnimbiotics: thats a joke23:51
FoxtrotZerourlin2u: For the record, I need to create a partition to install Ubuntu, so I need something WinXP compatible.23:51
FoxtrotZerourlin2u: Will gparted work with WinXP23:51
complexityi desperately need to figure out a way to get better performance out of this crappy video card in my 3 year old dell23:51
urlin2uFoxtrotZero, gparted works fine drfragg it and be aware of the immovable files=the paging files in windows.23:51
complexityIntel 845G PCI Accelerated SVGA23:51
complexityany help?23:52
nimbioticsFoxtroZero: when u run the ubuntu installer, it will detect the windoze partition when it starts gparted23:52
FoxtrotZerourlin2u, I did defrag. Thanks for the advice.23:52
FoxtrotZeronimbiotics: Yeah, but I need a partition for it to go into...23:52
user01cache_surplus,  in what channel?23:52
nimbioticsu'll b able 2 create it when u start the installer23:53
nimbioticsFoxtrotZero: u'll b able 2 create it when u start the installer23:53
cache_surplususer01: i was making a joke, you said libcairo, i figured egypt, get it23:53
complexityi can't even get into full screen with this video driver23:53
user01cache_surplus, cairo didnt exist at the time of the pharoahs(?)23:53
FoxtrotZeronimbiotics: Oh, I will? Okay, thanks. So, I just run my install disk and I can create a partition of custom size to put Ubuntu in?23:53
mysphytHey, folks.  I'm having some weird permissions problems probably related to the fact that I'm an idiot.  My user is the owner of a file (and of the containing directory), and also a part of the associated group, but for some reason I can't access the file (or even list permissions).  The file's perms are 644.  ls -l gives me ?s for the permissions, but sudo ls -l shows them fine.  This is on an ext4 partition on a VPS.23:53
mysphyt Halp?23:53
cache_surpluslolol touche'23:53
cache_surplusi have no clue23:54
nimbioticsFoxtrotZero: of course23:54
user01eh ok  . .23:54
FoxtrotZeronimbiotics: Well damn. Thanks. I'll get started on that.23:54
jpmhurlin2u:  I can find no such command - what am I missing with the powre manager23:54
nimbiotics\I'm trying to install simgear-2.4.0, but when i try "make install" I get results show at (http://paste.ubuntu.com/691930/) I  dont know what the messages mean, can someone please help me fix this? TIA!23:55
urlin2ujpmh, gconf-editor is a app open it and follow the words.23:55
urlin2ujpmh, imagine gconf is actually regedit.23:55
jpmhurlin2u: I do not see a gnome option when I open it23:56
mysphytnimbiotics: Does /usr/local/include exist?23:56
complexityanyone know a good place23:56
complexityto search video card drivers?23:56
complexityi'm so screwed, i have a great computer and apparently a not very well supported video card driver23:57
urlin2ujpmh, look in apps23:57
jpmhurlin2u: got it - ty23:57
nimbioticsmysphyt: yes it does, but its empty23:58
urlin2ujpmh, gconf-editor-apps-gnome-power-manager-buttons-lid_ac   put in nothing, then go to power and choose it.23:58
urlin2ujpmh, cool.23:58
nimbioticsmysphyt: sis i hacve to use sudo when issuing ./config & make??23:59

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