
X-Hunterhow much ram is needed for xubuntu 11.4 live?00:07
charlie-tcamore than 256MB to get it to login in oneiric00:07
X-Hunteris 504MB enough?00:07
charlie-tcaaccording to http://xubuntu.org/getubuntu you can run it in 256MB00:08
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ChristopherNGOr wait is saying "Hello" offtopic?01:03
ubottu#xubuntu is the Xubuntu support channel, #xubuntu-devel for discussion regarding development of Xubuntu, and #xubuntu-offtopic is for random chatter. Welcome!01:03
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cappyI'm having trouble with my audio, I've installed xubuntu 10.04 using the alternative install iso. I'm following this troubleshooter https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting . [code]find /lib/modules/`uname -r` | grep snd[/code] produces no output so I believe [code]sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic[/code] sould be the next step but apt tells me there is no package by that name available. could someone please he04:00
moetunes!find linux04:02
ubottuFound: doc-linux-html, doc-linux-text, grub, libhyphen-dev, libselinux1, libselinux1-dev, linux-backports-modules-net-2.6.38-8-generic, linux-backports-modules-net-2.6.38-8-generic-pae, linux-firmware, linux-headers-2.6.38-8 (and 177 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux&searchon=names&suite=natty&section=all04:02
moetuneswhat does   uname -r   return?04:03
cappyone second04:03
moetunescappy:  which xubuntu version are you using?04:04
cappyi installed it using the low ram alternate iso04:05
moetuneshave you ran an update and upgrade yet?04:05
cappythe software manager found a lot of updates and I installed them all with no problems04:06
moetunes!find generic 10.0404:06
ubottu10.04 is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, oneiric, oneiric-backports, oneiric-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable04:06
moetunes!find generic maverick04:07
ubottuFound: libevas-svn-06-engines-core, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.35-22-generic, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.35-22-generic-pae, linux-backports-modules-net-2.6.35-22-generic, linux-backports-modules-net-2.6.35-22-generic-pae, linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.35-22-generic, linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.35-22-generic-pae, linux-headers-lbm-2.6.35-22-generic, linux-headers-lbm-2.6.35-22-generic-pae, texlive-generic-recommended (and 148 o04:07
cappyyou mean I should do sudo apt-upgrade and sudo apt-update ?04:07
moetunesyep you should be on the 35 kernel04:08
cappyhang on I'll try is04:08
cappydid both sudo apt-get upgrade and update, no changes needed04:09
cappyi just got the most recent iso to my nknowledge from the official site04:10
moetunes!find 2.6.32-33-generic04:10
ubottuPackage/file 2.6.32-33-generic does not exist in natty04:10
moetunes!find 2.6.32-33-generic maverick04:11
ubottuPackage/file 2.6.32-33-generic does not exist in maverick04:11
moetunes!find 2.6.32-33-generic lucid04:11
ubottuFound: linux-headers-2.6.32-33-generic, linux-headers-2.6.32-33-generic-pae, linux-image-2.6.32-33-generic, linux-image-2.6.32-33-generic-pae, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.32-33-generic, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.32-33-generic-pae, linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.34-2.6.32-33-generic, linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.34-2.6.32-33-generic-pae, linux-backports-modules-compat-wireless-2.6.35-2.6.32-33-generic, linux-backpor04:11
moetunesyou're using lucid 9.10 then if that's the kernel you have04:12
ubottuUbuntu 10.04 LTS (Lucid Lynx) was the twelfth release of Ubuntu. Download http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/1004 - Supported until April 2013 (Desktop), April 2015 (Server)04:12
moetunesoops my bad04:13
cappywhen I click on the information icon on the top left of the screen it loads a firefox tab which says : Welcome to Xubuntu 10.04 LTS!04:14
cappyno worries man you seem busy, thanks for the responses04:15
moetunesthere's apt-cache search to get the right package name04:16
cappyok I'll give that a go.04:17
cappythat didn't turn up anything, the page I'm reading says :You should see a whole list of items come up. If you don't, it means that the upgrade process missed installing the kernel modules for sound. To fix this, type this at the command line:04:20
moetunesyou missed a - in your first message about that04:22
moetunes]sudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r` linux-generic[04:22
moetunes                                                           ^04:22
cappyok thanks hang on04:23
moetunessudo aptitude install linux-ubuntu-modules-`uname -r`-linux-generic04:24
moetunes!find linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.32-33-generic04:26
ubottuPackage/file linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.32-33-generic does not exist in natty04:26
cappyI keep getting the same response: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.32-33-generic-linux-generic"04:26
moetunes!find linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.32-33-generic lucid04:26
ubottuPackage/file linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.32-33-generic does not exist in lucid04:26
cappyand: Couldn't find any package whose name or description matched "linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.32-33-generic-linux-generic"04:26
moetunes!find linux-ubuntu-modules lucid04:27
ubottuPackage/file linux-ubuntu-modules does not exist in lucid04:27
moetunes!find modules lucid04:27
ubottuFound: libsasl2-modules, libsasl2-modules-sql, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.32-21-generic, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.32-21-generic-pae, linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-21-generic, linux-backports-modules-wireless-2.6.32-21-generic-pae, linux-image-2.6.32-21-386, linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic, linux-image-2.6.32-21-generic-pae, linux-image-2.6.32-21-virtual (and 309 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=modules&searchon=nam04:27
edsonI need help.06:17
well_laid_lawnedson: you tell about your issue in these support channels06:29
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:30
edsonMy system like "freezes" when I don't use the mouse for like 8 secs06:31
well_laid_lawntry the X log in /var/log/Xorg.0.log and in ~/.xsession-errors06:32
well_laid_lawnsee if they give a clue06:32
well_laid_lawnit's not normal behaviour tho06:33
edsonYeah, I hate it when I watch movies. I need to do something on my keyboard or mouse just to watch it continuously.06:33
edsonHow do I do that X log stuff?06:34
well_laid_lawnin thunar just browse to the /var/log directory06:34
well_laid_lawnopen the Xorg.o.log file and check near the end06:35
edsonOkay so I just opened the log and I don't know what to look for?06:39
well_laid_lawnyou coould paste it in a pastebin06:39
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.06:39
well_laid_lawnput xsession-errors in that to06:40
well_laid_lawnok one min06:42
well_laid_lawnthat seems fine06:44
well_laid_lawnI guess there's a dpms setting that's not right06:44
edsonHow do I fix it?06:45
edsonIs this related the spin down hdd stuff?06:48
edsonDoes my HDD rests when the computer is idle?06:49
well_laid_lawndepends on some settings06:51
well_laid_lawnfirst off I'd try just renmaing the xfce4 config in ~/.config and logging out/in06:52
well_laid_lawnit has some X settings in there and they're not always the best06:53
edsonrename the xfce4 folder?06:55
edsonIs it safe?06:57
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well_laid_lawnsure it's safe06:58
well_laid_lawna new directory will be created06:59
well_laid_lawnand it'll have another go at the settings it chooses06:59
edsonOkay, thank you sir.07:00
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
kokoshmusunwhere are the startup apps listed, I want to modify the apps that are launched at login10:44
moylan1settings -> settings manager -> session and startup -> application autostart10:59
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=== Guest10086 is now known as epzil0n
GridCubemy computer shutdown its self :(16:03
charlie-tcaHave you got it set to in power manager?16:08
GridCubeno, i was shuting down a vbox16:12
GridCubeand pow! reboot16:12
charlie-tcathe whole computer?16:16
charlie-tcacould be a one time deal, though16:16
GridCubei hope16:17
charlie-tcaIf it happens again, I would rnu a memory test on it16:17
Guest24672Hi for some reason when I type it's always slow to respond and half of what I type gets lost17:28
qpnaoscI have a question... couldn't find it on the internet18:19
qpnaoscit is this: I am trying to install the adobe flash plugin for firefox18:20
qpnaoscbut I cannot find the firefox plugin folder18:20
qpnaoscI have unpackaged the .tar.gz file18:20
qpnaosccan anybody help me?18:20
qpnaoscor know of an easier way to do it?18:20
Sysiinstall xubuntu-restricted-extras if you want mp3 too or flashplugin-installer18:20
qpnaoscwhere's that?18:21
qpnaoschm, found it in the Ubuntu package search18:25
qpnaoscbut I am a n00b18:25
qpnaoscand do not understand this page:18:25
Myrttiyou don't need to download it from the web18:26
Myrttiuse the package manager18:26
MyrttiSystem - Ubuntu Software Center18:27
Myrttior System - Synaptic18:27
Myrttieither would work18:27
qpnaoscI think I'm going to have to reinstall xubuntu, though... my last update was interrupted18:29
qpnaoscso I'll hopefully see y'all later!18:29
GridCubeqpnaosc, you don't need to manually installit18:29
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switch101how to remove last panel in xfce?20:30
FrozenFireGo to Panel Preferences, select it in the dropdown, and click the remove button.20:36
switch101FrozenFire: Yeah the remove button is greyed out if you only have one panel.20:39
Sysiit should ask if you want to kill panel, but you can do that manually too20:40
Sysiif you dislike autohiding panel20:40
Sysi"killall xfce4-panel"20:40
switch101Sysi: I can just add this to my startup programs?20:41
Sysiyou shouldn't need to do it after one time20:41
switch101Sysi: Thanks20:42
Sysirm -rm ~/.cache/sessions and save session on logout, with the tap on logout window20:42
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.21:33
knomeSysi, bah. you beat me.21:33
ubottuHi! I'm #xubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots21:34
knomexubuntu907, write '/join #ubuntu-ru' (without the single quotes) to join the russian channel21:34
jbuhi all...thinking of trying xubuntu.  wondering what people thought of the default apps?  how are the file browsers, irc apps, text editor, etc?  are they really really basic or can I expect them to be somewhat advanced?21:38
knomethey are basic21:38
Myrttihowever as with normal Ubuntu you can install whatever you want from the repos that scratches your itch21:39
knomesure :)21:39
knome(hey Myrtti o/)21:39
Sysijbu: kinda hard to say what you refer to with "advanced" or "basic", they're quite usual apps21:40
jbuSysi, like for example, does the file browser do previews? do any default apps have tabs? is the text editor anywhere near the adv features of kate?21:41
knomeSysi, as far as the xfce idea goes, apps should have as little and as meaningful configuration options as possible21:41
knomejbu, the text editor is more like notepad21:41
jbui see21:42
knomejbu, firefox + thuberbird for the web21:42
knomejbu, file browser supports previews, yeah21:42
jbuknome, thanks21:43
jbuoh is xubuntu supposed to boot up faster than ubuntu?21:43
Sysiactually login but yeah21:44
FrozenFireWhy does my system refuse to remember my browser preference? Every time I start my system, I have to set Chrome as my default browser.21:53
Myrttihow do you set it?21:53
FrozenFireI've tried both when it asks me to choose a default browser, and I've also edited it in the Preferred Applications settings menu.21:54
FrozenFireEach session, it forgets the setting entirely.21:54
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