
g30hows iric coming along?00:23
TerminXbah, rebooted one of my oneiric installs for the first time in 3 months today (well.. a lightning storm and the resulting power outage rebooted it) and nothing newer than 2.6.38 will boot without acpi=off00:23
g30they patch all the 32 bit stuff?00:25
g30that they broke?00:25
bjsnidernecreo, try starting it from the console to check error msgs00:58
AlecTaylorGrub didn't install... http://img29.imageshack.us/img29/5603/screenshot20at202011091.png - what now... LILO?04:12
AlecTaylorI can't install grub. More info: http://askubuntu.com/questions/62051/unable-to-install-grub - What should I do?04:56
urlin2uAlecTaylor, can you detail the OS's on the computer, and what got you to this situation?04:58
AlecTaylorurlin2u: Details are too long to put in IRC, see askubuntu.com post05:00
urlin2uAlecTaylor, thanks I just looked, run this script and pastebin the RESULTS.txt, use a ubuntu live cd to run it, if you can't get to the install. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/05:01
urlin2uAlecTaylor, windows wont boot from a extended without some geeks work I doubt you will find here or on this IRC as well.05:04
AlecTaylor^boot-info output05:08
urlin2uAlecTaylor, the disc is sda and your showing sdb as a fail? as well you have some partition errors for example the windows in sda7 says it starts at 2048, so to be honest you have a pretty messed up setup even beyond the no grub install.05:13
urlin2uwindows wont boot from a extended and you have have windows boot mgr and BCD files in several other partitions.05:15
urlin2usda6 says it starts at at sector 1097, I would back up what you can and reinstall if you have a install disc, it looks like a oem though.05:19
urlin2uI mean reinstall the whole HD, so that everything is where it should be and not broken.05:19
cnzhow do you access the user groups in 11.1005:23
urlin2ucnz, it is in the menu under that name.05:24
cnzwhat menu05:25
urlin2ucnz, you on the unity desktop?05:25
cnzI have noticed quite a few bugs too05:25
cnzbeen having a lot of issues selecting windows05:26
urlin2utop button in the left panel I believe I'm in natty right now, as far as bugs your using a development, and we can assume it was a good install here.05:27
urlin2uor we have to assume.05:27
cnzurlin2u: I still don't see no listing for user groups05:28
cnzurlin2u: under that menu05:29
cnzthere is nothing for user groups05:29
cnzurlin2u: did you see my response?05:30
urlin2ucnz, did you type it in the search?05:30
jbichacnz: you'll probably need to use gnome-system-tools, the built-in User Accounts doesn't do usergroups05:30
cnzjbicha: there use to be a user groups section in system settings in 11.0405:31
jbichacnz: yes, welcome to GNOME 3 :-)05:31
AlecTaylorurlin2u: So what do I do to fix it?05:31
cnzjbicha: didn't 11.04 use gnome305:31
jbichainstall gnome-system-tools and run users-admin05:32
jbichacnz: no, it was mostly GNOME 2.3205:32
cnzso unity is based off gnome3 in 11.10?05:33
urlin2uAlecTaylor, that is a fix that I think is way beyond a irc fix, imho, you will have to search for a generous person to fix that, it has problems everywhere.05:33
AlecTaylorWhere should I go?05:33
urlin2uAlecTaylor, do you have a external HD and the windows install disc?05:34
cnzthanks jbicha that worked05:34
AlecTaylor(well install USB)05:34
urlin2uAlecTaylor, If it was me since it is so messed up I would back up what you need like music, docs....etc and install the windows correctly in primary partitions, and then the rest in extended, a ntfs in a extended will work fine for windows but not the OS. The ubuntu forums might help.05:36
urlin2uAlecTaylor, here is the grub2 chroot though the ubuntu partition does show the correct boot files in the script, hard to say though notiv=ce the sudo fdsik-l command to confirm the partitions, and the hd as sda or sdb.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#ChRoot05:44
urlin2uwindows will not boot though I think from the extended, you never know though.05:45
urlin2uthe sda7 windows is missing the bcd file as well, so I doubt it will.05:46
jbichaI install Windows to a logical partition but I make sure to keep a small primary NTFS partition (75MB seems ok) so that it has something to boot from05:50
sjanssenI've just done installs and updates on two machines today, and libnss3.so keeps getting borked.  Known issue?05:54
AlecTaylorurlin2u: I did try some repairs from teh Windows disc06:02
urlin2uAlecTaylor, and?06:04
urlin2uAlecTaylor, the good thing about the ubuntu forums is that people really like to help there start a thread post that bootscript, run a new one if you do any more fixes and get some other opinions, the key of using that script is to present it with the computer as is if you run more fixes post a new one.06:07
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=== IAmNotThayGuy is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
scoundrel50aI bought a Lanovo G550-6  laptop with Ubuntu 11.04 and 11.10 preinstalled......a few questions about 11.10 one is where have the Applications and Files & Folders button gone, its not there any more, can I get them back?08:09
ikoniascoundrel50a: laptops don't have 11.10 pre-installed08:09
scoundrel50amine did08:12
scoundrel50aits from Linux Emporium08:13
scoundrel50aI'm running it now08:13
scoundrel50athey installed both on a partition and tested it out before sending it to me08:14
scoundrel50aso, do you know if I can get the Applications button and Files&Folders button back?08:14
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AlecTaylorI have 11.04 installed in logical sda5 ext4, and 11.10 installed in primary sdb3 btrfs. How do I add sdb3 to sda5's GRUB?09:16
necreobjsnider: there are no error messages when starting banshee from console, or at least I can't see them because banshee obscures the terminal window and proceeds to freeze the UI, so I can't switch back to the terminal to see any errors09:40
CosmicVoyagerlapion..hey! you are in here too09:46
lapionyes CosmicVoyager09:47
CosmicVoyagerDoes anyone know if I should be able to boot from a USB 3.0 drive with a motherboard with an etron controller chip in version 11.10? Ubuntu 11.04 does not see Entron USB 3.0 drives09:48
CosmicVoyagerlapion "turn on the system and as soon as the booting is initialised, press CTRL-ALT-DEL"? isnt the computer already on if booting is intialized?09:52
CosmicVoyagerlapion ctrl alt delete does not seem to do anything09:54
CosmicVoyagerlapion...ok isee that rebotts the commputer.... how do i know when booting is initialized?09:56
lapionon my laptop sometimes when I power on my laptop it's doesn't see my external usb drive, after I press ctrl-alt-del it does see it.10:02
CosmicVoyagerlapion...that reminds me..sometimes when i resrat it restarts itself 2 or 3 times..what is it doing?10:05
lapiondo not know that one.. maybe something wrong on one of the internal hdd's or one of the other attached usb-storage media ( be it usb-hdd, be it usb-stic)k10:06
CosmicVoyagerlapion..maybe because it is having difficulty booting from the usb 3.0 drive10:07
Peddy"Nautilus cannot handle "computer" locations" - is anyone getting this error as well as being unable to see other hard drives or cd-drives?10:07
CosmicVoyagerIs there a way to automatically install the latest alpha?10:09
lapionCosmicVoyager, my lt doesn't have usb 3.0, I do have a usb 3.0 expresscard, however I need to boot that one with special options because of a the bios date of the laptop10:13
lapionbtw CosmicVoyager are you sure the usb 3.0 isn't on some pci/pci-e card ?10:14
CosmicVoyagerlapion..yes it is part of the motherboard...it is a P61-USB3-B3 motherboard with two USB 3.0 slots using an etron controller chip on the motherboard10:17
CosmicVoyageri have the mothe board open on my desk10:18
CosmicVoyagerno case10:18
Peter_Biltis it possible to reboot without going back to bios?10:19
Peter_Biltusing int19 to boot?10:20
kholerabbiHi guys, what's the best method to upgrade from 11.04?10:36
Stanley00kholerabbi: delete all your old config, and run "do-release-upgrade -d"10:38
kholerabbiStanley00,  "old config"?10:38
kholerabbido you mean PPAs etc?10:39
Stanley00like .config .gnome* , etc in your home folder10:39
kholerabbiStanley00, is that necessary?10:39
Stanley00kholerabbi: I dont know, you can just leave them there, do upgrade, and if something went weird, you can try delete that then10:41
kholerabbiStanley00, hmm, okay I'll have a look through and see want can be deleted without removing important stuff. Thanks!10:41
Stanley00kholerabbi: good luck ;)10:42
Q-FUNKam I the only one who got bitten by Bug #852887   upon upgrading from Natty?10:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 852887 in bluez (Ubuntu) "package bluez (not installed) failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85288710:57
gnomefreakanyone one know if flgrx has been fixed?11:15
gnomefreakis it just me or did gmail signin page change :(11:48
gnomefreakseems there is still no way to set screensavers12:05
gnomefreakand now i lost the applications icon from launcher12:05
karlhuntthe easiest way is to use unetbootin from windows12:12
karlhuntor use virtualisation software to boot the live cd and use the startup disk creator in ubuntu12:13
jmuxHi. I've just upgraded and my client fails to setup Network, because dbus system service isn't started. There seems to some problems between /run and /var/run setup (rpcbind also fails), as some services expect to find their data in /var/run, but it's actually in /run.12:20
karlhuntjmux, my system broke when i upgraded so i just reinstalled12:21
jmuxCan someone please pastbin the default oneiric fstab setup?12:21
karlhunthang one12:22
jmuxkarlhunt: Reinstalling is no option. I've alwayes updated the system since pre-Dapper and I guess it's just a fstab problem. I didn't want to "mount --bind" /run on /var/run12:23
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://imagebin.org/?page=add | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:23
karlhuntjmux, why is reinstall not an option? If the system is critical why are you upgrading to a beta release?12:24
karlhuntAll my data is cloud based these days so I can reinstall and be up and running in an hour12:25
jmuxkarlhunt: Thanks - it's not that critical, but I simply don't want to resetup everything. Too many own packages and local installed software :-)12:26
karlhuntI reload so often i have written and install bash script that does a mass install of everything i use. I store it in dropbox so as soon I have installed i run it12:27
karlhuntmy email is gmail and my files are all in dropbox12:28
karlhuntthe only thing i keep on my driver are vdi12:28
jmuxAnd I should be able to fix the actual problem. I have some perl scripts which show me modified config files and unsupported packages (packages not in the archive anymore) which I used to fix the usual update problems.12:28
jmuxJust this time I couldn't find anythin - even nothing in the oneiric.tar.gz update package12:29
jmuxI don't have internet, but I have a local Ubuntu repository (and I'm developing for Ubuntu LTS at work), so if things fail on update, I want to know what's going on, as I might need this knownledge for our next LTS upgrade (or any update in between). Learning by trial and error.12:33
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psypher246hello all, I have just updated my oneiric install in virtualbox and have discovered that the unity panel reveal hot corner no longer works. please tell me that this is a bug and not a feature. it will drive me and i'm sure thousands of people insane that you have to wait for the panel to appear instead of it beingh instant12:45
BluesKajhowdy folks12:48
karlhuntpsypher246, it is indeed a feature the button has moved from the top bar to the side tray that is hidden13:29
psypher246karlhunt: yeah but how do you revela the panel then?13:30
psypher246karlhunt: I have a serious problem with not being bale to instantly reveal the panel with the hot corner13:34
sagacipsypher246, yeah, it's one of those things I wish was still there13:37
psypher246sagaci: Look I am one of the biggest fans of unity and where it's going but removing that feature is retarded13:38
psypher246it's something I uses a hundred times a day13:38
jmuxOk - after cleaning up some old mess - is it possible that /var/run is now a symlink to /run? /etc/network/run is now a symlink to /run/network, but I have my networking state in /var/run/network...14:10
wiggincan someone give me a hand?14:27
wiggini can't seem to be able to stop my screen from tuning off in oneiric14:27
wiggindoes anyone have any ideea?14:28
jmuxCan someone please check, if /var/run is now a symlink to /run?15:10
bjsniderjmux, affirmative15:11
ikoniathat wouldn't be very fhs complient15:11
jmuxOk - this explains, why network and some other system services fail after upgrade to oneiric15:13
jmuxAt least some networking stuff creates their run states in /run but tries to look for the stuff in /var/run15:14
jbichajmux: what would that make it fail? the symlink is there so that it still works15:20
jbicha*why would15:20
jmuxjbicha: not on my system. I upgraded from natty to oneiric and /var/run was still a directory.15:21
jbichajmux: are you sure? did you try ls -l /var15:22
jmuxYes - I just deleted /var/run and created the symlink.15:23
jmuxjbicha: Now the system boots fine15:24
jmuxWith /var/run a directory, many processes fail, because theiy expect their data in /var/run by it was craeted in /run (dbus, rpcbind).15:26
jmuxjbicha: I've just seen that base-files.postinst tries to "migrate" the directory, but it just tries to "rmdir /var/run; ln -s /run /var/run", which will fail on any old system in use (AFAIK old systems have a tmpfs on /var/run). Same for /var/lock.15:35
jbichajmux: did you reboot after upgrading base-files?15:37
jbichaif so, you're welcome to file a bug or complain about it in #ubuntu-devel or something15:37
bjsniderjmux, how old is the system?15:41
jmuxjbicha: yes - I did a reboot (with dbus and network and other services failing). I upgraded this system since pre-Dapper, so I'm not sure, which is the origin of the problem.15:42
bjsniderjmux, what was the upgrade path you used. was it natty to oneiric?15:48
jmuxbjsnider: The system is about 5-6 years old.15:48
jmuxYes - all the upgrades since Dapper.15:48
jmuxBut I normally run the Upgrades offline by editing the <release>.tar.gz (or sources.list during update, when it was possible) and running with a file:// sources list, as I have a local Ubuntu mirror.15:52
vega-how do i disable the "guest" user in lightdm15:53
vega-it doesn't remember my last logged in username15:53
vega-ie. always defaults to guest and i have to do a mouseclick and type my name15:54
jbichavega-: add a line "allow-guest=false" to /etc/lightdm/lightdm.conf15:56
jmuxCan anybody with a Natty system check, if /var/run and /var/lock are tmpfs mounts?16:05
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tardisjmux: yes, they are16:43
jmuxtardis: Thanks. I'll file a bug report for natty => oneiric upgrade against base-files.16:48
h00kSo, I probably missed this conversation as I'm sure it's been had...16:49
h00kare...screensavers forlorn?16:49
cnzfor some reason when I try to install the flash plugin17:02
cnzit starts the install then stops17:02
cnzand it won't install17:02
nhainesh00k: yes, they were removed in GNOME3 as a useless feature that nobody should be using.17:06
h00kI use them :(17:06
h00kIt's weird without one.17:06
nhainesMe too.  :(17:06
PiciYou should still be able to use xscreensaver.17:07
nhainesBut GNOME says you shouldn't be using one and you should feel bad about it.17:07
tardish00k: why? just have your monitor turn off and stop wasting power17:08
h00kI found this and replies: http://mail.gnome.org/archives/gnome-shell-list/2011-March/msg00335.html17:08
h00ktardis: because I like them, and it was slightly quicker to resume from screensaver than to have my monitor power on again17:09
tardish00k: GNOME knows what you like better than you, and "active, no screensaver or poweroff" => "inactive, poweroff" is a perfectly reasonable state.17:10
h00kI'm going to miss my floating feet, ubuntu logos, or Electric Sheep.17:11
h00kalthough if I *require* one, I'd just use xcreensaver now, I suppose.17:12
cnzso anyone know how to fix a broken flash install?17:12
h00kcnz: what's 'broken' about it? Can you paste the message?17:13
cnzh00k: it wono't install17:13
cnzI click install in ubuntu software center17:14
cnzthe install bar stats then goes away17:14
cnzcould something be corrupt in my .mozilla folder17:15
urlin2ucnz, FF has a addon called flash aid that will clean things up.17:16
cnzurlin2u: ok got a link for it?17:17
urlin2ucnz, notice it is a firefox addon, run from firefox, run the wizard after a restart. https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/search/?q=flash+aid&cat=all17:18
urlin2urun from I mean install from forefox cnz17:19
cnzurlin2u: thanks trying it now17:19
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h00kcnz: can you try to run the install command from a terminal?17:22
h00kcnz: and find out the error message it gives?17:22
IAmNotThatGuycnz,if it fails, check whether the Multiarch is enabled on your machine or not17:22
cnzurlin2u: flash aid fixed it thanks17:23
urlin2ucnz, cool.17:23
h00kI wished he would figure out why it failed to install, that way a proper bug could be reported :(17:26
drussellis anyone else seeing issues with maximised firefox after some time not being able to right click on links etc?17:32
drussellalso unable to use drop down boxes on forms etc17:33
drussellun-maximising and re-maximising firefox gets everything working again17:33
drussellI'm assuming it's unity menu integration that might be causing the problem...17:34
CoreySorry, what kernel version is Ocelot running?18:03
CoreyDoh, 3.0.0-9.1518:03
CoreyDisregard me.18:03
genii-aroundHm. 3.0.0-11-generic #18-Ubuntu SMP here..18:04
jtayloranyone else using operaß18:05
rwwCorey: Ubuntu kernel version 3.0.0-whatever-is-current is based on 3.0.3, fwiw18:06
jtaylorI have a weird opera update with the same version number as the one installed18:06
rwwno, I don't know why18:06
jtaylornot sure if I should install that ..18:07
cnzok stupid question, how do I install ssl on ubuntu so I can connect to irc via ssl18:11
jbichacnz: what irc client are you using?18:11
jtayloropenssh server is something else than ssl18:11
genii-aroundMeh, was reading ssl as ssh for some reason there18:12
jtaylorwhatever you need for ssl should be installed by default18:12
* genii-around goes to make more coffee18:12
jtaylorlibssl probably18:12
jbichacnz: perhaps http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=101078018:13
BigWhaleSo, I've been trying to setup python in virtualenv, more precisely python imaging library and it seems that the whole multi-arch is giving me a hard time... anyone has any experience with this?18:19
sianhulopeople, after i installed gnome-shell i haven't been able to run unity18:29
sianhulocan run unity 2d, but when running 3d, just shows at the top the menu: "file, etc..."18:29
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sianhuloin the log it says http://pastebin.com/GnRdfnpW18:32
bjsnidersianhulo, are you on nvidia?18:37
sianhulobjsnider,  an intel(integrated)18:39
macer1Unity looks good in 11.10. Maybe I will give it a chance after moving to KDE...18:45
bjsniderwell, it obviously mustbe integrated since there's no such thing as an expansion intel graphics card18:45
jtaylorupgrade failures at this point suck, a billion gucharmap bugs as nobody checks for duplicates before reporting ...18:46
jtaylorif you ahve that issue please don't file a bug18:46
jtaylorbug 85397318:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 853973 in gucharmap (Ubuntu Oneiric) "package libgucharmap7 1:3.0.1-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: trying to overwrite '/usr/lib/libgucharmap_2_90.so.7.0.0', which is also in package libgucharmap-2-90-7 1:3.1.92-0ubuntu1" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/85397318:46
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bjsniderjtaylor, the libgucharmap-2-90-7 package needs to be deleted since it installs the same files as libgucharmap719:12
jtaylorit should be fixed already19:12
bjsnideryou can temporarily fix the issue by manually removing it although it will also pull out the -desktop metapackages19:13
jtaylorno need to temporarily fix it19:13
bjsniderit's not available here yet19:16
bjsniderjtaylor, where's the ml message about the fix?19:20
jtayloris there one?19:21
jtaylor1:3.1.92-0ubuntu2 should fix it19:21
bjsnideryeah, there should be19:21
jtaylorno mail about it in my mailbox19:22
jtaylorI also don't see why that requires a mail19:22
jtaylorits not the first time a package in main fails to upgrade19:22
bjsniderjtaylor, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/oneiric-changes/2011-September/009973.html19:27
bjsniderevery upload gets messaged there19:27
bjsnidershows what the change was19:27
AlanBellanyone else finding shutdown not working when running oneiric in virtualbox?19:32
Arv3nhey all. fglrx drivers are laggy in ubuntu 11.10. in 11.04 i could disable vsync in compiz and it would make things fast19:33
Arv3nin 11.10 compiz doesnt seem to be used. how would i disable vsync? is this even the problem?19:33
Arv3nlike, for instance, i drag a window and it skips between spots. its not smooth19:34
urlin2uArv3n, unity is a plugin in compiz it is used.19:36
Arv3nis it?19:36
Arv3nwell, i say that because when i was wanting to install ccsm it wanted to install a bunch of compiz dependencies.19:37
urlin2uArv3n, they are working together technically thats my best explanation lol19:37
Arv3nso just install ccsm and disable it like normal then?19:37
Arv3ni gotcha19:37
Arv3nno i thought i heard they switched to mutter or something anyway. i wasnt sure19:38
jtaylorgnome3 is mutter19:39
blizzowI'm using fvwm-crystal instead of Unity on my lenovo T420S.  Any time I try and adjust the brightness using (fn+home or fn+end), the computer locks up hard.  I'm afraid to press the volume control buttons.  :(19:47
bjsniderArv3n, i don't think you would want to disable vsync, since it would result in a lot of ugly tearing19:50
bjsniderbesides, your refresh rate is probably 60fps which is plenty fast enough to handle compiz's effects19:51
OliveGreenHi all.19:51
OliveGreenWill Ubuntu 11.10 come with Gnome 3.2?19:52
bjsniderArv3n, and compiz is used if you are using gnome with unity. mutter is used if you are using gnome with gnome-shell19:52
bjsniderOliveGreen, affirmative19:52
bjsniderit currently has a development version leading to 3.219:53
Arv3nbjsnider, well how would i make it faster?19:53
Arv3nlike its really annoyingly slow19:54
bjsniderslow in what way?19:54
Arv3nthat might not even be the problem19:54
Arv3nlike i try dragging a window and it skips and stuff19:54
Arv3njust generally pretty laggy19:54
bjsnideris this an old card/chip?19:54
Arv3nits a low profile 5570 amd hd card19:54
bjsniderlol, you're kidding me19:55
bjsniderthat should not be slow at all19:55
Arv3nits not slow19:55
Arv3njust at certain points its laggy.19:55
Arv3ni think its vsync19:55
Arv3nmoving windows in particular19:55
wompydompyhey..i am not able to mount external drives like usb flash drives, flash disks or my ipod touch and i haven't found a bug that really matches..did you hear something about it?20:01
wompydompywhen i plug them in the deja-dub manager starts and wants me to do a backup20:02
graingerton upgrading to ubuntu 11.10 I have noticed my wireless light flashes20:05
graingertrather than being red for off blue for on20:05
graingertit flashes when on20:05
graingertalso installing zsnes still removes ubuntu-desktop and vlc20:05
bjsniderlet me look into that one20:06
graingertseems to remove libsdl1.2debian20:08
graingertcan I not have both?20:08
graingertbjsnider: thanks20:08
bjsnideris there a bug about that one?20:10
graingertbjsnider: I can't see it20:11
bjsniderok, could you submit one please? that requires a small packaging change so the i386 doesn't force a chain-reaction like that20:12
bjsniderubuntu-bug libsdl1.2debian20:13
graingertbjsnider: I did ubuntu-bug lbsdl1.2debian:i38620:13
bjsniderwell, good enough20:13
jtaylorbjsnider: can you provide a patch?20:15
ubottuUbuntu bug 854196 in libsdl1.2 (Ubuntu) "libsdl1.2debian:i386 removes libsdl1.2debian" [Undecided,New]20:15
graingertI've been wanting zsnes on ubuntu 64bit for _so_ long20:16
jtaylor9xsnes works so far I know20:17
graingertjtaylor: it's not as good though is it?20:18
jtaylorI use it since ~ 10 years and never had any issues20:18
jtaylorwell 5 years probably20:18
jtaylormmost of that on windows though20:18
OliveGreenWill Ubuntu 11.10 come with Gnome 3.2?20:19
bjsnideri think snes9x surpassed zsnes in terms of quality20:24
graingertbjsnider: not going to change status? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libsdl1.2/+bug/85419621:12
ubottuUbuntu bug 854196 in libsdl1.2 (Ubuntu) "libsdl1.2debian:i386 removes libsdl1.2debian" [Undecided,New]21:12
wompydompyHey.. if i am not able to access my external drives like usb-dongle, flash card or ipod - under which package should i send in a bug report?21:52
Ian_CorneI have that too wompydompy21:54
Ian_Cornejust noticed21:54
Ian_Corneit's a permissions problem21:54
wompydompyhm..any ideas?21:54
wompydompyyes..i cannot reproduce it, but at some point the system told me something about permissions21:54
wompydompythere is a bug related to lightdm but i cannot see any connection21:55
wompydompydo you?21:55
Ian_Cornenot really21:55
Ian_Corneand don't have time to check it out21:55
Ian_Cornegotta sleep21:55
Ian_Cornetry gksudo nautilus and see if you can mount?21:57
Ian_Corneto verify permission problems21:58
wompydompyi cannot see the usb dongle in nautilus21:59
Ian_Cornek, don't know then22:00
wompydompythank you anyway22:00
wompydompydoes anyone else have a similar problem or at least an idea under which package i can fill out a bug report?22:01
jtaylordo you see your device in dmesg?22:02
jtaylorif not it may be a kernel issue22:02
wompydompyjtaylor: yeah i can see it22:15
wompydompyjtaylor: its assigned as sdb22:16
wompydompythe usb dongle shows up as an icon in the starter bar but i am not able to open it. I have only the right click possibilities for ejecting and removing safely22:20
pythonsnakeis this distro bleeding edge ?22:30
pythonsnakedistro version*22:30
pythonsnakewith bleeding edge packages ?22:30
pythonsnakeno testing repo?22:30
pythonsnakewhats the kernel version ?22:31
pythonsnake3.0 ?22:32
pythonsnakeor 3.122:32
rwwoneiric /is/ the testing repository22:32
pythonsnakegnome 3 ?22:32
rww"testing" doesn't mean "crack build"22:32
pythonsnakecan I still have 2 ?22:32
pythonsnakeno ? 0_022:33
rwwno, we don't package obsolete software that's unmaintained upstream22:33
rwwthere's GNOME 3 Fallback, that's as close as you get22:33
graingertpythonsnake: try mate22:35
graingertpythonsnake: if you wante obsolete22:35
pythonsnakemate is for arch22:36
* rww rolls eyes at mate22:36
pythonsnakeit's not complete22:36
graingertpythonsnake: well use xubuntu or something22:36
pythonsnakecan I use pacman with ubuntu ?22:36
graingertpythonsnake: no22:36
pythonsnakeshould I get 10 or 4 ?22:37
rwwthey can't even keep a server alive, never mind a desktop environment :<22:37
pythonsnakeI'm now using arch, will I have to wipe my home to get ubuntu ?22:39
IdleOnepythonsnake: no.22:42
pythonsnakeIdleOne: hey22:42
pythonsnakeok thanks everyone22:45
GTRsdkI have tried to upgrade23:01
GTRsdkbut it froze23:01
GTRsdkat... cups: stopping...starting...23:01
emorrishi, has anyone had problems with the desktop beta 1 iso being too big to burn?23:47
urlin2uemorris, the daily is fine. http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/23:48
emorrisah nuts; shame my internet is slow23:51
urlin2uemorris, how big is the iso you have?23:54
emorrisurlin2u, 695 MB. I'm burning it to a DVD now, but I was wondering whether this could cause problems for others23:57
urlin2uemorris that should burn on a cd which is 700, and tyou can overburn.23:57
emorrisurlin2u, I was using CDBurnerXP, so it may be a bug with that23:58
robin0800emorris, you should be able to burn 700mb no overburn needed I think23:58
urlin2uif you want to update the iso though you can rsync it or zsync it, without the full download.23:58
emorrisalso CDBurnerXP doesn't (AFAICT) support overburn for ISOs23:59
urlin2uyou use ubuntu before?23:59
emorrisurlin2u, yeah, I normally use it, but my current install is broke23:59

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