
xubuntu711I got a big problem with my GRUB can anyone help, please?00:47
gostumpyI am having difficulty installing drivers for a rosewill rnx-n150pc wireless card01:49
gostumpyI found a guide online, but sudo apt-get install gcc build-essential isn't working01:50
gostumpyand I think that's a fairly important part of the process01:50
GridCubegostumpy, is is01:55
GridCubeit is01:55
GridCubegostumpy, how is not working?01:55
gostumpythanks for responding, just figure dout my stupid error01:56
gostumpyapparently it's installed already01:56
gostumpyor something01:56
gostumpysudo make wasn't working, but I just realized I should be in the driver folder, not the folder containing the config file01:56
gostumpystupid mistakes usually cause a lot of headache, LOL01:57
gostumpyhopefully this will wokr01:57
gostumpyOk, hit a roadblock02:01
gostumpyI am supposed to type sudo ifconfig ra0 inet up02:02
gostumpyand I get "ra0: error while getting interfce flags: No such device02:02
GridCubegostumpy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=167713602:02
GridCubegostumpy, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=181405402:03
gostumpyok, trying to add to blacklist.conf and it won't let me save, saying "Can't open file to write"02:07
gostumpythinking it's a permissions problem, but ?02:07
gostumpyguh such a linux newb.. what is the command in terminal to add to a file?02:08
gostumpygoing to try restarting first :p02:13
gostumpystill get this "Can't open file to write" when I try to save blacklist.conf :(02:15
ToZgostumpy, you need elevated privledges to write to that file. Try with "gksudo gedit blacklist.conf" (no quotes from command line)02:18
charlie-tcaLet's use mousepad or leafpad in Xubuntu02:20
gostumpythanks :)02:20
charlie-tcagedit is gnome, and not installed by default in Xubuntu02:20
ToZoops, forgot which channel i was in.02:20
gostumpyyeah, googling all my error messages is working :)02:21
gostumpystill not connecting to my wireless02:22
gostumpyrebooting worked!02:24
gostumpyit can finally see the wireless networks available02:24
gostumpyYES! worked :)02:26
gostumpy267 updates available02:27
gostumpybrb, going to connect on that comp :)02:27
GridCubeit worked?!02:33
GoStumpyYup!  Restarted and it detected wireless networks :)02:34
GoStumpydownloading the 267 updates now, LOL02:34
GridCubeawesome :D i like helping people02:34
GoStumpyBreath some life into this machine my Dad gave me02:34
GoStumpyP4 2.4ghz, 1.5gb ram02:34
GoStumpyhe bought a 27" IMAC02:34
GridCubethats pretty impresive02:36
GridCubeD: 27" I mac? D:02:37
madnickMy friend got one too, webpages look so silly in that resolution :P02:40
GoStumpyMy main computer has a 22" widescreen, now I'm on a 17" normal monitor... Feel like I'm missing 6"02:45
GoStumpyOhhh, thats what she said02:45
=== `mOOse` is now known as m00se
ubottuInformation about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)04:21
Shirakawasunahmm. To get global menus working in xfce, do I need indicator-applet-appmenu?05:44
Shirakawasunait has a ton of dependencies05:45
X-Hunterhow do i install a downloaded exefile05:48
X-Hunteritkeeps trying to usearchive manager05:48
Shirakawasunalol, impatient!05:51
richard_iiihey a question about bash.  I'm coming from ubuntu, and i press tab twice, and bash types in the filename 4 me.  why is that not working 4 me in xubuntu 11.04 TIA!07:39
Sysirichard_iii: it should work on xubuntu too07:53
richard_iiii figured it out.  in ubuntu, tab cycles through the possible "completions" and in xubuntu it doesn't.  Whew!!08:10
fyretgood day to everyone!09:44
fyretI'd need some troubleshooting - I just installed 11.04 on an 10'' netbook yesterday, worked fine after install09:47
fyretnow however: desktop picture seems to be covered by the same picture (originally I have it centered, now it is stretched, and I can#t seem to be able to change it)09:47
knomefyret, did you right-click the desktop and select "desktop settings" - you have a "style" -dropdown box there09:48
fyretand the frames of open windows lack the minimize, hide, exit symbols09:48
fyretby rifhtclicking desktop I get only "change desktop background"09:49
fyret(sorry typo) - and I can#t change anything there09:49
knomejust to make sure - are you sure you are running the xubuntu session09:50
fyretI am (I tried xfce though, but it's the same issues there)09:50
fyretanother feature: open windows are kinda glued to top-left corner09:51
knomeokay. now press alt+f2 and run 'xfdesktop' and see if that fixes the desktop issue first09:51
knomea-ha. then press alt+f2 and run 'xfwm4'09:51
knomethat should fix the window border problem09:51
fyretdo I do both of those?09:51
fyretok, thanks, I did get my panel back09:53
knomewas the desktop problem solved too?09:54
fyrethowever, I still can#t move that window by dragging it09:54
fyretand no, the desktop is still the same. if it helps: when I boot, and also after running "xfwm4", the original desktop as I set it, briefly appeared09:55
fyret /appears09:55
knomehmm, try "xfwm4 --replace"09:56
fyretbut is then "covered" by the stretched one09:56
knomeare you using nautilus?09:56
fyretit's a file manager, right?09:56
fyretso no, I don't think so. I have a fm that is actually called "file manager", and I use thunar09:57
knomeokay, just asking because nautilus tends to steal the desktop unless you run it with a specific argument09:58
knomedid you run xfwm4 --replace? did that help?09:58
fyret(xfwm4 --replace didn't do anything -- I'll try to once again change the desktop via settings)09:58
fyretooh wrong info -- I _can_ move windows on the desktop09:58
fyretbut I still can't change the desktop itself, by no means that are obvious to myself10:00
knomewhat happens if you run 'xfdesktop-settings'?10:00
fyretthe desktop settings window appears that I reach via the panel dropdown menu (I mean same one) but still, any changes on desktop background take no effect10:03
toomaianyone know if there is a channel for thunderbird?10:03
knometoomai, mozilla has their own irc network10:03
toomaiknome: ah, okay....thanks10:03
fyretshould I do anything as root there? o.O10:04
Myrttihave you enabled root account?10:04
fyretmmh, well I guess so, as I have installed a few things as root. (or maybe I just have no idea xD)10:05
Myrttidid you set up a root password?10:05
fyretayup I did10:06
Myrttidid you log in as root?10:07
Myrttior rather, have you logged in as root?10:07
ubottuDo not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo10:07
Myrttievery time someone sets the root password in Ubuntu, an angel cries10:08
knomethat's why Myrtti cries so much10:08
Myrttiand every time someone logs in to GUI as root in any Linux distro, I cry10:08
fyretem, I am afraid I am not sure xD I did log in by typing my root password, but I still need to sudo / am asked for root pw if I do stuff10:10
Myrttigood luck then10:11
fyretso. thanks for the things fixed so far...10:12
fyretI suppose the unchangeable desktop remains a mystery then?10:13
knomewhat Myrtti means is that we don't support systems with the root account enabled10:13
Myrttiwell, we can support them as far as disable the root account password10:14
Myrttibut if you've logged in as root to XFCE or Gnome or any other Graphical Desktop system, then the chances are that permissions and settings in the system have gone beyond our skills of helping10:15
fyrethmmmkay I see10:15
fyretI am sorry that I cause troubles - I#d be eager to do things right though10:16
Myrttiand I've seen this happen often enough that I knew to ask you if you had enabled root account and had logged in with it10:16
fyretso, when I do a clean install, what would be the first thing to do then?10:16
Myrttidon't be sorry for us, we're sorry for you10:16
fyretI got that much -.-10:16
Myrttidon't enable root password and don't log in as root :-D10:17
Myrttiyou should be able to do everything you need without it10:17
knomeyou ARE ablo to10:17
fyretso that is the part in the install where I am asked if I want to be asked for a password each time I login?10:18
knomethe install will not ask you anything about the root account10:18
fyretso how is it possible that I accidentally am root?10:18
knomemaybe you followed some tutorial that told you to do so10:19
fyretI didn't - I installed the system and gladly thereby used the lice cd (from usb, if that did matter)10:20
fyret*live cd10:20
knomeMyrtti, maybe you know how to check if root account is enabled10:20
lukinforeafair gdm root login is disabled by default10:20
fyretI didn't change a bit in usergroups or permissions10:21
lukinforeso to unable it you should make some conf editing10:21
fyretall I did so far was install stuff, and there I was asked for a password that I had made while install10:21
lukinforedunno about lightdm though10:21
lukinforeits not root password10:22
lukinforejust user one10:22
fyretthen I confused you there :S10:22
fyretso, when I do something with "sudo" - I am not asked the root password?10:23
knomethat's the right way to do things10:23
well_laid_lawnsudo asks for your users password10:24
fyretthanks for clearing that up10:24
lukinforeany user in default admin or sudo group can do anything as root10:24
fyretwell ok then. then I suppose I _am_ able to be helped xD10:26
fyretnot that I am that much troubled by my borked desktop appearance, I am just puzzled how the hell that happened10:26
fyretand why I can't change it anymore.10:27
fyretwill reboo and see what happens10:39
fyret*<.> rebooT10:39
fyrethellu again10:41
fyretthanks again for the help. before rebooting I double-checked about Nautilus, and yes, it was there10:42
fyretso I removed it - now everything seems to be fine.10:43
knomeokay, good10:43
knomesave your session the next time you log out so nautilus won't pop up10:43
knome(unless you completely unistalled it)10:43
fyret(yeah I did uninstall, I prefer thunar anyway)10:44
fyretso have a good day - bye!10:44
LiminyFreshcan anyone help me, I cant get my partition resize to work in the boot cd of lucid lynx11:15
preben_I'm trying to setup two monitors. I have an ATI card. I set them up as a big desktop so I can drag windows between them with amdcccle. When I logout gdm shows it correctly, but as soon as I login to xfce4 the displays are messed up and the second display is a clone of the first. How can I fix this? I have spent the last 12 hours trying to get this to work :-(12:29
Sysipropietrary driver?12:30
preben_wait to test sth. I'll be right back just need to log out/in again12:32
preben_in ~/.config/xfce4/xfconf/xfce-perchannel-xml/displays.xml12:34
preben_I had to manually change the <property name="X" type="int" value="0"/> to <property name="X" type="int" value="1921"/> for the second display12:34
preben_i guess this is an option missing in the settings->desktop GUI12:35
preben_ bye12:35
renanhello, is there a way to make the xubuntu's 11.04 sound preference menu bypass the system sound volume limit of 100% like on ubuntu 11.04?16:24
gordoleonanyone can help me with a graphics problem?16:36
macer1!problem | gordoleon16:39
ubottugordoleon: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:39
ubottuA high percentage of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..." Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out? See also !details, !gq, and !poll.16:39
ToZrenan, On my system I have 2 playback channels, Master and PCM. When Master is at full, I can further adjust PCM to get another "boost" of volume.16:43
renanToZ, hmm16:50
renanToZ, the volume can be much higher than that by ubuntus menu16:51
luxhartHello, I have an issue regarding display on both Xubuntu and Lubuntu. Would anyone like to help?16:52
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:53
charlie-tcaIf you tell what the problem actually is, if anyone knows, they will respond.16:53
luxhartWhen I try going into TTY1-6 (ctrl-alt-Fn), my monitor (Samsung) displays...16:54
charlie-tcaThat sounds normal16:54
charlie-tcaIt should never be blank16:54
luxhart"not supported mode". I've searched a couple places16:55
luxhartsorry, I'm a bit slow16:55
luxhartOkay, continuing...16:55
luxhartI've come across a link that tells me to append the file menu.lst and append the line where you have to type vga=ask. However, there were no files named /boot/grub/menu.lst. So I ran the command "sudo grub-mkconfig > /boot/grub/menu.lst". I took a look into the file, but it doesn't seem to be a place for "vga=ask". I've done this before with ease on Tinycore Linux. Would you like me to post the menu.lst contents?16:59
charlie-tcaso, you now have mixed grub1 and grub217:05
charlie-tcaunder grub2, there is no menu.lst file. all configuration changes are done in either /etc/default/grub or /etc/grub.d17:05
charlie-tcaso, I would remove those changes, and then try making the change to /etc/default/grub17:06
luxhartOkay, I'll try doing that right now. Thanks.17:06
charlie-tcaHave you installed the hardware video driver?17:06
charlie-tcafrom the desktop, look in menu -> settings -> Additional drivers or menu -> System -> Additional drivers and see if there is one.17:07
luxhartOh, I'm running Xubuntu 11.04 btw. Hold on...17:09
luxhartokay, the last thing I've done was install the nvidia graphics driver (current version). It now says "This driver is activated but not currently in use".17:13
charlie-tcaYou clicked the activate button?17:15
charlie-tcaThen you must restart for the change to take effect17:15
luxhartI have done this this morning.17:15
luxhartI mean, yes, I have rebooted17:15
luxhartshall I post my system specs as well as my problem over for clarity?17:16
charlie-tcawhen you highlight the driver, what button is there to left of the "activated but not in use"?17:17
luxhartTo the left, there is a green circle and another button "Help". To the right, there is "Remove" and "Close"/17:17
charlie-tcahm, now it is past my knowledge. If no one else can help here, I would suggest #ubuntu-beginners, where there are some very knowledgeable people.17:19
luxhartokay, thank you very much. Sorry for the confusion. I'll post more details about my problems in the future to avoid that.17:20
charlie-tcaGood luck17:21
skcudIs there any way to check which application is using the GPU the most?17:36
GridCube2 ways17:37
GridCubeskcud, you can open a terminal and use top17:37
GridCubeor you can launch the system monitor17:37
GridCubei think is in System17:38
skcudWould high CPU usage cause high GPU usage too?17:40
GridCubeoooo gpu17:42
GridCubeskcud, are you using nvidia?17:43
GridCubenvidia-smi -a17:44
GridCubenvidia-settings -q all17:44
GridCubethose should tell you stuff17:45
GridCubei can't read it, because i don't understand hardware language :P17:46
skcudNeither do I. I'm seeing high temperature on my GPU and I'm trying to figure out what is causing it17:46
skcudBut that helps. So thanks :)17:47
GridCubeskcud, http://developer.nvidia.com/nvidia-perfkit17:52
skcudAh! sweet! thanks heaps GridCube17:53
GridCube:D you are welcom17:53
ikonialast alexdevil18:15
charlie-tcaikonia: wrong window?18:16
Arpad2I have a pendrive which doesnt allow me to add or delete any file,20:11
Arpad2not even as root20:11
TheSheepArpad2: check if it has a switch for write-protection20:12
Arpad2the dvb-t set top box could make records on it20:13
Arpad2I think it doesnt have such swichû20:14
Sysireformat it20:15
Arpad2I thought that as last resort, but no other solution20:18
Arpad2it seems as if it would be lockes20:18
Sysiformatting is basic stuff, just copy what you have there20:19
ubottuFor information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod20:32
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!20:32
=== GridCube is now known as hashrate
=== hashrate is now known as GridCube

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