[13:52] Anyone alive? :) [13:52] Sure. [13:53] Just checkin'! :) But I was wondering if anyone knew if Ubuntu-Studio has a program that can do the same thing as VSO's convert x to dvd (For windows) ? [13:57] I haven't used any, but according to apt-cache search, there seems to be tovid and videotrans that have the ability to create DVDs. [13:58] It's downloading now..I'll install it here soon and play with it and see if I can make it work [14:15] ubuntustudio has the exact same repo as ubuntu [14:16] ubuntustudio = ubuntu [14:16] zHammeRz: i would suggest going to 'i want to do such-n-such' [14:17] i dont know much about windows applications [16:04] hi [19:27] hi [19:28] no answer [19:49] hello plotino :) but i can't help you [19:50] i know nothing about ubuntustudio ( that's why i'm here ) ;)