
charlie-tcaGood morning14:22
charlie-tcaWe need as many tests as possible today and tomorrow on the images14:22
madnickmorning :)14:22
madnickill download some images14:23
GridCubecharlie-tca, :D14:31
charlie-tcaHello, GridCube 14:32
charlie-tcatesting today?14:32
GridCubeIt works!14:32
GridCubeokay will do14:32
charlie-tcaThat looks nice14:33
charlie-tcaHave you gotten with pleia2 about the MySQL server?14:34
GridCubeno i just used the one i had14:40
charlie-tcaImages seem to be working again today15:26
charlie-tcaWhoa! lightdm is still pink in 386 installs17:49
GridCubeyes it is17:51
GridCubealso there is no entry for bluetooth now17:52
GridCubeoooh but the shutdown thing its there17:53
GridCubethe plymouth greeter i think its called17:54
charlie-tcaNo, it is lightdm, at the login screen18:08
charlie-tcayeah, plymouth if it shutting down18:08
charlie-tcabluetooth is gone completely?18:08
GridCubefrom the menu18:09
GridCubeis not there18:09
charlie-tcawell, that is one way to fix it18:09
GridCubealthough the bluetooth service is runing18:09
GridCubeyes, that is18:10
charlie-tcaDon't forget to update the testing tracker for any tests you run today18:17
GridCubethe testing tracker... ubuntu'?¿18:27
GridCubeor our google spreadsheet?18:32
GridCubei've updated my project so now it shows a different message every day, whit warningns and news :D18:34
GridCubeI hope to figure out someday how to paint PASS and FAIL in colors, i don't seem to figure out how to yet18:35
charlie-tcahm, This September is doing that, but I don't know how, either18:38
GridCubebug 85283520:51
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 852835 could not be found20:51
GridCubebug #85283520:51
charlie-tcafor what?20:52
GridCubefor encrypted disk20:53
GridCubeubuntu software center20:53
GridCubebug #85283520:54
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 852835 could not be found20:54
GridCubewhy its not posting it20:54
charlie-tcasoftware center don't work, does it?20:54
GridCubeanyway i couldn't really test it was painfully slow20:56
GridCubethere it exists20:56
ubottuError: ubuntu bug 852835 not found20:56
GridCubewell mister ubottu bot, it exist wheter you want it or not20:57
charlie-tcaIf it is a private bug, the bot can't see it20:58
charlie-tcaI think software center is broken for gcc or something20:58
GridCube:/ i don't understand how a bug can be private20:59
GridCubewhy was it private?21:00
GridCubebug #85283521:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852835 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed with TypeError in _parse_menu_tag(): 'NoneType' object is not iterable" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85283521:00
GridCubeno one was reported 21:00
charlie-tcabecause apport marks it private until it gets checked for private information21:00
GridCubei unchecked it21:01
charlie-tcaAs I recall, they are working that and it should be fixed tomorrow or Monday21:02
GridCubeokay, just to tell :)21:02
charlie-tcaIt's good to have it reported.21:02

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