[15:11] slangasek / cjwatson: When you get a moment, could you consider bug 853255? Thoughts on a sync+delta or introducing a delta to include a new binary package based on current contrib/ app. Neither have been tested, that is one for tomorrow. [15:11] Launchpad bug 853255 in dnsmasq (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "FFe: Merge dnsmasq 2.58-3 (main) from Debian unstable (main) (affects: 1) (heat: 8)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/853255 [21:45] doko: I'd appreciate it if you could review my clang upload - should appear in unapproved soon [21:48] WTF, why is lillypilly's mirror so abysmally out of date [21:49] * cjwatson RTs [21:52] cjwatson, looks fine. but I hate it if upstream's conditionalize on release names rather than features [21:53] doko: I know, the configuration handling there is really sucky, I just didn't want to attempt a proper fix at this point [21:53] risk of error seemed higher than the stupid fix [21:55] just uploaded a new ltsp fixing bug 838845 (missing fonts). The fix is simply to install all the same ttf-* packages as a regular ubuntu desktop into the ltsp chroot. [21:55] Launchpad bug 838845 in ldm (Ubuntu) "Chinese glyphs (and potentially some other languages) aren't rendered properly in ldm (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/838845 [21:56] I used wrap-and-sort to make the diff more readable (as the dependency list is pretty long), a clean diff is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/692570/ (LP will show both wrap-and-sort changes + dependencies changes) [21:56] confirmed that that clang change fixes libdispatch [21:57] well, confirmed on i386 at least [22:03] stgraber: Sounds vaguely sane. The reordering of stuff in debian/*.install makes the diff a pain to read, though... [22:07] stgraber: Also, assuming we merge with Debian's ltsp package (do we?), wrap-and-sort's going to make that a bit confusing/painful, unless they do the same. [22:16] infinity: we don't merge from Debian [22:16] infinity: http://paste.ubuntu.com/692570/ is the diff after the wrap-and-sort. I also did it in two stage in the bzr branch to make it relatively easy to diff [22:23] ScottK: do you think dovecot-metadata-plugin should just be updated to a new upstream to fix bug 831179? I'm pretty sure http://hg.dovecot.org/dovecot-metadata-plugin/rev/fc360cf4ef81 fixes the FTBFS, but I'm not sure I fancy extracting just the autotools bits [22:23] Launchpad bug 831179 in dovecot-metadata-plugin (Ubuntu Oneiric) (and 1 other project) "dovecot-metadata-plugin version 0.0.1~hg144-0ubuntu1 failed to build in oneiric (affects: 1) (heat: 4)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/831179 [22:42] infinity: Debian (Vagrant Cascadian) and Ubuntu (me) share part of our packaging and try to reduce our delta from time to time but LTSP is meant to be heavily integrated into the distros so I doubt we'll ever get to the point where we can just sync from Debian (we do for ltspfs, ltsp-docs and hopefully for ldm next cycle) [22:44] libproxy made me a) sad and b) stressed [22:44] not sure I'll finish it in time [22:48] Laney: what's wrong with it? [22:48] many bindings that I'm not sure how to package correctly [22:48] strange module system [22:49] also it didn't appear to work, but that could have been user error [22:50] stgraber: git://anonscm.debian.org/users/laney/libproxy.git give that a go if you fancy some fun [22:50] my dpkg-shlibdeps hax are wrong and a better solution should be found [22:53] night!