
didrocksgood morning05:36
oSoMoNgood morning07:19
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njpatelmhr3, !!!08:51
njpatelmhr3, wilkommen08:51
mhr3njpatel, hey there boss :)08:51
thumperhi mhr308:52
thumperI here welcomes are in order08:52
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mhr3hi thumper08:52
kamstrupmhr3: welcome!08:52
mhr3ok, i'll just do "Hi everyone!" :)08:53
didrockshey mhr3 :)08:55
mhr3kamstrup, i take it your my first month's mentor?09:18
kamstrupmhr3: hehe, I don't know for sure, but I guess :-)09:19
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=== smspillaz|d is now known as smspillaz
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=== SmSpillaz is now known as smspillaz
=== smspillaz is now known as SmSpillaz
=== SmSpillaz is now known as smspillaz
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om26ergord, Hi! around?13:44
gordom26er, hey, yup, whatsup?13:45
om26ergord, there is a bug 852506 I think you should see13:45
ubot5Launchpad bug 852506 in unity "dash does not scroll down during keyboard navigation" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85250613:45
om26ergord, i am cool ;-)13:45
gordom26er, yup been on my plate for a while :)13:45
om26ergord, should i assign it to you?13:45
gordom26er, hrm, there should be a dupe somewhere13:46
* om26er looks for the duplicate13:46
gordom26er, i can't find one, i could of sworn there was one somewhere. i'll assign myself to yours13:48
davidcallegord, ping14:23
gorddavidcalle, hi there14:26
davidcallegord, hi, I see you have recently commited some dash renderers related stuff, have you checked this bug 851196 ?14:27
ubot5Launchpad bug 851196 in unity (Ubuntu) "Non-square dash items are stretched to a 1:1 ratio" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85119614:27
gorddavidcalle, bleh, i didn't think of that, i'll fix that up, thanks :)14:29
davidcallegord, many thanks : )14:29
and471hey mpt15:40
mptHi and471, long time no see15:41
and471mpt, you okay?15:41
Kaleoanybody knows the answer to https://answers.launchpad.net/unity/+question/169782 ?15:43
and471mpt, what do you think of https://bugs.launchpad.net/indicator-session/+bug/84974215:44
ubot5Ubuntu bug 849742 in Session Menu "Should allow booting into other OS's" [Undecided,New]15:44
mptand471, neat idea15:44
and471mpt, I remember for the boot experience spec for karmic, there was this idea, but it never came to anything15:45
and471mpt, I have it pretty much working in Vala http://imgur.com/cKChq15:46
and471mpt, just wanted to check before I attempted anything in C that it wasn't something that conflicted MASSIVELY with some other plans15:46
mptand471, well, we don't have a Restart dialog at all any more...15:46
and471mpt, why is that?15:46
om26ernjpatel, Hi! quick question, whats the plan about the 'shortcuts' item in the dash home screen for oneiric? remove the 'shortcuts' item for now? bug 85213015:53
ubot5Launchpad bug 852130 in unity "Dash - 'Shortcuts' should be removed for now" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85213015:53
njpatelom26er, just remove the arrow15:54
om26eralright that would do it as well.15:54
njpatelom26er, assign to me please and milestone this week15:54
* om26er edits the title and assigns njpatel 15:54
mptand471, an attempt to reduce the number of session exit commands15:54
and471mpt, what you mean 'make things quicker'? :)15:56
mptand471, I don't know what you mean, so probably not :-)15:56
and471mpt, well what do you mean then :)15:57
mptand471, to reduce {Lock Screen, Switch User Account, Log Out, Suspend, Hibernate, Restart, Shut Down} to {Lock Screen, Switch User Account, Log Out, Suspend, Hibernate, Shut Down}15:57
and471mpt, that seems kind of silly15:58
and471mpt, removing an important function because it saves on space15:58
and471mpt, do you not think?16:01
mptand471, I do think the exit commands are way too complicated. I sketched a proposal five years ago. <https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ExitStrategy>16:07
mptand471, you may notice that includes a "Restart Into Windows" button16:07
and471mpt, okay but that proposal includes Restart so why has it been removed?16:08
mptand471, I just answered that question above...16:09
and471mpt, well not really, you said it was because there were too many options, however in this spec, (I assume) it was considered too important to drop16:10
and471mpt, so why now is it considered not important enough to keep?16:10
mptand471, because there is more than one designer working on Ubuntu and there are different ways of de-emphasizing it. The 11.10 way is to move it into the Shut Down dialog.16:11
and471mpt, ah so it still exists?16:11
and471mpt, the ability to restart16:11
nhainesand471: yes, it's presented as an option in the Shut Down dialog.  [Restart, Cancel, Shutdown]16:21
and471nhaines, could I get a screenshot? :)16:21
and471pretty please :)16:21
nhainesand471: sure, give me a sec.16:26
nhainesand471: http://ubuntuone.com/2CUxrlZtgpFdlBr0ylaukw16:28
and471nhaines, hehe that is a looooooooooooooooong dialog :)16:28
and471nhaines, thanks16:28
and471mpt, okay so I misunderstood you. I though the ability to Restart had been removed COMPLETELY :)16:29
nhainesand471: all the better for the translators, maybe.  :)  You're welcome.16:29
and471mpt, now I just have to think of how I could put this idea into that dialog...16:30
and471mpt, unfortunately there is a widget you told me about before, a combobox within a button, which would work but we don't have in GTK16:30
and471mpt, any thoughts?16:30
om26ersmspillaz, Hey, 'show desktop' not working, is that your thing ?16:43
smspillazom26er: what's not working with it ?16:43
om26ersmspillaz, the desktop does not get the focus, the app that is visible becomes in active16:43
om26ermeaning no input on the app16:44
smspillazom26er: it could just be a persisting bug in the input disabler16:44
smspillazom26er: can you wait like16:44
smspillaztill the next unity upload16:44
om26ersmspillaz, it seem the desktop actually appears in the background but the windows stay upfront, right click would show the right click menu of the desktop16:44
smspillazand see if its still a problem ?16:44
om26ersmspillaz, surely, though the issue have been there for a month FWIW16:45
smspillazom26er: right, the input disabling stuff is hard to get right because its a hack16:45
smspillazthink I've got it this time though ;-)16:46
om26ersmspillaz, thats good to know :-)16:46
smspillazom26er: ok, so I'll have to eat my words, chrome is causing problems again (as always ...)16:47
smspillazlet me check something16:47
om26erhere how it looks http://imagebin.org/index.php?mode=image&id=17310916:48
smspillazoh ok, that's different to anything else I've seen16:49
smspillazI thought you were talking about something else16:49
om26erseems not specific to chromium16:50
om26erooh, quitting apps from quicklist crashes unity :(16:51
=== Jens is now known as Guest81120
om26ertedg, Hi! any thoughts on the long standing bug 627195 ? Its been there before unity so I guess we can conclude unity not to be responsible19:19
ubot5Launchpad bug 627195 in libindicate "many apps are unfocused when they are raised from MessagingMenu or SoundMenu" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/62719519:19
tedgom26er, My thought is that window managers should $%#$ get fixed... though I haven't convinced smspillaz of it yet.19:21
om26erhahaha alright smspillaz throw some light plz :-D19:22
=== m_conley is now known as m_conley_away

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