
linuxman410cyberanger u here00:57
wrstlinuxman410: what's up?02:00
wrstget your laptop going linuxman410?02:08
linuxman410not with a commandline system02:09
wrstyou wanting cli only linuxman410?02:10
linuxman410yes but everytime i install it does not boot02:10
wrstusing ubuntu ?02:11
wrstlinuxman410: considered using the server disk?02:13
linuxman410tried that02:14
wrstno boot?02:17
linuxman410no boot02:20
wrsthmm that's odd tried any other distro?02:22
linuxman410yeah debian02:22
wrsttried anything out of the debian tree of things?02:23
wrstfedora maybe?02:24
linuxman410wrst i do not know how to install a fedora command line system02:24
wrsti'm sure there has to be some way, depending on what you are wanting I would probably go with arch for cli only if ubuntu server didn't work02:25
linuxman410wrst i can not figure out arch02:26
wrsta base system is pretty simple as long as you follow the wiki02:26
wrstand a base system is just cli02:27
linuxman410wrst i tried it and could not figure out02:28
wrsthmm don't know linuxman41002:29
linuxman410wrst this laptop has broadcom and i am trying archbang and it will not see wireless02:31
wrstlinuxman410: you will have to install the broadcom drivers in arch02:32
wrstits a pain in the rear02:32
linuxman410wrst what is encrypted lvm02:38
wrstLVM usually for when you have more than one disk from my understanding (Logical Volume Management) I never use it02:39
wrstcyberanger: can tell you much more02:40
linuxman410wrst i am installing crungbang but i can install wmaker gui too right02:41
wrstfar as I know I know nothing about it, but can't imagine you cant02:43
chris4585wrst, so I had to ditch arch at least for a while...21:53
chris4585I was doing a lot of prolonged video chatting which raises my cpu up, and somehow this effected my psu, my computer would shut down during boot up21:54
chris4585happened to livecds too21:54
chris4585so replaced the psu with the original that came with the computer, and installed ubuntu21:54
chris4585I installed beta ubuntu but couldn't recognize my mic, and said screw it and installed 10.10 beside that.. problem fixed21:56
wrstchris4585: but you are running now?22:00
wrstI don't like computer problems!22:00
chris4585yeah I'm running fine now with ubuntu 10.1022:00
chris4585I'm not sure what happened the psu though.. after I swapped it, the problem went away22:00
chris4585I kind of missed old school gnome (compiz scrolling)...22:01
chris4585I'm tired of having problems, most of the time due to nvidia22:01
wrsti'm still really liking gnome-shell22:12

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