
nlsthznsuperfly, finally got to listen to the music you linked me... some of it is OK... thanks for the links11:58
superflynlsthzn: cool12:06
Kilosafternoon superfly and others13:01
superflyhi oom Kilos13:01
superflyKilos: we're having a winter day here again... lots of rain... I know my grass is appreciating it :-D13:01
Kiloslol yeah best water out13:02
Kiloshigh in nitrogen13:02
Kiloswhere exactly are you superfly 13:02
Kiloscapetown stellies?13:02
superflyin die Kaap oom,13:03
Kiloshey nlsthzn all well?13:04
Kiloslol the pirate lost his P13:04
nlsthznHey uncle Kilos :)13:15
Chat8308hi all18:18
Kiloshi Chat8308 18:19
Chat8308hi kilos18:19
Chat8308any ladies18:20
Kilosthis is an ubuntu users channel, not a chat site as such18:21
Kilospeeps come here for help with ubuntu18:21
superflywe need to just ban all nicks from "chatmosphere.org"18:39
superflyah, I see why they come here... 4th result for "south africa" on chatmosphere.org18:41
nlsthznI feel like chatting... I use chatmosphere... for more atmosphere...19:04
Kilosyou also looking for ladies?19:04
nlsthznnah... my wife is way to much lady for me to handle as it is19:04
Kiloscherrs nlsthzn 19:16
Kiloscheers too19:16
Kilosnight all. lekker slaap20:20

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