
=== almaisan-away is now known as al-maisan
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idlemindanyone know the footprint of a stock 10.04 lts server?03:04
=== tohuw is now known as Guest15481
=== Tohuw2 is now known as Tohuw
TohuwI'm getting a constant sendbytes: nak bailout when booting into my 11.04 server, kernel is 2.6.8-11-server03:23
TohuwThis happens before any user login, right after booting the kernel out of GRUB03:24
idlemindsorry tohuw don't know what that error is03:29
Tohuw2.6.28-11-server returns i2c i2c-2 sendbytes: NAK bailout on booting. It loops until system halt and prevents logging in even in single-user mode. What is this?03:52
DurgI'm not sure if this is the right place to ask this, but I'll take a random stab at it; I've got a theoretical question for you guys - I've got a SaaS type service that moves data from one point to another; sometimes, that data is behind a VPN. I've got multiple clients on a single server, so plugging that entire box into the VPN isn't an ideal solution; do you guys think it'd be possible04:17
Durgto connect an external "worker box" to the VPN and then connect through that box via a proxy connection? Would that work or am I pounding sand?04:17
=== Xptical_ is now known as Xptical
e_t_Durg: doesn't that just give you the same problem on the "worker box" ?06:01
scubes13is anyone using davical on ubuntu with Active Directory authentication?07:43
Psi-JackNow, here's a curious topic. Anyone ever worked with puppet and/or chef for server automation?09:24
zastaphPsi-Jack I looked into them but they seemed horribly complex to setup for a process I just wanted to simplify09:41
zastaphI use etckeeper for /etc and mercurial for ~ .. and then virtualbox snapshots and clones do the rest09:41
uvirtbotNew bug: #853125 in postfix (main) "package postfix 2.8.2-1ubuntu2.1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 75" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85312510:01
macer1I wonder about the choice of OS on the server, between Gentoo and Ubuntu Server...10:26
ersiDepends on what you want, and how you want to do things.10:27
ersiHave you any experiance running any of your choices? Either pick the one your familar with and keep learning with that, or pick the other to get 'another view'10:27
macer1Hmm. Main think I don't like about Ubuntu Server is old software versions.10:28
RoyKmacer1: ubuntu 11.04 has quite recent versions10:30
macer1I am now running and learning Gentoo on server, but oneiric will have some new cool server features, so I am considering that  :)10:31
macer1what is a version of nginx in 11.04?10:31
RoyKmacer1: but then, even though 10.04 has oldish versions, it's supported until april 2015, so no need to spend hours on upgrading every too often10:31
macer1i natty there is 0.8.5410:33
RoyKmacer1: for most servers, an oldish base install is what you _want_, since it's proven and stable10:33
macer1in oneiric 1.0.5...10:34
macer1but most nginx updates are bugfixes10:34
RoyKbugfixes are usually backported10:34
RoyKfor supported packages10:34
RoyKbut then, if you want to run package xyz from svn or git or something, just install it from source and not from apt10:35
RoyKthat's what I do for certain packages10:35
RoyKeither that, or make your own packages (usually the best if you have a bunch of servers needing that version of that package)10:36
macer1maybe private ppa?10:36
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and you use them at your own risk. See also !addppa10:36
macer1Yes i know what is a PPA10:37
RoyKmacer1: yeah, I have one for that purpose10:37
RoyKmacer1: I'd forgotten what the acronym was for10:37
macer1ok ;)10:37
ersimacer1: Ubuntu is really not That far behind on software versions.10:37
ersiYou have to understand that there's aspects of getting things working together, and providing a quality assurance filter10:38
RoyKersi: if using LTS it tends to lag behind, which is normal10:38
ersiTrue. But it has it's own benefits10:38
RoyK!bug 2752010:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 27520 in cron "cron daemon caches user-non-existent lookup results, causing "ORPHAN" message and skipping jobs for all LDAP/NIS-defined users" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2752010:38
macer1Gentoo has cool things to control package version. If Gentoo Team think that package is stable, it is in main. But there are always new software version witch you can unmask and have always new packages.10:38
RoyKthat bug is a real PITA10:39
macer1for example there is rails 2.3 in main gentoo repo, but I can unmask 3.1 version and install it.10:39
macer1i am going away for a moment10:43
ersimacer1: I've ran Gentoo for more than two years on my personal desktop. I'd never run Gentoo in a production environment10:43
ersiMan, that question was sorta like asking how long a string is. It depends :) Go with your gut feeling10:44
macer1why not gentoo on production, ersi ?10:55
ersiA lot of factors really. It's hard to keep up with a rolling pace. I'm not hired to constantly upgrade stuff, test it in staging environments all day so I know I won't break everything when I upgrade trivial things. Besides, since we're doing enterprise software - we're keeping to Ubuntu, Red Hat and SuSE.10:57
ersiI'm not bashing on Gentoo. I'm just saying it doesn't suit our production envionment and our use requirements.10:58
ersiIf it suits yours, go with that. If it doesn't, don't :)10:58
macer1I really like to have newest software :D becuase of that i am running oneiric on desktop now :D11:00
ersiIMHO desktop and server systems have different requirements11:02
ersiI like being up to date on my desktop systems as well11:02
macer1does ubuntu server have cool gentoo hardened feautures like grsecurity ?11:07
ersiThat's really not a Gentoo feature.11:09
macer1not a gentoo feauture, but integrated into gentoo ;)11:09
ersiI don't know, I've never fiddled with that on Ubuntu. But searching a little seems to indicate that11:09
ersiSeems to be a package/meta package called harden and harden-environment, more than that I don't know11:10
macer1oh cool!11:10
ersiHm, maybe there's some hints in the server guide11:11
macer1I will look for that11:11
macer1I think it is a good idea to run Gentoo on server for a month with nothing important there, some simple sites, and see if it don't break :D11:11
ersiWell, learning by doing is almost never wrong11:12
=== PeterGrgrt is now known as PKHG
ersiSo I say go for it. If it seems to suit you and it feels right11:12
macer1Thanks ;) I will keep Ubuntu for desktop, but I think Gentoo Hardened will be better server choice for me ;)11:13
PKHGHi, I am just busy to to install UBUNTU on a virtual box ... where will GRUB be installed? on the REAL C:  or in the virtural box disk ??11:13
macer1If Gentoo will break I will look for Ubuntu Server :D11:13
macer1PKHG, in VirtualBox11:13
PKHGmacerl, so I can safely say yes ...?? (terrified to loose my Vista)11:14
macer1Yes PKHG, now worries.11:14
cloakablePKHG: yes11:14
PKHGThanks will believe and try ;-)11:15
cloakableSomeone doesn't know how virtual machines work :P11:15
macer1everything you will do in VB will stay in VB :)11:15
PKHGok ... necessary to know .. ;)11:15
=== PKHG is now known as PeterGrgrt
DulcinIf I have not set a port to 'deny' in UFW, how secure is it / how does it work?11:26
=== PeterGrgrt is now known as PKHG
PKHGmacerl, Hi, now I get an VM error: I have to enable PAE mode, could you please tell me WHERE I can find that?11:30
PKHGsome one else knows (and tells me ;-) ) to activate PAEmode in the virtual box?11:33
macer1PKHG, in VM settings11:34
PKHGyes it says Use General/Advanced, but I cannot recognize something like PAEmode ???11:35
zastaphersi, about my ubuntu server master and openSSH .. before cloning I delete /etc/ssh/ssh_host_(dsa|rsa)(.pub) (4 files in total) ?11:35
zastaphi thought they were supposed to be in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys11:36
ersizastaph: Yeah.11:36
ersizastaph: No, that's YOUR ssh-keys11:36
ersissh_host keys are the "IDs" of the server11:36
zastaphand once i clone those 4 files will be generated when SSH starts?11:37
macer1PKHG, it must be there11:37
PKHGno checkbox for PAE ???11:37
zastaphhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys says that keys must be generated on the client.. Previously I did it on Putty, so that's also how I should do it?11:37
ersizastaph: You're confusing two different things11:38
zastaphprobably :)11:38
ersiUsually when someone says SSH key, they mean the ssh authentication keys as in private/public key pair11:38
ersiWhen talking about the host (daemon/service) keys, it's more like a certificate11:39
zastaphso, can I use the same private/public key set for all my clones?11:39
ersiAnd if you change the host keys, on a system you use to connect to - it'll warn you that the identifier has changed. "WARNING, it doesn't have the same id as before! someone might have tampered with the machine!"11:39
ersiYes, definately! :)11:39
zastaphand that's why private/public key sets are generated on the client11:40
ersiYou could use the same SSH (client) keys on all machines in the world if you'd like. (Not recommended though, it's recommended to isolate privileges just in case)11:40
PKHGmacerl, it is at a different place, found in System ;-)11:40
PKHGwill see if Ubuntu will start now ...11:40
ersizastaph: Indeed. But those need only to be generated once ;)11:40
macer1Yes, System/Processor ;)11:41
macer1I wanted to do screenshot now, but you found it ;)11:41
PKHGNOT General ... ha ha, THAT was mesleading ...11:41
PKHGyes thanks a lot ... (found via searching)11:42
PKHGoh now I got a kernel panic error ...11:43
PKHGwrong choice of running? (first time revovery mode needed?)11:44
PKHGcannot open sda1 ...11:46
PKHGor unknown blok11:46
PKHGwill try later again ... bye (helpers!)11:47
DulcinHmm could someone here help me 1on1 with some Bind9 questions?11:47
PKHGHallo once again me ;-) ,,, I succeeded to get a minimal Ubutu in a virtualbox , probably forgotton to get X11 like things, only a console with nearly no real program ..., is there a way to get  something really working?13:00
zastaphhow would I copy the contents easily into ~/.ssh/authorized_keys that was generated on my windows host into my ubuntu server guest os? i didnt setup samba or anything13:15
zastaphi read about ssh-copy-id but i think thats from a linux client13:15
zastaphi can't copy paste into my vbox window for ubuntu server.. i think it needs gnome for that13:16
Dulcinright mouse button doesn't work?13:19
Dulcinfor pasting?13:20
zastaphno, and actually on ubuntu desktop where it works i use middle button13:21
zastaphi tried changing bidirectional to host-to-guest only13:21
zastaphbut no-go13:21
zastaphvery hard to work with :)13:22
zastaphi also tried with guest additions installed13:22
jmarsdenzastaph: You can use an ssh client on Windows to copy the file into the VM.  In Putty the command is pscp13:28
zastapheven before I setup the public key on server?13:29
jmarsdenMore generally, for a server VM, do not use the VirtualBox console, just ssh in using your favourite ssh program in the host, and cut and paste (in the host OS) to and from that.13:30
jmarsdenzastaph: Sure, use password authentication until you have the key up there.13:30
zastaphhmm then I need to read up on that first :) but I think i disabled that in ssh config13:31
jmarsdenDon't disable password auth until you have the public key on the server, that's... like locking yourself out of your own house :)13:31
zastaphnah coz I can vbox13:31
jmarsdenOK, so use vbox to re-enable password auth, and go from there.13:32
zastaphhmm starting ssh didn't re-generate the 4 RSA/DSA keys in /etc/ssh as I thought it would13:39
ikoniathe keys are not generated every restart13:39
zastaphso i hope it will do it whenever it needs them13:40
zastaphssh isn't simple :)13:41
cloakablezastaph: sudo dpkg-reconfigure openssh-server ?13:42
zastaphwell i backed them up.. just ersi said I should delete them before cloning my VM13:43
zastaphdont want to reconfigure thatll probably overwrite my ssh config too13:43
zastaphso, should I keep them? is it important that they differ on each clone?13:46
uvirtbotNew bug: #852771 in nova "dhcp leases are not released on instance termination" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85277114:42
CluelessPersonhey all :D14:53
CluelessPersonI've been thinking about a mail server for awhile.14:53
CluelessPersonWhat would be the best mail server to use?  In your humble opinions?14:53
zastaphCluelessPerson, I would use an exchange alternative like zimbra or zarafa14:57
RoyKguys, girls, you should buy CDs and not download them. Piracy kills people! "Insurers Suggest Podium & Stage Collapse Tragedies Are The Inevitable Result Of File Sharing?" http://www.techdirt.com/articles/20110916/12183515986/15:28
zastapham installing http://www.mongodb.org/display/DOCS/Ubuntu+and+Debian+packages and it asks me if I'm on a Debianoid with SysV or Upstart .. I use 6.x (Squeeze)16:01
zastaphduh, no I don't .. I use Ubuntu :)16:01
zastaphbut which do I choose?16:01
zastaphah ok it says recent Ubuntus use Upstart.. can you confirm this for 10.04 LTS ?16:02
jeeves_mossis there a way to convert in place a raidz-2 to a standard raidz in ZFS?16:36
=== Nafallo_ is now known as Nafallo
Davieysmoser: seen http://pb.daviey.com/yuwe/ before?18:08
dominicdinadahow to reboot a server remotely into tty and maintain network connection :/18:32
qman__you can't keep a connection through a reboot18:36
qman__a reboot by definition restarts the whole system18:36
qman__the only way to remain connected to the server through a reboot is to use an external device to administer it, like an IP KVM, or a modem to a serial connection18:38
ikoniaDrNick__: any reason to post that ?18:48
DrNick__i just found it amusing18:49
ikoniaplease don't post it then, this channels for ubuntu server discussion18:49
DrNick__appologies.  a rare moment of stupidity.18:51
logohow are u18:51
ikoniaDrNick__: not a big deal at all.18:52
logohy whats up19:16
=== Ng_ is now known as Ng
HelloWorld321What is the lifecylce of a derby database?  I'm using derby in a java ee6 tutorial and when I run it, I see database creates, drops, alters, etc., but when I try to connect it always says "Database not found".  Is there a way to browse the active databases?19:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #831100 in mysql-cluster-7.0 (universe) "mysql-cluster-7.0 version 7.1.9a-0ubuntu1 failed to build in oneiric" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/83110019:55
=== JanC_ is now known as JanC
HelloWorld321The tutorial is using jdbc:derby:memory, and that seems to basically decimate the lifecycle of my database20:57
tarvidI created a VM with testdrive, How can I control it through kvm or qemu?22:07
tarvidvirsh - list comes up empty22:09
scubes13I am stuck… trying to install calendarserver (DCS) on Ubuntu 10.04 - get the following errors: http://pastebin.com/zuMvMd7P22:37
scubes13following the steps here: http://www.dreness.com/blog/?p=15322:37
scubes13replacing: svn co http://svn.macosforge.org/repository/calendarserver/CalendarServer/trunk CalendarServer22:37
scubes13with: svn co http://svn.macosforge.org/repository/calendarserver/CalendarServer/tags/release/CalendarServer-3.0 CalendarServer22:37
scubes13anyone have any thoughts?22:37
scubes13(had also tried with trunk… originally received the same error with trunk)22:38

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