
=== Pendulum_ is now known as Pendulum
joanieHey guys. I'm trying to reproduce some Orca+Ubuntu bugs that were reported upstream. 19:20
joanieFor one I need to be able to choose GNOME Fallback Session19:20
joanieI don't see that option in my installed Oneiric19:21
joanieWhat am I doing wrong?19:21
charlie-tcahave to install gnome-shell to have gnome fallback session in Oneiric. It was an option in 11.04, but in Oneiric, fallback is Unity2d19:22
joaniecharlie-tca: thanks! That option I have. /me wanders back to room with Oneiric and tries again19:23
charlie-tcaand yes, they have made it more difficult for all of us trying to work these bugs.19:23
joaniewell, I think either the user is confused or the live CD has different options19:25
joanieI'll NEEDINFO the upstream bug19:25
charlie-tcaIt has been a confusing cycle or two19:26
* joanie nods19:26
joanieMay we all have a better cycle next :-)19:27
joanieor win the lottery and move to tropical islands. either one will do at this point.19:27
Pendulumjoanie: or both19:28
joanie+1 Pendulum 19:29
joanieor a machine in which we can stop time and fix a11y bugs before the toolkits change again ;-)19:29
charlie-tcaNow there's real wishful thinking!19:31
PendulumI expect to win the lotto first19:32
Pendulumand I don't play19:32
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
TheMusojoanie: You want gnome-session-fallback, I think thats the package name.23:08
joanieTheMuso: Aha. Thanks! I shall try that in a bit. I was able to reproduce the problem in Rawhide.23:09

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