
=== boobbb is now known as ARNOO
ARNOOhow to joint this channel i dont understand indentify  ??19:48
ARNOOhi every body19:48
ARNOOi have a last point to solve19:49
ARNOOi have two sound card the first is work fine19:49
ARNOOand the 2nd make crunch and noise and i cant use it19:50
ARNOOholstein, ???19:50
arno__holstein, ???20:06
arno__holstein,  can you help me ?20:06
arno__to find a solution to use my sound card*20:12
arno__please help to config my sound and find where come the problem20:14
arno__i search to link 2 sound card ???20:58
holsteinarno__: hey21:02
arno__hey holstein !!21:02
arno__fine ?21:02
holsteinyou have 2 sound cards?21:02
holsteinthe internal one works fine, and a USB one doesnt?21:02
arno__im i hop in the last point of my experiences distro21:02
arno__no ;)21:03
holsteinwhats the deal?21:03
arno__the usb fine,21:03
holsteinwhats not working?21:03
arno__the interne too21:03
holsteinthe internal one?21:03
holsteinthats good :)21:03
arno__but i search to mix the 2 inputs21:03
holsteinwith JACK?21:04
holsteinthats not trivial21:04
arno__with terrminal21:04
holsteindoesnt matter how you do it21:04
holsteingui or not21:04
arno__hw 0 mixer  with hw 221:04
holsteindo you want JACK to use 2 different cards?21:04
arno__in the same time yup21:04
arno__i know i can made this ""pactl load-module module-loopback21:05
arno__i have made a distro21:06
arno__with a lot of element21:06
holsteinyou can ask in #opensourcemusicians too21:06
holsteini know folks there who have used multiple cards21:06
arno__thks its that link is very nice to start21:07
arno__i go try it21:08
arno__no dont work !!21:12
holsteinits going to depend on your ALSA verions21:13
holsteinits definitely not anything you've had time to implement21:13
holsteinits *not* trivial21:13
holsteinthats really all i know about it21:13
arno__may be you Can explan "http://jackaudio.org/multiple_devices"21:15
holsteinlas could21:15
holsteinyou can find him in #ardour21:15
arno__ok i try to go ardour channel21:16
arno__compiz+cairodock+widget +sound +wacom+ 10.04+studio21:18
arno__see you seen holstein,21:18
holsteinarno__: right on :)21:18
holsteingood luck21:18
holsteini know its do-able21:18
arno__u 221:18
holsteini just havent needed to do it21:18
arno__yes  i have made one but no mixed*21:19
holsteinarno__: you might have to wait a while in #ardour21:44
holsteinlas *will* respond though21:45
holsteinhe will respond21:46
holsteinhe reponds to everyone21:46
holsteinyou dont have to be "that guy" thats like... hey, anyone here?21:46
holstein^^ that kind of thing21:46
holsteini mean... do it if you want21:46
holsteinim just sayin'... las is almost always the first to respond21:47
arno__ok if you know a solution ?21:50
arno__where can ffind ppa studio22:01
holsteinarno__: ubuntustudio?22:02
holsteinits just in the repos22:02
holsteintheres no PPA22:02
holsteinthey are just in main22:02
holsteinall packages/metapackages22:02
arno__i have just loos 20 install22:03
holsteinyou might be interested in http://kxstudio.sourceforge.net/KXStudio:Repositories22:04

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