
GridCubegood morning13:56
charlie-tcaGood morning14:06
charlie-tcaI will be running destkop tests today14:07
GridCubewill do alternate test14:32
GridCubeany particular test you want me to do charlie-tca ?15:16
charlie-tcaall or as many as you can.15:17
GridCubedoing free software whit encrypted /home then :D two for the price of one!15:17
charlie-tcaI would like to get all the tests covered between yesterday and today15:17
GridCubeoh! and i will also do autoresize in the same test! 3 for the price of 1! :D15:18
GridCubei figured out why yesterday shotdown happened, somehow power shutdown for just half a second 15:47
GridCubein my whole house, and my nephew's15:48
GridCubeso yeah15:50
charlie-tcaYeah, that's usually enough here to throw my computers off15:51
GridCuberestarting tests15:51
charlie-tcaYou running VirtualBox, right?15:52
charlie-tcaWOW! new plymouth screens are amazing!15:52
charlie-tcaThey are working on my hardware too15:53
GridCubeim getting an error while partitioning16:42
charlie-tcawhich image?16:43
charlie-tcais that the convoluted test you are trying to make work?16:43
GridCubei should restart whit standard install?16:44
charlie-tcayeah, going to have to try each one and see if one thing causes it. might be the encrypted /home16:45
charlie-tcawhich requires /swap to encrypt too16:45
GridCubebut anyway so far i just did, only free software, and auto rezise, the virtual disk already has 2 partitions of oneiric and swap16:45
charlie-tcadoing an auto-resize leaves an unencrypted swap16:45
GridCubei never said to encrypt the disk to it16:45
charlie-tcahm, I wonder if free software and encrypted home are compatible?16:46
charlie-tcathe encrypted home may require non-free software16:46
charlie-tcaHow big is the virtual disk?16:47
GridCubeit did it, it just took time 16:48
charlie-tcaso it is working now?16:49
GridCubei overreacted16:51
charlie-tcaYeah, I do that sometimes... get tired of waiting :)16:51
charlie-tcaSoftware Center crashes when you open it in Xubuntu17:20
charlie-tcaand, we still don't have any header text when choosing "Install Xubuntu"  from the desktop cd menu17:22
charlie-tcaastraljava: bug 841365 appears to be fixed. The slider is between the shown partitions now.17:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 841365 in ubiquity (Ubuntu) "No divider for space allocation in Xubuntu oneiric "alongside" installation" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84136517:27
charlie-tca(at least on 64bit hardware installs)17:27
charlie-tcaIt is very difficult to get the arrow to show up, but it can be done17:33
GridCubewhat arrow?17:34
charlie-tcaWhen you hover the mouse between the existing and proposed partitions, it should change to an arrow, to allow resizing the partitions17:35
charlie-tcaIt has to be right on the divider, though17:35
GridCubeoh, that sort of things happen a lot whit linux17:35
charlie-tcaseems to be about a single pixel to hit17:35
charlie-tcaYeah, OS of the young and steady hand17:36
GridCubethat is, i get very frustrated all the time i want to resize a windows, my mouse aint very presize at that, :/17:36
charlie-tcaWhich is why I keep going back to clearlooks themes, the scroll bar is wide enough for me to see and hit17:36
charlie-tcaeven the window edges are easier in clearlooks17:37
charlie-tcaIt must use two or three pixels for the target17:37
GridCubethat sounds razonable17:38
charlie-tcaSo much easier than the 1 pixel target!17:39
GridCubeindeed 17:39
GridCube:D my lasagna is already in oven :D17:39
astraljavacharlie-tca: Excellent, I'll check myself later tonight.17:40
charlie-tcaI just ate lunch here17:42
GridCubemmm detecto solo un sistema operati... lol xD 17:57
GridCubeit detected just one of the OS17:57
GridCubeit should have 2 other installs of oneiric, lets see how it shows when it reboots17:57
charlie-tcaThey are all oneiric, it detects oneiric, but sees all installs of it17:58
GridCube2 other installs on grub17:58
charlie-tcamust be 38618:00
GridCubehow to check free software?18:01
GridCubei don't seem to be missing anything, it looks like any other install18:01
GridCubesame background, same theme (greybird), same programs18:01
charlie-tcaGridCube: http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/AlternateFree start at step 2518:03
charlie-tcaThat's the "how to " reference in the top of the spreadsheet ?18:04
GridCubewell food time, will do later18:04
micahgumm...meeting tomorrow, right?18:18
charlie-tcamonday at 19:0018:19
=== ChanServ changed the topic of #xubuntu-devel to: Xubuntu Development | Oneiric Ocelot Feature Freeze in effect | #xubuntu for support | Schedule: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/OneiricReleaseSchedule | Wiki: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu | Xubuntu Community meeting 2011-09-19 at 19:00 UTC | Oneiric Ocelot images at http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/xubuntu/
charlie-tcamicahg: bluetooth no longer shows in the menu in Oneiric18:22
micahgcharlie-tca: :(18:22
charlie-tcaIs that because it doesn't detect any devices, or because we have to add blueman?18:22
micahgpossibly because no devices are detected, let me upgrade my machine with bluetooth18:23
GridCube|testokay, so freesoftware failed18:54
charlie-tcano, they are still commented19:00
GridCubeso it worked?19:00
charlie-tcadpkg -l linux-restricted-* | grep -vE "^[a-z]n|D|\||+++|===" 19:01
charlie-tcareturned an empty prompt, so it worked19:01
GridCube3 tests done then :D19:02
GridCubefree software, encrypted /home, autoresize19:03
charlie-tcaif it uncomments multiverse or returns anything, it would be fail19:03
GridCube:) ok19:04
charlie-tcaThat's one of the hardest tests to check if it passes19:06
Olbiwhat tests you need help now?19:08
charlie-tcaOlbi: can you do 64bit?19:09
charlie-tcaWant to get the alternate 64 tests done if possible19:09
Olbiok, so download now alternate CD19:09
GridCubeoh there is no plymouth at boot19:09
charlie-tcanot in VBox19:10
charlie-tcabut there is on hardware :)19:11
micahgGridCube: charlie-tca: latest software center seems to have fixed bug 85283520:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852835 in software-center (Ubuntu) "software-center crashed with TypeError in _parse_menu_tag(): 'NoneType' object is not iterable" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85283520:31
charlie-tcaHas not fixed it on any install today20:31
charlie-tcaeven after updates, it still crashes20:32
micahgI just tried with software-center before and after, before I got a crash, after not20:32
charlie-tcaWhat ever the one in updates is today, it crashed every install I did. I installed, ran updates, restarted, tried to run software center.20:33
charlie-tcaall hardware installs20:33
charlie-tcaDid they release a new version in the last two hours?20:34
micahgah ,just got a crash when I tried a different piece of software20:34
charlie-tcaIt's been crashing here just trying to start it20:34
micahgthis is a different one though (dbus)20:34
micahgoh, hmm, well, I have some gnome libs on this one, maybe it's missing a dependency20:35
GridCubeits trying to run in gtk3 mode20:35
micahgshouldn't be a problem, we ship GTK320:37
GridCubeoh well20:38
* GridCube just helped on #xubuntu-es to an ipod user on xubuntu, install ifuse, mount whit gigolo, manage whit rythmbox20:39
charlie-tcagood job20:39
charlie-tca!cookie | GridCube 20:39
ubottuGridCube: Wow! You're such a great helper, you deserve a cookie!20:39
GridCubehehehe :D20:40
Unit193!msg the bot | :P20:40
ubottu:P: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".20:40
micahgcharlie-tca: I still see the bluetooth menu under settings on machines w/and w/out bluetooth20:42
GridCubeweird, i do not.20:43
charlie-tcaI don't have it here on any installs done today, live session, and the the install I been using since alpha120:44
charlie-tcabluetooth is still installed/available, but it is not in the menus20:45
GridCubeupdating to does not solve the software-center problem20:46
* charlie-tca thinks this is micahg's day to be perturbed20:46
* micahg doesn't want to be perturbed today...will be a long week as it is20:47
charlie-tcaSorry, sir20:47
charlie-tcawishing I could fix these things, though. 20:48
* charlie-tca knows sometimes wishing makes it happen, but it is so seldom!20:48
micahgthese are also systems that have been upgraded a few releases, so there might be left overs on them20:48
charlie-tcaThat is true20:48
charlie-tcaI copy the existing system and upgrade each release, so I get a pretty new system every year20:49
charlie-tcaI said that wrong20:49
charlie-tcaWhen Oneiric releases, I will do a fresh install on a new partition, copy /home, then upgrade at alpha1 to P20:50
Olbisuper, plymount work only when I shutdown system :P20:56
GridCubeit does that!20:56
GridCubemadnick work is excelent :)20:56
PjotrRecently, a couple of important packages have been released again. This has already much improved the quality of the Dutch translations of Xubuntu 11.10 Oneiric, which is great! Thank you, developers!21:31
PjotrHowever, the job isn't entirely done yet. Some important packages still have the bad old translation.21:31
Pjotrmr_pouit: Do you know which Xfce packages are still waiting to be released?21:32
PjotrAnother problem, not Xfce-related this time: lightdm. This is still 100 % English in Xubuntu 11.10. Upstream the translation has been finished by the Dutch Ubuntu translators: https://translations.launchpad.net/lightdm/21:38
PjotrIt's an important package for localization, because it's very conspicuous. Is there any chance that the Dutch translation will be issued to Xubuntu 11.10?21:38
micahgPjotr: you have to talk to the desktop team about that21:39
Pjotrmicahg: concerning lightdm you mean?21:39
micahgPjotr: yes21:40
PjotrOK... Where can I reach them on IRC?21:40
micahgPjotr: #ubuntu-desktop, robert_ancell should be coming online in a few hours21:40
PjotrThanks, I'll do that.  :-)21:41
PjotrMeanwhile, I hope that someone here can tell me the answer to my first question, concerning the Xfce packages... :P21:42
OlbiPolish translations is done for lightdm ....21:43
micahgPjotr: I just pull in whatever Debian packages (assuming it's not going to break stuff)21:43
mr_pouithey there21:44
mr_pouitPjotr: I think xfce4-panel, thunar and xfwm4 are still waiting to be released (need more testing afaik)21:44
Pjotrmr_pouit: OK.... will they be in time for Xubuntu 11.10 final, you think?21:45
micahgfinal freeze is a week and a half (sep 29)21:46
Pjotrstill some time left, then.... we'll see. :-)21:47
PjotrI asked Nick about some Goodies as well, notably xfce4-power-manager21:48
PjotrDo you know anything about that, or should I contact Nick?21:49
=== GridCube is now known as hashrate
=== hashrate is now known as GridCube
GridCubewell im bored im gonna go do something22:36
GridCubegood evening, and good night, and i will see you again, hopefully tomorrow for the meeting22:36
GridCubeif not then in a few days XD22:36
charlie-tcamr_pouit: bug 845549 Will not be fixed. robert_ancell has no idea how to make lightdm work without out, and the suggestion is we have to replace it instead of the way we are doing it now.23:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 845549 in lightdm (Ubuntu Oneiric) "Do not ship /etc/lightdm/lightdm-gtk-greeter.conf" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/84554923:21
charlie-tcamr_pouit: and when replacing it, do not lose any pre-set defaults or it will fail23:23
charlie-tcabasically, it will be up to us to figure out how to actually make lightdm work our way.23:24
charlie-tcarobert is open to suggestions and patches to make it actually work23:29

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