
bazhang<rootlslapwd> i need botnet01:27
ubottuIn #ubuntu-irc, macer1 said: !bot-#ubuntu-pl is <reply> Bot jest botem01:41
PerfieMSo, how do I become an op for ubuntu?02:05
IdleOnePerfieM: you serious?02:05
rww!canibeanop | PerfieM02:05
ubottuPerfieM: If you are interested in joining the Ops team, take a look at both http://www.siltala.net/2010/03/24/ops-teams-applications-announcement/ and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/IrcTeam/OperatorRequirements for info on the process and requirements.  You can also learn about what the job entails from people in #ubuntu-irc.02:05
rwwI thought I'd given that factoid to you in the past, maybe I'm misremembering.02:05
IdleOnethere is the info02:05
PerfieMIdleOne: weird, right? I've decided to help freenode, not destroy it.02:06
PerfieMrww: probably misremembering, but thanks02:06
IdleOnePerfieM: if you are serious about it that sounds great.02:06
IdleOneGood luck.02:06
PerfieMsounds wonderful, thanks champ02:06
IdleOnePerfieM: if you would please part this channel as per the topic. thanks.02:10
PerfieMOh right.02:10
ubottuoutstandingcitiz called the ops in #ubuntu ()02:11
rwwdealing with ^02:11
IdleOnewoke up half of Europe for no reason02:12
bazhangblackbuntu ?03:07
vibhav<hey_im_jacob> lol noobs03:14
ubottust3v3n called the ops in #ubuntu ()04:49
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (flood (16))04:55
Myrttialabd: hi05:05
alabdMyrtti: hi 2 you05:06
Myrttialabd: whazzup05:07
alabdmy usr has been banned from #ubuntu some months ago maybe it's time ro remove it ?05:07
Myrttiok, could you please wait for someone else to look into it, Im not on a device I could easily check things or unban you :-\05:09
alabdMyrtti: sure thanks05:56
ikoniaalabd: hello there07:23
ikoniawizardken_: hello also07:23
wizardken_ikonia, sup?07:23
wizardken_i know u?07:24
ikoniawizardken_: I was wondering if you could please change your part message07:24
wizardken_part message?07:24
ikoniawizardken_: I forwarded you to this channel instead of #ubuntu-offtopic to request you change your part message07:24
ikoniawizardken_: yes, the message your client posts as you leave the hcannel07:24
ikonia7:41 -!- wizardken_ [~wizardken@unaffiliated/cwhizz] has quit [Quit: "If I throw this paper, yo bitch gone fetch!" -- Big Sean]07:24
alabdikonia: hello how are you fine?07:24
ikoniaalabd: yes thank you,07:25
ikoniaalabd: how can we help you ?07:25
ikoniaI've only just noticed you are here, so how can we help ?07:25
alabdthanks , don't you want remove ban after some months ?07:26
ikoniaalabd: no, not at this time.07:26
alabdok should humble remind you ?07:27
ikoniawizardken_: is it possible you could change that please ?07:27
wizardken_ikonia, yes i will07:27
wizardken_it's changed07:28
wizardken_thanks for telling me07:28
wizardken_I didn't think it would bother anyone07:28
ikoniawizardken_: thank you very much, one moment and I'll remove the forward for you07:28
ikoniaalabd: no need, thank you07:28
ikoniawizardken_: forward removed, if you leave this channel and join #ubuntu-offtopic you should be fine07:29
wizardken_ikonia, ok thanks07:29
alabdikonia: np , Allah bless you bye07:29
wizardken_I'm still banned ikonia07:29
ikoniawizardken_: did it not work ?07:29
ikoniaI removed the forward I put on you, one moment07:30
rww07:30 -!- 42 - #ubuntu-offtopic: ban *!*@unaffiliated/cwhizz [by funkyHat!~m@funkyhat.org, 205960 secs ago]07:30
ikoniawizardken_: can you try again please07:32
wizardken_it works, ikonia , thanks07:33
g30what is this?12:06
g30get muted for what?12:07
oCeang30: hi there12:07
g30ocean mut me for no reason?12:07
oCeanthere was a reason12:07
g30please do tell12:07
oCeanI told you to stop talking offtopic12:07
g30this is how u want users to be treated?12:07
oCeansee, #ubuntu is a support channel, not a discussion channel12:07
g30topic is ubuntu is it not?12:07
g30and i asked12:08
oCeanwe have other channels, like #ubuntu-offtopic where you can discuss such issues12:08
g30about compiz12:08
g30and ccsm12:08
g30is that not support matter?12:08
oCeanindeed, and those support questions are very welcome12:08
g30then why did u mute me?12:08
oCeanyes it is, but you have to drop the other offtopic talk12:08
oCeanI muted you because you did not stop the offtopic12:08
g30ok i got it12:08
g30we can talk so long as ocean agrees with it12:09
g30thanks but no thanks take care12:09
g30im going to go somewhere where i can speak with friendly people12:09
g30so long12:09
oCeangoodbye then12:09
Myrtti!pm > somicuthbert14:01
oCeanajbiz11: hello, how may we help you?15:39
ajbiz11oh, i was just joining to see the current ubuntu talk15:40
oCeanajbiz11: this is not the general ubuntu channel. This is for channel operators15:40
ajbiz11oh oops, i opened the wrong room15:40
ikoniahello vi17:04
vlbhavoh hi ikonia17:04
ikoniachanging your nickname will not help you get around the ban17:04
ikonianeither will not using your cloak17:04
ikoniafreenode staff are in this channel and are not stupid17:04
ikoniawatching you ask for cloaks, change your nickname and not wear your cloak sends signals17:05
ikoniavlbhav: we'll let you know when the mute will be removed17:05
vlbhavi did not change my cloak , it is juat the fact the i am chatting throught mh iphone17:05
ikoniathat doesn't change your nickname17:06
vlbhavnick? it was a ghost17:06
ikonianot it's not17:06
ikoniayou're using vlbhav instead of vibhav17:06
ikoniathat's a manual change17:06
ikoniathe sooner you grow up, the easier conversations like this will go17:06
vlbhavjust wait17:06
ikoniaI don't need to, there isn't anything to discuss at this time17:07
=== vlbhav is now known as vibhav
ikoniawe'll let you know when we unmute you, in the mean time, please leave this channel and go back to your normal IRC topics17:07
vibhavirc topics?17:07
ikoniayes, #ubuntu-offtopic for example for offtopic discussion17:08
Coreyikonia: Terr seems lovely.17:36
ikoniafound fredericks problem, they have linked in his network config to "epass" software17:37
ubottua free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install openoffice.org". User help available in #openoffice.org.17:38
Jordan_UShould be changed for Libre Office.17:38
ikoniamake it so17:38
CoreyNow he's at it in ##linux17:40
Coreyikonia: How'd you sort that one out?17:40
CoreyThe epass one, specifically.17:40
ikoniaCorey: watching him tell lies to the people in #archlinux about the issue17:40
ikoniahe was holding back in #ubuntu17:41
CoreyOoh, gotcha.  He get booted from there, ikonia?17:41
ikoniano, but he's now asking for epass help17:41
ikoniawhich when I looked into it is like a corperate remote login token17:41
ikoniaso I'm guessing he can't authenticate properly without this token stuff working, hence no network ID17:41
jribheh, I pmed him advising him to replicate the issue on a default install17:43
jribhe's telling me about his "real" problem now17:43
CoreyRight, and I don't want the responsibility of breaking it. :-)17:43
ikoniajrib: was I close ?17:43
ikoniaCorey: this is the thing we can't break his corperate build17:43
jrib"man the real issue is I need to make a vpn client work oki?"17:43
ikoniathere we go17:43
ikoniaI new it17:44
Coreyikonia: Tempting to give him the fix he wants. :-)17:44
ikoniajrib: if he'd just said that in the first place I'd have researched epass as I have done now, and tested to 2 main issues/solutions17:44
ikoniarather than the lies17:44
CoreyRight.  Don't tell me what you think I want to hear, I can't troubleshoot based on that.17:47
ikoniait's a pretty straight forward and reasonable question17:47
ikoniaI've got an ubuntu install that I'm trying to connect to a vpn using epass, I'm getting X problem, please help17:48
ikoniarather than having to dig through the obvious lies about what was going on17:48
ikoniaI'm sure jrib will dig him out17:48
ikoniathe guys in #archlinux certainly aren't17:49
Jordan_U!loffice is <reply> LibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.17:50
ubottuIn #ubuntu-ops, Jordan_U said: !loffice is <reply> LibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.17:50
ubottuThe operation succeeded.17:50
Jordan_U!loffice is <reply> LibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.17:50
ubottuI'll remember that, Jordan_U17:50
Jordan_U!forget ooo17:51
ubottuI'll forget that, Jordan_U17:51
Jordan_U!ooo is <alias> loffice17:51
ubottuooo has been forgotten, use '!unforget ooo' to edit it again17:51
Jordan_U!unforget ooo17:51
ubottuI suddenly remember ooo again, Jordan_U17:51
Jordan_U!no ooo is <alias> loffice17:51
ubottuYou are editing an alias. Please repeat the edit command within the next 10 seconds to confirm17:51
Jordan_U!forget openoffice17:52
ubottuI'll forget that, Jordan_U17:52
Jordan_USorry for the flood of mistakes (past and near future).17:53
Jordan_U!unforget openoffice17:53
ubottuI suddenly remember openoffice again, Jordan_U17:53
Jordan_U!openoffice is <alias> libreoffice17:54
ubottuBut openoffice already means something else!17:54
Jordan_U!no openoffice is <alias> libreoffice17:54
ubottuFactoid 'libreoffice' does not exist17:54
Jordan_U!no openoffice is <alias> loffice17:54
ubottuI'll remember that Jordan_U17:54
Jordan_U!libreoffice is <alias> loffice17:55
ubottulibreoffice has been forgotten, use '!unforget libreoffice' to edit it again17:55
jribikonia: all yours if you want to help him (I have not)17:55
ubottuLibreOffice is a Free and open source office suite that includes word processor, spreadsheet, presentation, vector drawing and database components. To install: "sudo apt-get install libreoffice". User help available in #libreoffice.17:56
Jordan_U!unforget libreoffice17:56
ubottuI suddenly remember libreoffice again, Jordan_U17:56
Jordan_U!no libreoffice is <alias> loffice17:57
ubottuI'll remember that Jordan_U17:57
ikoniajrib: not for me, the attitude stunk and I don't like being lied to17:58
ikoniahe's gone anyway17:58
Jordan_UAnd after reading the old libreoffice factoid I realize now that OpenOffice is still used in older but still supported versions of Ubuntu. If #libreoffice is willing to help with pre-fork OpenOffice then I think the factoid situation can be left as-is with no OpenOffice specific factoid (assuming I have now sorted it out correctly).18:00
ubottuxangua called the ops in #ubuntu (shadowcock)18:26
oCeanMamarok: hello, how can we help you?18:34
CoreyThat was interesting.18:48

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